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  • Estudios en Malta para Colombianos - Hi International Studies

  • Ganar dinero por Internet, gana ingresos extras … Ganar dinero por Internet, gana Ingresos extras con nuestro sistema, te mostramos paso a paso como puedes ganar dinero por Internet sin necesidad de invertir grandes sumas de dinero

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  • Where Are You From?

    Over 35 nationalities are represented on campus. Meet the students of IE University!

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  • The BIArch Challenge is waiting for you

    BIArch is taking the challenge by launching its MBIArch Porst-Professional Master’s Degree Program. Just find out the reasons that BIArch offer to you to take its challenge.

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  • * Desentrañando los Misterios del Pasado Reciente: Temas Analizados por Expertos

    Explorando los Múltiples Enfoques de los Expertos en Historia Contemporánea **

    Desentrañando los Misterios del Pasado Reciente: Temas Analizados por Expertos

    "Profundizando en los Temas Clave de la Historia Contemporánea con Expertos"
    "Debates Actuales: Análisis Temático de la Historia Contemporánea por Expertos"
    "Perspectivas Expertas: Temas Relevantes en la Historia Contemporánea"
    "Desafíos y Reflexiones: Lo que los Expertos Examinan en Historia Contemporánea"
    "En el Lente de los Expertos: Temas Cruciales de la Historia Reciente"
    "Analizando el Presente a través de la Historia: Temas Clave por Expertos"
    "De la Mano de los Expertos: Un Viaje por los Temas de la Historia Contemporánea"
    "Descubriendo las Narrativas Ocultas: Temas Analizados por Expertos en Historia"

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  • LSI Paris

    Cursos de francés en París

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  • LSI London Hampstead

    Cursos de inglés en Londres

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  • LSI London Central

    Cursos de inglés en Londres

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  • Kimmel's Sex Ed with Emojis

    According to a new international study, kids hate sex ed. It's uncomfortable.

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  • HIS Colombia - Agencia de estudios en el exterior

    Con Hi International Studies puedes hacer realidad tu sueño de estudiar en el exterior, te asesoramos gratis para hagas la mejor elección. Conoce nuestros destinos en

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  • Los alumnos españoles siguen por debajo de la media europea en matemáticas

    El informe Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) de la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación del Rendimiento Educativo (IEA) ha revelado un estancamiento en los resultados de los estudiantes españoles en matemáticas en 2019, lo que les mantiene por debajo de la media de la UE y de la OCDE.

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  • "The Critical Role of Proper Masking in Preventing COVID-19 Transmission"

    Learn about the critical role of proper mask-wearing in the fight against COVID-19 in this insightful YouTube video script. Discover how international scientists have identified the nose as the primary gateway for the virus and the importance of wearing masks with precision to prevent the infiltration of infectious aerosols. Gain valuable insights from recent studies that underscore the vulnerability of the nasal region and the significance of embracing the proper use of masks for safeguarding health. Watch the video to stay informed and take proactive steps in protecting yourself and others.

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  • The creep of nanotech

    UK businesses that are using nanotechnology to fight bird flu, diagnose asthma instantly and identify cancer cells have been recognized with Innovation Awards.

    Over 100 international delegates attended the third annual UK NanoForum in London on October 28.

    Britain is keen to bolster its position in the study and development of nanotechnology, effectively the science of the super-small

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  • What is emotion? Véronique Tran, Professor of Organizational Behavior at ESCP Europe

    Veronique Tran is Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at ESCP Europe Paris Campus. She is a graduate of the University of Lausanne in Political Science. She earned her Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Geneva Switzerland with the Geneva Emotion Research Group directed by Prof. Klaus Scherer. She was a permanent faculty member at Team International where she acquired extensive experience in executive education and management development, with emphasis on interpersonal and organizational behavior topics. She is a visiting professor in Organizational Behavior at the University of Nova (Lisbon, Portugal).
    Her primary research focus is to examine the interaction of emotions with decision-making processes in management teams. During her post-doctoral studies in the Industrial/Organizational area of the Department of Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University, she had the opportunity to research creativity and innovation processes and how they unfold across levels of organizations. Additional research interests include topics such as emotion in organizational contexts (e.g. emotional climate), team dynamics, and organizational learning.
    Veronique Tran is member of the Academy of Management (AOM), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the American Psychology Association (APA), the International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), and EMONET Emotions in Organizational settings.

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    Denis Leonidovich Matsuev (Russian: Дени́с Леони́дович Мацу́ев, born June 11, 1975) is a Russian classical pianist.
    Born in Irkutsk, Russian Federation, Matsuev is the only child of two musicians, as his mother is a piano teacher and his father is a pianist and composer. He demonstrated a musical ear at age 3, when he reproduced on the piano at home a melody that he heard on television His father subsequently became his first piano teacher. Until age 15, Matsuev studied music in Irkutsk. In 1990, he won a prize at the New Names Charitable Foundation competition in Irkutsk and received a stipend, $1,000 a month, from the foundation to study music in Moscow. With other young gifted musicians from Russia discovered by the foundation, Matsuev went on tour in Europe and the United States.
    In 1991, Matsuev moved with his parents to Moscow to continue his musical education. He studied at the Central Musical School at the Moscow Conservatory. In 1994, he took part at his first international piano competition in Johannesburg, South Africa where he was awarded the Grand Prix. In the same year he entered the Moscow Conservatory as a student of Aleksey Nasedkin. After 1997, he studied under Sergei Dorensky. Matsuev won the 11th International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1998 at age 23. (Wikipedia)


  • Científicos hallan en China el embrión fósil más antiguo de vertebrados terrestres

    An international team has discovered in Chinese eggs and fossilized dinosaur embryos with what appears to collagen, the organic moiety oldest yet found in terrestrial vertebrates. The study of bones, published this week in Nature, concludes that the offspring grew at high speed and moving inside the egg.

    Un equipo internacional ha descubierto en China huevos y embriones fosilizados de dinosaurio con lo que parece colágeno, el resto orgánico más antiguo encontrado hasta ahora en vertebrados terrestres. El estudio de los huesos, publicado esta semana en Nature, concluye que las crías crecían a gran velocidad y se movían en el interior del huevo.

    Regístrate, síguenos, participa y forma parte de la mayor Red Social de historiadores y arqueólogos del mundo en su edición para España y latinoamérica en Si te gusta la Historia, el Arte y la Arqueología, esta es tu Comunidad.
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    Somos el proyecto social sobre difusión cultural más grande e importante que jamás hayas visto, porque juntos, llevaremos el conocimiento del pasado al Mundo.

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  • [HD] After School - Because of You MV

    Artist: After School
    Song Title: Because of You
    Full Music Video

    AFTER SCHOOL 2nd single

    After School is a 7-member female group from South Korea managed by Pledis Entertainment.

    Debuting initially as a 5-member group with their debut single AH in January 2009, they were labeled as the Korean Pussycat Dolls for the matured and sexy concept they had taken on. In April 2009, After School released a digital single titled DIVA and introduced a new member, Uee, into the group, as part of After Schools admission and graduation concept. Later in November 2009, member Yoo So Young announced her withdrawal from the group citing health and studies reasons.

    In the same month with the admission of the two new secretive members Raina and Nana, After School is set to change the standards of girl groups.

    Raina (21) and Nana (19) were revealed through their teaser site as individuals that had trained long and hard with a strong base that also hold the mysterious image of charm and humor. With the unveiling of the new 7 membered image, many have been showing explosive interest and attraction.

    The title song of the new album is Because of You. Its said to be a shibuya-kei style song with an electropop feel. After School will be revealing their intensive performance that is said to never been seen before amongst the nations girl groups. It begins with the sad melody of a piano and violin that folds into an addictive chrous. A rap that utilizes the members individuality finishes the song off in style.


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  • Dinero y felicidad: ¿Cuanto es suficiente?

    La mayoría de la gente sabe en lo profundo de sus corazones que ganar montones de dinero no puede garantizar la verdadera felicidad. Por otra parte, la mayoría reconocería que es necesario tener al menos un ingreso mínimo para poder gozar de bienestar, aunque solo sea para que no tengas que mendigar para cada tiempo de comida. Por supuesto, la mayoría de nosotros nos encontramos entre los montones y el mínimo.
    Y resulta que muchos estadounidenses no creen que necesiten un sueldo de director ejecutivo para ser felices, o incluso seis cifras. Cuando se les preguntó cuánto sería suficiente, solo un poco más de la mitad de las personas encuestadas en el sondeo de American Dream de CNNMoney dijo que sería menos de 100.000 dólares. Casi la cuarta parte de las personas que participaron en la encuesta realizada por ORC International, dijo que entre 50.000 a 74.999 dólares sería suficiente. Eso nos hace recordar los resultados de un estudio de Princeton, que descubrió que el bienestar emocional aumentó con los ingresos, pero que no superaran los 75.000 dólares. En otras palabras, más allá de un cierto nivel de ingresos, tu felicidad se deriva de otros factores. Curiosamente, algunas personas realmente no se preocupan por el dinero: el 10% de los encuestados dijo que en algún lugar al norte de un dólar, pero al sur de 30.000 dólares sería su requisito mínimo. Y el 6% dijo que el dinero no puede comprar la felicidad, y punto. En el extremo superior de la escala, el 23% dijo que necesitarían entre 100.000 dólares y 199.999 dólares. ¿Qué pasa en relación a la cantidad que se necesita para ser "rico?". Un cheque de sueldo de seis cifras fue la respuesta más común, cuando se les hizo esta pregunta a los mismos adultos. Pero incluso en este caso, sus respuestas no se acercaron a la estratosfera.

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  • Feminists challenge state of emergency in Turkey to denounce abuses

    Istanbul (Turkey), Mar 8 (EFE), (Camera: Ilya U. Topper).- Women protested in Istanbul on Thursday against gender violence and sexual abuse on the occasion of the International Women's Day, defying a demonstrations ban imposed by the state of emergency.
    Fifty women attended the protest at noon in Besiktas district, carrying placards with feminist slogans and denunciations of violence.
    Feminist organizations have called for brief protests on Thursday in 14 cities in Turkey, all in defiance of the rules of the state of emergency, in force since 2016, which prohibits all kinds of marches or demonstrations.
    The police monitored the Besiktas protest but did not intervene and the participants dispersed after publicly reading a brief manifesto against gender-based violence.
    The group said that 409 women were killed by men in2017, while in February alone there have already been 47 violent deaths, denouncing that many of the murderers got reduced sentences.
    They also denounced a controversial law passed last year that give Islamic clerics the power to register marriages, which feminists groups fear would allow the marriage of minor girls.
    An academic study conducted this year across Turkey showed that two-thirds of people identify violence as the biggest problem facing women, but also exposed a decline in its social acceptance.


    Keywords: efe,turkey,istanbul,women,day

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  • EST - European Solar Telescope

    e European Solar Telescope (EST) is the future project for European ground-based solar astronomy. It is the main project for EAST (European Association for Solar Telescopes), an association with 15 member institutions from 15 European countries.

    The EST's main mission is to observe the Sun. Understanding it is crucial for many reasons:

    1. There is a fundamental link between the earth and the Sun. The Sun is of primary importance because it maintains life on earth. Any change in conditions in the Sun could have dramatic consequences for us. Large amounts of energy can be transferred into the plasma, from where it is stored in the magnetic fields, in very small periods, between seconds and minutes. These transfers can accelerate the plasma to speeds of within a fraction of the speed of light and, if this accelerated plasma (in the form of an ejection of coronal mass) reaches the earth's magnetopause, it can give rise to fascinating events (auroras) and phenomena that are potentially dangerous for our environment (damage to satellites, overloading energy lines, excessive radiation exposure for space crews or the International Space Station etc). This means that it is essential for us to study all of these processes so that we can predict them.

    2. The Sun is a fundamental physics laboratory (the interaction between the plasma and the magnetic field can only be studied in the Sun's extreme physical conditions).

    3. The Sun is a fundamental model for understanding the rest of the Universe (all of the stars are suns). The EST will look at the fundamental solar processes at their tiniest scales, allowing us to analyse physical phenomena in the greatest possible detail.

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  • Russia & China Vs USA WW3 | United States Army VS Chinese Army AND Russian Army | 2016

    VSB defense\r
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    United States Armed Forces\r
    As of 31 December new, 1,369,532 people were on ive duty in the armed forces, with an additional 850,880 people in the seven reserve components. It is an all-volunteer military, but conscription through the Selective Service System can be ened at the Presidents request and Congress approval. All males ages 18 through 25 who are living in the United States are required to register with the Selective Service for a potential future draft.\r
    The U.S. military is the worlds second largest, after Chinas Peoples Liberation Army, and has troops deployed around the globe.\r
    From 1776 until September new, a total of 40 million people have served in the United States Armed Forces.\r
    Peoples Liberation Army (Chinese Armed Forces)\r
    The Peoples Liberation Army (PLA; simplified Chinese: 中国人民解放军; traditional Chinese: 中國人民解放軍; pinyin: Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn) is the military of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) under the leadership of the CPC. August 1 is celebrated annually as Chinese Workers and Farmers Red Army Day. The PLA consists of four professional service branches: the Peoples Liberation Army Ground Force, the Peoples Liberation Army Navy, the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force and the Second Artillery Corps. The PLA is the worlds largest military force, with a strength of approximately 2,285,000 personnel, 0.18% of the countrys population. The Peoples Liberation Armys insignia consists of a roundel with a red star bearing the Chinese charers for Eight One, referring to August 1 (Chinese: 八一).\r
    Peoples Liberation Army Ground Force\r
    The Peoples Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF) (simplified Chinese: 中国人民解放军陆军; traditional Chinese: 中國人民解放軍陸軍; pinyin: Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Lùjūn) is the land-based military service branch of the Peoples Liberation Army and it is the largest and oldest branch of the entire Chinese armed forces. The PLAGF can trace its lineage from 1927, however it wasnt officially established until 1948. As of new, the PLAGF has a strength of 1,600,000 personnel making it the largest standing army in the world. In addition, the Peoples Liberation Army Ground Force has an estimated 510,000 strong reserve force.\r
    Russian Armed Forces\r
    The number of troops is specified by decree of the President of Russia. On 1 January 2008, a number of 2,019,629 units, including military of 1,134,800 units, was set. In new the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) estimated that the Russian Armed Forces numbered about 1,027,000 ive troops and in the region of 2,035,000 reserves (largely ex-conscripts). As opposed to personnel specified by decree, ual personnel in the forces and paid was reported by the Audit Chamber of Russia as 766,000 in October new. As of December new, the armed forces are at 82 percent of the required manpower.\r
    Music: Jim Yosef - Firefly [NCS Release]\r
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  • How To Cut a Long Bob with Layers - Triangle Graduation Haircut

    Vibrastraight Iron Available Here:\r
    Im proud to announce the start of a new haircuttingwhere I break down haircutting to make in a simple as possible. The first cut I focus on is the classic Triangular Graduation haircutting technique with adding in some layers to give the haircut a more modern look. Some people refer to this haircut as the A Line Bob or a Long Bob but when it comes down to it this haircut is just a combination of techniques. Hope you enjoy the first Haircut in this . Thanks for watching! \r
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    Millennium Systems International \r
    \r is a website truly dedicated to the growth and success of salon professionals everywhere. We provide all the help you need to be the best in the salon industry- exclusive free education videos posted constantly, live video podcasts for hairdressers, and a online store dedicated to only selling the best products available. \r
    Matt Beck, founder of Gratitude Salon Education is excited to invite all stylists and future stylists to! Now more than ever Matt and his team at Gratitude Salon Education are showcasing their passion for education and for the salon industry by offering an on-line learning network at no charge.\r
    A teacher of mine handed down videos to me in beauty school. The knowledge I had gained for free was amazing! The many artists and teachings in those videos inspired me to further my career and become an educator says Beck.\r
    Now, almost ten years later, Matt has launched and Two sites dedicated to providing the highest quality step by step education on a weekly basis for anyone who wants to log in, be inspired, and learn! Stylists can expect education on cutting, coloring, styling, barbering, and business tips. You can also look forward to totally free educational videos sent by email and live web classes broadcast from in the salon. This truly is a great affordable (obviously) investment that stylists can use to study at their own pace and convenience.

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