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Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)
Mount Everest is not the only highlight of the Himalayas it's home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears. In Sanskrit the Himalayas are known as the 'abode of snow' but they provide rich and varied habitats for the animals and plants that live there; from the forests of the foothills to ice-bound peaks and mountain lakes. Some of the most memorable moments from the BBC's natural history archive have been filmed here including the magnificent snow leopard filmed for 'Planet Earth'.
The Himalayas are very popular for tourists because it has a lot of wildlife. The types of plants and trees, which are common in the place, are Oak, Pine, Fir, Rhododendron, Birch, Juniper, and Deodar. Common animals, which are seen mostly in the different parts of the Himalayas, are snow leopards, blue sheep, musk deer, tigers, elephants, wild boar, and crocodiles. Even endangered species of animals and plants are also found there. In the north part of the Himalayas where the temperature falls below freezing point, animals cannot survive well. However, those who adapted can survive. During the cold winters most of the animals migrate to the lower regions of the Himalayas while others like the brown bear hibernate instead. The Yak is mostly seen in the cold desert.[2] They are like wild ox and they are the largest animals in this region. In regions of Ladakh animals like Nyan, the wild and the most largest sheep are found.[3]
Some of the major places for wildlife attractions in the Himalayas are:
Jim Corbett National Park
Namdhpha National Park
The Royal Chitwan Park
Kaziranga National Park
Royal Bardia National Park
Great Himalayan National ParkVer video "Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)"
Environment. Medio Ambiente
EN: We must understand that we depend on other species, better said, we depend on each other. If one species disappears, others that depend on it will disappear too, and so on. There is a strong connection between all species, plants etc.
But before that, we have to protect their environment, the natural space where they develop!
Translate this green message to any language you know,so more people can understand it and forward it!
ES: Debemos comprender que dependemos de la existencia de otras especies, mejor dicho, que dependemos los unos de los otros. Si una especie desaparece, otra que dependa de ella desaparecerá también, y así sucesivamente. Existe una fuerte conexión entre todas las especias de animales, plantas, etc. Por tanto, tenemos que proteger el Medio Ambiente, el espacio natural en el que todos los seres vivos se desarrollan.
Traduce este mensaje verde a cualquier idioma que conozcas, para que más personas puedan entenderlo y reenvíalo!Ver video "Environment. Medio Ambiente"
Wisteria- The Most Beautiful Flower On Earth (Ashikaga Flower Park, Japan)
Wisteria (also spelled Wistaria or Wysteria) is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, that includes ten species of woody climbing vines native to the Eastern United States and to China, Korea, and Japan. Some species are popular ornamental plants, especially in China and Japan. An aquatic flowering plant with the common name wisteria or water wisteria is in f Hygrophila difformis, in the family Acanthaceae.\r
Botanical name: Wisteria\r
Plant type: Shrub\r
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9\r
Sun exposure: Full Sun, Part Sun\r
Flower color: Red, Blue, Purple, White\r
Bloom time: Spring\r
If your garden is an outdoor room, wisteria provides the drapery and slipcover—to camouflage a view or provide living shade over porch and pergola.\r
Something between a vine and a shrub, wisteria blooms vigorously in spring with showy, cascading flower clusters that provide quick-growing color.\r
However, note that it can take a good six years for a newly established wisteria to start flowering—sometimes longer!\r
The vine may grow 10 feet or more in one year! This gives the artful gardener a paintbrush with which to cover the landscape-canvas. Wisteria is also beautifully fragrant providing a feast for the senses.\r
Note: Some types of wisteria are considered invasive pests; check with your local cooperative extension. All parts of this plant, especially the seeds, are poisonous.\r
Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil. \r
Ensure placement has full Sun. Though wisteria will grow in partial shade, it probably wont flower. Sun is essential.\r
If your soil is in poor condition, add compost; otherwise, wisteria will grow in most soils.\r
Plant in the spring or fall.\r
Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and 2 to 3 times as wide. Space plants 10 to 15 feet apart.\r
Choose a site that will not overwhelm nearby plants as wisteria grows quickly and can overtake other plants.\r
Each spring, apply a layer of compost under the plant and a 2-inch layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds.\r
Some gardeners swear by phosphorus to aid flowering. Scratch a couple of cups of bone meal into the soil in the spring and then add some rock phosphate in the Fall.\r
Water your plants if you receive less than one inch of rain each week. (To know how much rain you are getting, you can place an empty tuna can outside and measure the depth of water with a measuring stick.)\r
wisteria flower meaning, wisteria flower tunnel, wisteria flower pictures, wisteria flower buds photos, wisteria flower buds pictures, wisteria flower essence, wisteria flower tunnel path, wisteria flower shop, wisteria tunnel at kawachi fuji gardens\r
japanese wisteria garden, wisteria tunnel location, kitakyushu wisteria, wisteria flower tunnel path, wisteria flower tunnel at kawachi fuji garden, wisteria flower tunnel walkway, kawachi fuji garden, \r
Fore more: Please subscribed the channel on to:Ver video "Wisteria- The Most Beautiful Flower On Earth (Ashikaga Flower Park, Japan)"
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - Trailer de lanzamiento
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Trailer de lanzamiento
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 estará disponible para Xbox One, PlayStation 4 y en Origin para PC el 25 de febrero. Además, los miembros de EA Access y Origin Access ya pueden probar un adelanto del título, conservando su progreso en la versión final, y obteniendo un descuento del 10% al comprar la versión digital del juego, sólo en Xbox One y en PC a través de Origin.
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Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Trailer de lanzamiento
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 estará disponible para Xbox One, PlayStation 4 y en Origin para PC el 25 de febrero. Además, los miembros de EA Access y Origin Access ya pueden probar un adelanto del título, conservando su progreso en la versión final, y obteniendo un descuento del 10% al comprar la versión digital del juego, sólo en Xbox One y en PC a través de Origin.Ver video "Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - Trailer de lanzamiento"
This is our most popular trek and offers visitors the most economical method to trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu . A pool service is basically a group that you can just join. You'll be trekking with like-minded hikers from all over the world, a great chance to meet new friends and travel companions. The Inca Trail is Peru 's best known hike and perhaps in the World too. .This 43km trek combines visits to archaeological sites, amazing mountain scenery and lush cloud forest rich in native plants such as orchids with many different species of hummingbirds.
Ver video "INCA TRAIL"
Top 20 Deadliest Forest Creatures: Chupacabra, Werewolf, Wolverine, Vampire, Giant Spider
Warning outdoor enthusiasts - after watching this video you will never again set your foot in the forest. So turn it off now till it will damage your fragile mind forever.\r
20. Wolverine is the only mammal who is capable to kill animal 10 times of its size & that includes humans. If Wolverine picks a fight with you its win or die for him or you.\r
19. Hyena. This one will play with you like a dog during daytime but as night comes it will turn into a predatory werewolf that will eat you alive. \r
18. Elephants and rhinos kill few hundreds humans every year. But I guess you arent going to Africa camping trip so dont worry about them for now. \r
17. Lions & tigers also kill will few hundreds every year. But let me assure you lions and tigers are also the least of your worries on this trip.\r
16. Medium sized and smaller cats like pumas, lynx, cougar and cheetah kill more humans every year than lions and tigers combined. \r
15. Actually the most deadly cats are jaguars and leopards. One single Leopard of Panar killed over 400 men in Indian jungle. \r
14. Believe it or not but Buffalos known in Africa as widow makers or black death and even Euro or American Bull can be quite deadly \r
13. Deadly plants. There are at least 10 known species of plants all around the woods that can kill you with one single touch.\r
12. Some Newts and Salamanders secrets one of the most toxic compounds known in nature. If you stupid enough to lick, bite of kiss it might be the last thing you do in the woods. \r
11. Some Monitor Lizards have glands with deadly neurotoxin and killed quite a few curious or careless campers. \r
10. One small bite of larger lizard and you will drop dead in a few hours because of deadly beria in its saliva\r
9. Wolf might look like a doggy but one single wolf killed 113 men in France. \r
8. Bear. 1 out 5 man killed by mammals in the wild is killed by a bear\r
7. Chupacabra - it is unclear if this monster will kill you or not but certainly if you meet one you will die of heart attack\r
6. Undiscovered lethal forest creatures. Now in 21st century new species are discovered every week like this carcass of unknown animals and some of them are quite deadly. \r
5. This cute bunny might easily kill you with either RHD-3 virus that mutated this year to affect humans or rabies. \r
4. Needless to says that snakes kill over 50,000 humans every year. \r
3. However, venom of Dart Frogs is more deadly than snake venom. Unlike snake Dart frog can kill you without ever biting but with one gentle touch. \r
2. Humans. Yes, there is only one animal that kill more humans per year than humans do.\r
1. Bugs, spiders and insects. 1,000,000 thats 1 Million dead humans every year killed by insects after visiting woods or forests. Now have fun in the woods.Ver video "Top 20 Deadliest Forest Creatures: Chupacabra, Werewolf, Wolverine, Vampire, Giant Spider"
Partida completa de Plants zoombis Garden Warfare explicando su mecanica
En este gameplay juego una partida completa, asi se podra ver como es el modo cooperativo, como se obtienen las plantas, como se juega, como es la mecanica de Plants Zoombis Garden Warfare.
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ATENCIÓN: No todos nuestros videos están en youtube, tenemos más guías, vídeo logros, vídeo trucos y más contenido útil en http://www.trucoteca.comVer video "Partida completa de Plants zoombis Garden Warfare explicando su mecanica"
Borneo: el edén ancestral de la Tierra
The documentary "Borneo: el edén ancestral de la Tierra" explores the ancient jungles of Borneo, highlighting its status as one of the oldest tropical rainforests on Earth. The documentary showcases the unique and extraordinary species that inhabit this region, from giant apes to tiny bears and deadly plants. It emphasizes the remarkable biodiversity of Borneo, shaped by millions of years of evolution in extreme conditions. The documentary provides a captivating look at the diverse ecosystems and wildlife found in Borneo, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts and those interested in the wonders of our planet's natural world.
[4] video "Borneo: el edén ancestral de la Tierra"