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  • Indonesia, UAE sign pacts worth nearly $10 billion

  • Difícil imaginar LO BUENO que es. ANÁLISIS del NUEVO PRINCE OF PERSIA

    Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown es un metroidvania de acción y plataformas que al mismo tiempo recupera la esencia clásica de la saga de Ubisoft. Destaca por una elevada dificultada, pero también por una gran accesibilidad... ¿Y cuál es el resultado? En este análisis te contamos cómo ha resultado esta nueva aventura.

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  • No te vas a creer LO BUENO que es el nuevo PRINCE OF PERSIA: The Lost Crown - Nuevo GAMEPLAY

    Hemos jugado 3 horas al nuevo Prince of Persia y nuestras expectativas son ahora más altas. Ubisoft Montpellier ha hecho un metroidvania con plataformas y mucha acción de combates que sorprende por su variedad, grado de desafío y respeto a las claves clásicas de la saga PoP. ¿Quieres conocerlo? Aquí te lo mostramos con gameplay capturado en la versión PC.

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  • 4SPACE Interior Design from the United Arab Emirates received World Business Assembly Golden European Award

    4SPACE Interior Design from the United Arab Emirates received Golden European Award at the World Business Assembly Conference of Leaders and Socrates Award Ceremony in Barcelona 2016

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  • Raw Video: Joplin Students Return to School

    Three months after a tornado claimed 160 lives, students in Joplin, Missouri returned to school Wednesday. The new school stands in a converted mall and every student will receive a laptop courtesy of a donation by the United Arab Emirates

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  • The World - Dubai

    The World Islands, are a collection of man-made islands shaped into the continents of the world, located off the coast of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It will consist of 300 small private artificial islands divided into four categories - private homes, estate homes, dream resorts, and community islands.

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  • Los 7 MEJORES JUEGOS que salen en ENERO de 2024

    ¡Se acabó 2023! Despedimos uno de los mejores años en la historia del videojuego por la enorme cantidad de juegazos que han llegado a PC y consolas, pero no vayas a pensar que lo que nos espera no es igual de ilusionante. En este nuevo top Los Lanzamientos del Mes te hablamos de algunos de los juegos más importantes que se estrenan en enero de 2024, y como verás hay cosas muy interesantes a las que conviene seguir la pista.

    Desde el nuevo Prince of Persia pasando por las remasterizaciones de The Last of Us Parte 2 y Another Code, al esperadísimo Tekken 8 o el nuevo episodio de la saga Yakuza, conocido como Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Durante las próximas cuatro semanas tenemos juegos muy interesantes de géneros tan dispares como los RPG, la acción, lucha o metroidvania. ¿Cuál es tu más esperado?

    ❗ SILENCIA EL CRUNCH. EN TIEMPO REAL. Ahora puedes comer DORITOS sin distraer a tu equipo, tus amigos o familia. ¡Activa DORITOS Crunch Cancellation y ya está! Una vez seleccionado el micrófono, podrás chatear con normalidad, pero nadie oirá tus crujidos. Para más información, consulta este link

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  • Pop star murder - magnate on trial

    An Egyptian construction magnate and a former police officer have gone on trial accused of ordering the murder of a popular Lebanese singer.

    Hesham Talaat Moustafa and former police officer Muhsen El-Sukkari pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and incitement in the killing of Suzanne Tamim.

    She was stabbed to death at her house in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on July 28.

    Moustafa, a member of parliament for the ruling National Democratic Party, is charged with paying security man el-Sukkari $2 million US dollars to kill Tamim, who Moustafa had reportedly been previously romantically involved with.

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  • Police take down "super cartel" said to be behind about a third of Europe's cocaine trade

    Brussels — Law enforcement authorities in six different countries have joined forces to take down a "super cartel" of drugs traffickers controlling about one third of the cocaine trade in Europe, the European Union crime agency said on Monday. Europol said 49 suspects have been arrested during the investigation, with the latest series of raids across Europe and the United Arab Emirates taking place between November 8-19.   The agency said police forces involved in "Operation Desert Light" targeted both the "command-and-control center and the logistical drugs trafficking infrastructure in Europe."  Over 30 tons of drugs were seized during the investigations run in Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UAE with the support of Europol. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration also played a role in bringing down the organization, which was also involved in money laundering, Europol said. Super cartel controlling one third of Europe’s cocaine trade is taken down 49 arrests fo

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  • Kazakhstan thwarts smuggling of endangered falcons

    Astana, Nov 16 (EFE).- Authorities at Astana international airport on Wednesday intercepted luggage containing 32 live birds of an endangered species of falcon bound for the United Arab Emirates, the Kazakh government said.

    The saker falcons were concealed inside four large compartmented pieces of luggage, accompanied by bottles of frozen water to allow the birds to withstand the high temperatures in the UAE, where the species is prized for its hunting skills.

    "Border guards confiscated the cargo, comprising living saker falcons, during the loading of baggage" onto Air Arabia Flight 252 from Astana to Sharjah, according to the press office of the Border Service of Kazakhstan's National Security Committee.

    The guards inspected the four large pieces of luggage after noting the absence of registration tags, the press office said.

    The falcons would fetch an estimated 50,000 euros ($53,457) each on the black market in the UAE, the Border Service said.

    BirdLife International, a conservation group, lists the saker falcon as an endangered species due to a rapid decline in the population of the birds, especially in Central Asia.


    Keywords: efe,kazakhstan,falcons,smuggling,astana,saker,nomonetizar

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  • Iran 20/06/19El gobierno irani asegra tener restos del dron de eeuu derribado!!

    Creditos: HispanTv

    Canal Autorizado para Trasmitir Contenidos HispanTv

    Irán tiene en su poder varios fragmentos del dron de EE.UU. derribado en aguas territoriales persas, informa el ministro de Exteriores Mohamad Yavad Zarif.

    El canciller ha asegurado en su cuenta de Twitter que Irán ha recuperado varios fragmentos de la aeronave no tripulada de Estados Unidos que las Fuerzas Armadas persas derribaron este jueves, después de que violara el espacio aéreo iraní.

    “Hemos recuperado fragmentos del dron militar de Estados Unidos en nuestras aguas territoriales, donde fue derribado”, dice Zarif en su tuit, y reitera que, en contra de lo que sostiene EE.UU., la aeronave fue abatida tras adentrarse en el espacio aéreo persa.

    El ministro comparte además las coordenadas exactas del incidente e imágenes que muestran su trayectoria de vuelo; también corrobora información difundida antes, según la cual el Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk hizo su recorrido desde el despegue “en modo oculto” , es decir, con los radares y el transpondedor apagados.

    “A las 00:14 el dron estadounidense despegó de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) en modo oculto y violó el espacio aéreo iraní”, señala Zarif, que en un mensaje de poco antes reitera que Irán seguirá defendiéndose de este tipo de “agresiones” y que Teherán acudirá a las Naciones Unidas para denunciar la invasión aérea.

    Del derribo informó a primeras horas de la madrugada de este jueves (hora local) la División Aeroespacial del Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica (CGRI) de Irán, que dijo haber abatido un dron espía de EE.UU. que sobrevolaba la provincia meridional de Hormozgan.

    Iran 20/06 / 19The Iranian government seizes the remains of the US drone shot down !!

    Credits: HispanTv

    Authorized Channel to Transmit Content HispanTv

    Iran has in its possession several fragments of the US drone. knocked down in Persian territorial waters, reports Foreign Minister Mohamad Yavad Zarif.

    The chancellor has assured on his Twitter account that Iran has recovered several fragments of the unmanned aircraft from the United States that the Persian Armed Forces shot down on Thursday, after it violated Iranian airspace.

    "We have recovered fragments of the US military drone in our territorial waters, where it was shot down," Zarif says in his tweet, and reiterates that, contrary to what the US maintains, the aircraft was shot after entering space. Persian air

    The minister also shares the exact coordinates of the incident and images that show his flight path; it also corroborates information released earlier, according to which the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk made its journey from takeoff "in hidden mode", that is, with the radars and the transponder off.

    "At 00:14 the US drone took off from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in hidden mode and violated Iranian airspace," says Zarif, who in a message from a short time ago reiterated that Iran will continue to defend itself from this type of "aggressions". "And th

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  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

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