Un gos ataca un nen de 3 anys a l’Escala i el mossega al cap i a la cara
Deu anys de guerra contra els lladres de la carretera: qui són i com treure'ls de circulació 3
Ver video "Deu anys de guerra contra els lladres de la carretera: qui són i com treure'ls de circulació 3"
Lluís Llach - Cançó d'amor de 'La Revolta', by Ona Radio Quim Pedret
Petita part del Documental de TV3 "La revolta Permanent" on Lluís Llach interpreta 'Cançó d'amor' i recorda la Barcelona dels anys 80
Ver video "Lluís Llach - Cançó d'amor de 'La Revolta', by Ona Radio Quim Pedret"
El CNB guanya la Copa del Rei
El CN Barcelona trenca 5 anys de títols mariners i guanya la Copa del Rei (3-7).
Els cenebistes han posat fi a vuit anys de sequera superant l'Atlètic BarcelonetaVer video "El CNB guanya la Copa del Rei"
iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 4 juliol 2007
iEuropa. 3 notícies! El Fons Social Europeu també compleix 50 anys, trobada sobre la reducció de CO2 dels vehicles, i destaquem el refús a la fusió entre les companyies de vol de baix cost Ryanair i Aer Lingus.
Ver video "iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 4 juliol 2007"
El video mostra com va definir Kholberg el raonament moral, amb els 2 primers nivells:
Nivell 1 Moralitat pre-convencional (dels 4 fins als 10 anys)
Etapa 1: L’orientació d’obediencia per castig.
Etapa 2: L’orientació instrumental-relativista i orientació pel premi personal
Nivell 2 Moralitat de conformitat amb el paper convencional (dels 10 fins 13 anys)
Etapa 3: L’orientació de concordancia interpersonal o de “xiquet bo-xiqueta bona”
Etapa 4: L’orientació de “llei i ordre”Ver video "RAZONAMIENTO MORAL"
Estació de Quart. Record del carrilet Girona- St. Feliu
El carrilet de Sant Feliu de Guixols a Girona es va inaugurar el 30 de juny de 1892, després de 3 anys de treballs. La via tenía una amplada de 75 centímetres i fou la primera de l´estat d´aquest ample. Les locomotores eren fabricades a Alemanya i es van construir les 4 primeres l´any 1890. Tres anys després arriba la nº 5. El 1905 es posa en servei la nº 6. S´ha d´esperar vint anys per completar l´entrega amb les nº 11 i 12. El 1924 es va fer un ramal fins al port de St. Feliu, que va afavorir el transport de mercaderies, sobretot el de suro i productes transformats de la industria surera. (( el relat continua al video: estació de LLagostera))
Ver video "Estació de Quart. Record del carrilet Girona- St. Feliu"
Un espai de sensacions audiovisuals per a nens i nenes de 18 mesos a 3 anys n Un espacio de sensaciones audiovisuales para niños y niñas de 18 meses a 3 años n An activity where children aged between 18 months and 3 years will be able to enjoy an audiovisual experience.
Ver video "Sensacional_clip"
Un espai de sensacions audiovisuals per a nens i nenes de 18 mesos a 3 anys n Un espacio de sensaciones audiovisuales para niños y niñas de 18 meses a 3 años n An activity where children aged between 18 months and 3 years will be able to enjoy an audiovisual experience.
Ver video "Sensacional"
Una dona de 83 anys ha mort pel ensorrament del edifici
Els fets han passat pocs minuts abans de les 7 del matí, quan el sostre d'un edifici de 3 plantes de Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) s'ha ensorrat fins arribar al primer pis. Un home de 80 anys ha resultat ferit i ha estat traslladat a l'hospital de Can Ruti, i una senyora de 82 anys amb mobilitat reduïda que residia a la primera planta de l'edifici podria haver quedat atrapada.
Ver video "Una dona de 83 anys ha mort pel ensorrament del edifici"
[AMV] 3 x 3 Eyes w/ Lycia - Tongues
DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor do I claim ownership of, any of the audio or video in this video and is in no way associated with the musical artist or anime company in any way.
All Rights Reserved
Anime Music Video
3 x 3 Eyes (Sazan aizu)
Year: 1995
Director: Seiko Sayama
Production Co.: Mizuo
Fansub: ?
Song: Tongues
Band: Lycia
Album: Estrella
Record Label: Projekt RecordsVer video "[AMV] 3 x 3 Eyes w/ Lycia - Tongues"
Els cenebistes acaben amb el regnat dels mariners
El Club Natació Barcelona s'ha consolidat com la revelació de la Copa del Rei de waterpolo després de proclamar-se campió en la final. Els cenebistes han posat fi a vuit anys de sequera superant l'Atlètic Barceloneta per 7 a 3 i han acabat amb l'hegemonia dels mariners. 13/02/2011
Ver video "Els cenebistes acaben amb el regnat dels mariners"
Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Display (TFT) Test: Compare With J7 (Super Amoled)
On Demand Video.\r
After launching Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Every user wants to know about TFT vs Super AMOLED.\r
So i upload this on Demand Video..\r
I compare both Device in Several Conditions \r
J7 Prime (TFT) Vs J7 ( Super Amoled)\r
Which Display is showing Natural Pictures.\r
Brightness \r
Lowest Brightness \r
If you find any help hit Subdcribe and Like Button\r
Thanks For watching.Ver video "Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Display (TFT) Test: Compare With J7 (Super Amoled)"
Escòria Underground on the rocks: L'arbre
Vídeo del mític grup maleït dels anys 90, "L'escòria Underground on the rocks", interpretant la seva cançó insignia, "L'arbre". No es coneix l'existència de cap altre videoclip d'aquest enigmàtic grup de músics revolucionaris, renovadors de l'escena musical del seu moment. Jo era el de les maraques, però el pressupost era minso i vais fer servir un pot amb claus pel videoclip.
Videoclip del mítico grupo maldito de los años 90, "L'escòria Underground on the rocks", (se podría traducir como "la escória marginal con hielo") interpretando su canción insignia, "L'arbre". No se conoce la existencia de ningún otro videoclip de este enigmático grupo de músicos revolucionarios, renovadores de la escena musical de su momento. Yo era el de las maracas, pero como no alcanzaba el presupuesto, usé un bote con clavos.
Rare clip of the strange catalan group ""L'escòria (wich means scum) Underground on the rocks". This is the only clip as far as we know. I was the one with the sunglasses that clips his handsVer video "Escòria Underground on the rocks: L'arbre"
Fc barcelona uefa super cup 28-08-2009 [HD]
Fc Barcelona Champion of UEFA Super cup 2009 in Monaco 5th trophy in the Same year.
FC Barcelona Campeón de la Supercopa de la UEFA 2009 en Mónaco, 5 º trofeo en el mismo año.
FC Barcelone champion de la Super Coupe de l'UEFA 2009 à Monaco trophée 5e de la même année.
??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? 2009 ?? ?????? ????? 5 ?? ??? ?????.
FC Barcelona Campió de la Supercopa de la UEFA 2009 a Mònaco, 5è trofeu en el mateix any.
Fc Barcellona Campione di UEFA Super Cup 2009 in Trophy Monaco 5, nello stesso anno.
FC Barcelona Champion of UEFA Super Cup 2009 i Monaco 5. Bucklan samma år.Ver video "Fc barcelona uefa super cup 28-08-2009 [HD]"
The Best Fast Leveling Tip for Patch 2.1 Seasons in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls
A guide on how to speed level in patch 2.1 in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Also works for any solo leveling and the Ultimate Evil Edition. ▭ Subscribe for more .\r
A guide on how to speed level in patch 2.1 in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Also works for any solo leveling, fresh start, and the Ultimate Evil Edition. ▭ Subscribe .\r
Today I share the best way to level in seasons. If you follow these methods in patch 2.1 of reaper of souls you should be able to power level through. In this patch .Ver video "The Best Fast Leveling Tip for Patch 2.1 Seasons in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls"
Una "lluna" alarma la ciutat xinesa de Fuzhou
El súper tifó Meranti, considerat la tempesta més forta del planeta en el que va d'any, ha arribat avui a la costa oriental de Xina després del seu pas per Taiwan. La força del vent va provocar que una lluna gegant inflable, que formava part del decorat d'un festival que celebrava la meitat de la tardor, es desprengués i comencés a rodar per la ciutat de Fuzhou sense control. L'inflable gegant va passar per sobre de conductors i vianants.
Ver video "Una "lluna" alarma la ciutat xinesa de Fuzhou"
IDIOT Drivers Compilation WEEK 2 JULY 2016 Driving Fails, Road Rage and Crashes
IDIOT Drivers Compilation WEEK 2 JULY 2016 Driving Fails, Road Rage and Crashes
Uploaded as educational video.
Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.
Copyright issue? Send me a message and we'll get it resolved ASAP.
Don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more!
I put new videos every week!
Have a great day!
If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it
Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)Ver video "IDIOT Drivers Compilation WEEK 2 JULY 2016 Driving Fails, Road Rage and Crashes"
NASCAR Crashes
NASCAR Crashes 3:\r
NASCAR Crashes 2:\r
None of the drivers in this video died in any of these accidents.\r
You can skip to certain accidents below.\r
0:05 - new Aarons 499\r
0:54 - new Aarons 499\r
1:46 - 1996 DieHard 500\r
2:12 - 2001 Daytona 500\r
2:44 - new Coke Zero 400\r
3:10 - new Coke Zero 400\r
3:28 - new Budweiser Shootout\r
4:38 - new Heluva Good 400\r
5:05 - 2008 Samsung 500 (Qualifying)\r
5:44 - 2008 UAW-Dodge 400\r
5:58 - new Coke Zero 400\r
6:24 - new Quaker State 400\r
7:30 - new Good Sam 500\r
9:02 - 2002 Aarons 312\r
10:15 - new Drive4COPD 300\r
I do not own any of these videos.\r
Any unnecessary/negative comments may be removed.Ver video "NASCAR Crashes"
Most Expensive Fails, BEST OF LUXURY CAR CRASH Compilation JUNE 2017
Most Expensive Fails, BEST OF LUXURY CAR CRASH Compilation JUNE 2017\r
Uploaded as educational video.\r
Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions.\r
Copyright issue? Send me a message and well get it resolved ASAP.\r
Dont forget to subscribe if you want to see more!\r
I put new videos every week!\r
Have a great day!\r
If you own any of these videos message me and I will remove it\r
Super Car Driver Idiots CRASH and FAILS [ONLY VIDEOS] Just 2016 NEW Video! Subscribe for more compilation about super car crashes and much more :)Ver video "Most Expensive Fails, BEST OF LUXURY CAR CRASH Compilation JUNE 2017"
Lego Mech Suit - Goliath
Like What I do? Help me keep doing it by donating on Patreon: \r
Comment section rules: PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING\r
1) This is a channel meant for all ages so please keep your comments appropriate. \r
2) Please dont post 1st or any other numbered spam (or any spam). It will be deleted, and you may find yourself banned from posting future comments.\r
3) Please be respectful of other peoples thoughts and opinions.\r
4) Unless I say otherwise in the video, I will not be doing tutorials (or LDD file downloads) so please do not flood the comment section with tutorial requests.\r
5) If you have a question about the build, I may have answered it in the video. So please watch the ENTIRE video before commenting.\r
Thank You!Ver video "Lego Mech Suit - Goliath"
Transformers: Earth Wars - Combiners!
Combiners are coming to Transformers: Earth Wars after a long, agonizing wait! Superion joins the Autobots and Devastator joins the Decepticons. You may be asking how to get a combiner of your own, Well, all the details that you need about this new feature are in this video along with some epic battles as Superion levels Decepticon bases! If you have any questions that I dont cover in the video, just ask in the comments and Ill answer as best as I can.\r
Join us on BAND:\r
Check out my new channel, Hoist Gaming, for more games:\r
Check out my website: \r
Like me on Facebook: \r
Follow me on Twitter:\rVer video "Transformers: Earth Wars - Combiners!"
The NEO Network Get In Now With Kris Darty
Did you hear what Kris Darty did on August 23, 2013. In my 3 years in network marketing I have never seen any network marketing leader change so many live in such a short time.
I have seen top marketers help people but to fill their downlines and change the finances of all the people involved in The NEO Network is amazing.
The Neo Network is a community of network marketing leaders dedicated to the success of their team. Most top network marketing leaders make money but how do they insure that their downline is also making money and building their downline.
This is the brain child of Kris Darty. Who created a system where every helps one another and succeeds equally.
I'm a teacher and a care giver. I love to teach and help people. I am committing to helping 25 people get into the $600 a month club.
If you're tired of not making any money on the internet.
Go Now http://neweconomyopportunity.comVer video "The NEO Network Get In Now With Kris Darty"
Hi! This is Diandra and I post new reions, challenges, pranks, skits and parodies every day on YouTube! Feel free to subscribe and share any video you see that you think is cool! If you have any requests, leave a comment email or message! My social media and other helpful links are all linked below.\r
Snapchat: \r
Instagram: \r
Subscribe To My Other YouTube Channel! \r
Other AWESOME Videos I Love!:\r
I use a Canon T5i DSLR camera and Sony a5000 mirrorless camera to filming. Editing is done in Cyberlink PowerDirector 15, Windows Movie Maker, and Cyberlink Photodirector 3.\r
Name: Diandra Birge\r
Height: 58\r
Birthdate: 03/31/1990\r
Born In: Chicago\r
Residing In: Chicago\r
For business inquiries: diandrabirge@gmail.comVer video "EXTREME DUCT TAPE CHALLENGE!"
Leigh Super FMT Frame Mortise and Tenon Jig Review
Leigh Super FMT Frame Mortise and Tenon JigProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Universal sub-base attaches to virtually any plunge router
Five 5/16" joint guides (1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2") over 21 sizes of mortise & tenons
5/16" HSS spiral upcut bit with 1/2" shank (Leigh# 170-500)
Two F-style clamps and adjustable side-stop fence for tenoning
1/8" hex driver, mounting hardware and illustrated user guide
Ver video "Leigh Super FMT Frame Mortise and Tenon Jig Review"
"Documental. Luna: El gran impacto."
"Documental Luna: El gran impacto." The search results do not contain any information about a documentary with this title.
The closest relevant information is in the second search result, which mentions a documentary called "El gran sudario blanco retorcido sobre el cadáver del hijo" as part of the DocsLab Formación DocsMX 2023 event. However, this does not seem to be the same documentary you are asking about.
Without any direct references to a documentary called "Documental Luna: El gran impacto" in the provided search results, I do not have enough information to summarize the content or details of such a documentary. If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic, please feel free to ask.
[1] https://www.docsmx.org/formacion/docslab_2023.php
[2] https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8w0gio
[3] https://www.fecyt.es/es/noticia/comienza-el-rodaje-del-documental-nanocosmos-un-viaje-lo-pequeno
[4] https://detodoexpres.com/cine-de-national-geographic/national-geographic-la-gran-rebelion-incaVer video ""Documental. Luna: El gran impacto.""
Historias #1 - Los Brackets
A todos nos han pasado cosas extrañas en la adolescencia, cuando empezamos la sexación, esta historia es una de ellas
Bienvenidos tus comentarios sugerencias y dudas! :3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwangerofic...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JwangerOficial
★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promote.Ver video "Historias #1 - Los Brackets"
Lets Meet My Dream Girl | Lets Play Dream Girlfriend #1 | S1
Lets all meet my Dream Girlfriend!\r
This is an App Ive been playing like crazy recently, its super cute! Ive always wanted to try and make these sorts of videos, so I figured why not! I hope you enjoyed, and feel free to tell me if youd like to see more!\r
Please feel free to subscribe here if you enjoyed this video!\r
Also follow me on instagram for updates:\r
If you have any app recommendations for me please let me know! I love to try new games!\r
This app is Dream Girlfriend by Ambition! It is available on Itunes and the Google Play store for FREEEEE and is super fun! Please support and play this awesome app :)\r
Itunes: \r
Google Play: \r
Song: Rainbow Street by Scott HolmesVer video "Lets Meet My Dream Girl | Lets Play Dream Girlfriend #1 | S1"
DIY Wrist Watch FIREBALL Shooter! - Control Fire With Your Hand!!! (Amazing Magic Spy Device)
Watch: \r
Glow Plug: \r
Flash Paper/Cotton: \r
Learn how I built a mini fireball shooter inside of an ordinary wrist watch. This project is is super cool and allows you to shoot fire from your wrist without any one knowing where it came from! Its perfect for magic tricks. Making fire appear from your hand has never been easier! Be safe and enjoy!\r
Facebook: \r
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Playlist of Every Video: \r
If you liked this video, check out more on my channel \r
Music: \r
Kygo - Firestone InstrumentalVer video "DIY Wrist Watch FIREBALL Shooter! - Control Fire With Your Hand!!! (Amazing Magic Spy Device)"
Resumen de la carrera de Blink182 contada por mi, mi beia cara y un solo de batería increíble, ¿que mas quieres?
Bienvenidos tus comentarios sugerencias y dudas! :3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwangerofic...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JwangerOficial
★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promoteVer video "HISTORIA DE BLINK 182 SEGUN YO"
FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY - The Living Tombstone (Piano Medley by Amosdoll)
FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY (Which combines Toreador, Its Been So Long, Die In A Fire, I Got No Time all by The Living Tombstone) by Amosdoll Music\r
Learn Amosdolls methods on how to play piano covers like this song or ANY song within 10-20 minutes by ear WITHOUT sheet music or synthesia by grabbing your FREE preview of the Ear Mastery Book here:\r
Join Amosdolls PREMIUM PIANO MEMBERSHIP to gain access to all exclusive piano courses, full song video lessons, and festive packages and lessons:\r
If you are completely NEW to the piano and dont know WHERE to start, then get started and learn from my top-selling Udemy piano course Piano From Zero To Pro designed specifically for BEGINNERS:\r
If you want me to make a full song video lesson (30-60 minutes) on any specific song or arrangement of your choice, then use my custom Full Song Video Lesson Service:\r
Not only I can play and teach any song in the world through video, but I can also write any song or arrangement out onto sheet music using my Sheet Transcription Service:\r
Pick any song or arrangement of your choice, and I will professionally record a dedication video for you and send you the HD mp3 file:\r
Donate on patron to support me as a musician whilst also getting exclusive monthly rewards for yourself:\r
You can use my piano covers in your videos as long as you credit me by linking my original video in your description of your video :)\r
Feel free to donate $5 below and I will send you the original HD mp3 piano recording file without the intro/outro or any talking:\r
Get your hands on my penguin metronome that has been with me throughout all 1700+ YouTube videos here:\r
Amosdoll Official Facebook: \r
Amosdoll Twitter: \r
Amosdoll Pinterest: \r
Amosdolls HOW TO PLAY Piano Tutorials (Over 400+ Tutorials):\r
Amosdolls Five Nights At Freddys Piano Playlist:\r
Amosdolls Undertale OST Piano Playlist (All 120 Songs):\r
Amosdolls Video Game Music (VGM) Piano Playlist:\r
Amosdolls Anime/Japanese Songs Piano Playlist:\r
Amosdolls English Billboard & Movie Piano Playlist: \r
Amosdolls Chinese Billboard / TVB Piano Playlist:\r
Amosdolls Korean Drama / KPOP Piano Playlist:\r
Amosdolls Meme Songs Piano Playlist:\r
Amosdolls Paid / Patreon Dedications Piano Playlist (100+ Videos):\r
--Ver video "FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY - The Living Tombstone (Piano Medley by Amosdoll)"
MLP:FiM "A True, True Friend " Lyrics on Screen
Song From My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, "Magical Mystery Cure"
Season 3 Episode 13,
Name of song ""A True, True Friend".Lyrics on Screen
For more Videos
I do not own this content, it was made by Hasbro Studios and DHX.
I upload videos for entertainment purposes and I do not plan to earn money with any video that is associated with Hasbro's property.
To dispose provided by The HUB.
The video was uploaded only for criticize and evaluate, so that everyone has the opportunity to be able to wrote his opinion about itVer video "MLP:FiM "A True, True Friend " Lyrics on Screen"
Roblox Heroes Event - How To Get Wings Of Robloxia
In this video, i teach you how to get wings of robloxia.\r
IMPORTANT!!!Please Read:\r
To run with overdrive, you hold down shift and then w.\r
If you are having problems getting the wings, try to kill a couple of enemies before defeating the boss. \r
Do not exit or skip the story until you have seen a redirecting page to the lobby and a achievement badge in the bottom right corner. If you dont see this, then your game is glitched and you will have to re start, i did it 3 times before i got my badge =.=, sorry i do not know any other way to fix this.\r
For mission 3, you have to be in sight of the boss in order for him to throw TNT at you.Ver video "Roblox Heroes Event - How To Get Wings Of Robloxia"
Pro Tricks for Fast Leveling in Season 3 Patch 2.2 (Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Guide)
A guide on tips and tricks on how to speed level in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls in Season 3, patch 2.2. Fast xp. Spreadsheet: Monk version (by .\r
Watch me stream this at at the start of S3 in the Americas. If you want the detailed guide I have my older S2 thread that has been .\r
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls guides on how to farm XP, exploits, common debris, legendary items, power-level, and more!\r
A guide on how to speed level in patch 2.1 in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Also works for any solo leveling and the Ultimate Evil Edition. ▭ Subscribe for more .Ver video "Pro Tricks for Fast Leveling in Season 3 Patch 2.2 (Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Guide)"
How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium
Today, I show you how I clean my 3 Gallon Tetra half moon aquarium that my female (longfin veiltail) betta Journey lives in. Although this video is geared towards this aquarium, the steps I do for this tank are the ex same steps I use to clean my other aquariums.\r
I did not scrub down the sides of my aquarium because there was no algae buildup. If your tank has algae buildup, run a sponge or damp cloth on the sides of your aquarium to remove it.\r
Do you clean your tank a different way? Let me know down below.\r
This was a requested video. Leave any requests you may have in the comments below!\r
Music by Bensound.comVer video "How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium"
DIY:10 Tips-Grow LONG NAILS at Home!
Meet my nails in the very first video of my new YouTube channel! In this video I will cover 10 Tips I use to grow my nails long. My next video will demonstrate how I do my weekly manicure. Sorry, if it gets a little boring! Subscribe to see my upcoming Mani vid and some pretty cool nail effects I cant wait to share! Stay tuned!: How I Do My Weekly Manicure!\r
How I do my weekly manicure video!\r
In order of importance!\r
1. Maintenance Coats\r
2. Oils/Handcreams\r
3. Nail Hardeners\r
4. Moisturizing Polish Remover \r
5. Filing/Shaping\r
6. Cleaning\r
7. Whitening/Bleaching\r
8. Protective Wear\r
9. Nail Serums (Gloves)\r
10. Nails not Tools\r
PS - I currently do not use any supplements :)\r
PSS- Please excuse the editing! XPVer video "DIY:10 Tips-Grow LONG NAILS at Home!"
Tonsil Stones How To Remove - Tonsil Stones Removal Tonsillo
http://tonsil-stones-remedies.bonuscb.com - tonsil stones how to remove - tonsil stones removal tonsillolith removed
Discover How to Naturally Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Forever- GUARANTEED!
Secret Home Remedy Treatment to Getting Rid of and Preventing Tonsilloliths and Tonsil Stones...
After 7 Long Years of Suffering, I am Completely Free of Tonsil Stones
Honestly, I feel so much gratitude I don't have tonsil stones anymore.
I feel more confident, more happier and more healthier than ever before.
I don't suffer from foul smelling bad breath, the constant feeling that something is stuck in your throat anymore.
I don't get any tonsil stones (tonsilloliths) on my tonsils whatsoever.
I don't even get those foul smelling white clumps, that sometimes just appear in your mouth or when you cough it up.
My tonsil stones have totally GONE.
All due thanks to this 3-step treatment plan, my tonsil stones NEVER APPEARED AGAIN.Ver video "Tonsil Stones How To Remove - Tonsil Stones Removal Tonsillo"
Tipos de encuarentenados!
Muchas gracias a quienes participaron en el video!!
Para participar en el sorteo
1. comenta este video
2. sigueme en Instagram y Twitter, una vez alcancemos la meta de 300 Subs avisaré por estas redes
Bienvenidos tus comentarios sugerencias y dudas! :3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwangerofic...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JwangerOficial
★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promoteVer video "TIPOS DE ENCUARENTENADOS 2"
Tipos de Encuarentenados
Tipos de encuarentenados!
Comenta cual me hizo falta!
Para participar en el sorteo comenta este video y sigueme en Instagram y Twitter, una vez alcancemos la meta de 300 Subs avisaré por estas redes
Bienvenidos tus comentarios sugerencias y dudas! :3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwangerofic...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JwangerOficial
★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promoteVer video "Tipos de Encuarentenados"
Stream Movies On PS3 For Free
In this video I will show you guys how to watch s on a PS3 for free! Without having to download anything! The only thing you will need is a ps3 and a good internet connnection.\r
If you want instruction they are listed underneath as well as the website link itself.\r
Link: vodly.to (also try: primewire.ag)\r
step 1. Open up your ps3 brower.\r
step 2. Search for vodly.to in the url bar\r
step 3. Find theyou want to see\r
step 4. Find a link of theyou want to watch that does not require flash (putlocker is the best example)\r
step 5. Watch thefor free\r
step 6. Subscribe to my channel if you want to see other cool videos!\r
If you have any questions just leave them in the comments so I can get back to you as soon as possible! If you have any suggestions for my next video leave it in the comments as well!Ver video "Stream Movies On PS3 For Free"
Major Minimalist Closet Cleanout!
Hey loves, today I am showing you how I clean out my closet!!:)\r
***Free AirBnb Gift card! Use my link to claim $46 in travel credit!\r
Thanks for checking out my NEW channel! \r
Click to subscribe! \r
I upload at least 3 times every week!\r
If you have any questions please ask, Ill be sure to respond. xox\r
Lets hang!\r
Twitter: @sarahnourse\r
Instagram: @sarah.nourse\r
Snapchat: @sarah-nourse\r
Wanna send me an email? Sarah.Nourse@yahoo.com\r
Discounts Codes\r
My Hair Extensions!\r
Use SARAH5 on Luxy Hair Extensions \r
Best Curling Wand\r
CURLS70 for 70% off\r
Camera: Canon 70D or Canon G7x\r
Edit: iMovieVer video "Major Minimalist Closet Cleanout!"
10 Beneficios para la Salud de la Schisandra
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Ver video "10 Beneficios para la Salud de la Schisandra"
Chibi Speedpaint - Amber Light
Finished Picture: \r
A commission done for AmberLight101 on deviantart.\r
So after the commission was accepted they changed what they wanted (and paid for the upgrade).\r
But I was tired and forgot, so I started a lined chibi version. \r
Partway through that they got into the stream I was doing and reminded me. \r
Whoopsie Fuyu got to redo the entire thing.\r
Program Used: Photoshop CS5\r
Tool Used: Wacom Intuos Pen and Touch + Mouse\r
Recording Program: xSplit\r
Editing Program: VideoPad\r
Time Taken: 2.2 Hours [Due to Mess-up]\r
Songs: \r
Melano - On Fire\r
Frequently Asked Questions:\r
1. Will you draw my OC?/Do you take request?\r
2. Do you do trades?\r
Rarely, I dont really have the time.\r
3. Whats the name of the song?\r
Please look up a few lines, I always list them. Alternatively, watch the entire video, theyre at the end.\r
4. What program did you use?\r
Once again, look up a few lines. You got this far down, how did you miss it?\r
You may not trace or repost any of my videos or artwork to any other site or platform without my written permission.\r
Check out my Deviantart page here: \r
And my Tumblr page here: \r
Commission Information:Ver video "Chibi Speedpaint - Amber Light"
Neodymium Magnets Magnetic Ball Spins for over five minutes LOW FRICTION BEARING
This video illustrates the low friction from a magnetic connection. The powerful Neodymium Magnets are rated at 87-112 pounds of pull force. I have smashed my fingers 4 times. They are really dangerous.
The balls are regular steel ball bearings and are NOT magnets. The smaller ones are 3/4 inch and the large ones are 2 inch x 2 pound steel ball bearings. They become magnetized when entering the magnetic field. The further away from the original magnetic field, the lower resistance the steel balls experience. There is an optimal distance based in the weight of the final ball. I am not sure what application this can be used for if any but it is quite amazing for a 5:37 hand spin.Ver video "Neodymium Magnets Magnetic Ball Spins for over five minutes LOW FRICTION BEARING"
obsessive skin picking - how to stop skin picking - stop skin picking
http://stopskinpicking.bonuscb.com - obsessive skin picking - how to stop skin picking - stop skin picking
How Do You Stop Picking For Good?
That is what I have spent years of research on and finally thanks
to the power of the internet I'm able to bring you an affordable
and immediate solution to your picking problem.
There are 3 main steps in the strategy that I teach that
is absolutely guaranteed to work in stopping even
the most serious picking conditions.
Best of all the strategy I'm about to share with
you can be done in the comfort of your home...
no one has to know about your embarrassing compulsion any longer...
obsessive skin picking - how to stop skin picking - stop skin pickingVer video "obsessive skin picking - how to stop skin picking - stop skin picking"
El BB-8 del Colacao
Lo vimos en la TV me parecio gracioso pero no veia la idea de comprar los 3 kilos de Colacao y lo deje pasar....unos días más tarde aparecio por casa de sorpresa...
El BB-8 que regala el Colacao es una hucha con pilas que tiene una clave de apertura y cierre de la compuerta. También emite los sonidos más celebrados del nuevo androide de la Saga de StarWars.
Cada botón emite un sonido y también cada vez que le introduces monedas, monta una fiesta que no veas :D
Es nuestra nueva adquisición de coleccionismo Star Wars.
Si eres fan de StarWars este es tu sitio:
El mejor cómic de ciencia ficción:
Banda Sonora creada con LMMS:
Visita la Comunidad de LMMS en Español:
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Please note, if you are the artist of any of the songs or wallpaper promoted here in this channel, you have total control. This is a right you have and we will not change that. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to inbox me! "If any part of the contents of this channel is that your property (as a musician, label, image distributor or artist), please send me a personal message and your content will be removed within 48 hours. Please do not flag my channel.
Tenga en cuenta, si usted es el artista propietario de cualquiera de las canciones o fondos de escritorio promovido aquí en este canal, usted tiene control total. Este es un derecho que tiene y no vamos a cambiar eso. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en inbox yo! "Si cualquier parte del contenido de este canal es su propiedad (como músico, etiqueta, distribuidor de imágenes o artista), envíeme un mensaje personal y su contenido se eliminará en un plazo de 48 horas. No denuncie mi canal.Ver video "El BB-8 del Colacao"
Diamond Crevasse
Ejem ejem... 1,2,3, probando... <3
Pues si, aqui sigo subiendo videos y esteen especial es de una serie banneable en el tubo del mal, vengo a ver si aqui no me ponen de patitas en la calle con esto.
ORIGINAL: Macross Frontier- Bandai - May-N
Fandub lyrics: Olinca Hidalgo. (ME)
Voice- Olinca Hidalgo (also me!)
free from fans 4 fans.
No money is made from this video or song and i am NOT claiming any rights over it, except that, well I sing this one version.
Please don't ban. Dont sell your souls like youtube. T,T
Si el tubo del mal sigue peleandose con los fandubbers, tengo un nuevo canal para que me sigan. Veamos como se comporta Dailymotion con los fandubbers y el anime...
y recuerden, Dorkear es bueno para la salud. Coman frutas y nopales!Ver video "Diamond Crevasse"
I tried my best to collect all best games on PS2 but absolutely not all of them. There are too many of great games. :)\r
NOTE: I didnt add any of sport games except Racing and Fighting games. Sorry if i didnt show your favorite game.\r
I hope you all enjoy my videos and have fun :)\r
Please dont forget to like,share and subscribe for more and obviously i appreciate your comment.. THANK YOU. :)\r
- New videos of top games of PSone:\r
Top PS3 games:\r
Games List:\r
1- Bully\r
2- Burnout 3- Takedown\r
3- Crimson Sea 2\r
4- Downhill Domination\r
5- Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3\r
6- Dragon Quest Vİ\r
7- Dynasty Warriors 2\r
8- Dynasty Warriors 3\r
9- Dynasty Warriors 4\r
10- Dynasty Warriors 5\r
11- Dropship- United Peace Force\r
12- Dynasty Tics 2\r
13- Grand Theft Auto İ\r
14- Grand Theft Auto- Vice City\r
15- Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas\r
16- Grandia 3\r
17- Guilty Gear X\r
18- Guilty Gear XX Accent Core\r
19- GUN\r
20- Ring Of Red\r
21- Rise of Honor\r
22- Robot Alchemic Drive (RAD)\r
23- Rogue Galaxy\r
24- Rogue Ops\r
25- Run Like Hell (RLH)\r
26- Rygar- The Legendary Adventure\r
27- Shadow of Rome\r
28- Shining Force EXA\r
29- Shadow Tower- Abyss\r
30- Shadow of the Colossus\r
31- ShellShock Nam 67\r
32- Shrek 2\r
33- Silent Hill 2\r
34- Silent Hill 3\r
35- Silent Hill 4 The Room\r
36- Sky Odyssey\r
37- Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus\r
38- Sly 2- Band of Thieves\r
39- Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves\r
40- Smugglers Run 2 Hostile Territory\r
41- Sniper Elite\r
42- SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals\r
43- Socom II- U.S. Navy SEALs\r
44- SOCOM 3 U.S. Navy SEALs\r
45- Soul Calibur 2\r
46- Soul calibur 3Ver video "TOP PS2 GAMES -OVER 200 GAMES- (PART 4 of 5)"
How to replace the timing belt on the Volvo 850, S70, V70, etc. (Part 1 of 2)- VOTD
Timing belt service: 3 to 6 hours ($250 / $600 / $1,200)\r
Timing belt, tensioner, and rollers replacement: 3 to 5 hours, with water pump 4 to 7 hours. Vehicles with hydraulic tensioner.\r
NOTE: New water pumps have a thinner casting than the old pumps. You should get new water pump bolts if replacing an original water pump. \r
This is part 1 of 2 of my Volvo S70, 850, V70 timing belt replacement video. I have replaced several timing belts on these cars and have not had any problems to date. \r
Part 2 of 2: \r
Mechanical tensioner instructions: \r
How to check for warn parts: \r
What parts do I usually purchase: \r
Serpentine belt tool can be purchased here: \r
Torque values:\r
- Tensioner Roller, 30 Ft Lbs.\r
- Idler Roller, 18 Ft Lbs.\r
- Hydraulic Tensioner, 18 Ft Lbs.\r
- Water Pump, 15 Ft Lbs.\r
Disclaimer: \r
How to search my videos: \r
Visit my Website for special took, my wish list and other helpful information:\rVer video "How to replace the timing belt on the Volvo 850, S70, V70, etc. (Part 1 of 2)- VOTD"
Los Mejores Animes Harem
El siguiente contenido contiene material que puede ser ofensivo para menores de edad, se recomienda la discrecion del espectador
Estos son los mejores anime harem xD
El mejor lugar para ver anime online
100%ROMANCE#1 https://youtu.be/7KuT2zTdznI
ANMES DE HAREM#1 https://youtu.be/Df9jbqbzt0E
ANMES DE HAREM#2 https://youtu.be/QJ3lSe7SmwA
ANMES DE HAREM#3 https://youtu.be/H7SWRCs7Np8
Correo de contacto
I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics.
All rights reserved to their respective owners!!!
This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights.
This is for people's enjoyment only.Ver video "Los Mejores Animes Harem"
Rage of Bahamut HP and CW Cheat 2012
A Cure Water and Holy Powder hack by Thehackteam.You can download the file here without surveys:
(You had to do a survey before,but file was uploaded it again for free.
Must have completed chapter 5 that it works.
Steps: (Copied from the homepage of hackteamUSA)
1.Download the file
2.Enter the account you want to hack
3.Send an email with the file to the server(IMPORTANT: Use Gmail, Subject and message must be rob!!!) (Email the server processes is hackteamserver5@gmail.com)
4. Wait some time (Somtimes takes up to half a day for the server)
I dont own any server or cheat file,ThehackteamUSA is the only owner. Ty for your great work!Ver video "Rage of Bahamut HP and CW Cheat 2012"
Los Mejores Animes de Acción
El siguiente contenido contiene material que puede ser ofensivo para menores de edad, se recomienda la discrecion del espectador
Estos son los mejores anime de acción xD
El mejor lugar para ver anime online
100%ROMANCE#1 https://youtu.be/7KuT2zTdznI
ANMES DE HAREM#1 https://youtu.be/Df9jbqbzt0E
ANMES DE HAREM#2 https://youtu.be/QJ3lSe7SmwA
ANMES DE HAREM#3 https://youtu.be/H7SWRCs7Np8
Correo de contacto
I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics.
All rights reserved to their respective owners!!!
This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights.
This is for people's enjoyment only.Ver video "Los Mejores Animes de Acción"
Las Mejores Peliculas Anime de Romance
El siguiente contenido contiene material que puede ser ofensivo para menores de edad, se recomienda la discrecion del espectador
Estos son los mejores anime de romance xD
El mejor lugar para ver anime online
100%ROMANCE#1 https://youtu.be/7KuT2zTdznI
ANMES DE HAREM#1 https://youtu.be/Df9jbqbzt0E
ANMES DE HAREM#2 https://youtu.be/QJ3lSe7SmwA
ANMES DE HAREM#3 https://youtu.be/H7SWRCs7Np8
Correo de contacto
I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics.
All rights reserved to their respective owners!!!
This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights.
This is for people's enjoyment only.Ver video "Las Mejores Peliculas Anime de Romance"
DIY ROOM DECOR! Desk decorations! Cheap & cute projects!
Hi guys! So for this week I decided to take a break from my Christmas videos. I was trying to spice up a little bit my desk area so I made some really simple DIYs that I think are ually great for any room. So I hope you find them useful and lets get started!\r
For the first DIY you will need: a book, some fabric and some supplies.\r
Start off by marking a rectangular shape on the first page of the book. Then take a cuter or an X-o knife and start cutting the pages following the lines as Im doing here. And yes, this is a very long process so go watch your favoritewhile you do this so you dont get bored. And also once you get close to the end be careful so you dont cut the back cover like I did.\r
Then take some plastic wrap and cover the front cover and the back. Now take some mod podge or white glue with a little bit of water and cover the inside of the pages and the sides. Place something heavy on top to make some pressure and let it dry for at least 5 hours.\r
Once its dry remove the plastic and its time to decorate the book. I chose a white pleather fabric but you can also paint it or cover it in scrapbook paper. \r
I placed a lot of double side tape to make sure the book stayed in place. To finish the spine part I just made some cuts and tug the fabric in and for the sides I cut the excess and stick it to the inside of the cover.\r
Finally I glue the pages to the back cover to make the pocket. You can put whatever you want inside and I think it looks really nice on the side of my desk. \r
The second idea is really simple and you will need: some cork and acrylic paint.\r
Start off by using something round to make some circles on the cork. Then cut them out and use something smaller to make the donut holes. Before painting I made some guides with pencil and then I painted the coaster pink as it was the icing of the donut. Once thats dry paint some sprinkles with the help of a toothpick and to make it waterproof cover everything with white glue. I also outline the icing part with a silver marker to make it pop a little more. And thats it! This coasters are super simple to make and they are also a really nice gift idea. \r
For the last idea you will need: some wooden letters and some glitter.\r
Start by sticking some tape on the middle of the letters. As you see, Im using one of them as a guide to make sure I place the tape on the same place for all the letters. Then I just cover the bottom half with white glue and sprinkle some glitter. Take out the excess and use that to cover any blank spots. I put two coats of glitter and before the glue dried I took out the tape. Do this for all the letters and let them dry. I hung them on my wall forming the word “create” but of course you can put whatever word you want.\r
So, I hope you liked this video and dont forget to tweet me a picture if you try any of this because I really love seeing all of your creations. I will come back next week with more Christmas themed videos. Thanks for watching! \r
Music by: CMA music\rVer video "DIY ROOM DECOR! Desk decorations! Cheap & cute projects!"
Los Mejores Animes de Vampiros
El siguiente contenido contiene material que puede ser ofensivo para menores de edad, se recomienda la discrecion del espectador
Estos son los mejores anime de vampiros xD
El mejor lugar para ver anime online
100%ROMANCE#1 https://youtu.be/7KuT2zTdznI
ANMES DE HAREM#1 https://youtu.be/Df9jbqbzt0E
ANMES DE HAREM#2 https://youtu.be/QJ3lSe7SmwA
ANMES DE HAREM#3 https://youtu.be/H7SWRCs7Np8
Correo de contacto
I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics.
All rights reserved to their respective owners!!!
This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights.
This is for people's enjoyment only.Ver video "Los Mejores Animes de Vampiros"
Fito & Robe - Ni Negro ni blanco (Mashup Live Sincro)
Ayer estuve escuchando la entrevista a Fito Cabrales en Radio 3 (@vuelofenix_r3) y en un momento dado sonó "Ni negro ni blanco" de @FitipaldisRock. Fuí a buscar el video para verlos en acción, pero no encontré ninguno con este tema y pensé que estaría bien sincronizar el concierto con el audio en el que canta Robe. Es mejorable, seguro, pero la intención es buena! Y a mi me ha gustado. :P
-Fito y los Fitipaldis & Robe Iniesta (Ni negro ni blanco)
ENG: This video is to entertain, make money in any case. The songs mentioned above are not mine, I do not have the copyright. I have used them to entertain, nothing more.
SPA: La intención de este video es la de entretener, en ningún caso ganar dinero. Las canciones arriba señaladas no son mías, no dispongo del copyright. Las he usado para entretener, nada más.Ver video "Fito & Robe - Ni Negro ni blanco (Mashup Live Sincro)"
Los Mejores Animes Harem/Ecchi
El siguiente contenido contiene material que puede ser ofensivo para menores de edad, se recomienda la discrecion del espectador
Estos son los mejores anime harem/ecchi xD
El mejor lugar para ver anime online
100%ROMANCE#1 https://youtu.be/7KuT2zTdznI
ANMES DE HAREM#1 https://youtu.be/Df9jbqbzt0E
ANMES DE HAREM#2 https://youtu.be/QJ3lSe7SmwA
ANMES DE HAREM#3 https://youtu.be/H7SWRCs7Np8
Correo de contacto
I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics.
All rights reserved to their respective owners!!!
This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights.
This is for people's enjoyment only.Ver video "Los Mejores Animes Harem/Ecchi"
Adorable presentacion de Minicheese Cakes Faciles de Hacer y Con sencillos Ingredientes que el Resultado Te encantara.
1 BARRA DE QUESO CREMA. (philadelphia).
Gracias por ver y Compartir el video amigos.
Senda de la Cortada - Corresendes XRS
Diumenge 10 de març de 2019 Distància: 11 km Desnivell+: 488 m Cortes de Pallàs és un municipi amb un relleu extraordinàriament accidentat, travessat pel riu Xúquer, que en aquest nivell s'embassa, formant un xicotet mar interior amb profunds canons d'enorme bellesa. És també una població, molt bella, amb quasi 900 habitants en l'últim cens, amb una història llarga i interessant: en el seu terme s'han trobat utensilis de l'Edat del Bronze i en els Carrascons, es van trobar monedes de l'època republicana romana. Lloc de certa importància durant l'època musulmana va continuar estant habitada majoritàriament per moriscos durant diversos segles després de la conquesta cristiana. En el terme existeixen restes de diversos castells construïts en època musulmana, encara que en algun cas aprofitats i modificats després de l'ocupació cristiana (Xirel, Otonel, Ruaia i Pileta). En 1609 després del decret d'expulsió dels moriscos, un bon número d'ells es van refugiar en la Mola de Cortes, encara que finalment van ser reduïts i expulsats, quedant el lloc quasi despoblat. Per a nosaltres una fita important és la visita a la fi del segle XVIII del botànic Cavanilles, en l'honor del qual s'ha batejat amb el seu nom parteix de la ruta ("la Cortá", o senda de la Tallada). L'aïllament de Cortes va seguir durant molts anys, ja que fins a 1932, no va tindre comunicació directa per carretera. Després del començament de l'activitat de la central hidroelèctrica Cortes II, en 1988 el municipi s'ha revitalitzat alguna cosa, encara que no tant com l'extraordinari paisatge de la zona es mereix, i això està permetent una lleugera recuperació econòmica, amb un augment del turisme i les expectatives d'aprofitament de la ruta fluvial pel Xúquer. Habitualment es distingeixen en el municipi de Cortes 3 zones: la Mola de Cortes, la vall del Xúquer i les depressions septentrionals. Un fet de gran importància per al paisatge és que les aigües del Xúquer presenten un cabal mitjà amb escasses variacions al llarg de l'any, sense grans crescudes ni èpoques d'estiatge; el motiu és que l'embassament està regulat, per a mantindre la producció d'energia elèctrica. Però aquest embassament té moltes altres coses associades d'interés. L'embassament de Cortes II, que nega el fons de la vall del Xúquer fins a Cofrents i que és navegable (amb un potencial gran interés turístic) i alberga nombroses espècies d'interés en pesca esportiva, va ser desenvolupat amb projectes basats en l'aprofitament de l'energia sobrant produïda per la Central Nuclear de Cofrents en les hores de menys consum d'electricitat, per a bombar aigua cap a un contraembassament construït a la part alta de la muntanya, i que es tornaria a deixar caure en les hores de major consum d'energia per a augmentar la seua producció. Sobre l'embassament es va alçar un viaducte de més de cent metres d'altura, que permet una millor comunicació, es va construir una central elèctrica a l'interior de la Mola de Cortes, una carretera fins al ci
Ver video "Senda de la Cortada - Corresendes XRS"
[Anime music video] Boy saves girl JUST A DREAM (part 1)
Please read description, the answer/s to your question/s might be here!!
All animes used in this video are shoujo.
Animes used:
~ Hatsukoi monster (2016) (episode 1)
~ Norn9 (2016) (episodes 3, 5, 10 and 12)
~ Akatsuki no Yona (2014) (episodes 2 and 5)
~ Heart no kuni no Alice (2011) (anime movie)
Music used: Just a dream (Christina Grimmie & Sam Tsui)
Editing program used: Camtasia Studio 8
I hope you guys enjoy it! If you like this video subscribe ‘cause there will be more to come!
Thank you so much for watching!!
I do not own any of this content, just the editing!! Scenes and audio belong to their respectful owners. I uploaded this video to YouTube only for entertainment purpose. No copyright infringement intended.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.Ver video "[Anime music video] Boy saves girl JUST A DREAM (part 1)"
Get Instant Access to my FREE ebook Right Now Just Visit \r
Welcome to the SimpleCookingChannel. Things might get pretty simple sometimes but sometimes thats just what a person needs. I hope you like my recipe for homemade alcoholic gummy bears.\r
Simple Cooking Channel Merchandise!!\r
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1/3 Cup of water\r
1 Pkt of jello ( 85 grams )\r
15 Grams of unflavoured gelatin\r
1/4-1/3 of a cup of vodka or any alcohol you like Get Instant Access to my FREE ebook Right Now Just Visit where you can see our 20 most popular recipes that is sure to impress :D Get Instant Access to my FREE ebook Right Now Just Visit where you can see our 20 most popular recipes that is sure to impress :DVer video "HOW TO MAKE GUMMY BEARS ALCOHOLIC"
【Cougar Rock】 Scandal - Shunkan Sentimental【歌ってみた】
~ Hello everyone !!
This is the first cover of Cougar Rock unit From Kawaii Tsume project! Hope you like it and enjoy it as much as we do n.n
I was forced to raise the Daylamotion to vimeo since youtube was blocked by copyright :(
Cast :3 From color code
Edit miz and video: Misha
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How To Remove Skin Tags
http://www.moles-warts-removal.bonuscb.com - how to remove skin tags
How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery.
Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal™ will help you:
Free your skin from moles, warts and skin tags, in the privacy of your home, without the need of any doctor prescriptions.
You won’t need to change your schedule to be on time for expensive appointments because you’ll
You’ll get PERMANENT RESULTS – WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS! All of my methods are natural,
have been tried and tested on thousands of people and are guaranteed to work. I will
personally help you to accomplish your goal of having a mole, wart, or skin tag free life in no time.Ver video "How To Remove Skin Tags"
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" I Want You To Relax And Imagine This For A Moment...
Imagine 48 hours from now...you or your loved one's sore throat is slowly fading away,
no more scratchy or itchy throat, no more pain, no more fevers or chills, as you've
isolated and killed the bacteria that are the root of your Strep Throat...
Imagine learning the secrets of the 3 powerful ingredients that, when breathed into your
respiratory system in steamed format, make you feel so much better. The remedy loosens up
any phlegm and mucus while at the same time targeting and killing the bacteria lining you
or your loved one's throat or tonsils...
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