Videos relacionados con camping paxariñas bungalow park


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  • Camping Bungalows Amfora d'Arcs Cambrils

  • Bungalow Baix Camp madera 4 personas

    : : http:/// : :

    Bungalow de madera con capacidad máxima para 5 personas que incluye:
    Habitación con cama de matrimonio
    Habitación 2 camas individuales y una tercera cama para una persona mayor de 6 años cuyo peso sea inferior a 80Kg.
    Cocina - comedor
    Baño con agua caliente
    Terraza exterior con mesa y sillas
    Televisor, nevera y microondas
    Aire acondicionado con bomba de calor
    Ropa de cama y utensilios de cocina
    Incluye el acceso al cámping de un vehículo
    NO SE ADMITEN PERROS, en este tipo de bungalows

    Ver video "Bungalow Baix Camp madera 4 personas"

  • Serra de Prades Resort & Bungalow Park

    Here is a promotional video of our campsite and all the facilities we offer you to enjoy a unique experience. Comment & Share it with all your fellows!

    Ver video "Serra de Prades Resort & Bungalow Park"

  • Bungalow Alt Camp duplex de obra 4 personas

    : : http:/// : :
    Bungalow duplex de obra con capacidad máxima para 4 personas que incluye:
    Planta baja
    Cocina-comedor con radiador de calefacción
    Televisor, nevera y microondas
    Baño con agua caliente
    Terraza exterior con mesa y sillas
    Ropa de cama y utensilios de cocina
    Primera planta
    Habitación con cama de matrimonio y aire acondicionado
    Habitación con litera
    Incluye el acceso al cámping de un vehículo
    Se admiten animales no peligrosos y debidamente atados

    Ver video "Bungalow Alt Camp duplex de obra 4 personas"

  • Fallece una niña al incendiarse un bungalow en un camping de Montblanc


    Ver video "Fallece una niña al incendiarse un bungalow en un camping de Montblanc"

  • Una menor fallece al incendiarse un bungalow en un camping de Montblanc

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    #Montblac #Tarragona #sucesos

    Ver video "Una menor fallece al incendiarse un bungalow en un camping de Montblanc"

  • Bungalow Cambrils madera 4+1 personas

    : : http:/// : :

    Bungalow de madera con capacidad máxima para 5 personas que incluye:
    Habitación con cama de matrimonio
    Habitación 2 camas individuales y una tercera cama para una persona mayor de 6 años cuyo peso sea inferior a 80Kg.
    Cocina - comedor
    Baño con agua caliente
    Terraza exterior con mesa y sillas
    Televisor, nevera y microondas
    Aire acondicionado con bomba de calor
    Ropa de cama y utensilios de cocina
    Incluye el acceso al cámping de un vehículo
    NO SE ADMITEN PERROS, en este tipo de bungalows

    Ver video "Bungalow Cambrils madera 4+1 personas"

  • Campings de interior superan ocupación del 80% en agosto

    Agosto es el mes de vacaciones por excelencia y los campings de las zonas del interior de España están viviéndolo en primera persona. La ocupación media de estos lugares está superando el 80% durante este mes

    Ver video "Campings de interior superan ocupación del 80% en agosto"

  • SGAVK - Resacon En El Camping 2011

    Un finde de fiesta en el camping donde me vio crecer y aunque pasen los años seguiré y espero que me sigáis y acompañéis a seguir liandola

    Ver video "SGAVK - Resacon En El Camping 2011"

  • Video_Camping_&_Bungalows_Campalans

    Camping Campalans es un complejo turístico situado en Borredá, cerca de Berga.Parcelas para caravanas, mobile-homes y bungalows.

    Ver video "Video_Camping_&_Bungalows_Campalans"

  • Vacaciones gratis para familias sin recursos

    La crisis hará que muchas familias se queden este año sin vacaciones. Por ello, desde la Federación Española de Empresarios de Camping quieren aportar su granito de arena y han impulsado la campaña 'Bungalow feliz: ni un niño sin vacaciones'.

    Ver video "Vacaciones gratis para familias sin recursos"

  • Camping Sacedón Ecomillans - Guadajalara
    El camping municipal de Sacedón esta ubicado junto al pantano de Entrepeñas y muy cerca de los pantanos de Buendía y Bolarque, en el corazón de la Alcarria. muy cerca de ruinas de ciudades romanas castillos medievales y monasterios románicos. En el camping de Sacedón se pueden realizar gran número de actividades : tiro al arco, rutas y paseos en bicicleta y Quads, paseos a caballo, alquileres de embarcaciones y muchas mas. Nuestro camping ofrece un importante número de servicios: bar restaurante, tienda, piscina, salón de juegos, centros deportivos, ect...

    Ver video "Camping Sacedón Ecomillans - Guadajalara"

  • Estatua del oso Yogi robada de Jellystone Park Camp-Resort en Pelahatchie.

    Ver video "Estatua del oso Yogi robada de Jellystone Park Camp-Resort en Pelahatchie."

  • Somalisa Camp national Park ZImbabawe Surprise visit from Wild Elephants Drink from pool

    Ver video "Somalisa Camp national Park ZImbabawe Surprise visit from Wild Elephants Drink from pool"


    Fatal trajedia en un combate campal de todos contra todos en el jaripeo rodeo de la plaza de toros toyota park de chicago, en donde los valientes jinetes montan a los toros mas salvajes de memo ocampo.
    Los destructores de memo ocampo son los toros mas salvajes de la mejor ganaderia de mexico.
    En esta lamentable batalla se puede ver a hombres y mujeres que tornan todo el hambiente en violencia extrema


  • El Camp Nou parecía el Deutsche Bank Park: así tomaron los alemanes el estadio del Barça

    Ver video "El Camp Nou parecía el Deutsche Bank Park: así tomaron los alemanes el estadio del Barça"

  • Hace equilibrismo en una torre de plástico de 7 metros

    Thatcher Bryan es un amante de los nuevos retos que ha conseguido apilar 25 cajas de 7 metros de altura en Bonita Park Camp (Nuevo Mé

    Ver video "Hace equilibrismo en una torre de plástico de 7 metros"


    Tráiler oficial de Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous


  • La serie de animación de Jurassic World llegará a Netflix en 2020

    La saga 'Jurassic Park' se expandirá más allá de la gran pantalla con una serie de animación basada en la nueva era de la franquicia, 'Jurassic World'. DreamWorks Animation ha anunciado que prepara 'Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous', una ficción que mezclará acción y aventura familiar y que llegará a Netflix en 2020, como parte del acuerdo que tiene la compañía creada por Steven Spielberg con la plataforma en streaming.

    Ver video "La serie de animación de Jurassic World llegará a Netflix en 2020"

  • HIJO NATIVO (2019) Trailer VOST - SPANISH


    Ver video "HIJO NATIVO (2019) Trailer VOST - SPANISH"

  • camping L´Espelt


    Ver video "camping L´Espelt"

  • Ataque Jurásico | Película Completa Español Latino HD (1080p) | Ciencia Ficción

    Mira Las Mega-Películas Completas Aquí:

    #película #español #películacompleta #completa #españollatino #latino #CienciaFicción #Ciencia #Ficción

    Jurassic Camp,Jurassic World Jurassic Camp,Ataque,Jurassic Park,Jurassic Awakening,Jurassic World,Dinosaur Attack,Jurassic Awakening 2025,Jurassic Awakening 2025 película,Jurassic Awakening 2025 Película Completa Gratis,Jurasic Attack,Jurassic Attack,Jurrasic,Jurassic,Jurassic World Blue,Jurassic Age,Jurassic Dinosaurs,Jurassic Park,Jurassic World,Jurassic Park,Jurassic Park 3

    peliculas completas en español latino,pelicula completa en español,peliculas completas en español,peliculas completas en español latino de accion,pelicula de accion en español completa,peliculas completas en español de accion,películas de acción,pelicula completa,pelicula completa en espanol latino,peliculas de accion en español,peliculas completas,película completa,terror peliculas completas en español latino 2025

    Ver video "Ataque Jurásico | Película Completa Español Latino HD (1080p) | Ciencia Ficción"

  • Bolaso,un remanso de paz.Bungalows|Mobil_Home|Acampada

    Esto es lo único que vas a escuchar en Camping Bolaso. Disfrutalo. Ven a Camping Bolaso con tu caravana, tienda de campaña o alquila uno de nuestros bungalows, mobil home. Vas a descansar y disfrutar de un entorno envidiable como puedes ver.

    Ver video "Bolaso,un remanso de paz.Bungalows|Mobil_Home|Acampada"

  • Los campings en su mejor momento

    Maletas llenas con destino paradisiaco y aunque no lo parezca, el alojamiento elegido no es otro que el camping, porque vuelven a estar de moda. Se convierten por tercer año consecutivo en la mejor alternativa vacacional por detrás de los hoteles.
    Descanso al aire libre y relajación alejados del bullicio.
    Caravanas, tiendas de campaña o los preferidos por los campistas: los bungalows. En campings a pie de playa o entre colinas.
    Las previsiones son buenas para estos días de Semana Santa, se espera llegar al 100% en la ocupación de bungalows. Atrás quedan los años de horas bajas, porque cada vez son más los que se declaran campistas.

    Ver video "Los campings en su mejor momento"

  • Bolaso Bungalows/Mobil Home alternativa a la crisis

    Si todavia no tienes tu alojamiento para tus próximas vacaiones, Camping Bolaso pone a tu disposición uno de las mejores ofertas a nivel de alojamiento de las Cinco Villas. A tan sólo 8km de Ejea de los Caballeros, 40 km de Sos de Rey Católico, 25 Km de Uncastillo, 10 Km de Sádaba, tiene oferta de Mobil Home o Bungalows para poder disfrutar de la Comarca y descansar en medio de la naturaleza, junto a un precioso lago. Camping Bolaso pone a tu disposición 7 bungalows (mobil home) con los siguientes precios: 1 Mobil home (6 adultos + 2 niños) 90€ 6 Mobil Home (4 adulots + 2 niños) 80€ Unos precios para tiempos de crisis. Como puedes ver en el plano adjunto el bungalows dispone de las siguientes características (Mobil Home para 4 adultos + 2 niños): + Baño Completo + Salón Comedor-Cocina (Sofa cama, Tv Plasma 21", Cocina Completa + Habitación Doble + Habitación Matrimonio + Porche de entrada cubierto La misma comodidad que un Hotel, pero en medio de la naturaleza. Vive la Bolasofia!!!

    Ver video "Bolaso Bungalows/Mobil Home alternativa a la crisis"

  • Occupy Atlanta Video: 'US cops - shame on you!'

    Several Occupy Atlanta protesters have been arrested after a rally in a city park spilled into the streets. Several hundred protesters had gathered at city's Woodruff Park and set up tents with the intention of staying overnight. Despite a police warning that anyone who remained after the park's closing time would be arrested, protesters stayed at the park longer then the mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, allowed. He initially issued an executive order allowing them to stay overnight, but later revoked it. While most protesters left the park, a few people stayed behind. On October 25 more than 50 people were arrested for staying in the park after closing. Protesters began camping out in Woodruff Park on October 7 in support of OWS/99 per cent movement.

    Ver video "Occupy Atlanta Video: 'US cops - shame on you!'"

  • Disturbios entre aficionados del West Ham y el Millwall en Upton Park

    Después del partido de la Copa Curling que enfrentó al West Ham y al Millwall, cientos de seguidores de ambos equipos se enfrentaron en una batalla campal que finalmente pudo ser erradicada por la policía en Upton Park.

    Ver video "Disturbios entre aficionados del West Ham y el Millwall en Upton Park"

  • MECC 2024 marco de las últimas tendencias en casas prefabricadas y marquesinas fotovoltaicas

    Del 18 al 22 de septiembre de 2024 en IFEMA se celebra en Madrid Expo Camper & Caravan, una feria que muestra las últimas novedades en autocaravanas, caravanas, campers, bungalows y camping.

    En este marco, GARDIUN, marca de soluciones inteligentes en ordenación exterior, ha presentado sus dos nuevas gamas de productos bajo el nacimiento de Gardiun Techno.
    Una marca que busca consolidarse en el mercado con su colección STUDIO TECH, casas prefabricadas construidas con materiales de alta calidad y con las Marquesinas Fotovoltaicas GARDIUN, una estructura que transforma el concepto de estacionamiento al aire libre y que genera energía 100% renovable para alimentar los puntos de recarga del vehículo, el hogar o almacenar en baterías para cuando se necesite.
    Una gama premium que busca dar respuestas a las tendencias emergentes demandadas por la población.

    Ver video "MECC 2024 marco de las últimas tendencias en casas prefabricadas y marquesinas fotovoltaicas"

  • La serie de animación de Jurassic World llegará a Netflix en 2020

    La saga 'Jurassic Park' se expandirá más allá de la gran pantalla con una serie de animación basada en la nueva era de la franquicia, 'Jurassic World'. DreamWorks Animation ha anunciado que prepara 'Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous', una ficción que mezclará acción y aventura familiar y que llegará a Netflix en 2020, como parte del acuerdo que tiene la compañía creada por Steven Spielberg con la plataforma en streaming.

    Ver video "La serie de animación de Jurassic World llegará a Netflix en 2020"

  • Parque Nogal Bungalows Maspalomas Gran Canaria Canary Islands!/Parquenogal
    In a peacefull location on the outskirts of town, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, these spacious apartments are 1 kilometer from the: New Urban Park and Faro shopping centre with it´s selection of bars and restau-rants for both daytime and evening fun. The Maspalomas sand dunes are also a distance of 3 kilometers (free bus service to the beach).It´s an attractive apartment complex, splitlevel in design and comfortable the Parque Nogal is ideal for those seeking a relaxing holiday base with freedom of self-catering.As well as a good range of amenities available, there is also a friendly, informal atmosphere in wich to unwind and forget all about everyday cares.

    Ver video "Parque Nogal Bungalows Maspalomas Gran Canaria Canary Islands"

  • Los afectados por el incendio de La Jonquera hacen balance de las perdidas

    El incendio se llevó por delante multitudo de casas. Sus propietarios intentaron salvar lo que pudieron. Pero al final tuvieron que escapar de las llamas. El fuego atrapó al dueño de esta, que 4 dias después, sigue ingresado en el hospital Vall de Hebron de Barcelona. Un veciono relata que el propietario aún está siendo tratado por quemaduras en la cara.Las marcas del incendio son igualmente visibles en esta finca. Toca hacer balance de lo perdido, un almacen, dos tractores y una suma incalculable de esfuerzos y recuerdos. Sus dueños no pueden más que resignarse. Afirman que el veredicto de los peritos del seguro ha sido claro: siniestro total.Los peritos también han tenido trabajo en este camping. Más de 60 bungalows fueron devorados por las llamas. Uno de sus propietarios se lamenta de una ilusión que se ha quemado por completo.Miremos donde miremos, el paisaje es desolador. Saben que tienen suerte de poder contarlo... aunque les cueste encontrar palabras para describirlo. Es parte del silencio que sucede a una tragedia como la sufrida.

    Ver video "Los afectados por el incendio de La Jonquera hacen balance de las perdidas"

  • Mountain View Home Sale Isabela Puerto Rico Casa Venta Vista Montana
    Beautiful and well maintain 9 acre family estate located in the tranquil mountain setting of Isabela Puerto Rico. Only half an hour from many local beaches including Guajataca Beach, minutes from shopping mall, Guajataca Forest and Lake, minutes to several airports and main traffic arteries plus many other places of interest. The custom built home offers a 3 Bedroom and 2.5 Baths up to 3,240 sqft of living space, 2 car garage, roof top nature and scenic observatory. Inside the home you will have a very unique fire place also used as a rotisserie for roasting assortment of meets with adjacent entertainment and spa room with spa tub. The exterior offers large wrap around terrace with panoramic views and storage building. The grounds offer a full guest house, Family Park with Gazebo, BBQ, walking and hiking trails, camp grounds, and large stocked pond with a variety of local tropical fish. Also found on the grounds are both above and below ground natural active water springs with a very large selection of tropical fruit trees with up to 30 and some being endangered. This is a unique and special type of property and one of a kind. For more details and information please contact listing broker Ivelisse Betancourt at 787-903-4444.

    Ver video "Mountain View Home Sale Isabela Puerto Rico Casa Venta Vista Montana"

  • Caillou - Caillou Hurts Himself (S01E60) | Cartoon for Kids

    Please watch: Cartoon | Caillou gets in trouble | Cartoons for Kids | Cartoons for Children \r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! \r
    ► Click to Subscribe to CAILLOU: \r
    Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.\r
    - WATCH MORE here - \r
    - Watch Caillou and Rosie - \r
    - Callou 2016 Episodes : \r
    - Caillou Full Episodes HD | Caillou Christmas :santa: ★ \r
    - Cant get enough of Caillou 1 Hour Long Compilation Special!: \r
    - Best of Caillou: \r
    - Best Quality Caillou : \r
    Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover its full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Caillou is startled when the fish in the lake tickle him. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to see a moose before its time to go home. Caillou has dinner at Sarahs house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them. He has so much fun learning how to eat with chopsticks that he even tries to eat dessert with them! Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Caillou is quick to approach the woman because she has a friendly dog. He notices it isnt on a leash but in a special harness instead. After several questions she explains she is blind and her dog helps he do many things.\r
    Its hot and steamy and Mom wont let Caillou go to the public pool since theyve been every day this week! When Caillou refuses to put on some sunscreen and Rosie wont nap, Mom quickly realizes that the hot weather is making everyone grumpy. She and Caillou come up with the perfect solution: they connect the lawn sprinkler for some good time backyard fun - which certainly doesnt need a lot of sophisticated equipment. Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet mom. Caillou and Rosie are in the back seat arguing and Dad is losing patience with them. When the car breaks down they have to pull over. Caillou comforts Rosie who becomes afraid when smoke comes out of the engine. Caillou is overjoyed when the tow truck finally arrives and he gets to ride in it to the garage. When Dad and Caillou find a scruffy dog that appears to be lost they bring it home. The whole family pitches in and tries to find the owner by posting signs around the neighborhood. But when the owner arrives, Caillou doesnt want to let the dog go. Caillou and his family pay a visit to Santa and go Christmas tree shopping all in the same day. By the time they get to the tree vendor after a long wait for Santa, all the trees are gone. Caillou was looking forward to trimming the tree so together they decide to decorate a tree in their own back yard!\r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family.\r
    Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.

    Ver video "Caillou - Caillou Hurts Himself (S01E60) | Cartoon for Kids"

  • Caillou - Caillous Snowman (S01E27) | Cartoon for Kids

    Please watch: Cartoon | Caillou gets in trouble | Cartoons for Kids | Cartoons for Children \r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! \r
    ► Click to Subscribe to CAILLOU: \r
    Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.\r
    - WATCH MORE here - \r
    - Watch Caillou and Rosie - \r
    - Callou 2016 Episodes : \r
    - Caillou Full Episodes HD | Caillou Christmas :santa: ★ \r
    - Cant get enough of Caillou 1 Hour Long Compilation Special!: \r
    - Best of Caillou: \r
    - Best Quality Caillou : \r
    Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover its full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Caillou is startled when the fish in the lake tickle him. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to see a moose before its time to go home. Caillou has dinner at Sarahs house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them. He has so much fun learning how to eat with chopsticks that he even tries to eat dessert with them! Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Caillou is quick to approach the woman because she has a friendly dog. He notices it isnt on a leash but in a special harness instead. After several questions she explains she is blind and her dog helps he do many things.\r
    Its hot and steamy and Mom wont let Caillou go to the public pool since theyve been every day this week! When Caillou refuses to put on some sunscreen and Rosie wont nap, Mom quickly realizes that the hot weather is making everyone grumpy. She and Caillou come up with the perfect solution: they connect the lawn sprinkler for some good time backyard fun - which certainly doesnt need a lot of sophisticated equipment. Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet mom. Caillou and Rosie are in the back seat arguing and Dad is losing patience with them. When the car breaks down they have to pull over. Caillou comforts Rosie who becomes afraid when smoke comes out of the engine. Caillou is overjoyed when the tow truck finally arrives and he gets to ride in it to the garage. When Dad and Caillou find a scruffy dog that appears to be lost they bring it home. The whole family pitches in and tries to find the owner by posting signs around the neighborhood. But when the owner arrives, Caillou doesnt want to let the dog go. Caillou and his family pay a visit to Santa and go Christmas tree shopping all in the same day. By the time they get to the tree vendor after a long wait for Santa, all the trees are gone. Caillou was looking forward to trimming the tree so together they decide to decorate a tree in their own back yard!\r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family.\r
    Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.

    Ver video "Caillou - Caillous Snowman (S01E27) | Cartoon for Kids"

  • Caillou - Caillous School Bus (S01E42) | Cartoon for Kids

    Please watch: Cartoon | Caillou gets in trouble | Cartoons for Kids | Cartoons for Children \r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! \r
    ► Click to Subscribe to CAILLOU: \r
    Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.\r
    - WATCH MORE here - \r
    - Watch Caillou and Rosie - \r
    - Callou 2016 Episodes : \r
    - Caillou Full Episodes HD | Caillou Christmas :santa: ★ \r
    - Cant get enough of Caillou 1 Hour Long Compilation Special!: \r
    - Best of Caillou: \r
    - Best Quality Caillou : \r
    Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover its full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Caillou is startled when the fish in the lake tickle him. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to see a moose before its time to go home. Caillou has dinner at Sarahs house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them. He has so much fun learning how to eat with chopsticks that he even tries to eat dessert with them! Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Caillou is quick to approach the woman because she has a friendly dog. He notices it isnt on a leash but in a special harness instead. After several questions she explains she is blind and her dog helps he do many things.\r
    Its hot and steamy and Mom wont let Caillou go to the public pool since theyve been every day this week! When Caillou refuses to put on some sunscreen and Rosie wont nap, Mom quickly realizes that the hot weather is making everyone grumpy. She and Caillou come up with the perfect solution: they connect the lawn sprinkler for some good time backyard fun - which certainly doesnt need a lot of sophisticated equipment. Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet mom. Caillou and Rosie are in the back seat arguing and Dad is losing patience with them. When the car breaks down they have to pull over. Caillou comforts Rosie who becomes afraid when smoke comes out of the engine. Caillou is overjoyed when the tow truck finally arrives and he gets to ride in it to the garage. When Dad and Caillou find a scruffy dog that appears to be lost they bring it home. The whole family pitches in and tries to find the owner by posting signs around the neighborhood. But when the owner arrives, Caillou doesnt want to let the dog go. Caillou and his family pay a visit to Santa and go Christmas tree shopping all in the same day. By the time they get to the tree vendor after a long wait for Santa, all the trees are gone. Caillou was looking forward to trimming the tree so together they decide to decorate a tree in their own back yard!\r
    Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family.\r
    Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood.

    Ver video "Caillou - Caillous School Bus (S01E42) | Cartoon for Kids"

  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

    Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"

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