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  • Bulk Then Cut - The Muscle Maximizer - How Gain Muscle

  • Haircut Tutorial: Skin Fade With Pompadour

    In this video, MC Barber will be demonstrating how to create a pompadour.\r
    Interested in the razor MC uses to cut hair? Check it out: \r
    -0:42 MC uses a 1 1/2 metal guard on Oster clippers to remove bulk and create a foundation.\r
    -1:51 Still using Oster clippers, MC switches to the Outliner (1mm) metal guard.\r
    -2:45 He uses the Outliner guard to create a shape up.\r
    -3:11 Moving to Wahl clippers MC uses an open blade to begin fading.\r
    -4:00 He switches to a 1 plastic guard on Wahl clippers.\r
    -5:25 Fading down, MC uses a closed blade to further blend the line, adjusting the lever when necessary.\r
    -6:52 He uses a 1/2 plastic guard on Wahl clippers.\r
    -7:42 MC uses a straight razor to sharpen the shape up line.\r
    -9:55 Moving to the top of the head, MC uses a straight razor to cut the length while creating texture and removing bulk.\r

    Ver video "Haircut Tutorial: Skin Fade With Pompadour"

  • How to Do an Undercut with a Slicked back Pompadour

    In this video, MC will be teaching you how to do a professional undercut step by step with a pompadour.\r
    Interested in buying the straight razor MC uses to cut hair? Check out this link! \r
    -0:42 MC starts his undercut using a 1 1/2 metal guard on his Oster clippers. This will remove the bulk and create his foundation.\r
    -1:55 He switches to using an open blade on his Wahl clippers.\r
    -2:30 To further blend the line, MC uses his 1 guard on his Wahl clippers.\r
    -3:17 Fading down to avoid removing unwanted hair, he switches to a 1/2 guard on his Wahl clippers.\r
    -4:05 MC will start to alternate between his 1/2 guard and an open blade when necessary.\r
    -4:33 Learn a sculpting technique done with a straight razor. This technique is used to blend the top of the hairstyle into the undercut, while removing bulk.\r
    -7:34 Learn a hair cutting technique done with a razor to further blend the top into the sides. This will also remove length and bulk while creating texture in the hair.\r
    -10:02 MC uses his razor on the outer sides of his pompadour to create texture and movement. This will help the hair bend in the direction desired.\r
    -10:53 Always remember to cross check your haircut! MC will be using scissor over knuckles to ensure the hair is cut evenly.\r
    -11:55 Watch a thorough blow dry used to style his pompadour.\r
    -13:23 Learn how to properly apply pomade to your hairstyle.\r

    Ver video "How to Do an Undercut with a Slicked back Pompadour"


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    Ver video "OUTFITS BONITOS PARA 2014"


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    Ver video "LOS MEJORES OUTFITS 2014"

  • En la Montaña Somos Libres | Volcán Rincón de la Vieja

    Por años me he dado a la tarea de conquistar la cima de los Volcanes de Costa Rica.

    Había uno que me robaba el sueño ya que aparte de saber que es un lugar mágico, en el pasado también me había dado una de las peores experiencias en la montaña.

    2 años y medio después de está experiencia y junto a un equipo de lujo (@edison_n09 , @jose_costarica y logramos conquistar la cima del Volcán Rincón de la Vieja, disfrutando de unos de los amaneceres más hermosos que haya visto.

    Muchas gracias a Cuts Clothing por ser el Sponsor de este video.

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    Ver video "En la Montaña Somos Libres | Volcán Rincón de la Vieja"




    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

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    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

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  • The old gelteman and the mice

    On a very snowy evening, an old man comes into his living room to do some reading by the fireplace. He sees his cat curled up on the chair and hits it multiple times with his newspaper to make it get up. The cat sadly approaches the nearby carpet and curls up to resume its nap. But not before the man throws a book at it...Meanwhile, inside a mouse hole, a mouse peeks by to see the cat is asleep and even checks by getting right in its face. It rushes back to the hole and makes a sign to inform the other mice the cat is sleeping. All of the mice then burst from the hole, warned by the main mouse to be quiet as they creep out of their holes and into the kitchen. As they do so, the cuckoo clock informs them of the time and they run by the cat in a hurry. This wakes it up but the cat merely assumes it was the winter snow coming from outside, so it shuts the window and resumes sleeping.

    The mice all ride on a pantry elevator to get into the food storage. They eat a loaf of bread, cheese, peas on a slice of bread, salami, and even crackers. One tough mouse warns the guard mouse to whistle when the cat awakens, to which he agrees while sneaking crackers every so often.

    Soon all of the giggling and fun wakes the cat and the mouse sees it coming. He tries to whistle but it doesn't work, as his mouth is full of crackers! Thankfully as the mice cut up the turkey/chicken, they spot the cat and rush back into their hole. Just in time for the cat to fly into the chicken/turkey. As more mice run into the hole they shove a lot of food into the cats hands, to make it look as if he caused the mess in the kitchen! The man hears the cat wail and gets up to see the huge mess. He angrily scolds the cat and forces it outside of the house. The cat tries to tell him he didn't do it but the man refuses and shuts the door on the poor kitty, even sticking his tongue out at it. The cat repeats the same before he goes inside. And so, the mouse writes another note to inform the others of the cats departure and they all get out to resume their party. Playing music, eating, and singing. This time the guard mouse has been given a whistle to inform the others of any emergencies. But as the mice finish their song, the old man wakes up and goes into his kitchen to see the damage caused by them. As soon as the guard mouse informs them of his arrival they all begin to throw food at the old man until he makes a forced retreat. He tries to gently convince the cat to come back inside, explaining that he didn't know the cat wasn't responsible. The cat at first turns down his offer, still pretty angry. But when the mice make fun of the cat it rushes back inside to teach the naughty mice a lesson! The guard mouse blows its whistle and the rest of the mice retreat into their hole and outside into the cold night air. The cat then curls up on the chair by the fire and resumes sleeping.

    Ver video "The old gelteman and the mice"

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