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Korea's Samsung Electronics announced on Sunday,.. that its R&D department developed a key 5G technology.
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How repair LCD TV. The best tutorial. Learn how to repair common failures in LCD TVs with this 195 page comprehensive guide. This book was written in a way that even a beginner in electronics can understand and includes many photos.
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Apple, interesado en la firma de música en línea Beats Electronics de Dr. Dre
Apple va en busca de un servicio de música en línea y podría comprar la empresa Beats Electronics, que comercializa los cascos de Dr. Dre. El gigante mundial estadounidense negocia con el californiano Beats Electronics y se especula con una compra por 2.300 millones de euros. Apple no ha confirmado la noticia, pero la prensa apunta a que la operación podría anunciarse la semana que viene.
Más que por los cascos del rapero Dr. Dre, la firma de la manzana está interesada por la oferta de música en ‘streaming’ de Beat Electronics creada el año pasado y que cuenta con una gran acogida. De confirmarse, esta sería la mayor adquisición de Apple en una década.Ver video "Apple, interesado en la firma de música en línea Beats Electronics de Dr. Dre"
f the national government does not finally take the decision to repair the landing strips of Bahía Solano y Nuquí, two small villages in the department of Chocó, Colombians will not be able to witness one of the most breathtaking once in a lifetime experience on earth and the community would miss their unique sustainable way of living.
Los coches autónomos, protagonistas de la CES 2017
Falta poco para que los coches autónomos lleguen a nuestras carreteras. Esto es lo que han asegurado los fabricantes de automóviles que han asistido a la 50 edición de la Feria de Electrónica de Consumo de Las Vegas.
Según los expertos, el mercado de estos coches despegará en 2020.
“Cuanto más conducimos estos automóviles, mejor comprendemos sus ventajas, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la seguridad. Este tipo de coches lo ven todo a su alrededor, no se distraen, no se cansan. Creo que con el tiempo, la gente querrá comprar estos vehículos, existirá una demanda”, afirma Glen DeVos, de Delphi Electronics & Safety.
Ganarse la confianza de los consumidores es ahora el principal objetivo de los fabricantes de coches autónomos. Estos automóviles empezarán siendo muy comunes en servicios como los taxis. Solo después serán utilizados por el gran público.
Los especialistas aseguran que cuando los usuarios comprendan las ventajas de seguridad,
podrán centrarse en la tecnología.
“Explicar lo que es un coche autónomo es complicado pero ahora ya hemos superado la fase de demostración. Ahora los fabricantes se centran en enseñar cómo es el coche por dentro, cómo funciona. Algunas compañías como BMW o Toyota se esfuerzan ahora en mejorar el interior porque cuando la gente no tenga que conducir podrá ser más productiva mientras viaja, podrá divertirse más”, asegura Tim Stevens, de Roadshow.
El primer mercado que se inclinará por este tipo de coches será el estadounidense, aseguran los expertos. Éstos también afirman que en 2035 se venderán en todo el mundo 21 millones de estos vehículos.Ver video "Los coches autónomos, protagonistas de la CES 2017"
seagate hard disk not detected. Does it spin?
for data recovery call: 855.366.4232\r
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seagate hard disk not detected. Does it spin? (what to do if you fried your drive by plugging in wrong power supply)\r
If your seagate hard disk not detected, first of all, power it on and listen to it with your ear right next to it. Does it spin?\r
If not, then it would be for one of the 3 reasons. Seized motor, unparked heads, or dead PCB (printed circuit board). There are also things like dead preamp, but on most brands of drives it would not prevent the spin up process.\r
I will begin with explaining what seized motor is. Seized motor on the hard drive is fairly common issue that you would find on Seagate hard drive generations 7200.8 7200.9 7200.10 7200.11 7200.12, as well as some hitachi/IBM 2.5” hard drives.\r
Seized motor would upon start up process with create a faint buzzing, and in some cases beeping sound. I would highly suggest that you seek professional help at this point. This is one of the most difficult tasks to perform on the hard drive, and without necessary equipment you will kill your hard drive in attempt to recover it.\r
However, these sounds are identical to the ones that the sound would make when heads are not parked properly. All modern hard drives offer touchless heads technology, meaning that the heads are never suppose to come in cont with the disk surface. In the past 3.5” hard drives used to park heads closer towards the center of the drive, and they would land right onto the platter surface that had air pockets to prevent sticking. That technology slowly started to get outdated and less reliable than touchless, so now hard drives park heads on the external parking ramp. Touchless technology offers more durability for the heads when the drive is off power. If it is dropped external parking ramp, that suspends heads in the air, is much better option than having heads sit on the ual disk surface. (this section is best to be read on our blog page here because I have pictures explaining the difference)\r
Unlike 2 issues above, dead PCB, will turn your drive completely silent. PCB failure would usually be caused by power surges, or plugging in a wrong external hard drive power supply. Dead PCB can be either replaced, or repaired on component level. Luckily, TVS Diodes would protect most hard drives PCBs for mishaps like this, so they need to be tested first. A transient-voltage-suppression (TVS) diode or thyrector is an electronic component used to protect electronics from voltage spikes induced on connected wires. Multimeter with continuity test option will quickly determine if you have a damaged diode or not. Ideally, if you detect the damaged diode it would need to be replaced with an identical one, but in our case since I just needed to recover the data from this external hard drive. After the failed diode was removed, clients drive began to spin and get detected by our imaging equipment.\r
HDD Recovery Services\r
666 Kirkwood Ave, Suite B101\r
Ottawa, ON\r
K1Z 5X9\r
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