Videos relacionados con ceràmica i disseny torn


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  • One Direction I Gotta Feeling Stereo Hearts and Torn Mohegan Sun

  • ESDi_RepE001_Spot

    E001 Vídeo sobre ESDi i el disseny.

    Ver video "ESDi_RepE001_Spot"

  • Barcelona acull el primer Innovation Festival

    Barcelona acull el primer Innovation Festival (IF), una iniciativa impulsada per la Comissió Europea i organitzada per BCD Barcelona Centre de Disseny, que demostra una vegada més laposta de la capital catalana per la innovació, la creativitat i el disseny 

    Ver video "Barcelona acull el primer Innovation Festival"

  • ESDi_RepE018_Moda

    E018 Reportatge sobre el PFC de disseny textil i moda "Cuerpos inertes" de Amaia Zabala.

    Ver video "ESDi_RepE018_Moda"








  • Dos emprenedors catalans creen l'anternativa al guix

    Dos emprenedors catalans creen una fèrula impresa en 3D per curar ossos trencats. L'invent s'ha batejat com a Xkelet, sortirà al mercat a principis del 2017 i evita els inconvenients que suposa el guix.
    L'actor Ashton Kutcher en va compartir un vídeo a través de les xarxes socials. "I love this design", hi va dir (M'encanta aquest disseny). En poc més de 24 hores varen rebre més d'un milió de visites.

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  • MTC Office Solutions

    MTC office solutions crea, desenvolupa i executa projectes d'equipament de mobiliari i interiorisme per col•lectivitats i grans instal•lacions tant públiques com privades. Per això selecciona, proposa, comercialitza i subministra una àmplia gamma de productes d'alta qualitat tècnica i de disseny, de primeres marques nacionals i internacionals. MTC aporta a arquitectes, interioristes i decoradors solucions que contribueixen a incorporar el mobiliari com a part integral dels projectes que desenvolupem. MTC equipa i proporciona solucions integrals per a grans espais públics i privats: biblioteques, centres cívics, OACs, residències de gent gran, oficines, hotels, restaurants, bars i centres comercials.

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  • iEuropa - Dimecres 19 desembre 2007

    Parlem sobre l'evolució de les ajudes europeus en els darrers anys, el balanç de la presidència de torn portuguesa, i a l'espai A Fons destaquem serveis de la UE que estan a la nostra disposició.

    Ver video "iEuropa - Dimecres 19 desembre 2007"

  • Tercera ronda diada castellera de Sant Fèlix

    Els Minyons de Terrassa descarreguen la Torre de 9 amb folre i manilles. La Jove Xiquets de Valls descarrega el 5 de 9 amb folre (la Vella havia renunciat al seu torn després de desmunt

    Ver video "Tercera ronda diada castellera de Sant Fèlix"

  • BELPHEGOR - Conjuring The Dead

    Hollow - virgin eyes ripped
    Torn - just like your throat
    Fester - obsession incarnate
    Another grave - another sacrifice

    I am misanthropic sin - sin

    CONJURING THE DEAD - ancient tongue of shadows
    CONJURING THE DEAD - give yourself to Sathan

    Lead: Helmuth

    Transmit - this burning torment
    Bleeding - clawing at the walls
    Transformed - invoking his commands
    Manifest - ascend before the fall

    I am crowned by the obscene

    CONJURING THE DEAD - secretion sick in sin
    CONJURING THE DEAD - give yourself to Sathan

    I am the grinning ecstasy
    I am the lord of all poison
    I am misanthropic sin - sin

    CONJURING THE DEAD - priest collapsing dogma
    CONJURING THE DEAD - give yourself to Satha

    Ver video "BELPHEGOR - Conjuring The Dead"

  • El pueblo Nazca: Sacrificios humanos

    Nazca es una cultura arqueológica del Antiguo Perú que surgió en la provincia de Nazca (departamento de Ica) alrededor del siglo I y entra en decadencia en el siglo VI. Se ubicó a orillas del Río Grande entre los años 300 a.C. a 600 d.C. Tuvo un área de influencia que llegó a abarcar hasta Pisco por el norte, hasta Arequipa por el sur y por el este hasta Ayacucho. Hasta el siglo VI d. C., aumentaron sus contactos con la zona andina, llegando inclusive hasta las zonas altas de Ayacucho. Este contacto tuvo especial importancia en la formación de la cultura Huari. Un aspecto distintivo de Nazca es su cerámica policromada, con figuras de hombres, animales, plantas, etc. En muchas de estas cerámicas, se representan a hombres mutilados. El arte textil floreció tanto como en la época de los Paracas. Tuvieron un estilo propio de trabajo de los metales, aunque de menor calidad al de la época de Chavín. Lo más impresionante de esta civilización son los trazos efectuados en las Pampas de Nazca.

    Ver video "El pueblo Nazca: Sacrificios humanos"

  • Glee Cast More Than Words Shooting Star With Lyrics HD


    Saying I love you
    Is not the words I want to hear from you
    It's not that I want you
    Not to say, but if you only knew
    How easy it would be to show me how you feel

    Brittany and Sam:
    More than words is all you have to do to make it real
    Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
    'Cause I'd already know

    Sam with New Directions:
    What would you do

    Brittany with New Directions:
    If my heart was torn in two

    Brittany and Sam with New Directions:
    More than words to show you feel
    That your love for me is real
    What would you say if I took those words away
    Then you couldn't make things new
    Just by saying I love you
    La de la de da
    La de la de da
    More than words
    La de la de da

    Brittany with New Directions:
    Now that I've tried to

    Brittany and Sam with New Directions:
    Talk to you and make you understand

    Brittany with New Directions:
    All you have to do is

    Brittany and Sam with New Directions:
    Close your eyes
    And just reach out your hands and touch me
    Hold me close don't ever let me go
    More than words is all I ever needed you to show
    Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
    'Cause I'd already know

    What would you do if my heart was torn in two
    More than words to show you feel
    That your love for me is real
    What would you say if I took those words away
    Then you couldn't make things new
    Just by saying I love you

    More than words

    Ver video "Glee Cast More Than Words Shooting Star With Lyrics HD"

  • Miley Cyrus - Jaded (Audio)


    I don't wanna call and talk too long
    I know it was wrong, but never said I was sorry
    Now I've had time to think it over
    We're much older and the bone's too big to bury

    Isn't it a shame that it ended like that?
    Said goodbye forever but you never unpacked
    We went to hell but we never came back

    I'm sorry that you're jaded
    I could've taken you places
    You're lonely now and I hate it
    I'm sorry that you're jaded

    You're not even willing to look at your part
    You just jump in your car and head down to the bar till you're blurry
    Don't know when to stop so you take it too far
    I don't know where you are and I'm left in the dark till I'm worried
    Oh, and it hurts me

    And it's a fucking shame that it ended like that
    You broke your own heart but you'd never say that
    We went to hell but we never came back

    I'm sorry that you're jaded
    I could've taken you places
    You're lonely now and I hate it
    I'm sorry that you're jaded

    I won't lie, it won't be easy
    When somebody new's on your body
    I'll change my number but keep your t-shirt
    I don't mind it's torn up and faded

    I'm sorry that you're jaded
    I could've taken you places
    You're lonely now and I hate it
    I'm sorry that your jaded

    I'm sorry that you're jaded

    Ver video "Miley Cyrus - Jaded (Audio)"

  • Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


    It's looking like a limb torn off
    Or altogether just taken apart
    We're reeling through an endless fall
    We are the ever-living ghost of what once was

    But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do
    No one's gonna love you more than I do

    And anything to make you smile
    It is my better side of you to admire
    But they should never take so long
    Just to be over then back to another one

    But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do
    No one's gonna love you more than I do

    But someone,
    They could have warned you
    When things start splitting at the seams and now
    The whole thing's tumbling down
    Things start splitting at the seams and now
    If things start splitting at the seams and now,
    It's tumbling down

    Anything to make you smile
    You are the ever-living ghost of what once was
    I never want to hear you say
    That you'd be better off
    Or you liked it that way

    But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do
    No one's gonna love you more than I do

    But someone
    They should have warned you
    When things start splitting at the seams and now
    The whole thing's tumbling down
    Things start splitting at the seams and now
    If things start splitting at the seams and now,
    It's tumbling down

    Ver video "Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You (OFFICIAL VIDEO)"

  • Foo Fighters - The Teacher

    Who's at the door now?
    Who's at the door now?

    [Verse 1]
    Sun goes down, windows wide
    One step closer to the other side
    I can feel what others do
    Can't stop this if I wanted to

    Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow?
    Where will I wake up? Where will I wake up?
    Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow?
    Where will I wake up? Where will I wake up?

    [Verse 2]
    Hurry now boy, time won't wait
    The here and the now will separate
    There are some things you cannot choose
    Soul and spirit movin' through

    Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow?
    Where will I wake up? Where will I wake up?
    Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow?
    Where will I wake up? Where will I wake up?

    You might also like
    Show Me How
    Foo Fighters
    You’re Losing Me (From The Vault)
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    Nothing at All
    Foo Fighters

    Who's at the door now?
    Who's at the door now?
    Wake up
    Who's at the door now?
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up
    Wake up

    [Verse 3]
    Two cold stones on a riverbed
    Ripped and torn, cannot mend
    Old white candles on a dusty porch
    One flame down, another born

    Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow?
    Where will I wake up? Where will I wake up?
    Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow?
    Where will I wake up? Where will I wake up?

    Who's at the door now?
    Who's at the door now?

    You showed me how to breathe, never showed me how to say goodbye
    You showed me how to be, never showed me how to say goodbye
    Every page turns, it's a lesson learned in time
    You showed me how to breathe, never showed me how to say goodbye

    Try and make good with the air that's left
    Countin' every minute, livin' breath by breath
    By breath, by breath, by breath
    By breath, by breath
    Try and make good with the air that's left
    Countin' every minute, livin' breath by breath
    By breath, by breath, by breath
    By breath, by breath, by breath

    You showed me how to need, never showed me how to say goodbye
    You showed me how to grieve, never showed me how to say goodbye
    Every page turns, it's a lesson learned in time
    You showed me how to need, never showed me how to say goodbye

    Try and make good with the air that's left
    Countin' every minute, livin' breath by breath
    By breath, by breath, by breath
    By breath, by
    Try and make good with the air that's left
    Countin' every minute, livin' breath by breath
    By breath, by breath, by breath
    By breath, by


    Ver video "Foo Fighters - The Teacher"

  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Logro o Trofeo ¡Una Midgar llena de flores!

    Guia del juego donde os indico el modo de conseguir el Logro o Trofeo ¡Una Midgar Llena de Flores! de Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion.

    Apoya a Schannel Games ¡síguenos! :
    #crisiscorefinalfantasyvii #crisiscorefinalfantasyviireunion #guiadetrofeos

    Lista de reproducción con todos los Coleccionables Logros o Trofeos del juego:

    ¿Cómo Conseguirlo?: A lo largo y ancho del juego debemos de encontrar una serie de objetos necesarios para conseguir este Logro o Trofeo del juego. En nuestra Guia te indicamos todo lo necesario para conseguirlo.

    Recuerda que no hay selección de capitulo por lo que este Logro o Trofeo deberás conseguirlo en tu avance normal por el juego, o desde el Punto de Guardado mas cercano. Si no, lo perderás


    Capitulo 2 0:05

    -La Gaceta del Artesano 0:11
    Completa la misiónes secundarias que van desde la M1-2-1hasta la de M1-2-6: El último desafío.

    Capitulo 3 3:10

    - Neumaticos de Primera 3:16
    Completa la misiónes secundarias que van desde la M7-1-1: Recuperación de mercancía, hasta la M7-1-6: Misión de sustitución II

    Capitulo 5 6:32

    - Plano de carrito Shinra 7:00
    Lo consigues al ganar al Infante de Shinra en el minijuego de las sentadillas al inicio del Capítulo 5.

    - Cerámica de Shinra 7:08
    Lo consigues al ganar al Capitán en el minijuego de las sentadillas al inicio del Capítulo 5.

    - Oruga de Shinra 7:27
    Lo consigues al ganar al Soldado de 3ª clase en el minijuego de las sentadillas al inicio del Capítulo 5.

    - Estaño de Shinra 7:48
    Lo consigues al ganar al Soldado de 2ª clase en el minijuego de las sentadillas al inicio del Capítulo 5.

    - Herramientas de mitrilo 8:19
    Después de completar la misión secundaria M2-1-6: Operación de encubrimiento durante el Capítulo 5, vuelve a hablar con ese mismo científico que te la dio, para recibir esta parte.

    Capitulo 7 9:31

    - Herramientas usadas 10:19
    Ya tienes que recogerlas obligatoriamente al salir de la Iglesia durante el Capítulo 7.

    - Pieza de madera vieja 10:50
    Tienes que recogerla obligatoriamente durante el Capítulo 7.

    - Neumáticos gastados 11:48
    También tienes que recogerla obligatoriamente durante el Capítulo 7.

    - Instrucciones para carrito 12:51
    Aunque disponible desde que salimos de la Iglesia, lo pillaremos al final del todo.

    Como siempre espero que esta humilde Guía os sirva de ayuda.

    Apoya a Schannel Games. Da Like y síguenos en DAILIMOTYON para así mantenerte al día de todas las Novedades que te ofrezco. Tenemos muchos más contenidos y Guías que ofrecerte.

    Para más INFO, dudas, consultas, soporte del canal y de Videojuegos, comenta a pie de video o en nuestras Redes Sociales.



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