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  • Truth about the Council of Foreign Relations

  • Con Otra Mirada - Historia del globalismo

    Ver video "Con Otra Mirada - Historia del globalismo"

  • Secretary Hillary Clintons opening remarks on Benghazi LIVE Interview

    the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the September 11th attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans.

    Ver video "Secretary Hillary Clintons opening remarks on Benghazi LIVE Interview"

  • EU, Kazakhstan to agree on roadmap for relations in 2017

    Brussels, Oct 4 (EFE).- The European Union and Kazakhstan on Tuesday touted in Brussels the good path that bilateral relations are on and vowed to come up with a roadmap for exchanges between the 28-nation bloc and the Central Asian country, focusing mainly on economic cooperation and the fight against terrorism.

    "In the first half of next year, we could finish the plan that will be our roadmap," Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov said in a press conference.

    Keywords: efe,european union,kazakhstan,cooperation council,brussels

    Ver video "EU, Kazakhstan to agree on roadmap for relations in 2017"

  • Kutcher testifies against sex trafficking

    Actor Ashton Kutcher testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in a hearing on progress in combating modern slavery, speaking on behalf of Thorn

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  • EU, Kazakhstan aim for closer cooperation

    Brussels, Feb 26 (EFE).- Officials of the European Union and Kazakhstan conferred here Monday on new ways to cooperate in both the economic and political spheres.
    The 16th meeting of the EU-Kazakhstan Cooperation Council featured an exchange of ideas on removing obstacle to trade, facilitating foreign investment in the Central Asian country and stimulating the Kazakh economy, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said on behalf of the EU at the conclusion of the session.
    Keywords: efe,brussels,eu,kazakhstan

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  • Mogherini says relations between EU, Russia not frozen during visit to Moscow

    Moscow, Apr 24 (EFE).- The head of the European Union's diplomatic service on Monday assured that relations with Russia were not frozen, during a press conference in Moscow alongside the Russian foreign minister.


    Keywords: efe,epa,russia,eu,mogherini,lavrov

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  • Saudi Arabia breaks diplomatic ties with Iran

    Riyadh, Jan 3 (EFE/EPA).- Saudi Arabia decided Sunday to break diplomatic relations with Iran after the mob attack over the weekend on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and on its consulate in the city of Mashhad, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir announced.


    efe,epa,iran,saudi arabia,protests,embassy,execution

    Ver video "Saudi Arabia breaks diplomatic ties with Iran"

  • Kazakhstan to be the voice of Central Asia at UN Security Council

    New York, United Nations, Sep 22 (EFE).- Kazakhstan pledged on Thursday to push the issues that particularly affect Central Asia in the Security Council of the United Nations, with the grand idea to make the region a zone of peace, cooperation and security.

    Kazakhstan was elected as a non-permanent member of the Security Council on June 28 with a term of two years, starting in January. It will be the first time that a country from Central Asia occupies a seat in the Council.

    "The two-year term on the Security Council is a responsibility that we take with the utmost seriousness and pride", Kazakhstan's foreign minister Erlan Idrissov, said Thursday during the UN General Assembly.


    Keywords: efe,un,kazakhstan,idrissov,central asia

    Ver video "Kazakhstan to be the voice of Central Asia at UN Security Council"

  • Nikki Haley: 'United Nations Could Benefit From a Fresh Set of Eyes'

    Testifying in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Gov. Nikki Haley said she believes Russia committed war crimes in Syria when it indiscriminately bombed hospitals in Aleppo.

    Ver video "Nikki Haley: 'United Nations Could Benefit From a Fresh Set of Eyes'"

  • Kazakhstan hopes EU, Russia overcome differences on Ukraine

    Brussels, 3 Mar (EFE).- Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov is confident that the European Union and Russia, two important partners for his country, will overcome the impasse in their relations caused by the Ukrainian crisis, which is also affecting the Kazakh economy.


    Keywords: efe,kazakhstan,eu,russia,ukraine,foreign minister,erlan idrissov,no monetizar.

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  • Malaysians banned from traveling to North Korea

    Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Sep 28 (EFE/EPA). The Malaysian foreign ministry Thursday banned its citizens from traveling to North Korea over recent ballistic missile tests by Pyongyang.
    Keywords: efe,epa,malaysia,north korea,travel ban,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Malaysians banned from traveling to North Korea"

  • Algunos estadounidenses tienen miedo de beber cerveza Corona en medio de la epidemia del coronavirus

    Algunos estadounidenses tienen miedo de beber cerveza Corona en medio de la epidemia del coronavirus 737 bebedores de cerveza estadounidenses fueron interrogados en una nueva encuesta realizada por 5W Public Relations. Según la encuesta, el 38 por ciento de los estadounidenses se niegan a comprar cerveza Corona a medida que COVID-19 se extiende por todo el mundo. El 14 por ciento, quiénes consumían regularmente cerveza Corona, dijo que no ordenaría la bebida en público. Fundador de 5WPR, Ronn Torossian, en comunicado El fundador de 5W Public Relations, Ronn Torossian, habló más sobre el vínculo entre la enfermedad y la marca. Fundador de 5WPR, Ronn Torossian, en comunicado Fundador de 5WPR, Ronn Torossian, en comunicado Un representante de Corona insistió en que las ventas no han caído. Representante de Corona, Maggie Bowman, en comunicado

    Ver video "Algunos estadounidenses tienen miedo de beber cerveza Corona en medio de la epidemia del coronavirus"

  • Hasta 900 muertos en un solo naufragio en el Mediterráneo

    Podría tratarse de la mayor tragedia de entre todas las que se viven estos días en el mar Mediterráneo.

    Un inmigrante bangladesí superviviente tras el naufragio del barco en el que trataba de llegar a las costas de Italia ha relatado que en su embarcación viajaban alrededor de 950 personas, entre ellas unos 50 niños y 200 mujeres. La gran mayoría han perecido en este intento. La Guardia Costera italiana solo ha recuperado 24 cuerpos hasta el momento. También contó que mientras la embarcación naufragaba, en la noche del sábado en el Canal de Sicilia, los traficantes cerraron las puertas de los niveles inferiores para impedir la salida de los que viajaban allí.

    Los ministros de Interior y Asuntos Exteriores de la UE se reunirán el lunes para tratar las medidas que pueda aplicar la unión para atajar el fenómeno.

    Tomorrow migration on the agenda of the EU Foreign Affairs Council. Time for the EU as such to tackle these tragedies— Federica Mogherini (@Federica

    Ver video "Hasta 900 muertos en un solo naufragio en el Mediterráneo"

  • Russian, Chinese presidents agree on initiative to end Korean conflict

    The Russian and Chinese foreign ministries released a statement in which they gave details on the plan, asking that North Korea voluntarily announce a moratorium on their nuclear and missile tests, the latest of which occurred earlier on Tuesday.

    They also asked that the US and South Korea abandon their military maneuvers and expressed their rejection of the use of force, defending the importance of peaceful co-existence.

    Moscow and Beijing expressed their profound concern over this latest test, which they said was an unacceptable act that went against United Nations Security Council resolutions.

    They also insisted that the American anti-missile shield deployed in southeast Asia represented a huge blow to strategic security interests for countries in the region, including Russia and China.

    The two countries said Pyongyang's concerns had to be respected and other countries had to make an effort to renew ties and jointly create an atmosphere of peace and mutual trust.

    North Korea announced on Tuesday morning that it had launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile, which they claimed could reach the US, although Russia insisted that it was, in fact, medium-range and thus posed no threat to the North American country.


    Palabras clave:efe,china,russia,xi jinping,putin,nomonetizar

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    Bohemian traditional music is most innovative in Chodsko, where bagpipes are common. Moravian traditional music is best known for the cimbalom, which is played in ensembles that also include double bass, clarinet and violins. The traditional music of the regions of Moravia displays foreign influences, especially in Valachia which is tinged by Romanian and Ukrainian legacy and has close cultural relations with Slovakia and Lachia (the borderland of northern Moravia and Czech Silesia) with its Polish aspects.
    Prague was well known for its pub songs called Staropražské písničky ("Old Prague Songs"), which are influenced by Viennese schrammelmusik and other forms. These songs are still played by bands like Šlapeto. A more modernized urban music is called tramp music (trampská hudba). Tramp music has been popular since its invention as part of the Czech tramping movement that began when early 20th-century city dwellers began seeking physical and imaginative respite from the pressures of urban life. (Wikipedia)


  • Turkish Hazelnuts ( english Version )

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