NASCAR Crashes
Салат Фиалки к Новому Году | Лучший рецепт 2017
Салат Фиалки - Идеи оформления праздничных блюд. Красивое оформление салатов и закусок!\r
Пожалуйста, прокомментируйте ниже, подпишитесь на наш канал и поделитесь с друзьями ссылкой.\r
300 гр отварной куриной грудки,\r
200 гр чернослива,\r
400 гр свежих шампиньонов, \r
300 гр свежего огурца,\r
200 гр корейской моркови, \r
Для украшения используем:\r
- крекер соленый,\r
- листья шпината,\r
- редис, прокрашенный соком синей капусты.\r
- Куриная грудка, чернослив и огурцы нарезаем средней соломкой.\r
- Грибы режем, солим, перчим и жарим на растительном масле.\r
Когда все готово, начинаем собирать салат. Подготовленные ингредиенты выкладываем на плоское блюдо слоями, каждый слой промазываем майонезом:\r
1 слой - грудка,\r
2 слой - чернослив,\r
3 слой - жареные шампиньоны,\r
4 слой - свежий огурец, (слегка отожмите сок)\r
5 слой - корейская морковка.\r
Перед подачей на стол украшаем наш салат:\r
- фиалки делаем из порезанного колечками редиса, прокрашенного соком синей капусты,\r
- листья фиалки из шпината,\r
- бока обложитм солёным крекером. \r
Приятного приготовления!\r
Спасибо за просмотр этого видео до конца! \r
Подписывайтесь на наш канал \r
Смотрите мои другие ролики, ставьте лайки, комментируйте и обязательно рекомендуйте другим!\r
Другие рецепты:\r
- Салат Фиалки - \r
- Салат Ежик - \r
- Салат Мужской каприз - \r
- Рецепты с Авокадо - \r
- Салат Цезарь - \r
- Как приготовить рис для Суши и Роллов - \r
- Салат Оливье (зимний салат) - \r
- Картошка в духовке - \r
- Салат Греческий - \r
- Салат крабовый - \r
- Майонез Рецепт приготовления - \r
- Салат с Ананасами, Креветками и Семгой - \r
- Рецепт приготовления Праздничной индейки - \r
- Салат с фасолью и авокадо - \r
- Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками и ананасом - \r
- Как приготовить рулет для роллов из омлетных блинов - \r
- Салат мимоза - \r
- Печенье из слоеного теста с пожеланиями - \r
- Домашние манты - \r
- Рецепт десерта Пьяная фига в шоколаде - \r
- Майонез с горчицей и с оливковым маслом | Заправка для салата -Ver video "Салат Фиалки к Новому Году | Лучший рецепт 2017"
De prueba: Jaguar F-Type R | Al volante
Ruidoso, indómito, llamativo: el cupé F-Type R, con carrocería completamente de aluminio, es el más dinámico y deportivo modelo de serie en la historia de Jaguar. El motor V8 5 litros de este felino desarrolla 405 kilovatios de potencia y alcanza un par motor máximo de 680 newtons metro. Velocidad máxima: 300 kilómetros por hora, limitada electrónicamente. Aceleración de 0 a 100: en 4,2 segundos.
Ver video "De prueba: Jaguar F-Type R | Al volante"
자연을 담은 과일식빵 만들기 How to Make Fruit Bread! - Ari Kitchen
포도식빵은 보라색♪ 딸기식빵은 핑크색~ ♬ 선물하기도 좋고 브런치로도 GOOD!!\r
색소NO! 과일 자연의 색과 향기를 그대로 품은 과일식빵이에요!!\r
▼더보기 클릭해주세요▼\r
※냉동과일도 사용 가능해요! 냉동과일을 해동하게 되면 과일즙이 일부 빠져버리니 냉동 그대로 사용하시고, 주스를 80ml로 사용해주세요.\r
냉동과일은 수분을 머금고 있어서 100ml 다 사용하시면 반죽이 좀 질어요~~^^\r
※주스가 없다면 물로 사용하셔도 괜찮지만 풍미가 좀 떨어질 수 있어요.\r
※탈지분유는 생략 가능하지만 풍미나 나중에 굽고나서 색이 안이쁠 수 있어요! 프림(커피에 타는)이 있으시면 프림으로 대체하셔도 돼요^^\r
※포도씨유 대신 다른 오일도 괜찮지만 카놀라유나 올리브유는 향이 강하고 느끼느끼하니까 피해주세요, 베이킹엔 포도씨유가 가장 좋습니다~\r
※생이스트 사용시 드라이이스트양의 두배로 넣으시면 됩니다.\r
빵 손반죽 마스터하기 영상\r
▶ \r
맛있게 만드셔서 저도 구경할 수 있게 #아리키친 태깅 해주세요~♡\r
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오븐 180℃ / 25~30분\r
(식빵 1개분량)\r
강력분 300g\r
인스턴트드라이이스트 5g\r
딸기주스/포도주스 80~100ml\r
딸기/블루베리 125g\r
크림치즈 50g\r
꿀 23g\r
소금 5g\r
탈지분유 11g\r
포도씨유 21g\r
300g Flour\r
5g Instant dry yeast \r
80 ~ 100ml Strawberry juice / Grape juice\r
125g Strawberry / Blueberry \r
50g Cream cheese \r
23g Honey\r
5g Salt\r
11g Skim milk powder \r
21g Grape seed oil \r
21グラムグレープシードオイルVer video "자연을 담은 과일식빵 만들기 How to Make Fruit Bread! - Ari Kitchen"
Hippo pepa - Baby Shop - joguinho infantil em português
link do jogo\r
Os favoritos jogos educativos para crianças. Hippo Pepa e seus amigos estão jogando numa loja.\r
Hippo Pepa e sua amiga Porquinha serão vendedoras na loja. O Guaxinim, a Girafa e a Gatinha serão seus fregueses. A loja vende uma variedade de produtos: brinquedos, alimentos, frutas, legumes, cavalinhos e até mesmo dinossauros. É como um pequeno supermercado. As crianças vão à caixa quando é o seu turno e pedem o que eles queiram comprar. Mesmo se algo não está no mercado, Hippo Pepa e sua amiga podem oferecer algo diferente. Uma vez que você recebeu os produtos, você tem que pagar! Para pagar use as moedas de 5, 3 e 1. Ajuda a pagar a sua compra. Para fazer isso, combine as diferentes moedas.\r
A loja para crianças é uma grande oportunidade para as crianças a brincar e aprender ao mesmo tempo!\r
Desfrute do novo jogo com Hippo Pepa numa Loja.Ver video "Hippo pepa - Baby Shop - joguinho infantil em português"
Tutorial: Euro Truck Simulator 2 GPS running on iPad and external monitor
My long awaited and much anticipated tutorial for the Euro Truck Simulator 2 GPS running on iPad and external monitor.\r
In this video I will show you two methods of how to run the ETS2 GPS on second monitor, iPad, iPhone or Android device.\r
Software used:\r
Open Broadcaster Software \r
Dxtory \r
iDisplay \r
If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will be glad to help.\r
Background music was written especially for this video by Vishal Thapliyal, the track is entitled Lost in a Groove\r
Here are some links to more of his work.\r
My Racing rig consists of\r
GT Omega Evo race cockpit\r
SimXperience GS-4 motion seat.\r
Fanatec Clubsport Wheel with BMW M3 GT2 & Formula rims\r
DSD Wilwood Professional Grade Sim Racing Pedals\r
DSD CSW dual button boxes\r
DSD hydraulic handbrake\r
DSD Short Shift Pro-Comp Sequential Shifter\r
Fanatec clubsport shifter SQ\r
DYI digital handbrake\r
1 x Buttkicker Advance, 5 x Buttkicker Mini LFE SE and 2 x Aura AST-2B-4 Pro Tile Transducer with Simvibe\r
3 x Kool Sound LX-2450 2 x 450 Watt RMS Amplifiers\r
Buttkicker BKA300-4 1 x 300 Watt RMS Amplifier\r
Logitech 5.1 Z906 speakers\r
TrackIR Pro 5\r
Siminstruments Dash\r
Symprojects Pro-gauge and Rev Burner running 8 Autogauge gauges\r
2 x Symprojects SimScreens mounted in a custom SimRacingHardware stand\r
My PC Specs are\r
Intel i7 3770k 3.5GHz\r
32GB RAM\r
Nvidia Geforce GTX 680\r
3x Asus 27 monitors running in surround and 1x HP 24 screen for telemetry data\r
512GB SSD + 2x 1TB RAID 1 HDDVer video "Tutorial: Euro Truck Simulator 2 GPS running on iPad and external monitor"
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JustBeenPaid -- JSS-Tripler -- Que es?
Es básicamente un programa de inversión que paga 2% por día = 60% cada mes.
El mínimo para entrar es $10 dólares!!!
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Inversión - Beneficio diario - Beneficio al mes
$10 -- Diario -- 0.20 Centavos -- Al mes - 6 Dólares
$20 -- Diario -- 0.40 Centavos -- Al mes -- 12 Dólares
$30 -- Diario -- 0.60 Centavos -- Al mes -- 18 Dólares
$40 -- Diario -- 0.80 Centavos -- Al mes -- 24 Dólares
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JustBeenPaid -- JSS-Tripler -- Que es?
Es básicamente un programa de inversión que paga 2% por día = 60% cada mes.
El mínimo para entrar es $10 dólares!!!
Ahora te regalan 10$ con la inscripción o sea que la primera posición la puedes comprar gratis y ya estarás generando 0,20$ todos los dias y sin poner un $.
Inversión - Beneficio diario - Beneficio al mes
$10 -- Diario -- 0.20 Centavos -- Al mes - 6 Dólares
$20 -- Diario -- 0.40 Centavos -- Al mes -- 12 Dólares
$30 -- Diario -- 0.60 Centavos -- Al mes -- 18 Dólares
$40 -- Diario -- 0.80 Centavos -- Al mes -- 24 Dólares
$50 -- Diario -- 1.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 30 Dólares
$100 -- Diario -- 2.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 60 Dólares
$200 -- Diario -- 4.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 120 Dólares
$300 -- Diario -- 6.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 180 Dólares
$400 -- Diario -- 8.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 240 Dólares y sucesivamente.Ver video "MILLONARIO EN 20 MINUTOS gana dinero en internet gratis con justbeenpaid"
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JustBeenPaid -- JSS-Tripler -- Que es?
Es básicamente un programa de inversión que paga 2% por día = 60% cada mes.
El mínimo para entrar es $10 dólares!!!
Ahora te regalan 10$ con la inscripción o sea que la primera posición la puedes comprar gratis y ya estarás generando 0,20$ todos los dias y sin poner un $.
Inversión - Beneficio diario - Beneficio al mes
$10 -- Diario -- 0.20 Centavos -- Al mes - 6 Dólares
$20 -- Diario -- 0.40 Centavos -- Al mes -- 12 Dólares
$30 -- Diario -- 0.60 Centavos -- Al mes -- 18 Dólares
$40 -- Diario -- 0.80 Centavos -- Al mes -- 24 Dólares
$50 -- Diario -- 1.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 30 Dólares
$100 -- Diario -- 2.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 60 Dólares
$200 -- Diario -- 4.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 120 Dólares
$300 -- Diario -- 6.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 180 Dólares
$400 -- Diario -- 8.00 Dólar -- Al mes -- 240 Dólares y sucesivamente.Ver video "justbeenpaid gana dinero"
Замена дисплея(матрицы) ноутбука ASUS первый опыт!
Попал в руки ноутбук с разбитой матрицой, цена в таком состоянии едва дотягивает до 400(50$) гривен, замена на новую у ребят(узнавал) стотит около 1200 грн(150$)(Украина, Днепропетровск). В интернете нашел новые матрицы их цена 100$ тоже не то. на Сландо нашел несколько б/у от 300 до 450 грн(40-55$) . Так как все это держалось на чистом интузиазме, и опыта по замене матриц у меня нет, я купил самую дешевую. При получении на Новой Почте её проверил, да, прям на почте)) В общем все получилось, Смотрим.\r
А нерабочую матрицу продал на сландо за 40 грн(5$) телемастер снял подсветку на какойто ЖК телевизор подходит. Безотходное производство!\r
replacement laptop display hand madeVer video "Замена дисплея(матрицы) ноутбука ASUS первый опыт!"
Craft Life Hand Sanitizer Case Tutorial On One Rainbow Loom
Craft Life Hand Sanitizer Case Tutorial on One Rainbow Loom ~ Copyright © new Craft Life. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, rerecorded, remade or redistributed without permission. ~ This tutorial will teach you how to make a hand sanitizer case on one Rainbow Loom. We consider this to be an advanced/expert design. You will need one Rainbow Loom to make this design and about 300 rubber bands. This case fits most hand sanitizers including the Bath & Body Works Hand Sanitizers. If hooking it after 5 rows is too difficult for you or if you dont want the opening in the front of the case, you can always just make a total of 15 rows of rubber bands and close off the top. The bottle will be able to fit into the opening that you made for the cap of the bottle. Jacy was inspired by a basic knitting stitch design to make this case.\r
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(Attention Jacy, Attention Kacy or Attention Jacy and Kacy)\r
Craft Life\r
PO Box 317\r
Deerfield Beach, FL 33443\r
Do you want to check out our other channel for challenges and fun?\r
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A Conquerors Castle: Complete Alliance Quest Map 5 Run | Marvel Contest of Champions
Heres a complete potion- and boost-free run of Alliance Quest Day 5 Map 5 (A Conquerors Castle) using one of my favorite AQ attack teams: Doctor Strange, Ultron, and Thor.\r
Doctor Strange provides reliable healing so I use him for the majority of the fights. Ultrons Poison Immunity is perfect for the Poisonous nodes on the far left path of Stage 2. Last but not least, Thors burst damage is best saved for the bosses. Our Alliance Prestige was at 6238 for this Day.\r
Check out the timeline below to skip to any particular area of the map!\r
4-Star Doctor Strange Rank 4 Level 40 Counterspell Level 80\r
4-Star Ultron Rank 4 Level 40 (Unduped)\r
4-Star Thor Rank 4 Level 40 Ragnarok Level 99\r
Stage 1\r
0:00 Skill Symbioid (7845 PI ,+35% Iso-Infused)\r
1:32 Mystic Deadpooloid (8002 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
3:45 Electro (8192 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
5:29 Skill Symbioid (7845 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
7:20 Spider-Man (7652 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
9:35 1st Miniboss: Cyclops (20040 PI, +35% Iso-Infused, +250% Champion Boost, +200% Health, True Strike, 10s Heal Block, 150% Power Gain)\r
Stage 2\r
11:01 Mystic Deadpooloid (8002 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
12:49 Magneto (9928 PI, 100% Poison, Heal Block, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
14:41 Mystic Deadpooloid (9709 PI, 100% Poison, Heal Block, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
16:39 Cyclops (Blue Team) (10030 PI, 100% Poison, Heal Block, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
18:24 Mystic Deadpooloid (9709 PI, 100% Poison, Heal Block, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
20:26 Storm (7783 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
22:16 2nd Miniboss: Cyclops (23390 PI, +35% Iso-Infused, +250% Champion Boost, +300% Health, True Strike, Heal Block, 10%/1.5s Stun, 200% Power Gain)\r
Stage 3\r
24:02 Mystic Symbioid (7919 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
26:14 Magik (10450 PI, +35% Iso-Infused, +100% Health)\r
29:18 Juggernaut (10620 PI, +35% Iso-Infused, +100% Health)\r
32:38 Doctor Strange (7800 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
34:19 Vision (10660 PI, +35% Iso-Infused, +100% Health)\r
36:50 Cyclops (Blue Team) (15550 PI, +35% Iso-Infused, +45% Armor, +100% Critical Damage, +28% Critical Rate, +200% Attack)\r
38:41 Mystic Deadpooloid (8002 PI, +35% Iso-Infused)\r
40:33 Boss: Kang (36310 PI, +525% Champion Boost, +100% Health, Heal Block, 0.1s Limber)Ver video "A Conquerors Castle: Complete Alliance Quest Map 5 Run | Marvel Contest of Champions"
Lachhein acusa a EEUU de financiar la investigación del COVID 19 en Wuhan
El famoso naturalista Álex N. Lachhein ha escrito “Wuhan. Peste roja y caso abierto” (LibrosLibres), un libro lleno de revelaciones sorprendentes sobre cómo salió el coronavirus de un laboratorio de Wuhan (China) y la implicación de Estados Unidos.
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Para comprarlo en Ecuador, con impresión local y precio reducido:
Para comprarlo en Argentina, con impresión local y precio reducido:
Para comprarlo en Estados Unidos, con impresión local y precio reducido: video "Lachhein acusa a EEUU de financiar la investigación del COVID 19 en Wuhan"
10 Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries
Here are 10 of the most mysterious archaeological discoveries. What a strange world we live in!\r
Subscribe to Talltanic \r
# 6 Stone Spheres of Costa Rica\r
There are over 300 almost perfectly spherical stone balls located on the Diquis Delta and Isla del Cano and are locally known as Las Bolas. They are commonly believed to have been built by the now extinct Diquis Culture and may have been sculptures used to line the pathways to the houses of chiefs, however, this is unconfirmed. These mysterious spheres range in size from just a few centimeters to 2 meters or 6.6 feet in diameter and can weigh up to 15 tons. While many marvel at their perfectly spherical shape now, they have been exposed to erosion for countless years and may have changed from their original shapes.\r
# 5 Gobleki Tepe\r
Gobleki Tepe or Potbelly Hill in Turkish is an archaeological site in Southeastern Anatolia. It includes some of the worlds largest megaliths. Interestingly, they date back to the 10th millennium B.C.E. made by semi-nomadic hunters who were unaware of agriculture. Most people believe that humans settled into permanent settlements, then started agriculture, and then started to build temples but Gobekli Tepe challenges that chronology as farming didnt start in the area until around five centuries after this structure was built.\r
# 4 Yonaguni Monument\r
The Yonaguni Monument is a submerged rock formation off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. The monument has seemingly artificial edges with sharp edges and flat surfaces that seem man-made. The monument seems to be made of twin megaliths because of the right angles on the monument. Those who believe this was a monument made on land and then fell and was submerged into the ocean somewhere between 3,000 years and 10,000 years ago. While the true nature of the Yonaguni Monument is largely debated - some believe it is a naturally occurring rock formation while others strongly believe it is the remnants of a lost ancient civilization.\r
# 3 The Unfinished Egyptian Obelisk\r
The Egyptians left behind plenty of things for us to marvel at but one thing they left behind that you might not know about is the Unfinished Obelisk. It is taller than any known obelisk that has been raised however it seems quarrymen abandoned the structure when the sides of it frured. It weighed over 1150 tons and measures 120 feet in height. It was one of the most amazing discoveries in Egypt. As opposed to the Great Pyramids which only shows us the final product, the Unfinished Obelisk shows a glimpse into how Ancient Egyptians worked and made things. In this case, the Obelisk was being carved out of granite bedrock with balls of Dolerite which is a mineral that is harder than granite.\r
# 2 Pumapunku\r
Pumapunku is a part of a large temple complex near the Tiwanaku Site of Western Bolivia. It is believed to date have been made approximately 1500 years ago. Pumapunku is comprised of elaborate stone structures that once framed a magnificent and quote “unbelievably wonderful” complex. The stone structures are made with what seems to be complex tools and precision that baffles modern historians. High precision holes and divots are cut into the structure in a way that didnt seem possible at the time.\r
# 1 Megalithic Temples of Malta\r
The people of Malta and Gozo in the Mediterranean existed for approximately 1,100 years from 4,000 to 2900 B.C.E. before completely disappearing for no reason. This mysterious culture left behind more than 30 temples in their wake, some of the oldest freestanding stone structures in the world. They seem to have a civilization that focused a lot on life, uality, and death with several phallic symbols, figurines, and figurines of fertile ladies. These temples also had complex underground burial chambers and an abundance of artwork suggesting a thriving society and culture. What could have wiped out such a major civilization so suddenly with nothing left behind remains a mystery although some suggest it was a combination of extreme environmental fors, disease and possibly religious extremists.Ver video "10 Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries"
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En este vídeo realizamos un recopilatorio de los mejores móviles de Samsung de 2022.
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Móviles de gama baja o entrada, media, alta y los plegables. Lo hacemos por precio: 200, 300, 400, 600 euros y los más de 1000 euros. Una completa guía de móviles del fabricante coreano con los que salir de dudas de cuál comprar. ¿No sabes qué móvil de Samsung Galaxy comprar? No te pierdas este vídeo.
Equipo de Rubén
Nikon Z6
Viltrox 24 mm f/1.8
Viltrox 35 mm f/1.8
Viltrox 85 mm f/1.8
Sony CFexpress B 128 GB
️ Comica CVM-VM20
Softbox Neewer 122 cm
Foco Neewer 60 W 5500K
Lenovo Legion 5
realme GT 2 Pro
Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro 0
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En esta era de los smartphones, todos son extremadamente dependía de sus smartphones. Por esta razón tu Android debe tener una herramienta confiable y funcional para Recuperación de datos Android en caso de que pierdes tus datos inesperadamente.MIRA MAS ABAJO , TIENES EL ENLACE DE DESCARGA.
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Hoy el Nissan Ariya en la #esquiva77 ¿qué tal lo hizo? #shorts
Maniobra completa ➡️
En hemos probado el Nissan Ariya Evolve 63 kWh 4x2 con 204 CV (2023) . El Nissan Ariya es un SUV eléctrico de 4,60 metros de longitud que compite con modelos como el Aiways U5, el Kia EV6, el MG Marvel R, el Hyundai IONIQ 5, el Škoda Enyaq o el Volkswagen ID.4 Nos ha dejado buenas sensaciones generales por funcionamiento, uso y consumo. De su conducción destacamos la suavidad con la que rueda, mayor que la de sus competidores. Con una suspensión algo más cómoda sería un coche eléctrico ideal para viajar. Esta versión tiene una autonomía real aproximada por autovía de unos 300 km. Los neumáticos que equipaba eran unos Michelin Primacy 4 en medidas 255/45 R20.
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#ariya #nissanariya #esquiva77Ver video "Hoy el Nissan Ariya en la #esquiva77 ¿qué tal lo hizo? #shorts"
Intro Para El Canal Espero Que Les Guste!!
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Ver video "Intro Para El Canal Espero Que Les Guste!!"
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