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  • Putnam County Schools

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 - Part 4

    Sega accidentally released a beta of Sonic 4 Episode 2 on Steam, rather than the pre-order. So, here we go. Its missing some graphics (notice some white trees and white buildings in the first world only), but otherwise its complete. \r
    This game is really good. The mechanics are fixed over Episode 1, the 2-player mode (I didnt play it while recording) is ually pretty neat from what I tested of it, and the level design is a LOT better than Episode 1 with a lot of creative ideas. Catchier music too, though still in that synthesized old-school style they went for that Im not really a fan of.\r
    Anyway, Sega yanked the beta from Steam, but still, hopefully these videos will convince you that this game is worth getting when it officially comes out.

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  • Dramatico reconocimiento d fallecidos-peru earthquake

    15th August, 2007
    8.0 magnitude earthquake South of Lima PERU
    + more than 540 deaths
    + 200 people died instantly as church collapsed during mass
    + more than 1600 injured
    + 95,000 people on the streets
    + 33,000 houses destroyed
    + more than 33,191 families lost their homes
    buildings, 14 roads, 2 bridges, 6 churches, 37 schools, 8 hospitals collapsed
    + city of Pisco 85% destroyed
    + affected areas: Ica, Chincha, Pisco, Huanuco, Junín, Huancavelica, Castrovirreyna, Cañete, Tambo de Mora, Paracas reserve, Lima

    We really need help, aider les enfants! help the children! ayuda a los niños!
    please check for the acounts at the Peru Embassy of your country, CARITAS DE PERU, UNICEF, BCP,etc.

    THANKS to all the governments and to each single person that supports PERU in this tragedy. We will not forget your help, your sincere condolences and the way you all offer us your hands, tears and strength.


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  • China earthquake 2010 CNN Footage 6.9-7.1

    The quake, which struck at 7:49 a.m. in Qinghai Province, had a magnitude of 7.1 according to Chinas earthquake administration.

    According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, the earthquake struck in Yushu County, a remote and mountainous area sparsely populated by farmers and herders, most of them ethnic Tibetans. The region is pocked with copper, tin and coal mines and rich in natural gas. A government Web site said the countys population was around 80,000.

    The China Earthquake Networks Center said the epicenter was in Yushu County, a sparsely populated area that is home to farmers and herders, most of whom are ethnic Tibetans.

    China National Radio said that more than 80 percent of the homes in the area had collapsed but that schools and government buildings had largely remained standing.

    Karsum Nyima, an employee of a local television station in Yushu, told the national television broadcaster, CCTV, that the quake had sent people running into the streets.

    All of a sudden, the houses collapsed, he said. It was a terrible earthquake. In the park, a Buddhist pagoda fell down. Everyone is in the street in front of their houses. They are trying to find family members.

    In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand.

    The most important thing now is that this place is far from everything, with few accessible rescue troops available, Mr. Wu said. I feel like the number of dead and injured will keep going up.

    Local officials said that phone service was limited and that rescue efforts were stymied by a lack of heavy equipment. Medical supplies and tents, they added, were in short supply.

    State news media reported that 700 paramilitary officers were already working in the quake zone and that another 3,000 troops would be sent to the area to assist in search and rescue efforts. The civil affairs ministry said it would also send 5,000 tents and 50,000 blankets.

    Last August, Golmud was hit by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that destroyed dozens of homes but caused no deaths. Qinghai is an ethnic melting pot of Tibetans, Mongols and Han Chinese. It is adjacent to Sichuan Province, where at least 87,000 people died in a powerful earthquake in 2008

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  • Colony of Russian immigrants in Choele Choel - Rio Negro - Argentina 1966

    Rio Negro: Colony of Russian immigrants in Choele Choel. Close-up close-ups taken from a moving Jeep truck showing the road and fields; The driver and journalist Andrés Percivale are also seen traveling inside the vehicle. Close-ups of a cake walking along the side of the road, a spider is also seen. General views of the Colorado River and the landscape. Close-up of a National Highway sign indicating the next city and the remaining kilometers to reach: Choele Choel (Center); General Roca (180) and Neuquén (224). General views of a group of Russian immigrants talking with journalist Andrés Percivale outside a house. Report on León, one of the Russian immigrants who lives in the colony, in which he is asked: -León, where did you learn to speak Spanish? (Answer: In Argentina) -Is it a large family? -Are you single? -Are you planning to get married? -Are you of an Orthodox religion? - Is your religion the one that does not allow you, for example, to cut your beard and not smoke? - Do you think that the people of the colony would like to continue traveling or do you plan to stay here permanently, in Argentina? General views of a boy caring for pigs. Close-ups of a man and a young man slaughtering a dead animal. Close-ups of a woman showing journalist Andrés Percivale a blanket that she made. Report on Mr. Manrique, in which he is asked: - Do you consider that these people, the Russians, here in the colony are happy? Close-ups of a young man building a brick house. Report to Maxim, one of the Russian immigrants who lives in the colony, in which he is asked: -How old is he? (Answer: 33 years) -How long have you been here in Argentina? (Answer: 1 year) -Do you have children? -Do you like Argentina? Close-ups of a settler driving a tractor. Close-ups of a young man riding a horse and plowing a field. Report on Estefano, who is the son of one of the settlers and in which he is asked: -How old are you? (Answers: 19 years old) -Do you work here on the farm? -Do you speak Spanish very well, where did you learn? (Responds: Here, at school) -How long have you been here? (Answers: 1 year) -Do you teach those from the other neighborhood to drive the tractor? -Do you like Argentines? -Are you thinking of marrying an Argentina? General views of a group of settlers working on the farm where they remove the land and tend the crops. (No sound / Ambient sound)
    Date: 1966
    Duration: 6 minutes 28 seconds
    Film Code: C-01435

    Copyright DiFilm Archive - Archive material inquiries -
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  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

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  • How To Learn Faster And Remember More

    How To Learn Faster And Remember More\r
    This FREE video trainingwill help you.Monetize your passions and expertise online in 4 simple steps. The worlds highest-paid thought leaders use these ex strategies.\r
    Hey, whats up guys? So on this video, youre going to be finding out how I super-learn things. Basically, how you can regurgitate the information from anything like this.\r
    So people learn differently. Some people are good with listening, some people are good with just reading, so regurgitating fs from books, so if they are good in school, thats pretty much you, and some people; they are not really great at memory. So, what have I ually created.I shouldnt say created, but engineered, that works for me, is I combined all three.\r
    When you look at learning, you have got kinesthetic; so, touch. You feel a book, you create something, you are building something. You learn that way.\r
    Number two - you have got visual. So you are watching a teacher speak, you are watching a TED Talk, youre watching a workshop, and finally\r
    And finally, three - Auditory. So you are listening to a podcast, or you are listening to a teacher, and this is how your body assimilates and absorbs information. However if you want to super-learn, and really absorb the knowledge to regurgitate even faster, quicker, more efficiently, is you combine all three.\r
    So, this is what I do when I read a book. First of all, I dont read a book, I do a case study on the book. I highly recommend if you havent already read the book, How to Read a Book. Fantastic book, in f, Jim Rohn highly recommends it, and it was game changer for me, and just understanding that you do not read word for word, and in f, that you ually go through the book as a detective. Okay, I am not going to go through the whole gist of it, but to give you the 411, is you have a blank piece of paper, and you basically go through the beginning of the chapter, the end of the chapter, you look for detail words, such as because and therefore, and you really figure out what the author is trying to teach you, or the author is trying to tell you. So, I basically summarize a whole book on an 8 x 11 paper. When Im done with the book, I plug in the authors name into YouTube and usually the author has a TED Talk or has been featured on podcasts, and then Ill listen to it, and then usually I follow that summary I just had.\r
    Third of all, is if you cant find a TED Talk. So, it its a TED Talk, you hit two birds with one stone. You are doing both auditory and youre doing visual. If you cant find visual, I highly, and I repeat, I highly recommend that you draw an image or a cartoon, something that can connect that with that book.\r
    So lets re-cap that.\r
    Number 1: You do a case study on the book. You go through the first chapter, three pages, last three pages of the first chapter; second chapter first three pages, last three pages. You make a summary of the book.\r
    Number 2: You plug in the authors name into YouTube. Hopefully there is a talk where you can visually see him or her and hear them, and then cross-reference what they said with your notes, because truthfully, most of these authors can summarize their whole book in an hour.\r
    Now, the final piece, which I havent mentioned yet. The final piece for really enhancing your learning capability, is teaching. This really cements the knowledge inside of your brain. As soon as you have done that process of the case study for the book, going through YouTube, podcasts, or TED Talk, I want you now to write a blog post about it. I want you to do a video about it such as this. In f, I am doing this video from the book, How To Read the Book. I want you to teach your friend, I want you to teach your family what you just learned. If you dont use it, youll lose it. Yes, its very true when it comes to the human body and the human mind. So, teach, become a teacher. At the end of the day, we are all teachers in this life.\r
    So there you have it. That is how I super-learn. I do case studies on books, I plug the name into YouTube, I cross reference that from my summary, and then finally I do a video such as this or write a blog post about this.\r
    Have an amazing day, guys. Talk to you soon.\r
    how can i learn faster\r
    how to learn faster for exams\r
    learn faster remember more\r
    ways to learn faster

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