Videos relacionados con comprar canço anys i anys super 3


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  • Un gos ataca un nen de 3 anys a l’Escala i el mossega al cap i a la cara

  • Deu anys de guerra contra els lladres de la carretera: qui són i com treure'ls de circulació 3

    Ver video "Deu anys de guerra contra els lladres de la carretera: qui són i com treure'ls de circulació 3"

  • Lluís Llach - Cançó d'amor de 'La Revolta', by Ona Radio Quim Pedret

    Petita part del Documental de TV3 "La revolta Permanent" on Lluís Llach interpreta 'Cançó d'amor' i recorda la Barcelona dels anys 80

    Ver video "Lluís Llach - Cançó d'amor de 'La Revolta', by Ona Radio Quim Pedret"

  • El CNB guanya la Copa del Rei

    El CN Barcelona trenca 5 anys de títols mariners i guanya la Copa del Rei (3-7).
    Els cenebistes han posat fi a vuit anys de sequera superant l'Atlètic Barceloneta

    Ver video "El CNB guanya la Copa del Rei"

  • iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 4 juliol 2007

    iEuropa. 3 notícies! El Fons Social Europeu també compleix 50 anys, trobada sobre la reducció de CO2 dels vehicles, i destaquem el refús a la fusió entre les companyies de vol de baix cost Ryanair i Aer Lingus.

    Ver video "iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 4 juliol 2007"


    El video mostra com va definir Kholberg el raonament moral, amb els 2 primers nivells:
    Nivell 1 Moralitat pre-convencional (dels 4 fins als 10 anys)
    Etapa 1: L’orientació d’obediencia per castig.
    Etapa 2: L’orientació instrumental-relativista i orientació pel premi personal
    Nivell 2 Moralitat de conformitat amb el paper convencional (dels 10 fins 13 anys)
    Etapa 3: L’orientació de concordancia interpersonal o de “xiquet bo-xiqueta bona”
    Etapa 4: L’orientació de “llei i ordre”


  • Estació de Quart. Record del carrilet Girona- St. Feliu

    El carrilet de Sant Feliu de Guixols a Girona es va inaugurar el 30 de juny de 1892, després de 3 anys de treballs. La via tenía una amplada de 75 centímetres i fou la primera de l´estat d´aquest ample. Les locomotores eren fabricades a Alemanya i es van construir les 4 primeres l´any 1890. Tres anys després arriba la nº 5. El 1905 es posa en servei la nº 6. S´ha d´esperar vint anys per completar l´entrega amb les nº 11 i 12. El 1924 es va fer un ramal fins al port de St. Feliu, que va afavorir el transport de mercaderies, sobretot el de suro i productes transformats de la industria surera. (( el relat continua al video: estació de LLagostera))

    Ver video "Estació de Quart. Record del carrilet Girona- St. Feliu"

  • Una dona de 83 anys ha mort pel ensorrament del edifici

    Els fets han passat pocs minuts abans de les 7 del matí, quan el sostre d'un edifici de 3 plantes de Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) s'ha ensorrat fins arribar al primer pis. Un home de 80 anys ha resultat ferit i ha estat traslladat a l'hospital de Can Ruti, i una senyora de 82 anys amb mobilitat reduïda que residia a la primera planta de l'edifici podria haver quedat atrapada.

    Ver video "Una dona de 83 anys ha mort pel ensorrament del edifici"

  • Sensacional_clip

    Un espai de sensacions audiovisuals per a nens i nenes de 18 mesos a 3 anys n Un espacio de sensaciones audiovisuales para niños y niñas de 18 meses a 3 años n An activity where children aged between 18 months and 3 years will be able to enjoy an audiovisual experience.

    Ver video "Sensacional_clip"

  • Sensacional

    Un espai de sensacions audiovisuals per a nens i nenes de 18 mesos a 3 anys n Un espacio de sensaciones audiovisuales para niños y niñas de 18 meses a 3 años n An activity where children aged between 18 months and 3 years will be able to enjoy an audiovisual experience.

    Ver video "Sensacional"

  • [AMV] 3 x 3 Eyes w/ Lycia - Tongues

    DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor do I claim ownership of, any of the audio or video in this video and is in no way associated with the musical artist or anime company in any way.

    All Rights Reserved

    Anime Music Video
    3 x 3 Eyes (Sazan aizu)
    Year: 1995
    Director: Seiko Sayama
    Production Co.: Mizuo
    Fansub: ?

    Song: Tongues
    Band: Lycia
    Album: Estrella
    Record Label: Projekt Records

    Ver video "[AMV] 3 x 3 Eyes w/ Lycia - Tongues"

  • How To Make A Superhero Mask

    Sorry for parts being super blurry, I was sick and didnt pay to much attention to wear the focus was. Oops! I also had a bunch of douche bag things to say for the new jar but totally forgot to film them. Oops again! \r
    I tried to make the tutorial as straightforward as I could but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Any questions asked will be added in here to keep track of things. =3\r
    HOW DO YOU ATTACH THE MASK? Spirit gum.\r
    Question of the week: What would your superhero/magical girl name be and why?\r
    FACEBOOK: \r
    YOUTUBE: \r

    Ver video "How To Make A Superhero Mask"

  • Els cenebistes acaben amb el regnat dels mariners

    El Club Natació Barcelona s'ha consolidat com la revelació de la Copa del Rei de waterpolo després de proclamar-se campió en la final. Els cenebistes han posat fi a vuit anys de sequera superant l'Atlètic Barceloneta per 7 a 3 i han acabat amb l'hegemonia dels mariners. 13/02/2011

    Ver video "Els cenebistes acaben amb el regnat dels mariners"

  • How to connect Samsung Galaxy S3/S4/S5 to Xbox360/ Xbox 1. Android Phone on Xbox

    I have tried this now with numerous phones. It works with any Android devices. Make sure\r
    1)BOTH devices are connected to the same WiFi. It will not work if they arnt\r
    2) You have a decent connection\r
    3) You downloaded that app. \r
    If you have any questions leave them in the comment section

    Ver video "How to connect Samsung Galaxy S3/S4/S5 to Xbox360/ Xbox 1. Android Phone on Xbox"

  • Popettes ROOM TOUR! [Subscribers Request]

    By POPular Request! Popette will show you her super POP POP POPCORN room! Watch for her latest POPcorn invention!\r
    Thank you to all the subscribers who made this request and any other requests! We love subscriber requests. Simply put your video request on any video. Due to the amount of comments I get, I may not be able to reply to all comments, but I do read all the comments ^_^!! Dont forget to subscribe! \r
    ToyHouseHD is a fun, silly, imaginative, kid-friendly toy channel that features all the most popular toys and charers! Please Subscribe for frequently updated videos!

    Ver video "Popettes ROOM TOUR! [Subscribers Request]"

  • Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Display (TFT) Test: Compare With J7 (Super Amoled)

    On Demand Video.\r
    After launching Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Every user wants to know about TFT vs Super AMOLED.\r
    So i upload this on Demand Video..\r
    I compare both Device in Several Conditions \r
    J7 Prime (TFT) Vs J7 ( Super Amoled)\r
    Which Display is showing Natural Pictures.\r
    Brightness \r
    Lowest Brightness \r
    If you find any help hit Subdcribe and Like Button\r
    Thanks For watching.

    Ver video "Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Display (TFT) Test: Compare With J7 (Super Amoled)"

  • Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Display (TFT) Test: Compare With J7 (Super Amoled)

    On Demand Video.\r
    After launching Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Every user wants to know about TFT vs Super AMOLED.\r
    So i upload this on Demand Video..\r
    I compare both Device in Several Conditions \r
    J7 Prime (TFT) Vs J7 ( Super Amoled)\r
    Which Display is showing Natural Pictures.\r
    Brightness \r
    Lowest Brightness \r
    If you find any help hit Subdcribe and Like Button\r
    Thanks For watching.

    Ver video "Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Display (TFT) Test: Compare With J7 (Super Amoled)"

  • 2017 Toons Deck Profile

    via YouTube Capture\r
    Hey everyone, today I have my friends Toon Deck Profile for you. This deck is super fun to play but can be annoying to play against. If you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments below. Also, dont forget to like,comment,and subscribe. :)

    Ver video "2017 Toons Deck Profile"

  • Japanese Food Taste Test!

    hey girl hey if you subscribe we can be bffz :-)\r
    click show more for important info too:-))))))\r
    HELLO i hope you enjoyed this video!! It was super fun to film! and thanks to my bffl jove for being in this ILY GIRL! thats about it!:-) happy super bowl day and thanks 4 watching :)))))))\r
    ♡ if you have any video requests, questions, or concerns please let me know in the comments! ♡\r
    ✿ if you have any other questions or concerns you can private message me! ✿\r
    instagram ☞ abbygr4ce\r
    twitter ☞ abbyedz\r
    tumblr ☞\r
    i love you all so much! thanks for watching and ill see ya in my next video:-) stay smiling\r
    god bless, abby ❤❤❤❤❤

    Ver video "Japanese Food Taste Test!"

  • Escòria Underground on the rocks: L'arbre

    Vídeo del mític grup maleït dels anys 90, "L'escòria Underground on the rocks", interpretant la seva cançó insignia, "L'arbre". No es coneix l'existència de cap altre videoclip d'aquest enigmàtic grup de músics revolucionaris, renovadors de l'escena musical del seu moment. Jo era el de les maraques, però el pressupost era minso i vais fer servir un pot amb claus pel videoclip.

    Videoclip del mítico grupo maldito de los años 90, "L'escòria Underground on the rocks", (se podría traducir como "la escória marginal con hielo") interpretando su canción insignia, "L'arbre". No se conoce la existencia de ningún otro videoclip de este enigmático grupo de músicos revolucionarios, renovadores de la escena musical de su momento. Yo era el de las maracas, pero como no alcanzaba el presupuesto, usé un bote con clavos.

    Rare clip of the strange catalan group ""L'escòria (wich means scum) Underground on the rocks". This is the only clip as far as we know. I was the one with the sunglasses that clips his hands

    Ver video "Escòria Underground on the rocks: L'arbre"

  • Fondant Recipe - How To Make Fondant Cake, Simple & Easy Fondant Cake by Geetika

    FONDANT RECIPE: Fondant Cake Decorating For Beginners In This Easy Tutorial. Here are the ingredients I have used to make this fondant cake :\r
    1. Chocolate Butter Cream.\r
    2. Sponge Cake (Chocolate or any)\r
    3. Fondant Dough.\r
    4. Edible Gel Color (Blue)\r
    If you have any questions please leave your comments, I check and answer each and every comments. Please also subscribe to my channel for upcoming cake videos. \r
    Follow me on:\r

    Ver video "Fondant Recipe - How To Make Fondant Cake, Simple & Easy Fondant Cake by Geetika"

  • Fc barcelona uefa super cup 28-08-2009 [HD]

    Fc Barcelona Champion of UEFA Super cup 2009 in Monaco 5th trophy in the Same year.
    FC Barcelona Campeón de la Supercopa de la UEFA 2009 en Mónaco, 5 º trofeo en el mismo año.
    FC Barcelone champion de la Super Coupe de l'UEFA 2009 à Monaco trophée 5e de la même année.
    ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? 2009 ?? ?????? ????? 5 ?? ??? ?????.
    FC Barcelona Campió de la Supercopa de la UEFA 2009 a Mònaco, 5è trofeu en el mateix any.
    Fc Barcellona Campione di UEFA Super Cup 2009 in Trophy Monaco 5, nello stesso anno.
    FC Barcelona Champion of UEFA Super Cup 2009 i Monaco 5. Bucklan samma år.

    Ver video "Fc barcelona uefa super cup 28-08-2009 [HD]"

  • Shopkins Exclusive Season 1, 2, 3 Colors Food Fair Candy Jar Surprise Blind Bags Full Box

    A full Box of Shopkins Candy Jar Food Fair blind bags. Each jar has 2 surprise shopkins in new colors from season 1 , 2 , 3!!! Can I find the limited edition blind dlish donut? Can I stack all the jars without them falling all over the place? Can I find any matches!!!??? Soo many questions that only the video can answer!!! :D\r

    Ver video "Shopkins Exclusive Season 1, 2, 3 Colors Food Fair Candy Jar Surprise Blind Bags Full Box"

  • Home! Jobs Online Surveys. MakeMoney work ..

    http://www.YourNewLife.WS From unemployed with 3 kids to making over $10,000 a week. I am only working 3 hours a day. NO SELLING , Do Not Have To Handle Phone Calls, You Do Not Have To Stock Products, WITH Our Program, So You Are Able To Make Money Immediately request call back at any time Visit http://www.YourNewLife.WS

    Ver video "Home! Jobs Online Surveys. MakeMoney work .."

  • The Best Fast Leveling Tip for Patch 2.1 Seasons in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls

    A guide on how to speed level in patch 2.1 in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Also works for any solo leveling and the Ultimate Evil Edition. ▭ Subscribe for more .\r
    A guide on how to speed level in patch 2.1 in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Also works for any solo leveling, fresh start, and the Ultimate Evil Edition. ▭ Subscribe .\r
    Today I share the best way to level in seasons. If you follow these methods in patch 2.1 of reaper of souls you should be able to power level through. In this patch .

    Ver video "The Best Fast Leveling Tip for Patch 2.1 Seasons in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls"

  • [Puzzle & Dragons] Beginner Guide - Micromanagement

    This video is about some general tips to solving a board. As always, thank you for watching and subscribing! Please let me know if there are any questions I can answer.\r
    Example 1:06 - \r
    Example 3:14 - \r
    Example 4:26 - \r
    Example 5:28 -

    Ver video "[Puzzle & Dragons] Beginner Guide - Micromanagement"

  • Una "lluna" alarma la ciutat xinesa de Fuzhou

    El súper tifó Meranti, considerat la tempesta més forta del planeta en el que va d'any, ha arribat avui a la costa oriental de Xina després del seu pas per Taiwan. La força del vent va provocar que una lluna gegant inflable, que formava part del decorat d'un festival que celebrava la meitat de la tardor, es desprengués i comencés a rodar per la ciutat de Fuzhou sense control. L'inflable gegant va passar per sobre de conductors i vianants.

    Ver video "Una "lluna" alarma la ciutat xinesa de Fuzhou"

  • A Day in my Life: Pre-Med Student

    Hey everyone !! I hope you enjoyed the non-horsey “day in my life” video and let me know what you think down below. It was super fun taking you guys along with me for a typical day as a sophomore in university. Also to clarify once again, in Canada we do not have specific “pre-med” majors, just obviously some programs are more well-suited to med school/PA applications. I consider myself a “pre-med” since I do plan on applying to PA & med school in the next 2 years and I am in psychology & health sciences, both 2 relatively medical programs. If you have any questions comment down below & Ill make sure to answer as well as any video suggestions!!\r
    Thanks so much for watching xoxo\r
    Instagram @cartersully & @mysassychestnut\r
    Twitter @cartersully\r
    Snapchat @carterlauren\r

    Ver video "A Day in my Life: Pre-Med Student"

  • NASCAR Crashes

    NASCAR Crashes 3:\r
    NASCAR Crashes 2:\r
    None of the drivers in this video died in any of these accidents.\r
    You can skip to certain accidents below.\r
    0:05 - new Aarons 499\r
    0:54 - new Aarons 499\r
    1:46 - 1996 DieHard 500\r
    2:12 - 2001 Daytona 500\r
    2:44 - new Coke Zero 400\r
    3:10 - new Coke Zero 400\r
    3:28 - new Budweiser Shootout\r
    4:38 - new Heluva Good 400\r
    5:05 - 2008 Samsung 500 (Qualifying)\r
    5:44 - 2008 UAW-Dodge 400\r
    5:58 - new Coke Zero 400\r
    6:24 - new Quaker State 400\r
    7:30 - new Good Sam 500\r
    9:02 - 2002 Aarons 312\r
    10:15 - new Drive4COPD 300\r
    I do not own any of these videos.\r
    Any unnecessary/negative comments may be removed.

    Ver video "NASCAR Crashes"

  • IDIOT Drivers Compilation WEEK 2 JULY 2016 Driving Fails, Road Rage and Crashes

    IDIOT Drivers Compilation WEEK 2 JULY 2016 Driving Fails, Road Rage and Crashes
    Uploaded as educational video.
    Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.
    Copyright issue? Send me a message and we'll get it resolved ASAP.
    Don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more!
    I put new videos every week!
    Have a great day!

    If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it

    Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)

    Ver video "IDIOT Drivers Compilation WEEK 2 JULY 2016 Driving Fails, Road Rage and Crashes"

  • #238. EZBRAID UPDO, how to

    1. need to stretch the hair \r
    2. antiberial \r
    3. antifungal \r
    4. antiitch \r
    5. hot water set\r
    6. save time and money \r
    7. can due any type of,Senegalese twist

    Ver video "#238. EZBRAID UPDO, how to"

  • 5 Awesome Super Hero Banners AND HOW TO MAKE THEM! (Banners on Console)

    In this video i show you how to make 5 AWESOME super hero inspired banners! i came across these whilst i was looking for a spider man one and i was pleasantly surprised!\r
    I did not design any one of these! i found all of them on planet minecraft and here are the usernames that made them!\r
    Spiderman - Anonymous\r
    Batman - Anonymous\r
    Superman - Anonymous\r
    Ironman - Anonymous\r
    Deadpool - Anonymous\r
    Scary Banners - \r
    Mob Banners - \r
    Real World Building Playlist - \r
    Follow me on twitter! \r
    Check Out My Figurine You Can Buy!

    Ver video "5 Awesome Super Hero Banners AND HOW TO MAKE THEM! (Banners on Console)"

  • (Tutorial) Peaceful Ring (Video 121)

    Hi.welcome to my video tutorial.I hope you enjoy the video and its easy for you to follow and understand. If you like what I make please like me on facebook and post what you have made.Link is below..Enjoy!! Subscribe for upcoming tutorials!! :)\r
    Purchase Rounduos here:\r
    Cup Buttons Here\r
    Materials needed For Ring\r
    Any size Crystal Rondells\r
    Any size Bicones x 3 of them\r
    Seed beads for band or 3mm firepolish\r
    5 of Stretch Cord\r
    Dab a glue or clear nail polish

    Ver video "(Tutorial) Peaceful Ring (Video 121)"


    Uploaded as educational video.\r
    Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.\r
    Copyright issue? Send me a message and well get it resolved ASAP.\r
    Dont forget to subscribe if you want to see more!\r
    I put new videos every week!\r
    Have a great day!\r
    If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it\r
    Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)


  • Most Expensive Fails, BEST OF LUXURY CAR CRASH Compilation JUNE 2017

    Most Expensive Fails, BEST OF LUXURY CAR CRASH Compilation JUNE 2017\r
    Uploaded as educational video.\r
    Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.\r
    Copyright issue? Send me a message and well get it resolved ASAP.\r
    Dont forget to subscribe if you want to see more!\r
    I put new videos every week!\r
    Have a great day!\r
    If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it\r
    Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)

    Ver video "Most Expensive Fails, BEST OF LUXURY CAR CRASH Compilation JUNE 2017"


    Uploaded as educational video.\r
    Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.\r
    Copyright issue? Send me a message and well get it resolved ASAP.\r
    Dont forget to subscribe if you want to see more!\r
    I put new videos every week!\r
    Have a great day!\r
    If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it\r
    Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)



    Uploaded as educational video.\r
    Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.\r
    Copyright issue? Send me a message and well get it resolved ASAP.\r
    Dont forget to subscribe if you want to see more!\r
    I put new videos every week!\r
    Have a great day!\r
    If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it\r
    Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)


  • What I Eat In A Day Pregnancy - Gestational Diabetes - Pregnancy Vlog 2016

    Some one asked if I could do a What I Eat In A Day Pregnancy with Gestational Diabetes, so I thought I would share what Ive been eating since being pregnant and being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and trying to keep my meals healthy and interesting. If you have any suggestions, please comment. Thanks for watching.\r
    Please subscribe.\r
    Recent Videos: \r
    3 Hour Glucose Test Results - \r
    Toddler Favorites - APRIL FAVORITES \r
    Follow me at:\r
    INSTAGRAM: NaturalAmericanBaby\r
    TWITTER: NatAmericanBaby

    Ver video "What I Eat In A Day Pregnancy - Gestational Diabetes - Pregnancy Vlog 2016"

  • 5 DIY Summer Ideas – Easy DIY Projects For Summer

    From this video tutorial youll find out how to make easy, beautiful and useful DIY things for Summer. DIY Watermelon Flats, DIY Rose Hairbrush, DIY Colorful Sunglasses, DIY Watermelon Hairband and super cute way to decorate your earphones (earbuds). \r
    I start with DIY Sunglasses decoration. For this project you will need sunglasses (obviously lol), colorful beads and some strong glue. Super easy, super fast and look awesome – dreamglasses :)\r
    The next DIY is the thing I use hundred times a day – hairbrush. :) To make the process cuter Ive decided to DIY my brush with roses. All is simple. Just take a hairbrush (my was wooden, but you can use a plastic one and then not paint it), thin permanent marker and pink nail polish.\r
    The third DIY is a super adorable hairband which looks like a watermelon slice. You will need a pink plastic hairband, a masking tape and nail polishes (green and white). Draw seeds with permanent marker.\r
    Super easy and colorful way to decorate your earphone (earbuds, and ually any wire headphones) is my fourth DIY. You will need a little colorful craft pom-poms and some glue. I use a hot glue, but you can use any other glue you have.\r
    And the last one – DIY shoes :) A white ballet flats (pointy toe) with watermelon elements. I used flats made of artificial leather, but you can easily take a pair of fabric flats. Instead of special paints I took a regular spray paint and was pretty satisfied with the result. \r
    Follow me on Instagram: \r
    Follow me on Twitter: \r
    Follow me on G+ : \r
    Welcome to my blog: \r
    Have fun and dont stop diying :)

    Ver video "5 DIY Summer Ideas – Easy DIY Projects For Summer"


    Welcome to Bumbo Gaming, I hope you enjoyed this video, and if you did feel free to leave a like or even subscriberino if you want to see more!\r
    Click this for Cheap Games! - \r
    Check out my Patreon! - \r
    Twitter - \r
    Twitch - \r
    Facebook Page - \r
    Steam - \r
    I enjoy playing games such as Rust, CS:GO, Arma 3, and much more.\r
    ( I do not own any rights to the music in this video )

    Ver video "ONE DAY WITH THE XP SYSTEM! | Rust"

  • Lego Mech Suit - Goliath

    Like What I do? Help me keep doing it by donating on Patreon: \r
    Comment section rules: PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING\r
    1) This is a channel meant for all ages so please keep your comments appropriate. \r
    2) Please dont post 1st or any other numbered spam (or any spam). It will be deleted, and you may find yourself banned from posting future comments.\r
    3) Please be respectful of other peoples thoughts and opinions.\r
    4) Unless I say otherwise in the video, I will not be doing tutorials (or LDD file downloads) so please do not flood the comment section with tutorial requests.\r
    5) If you have a question about the build, I may have answered it in the video. So please watch the ENTIRE video before commenting.\r
    Thank You!

    Ver video "Lego Mech Suit - Goliath"

  • Daily Rabbit Routine - StormyRabbits

    My Daily Care for the bunnies! I didnt include any grooming or changing the litter boxes seeing as I dont do that everyday! \r
    But I really hope you liked this video! less than 3\r
    Hay I feed: \r
    -------------Thanks for watching!-----------\r
    Storm: Rabbit_Male_Mixed Breed\r
    Misty: Rabbit_Female_Holland Lop\r
    Echo: Hamster_Female_Head Spot Roborovski\r
    Video Requests are Highly Appreciated!\r
    TWITTER: \r
    SNAPCHAT: stormyrabbits\r
    PINTREST: \r
    Buying Anything?:\r
    SmallPetSelect $10 Off! : \r
    Petco $10 Off: \r
    MUSIC: \r

    Ver video "Daily Rabbit Routine - StormyRabbits"

  • Big Bad Crown Vics In Action #2 Compilation Ford Police Interceptor P71

    Big Bad Ford Crown Victorias In Action Part 2! I searched all over the internet for the Biggest Baddest Meanest clips of crown Vics at their best! \r
    Special Thanks to Hamilton Powell for letting me use his clip (Video #7) \r
    **Support My Channel!** Donations make videos like this possible! Thanks so much! I will shoutout any donator unless otherwise stated LINK: \r
    DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the footage of music used in the video, all footage and the music belong to their rightful owners.\r
    1.Vancouver Police Respond To Highrisk Incident \r
    2.Two El monte Police cars flooring it \r
    3. Cops and crashes comp \r
    4. Woman rams cop car \r
    5. Cops and crashes comp \r
    6. 7 cops go to code 3! \r
    7. Best Getaway driver ever! \r
    8. Cop arrest cop for speeding RAW \r
    Thank you for Watching! Please like share and subscribe! \r
    Questions or Comments? Leaving them down below I read and respond to all comments!

    Ver video "Big Bad Crown Vics In Action #2 Compilation Ford Police Interceptor P71"

  • Marvel vs. DC - The Ultimate Crossover (Part I) | Animation Film

    Please support my work on Patreon!: \r
    Follow me on Google+: \r
    Join my Facebook Page!: \r
    Check Out DcComicsUnited for some epic stuff!: \r
    All the Visuals and Animation by Saruhan Saral, created using Blender and After Effects\r
    This is my first short film project. I started in February new and it took me 3 months to finish the whole thing. This is not a commercial but a personal project and Im not affiliated with any company(i.e. I dont earn any money from this).\r
    I didnt MODEL any of the charers,they are from the video games of these 2 companies but I did the rigging then animated the shots. I then used Adobe After Effects and Premiere for composition. Most voice clips are from the video games, mostly from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Injustice: Gods Among Us.\r
    Sound Effects were edited in Audacity.\r
    Hope you enjoy!\r
    Subscribe to my channel to stay up-to-date on my videos!\r
    Soundtracks In Order;\r
    Ninja Tracks - Exposure\r
    Really Slow Motion - Shredder\r
    The Hit House - Basalt\r
    Hi-Finesse - Millennia\r
    Hi Finesse - Odyssey\r
    Hi-Finesse - Downfall\r
    My Other Works;\r
    Hulk vs. Police: \r
    Black Spider-Man Animation Video: \r
    Follow me on Twitter and Instagram!: @sarusaral

    Ver video "Marvel vs. DC - The Ultimate Crossover (Part I) | Animation Film"

  • How to download Paid Apps/Games FREE On Any Android Device

    In this video, I will be showing you how to download and install paid applications and games for FREE onto your Android device. It does work on ANY ANDROID Device, regardless of firmware. So, it will even work on all versions of Android 4.4, Android 4.3, Android 4.x, Android 3.x, Android 2.x or any other firmware. Enjoy! Please throw me a thumbs up, as it does help me out a ton. Also, there is a lot more content to come, so be sure to subscribe. :D\r
    Download Link : \r
    This video is purely for education purposes only.\r
    Please comment,like and subscribe.

    Ver video "How to download Paid Apps/Games FREE On Any Android Device"

  • Transformers: Earth Wars - Combiners!

    Combiners are coming to Transformers: Earth Wars after a long, agonizing wait! Superion joins the Autobots and Devastator joins the Decepticons. You may be asking how to get a combiner of your own, Well, all the details that you need about this new feature are in this video along with some epic battles as Superion levels Decepticon bases! If you have any questions that I dont cover in the video, just ask in the comments and Ill answer as best as I can.\r
    Join us on BAND:\r
    Check out my new channel, Hoist Gaming, for more games:\r
    Check out my website: \r
    Like me on Facebook: \r
    Follow me on Twitter:\r

    Ver video "Transformers: Earth Wars - Combiners!"

  • Super Mario Bros. KAIZO!? - Super Mario Maker Level Showcase

    Super Mario Bros. KAIZO!? | Super Mario Maker Level Showcase\r
    Darby takes on a SMB1 style Kaizo level in this Super Mario Maker showcase.\r
    ID: 66F2-0000-0336-E4DD\r
    Bookmark: \r
    ♦ Follow us on:\r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: \r
    Discord: \r
    Twitch: \r
    ♦ Donate here: \r
    ♦ Become a Patron and get rewarded: \r
    ♦ To send fan mail, address to:\r
    Darby BTG\r
    P.O. Box 415\r
    Kirkersville, OH 43033\r
    ♦ I have a license to use Nintendos content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.

    Ver video "Super Mario Bros. KAIZO!? - Super Mario Maker Level Showcase"

  • No Bake Oreo Truffle Cake | Kitchen Time with Neha

    This is just a modified version of the popular Oreo Truffles! I love those truffles SO much so I decided to make a cake and it turned out fantastic ;) Everyone loved it a lot so sharing the recipe with you all! Also this cake is best served at room temperature so make a note of that :) Enjoy!\r
    *25 oreos, finely chopped\r
    *70 g cream cheese, at room temperature\r
    *75 g semi sweet chocolate, chopped\r
    *50 ml fresh cream/heavy cream\r
    *1/2 tsp butter, at room temperature\r
    *3 oreos, roughly crushed (optional)\r
    Follow me on instagram @kitchentimewithneha for delicious food clicks! \r
    If you make any of my recipes, then post them on instagram and tag me in them :)\r
    I would love to see your pictures and it would make me super happy :D \r
    Also you can follow me @neha_britto to stay updated with my life if you want to. It is my personal account. :)\r
    Do subscribe if you havent already to stay updated with all my new yummy recipe videos! And if you have any questions or suggestions, you can leave them down in the comment section below and I will reply as soon as possible! :)\r
    Also note that any rude or mean comments will be deleted and/or reported by me without a response. \r
    Heres the video link to my Microwave Oreo Cake:\r
    Heres the video link to my No Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake:\r
    Heres the video link to my Chocolate Ganache on Stove Top:\r

    Ver video "No Bake Oreo Truffle Cake | Kitchen Time with Neha"

  • The NEO Network Get In Now With Kris Darty
    Did you hear what Kris Darty did on August 23, 2013. In my 3 years in network marketing I have never seen any network marketing leader change so many live in such a short time.
    I have seen top marketers help people but to fill their downlines and change the finances of all the people involved in The NEO Network is amazing.
    The Neo Network is a community of network marketing leaders dedicated to the success of their team. Most top network marketing leaders make money but how do they insure that their downline is also making money and building their downline.
    This is the brain child of Kris Darty. Who created a system where every helps one another and succeeds equally.
    I'm a teacher and a care giver. I love to teach and help people. I am committing to helping 25 people get into the $600 a month club.
    If you're tired of not making any money on the internet.
    Go Now 

    Ver video "The NEO Network Get In Now With Kris Darty"

  • Tutorial: How to colour skin with 3 copic markers (fashion illustration)

    This is a quick way of how to color the skin with 3 copic markers. \r
    Base color: E21 \r
    Middle color: E31 \r
    Darkest color: E33 \r
    Blush color: R02 \r
    White gel pen: Gelly Roll \r
    White pencil: Prismacolor \r
    Thanks for watching!\r
    Dont forget to like and share :)\r
    instagram: \r
    *I used some affiliate links. I add them so you can check which products I use, but of course you can get them from any other shop :)

    Ver video "Tutorial: How to colour skin with 3 copic markers (fashion illustration)"

  • how can i make my hair grow faster - how do i make my hair grow faster - how do you make your hair grow faster - how can i make my hair grow faster - how do i make my hair grow faster - how do you make your hair grow faster

    You will get longer, thicker and more voluminous hair that will

    get you noticed. (Even your family will notice how much thicker
    and longer your hair is!)

    You will be able to wear any hairstyle you want.
    (Because your hair grows at a super fast rate - 2-3 inches a month
    you can change your hairstyle as often as you want without fear or hesitation!)

    No matter how fine or dry your hair is now, you will get the same
    superstar volume and shine that you get from a visit to a salon.
    (Except this time it will be permanent!)

    You will look years younger.
    (Long, thick, vibrant hair makes you look years younger instantly!)

    how can i make my hair grow faster - how do i make my hair grow faster - how do you make your hair grow faster

    Ver video "how can i make my hair grow faster - how do i make my hair grow faster - how do you make your hair grow faster"


    Hi! This is Diandra and I post new reions, challenges, pranks, skits and parodies every day on YouTube! Feel free to subscribe and share any video you see that you think is cool! If you have any requests, leave a comment email or message! My social media and other helpful links are all linked below.\r
    Snapchat: \r
    Instagram: \r
    Subscribe To My Other YouTube Channel! \r
    Other AWESOME Videos I Love!:\r
    I use a Canon T5i DSLR camera and Sony a5000 mirrorless camera to filming. Editing is done in Cyberlink PowerDirector 15, Windows Movie Maker, and Cyberlink Photodirector 3.\r
    ABOUT ME:\r
    Name: Diandra Birge\r
    Height: 58\r
    Birthdate: 03/31/1990\r
    Born In: Chicago\r
    Residing In: Chicago\r
    For business inquiries:


  • boy or girl baby - choosing baby gender - natural gender selection - boy or girl baby - choosing baby gender - natural gender selection

    My name is Ashley Spencer and after having 3
    boys I was desperate for a little girl.

    I would have volunteered for medical research.

    I would have sold everything I owned.

    I would have paid $100,000.


    Fortunately I didn't have to do ANY of those

    Instead, the answers to gender selection fell in
    to my lap as if by fate.

    By complete luck my husband stumbled upon
    well-established, but little-known medical science
    that lets you choose your baby's gender with a
    94.8% success rate.

    boy or girl baby - choosing baby gender - natural gender selection

    Ver video "boy or girl baby - choosing baby gender - natural gender selection"

  • Leigh Super FMT Frame Mortise and Tenon Jig Review

    Leigh Super FMT Frame Mortise and Tenon JigProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Universal sub-base attaches to virtually any plunge router

    Five 5/16" joint guides (1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2") over 21 sizes of mortise & tenons

    5/16" HSS spiral upcut bit with 1/2" shank (Leigh# 170-500)

    Two F-style clamps and adjustable side-stop fence for tenoning

    1/8" hex driver, mounting hardware and illustrated user guide

    Ver video "Leigh Super FMT Frame Mortise and Tenon Jig Review"

  • How To Mod Games On Any iOS Device/Modded Gameplay

    In this video, I show you how to install an ios mods app through cydia on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.\r
    My user ID: 76073\r
    1. On any jailbroken device, open cydia\r
    2. Add the source \r
    3. Install the app imodgame from the source you just added\r
    4. Open up the ios mods app and sign in with your gmail account\r
    5. Click account, click thank inviter, and then type in this user ID 76073 and click thank\r
    6. You now have mod points that you can use to get a free mod.\r
    7. Install any mod you want and enjoy!

    Ver video "How To Mod Games On Any iOS Device/Modded Gameplay"

  • Historias #1 - Los Brackets

    A todos nos han pasado cosas extrañas en la adolescencia, cuando empezamos la sexación, esta historia es una de ellas

    Bienvenidos tus comentarios sugerencias y dudas! :3




    ★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promote.

    Ver video "Historias #1 - Los Brackets"

  • 4 Super EASY Blacklight UV Face Paint Designs Tutorial

    From GALAXY to RAINBOW, todays tutorial features 4 super simple black light reive face painting designs - perfect for glow parties, Halloween, or any time!\r
    Click SHOW MORE below to find links of ALL products shown!\r
    Products Used:\r
    -Global Neon White Face Paint: \r
    - TAG 3-Stripe Neon Rainbow One-Stroke: \r
    - Superstar Neon Face Paint: \r
    - Aqualon Wisp Brush (for splatter effect) -\r
    - Kryvaline Neon Face Paints -\r
    - Suzy Sparkles UV Glitter Gels -

    Ver video "4 Super EASY Blacklight UV Face Paint Designs Tutorial"

  • Lets Meet My Dream Girl | Lets Play Dream Girlfriend #1 | S1

    Lets all meet my Dream Girlfriend!\r
    This is an App Ive been playing like crazy recently, its super cute! Ive always wanted to try and make these sorts of videos, so I figured why not! I hope you enjoyed, and feel free to tell me if youd like to see more!\r
    Please feel free to subscribe here if you enjoyed this video!\r
    Also follow me on instagram for updates:\r
    If you have any app recommendations for me please let me know! I love to try new games!\r
    This app is Dream Girlfriend by Ambition! It is available on Itunes and the Google Play store for FREEEEE and is super fun! Please support and play this awesome app :)\r
    Itunes: \r
    Google Play: \r
    Song: Rainbow Street by Scott Holmes

    Ver video "Lets Meet My Dream Girl | Lets Play Dream Girlfriend #1 | S1"

  • "Documental. Luna: El gran impacto."

    "Documental Luna: El gran impacto." The search results do not contain any information about a documentary with this title.

    The closest relevant information is in the second search result, which mentions a documentary called "El gran sudario blanco retorcido sobre el cadáver del hijo" as part of the DocsLab Formación DocsMX 2023 event. However, this does not seem to be the same documentary you are asking about.

    Without any direct references to a documentary called "Documental Luna: El gran impacto" in the provided search results, I do not have enough information to summarize the content or details of such a documentary. If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic, please feel free to ask.


    Ver video ""Documental. Luna: El gran impacto.""

  • DIY: Better Flowing Intake MOD! (EASY & FREE)

    Sup #TUBULRSquad ! Got a simple tutorial for you Rotary Fan that have a Mazda RX8 04-11 . Super easy tutorial to have horsepower / hp gains its absolutely free and can definitely help have more airflow into your engine. This can create more room for air to travel into your engine! If you got any questions feel free to ask I respond to everything unless its rude! Please be sure to leave a like, Subscribe, and share the video Thank You!\r
    Support my channel!\r

    Ver video "DIY: Better Flowing Intake MOD! (EASY & FREE)"

  • Cities: Skylines - 0 to 1 Million Population in High Speed

    1,000,000 population! Full growth with speed increased 1500%. Watch my next video for population density secrets! \r
    About half way I couldnt build anything any more because the game hit its build limit. \r
    Mods found at \r
    Mods used here: \r
    Fill the houses (encourages more people to fill existing houses)\r
    Automatic Emptying (levels out cemeteries and trash dumps automaticly)\r
    Less Garbage (more realistic garbage production)\r
    Automatic Bulldoze (As it says.)\r
    Super Demand (increases all demand for super fast growth)\r
    All Spaces Unlockable (all 25 spaces usable)\r
    Chirpy Exterminator (kills that damn bird.)\r
    Music from \r
    Support my growth!\r

    Ver video "Cities: Skylines - 0 to 1 Million Population in High Speed"

  • Almost popped my Face!!!

    FOLLOW US ON SNAPCHAT!! TWINZTV Click here to Subscribe to TwinzTv Follow us!! Instagram- .\r
    Girl popping zit boil on her face. Its apparently cystic acne. Never seen anything like this in my life!!!! I tried to hold the camera as steady as I could, but I was a .\r
    Sign up and meet new people He had this pimple that would ooze every couple months for the last year or so. The dermatologist told .\r
    NSFW! I live in Sierra Leone. I work in a remote region which is far from any hospitals or major cities. I lived there for 3 months and during that period of time my .

    Ver video "Almost popped my Face!!!"

  • 3 Summer Hair Styles Inspired by the Runway

    Help me get to 3K subbies!! Subscribe \r
    ****PLEASE READ****\r
    3 (Yes, 3) very easy hairstyles inspired by the runway made especially for natural hair, because thats what I have, but can be achieved with any hair type. Get more info at \r
    1. Braided Bang with Bun 0:07 \r
    2. Messy French Braid and Roll 3:38\r
    3. French Roll and Quiff/Bang with Scarf 6:44\r
    F O L L O W\r
    Find me on FB, Instagram and The Twitter @TheShainaGlenn\r
    FTC - All products were purchased by myself and paid for with my own money. I am not sponsored by or affiliated. with these companies and I am not being paid for this review. As always, all opinions are my own.

    Ver video "3 Summer Hair Styles Inspired by the Runway"

  • DIY Wrist Watch FIREBALL Shooter! - Control Fire With Your Hand!!! (Amazing Magic Spy Device)

    Watch: \r
    Glow Plug: \r
    Flash Paper/Cotton: \r
    Learn how I built a mini fireball shooter inside of an ordinary wrist watch. This project is is super cool and allows you to shoot fire from your wrist without any one knowing where it came from! Its perfect for magic tricks. Making fire appear from your hand has never been easier! Be safe and enjoy!\r
    Facebook: \r
    Instagram: \r
    Playlist of Every Video: \r
    If you liked this video, check out more on my channel \r
    Music: \r
    Kygo - Firestone Instrumental

    Ver video "DIY Wrist Watch FIREBALL Shooter! - Control Fire With Your Hand!!! (Amazing Magic Spy Device)"


    Resumen de la carrera de Blink182 contada por mi, mi beia cara y un solo de batería increíble, ¿que mas quieres?

    Bienvenidos tus comentarios sugerencias y dudas! :3




    ★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promote

    Ver video "HISTORIA DE BLINK 182 SEGUN YO"

  • Burnout Paradise: Drivable Traffic Mod (PS3)

    As weve seen it on both PC and XBox360 over the years, I now present the drivable traffic mod for PS3. There are a total of about 43 playable traffic cars to select from, but obviously for video run-time reasons I only selected a few to show off.\r
    Traffic in Freeburn Lobby (any lobby)\r
    Traffic in Cops & Robbers\r
    Traffic in a Race (unranked and ranked).\r
    Traffic on buildings. (Mod + Glitch)\r
    Enjoy! :)\r
    PS. Special thanks to my good old friend fernando69_haha as spyder-_-elite for helping me bring you this video.\r
    Stay tuned for other interesting MOD videos coming soon:\r
    - Online cars converted to offline cars.\r
    - Hawker Mech unreleased beta finishes 2 & 3\r
    - Permanent Gloss and Metallic color on any car.\r
    - and more! :)\r
    Duelle - Your Addiction\r
    Jamburglar - Findings

    Ver video "Burnout Paradise: Drivable Traffic Mod (PS3)"

  • FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY - The Living Tombstone (Piano Medley by Amosdoll)

    FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY (Which combines Toreador, Its Been So Long, Die In A Fire, I Got No Time all by The Living Tombstone) by Amosdoll Music\r
    Learn Amosdolls methods on how to play piano covers like this song or ANY song within 10-20 minutes by ear WITHOUT sheet music or synthesia by grabbing your FREE preview of the Ear Mastery Book here:\r
    Join Amosdolls PREMIUM PIANO MEMBERSHIP to gain access to all exclusive piano courses, full song video lessons, and festive packages and lessons:\r
    If you are completely NEW to the piano and dont know WHERE to start, then get started and learn from my top-selling Udemy piano course Piano From Zero To Pro designed specifically for BEGINNERS:\r
    If you want me to make a full song video lesson (30-60 minutes) on any specific song or arrangement of your choice, then use my custom Full Song Video Lesson Service:\r
    Not only I can play and teach any song in the world through video, but I can also write any song or arrangement out onto sheet music using my Sheet Transcription Service:\r
    -- SONG REQUESTS --\r
    Pick any song or arrangement of your choice, and I will professionally record a dedication video for you and send you the HD mp3 file:\r
    -- BECOME MY PATRON --\r
    Donate on patron to support me as a musician whilst also getting exclusive monthly rewards for yourself:\r
    You can use my piano covers in your videos as long as you credit me by linking my original video in your description of your video :)\r
    Feel free to donate $5 below and I will send you the original HD mp3 piano recording file without the intro/outro or any talking:\r
    Get your hands on my penguin metronome that has been with me throughout all 1700+ YouTube videos here:\r
    Amosdoll Official Facebook: \r
    Amosdoll Twitter: \r
    Amosdoll Pinterest: \r
    Amosdolls HOW TO PLAY Piano Tutorials (Over 400+ Tutorials):\r
    Amosdolls Five Nights At Freddys Piano Playlist:\r
    Amosdolls Undertale OST Piano Playlist (All 120 Songs):\r
    Amosdolls Video Game Music (VGM) Piano Playlist:\r
    Amosdolls Anime/Japanese Songs Piano Playlist:\r
    Amosdolls English Billboard & Movie Piano Playlist: \r
    Amosdolls Chinese Billboard / TVB Piano Playlist:\r
    Amosdolls Korean Drama / KPOP Piano Playlist:\r
    Amosdolls Meme Songs Piano Playlist:\r
    Amosdolls Paid / Patreon Dedications Piano Playlist (100+ Videos):\r

    Ver video "FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY - The Living Tombstone (Piano Medley by Amosdoll)"

  • MLP:FiM "A True, True Friend " Lyrics on Screen

    Song From My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, "Magical Mystery Cure"
    Season 3 Episode 13,
    Name of song ""A True, True Friend".Lyrics on Screen

    For more Videos


    I do not own this content, it was made by Hasbro Studios and DHX.
    I upload videos for entertainment purposes and I do not plan to earn money with any video that is associated with Hasbro's property.
    To dispose provided by The HUB.
    The video was uploaded only for criticize and evaluate, so that everyone has the opportunity to be able to wrote his opinion about it

    Ver video "MLP:FiM "A True, True Friend " Lyrics on Screen"

  • TOY HUNTING & THRIFTING - Frozen, Disney Princess and Care Bears!

    Due to my busy schedule for the past 3 weeks, it was very difficult for me to upload videos daily. This week was especially tough and I wasnt able to upload any videos for days. Which made this weeks toy hunt even more exiting because I finally had a chance to surround myself with things I love: TOYS!!!\r
    Follow Lastic on.\r
    Music Spring composed by Pinkzebra\r
    * Music in this video is used under license from the rights holder.\r
    * I also hold an explicit written permission directly from the rights holder to use his music COMMERCIALLY.\r
    License terms:

    Ver video "TOY HUNTING & THRIFTING - Frozen, Disney Princess and Care Bears!"

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