Videos relacionados con comprar betta fish tank


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  • Little Boy Fishing Betta Fish Amazing Boy Catch Betta fish

  • Net fishing betta How to net Betta fish in Cambodia

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  • How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

    How to start Female Betta fish sorority or community tank. Everyone has different ways and views. Im sharing how I did it and what worked for me. Recommended minimum tank size would be 20 gallon long with a heater and filter. Be sure to cycle the tank before adding your fish. The tank needs to be heavily planted with places to hide. Choose your female bettas carefully. Adding a group of at least 5 females is preferable. Be sure to acclimate them before adding them into the tank. I had given my females fresh clean water. I did not add the store water to my tank. If your water is store water do not add this to your tank. Once theyre in the tank watch them closely for several days. Aggression can sometimes not show for several hours to several days. I did not have any issues with aggression. My girls all get along very well. \r
    Do lots of research before starting a Betta sorority.\r
    ** Female Bettas do not always get along, there are never any guarantees with Betta fish. If you choose to put females together you need to be sure you have the resources and the space to separate them if necessary.\r
    Amazon affiliate link.\r
    TANK SET UP.\r
    Aqueon internal filter \r
    Fluval Stratum. \r
    Flourish root tabs. \r
    Lets connect!\r
    Instagram \r
    Website \r
    * Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way. The links above are affiliate links.

    Ver video "How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank"

  • Trailer Fish Tank

    Ver video "Trailer Fish Tank"

  • Fish Tank Tráiler

    Ver video "Fish Tank Tráiler"

  • Fish Tank Tráiler

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  • How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

    Today, I show you how I clean my 3 Gallon Tetra half moon aquarium that my female (longfin veiltail) betta Journey lives in. Although this video is geared towards this aquarium, the steps I do for this tank are the ex same steps I use to clean my other aquariums.\r
    I did not scrub down the sides of my aquarium because there was no algae buildup. If your tank has algae buildup, run a sponge or damp cloth on the sides of your aquarium to remove it.\r
    Do you clean your tank a different way? Let me know down below.\r
    This was a requested video. Leave any requests you may have in the comments below!\r
    Music by

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  • Fish Tank - Trailer Español

    Fish Tank - Trailer Español

    Ver video "Fish Tank - Trailer Español"

  • 'Fish Tank' - Tráiler oficial subtitulado

    Ver video "'Fish Tank' - Tráiler oficial subtitulado"

  • Fish Tank - tráiler en español

    Ver video "Fish Tank - tráiler en español"

  • Fish Tank (2009) Watch HD - Part 01

    Fish Tank (2009) Watch HD - Part 01 Stream English

    Ver video "Fish Tank (2009) Watch HD - Part 01"

  • My nano tank- clown fish hosting a soft coral

    Click The Link Below For Honest Up to date Reviews Of Budget Webhosts

    My nano tank- clown fish hosting a soft coral


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  • Painting a Betta Fish in a Bikini: Poolside Palette: ASMR Painting and Chit-Chat

    Ver video "Painting a Betta Fish in a Bikini: Poolside Palette: ASMR Painting and Chit-Chat"

  • Gordon Reacts to Finding DEAD LOBSTER in the Fish Tank

    Kitchen Nightmares

    Ver video "Gordon Reacts to Finding DEAD LOBSTER in the Fish Tank"

  • Little Girl says The Ghost did it to the fish tank

    So what do you tell your mother when she finds out your wrote on the fish tank. The Ghost did it. Here this little girls hilarious explanation on what happened to the fish tank.

    Ver video "Little Girl says The Ghost did it to the fish tank"

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    Ver video "Bettafish"

  • The Last 3 Lines - "Fish Tank" versión en acústico en Paris

    Video de la visita de The Last 3 Lines el 21 noviembre de 2009. Antes de la actuación en la sala L'international, grabaron unos temas en acústico. En la pieza podemos ver al grupo barcelonés interpretando "Fish Tank".

    Ver video "The Last 3 Lines - "Fish Tank" versión en acústico en Paris"

  • Acuarios Ornamentales
    El Video Muestra Nuestro Concepto En Acuarios Ornamentales

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  • The Last 3 Lines - You're Right

    El primer videoclip que se hizo de The Last 3 Lines... Extraido de "You are a deep forest" (Sinlovers /Aloud, 2008).

    Ver video "The Last 3 Lines - You're Right"

  • DIY trickle filter

    I made a trickle filter for my 40 gal breeder, I made this video to show you guys how it works and how easy it is to make one.

    Ver video "DIY trickle filter"

  • Acuarios Ornamentales Una Muestra de Nuestro concepto en acuarios . Cotactanos a :

    Ver video "Acuarios Ornamentales"

  • Videos for Cats to Watch - FISH video for Cats

    Videos for cats to watch generally get feline attention for a workout by watching birds or fishes. But, could cats genuinely watch videos on screen?\r
    ♫ MOUSE video for cats to watch: \r
    ♫ BIRD video for cats to watch: \r
    ♫ BUTTERFLY video for cats: \r
    ♫ BEE video for cats to watch: \r
    Your cats can keep an eye it many times and over and over, and theyre not fed up. Your cats are unlike us, watching videos for cats and not to be able to keep an eye it two times because we know the stopping. The cats dont perform that way.\r
    Most of the videos for dogs to watch are on training your dog. Nonetheless the videos for cats to watch are for the pet cats to keep an eye on and so enjoy.\r
    Videos for cats is a great idea to relax with your cats, Instead of videos for cats, a tiny flashlight in a dimmed room or space may give a cat several hours of amusement whilst it chases with jumps, seeking the point of light.

    Ver video "Videos for Cats to Watch - FISH video for Cats"

  • Impresora Epson L4150 en Hamsa Informática

    Buenas amigos, en este video les mostramos esta excelente impresora multifunción wifi con sistema continuo que van a poder comprar en nuestro local!

    Además contamos la novedad de que en breve se viene el sorteo del Chromecast V2 en el canal! Si les gusta la idea dejennos en los comentarios...

    Si te gusto, no dudes en compartir y darle like...y si queres más... suscribite a nuestro canal que se vienen nuevos videoS!!!

    Ver video "Impresora Epson L4150 en Hamsa Informática"

  • Battle Cats intro: Basic Cats

    OMG! Boy did this video take forever... Before I stop Battle Cats, I will make a battle cats intro of all the special cats as well. Hope this video was helpful My instagram:

    Ver video "Battle Cats intro: Basic Cats"

  • Mis preciosas mascotas !

    Aquí les muestro todas la mascotas que tenemos en casa, sólo faltaron un par de betas porque estabamos limpiandoles sus casas ;) pero luego se los presento, por ahora estan los mas importantes.

    3 perritos de razas basset hound, cocker spaniel y un mix de los dos (osea el hijo). Una pescera de 55 galones de agua fresca con variedad de goldfish y una opaline, otra de 16 galones con goldfish tambien. Una pescera de 25 galones de agua salada con peces payaso, una anemona y blenny. Y no podian faltar mis periquitos.

    Ver video "Mis preciosas mascotas !"

  • El pescador Pescado por El Pez que ha pescado increible!!


    Ver video "El pescador Pescado por El Pez que ha pescado increible!!"

  • TOYS SONGS . The last 3 lines - "Fish tank" es el tema que The Last 3 Lines interpretan en nuestro garaje de Toy Songs. 

    Ver video "TOYS SONGS . The last 3 lines"

  • Indian Almond (Catappa) Leaves in an Aquarium - Shrimp Saturday

    Hey Shrimp Keepers, \r
    Its shrimp Saturday which means another information packed video dedicated to freshwater shrimp breeding in aquariums. Todays topic is Indian Almond Leaves, also known as Catappa Leaves. Im running a special on the Imdian Almond Leaves this week. \r
    Get three (3) free for every 10 purchased: \r
    Also, check out some of the other specials Im still running: \r
    I talked briefly in the video about Jeremys fish room. I wanted to give that link for anyone thats interested: \r
    So, onto Indian Almond Leaves in the aquarium, mainly in freshwater shrimp tanks. I want to go over some quick points and cover them all in the video: origins of Indian almond leaves, their benefits and uses in the aquarium, how many to use for freshwater shrimp and how long the Indian Almond Leaves last. \r
    First off, Indians Almond Leaves originated in South East Asia. They were originally used by betta breeders to condition them to spawn. They also used them in their hospital tanks to get the fish back to health. \r
    Now, what are Indian Almond Leaves used for. The uses are listed in order of importance in my opinion. \r
    The first most important use for Indian Almond Leaves in the aquarium is for trace minerals and other beneficial compounds. In nature, shrimp originate from slow moving river in forests. It is safe to say that leaves do fall into the the river and will decay over time. These leaves release tons of minerals and compounds into the river. In an aquarium, we use over filtered drinking water. Many trace elements are missing that shrimp need to thrive. By adding Indian Almond Leaves to the aquarium, the shrimp start to receive these necessary mineral and it opens the door to really allow them to thrive. \r
    The second most important use for Indian Almond Leaves is for a natural food source for shrimp. Infusoria (micro-organisms) breakdown the leaf in the aquarium. This process usually takes a month to accomplish. The infusoria are a natural food source for shrimp and shrimplets (baby shrimp). Therefore, Indian Almond Leaves are essential to creating a stable environment for freshwater shrimp to breed. \r
    Indian Almond Leaves are pumped full of anti-fungal properties to prevent die off in nature. These properties and compounds are believe to be released into the water column of an aquarium as the leaf breaks down. With that being said, many hobbyists (like myself) believe that Indian Almond Leaves help fight off berial and fungal infections in shrimp. \r
    These three reason above are enough reason to begin using Indian Almond Leaves in your aquarium for freshwater shrimp. The leaves provide trace minerals and compound, a natural food source and provide anti-fungal an anti-berial properties to an aquarium. Although, this is not all they do: \r
    Indian Almond leaves will also help to lower the ph of an aquarium. How much they lower ph depends on the level of kh (carbonate hardness) in the aquarium. The higher the kh, the harder it will be to lower the ph meaning itll take more leaves. \r
    The only downfall to Indian Almond leaves is that they do change the color of the water to a tea color. Hobbyists that like clear water will not like this. Also, some find the leaves sore on the eye and do not prefer to use them for this reason. \r
    The dosage of Indian Almond Leaves for shrimp tanks is simple, one leaf (6 to 8 in) per 20 gallons of water. Add a new leaf as one begins to decay. This will usually occur after 2-4 weeks. For larger tanks with higher loads of shrimp, add more leaves as necessary. \r
    I hope you enjoyed this video on Indian Almond Leaves. If you are interested in buying these leaves, feel free to check out my website: \r
    If you liked this video, check out y other Shrimp Saturday videos: \r
    Subscribe for more freshwater shrimp videos: \r

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  • Grow at home

    In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically .
    Starting your own business or grow at home may be a daunting task as most of the activities require special skills and tones of money to invest. While one may acquire the necessary skills, the money is not an easy to solve issue for grow at home. However, there is one business which requires minimum investment and which pays off in less than a year. It is called aquaponics or aquaponic farming and can change your life for good.
    Click here
    Aquaponics is the easiest way for grow at home through which you can have tasty, fresh and healthy vegetables on your table each and every day. There is no need to be afraid to start such a new activity as this is one of the best steps you can take for you and your family!
    Aquaponics is a system which involves growing fish in normal tanks and using their water, filled with bio-nutrients in a system similar with that promoted by hydroponics. The best thing about aquaponics is that you will not have to take care of the plants, as the fish will offer them enough food to grow and develop properly. You will just have to take care of your fish, which will also take less time as you will only have to monitor the water and feed them. There is no need to change or clean the water as this is something which your plants will do for grow at home.
    Click here
    Best regard.

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  • Algunas de las mejores alternativas a Flappy Bird

    Desde que el creador de Flappy Bird se vió obligado a retirar su exitoso y tonto juego, son muchos los clones que han inundado el mercado. Vamos a ver algunas de ellas. Por ejemplo, aquí tenemos a City Bird. La mecánica sigue siendo la misma, un pájaro que debe atravesar edificios sin chocar y al que debes darle impulso suficiente para evitar su caída. El pájaro va recogiendo semillas que suman puntos. El objetivo, claro, es sumar el máximo número de puntos posibles. El nivel, bastante parecido a Flappy Bird. Splashy Fish sigue el mismo concepto que el resto, pero en vez de un pájaro en este el protagonista es un pez. Un pez volador que atraviesa columnas. A cada columna sumas un punto más y el nivel de dificultad, en este, es asumible. Otro clon de Flappy Birds. Fly Birdie es una de las peores imitaciones del juego. El pájaro tiene vidas y puedes comprar más. 3 vidas por 99 céntimos. Un buen negocio. La calidad a todos los niveles es bastante baja. La tipografía y los colores usados no son un acierto, pero lo peor es la animación de este pájaro que parece más muerto que vivo. Con Smarcle Flyer tengo un problema. No sé qué tipo de animal es. Vuela pero se impulsa cuatro patas… a parte de eso, el movimiento está bien conseguido, el juego es bastante fácil, quizás demasiado, y en el resto, poca novedad. Lástima de música, muy pesada. El protagonista de Bouncy Boo es un fantasma. Redondo, pesado y con una expresión bastante graciosa. El fondo de la aplicación está bien conseguido y la dificultad, media. Los efectos de sonido están bien y cuenta con una tabla de puntuación. Y acabamos con Iron Pants. Este es uno de mis favoritos. Básicamente, es imposible jugarlo. Pero me encanta la idea de un superhéroe con pantalones de hierro que intenta volar y cae como un peso muerto. Muy heroico. Ahora, y si os han convencido, k,descargaros alguna de estas aplicaciones antes de que sus desarrolladores decidan retirarlos.

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  • Octonauts Gup F & Barnacles Heat Proof Suit Video by Hitzh Toys

    Octonauts Gup F & Barnacles Heat Proof Suit Video by Hitzh Toys\r
    Includes Gup-F frame with rolling wheels and 25 interchangeable accessory pieces that plug in easily so you can build your very own customized Gup-F! Accessory pieces include 2 legs, siren, 2 fins, top fin, tail fin, propeller that spins, 2 claws, 4 eyes, mouth, camera, rescue net, tank treads with rolling wheels, 2 fying fish wings, whale tail, anchor that pivots, smokestack, antenna, and seaweed moustache. Also comes with a blueprint showing some Gup-F variations you can build. kinder surprise egg\r
    Barnacles heat proof suit will offer him protection from the extreme temperatures of lava tubes and hydrothermal vents! His rescue claw can be used to carefully pick up creatures and once you help him into his helmet, he can then safely explore even more of the mysterious midnight zone!\r
    Check out our channel for other cool toy unboxing , reviews and play time. We do videos of Disney Pixar cars, Octonauts, Star Wars, Thomas the Tank Engine, Paw Patrol, Bing, Spider man, Play Doh, Giant Surprise Eggs, Kinder Surprise Egg, Avengers, Batman, Super man, Lego, Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT, Angry Birds, Pie Face and many more. Hope You have a good time and allways walk in the light :)\r
    看看我们的其他很酷的玩具拆箱,审查和播放时间通道。我们做的迪士尼皮克斯汽车, Octonauts ,星球大战,托马斯坦克引擎,爪子巡逻,冰,蜘蛛侠,发挥卫生署,巨人出奇蛋,金德惊喜蛋,复仇者,蝙蝠侠,超级人,乐高,青少年时代的突变体Ninja视频海龟忍者神龟,愤怒的小鸟,大饼脸等等。希望你有一个很好的时间,百达走在光:)\r
    他のクールなおもちゃのボックス化解除、口コミやプレイ時間のための私達のチャネルをチェックしてください。私たちは、ディズニーピクサーの車、すすめ!オクトノーツ、スターウォーズ、きかんしゃトーマス、足パトロール、ビング、スパイダーマン、いやはや、ジャイアントサプライズ卵、キンダーサプライズエッグ、アベンジャーズ、バットマン、スーパーマン、レゴ、ティーンエイジミュータントニンジャプレイのビデオを行いますカメTMNT 、怒っている鳥、パイの顔と、より多くの。あなたは良い時間と光の中でオールウェイズ散歩を持っている願っています:)\r
    Toy and Toys in other languages \r
    اللعب , عروسه لعبه , играчки , играчка , 玩具 , 玩具 , igračke , igračka , hračky , hračka , legetøj , speelgoed , speelgoed- , ludiloj , ludilo , mänguasjad , mänguasi , laruan , lelut , lelu , jouets , jouet , xoguete , xoguetes , სათამაშოები , სათამაშო , Spielzeug , παιχνίδι , παιχνίδια , צעצועים , צַעֲצוּעַ ,qho khoom ua si , cov khoom ua si , játékok , játék , leikfang , leikföng , mainan , bréagán , bréagáin , giocattoli , giocattolo , おもちゃ , トイズ , ಗೊಂಬೆಗಳ , ಆಟಿಕೆ , 장난감 , ຂອງຫຼິ້ນ , LUDIBRIUM , rotaļlietas , rotaļlieta , žaislas , Žaislai , играчки , играчка , खेलौना , खिलौने , leker , leketøy , اسباب بازی , اسباب بازی ها , zabawki , zabawka , brinquedo , brinquedos , jucării , jucărie , игрушка , игрушки , играчке , играчка , juguete , juguetes , leksaker , leksak , பொம்மை , பொம்மைகள் , ของเล่น , oyuncak , oyuncaklar , іграшки , іграшка.\r
    Royalty Free music by:\r

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  • Aprender Alfabeto Inglês - Abecedario en Ingles Pronunciacion - ABC - How Learn English Alphabet

    Aprender Alfabeto Inglês - Abecedario en Ingles Pronunciacion - ABC - How Learn English Alphabet - Disney Magic Toys. Como aprender as letras do alfabeto completo, pronuncia, som e objectos correspondentes. Aprender ABC rápido e fácil com video clip divertido para crianças, adolescentes, meninos, meninas, pré-escolares, ninos, ninas, kids, children. Esta pelicula / filme / Magiclip ensina passo a passo com audio. \r
    DisneyMagictoys is a ToyChannel videos surprise toys youtube for babies infants kids children girls boys and teens.Disney Magic Toys Surprise Eggs , Magiclip, pelicula el niño, pelicula inglés, película inglés youtube, magictoys, magicvideos, magicfilme, funtoys, DisneyToyMagic, world toys, fun video, fun toys, magictoys. \r
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    Alfabeto ou Abecedário | Alphabet or ABC: \r
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z\r
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    Aplle; ball; cat; dog; elephant; fish; grapes; horse; ice-cream; juice; key; lion; mouse; notes; orange; pen; queen; rabbit; shoes; tiger; umbrella; violin; window; xylophone; yo-yo and zebra.\r
    Aprende Alfabeto Inglês | Learning English Alphabet Letters | Disney MagicToys Video HD\r
    Aprende de forma fácil o alfabeto em Inglês, passo a passo.\r
    Animação com música, letra, com som e objectos ou animais.\r
    Lição de como aprender fácil as letras em inglês para crianças e adultos.\r
    Learn easily the lyrics, step by step the English alphabet.\r
    DISNEY MICKEY MOUSE & OVO CHOCOLATE MÁGICO ★ Páscoa Feliz, Disney Magic Toys Video HD \r
    VIOLETTA Disney | Egg Surprise | Huevos Sorpresa | Ovo de Chocolate | Happy Easter D Magic Toys \r
    Play-Doh Four Red Yellow White Blue Colors, Massinhas 4 Cores | Disney M Toys \r
    DISNEY MICKEY MOUSE Chocolate Surprise 3 Egg With Toy Figure Inside choco ladies kid ★ Video HD \r
    Arvore Natal de Plasticina a Brincar, Kids | PLAY-DOH Christmas | Disney M Toys | Video HD \r
    Jingle Bells Song, Merry Christmas | 0.46 HO HO HO !! \r
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    Subscribe DisneyMagicToys, tanks!

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    Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! \r
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    On thisof Breaking Trail, Coyote takes a serious BITE from an American Alligator! \r
    From coast to coast across the United States and all over the world, American Alligators are becoming increasingly popular in the pet trade and while Coyote himself loves Alligators he is always the first one to say that owning them as pets is NEVER a good idea.\r
    To demonstrate why, he has volunteered himself to show the damage that just a two year old juvenile can inflict upon an unwary pet owner…and lets just say, its not pretty!\r
    So dont let the adorable squeaking hatchings in the fish tank fool you…they will eventually grow up to become large formidable predators not suitable for indoor companions. Due to this reality, it is unfortunately the case that many of these pet Alligators end up abandoned or neglected because their owners can no longer care for them properly…which is a very sad situation for both the pet owners and animals alike.\r
    So if youre ever in the mood to own a pet gator, do yourself a favor and just watch this video again so you dont end up like Coyote…and for those of you that just want to see the CHOMP…well, get ready…here it comes! \r
    Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet!\r
    The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters!\r
    Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on three exciting expedition- Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails and Coyotes Backyard - featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…eachoffers an opportunity to learn something new.\r
    So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man! \r
    GET READY.things are about to get WILD! \r
    New Episodes Every Tuesday and Friday at 9AM EST\r
    Subscribe Now! \r
    Find more info at: \r
    Coyote Peterson on Twitter: \r
    Coyote Peterson on Facebook: \r
    Coyote Peterson on Instagram: \r
    Coyote Peterson G+:

    Ver video "ALLIGATOR BITE!"

  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

    Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"

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