Videos relacionados con comprar arboleas community forum


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  • OAD is hosting a community forum in Ottawa

  • Venta de Restaurante En Gandia

    Inmobiliaria Vende Restaurante En Gandia, todo equipado, buen precio, abierto actualmente, buena zona.

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  • Comprar Restaurante En Gandia

    Inmobiliaria Vende Restaurante En Gandia, todo equipado, buen precio, abierto actualmente, buena zona.

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  • Restaurante En Venta En Gandia

    Inmobiliaria Vende Restaurante En Gandia, todo equipado, buen precio, abierto actualmente, buena zona.

    Ver video "Restaurante En Venta En Gandia"

  • fotos (naranjas) curiosas disfruta de las imagenes y mira lo que usted puede hacer con las naranjas

    Ver video "fotos (naranjas) curiosas"

  • comprar (naranjas), (naranjas) de valencia
    naranjas recien cogidas de nuestros campos, zumo de naranjas

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  • comprar (naranjas), (naranjas) de valencia
    naranjas recien cogidas de nuestros campos, zumo de naranjas

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  • Herramientas naranjas
    naranjas, naranjas de valencia herramientas para cortar naranjas

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  • Apple Store Prank - Ownage Pranks

    Register on the website and join the growing community on the forums!
    Subtitle help from:

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  • The Dancing Russ Swift

    The Manila International Auto Show 2008 - Russ Swift. April 3 -- 6, 2008. World Trade Center, Pasay City or is the largest automotive community in the Philippines with 45,000 registered members and growing.

    Ver video "The Dancing Russ Swift"

  • British home secretary warns Brexit can not affect security

    Madrid, Sep 25 (EFE).- British Home Scretary Sajid Javid warned on Tuesday that the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union can not affect security and cooperation that has existed between community partners.
    Speaking at an EFE leaders Forum at the agency’s headquarters in Madrid, Javid said that after Brexit - scheduled for Mar 29 - his country wants "an ambitious security relationship."
    Keywords: efe,spain,united,kingdom,javid

    Ver video "British home secretary warns Brexit can not affect security"

  • Integridad y honestidad en un tecnico informatico para ser profesional

    En un mundo corrompido por la deshonestidad, la gente ya no confía en los técnicos y muchas veces los técnicos no saben cómo actuar ante diferentes situaciones, por eso, si sabes de antemano lo que va a ocurrir, puedes evitar un montón de malas situaciones que sería mejor evitar siempre.

    Comprar curso completo Reparación de Celulares + exámen y anotaciones:

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  • EverQuest Next Landmark Ultimate Beginners Guide

    Stylosa guides you though the first baby steps youll need to take when playing EverQuest Next Landmark for the first time. Hell cover basic crafting, gathering, claims and construction! This is the Ultimate EverQuest Next Landmark Beginners Guide!\r
    ♥ - Join our AWESOME community forums!\r
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    Ver video "EverQuest Next Landmark Ultimate Beginners Guide"

  • Super tutorial como conectar y configurar una Antminer

    No sabes como empezar? Acá te explico paso a paso en este super tutorial como instalar y configurar tu Antminer para que puedas empezar a generar dinero desde tu casa y con ningun esfuerzo. Lo unico que tenes que hacer es comprar el servidor Antminer y conectarlo a internet. Con una coneccion de un mega es mas que suficiente para poder empezar a trabajar.
    Acá te dejo el link si queres comprar una.

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  • The Cultural Development Online In The Best Social Magazine

    "USARiseUp The best online magazine about race … has the mission to provide a forum where everyone can engage in an ongoing conversation about ethnicity issues and ethnic customs.
    Ethnic groups have an ongoing opportunity to learn more about each other… showing their cultural identity and cultural values in the biggest online multi ethnic community USARiseUp …The cultural diversity is so big…but at USARiseUp you will find a bridge for the cultural and racial integration. Join us at

    Ver video "The Cultural Development Online In The Best Social Magazine"

  • Dr. Dan Stock en MVCSC School Board Meeting

    En un encuentro de la Vernon Community School Corporation, en Fortville - Indiana, el Dr. Dan Stock hizo esta intervención el 6-8-21.

    Hace análisis crítico de la gestión epidemiológica del SC2, y explica, entre otras cosas, la inutilidad de estas vacunas y su contraefecto por la "Mejora dependiente de anticuerpos" (ADE).

    El video (6'30 minutos) está subtitulado en inglés y español, mediante traducción robótica; algunas palabras no se ajustan óptimamente. Puede ser recomendable reducir la velocidad de reproducción, a aprox. el 55% de la velocidad normal.

    Ver video "Dr. Dan Stock en MVCSC School Board Meeting"

  • Opening Third Eye Too Fast - Seeing Spirits, Demons, & Ghosts

    Pros & Cons of Opening Third Eye: \r
    Reprogram The Matrix Private Community\r
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    Submit Your Questions here: \r
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    Get Access to our Community Private Forum and communicate with like minded people.\r
    If you found this video helpful you can donate at \r
    or you can make Bitcoin Donations to this address 1JiiPPT6hAFTeGxdWrXrV4PHZtTeUWnocj \r
    All content provided on this Youtube Channel is for informational/entertainment purposes only. The owner of this channel makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.

    Ver video "Opening Third Eye Too Fast - Seeing Spirits, Demons, & Ghosts"

  • curso tecnico de PC - Adaptabilidad y versatilidad

    Como evitar la mediocridad del técnico siendo versátil y capas de adaptarse a cualquier medio ambiente, es fundamental estas características en un técnico para que alcance la excelencia en su carrera. Osea la tuya!

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  • whatsapp en tu pc rápido y sencillo

    Instalacion de whatsapp en tu pc windows 7,8 10

    Si deseas ingresar al grupo envía un mensaje a estos numeros dependiendo de tu pais +505 7799 0800 +5215559527532 o +54 9 11 5419-6973 +57 321 7353962 solo Técnicos por favor otras personas abstenerse ya que es previa entrevista Gracias

    Clan crackers un foro de intercambio de información relacionada con lo ultimo en tecnología y desarrollo de nuevas plataformas basadas en Telefonía Celular para los nuevos integrantes este es nuestro foro y pueden hacer sus aportes y benificiarse de los aportes ya hechos por los colegas un foro completo con más de 2443 soluciones testeadas y probadas ,una ZONA DE VENTAS muy completa para los técnicos con soporte whatsapp y el único portal libre de publicidad molesta Si deseas contribuir con el proyecto puedes comprar el Vip por 10 Usd con ello tendrás acceso a la zona vip del foro y también formar parte del grupo Vip whatsapp creciendo cada dia mas y mejor Tenemos 13483 miembros registrados.

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  • Como quitar las cuentas de google Frp 2016 - compilacion de Herramientas - YouTube

    Aprende a usar gsm alladin , explicasion ,funcionamiento y utilidades para esto tendremos que tener instalado los drivers mediatek

    si tienen problema con la publicidad al momento que sale el boton saltar publicidad le pueden dar clik dos veces rapido o tambien Clik derecho abrir en una nueva pestaña

    gsm aladdin :

    Si deseas ingresar al grupo envía un mensaje a estos numeros dependiendo de tu pais +505 7799 0800 +5215559527532 o +54 9 11 5419-6973 +57 321 7353962 solo Técnicos por favor otras personas abstenerse ya que es previa entrevista Gracias

    Clan crackers un foro de intercambio de información relacionada con lo ultimo en tecnología y desarrollo de nuevas plataformas basadas en Telefonía Celular para los nuevos integrantes este es nuestro foro y pueden hacer sus aportes y benificiarse de los aportes ya hechos por los colegas un foro completo con más de 3343 soluciones testeadas y probadas ,una ZONA DE VENTAS muy completa para los técnicos con soporte whatsapp y el único portal libre de publicidad molesta Si deseas contribuir con el proyecto puedes comprar el Vip por 10 Usd con ello tendrás acceso a la zona vip del foro y también formar parte del grupo Vip whatsapp creciendo cada dia mas y mejor Tenemos 14483 miembros registrados.

    Ver video "Como quitar las cuentas de google Frp 2016 - compilacion de Herramientas - YouTube"

  • Quitar el patron de android sin root ni depuracion usb habilitada sin perder datos

    Como saber el patron de un celular android con una herramienta llamada gsm aladdin de forma facil y rapida sin rootear sin depuracion usb habilitada y sin perder datos

    Si tienen problema con la publicidad al momento que sale el botón saltar publicidad le pueden dar clic dos veces rápido o también Clik derecho abrir en una nueva pestaña



    Si deseas ingresar al grupo envía un mensaje a estos numeros dependiendo de tu pais +505 7799 0800 +5215559527532 o +54 9 11 5419-6973 +57 321 7353962 solo Técnicos por favor otras personas abstenerse ya que es previa entrevista Gracias

    Clan crackers un foro de intercambio de información relacionada con lo ultimo en tecnología y desarrollo de nuevas plataformas basadas en Telefonía Celular para los nuevos integrantes este es nuestro foro y pueden hacer sus aportes y benificiarse de los aportes ya hechos por los colegas un foro completo con más de 1443 soluciones testeadas y probadas ,una ZONA DE VENTAS muy completa para los técnicos con soporte whatsapp y el único portal libre de publicidad molesta Si deseas contribuir con el proyecto puedes comprar el Vip por 10 Usd con ello tendrás acceso a la zona vip del foro y también formar parte del grupo Vip whatsapp creciendo cada dia mas y mejor Tenemos 6483 miembros registrados.

    Ver video "Quitar el patron de android sin root ni depuracion usb habilitada sin perder datos"

  • Como detectar y eliminar virus_malwares de mi PC con SpyHunter Portable

    Una exelente aplicasion para elminar algunos virus y esos molestos programas y aplicasiones q se adueñan de nuestro navegador es ideal para personas q trabajan sin antivirus o que simplemente sus antivirus nos les pueden resolver el problema SEGURO ESTE ES UNO DE LOS MEJORES PROGRAMAS DEL MERCADO PARA TRATAR MALWARE



    Si deseas ingresar al grupo envía un mensaje a estos numeros dependiendo de tu pais +505 7799 0800 o +57 321 7353962 +54 9 11 5419-6973 +58 416-7183738​⁠​ solo Técnicos por favor otras personas abstenerse ya que es previa entrevista Gracias

    Clan crackers un foro de intercambio de información relacionada con lo ultimo en tecnología y desarrollo de nuevas plataformas basadas en Telefonía Celular para los nuevos integrantes este es nuestro foro y pueden hacer sus aportes y benificiarse de los aportes ya hechos por los colegas un foro completo , Nuestros miembros han publicado un total 1660 soluciones testeadas y probadas ,una ZONA DE VENTAS muy completa para los técnicos con soporte whatsapp y el único portal libre de publicidad molesta Si deseas contribuir con el proyecto puedes comprar el Vip por 10 Usd con ello tendrás acceso a la zona vip del foro y también formar parte del grupo Vip whatsapp creciendo cada dia mas y mejor Tenemos 9483 miembros registrados.

    Ver video "Como detectar y eliminar virus_malwares de mi PC con SpyHunter Portable"


    Banzaan Night Market is located in Patong Phuket Thailand only a short distsnce from the world famous Bangla Road Patong Phuket. It is only a few minutes walk from the end of Soi Sansabai. You can find a large variety of Thai food at this market. For location details please watch the video.\r
    Banzaan Night Market is open everyday. The busiest times are between 6PM and 9PM.\r
    If you have any question regarding this night market in Thailand, or any other question about Phuket Thailand then ask in the comments below. For more Thailand & Asia travel videos please visit my channel.\r
    Thanks for watching, give this video a huge thumbs up, click that SUBSCRIBE button and dont forget to tell your friends about Dead Farang on Youtube. And Remember...Bar Girls Cant Eat Love. This has been another Dead Farang Production.\r
    Please SUBSCRIBE for my new videos.\r
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    Episode 6 - Where to find Russian girls in Pattaya\r
    Episode 11- How Thai Bar Girls Cheat to Win Ladydrinks\r
    Episode 12a - Sexy Thai Girl Dance Competition at Lucifer Disko Walking Street Pattaya Thailand Part 1\r
    Episode 12b - Sexy Thai Girl Dance Competition at Lucifer Disko Walking Street Pattaya Thailand Part 2\r
    NOTE: Any comments attacking/defaming other youtubers will be deleted. If you have a problem with someone, cont them directly through private message. This channel is not a forum to personally attack, intimidate, provoke or make snide remarks about other youtubers in our community. Thanks for your understanding. Regards DF


  • ‘Mi hogar mi destino’, capítulo 24 - MEHDI SE SINCERA CON ZEYNEP

    ‘Mi hogar mi destino’, capítulo 24 - MEHDI SE SINCERA CON ZEYNEP
    ////////// THANK FOR WATCHING MY VIDEO ////////
    Me di después de lo sucedido recientemente en mi hogar mi destino ha sorprendido con esta declaración a z y pnv y mi hogar mi destino se ha convertido sin lugar a dudas en una de las ficciones turcas que más está dando que hablar en los últimos tiempos siendo honestos no es para menos es evidente que han conseguido dejarnos sin palabras en diversas situaciones y todo va a más porque las tramas continúan sorprendiendo nos hace poco tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar del capítulo 23 de emi hogar mi destino fuimos partícipes por tanto de como mehdi terminaba por descubrir algo verdaderamente impactante estamos hablando como no del hecho de descubrir el gran secreto de nada más y nada menos que creer el padre de thin net por su parte no duda un solo segundo en intentar comprar su silencio no le importan las consecuencias solo quiere que no diga la verdad y mucho menos a su hija por si fuera poco el mecánico tiene una conversación de lo más interesante con su hermana por lo que se abrirá de par en par después de todo lo que hemos podido disfrutar recientemente por fin tuvimos la oportunidad de ver qué ocurría en el capítulo 24 de enviar mi destino en esta ocasión me devolvió a convertirse en el claro protagonista pero en esta ocasión no tenía nada que ver ni con su hermana ni con créeme en este caso tenía que ver con nada más y nada menos que cine y es que el mecánico después de todo lo que ha vivido recientemente tiene claro que no está dispuesto a ocultar más sus sentimientos por ese mismo motivo mehdi decide abrir su corazón a la abogada para afianzar su relación de una vez por todas cómo reaccionará la familia de ambos no te pierdas los próximos capítulos de mi hogar mi destino

    Ver video "‘Mi hogar mi destino’, capítulo 24 - MEHDI SE SINCERA CON ZEYNEP"

  • Colon Hydrotherapy in Thailand - In the Doot!

    In thisi experience Colon Hydrotherapy in Thailand. I am at Rasayana Retreat which is on North Pattaya Road, in Pattaya Thailand. It is only a few meters from the well known Muay Thai training camp Fairtex Pattaya.\r
    I decided to try Colon Hydrotherapy, which is also known as Colonic Irrigation and/or Colon Cleansing on a spur of the moment after reading some potential benefits. I have a family history of Bowel Cancer and my Dad is always reminding me that i need to have a Colonoscopy ASAP but definately no later than age 40. My younger brother recently has a colonoscopy and the doctors found 11 polyps whih were burnt off. I used this a test run or warmp up to the much bigger Colonoscopy i must have in the near future.\r
    The Colon Hydrotherapy cost 3100 Thai Baht, which included a 20 minute castor oil massage into my stomach and abdomen. I did not look around for the best price, or compare prices to Australia before i went with the treatment. It was purely a spur of the moment thing. Thailand has become a place well known for medical procedures and health retreats offering colon hydrotherapy are becoming increasingly popular in Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket and Ko Samui.\r
    Although there is no scientific evidence that Colon Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation or Colon Cleansing has any benifit i can honestly say from my experience i did feel cleaner and lighter having had the treatment. I also felt a greater sense of health well being. Overall i would say i did recieve some benefit from it.\r
    Thanks for watching, give this video a huge thumbs up, click that SUBSCRIBE button and dont forget to tell your friends about Dead Farang on Youtube. And Remember...Bar Girls Cant Eat Love. This has been another Dead Farang Production.\r
    Please SUBSCRIBE for my new videos.\r
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    NOTE: Any comments attacking/defaming other youtubers will be deleted. If you have a problem with someone, cont them directly through private message. This channel is not a forum to personally attack, intimidate, provoke or make snide remarks about other youtubers in our community. Thanks for your understanding. Regards DF

    Ver video "Colon Hydrotherapy in Thailand - In the Doot!"

  • Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert

    * I am no longer ive on this account- please subscribe to my new account for over a dozen (and growing) HD underwater videos! *\r
    Hannah Fraiser and Linden Wolbert as Real-Life Mermaids on ABCs 20/20 as part of its Superhumans special. \r
    Are they real mermaids?\r
    They are real people, and they are people who perform in wearable swimmable mermaid tails. They are not born mermaids. In the clip they show you the tails off of them and tell you they are separate tails that are worn to swim in. Any fake comments will be deleted.\r
    Where can I get a tail?\r
    Go to for a full list of professional tail makers. MerNetwork also have sections for discussing commercial tails, tail makers, and tailmaker reviews in the forum. I will tell you that no matter what tail maker you would like to buy from, research them and their products and look at reviews not endorsed or posted by the company FIRST. Also research the materials that they use before buying. A good place for mermaid tailmaker reviews and information on materials is\r
    Can you teach me to make a tail?\r
    No, but I can tell you where to find all the information you will need to make one. MerNetwork also has the most comprehensive information on the net on making every kind of tail there is. So if youre a crafty person you have the informatin to make what ever kind of tail you want, all at your fingertips! Start at this page and check out all of the links, especially the ones at the top (Guide to materials and supplies, FAQ, Tailmaking Reference Index, Tailmaking section of the forum). You HAVE to read through the information if you want to learn how. Asking how to make one will be replied with with links to where you can read it for yourself as those questions have been answered dozens of times previously. If you look there is information on how to make every type of tail there is. \r
    Where did Hannah get her tail?\r
    Hannah hand makes every one of her tails herself. Thus far all of her tails are neoprene with a fiberglass monofin in the bottom. Her blue tail is painted with screen printing ink, and her sequin tails are hand sewn cartwright sequins (thousands and thousands- it takes over 6 months to make this kind of tail by hand), the fringe she uses is cut clear vinyl shelf liner. To make a tail like this yourself would cost you $500 and up.\r
    Where did Linden get her tail?\r
    Her tail was made by a professional Special Effects Artist out of molded platinum silicone. The SFX person who made this does not make tails for others. For a tail of this caliber the pricing falls $3,000-$10,000.\r
    Can you give me a tail? Can a tailmaker give me a tail?\r
    No, and it is impolite to ask that of anyone. You have to work hard and save up for a tail. In high school I worked an entire summer and dedicated all of my savings from my work to buy my first tail. I saved over 3 years for my MerBella Studios tail ($3500). Work hard and save responsibility and you too can have enough to buy a beautiful tail :) If you watch the mermaid community closely there are raffles for tails every once in a while, which gives you a -chance- to get a tail for a lower price.\r
    Can you or a tailmaker give me a tail for a lower price? \r
    Sometimes tailmakers have sales or promotions where they are sold for lower. Otherwise is is impolite to ask for a lower price, as tailmakers put a lot of time, effort, and expense into developing their tailmaking technique. They have many many more expenses than just the cost of the materials. Start up costs and overhead costs are often paid for out of their own pockets and can be thousands and thousands of dollars out of their own savings. There is a reason why the tails are as much as they are, so be respectful and do not ask for a discount. \r
    Many ask for a silicone tail below $400. Just the cost of materials far exceeds that, so no. If you really truely want that kind of tail, be patient, work hard, and save responsibly for it. \r
    Im a kid or a teenager. Can I buy a tail?\r
    You have to have someone who is 18 years or older order it for you. Some parents will buy tails for birthdays, Christmas, ect bot not all will of course. You can work hard and save (baby sitting, chores, odd jobs, ual jobs, saving allowances, saving birthday/christmas/ect money) to buy your own tail. I highly advise against buying anything but a fabric tail if you are not fully grown (at least 17-23 years old) becuase you will grow out of it. Some kids and teens have grown out of tails in a matter of months. Fabric tails are cheap and stretch more and thus can be used for longer and replaced for cheaper once theyre grown out of. Wait until you are fully grown before you invest in a nice tail (neoprene, latex, silicone ec

    Ver video "Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert"

  • Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert

    * I am no longer ive on this account- please subscribe to my new account for over a dozen (and growing) HD underwater videos! *\r
    Hannah Fraiser and Linden Wolbert as Real-Life Mermaids on ABCs 20/20 as part of its Superhumans special. \r
    Are they real mermaids?\r
    They are real people, and they are people who perform in wearable swimmable mermaid tails. They are not born mermaids. In the clip they show you the tails off of them and tell you they are separate tails that are worn to swim in. Any fake comments will be deleted.\r
    Where can I get a tail?\r
    Go to for a full list of professional tail makers. MerNetwork also have sections for discussing commercial tails, tail makers, and tailmaker reviews in the forum. I will tell you that no matter what tail maker you would like to buy from, research them and their products and look at reviews not endorsed or posted by the company FIRST. Also research the materials that they use before buying. A good place for mermaid tailmaker reviews and information on materials is\r
    Can you teach me to make a tail?\r
    No, but I can tell you where to find all the information you will need to make one. MerNetwork also has the most comprehensive information on the net on making every kind of tail there is. So if youre a crafty person you have the informatin to make what ever kind of tail you want, all at your fingertips! Start at this page and check out all of the links, especially the ones at the top (Guide to materials and supplies, FAQ, Tailmaking Reference Index, Tailmaking section of the forum). You HAVE to read through the information if you want to learn how. Asking how to make one will be replied with with links to where you can read it for yourself as those questions have been answered dozens of times previously. If you look there is information on how to make every type of tail there is. \r
    Where did Hannah get her tail?\r
    Hannah hand makes every one of her tails herself. Thus far all of her tails are neoprene with a fiberglass monofin in the bottom. Her blue tail is painted with screen printing ink, and her sequin tails are hand sewn cartwright sequins (thousands and thousands- it takes over 6 months to make this kind of tail by hand), the fringe she uses is cut clear vinyl shelf liner. To make a tail like this yourself would cost you $500 and up.\r
    Where did Linden get her tail?\r
    Her tail was made by a professional Special Effects Artist out of molded platinum silicone. The SFX person who made this does not make tails for others. For a tail of this caliber the pricing falls $3,000-$10,000.\r
    Can you give me a tail? Can a tailmaker give me a tail?\r
    No, and it is impolite to ask that of anyone. You have to work hard and save up for a tail. In high school I worked an entire summer and dedicated all of my savings from my work to buy my first tail. I saved over 3 years for my MerBella Studios tail ($3500). Work hard and save responsibility and you too can have enough to buy a beautiful tail :) If you watch the mermaid community closely there are raffles for tails every once in a while, which gives you a -chance- to get a tail for a lower price.\r
    Can you or a tailmaker give me a tail for a lower price? \r
    Sometimes tailmakers have sales or promotions where they are sold for lower. Otherwise is is impolite to ask for a lower price, as tailmakers put a lot of time, effort, and expense into developing their tailmaking technique. They have many many more expenses than just the cost of the materials. Start up costs and overhead costs are often paid for out of their own pockets and can be thousands and thousands of dollars out of their own savings. There is a reason why the tails are as much as they are, so be respectful and do not ask for a discount. \r
    Many ask for a silicone tail below $400. Just the cost of materials far exceeds that, so no. If you really truely want that kind of tail, be patient, work hard, and save responsibly for it. \r
    Im a kid or a teenager. Can I buy a tail?\r
    You have to have someone who is 18 years or older order it for you. Some parents will buy tails for birthdays, Christmas, ect bot not all will of course. You can work hard and save (baby sitting, chores, odd jobs, ual jobs, saving allowances, saving birthday/christmas/ect money) to buy your own tail. I highly advise against buying anything but a fabric tail if you are not fully grown (at least 17-23 years old) becuase you will grow out of it. Some kids and teens have grown out of tails in a matter of months. Fabric tails are cheap and stretch more and thus can be used for longer and replaced for cheaper once theyre grown out of. Wait until you are fully grown before you invest in a nice tail (neoprene, latex, silicone ec

    Ver video "Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert"

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