Videos relacionados con axlor riezu


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  • Bicycle Wheel Anatomy - Hub Axle Spokes Rim - DIY Bike Repair - BikemanforU

  • En la Frontera - 10 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 10 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 26 de marzo de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 26 de marzo de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 30 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 30 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 16 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 16 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 17 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 17 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 22 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 22 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 27 de febrero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 27 de febrero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 31 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 31 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 12 de febrero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 12 de febrero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 14 de febrero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 14 de febrero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 19 de marzo de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 19 de marzo de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 5 de febrero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 5 de febrero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 29 de enero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 29 de enero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 13 de febrero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 13 de febrero de 2018"

  • En la Frontera - 6 de febrero de 2018

    Ver video "En la Frontera - 6 de febrero de 2018"

  • Charlie on waterfall

    Charlie making the upper waterfall look easy on 1 ton axles and

    Ver video "Charlie on waterfall"

  • SixPack - Best Monster Enemies in Videogames

    Nuevo Video en Player's Dot, si te gusto el video suscríbete al canal de Youtube para ver más vídeos así, comenta y comparte, ayúdanos a llegar a los 1000 suscriptores.

    Ver video "SixPack - Best Monster Enemies in Videogames"

  • CTA Tools A480 Front Wheel Drive Service Set Review

    CTA Tools A480 Front Wheel Drive Service SetProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Designed for Servicing a Wide Variety of Axle and CV-Joint Jobs

    Includes slide hammer assembly 17.5-Inch Long Slide Hammer Extension CV Joint Puller Front Hub Installer Front Hub Puller and Rear Axle Pulling Plate

    Packed in Blow Mold Case

    CTA Tools Offers One of the Widest Ranges of Professional Specialty Tools in the Market

    Ver video "CTA Tools A480 Front Wheel Drive Service Set Review"

  • Ring Klip Part Number 12000029, Used on Craftsman, Poulan, Husqvarna, Wizard, and More. Review

    Ring Klip Part Number 12000029, Used on Craftsman, Poulan, Husqvarna, Wizard, and More.Product Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Ring Clips part number 12000029

    Current part number 12000029 replaces previous part numbers 812000029, 53212000029, and 5022P

    This is the clip that holds the Front Wheel on the axle

    Fits 3/4-inch axle shafts.

    1-year warranty for defects in material or workmanship

    Ver video "Ring Klip Part Number 12000029, Used on Craftsman, Poulan, Husqvarna, Wizard, and More. Review"

  • WARN 11690 Standard Manual Hubs Review

    WARN 11690 Standard Manual HubsProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Designed for OEM hub replacement

    4140 steel clutch ring and inner drive gear

    Precision cast hub body

    For use with 30 spline axles

    Lifetime limited warranty

    Ver video "WARN 11690 Standard Manual Hubs Review"

  • Precision Products 12-Cubic Foot Convertible Trailer Dump Cart LCP97PP Review

    Precision Products 12-Cubic Foot Convertible Trailer Dump Cart LCP97PPProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    12-cubic foot convertible trailer dump cart

    Walk behind or trail behind tractor or mower for quick yard clean-up

    Holds up to 650 pounds

    Solid steel axle with heavy-duty poly bed

    90-day limited warranty

    Ver video "Precision Products 12-Cubic Foot Convertible Trailer Dump Cart LCP97PP Review"

  • Monster Machines Jungle Rumble Sport Spectacular!

    ¡Blaze es el gran héroe y campeón de las pistas de carreras de Ciudad Axle! Donde quiera que haya problemas, él es la solución, ya que puede hacer cosas que ningún otro camión puede. Tiene súper velocidad, que le permite acelerar para ir más rápido que cualquier otro Monster Machine.

    También en:
    Más vídeos AQUÍ:

    Ver video "Monster Machines Jungle Rumble Sport Spectacular!"

  • Blaze and the Monster Machines Race the Skytrack

    Si lo prefieres también AQUÍ:
    Síguenos en Redes Sociales:
    ¡Blaze es el gran héroe y campeón de las pistas de carreras de Ciudad Axle! Donde quiera que haya problemas, él es la solución, ya que puede hacer cosas que ningún otro camión puede. Tiene súper velocidad, que le permite acelerar para ir más rápido que cualquier otro Monster Machine.

    Ver video "Blaze and the Monster Machines Race the Skytrack"

  • Deep South R/C - Hobby Engine Mining Truck Unboxing and First Test

    Whats up everybody? I wanted to get a little dump truck to fill with my excavator. This one is about 80 bucks shipped off ebay. It is really not good for much and I almost with I wouldve just gotten a Bruder truck because everything needs replacing on this thing. You can see it doesnt even go over flat ground with a loaded dump bed. I didnt expect it to dump but I thought it would at least be able to drive around loaded.\r
    I have a Tamiya rear tror truck axle coming and I will be looking at Firgelli uators to replace the dump mechanism.\r
    Subscribe to see the conversion in future videos!

    Ver video "Deep South R/C - Hobby Engine Mining Truck Unboxing and First Test"

  • Chainlink extreme 4x4

    Cams hydraulic Chain-drive 4x4, about 7 feet of up OR down motion on each tire: specs below Engine is a fuel injected Ford 5.0 V8 out of a '93 cobra mustang, c4 transmission and t-case out of an early bronco. 9" w/ 5.38 gears and ARB air locker mounted in the center (below driver) running chain gears on the ends where the swing arms pivot. Swing arms are hydraulically controlled individually or together, and there is coil spring and shock suspension as well. large chains running inside the swing arms turn hummer gear reduction (2:1) hubs at each wheel. tires are 39.5". The steering is linked through the swing arms as well and the steering box is mounted just infront of the axle below the driver. body construction is steel tubing (mostly DOM) and the total weight is 5900 LB.

    Ver video "Chainlink extreme 4x4"

  • Curvadora de perfiles y tubos - Profile former - Pipe bending machine MC400 - Cintreuse - Nargesa
    Curvadora de tubo y perfil MC400
    Las curvadoras de tubo y perfiles MC 400 está fabricada en chapa de acero soldado y mecanizado.
    · Arrastre a los tres rodillos, con superficie lisa para no dañar el perfil
    ·Ejes de acero templados y rectificados

    Profile former MC400
    The MC 400 is manufactured from mechanised and welded steel plate.
    · Three polished rollers ensure that the profile is kept undamaged.
    · Rectified and moderated steel axles.

    Cintreuse pour profilés MC400
    La MC 400 est fabriquée en tôle d'acier soudé et usiné.
    · Entraînement par trois rouleaux, à surface lisse
    pour ne pas abîmer le profilé.
    · Axes en acier attrempés et rectifiés.

    Curvatrice di profilati MC400
    La MC 400 è prodotta in lamiera d'acciaio saldato e lavorato.
    · I tre rulli sono dotati di una superficie liscia, in modo tale da
    non danneggiare il profilato durante il loro movimento.
    · Assi in acciaio temprato e rettificato.

    tel (+34) 972568085
    Prada Nargesa

    Ver video "Curvadora de perfiles y tubos - Profile former - Pipe bending machine MC400 - Cintreuse - Nargesa"

  • Mountain Bike Anatomy - 50 parts in 5 minutes

    This is a mountain bike, and at the heart of any bike is its frame. Lets start with the parts of the frame. This here is the top tube, the down tube, the seat tube, the seat stay, and the chain stay. This area down here is called the bottom bracket shell. At the very front of your bike is the head tube, which houses the steerer tube. This moves smoothly thanks to a set of cups and bearings collectively known as the headset. Above that are headset spacers and the stem. The stem, which clamps on to your handlebars, is fastened to the steerer tube with a top cap and pinch bolts. On your handlebars youll find brake levers, shifters, grips, and end plugs. All this stuff up here is collectively known as the cockpit. \r
    Moving down is your fork, which in this case is a suspension fork. This top piece is called a crown. Some bikes are fitted with dual crown forks for added strength. The crown is what holds your stanchions, which you should try as hard as possible not to scratch. Dont hang your bike by the stanchions.\r
    Down here is your brake caliper, which camps down on your rotor when you squeeze your brake lever. Some calipers are mechanical, while others are hydraulic. Hydraulic brakes push fluid through a hose, while mechanical brakes pull the caliper using a cable. \r
    This big round thing is a wheel. If you buy a front and back wheel together, its called a wheelset. All the parts of your wheels are held together using spokes, which connect to your rim with these little guys. Theyre called nipples. Also on the rim is a valve stem which is used for pumping air into your tires. At the center of the wheel is the hub, and inside the hub are bearings. The hub rotates around an axle. On a lot of mountain bikes this takes the form of a thru axle, which can be removed or installed by hand.\r
    On the rear wheel a cassette hub. This has a ratcheting mechanism built into it which is made to accept a cassette. The cassette is a set of cogs which can ually be changed to your liking. The size of each cog is measured by the number of teeth it has, and these teeth are specially designed to work with a chain. Your chain is made up of individual links, with one link in particular being possible to unfasten easily. This is called a master link. \r
    The chain can be shifted up and down the cassette with a derailleur, which is attached to the bike via a small breakable part called a derailleur hanger. If your derailleur hanger snaps or bends, you can just get a new one. On the derailleur itself is a long spring loaded piece called the cage, which keeps tension on the chain. The chain passes through the upper pulley and lower pulley, also known as the jockey and idler respectively. \r
    Moving down to the bottom bracket shell, youll find your crankset, with the most visible parts being the crank arms. The crank arms are attached to the spindle, which runs through a set of bearings which are inside the bottom bracket shell. The spindle and bearings collectively are known as the bottom bracket.\r
    The part with all the teeth is called the chainring. Some bikes have up to 3 of these. At the end of the crank arms are pedals, which can be found in many different forms. The crankset, chain, derailleur and cassette are collectively known as your drivetrain.\r
    On a full suspension mountain bike youll find a variety of stuff connecting the front and rear of the bike together, known as the suspension linkage. At the heart of all this is your shock. This is usually fastened to the linkage on one side, and to your top tube or down tube on the other.\r
    Moving up, we have the seat, or saddle. The two words are interchangeable, but some people think its pretentious to call it a saddle. Personally I dont care what you call it as long as you dont correct other people. In any case this is most definitely not a saddle post, its a seat post, and its held on to your bike with a seat post clamp, or collar. These days a lot of seat posts can be adjusted on the fly. Those are called dropper posts.\r
    So I just named well over 50 parts of a mountain bike, but all of these parts can be broken down into hundreds more. So, put those terms down in the comments, and if youre really bored see if you can come up with an ex count of the terms I used in this video. Also, tell me how you pronounce derailleur. Are you one of those people who say “derailleeyur?”. In any case thanks for riding with me today, Ill see you next time.

    Ver video "Mountain Bike Anatomy - 50 parts in 5 minutes"

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