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  • Ovni sobre CANADA! Glowing Orbs in British Columbia

  • Columbia River Knife & Tool - CRKT - M16-04A AutoTanto Knife Review

    Columbia River Knife & Tool - CRKT - M16-04A AutoTanto KnifeProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Blade Length: 4 inches

    Open Overall Length: 9.25 inches

    Closed Length: 5.31 inches

    Blade Material: CPM 154

    Made in the USA

    Ver video "Columbia River Knife & Tool - CRKT - M16-04A AutoTanto Knife Review"

  • Atlético vs River: largas filas y quejas para comprar una entrada

    Ver video "Atlético vs River: largas filas y quejas para comprar una entrada"

  • Columbia River Knife and Tool TPENT Elishewitz Tao Pen Tactical Pen Review

    Columbia River Knife and Tool TPENT Elishewitz Tao Pen Tactical PenProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Precision titanium design

    Pointed butt of pen may be used to thrust or provide a disabling pressure point

    Pen point may be thrust for penetration in soft tissue

    Pen made of 6061 aluminum precision machined and hard anodized

    Fully functional writing instruments use the Fisher Space Pen ball point cartridge which is pressurized design developed for NASA

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  • Vista del río Malacatos - Views of the Malacatos river

    I sell beautiful land of 14500 square meters in Malacatos parish, Loja province, Ecuador, totally flat, together to Malacatos river, to 45 meters of the Malacatos-Loja Highway and to 1.5 km. from the center of Malacatos, very good for touristic project, land lots, vacational house, jubilation or labor retirement, etc.

    Ver video "Vista del río Malacatos - Views of the Malacatos river"


    Primer video con una cámara réflex... First Video with DSLR.

    Ver video "GOLDEN EARS PARK"

  • Acceso a la finca - Access to the Land

    I sell beautiful land of 14500 square meters in Malacatos parish, Loja province, Ecuador, totally flat, together to Malacatos river, to 45 meters of the Malacatos-Loja Highway and to 1.5 km. from the center of Malacatos, very good for touristic project, land lots, vacational house, jubilation or labor retirement, etc.

    Ver video "Acceso a la finca - Access to the Land"

  • Snow in Canada

    Snow in Canada

    Ver video "Snow in Canada"

  • Bear Cub Learning How to Climb Barrier

    Occurred on May 8, 2020 / Rossland, British Columbia, Canada

    Ver video "Bear Cub Learning How to Climb Barrier"

  • Profesor de UBC- como modificar una enfermedad con ejercicio

    Un profesor de la British Columbia University explica las oportunidades que tienen los alumnos en investigación en la universidad.

    Ver video "Profesor de UBC- como modificar una enfermedad con ejercicio"

  • DEVIL IN THE DARK Official Trailer (2017)

    PLOT: Two estranged brothers find themselves stalked by an terrifying unknown presence while on a weekend hunting trip in remote British Columbia.

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  • Canadá: osa salvó a su cría de ser atropellada en la autopista

    El video de una mamá osa salvando a su cría del peligroso tráfico en una carretera en British Columbia, en Canadá, está causando gran sensación en Internet.

    Ingresa a para más información

    Emitido en el programa 24 Horas - Edición Mediodia de Panamericana Televisión el 21/05/2014

    Ver video "Canadá: osa salvó a su cría de ser atropellada en la autopista"

  • Mujer paraplégica se lanza de bungee con su silla de ruedas

    Una mujer muy valiente y con parálisis en sus piernas se lanzó de bungee con silla de ruedas incluida. A pesar de lo peligroso que es el salto, la persona realizó de forma exitosa la hazaña. Ella misma colocó el video en las redes sociales y lo tituló “La primera y definitivamente no última vez que voy a saltar de bungee en Whistler, British Columbia”

    Ver video "Mujer paraplégica se lanza de bungee con su silla de ruedas"

  • Este sujetador inteligente te ayuda a controlar el estrés

    Vitali es un sujetador deportivo inteligente para el día a día que ayuda a mantener el estrés bajo control mediante una monitorización de la respiración y el ritmo cardíaco. Detrás de Vitali está Cindy Gu, la fundadora del proyecto quien cuenta que este sujetador inteligente nació tras una experiencia personal: cuando era estudiante en la Universidad de British Columbia siempre estaba estresada y llegó a sufrir depresión, pero logró encontrar en el yoga el apoyo que necesitaba para afrontar el día a día.

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  • Tripulación De British Airways Inventa Un Atraco Para No Trabajar Con Resaca

    Una tripulación de British Airways en Río de Janeiro ha sido acusada de inventar un atraco a mano armada para ocultar una noche de drogas y alcohol.
    Los tres trabajadores, alegando estar traumatizados, retrasaron un vuelo durante 24 horas, lo que llevó a la policía a acusarles de haber inventado el incidente.
    Las autoridades brasileñas alegan que la tripulación inventó múltiples delitos, afirmando que en realidad solo se produjo uno.
    La policía afirma que el trío visitó una gasolinera abandonada cerca de una comunidad de Río para comprar drogas y alcohol.
    "Tras una investigación de campo y un trabajo de inteligencia, cruce de datos y análisis de imágenes, la Delegación Especial de Apoyo al Turismo (Deat) descubrió que tres auxiliares de vuelo de una compañía inglesa mintieron en su testimonio al grabar el incidente" Policía Civil, Estado de Río de Janeiro.
    British Airways ha declarado que este "es un asunto de la policía" y que los auxiliares de vuelo implicados no iban a volar en el vuelo de ese día.

    Ver video "Tripulación De British Airways Inventa Un Atraco Para No Trabajar Con Resaca"

  • Perros de pastoreo: Origenes de la ganaderia (10.000 años)

    Según el libro The Intelligence of Dogs de Stanley Coren (profesor de sicología de la University of British Columbia de Vancouver), el Border Collie encabeza la lista de las razas de perros más inteligentes. Dicen que es capaz de controlar al ganado con sólo su mirada, como si hipnotizara a los animales. Se especula que el Border-Collie se introdujo en el siglo V a.C. en Gran Bretaña por las tribus celtas que viajaban por toda Europa. Los primeros indicios que se conocen de esta raza se remontan al siglo X, en que el Border se convirtió en el principal rival del lobo. Este perro se ha utilizado básicamente para ayudar al pastor a reunir y conducir las ovejas y para vigilar los animales de corral del granjero.

    Ver video "Perros de pastoreo: Origenes de la ganaderia (10.000 años)"

  • 22.12.11 · Gamesa renueva acuerdo estratégico con Iberdrola, IAG anuncia compra de British Midland - Apertura mercado bursátil español -

    ¿No conoce Renta 4? Pruebe gratis 15 días / Comentario de mercados financieros / 22/12/2011 por Iván San Félix / Analista Financiero de Renta 4 / Destacamos: datos macro: demandas desempleo EE.UU, confianza Univ. Michigan, Gamesa renueva su acuerdo estratégico con Iberdrola, IAG anuncia la compra de British Midland / Infórmese de la actualidad del mercado financiero español, de la actualidad de las inversiones en España y todo lo relacionado con el mercado bursátil y la cotización de los valores en la Bolsa española en nuestro canal gratuito de televisión en internet especializado en análisis para el inversor. Renta4tv:

    Aviso Legal: La información en este canal no debería ser considerada como una oferta o invitación a comprar, vender o negociar de ningún modo con cualquier inversión mencionada en el mismo. Tampoco está destinada para ser distribuida o usada por ninguna persona en ningún país. El contenido del canal está basado en fuentes de información que se consideran fiables. Sin embargo, no se formula ninguna garantía, promesa o declaración expresa o implícita sobre la precisión o exhaustividad de dicha información; asimismo, ni RENTA 4 ni ninguna otra compañía o unidad perteneciente al Grupo RENTA 4, así como ninguno de sus empleados, acepta ninguna responsabilidad con respecto a la información o cualquier recomendación expresada en lo presente. La información en este canal está sujeta a cambiar sin previo aviso.

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  • OMNIS NIHIL - The Alchemist | 2024 | Full Album |

    [Gender]: Melodic Black/Death Metal
    [Country]: Canada; Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
    [Released]: February 18, 2024
    [Label]: Independent


    01. Where Fierce Winds Blow.
    02. Alchemy : Man.
    03. Alchemy : Nature.
    04. Alchemy : Time.
    05. Cor Inferni.
    06. Synthesis Of Immortality.
    07. Essence Of Failure.
    08. I Am Eternity.
    09. Gates Of Insanity.
    10. As All Becomes Nothing.

    [Total Playing Time]: 01:01:00

    ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧

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    *All rights reserved for the BAND and/or the LABEL. 'Metal Sanctuary Promotion' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video -- The videos on this channel are not MONETIZED*

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    #melodicblackdeathmetal #melodicblackmetal #melodicdeathmetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #OmnisNihil #canadametal

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  • 12 Epic Native American Cryptids

    From the Sasquatch and Skinwakers; to sea monsters and the wendigo; Enjoy the 12 Epic Native American Myths & Legends\r
    Subscribe to Epic Wildlife \r
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    Pukwudgie (puck-wudge-EE)\r
    According to Wampanoag (wahm-puh-NO-ag) folklore these small, bipedal humanoid creatures stand up to 3 feet tall and exhibit human features … although they have grey skin, and enlarged ears, noses and fingers. In addition to occasionally glowing, theyre said to possess a vast array of unusual abilities … The can vanish and reappear at will … Create fire when they desires … employ magic when necessary … and can even transmogrify themselves into a bipedal porcupine. Pukwudgie were once friendly with humans, but apparently the relationship soured. Today, they known to kidnap people and attack victims with spears and knives. As you might expect, humans are sell advised to leave the creatures alone.\r
    These creatures are found in many Native American legends … and the Navajo have some of the best documented lore concerning them. Skinwalkers have the supernatural ability to shapeshift into any creature they wish. They are often disguised as animals like wolves, eagles, or coyotes. But theyll assume the form of any creature that has the abilities it requires at that time. For example, if the skinwalker needs to travel quickly, it might assume the form of a crow. There are some beliefs that skinwalkers can steal the face of another person … or fuse themselves into the body of another, and read the mind of a human. It can also generate any animal noise it chooses, regardless of what form they currently hold. Not unlike vampires, skinwalkers need an invitation before they can enter an inhabited home … so they might mimic the voice of a loved one to lure you outside. And they might try to poison you by blowing corpse dust into your face … thats a powder ground from the bones of infants. Its advised you not upset skinwalkers, because they ively seek to cause humans harm. \r
    2.Wendigo (wendy-go)\r
    This cryptid has been reported along the Atlantic coast, from the US to Canada … and is said to prefer colder weather. In Algonquin folklore, the Wendigo can be perceived as either a cannibalistic monster or an evil spirit. In its spirit form, it will possess a human and transform them into an abomination. Or it can appear as a monster that displays human traits. In this version, theyre said to stand around 14 feet high, with a gaunt frame and ashy grey skin. One particular description I liked called it an enormous, animated skeleton that reeks of decay. Most accounts agree they have long tongues, sharp yellow fangs and glowing eyes. According to legend, Wendigos were originally humans that turned to cannibalism, or committed another egregiouslike murder … and that triggered their unholy transformation. \r
    The word ‘Sasquatch comes from the language of the Salish (sal-ish), people indigenous to coastal British Columbia. The word means ‘wild man … and native tribes have long related stories of ape-like animals roaming through North American forests. The Spokanes (spoh-KANs) of Washington state spoke of a race of hairy giants that would arrive at night to steal people and salmon. Witnesses have described them as having a pronounced brow ridge, standing up to 11 feet tall and covered in a coat of reddish brown fur. While theyre most often portrayed as ape-like creatures, the earliest reported sightings claimed they were more bear-like in appearance. Theres a pictograph of a Sasquatch that dates back around a thousand years located near Taft California at the Painted Rock Shelter? You can see it in detail in the picture taken by Kathy Moskowitz Strain. The painting itself is about 8.5 feet tall … and depicts a creature standing upright with its arms outstretched. The left arm has white outlines … while its right arm appears to be a rusty shade of red. Two similar forms are located next to the creature, which are believed to portray a mother and child. Local indigenous people referred to the being as “Hairy Man” Did you know that sightings of such cryptids have been reported on every continent except Antarctica.

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  • 32 Feet Giant Skeleton Found In India – Hindu God Hanuman?

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    A few months back I showed you some solid evidence about an ancient Giant called Bhima in India. In that video, I mentioned how I had accidentally stumbled on a footprint of another Giant. Here is a little piece.\r
    Could this be Bhimas footprint? The locals here claim that it is NOT the footprint of Bhima, but belongs to his half-brother Hanuman, who also happens to be a Giant. This footprint is more than 4 feet long and if it is real, the giant who made this impression would be over 30 feet tall.\r
    So how did I come up with this height of over 30 feet? I calculated \r
    this based on something called a “height to foot” ratio. So who is this Hanuman that we are talking about? Hanuman is a giant Ape like God who appears in ancient Indian scriptures.\r
    Here is an article from a newspaper called “The Age” published on August 10, 1934. It reads:\r
    Skeleton Found in India\r
    Measures 31 feet, 6 inches in length. \r
    The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 feet 6 inches in length, is reported from Jubbulpore. \r
    You can see how this height matches with my calculation based on the footprint. When I made the previous video 2 months ago, I did not know about these newspaper articles. Lets read further.\r
    The discovery was made by a farmer, who noticed a bone protruding from the sand on the river bank near the village of Jaintiha. Attempts to dislodge the skeleton with the aid of other villagers failed, whereupon the chief of the State had the skeleton dug out. Three men were required to lift it, the legs alone measuring 10 feet. \r
    “”The skeleton has been placed in the palace of the chief pending examination by geologists, among whom the discovery has created enormous interest. The Jubbulpore district is renowned for its wealth of fossilized relics of an earlier age, the last important discovery three years ago being the remains of a giant prehistoric mammal reputed to be centuries old. “”\r
    Is this an isolated piece of news fabricated by a newspaper company to gain attention?\r
    No, the same news appeared on a lot of newspapers around the world because this was a spectacular discovery. Let us read THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD on the ex same day. \r
    Prehistoric Ape\r
    Found in India\r
    Giant Proportions\r
    The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be that of a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 ½ feet in length, is reported from Jubbulpore. \r
    It is the ex same news except for a few changes here and there.\r
    Here is another newspaper called THE VIRGIN ISLANDS DAILY NEWS which published a short version of this news. The size, the location it was discovered all the same.\r
    Calcutta: A skeleton, believed to be that of a human giant, measuring 31 feet 6 inch has been discovered on the banks of a river near Jubbalpore. The huge mans bones alone measured 10 feet, and three men were required to move the remains to the Chiefs palace at Ramgarh.”\r
    And also from another newspaper called THE SYDNEY MAIL. Again just different words, but the news is the same. \r
    Remember, these are just a few examples and this same news was published all around the world in many languages that a giant prehistoric ape was found in Jabalpur district, India. Is it possible that this is the skeleton of Hanuman?\r
    Some Hindu and Jain sects believe that Hanuman was not a real ape but a human like giant with slight physical variations. Now, all over the world other giants have been found with variations in their facial features including elongated skulls, horns and double rows of teeth. So who are these Giants? Sacred texts from many ancient civilizations, describe these Giants as hybrids between Gods and Humans. In the bible, they are called Nephilim. Hanuman can also be classified as a Nephilim because his father was a god and his mother was human. \r
    Now according to Hindu scriptures, Hanuman was not the only Giant that looked like an ape, but a whole race of giant apes called Vanara was documented. Is it possible that this huge skeleton is one of these ape-like Gods? \r
    Now, the other important question is: What happened to this skeleton? Where did this skeleton go? Today, we are not able trace the whereabouts of this 32 feet skeleton anywhere. Since India was under British control at that time, this priceless evidence was possibly taken to England along with many other rare artifs. \r
    So what do you think? Are all these newspapers from various countries lying to us? Or did India once have an ancient race of Giants that were 32 feet tall? Please do let me know your opinion. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.

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  • Pacto De Sangre Capitulo 58,

    Loquito por ti Capitulo 55,
    Pacto De Sangre Capitulo 58,
    Duele Amar Capitulo 204,

    Ver video "Pacto De Sangre Capitulo 58,"

  • Pacto De Sangre Capitulo 63,

    Loquito por ti Capitulo 62,
    Pacto De Sangre Capitulo 63,

    Ver video "Pacto De Sangre Capitulo 63,"

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