Videos relacionados con artesa trimmings


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  • Que significa artesa

  • Restructured Pork Trimmings with Probind FG - Transglutaminase

    Restructured Pork Trimmings with Probind FG - Transglutaminase

    Ver video "Restructured Pork Trimmings with Probind FG - Transglutaminase"

  • Gastronomia | Formatges | Maó-Menorca artesà | 37

    El formatger Eugeni Celery ens presenta avui un dels formatges més antics dels que es té coneixement: el Maó-Menorca artesà. Una peça, que com remarca Celery, "ja es tenen vestigis abans de Crist", i també amb una presència molt important al s. X i XII, "quan es comerciava entre Gènova i Catalunya".

    Enllaç notícia:

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  • Estabilizado el incendio en Artesa de Segre

    Los bomberos de la Generalitat dan por estabilizado el incendio en Artesa de Segre, que ha quemado cerca de 130 hectáreas / BOMBERS

    Ver video "Estabilizado el incendio en Artesa de Segre"

  • Sigue activo el incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lleida)

    Imágenes del incendio en Artesa de Segre, en Lleida, que sigue activo desde la madrugada de este jueves. Los primeros efectivos de la Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME) del Ministerio de Defensa se han incorporado a las tareas de extinción.

    Vídeo: EFE

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  • Las llamas se ceban con Artesa de Segre

    Los bomberos sofocan un nuevo incendio en la zona

    Ver video "Las llamas se ceban con Artesa de Segre"

  • Accidente en Artesa de Lleida: dos muertos quemados vivos

    Ver video "Accidente en Artesa de Lleida: dos muertos quemados vivos"

  • 2012.07.28, nº 260 MJ (El Hechizado (2a ng) Artesa

    Ver video "2012.07.28, nº 260 MJ (El Hechizado (2a ng) Artesa"


    El Lleida marca en dos jugades a pilota parada. El 1-0 arriba a prop del minut 30 un servei de corner que la defensa d’Artesa no encerta a rebutjar i Miranda aprofita i remata al fons de la xarxa. L’equip visitant ha tingut un parell d’ocasions molt clares però sense finalitzar. El 2-0 arriba el minut 37. La segona el minut 67 Betriu que portava 5 minuts al camp, marca el tercer 3-0


  • El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lérida) afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación

    El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lérida) afecta a un perímetro de 1.000 hectáreas y, según las cifras de los Agentes Rurales, ya ha quemado unas 550 hectáreas de vegetación, según han explicado fuentes de la Generalitat.

    Vídeo: EP

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    Ver video "El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lérida) afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación"

  • Acte del PSC al Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius, a Gràcia

    Ver video "Acte del PSC al Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius, a Gràcia"

  • El jarabe-La iguana - Sones de Artesa - _Los Gallardo en Tixtla _

    Ver video "El jarabe-La iguana - Sones de Artesa - _Los Gallardo en Tixtla _"

  • Detenido en Artesa de Segre tras, presuntamente, intentar quemar viva a su pareja

    La víctima sufrió quemaduras en el veinte por ciento de su cuerpo.

    Ver video "Detenido en Artesa de Segre tras, presuntamente, intentar quemar viva a su pareja"

  • El incendio de vegetación en Artesa de Segre afecta a 50 hectáreas

    Imágenes del incendio de vegetación que se ha declarado este miércoles sobre las 13 horas en la población de Baldomar, en Artesa de Segre en Lérida. Ya ha afectado a un total de 50 hectáreas, según datos provisionales de los Agentes Rurales

    Vídeo : EP

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  • CIM Fomación - Trimming a cuchilla en teckel de pelo duro

    Desde CIM Grupo de Formación nos enseñan a realizar la técnica de trimming a cuchilla con un teckel de pelo duro.
    Descubre nuestros cursos de Peluquería y Estética Canina en

    Ver video "CIM Fomación - Trimming a cuchilla en teckel de pelo duro"

  • El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lleida) afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación

    El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lleida) afecta a un perímetro de 1.000 hectáreas y, según las cifras de los Agentes Rurales, ya ha quemado unas 550 hectáreas de vegetación, según han explicado fuentes de la Generalitat.

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  • Un incendio de Artesa de Segre, en Lérida, afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación

    El incendio de Artesa de Segre ha afectactado a un perímetro de 1.000 hectáreas y, según las cifras de los Agentes Rurales, ya ha quemado unas 550 hectáreas de vegetación.

    Ver video "Un incendio de Artesa de Segre, en Lérida, afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación"

  • El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lleida) afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación

    El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lleida) afecta a un perímetro de 1.000 hectáreas y, según las cifras de los Agentes Rurales, ya ha quemado unas 550 hectáreas de vegetación, según han explicado fuentes de la Generalitat.
    (Fuente: Bombers/ Twitter)

    Ver video "El incendio de Artesa de Segre (Lleida) afecta a 1.000 hectáreas de vegetación"

  • Un hidroavión descarga agua en uno de los focos del incendio de Artesa de Segre

    Un hidroavión descarga agua en uno de los focos del incendio de Artesa de Segre, en Lleida / BOMBERS

    Ver video "Un hidroavión descarga agua en uno de los focos del incendio de Artesa de Segre"

  • Este ladron nunca se imagino lo que le haria esta Mujer cuando intento robarla

    Suscribete para muchos videos mas... Empezamos la carrera de la risa y la curiosidad... Se parte de ella...

    Un penoso episodio fue el que vivió una pareja de asaltantes en China luego de que la persona a la que habían escogido para robarle los sorprendiera con conocimientos de artes marciales. La mujer en cuestión, la malaya Germaine Yeap de 28 años, resultó tener conocimientos básicos del arte marcial denominado Muay Thai, herramienta que le permitió revertir una situación en la que el común de las personas habría quedado sin respuesta.

    Ver video "Este ladron nunca se imagino lo que le haria esta Mujer cuando intento robarla"

  • KOHLER K-6488-0 Whitehaven Self-Trimming Apron Front Single Basin Sink with Short Apron, White Review

    KOHLER K-6488-0 Whitehaven Self-Trimming Apron Front Single Basin Sink with Short Apron, WhiteProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    35-11/16 inches by 21-9/16 inches

    Sized for perfect side-to-side fit to 36-inch industry standard base cabinetry

    Short (7-inch) apron allows for retrofit to existing cabinetry

    Basin depth of 9 inches

    Single basin design

    Ver video "KOHLER K-6488-0 Whitehaven Self-Trimming Apron Front Single Basin Sink with Short Apron, White Review"

  • Búnquer de la Serra del Munt (Foradada) Lleida

    Búnquer de la Guerra Civil en la Serra del Munt, Foradada (Lleida)

    Canción: Fregrance from the past (Farid)

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  • La lucha contra las llamas continúa en otros puntos de España

     El fuego sigue sin dar tregua en Artesa de Segre

    Ver video "La lucha contra las llamas continúa en otros puntos de España"

  • Varios fuegos simultáneos ponen en alerta a Cataluña

    La Generalitat pide ayuda al Ejército ante el descontrol del incendio en Artesa

    Ver video "Varios fuegos simultáneos ponen en alerta a Cataluña"

  • GreenWorks 22102 2.7 Amp 18" Corded Hedger Review

    GreenWorks 22102 2.7 Amp 18" Corded HedgerProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Powerful 2.7 Amp motor for desired trimming results

    18" Steel Dual Blade for optimal performance and maneuvering

    3/8" cutting capacity for controlled, easy trimming

    3200 SPM for maximum results when trimming

    Safe trim guard for additional protection

    Ver video "GreenWorks 22102 2.7 Amp 18" Corded Hedger Review"

  • Helados para todos los gustos

    Una heladeria tradicional artesa de Valencia ofrece 1.500 sabores diferentes. Los dueños del local no paran de investigar y hacer pruebas para sacar cada año algunos sabores diferentes. Este año el que ha triunfado ha sido de mojito, "que es muy fresquito". 

    Ver video "Helados para todos los gustos"

  • Black & Decker GH1100 14-Inch 7.2-Amp Dual Line Corded String Trimmer Review

    Black & Decker GH1100 14-Inch 7.2-Amp Dual Line Corded String TrimmerProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    The 7.2 amp motor and high torque belt drive transmission provide maximum performance when trimming through the toughest weeds, grass and overgrowth

    Groom n' edge with the flip-up edge guide, allows users to switch from trimming to edging in seconds

    Dual 0.80-inch line and 14-inch cut path deliver faster results, even when trimming tough weeds and grass

    Lightweight, ergonomic design with adjustable height and cushioned grips gives the user maximum comfort and control

    Trims heavy tall grass and weeds

    Ver video "Black & Decker GH1100 14-Inch 7.2-Amp Dual Line Corded String Trimmer Review"

  • Face Lift Massachusetts The facelift surgeon will then peel the layers under the skin; the surgeon removes the fat by trimming it or suctioning it out.

    Ver video "Face Lift Massachusetts"

  • Black & Decker HT22 Hedge Trimmer, 22-Inch Review

    Black & Decker HT22 Hedge Trimmer, 22-InchProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Powerful 4.0-amp motor for superior cutting performance

    22-inch dual-action blades cut branches faster and easier with 40-percent less vibration

    For cuting branches up to 3 by 4-inch diameter

    Pre-hardened, rust resistant steel blades stay sharp longer

    Ideal for trimming of formal hedges and shrubs of all configuations

    Ver video "Black & Decker HT22 Hedge Trimmer, 22-Inch Review"

  • Receta de espinacas al ajillo. Receta con espinacas / Receta al ajillo / Receta vegetariana

    Receta para preparar espinacas al ajillo. Receta con espinacas / Receta al ajillo / Receta vegetariana
    03 Junio 2013

    Receta ¿Cómo preparar espinacas al ajillo? Receta con espinacas / Receta al ajillo / Receta vegetariana
    Ingredientes: 600 gr espinacas, 2 cucharadas de aceite de ajonjolí, 2 dientes de ajo, 2 cucharadas de soya, 1 cucharada vinagre de vino blanco, sal, pimienta.

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    No olvides dejar tus comentarios en:

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    Ver video "Receta de espinacas al ajillo. Receta con espinacas / Receta al ajillo / Receta vegetariana"



    Actúo en el cerebro de muchachas jóvenes
    que tengan perturbadas sus facultades mentales;
    mi nombre es Quicksilver y desciendo
    de la ruidosa progenie de los poltergeist.

    Rotura de cacharros, armar broncas
    y dar ásperos golpes en los muebles,
    son algunos de mis actos preferidos.

    Mortifico a los humanos cuando dejo
    mi marca indeleble con la Q,
    escrita con jabón, lápiz labial,
    pintura púrpura sobre las paredes,
    espejos, ventanas y otros sitios
    donde no puedan deshacer lo escrito.

    Los atormento con mi risa huraña
    y despierto a los dormidos por la noche,
    si es borrascosa, antigregaria y cruda.
    Doy portazos en plena oscuridad,
    además de encender todas las luces
    apagándolas de nuevo cuando parto.

    Vuelvo ropas al revés, rasgo cortinas,
    lleno artesas, lavamanos y bañeras
    con las aguas que llegan de ultratumba.
    Así proyecto mi silueta indestructible
    y castigo con acciones injuriosas
    a los que ignoran las verdades que predico
    como algo realmente inquebrantable
    en los callejones de la oscuridad.


  • Toca Hair Salon Me by Toca Boca - video review/gameplay

    Every day our See Before You Buy videos help thousands of parents around the world to choose the best apps for their kids.\r
    New app videos every day! Subscribe: \r
    Todays App: Toca Hair Salon Me by Toca Boca\r
    A virtual hair salon with multiple tools and accessories.\r
    Take a picture of yourself (or use any good headshot from the gallery on your device), adjust the virtual wig and have fun with cutting, trimming, dyeing etc)\r
    Type: interive play\r
    Age range: 4+\r
    Original Appysmarts Score: 83/100\r
    Platform: iPad, iPhone\r
    Full text review and download link: \r
    More Appysmarts: \r
    Download our iPad app: \r
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  • Incendios en España: así han afectado a los animales

    El clima favorable ha ayudado en las labores de extinción del incendio forestal de la reserva de la Sierra de la Culebra, (Zamora). Es el mayor incendio de España de toda la historia desde que hay registros, con 30.800 hectáreas quemadas.

    Es un enclave medioambiental de la reserva de la biosfera Meseta Ibérica. Cuenta con la mayor concentración peninsular de lobos y grandes poblaciones de ciervos y corzos. Entre otros, se han perdido un millar de colmenas en una zona de riqueza apícola.

    También se han visto afectados  los animales  por los incendios en Navarra, donde trece localidades permanecen desalojadas. Los animales del parque Sendaviva de Arguedas tuvieron que ser desalojados este sábado, pero ya han regresado a sus instalaciones con normalidad 

    Osos, lobos, tigres blancos, leones, linces, aves, herbívoros y animales exóticos se encuentran ya en perfecto estado.

    Catalunya ha sufrido desde el pasado miércoles unos 200 incendios forestales. El incendio de Artesa de Segre (LLeida), que desde el pasado miércoles ha afectado a más de 2.700 hectáreas, ya no tiene llama. El de Oliana y Peramola ha quedado estabilizado

    Al menos seis incendios virulentos han asolado España en lo que va de año.

    Ver video "Incendios en España: así han afectado a los animales"

  • Las Bendiciones de la Obediencia(480p_H.264-AAC)

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    Que si oyeres atentamente
    La voz del señor tu dios
    Y guardares todos sus mandamientos
    Vendrán sobre ti estas bendiciones

    Si oyeres la voz del señor
    Bendito serás en tu entrar y bendito serás en tu salir
    Bendito tu en la ciudad y bendito tu en el campo
    Bendito el fruto de tu vientre de tu tierra
    Y de todos tus ganados
    Bendita sera tu canasta

    Y tu artesa de amasar
    El señor enviara bendición
    Sobre tus graneros sobre todo aquello en que pongas tu mano
    Te confirmara
    El señor por pueblo santo y verán las naciones de la tierra

    Que sobre ti es invocado su nombre
    El señor te abrirá sus tesoros
    Bendecirán la obra de tus manos
    Solamente que escuches su voz y que andes por sus caminos

    Entra a mi canal para poder mirar mas videos como este
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    Te invito a visitar la página oficial de karaokes Tijuana

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  • How to Make A Pie Crust

    Learn how to make a flaky homemade pie crust in seven easy steps.\r
    The tastiest pies are made from the crust up. In this video, youll learn how to make homemade pie crusts in seven easy-to-follow steps. All you need are flour, water, salt, and fat (butter, shortening, or lard). Youll learn the proper order for mixing together ingredients and how to cut in the fat, and see why a combination of fats sometimes makes the best pies (with some fats adding flakiness to the crust and others rich flavor). Youll see tricks for easily mixing the fat into the dry ingredients and see what the mixture should look like when prepared just right, so youll end up with a wonderfully flakey pie crust. Youll learn when to add the water and how much to add at a time. Youll learn how to test the pie dough for moisture and how to avoid adding too much water or overworking the dough, which will give you a tough pie crust. Youll also learn why the dough should rest in the refrigerator for an hour and how best to store it. Then youll see a great technique for rolling out pie dough on a floured counter and learn how to judge whether the crust has been rolled out large enough to fit the pie pan. Youll also see how to gently fold the pie crust and lay it out in the pie pan and get great tips for trimming and crimping the edges and for fixing any cracks or tears in the pie pastry. Youll also see how to prevent the dough from shrinking during baking. Learning these easy techniques will help you bake the best homemade pies—from apple and cherry pies to pumpkin and pecan pies—even chicken pot pies! \r
    Find the best pie crust recipes @\r
    Twitter \r

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  • Caillou - Caillou Hurts Himself (S01E60) | Cartoon for Kids

    Please watch: Cartoon | Caillou gets in trouble | Cartoons for Kids | Cartoons for Children \r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! \r
    ► Click to Subscribe to CAILLOU: \r
    Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.\r
    - WATCH MORE here - \r
    - Watch Caillou and Rosie - \r
    - Callou 2016 Episodes : \r
    - Caillou Full Episodes HD | Caillou Christmas :santa: ★ \r
    - Cant get enough of Caillou 1 Hour Long Compilation Special!: \r
    - Best of Caillou: \r
    - Best Quality Caillou : \r
    Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover its full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Caillou is startled when the fish in the lake tickle him. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to see a moose before its time to go home. Caillou has dinner at Sarahs house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them. He has so much fun learning how to eat with chopsticks that he even tries to eat dessert with them! Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Caillou is quick to approach the woman because she has a friendly dog. He notices it isnt on a leash but in a special harness instead. After several questions she explains she is blind and her dog helps he do many things.\r
    Its hot and steamy and Mom wont let Caillou go to the public pool since theyve been every day this week! When Caillou refuses to put on some sunscreen and Rosie wont nap, Mom quickly realizes that the hot weather is making everyone grumpy. She and Caillou come up with the perfect solution: they connect the lawn sprinkler for some good time backyard fun - which certainly doesnt need a lot of sophisticated equipment. Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet mom. Caillou and Rosie are in the back seat arguing and Dad is losing patience with them. When the car breaks down they have to pull over. Caillou comforts Rosie who becomes afraid when smoke comes out of the engine. Caillou is overjoyed when the tow truck finally arrives and he gets to ride in it to the garage. When Dad and Caillou find a scruffy dog that appears to be lost they bring it home. The whole family pitches in and tries to find the owner by posting signs around the neighborhood. But when the owner arrives, Caillou doesnt want to let the dog go. Caillou and his family pay a visit to Santa and go Christmas tree shopping all in the same day. By the time they get to the tree vendor after a long wait for Santa, all the trees are gone. Caillou was looking forward to trimming the tree so together they decide to decorate a tree in their own back yard!\r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family.\r
    Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.

    Ver video "Caillou - Caillou Hurts Himself (S01E60) | Cartoon for Kids"

  • Caillou - Caillous School Bus (S01E42) | Cartoon for Kids

    Please watch: Cartoon | Caillou gets in trouble | Cartoons for Kids | Cartoons for Children \r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! \r
    ► Click to Subscribe to CAILLOU: \r
    Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.\r
    - WATCH MORE here - \r
    - Watch Caillou and Rosie - \r
    - Callou 2016 Episodes : \r
    - Caillou Full Episodes HD | Caillou Christmas :santa: ★ \r
    - Cant get enough of Caillou 1 Hour Long Compilation Special!: \r
    - Best of Caillou: \r
    - Best Quality Caillou : \r
    Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover its full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Caillou is startled when the fish in the lake tickle him. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to see a moose before its time to go home. Caillou has dinner at Sarahs house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them. He has so much fun learning how to eat with chopsticks that he even tries to eat dessert with them! Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Caillou is quick to approach the woman because she has a friendly dog. He notices it isnt on a leash but in a special harness instead. After several questions she explains she is blind and her dog helps he do many things.\r
    Its hot and steamy and Mom wont let Caillou go to the public pool since theyve been every day this week! When Caillou refuses to put on some sunscreen and Rosie wont nap, Mom quickly realizes that the hot weather is making everyone grumpy. She and Caillou come up with the perfect solution: they connect the lawn sprinkler for some good time backyard fun - which certainly doesnt need a lot of sophisticated equipment. Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet mom. Caillou and Rosie are in the back seat arguing and Dad is losing patience with them. When the car breaks down they have to pull over. Caillou comforts Rosie who becomes afraid when smoke comes out of the engine. Caillou is overjoyed when the tow truck finally arrives and he gets to ride in it to the garage. When Dad and Caillou find a scruffy dog that appears to be lost they bring it home. The whole family pitches in and tries to find the owner by posting signs around the neighborhood. But when the owner arrives, Caillou doesnt want to let the dog go. Caillou and his family pay a visit to Santa and go Christmas tree shopping all in the same day. By the time they get to the tree vendor after a long wait for Santa, all the trees are gone. Caillou was looking forward to trimming the tree so together they decide to decorate a tree in their own back yard!\r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family.\r
    Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.

    Ver video "Caillou - Caillous School Bus (S01E42) | Cartoon for Kids"

  • Caillou - Caillous Snowman (S01E27) | Cartoon for Kids

    Please watch: Cartoon | Caillou gets in trouble | Cartoons for Kids | Cartoons for Children \r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! \r
    ► Click to Subscribe to CAILLOU: \r
    Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.\r
    - WATCH MORE here - \r
    - Watch Caillou and Rosie - \r
    - Callou 2016 Episodes : \r
    - Caillou Full Episodes HD | Caillou Christmas :santa: ★ \r
    - Cant get enough of Caillou 1 Hour Long Compilation Special!: \r
    - Best of Caillou: \r
    - Best Quality Caillou : \r
    Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover its full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Caillou is startled when the fish in the lake tickle him. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to see a moose before its time to go home. Caillou has dinner at Sarahs house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them. He has so much fun learning how to eat with chopsticks that he even tries to eat dessert with them! Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Caillou is quick to approach the woman because she has a friendly dog. He notices it isnt on a leash but in a special harness instead. After several questions she explains she is blind and her dog helps he do many things.\r
    Its hot and steamy and Mom wont let Caillou go to the public pool since theyve been every day this week! When Caillou refuses to put on some sunscreen and Rosie wont nap, Mom quickly realizes that the hot weather is making everyone grumpy. She and Caillou come up with the perfect solution: they connect the lawn sprinkler for some good time backyard fun - which certainly doesnt need a lot of sophisticated equipment. Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet mom. Caillou and Rosie are in the back seat arguing and Dad is losing patience with them. When the car breaks down they have to pull over. Caillou comforts Rosie who becomes afraid when smoke comes out of the engine. Caillou is overjoyed when the tow truck finally arrives and he gets to ride in it to the garage. When Dad and Caillou find a scruffy dog that appears to be lost they bring it home. The whole family pitches in and tries to find the owner by posting signs around the neighborhood. But when the owner arrives, Caillou doesnt want to let the dog go. Caillou and his family pay a visit to Santa and go Christmas tree shopping all in the same day. By the time they get to the tree vendor after a long wait for Santa, all the trees are gone. Caillou was looking forward to trimming the tree so together they decide to decorate a tree in their own back yard!\r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family.\r
    Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.

    Ver video "Caillou - Caillous Snowman (S01E27) | Cartoon for Kids"

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