Common European Frame of Languages and its importance in English Language Teaching.
The Common European Frame Of Languages And Its Importance In English Language Teaching.
Ver video "The Common European Frame Of Languages And Its Importance In English Language Teaching."
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on minority languages
Speech by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on :
Use of minority languages within the framework of the European cultural heritage
[MEP Speech] [Language ES original]
Bilbao_091124_233726_mesp_esVer video "Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on minority languages"
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on the common fisheries policy
Speech by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on :
Green Paper on reform of the common fisheries policy
[MEP Speech] [Language ES original]
Bilbao_100225_100354_mesp_esVer video "Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on the common fisheries policy"
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on 2008 annual report on the CFSP
Speech by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on :
2008 annual report on the CFSP - The implementation of the European Security Strategy and the Common Security and Defence Policy - Non-proliferation Treaty
[MEP Speech] [Language ES original]
Bilbao_100310_112729_mesp_esVer video "Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on 2008 annual report on the CFSP"
"La sostenibilidad es muy importante en el turismo, más en el Ártico", director Visit Arctic Europe
Rauno Posio, director de proyecto en Visit Arctic Europe, explica que el programa se centra en comprar localmente, reducir el impacto en la naturaleza y honrar el patrimonio cultural y social de la región.
Ver video ""La sostenibilidad es muy importante en el turismo, más en el Ártico", director Visit Arctic Europe"
Customized implantable medical devices, or simply Custom IMD Project, is the name given to a research project funded by the European Commission, within the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), which goal is to set up a cheaper and faster top to bottom process to deliver customized implants in 48 hours --from the design to the surgery.
Custom IMD es un consorcio de investigación Europeo que ha tenido el objetivo de proveer a la industria de un concepto de implantes altamente especializados. Los dispositivos médicos serán diseñados, fabricados, esterilizados y entregados en 48 horas, ajustando las necesidades específicas y las características físicas de cada paciente.
El objetivo principal del proyecto ha sido el desarrollo de biomateriales, además del uso de las tecnologías de Rapid Manufacturing aplicadas a las necesidades del proyecto. Las primeras líneas de investigación han estado enfocadas en sus estudios craneales, implantes de columna y restauraciones dentales.Ver video "CUSTOM IMD"
Grupo Industrial Saltillo lanza oferta de compra por ACE Group
Grupo Industrial Saltillo lanzó una oferta pública para comprar todas las acciones de Automotive Componentes Europe (ACE Group) con el objetivo de crear una fuerte plataforma global de componentes para sistemas de frenos de automóviles. 28 octubre de 2015
México mejora en el ranking mundial de facilidad para hacer negocios
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Programa: Dinero.
Conductor: Darío Celis.
Horario: Lunes a Viernes @10:00-10:30.Ver video "Grupo Industrial Saltillo lanza oferta de compra por ACE Group"
El Bien Común // Das Gemeinwohl // The common good :: Attac TV y su productora, La Antena, han emprendido una campaña de crowdfunding para rodar un documental sobre la Economía del Bien Común en Europa. Puedes apoyarnos visitado y compartiendo este contenido con tus amigos y amigas en las redes sociales.
ENGLISH: Attac TV and his production company, La Antena, have launched a crowdfunding campaign to make a documentary on the Economy for the Common Good in Europe. You can support us by visiting and sharing this content with your friends in social networks.
DEUTSCH: Attac TV und ihre Produktionsfirma, La Antena, haben eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, um einen Dokumentarfilm über Erfahrungswerte der Gemeninwohl-Ökonomie in Europa zu drehen. Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite: Hier können sie sich näher informieren und die Inhalte mit Ihren Bekannten und Freunden in den sozialen Netzwerken teilen.Ver video "El Bien Común // Das Gemeinwohl // The common good"
¿Un mundo justo? // Gerechte Welt? // A just World? :: Attac TV y su productora, La Antena, han emprendido una campaña de crowdfunding para rodar un documental sobre la Economía del Bien Común en Europa. Puedes apoyarnos visitado y compartiendo este contenido con tus amigos y amigas en las redes sociales.
ENGLISH: Attac TV and his production company, La Antena, have launched a crowdfunding campaign to make a documentary on the Economy for the Common Good in Europe. You can support us by visiting and sharing this content with your friends in social networks.
DEUTSCH: Attac TV und ihre Produktionsfirma, La Antena, haben eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, um einen Dokumentarfilm über Erfahrungswerte der Gemeninwohl-Ökonomie in Europa zu drehen. Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite: Hier können sie sich näher informieren und die Inhalte mit Ihren Bekannten und Freunden in den sozialen Netzwerken teilen.Ver video "¿Un mundo justo? // Gerechte Welt? // A just World?"
Cantabria, al norte de España, tiene un clima único en la Península Ibérica, más parecido al clima de países nórdicos que al clima que es más común en el sur de Europa, las corrientes marinas Atlánticas generan un micro clima que choca con las cercanas montañas de la Cordillera Cantábrica, dejando un grado de humedad muy alto, lo que genera una gran proporción de lluvias y unas temperaturas más estables, que rara vez se mueven fuera de los límites entre los 0º C. y los 28ºC.
En esta zona precisamente, por la cercanía entre las montañas y la costa del Cantábrico, los Valles son de un verde muy apto para pastos ganaderos, por ello su mayor economía se mueve en torno a la producción lechera, de quesos y de carne, además de la pesca y la industria metalúrgica, aunque esta última ya está en declive
en este vídeo nos damos un paseo por una de sus zonas, la conocida como "Los Valles Pasiegos", veremos la naturaleza en su máxima expresión, bosques, rios, pastos, montes verdes, flores silvestres, naturaleza viva, paisajes impresionantes
------------------------ ENGLISH----------------------------
Cantabria, in the north of Spain, has a unique climate in the Iberian Peninsula, more similar to the climate of Nordic countries than to the climate that is more common in southern Europe, the Atlantic marine currents generate a micro climate that collides with the nearby mountains of the Cantabrian Mountains, leaving a very high degree of humidity, which generates a large proportion of rainfall and more stable temperatures, which rarely move outside the limits between 0º C. and 28ºC.
In this area, precisely because of the proximity between the mountains and the Cantabrian coast, the Valleys are a very green suitable for grazing livestock, so its largest economy moves around dairy production, cheese and meat, plus of fishing and the metallurgical industry, although the latter is already in decline
In this video we take a walk through one of its areas, known as "Los Valles Pasiegos", we will see nature at its best, forests, rivers, pastures, green mountains, wild flowers, living nature, breathtaking landscapesVer video "VALLES PASIEGOS... ENAMORAN"
The 9 Most Painful and Deadliest Insect Bites
Some insect bites are painful, some bites are deadly; bugs that carry disease, bugs that infect, and bugs that carry poisonous venom that can KILL you.. These are some of the worlds deadliest bugs to be bitten by.\r
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We humans arent the biggest or the toughest creatures on Earth. There are many different animals that could easily kill us, like massive Grizzly Bears and wolves on land, and sharks and all manner of other deep-sea creatures out in the ocean. But what truly terrifies a lot of people is ually quite small. and easily crushed, burned, or killed with chemicals. Doesnt stop us from being scared of insects though, and its not a totally irrational fear, it would seem. \r
Bot Flies\r
Have any bumps under your skin? Have you been to south or central america recently? Then you may very well have a bot fly larvae living underneath your skin. This small flying insect spends its larvae stage inside a living mammal, feeding off the blood and butrients. The Bot Fly injects its eggs through its bite, deeply injecting its eggs into the sub-dermis. \r
Bullet Ants\r
While not exly deadly, the Bullet Ant has, objectively, the most painful insect bite known to man. Victims of a Bullet Ant bite liken the pain to being shot by a .45 caliber round. The bug is also known as the 24-hour ant because the intense pain will last for an entire 24 hour period. \r
Paralysis Tick\r
Ticks arent generally that big of a threat. They can carry lime disease, and while thats dangerous in of itself, the Paralysis Tick from Australia has another, stronger trick up its sleeve, it injects a chemical that, if youre allergic to it, will stop your airways and kill you in less than a day.\r
If youve ever had a dog or a cat, then youll know how annoying flea bites are. Theyre itchy and the fleas themselves jump all over the place making it hard to kill em. Fleas will drink your blood, around 15 times their own body weight. Of course, back in 1346, fleas were responsible for the death of around 200 million people in Europe.\r
Kissing Bugs\r
You. You have a vertebrae. That means a Kissing Bug would love to bite into your lip while your sleeping and drain as much blood as it possibly could. \r
Tsetse flies\r
Tsetse fly is the single most deadly insect in all of Africa. Its bite allows it to drink your blood (because of course it drinks blood) and inject a deadly toxin. The bite itself is also a very painful sting, but the true danger lies in that toxin, which gives the victim the African sleeping sickness, which can prove fatal if treatment isnt given quickly. \r
Killer Bees\r
Killer Bees. This species of bee is quite simply.. brutal, and can easily kill a human. These suckers will follow you for an entire mile if you make the nest mad, and they will not give up until either youre dead or the entire colony has killed themselves in their attack. \r
Japanese Hornets\r
Hornets. 2 inch long hyper-aggressive, acid-spitting giant Japanese hornets. No, seriously, their venom is very acidic and will eat through flesh if they bite you. Theyre also fearless, or suicidal depending on your point of view. \r
The single most deadly insect in the world is not a bee or wasp, or even a scorpion. its the common Mosquito. It kills 1 million people, every single year. They drink blood, and their bites are annoying at best, deadly at worst.Ver video "The 9 Most Painful and Deadliest Insect Bites"