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  • ¿Encontraron pulpos en Obras Públicas? Ministro responde

  • Isoflavonas: Fitoestrogenos en la soja (Peligros hormonales)

    La soja es rica en genisteína, una proteína que causa alteraciones del páncreas y de la tiroides. Diferentes estudios científicos han descrito un aumento de la hormona tirotropina (TSH hipofisiaria) en respuesta a su acción antitiroidea, causando hipotiroidismo, bocio difuso y tiroiditis autoinmune subaguda.Dado que la genisteína inhibe la peroxidasa tiroidea, causa daños irreversibles a las enzimas que sintetizan las hormonas de la tiroides. Por poner solo un ejemplo, en el año 1988 el doctor Theodore Kay (de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Kyoto) constató que las personas alimentadas con soja –sobretodo niños y mujeres- sufren un agrandamiento de la tiroides. Además, se tiene constancia de que un consumo a largo plazo puede aumentar el riesgo de cáncer de tiroides, a la vez que aquellos niños alimentados con fórmulas de soja presentan el doble de diabetes. Alteraciones en la fertilidad: Aunque este apartado se encuentra dentro de las diferentes alteraciones endocrinas que produce el consumo de soja, queremos hacer una sección aparte para poder analizarlo en profundidad. No debemos olvidarnos que la soja contiene fitoestrógenos, cuya acción se combina con otros disruptores endocrinos y xenoestrógenos, responsables de alteraciones del comportamiento sexual, de las hormonas sexuales, disminución de la fertilidad y de los andrógenos. En el caso de los hombres, no solo se disminuye tanto los andrógenos como la propia fertilidad, sino que la genisteína y la daidzeína que encontramos en la soja son compuestos genotóxicos para el esperma. A su vez, los fitoestrógenos causan hinchazón, retención de líquidos y desarrollo de las mamas (ginecomastia). Si el consumo de soja se produce desde la infancia puede aparecer pubertad precoz y anomalías congénitas del tracto genital masculino. De hecho, la mayor incidencia de este tipo de defectos se han encontrado en bebés varones nacidos de madres vegetarianas grandes consumidoras de soja.

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  • Cierran ganaderos carretera Transistmica

    En demanda de una reforma que elimine de la ley de organizaciones ganaderas, el monopolio anti
    constitucional de la Confederación nacional ganadera; establezca "piso parejo" entre los organismos
    ganaderos para acceder a los programas de beneficio para el campo y se deje de manipular el erete se
    Siniga que actualmente solo se puede obtener a través de las ganaderas confederadas; la alianza
    ganadera del sur sureste sureste de la República Mexicana AC, tomó la carretera Transistmica y bloqueó el paso hacia Veracruz y Oaxaca.

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  • best anti aging products 2013

    AC-11 is a revolutionary advancement in human nutrition and skin care. Derived from the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa, a vine indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, safe, all-natural AC-11 helps the body to repair DNA damage with a huge anti aging effect . The process by which this repair occurs is self-healing and has evolutionary origins. Its proper functioning may be the critical piece to the human health puzzle. Current science confirms that it is unrepaired DNA damage that leads to accelerated aging and an eventual breakdown of the body.

    Effective both orally and topically, AC-11 begins where the protective benefits of antioxidants end by visibly reducing the adverse effects of aging and by helping to restore healthy cell function. Supported by over 40 peer-reviewed scientific studies, AC-11 works with the body to repair DNA damage caused by over-exposure to the sun and oxidative stress (pollution, etc,) starting the best anti aging process. This action helps boost immune function and allows our bodies to perform more efficiently, so that we look and feel younger—a perfect solution for inner health and outer beauty!

    Best Anti Aging products

    The body naturally protects against free radical damage by producing neutralizing antioxidants. Certain foods and dietary supplements, moreover, provide a way to introduce additional antioxidants into the system.

    Where free radical damage, or a lesion, has occurred to DNA, the body has a limited repair capacity. Specialized proteins scan the DNA to identify and isolate corrupted portions of the genetic code. Minor lesions may be chemically reversed; more extensive damage must be removed. Repair enzymes cut out or excise the damaged area and re-create the discarded section.

    Together, antioxidants and the cell's internal DNA repair mechanisms work to preserve the integrity of the cell. However, too many free radicals and too much damage over a given period of time can overwhelm these basic mechanisms and cause them to fail. Overload of this type is called oxidative stress. When lesions are left unrepaired, eventually they impair the cell's natural functions, including its self-repair functions. Individual cells damaged by oxidative stress break down and die prematurely. Over time, the body becomes progressively less capable of restoring healthy DNA as the cells continue to replicate in damaged or corrupted form.

    As a result of unrepaired DNA damage that accumulates with age, the body becomes less efficient at basic tasks. For example, damage to the white cells, which form the core of a person's immune system, will increase the body's susceptibility to acute, chronic, and degenerative diseases. Moreover, non-regenerative structures, such as collagen, will begin to deteriorate rapidly and lead to aging the skin and weakening of the joints, bones, and connective tissues.

    AC-11 is a revolutionary botanical extract that helps repair damage to DNA. This patented compound enhances cellular repair mechanisms to improve the utility and function of organs, muscles, and tissues throughout the body. Topical applications of AC-11 help to repair UV damage, fade discoloration, and ease fine lines and wrinkles. When ingested, this natural supplement also helps to support a healthy response to excess inflammation and encourage collagen production, while simultaneously supporting the immune system. These anti aging products are the best in the market in 2013.

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