Europa se prepara ante una nueva oleada de Covid-19
Perímetro volcánico en Marte como América del Norte
Gran Thaumasia, una región inusual de la superficie de Marte, está delimitada por una cresta montañosa que fue muy probablemente creada por una cadena de volcanes. El hallazgo corresponde a investigadores dirigidos desde Lousiana State University, que estudiaron la geografía y mineralogía de esta área, que es aproximadamente del tamaño de América del Norte.
Ver video "Perímetro volcánico en Marte como América del Norte"
Se propone un objeto planetario que aún nadie ha visto
Un nuevo estudio sugiere la existencia de un objeto planetario aún por descubrir llamado "sinestia", una enorme masa de roca vaporizada, en forma de rosca, formada como objetos de tamaño planetario rotos entre sí.
Ver video "Se propone un objeto planetario que aún nadie ha visto"
¡¡¡POR FAVOR, SUSCRÍBETE!!! :)Brazo modular UMA
Modular Robotic Arm used by the University of Malaga to research on medical robotic .
Ver video "Brazo modular UMA"
Man cooks and eats own finger
The latest issue of the medical journal Australasian Psychiatry reports a rare case of self-cannibalism. A 28-year-old New Zealander struggling with depression amputated his little finger, cooked it with vegetables and ate it.Ver video "Man cooks and eats own finger"
Vacunas antiCovid de Sinopharm tienen más de 70% de efectividad, según estudio
El informe, publicado online en el Journal of the American Medical Association, asegura que las dos vacunas contra el coronavirus tienen un 73% y 78% de eficacia tal como ha sostenido la farmacéutica
Ver video "Vacunas antiCovid de Sinopharm tienen más de 70% de efectividad, según estudio"
Banda Rancho Viejo-Una Entre Nn Millon (Segi Manzanares Club Mix)
127MB-720p HD YouTube
El link de descarga de tu video sera enviado al correo que proporciones al comprar el video..
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"Ver video "Banda Rancho Viejo-Una Entre Nn Millon (Segi Manzanares Club Mix)"
Tumescent Liposuction Louisiana Dr. Klein first presented the tumescent technique at a medical meeting in Philadelphia in 1986. The first publication describing the technique was published in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery in 1987.
Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Louisiana"
San Valentín: Regalamos por amor y por los descuentos
Los deseos de agradar en San Valentín a nuestra pareja con un regalo, también pueden ocultar una voluntad de aprovechamiento propio, según un estudio publicado en Journal of Consumer Research.
Ver video "San Valentín: Regalamos por amor y por los descuentos"
"Simulating the Impact of Mediterranean Tsunamis"
Uncover the groundbreaking research on tsunami forecasting in the Mediterranean with this captivating video based on the study featured in the journal Ocean Science. European scientists have developed a cutting-edge simulation model to predict the potential impact of tsunamis on the coasts of Sicily and Crete, shedding light on the looming threat to densely populated areas in Greece and southern Italy.
Led by Achilleas Samaras, a renowned civil engineer at the University of Thessaloniki in Bologna, Italy, this study delves into the historical seismic activity of the region, emphasizing the urgent need to comprehend and prepare for nature's formidable forces. The video offers a compelling visualization of the potential consequences, serving as a poignant reminder of the relentless power of the sea and the necessity for coastal communities to remain vigilant.
For a deeper exploration of this critical research, join the insightful discussions in the comments section and subscribe for the latest updates on this pressing field of study. Stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in oceanic phenomena and natural disaster dynamics.Ver video ""Simulating the Impact of Mediterranean Tsunamis""
Introducing Muse Our first generative AI model designed for gameplay ideation
Today, the journal Nature is publishing our latest research, which introduces the first World and Human Action Model (WHAM). The WHAM, which we’ve named “Muse,” is a generative AI model of a video game that can generate game visuals, controller actions, or both.
In our research, we focus on exploring the capabilities that models like Muse need to effectively support human creatives by demonstrating how to develop research insights to support creative uses of generative AI models.Ver video "Introducing Muse Our first generative AI model designed for gameplay ideation"
Una Larga Fila | Analisis y Curiosidades | EQG Better Together
Sunset esta esperando a comprar un nuevo videojuego, ¿no creen?
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.Ver video "Una Larga Fila | Analisis y Curiosidades | EQG Better Together"
Vinculan creencia de fenómenos paranormales a trastornos del sueño
Un estudio realizado en casi 9 mil personas y publicado en la revista Journal of Sleep Research reveló que un grupo de investigadores británicos encontró un vínculo entre la creencia de fenómenos paranormales y algunos trastornos del sueño.
Ver video "Vinculan creencia de fenómenos paranormales a trastornos del sueño"
Uterine Fibroid Tumors Treatment - how treat fibroids without surger
Uterine Fibroid Tumors Treatment - how to treat fibroids without surger
Medical Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition
Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Uterine Fibroids
Sufferer Teaches You How To:
Get Rid Of Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally Within 2 Months
and Prevent Their RecurrenceVer video "Uterine Fibroid Tumors Treatment - how treat fibroids without surger"
Slavoj Žižek - Don't Act. Just Think.
Koxtrok Presents:
Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic. He is a professor at the European Graduate School, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His books include Living in the End Times, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, In Defense of Lost Causes, four volumes of the Essential Žižek, and many more.Ver video "Slavoj Žižek - Don't Act. Just Think."
Lagos de larga existencia revelan la historia del agua en Marte
Imágenes de alta resolución y modelos digitales de elevación han permitido identificar y describir siete nuevos paleolagos en la región marciana de Arabia Terra, que existieron durante mucho tiempo.
Un equipo liderado por Zack Dickeson, geólogo planetario en el Natural History Museum (NHM), utilizó imágenes y datos de la Cámara Contextual (CTX), el Experimento Científico de Imágenes de Alta Resolución (HiRISE) y el Sistema de Imágenes de Emisión Térmica (THEMIS) de la NASA para estudiar en detalle un área de aproximadamente 22.000 kilómetros cuadrados de Arabia Terra. El trabajo se publica en la revista Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
(Fuente: NASA / Journal of Geophysical Research)Ver video "Lagos de larga existencia revelan la historia del agua en Marte"
How To Get Rid Of Fibroids in Uterus - Cure Fibroids
How To Get Rid Of Fibroids in Uterus - Cure Fibroids
Medical Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition
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I have developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 35,000+ hours of intense
medical research for eliminating acid reflux and heartburn for good. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful
acid reflux healing system, which very few people even know exists... - home remedies for heartburn - natural remedy for heartburn - heartburn no moreVer video "home remedies for heartburn - natural remedy for heartburn - heartburn no more"
What is emotion? Véronique Tran, Professor of Organizational Behavior at ESCP Europe
Veronique Tran is Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at ESCP Europe Paris Campus. She is a graduate of the University of Lausanne in Political Science. She earned her Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Geneva Switzerland with the Geneva Emotion Research Group directed by Prof. Klaus Scherer. She was a permanent faculty member at Team International where she acquired extensive experience in executive education and management development, with emphasis on interpersonal and organizational behavior topics. She is a visiting professor in Organizational Behavior at the University of Nova (Lisbon, Portugal).
Her primary research focus is to examine the interaction of emotions with decision-making processes in management teams. During her post-doctoral studies in the Industrial/Organizational area of the Department of Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University, she had the opportunity to research creativity and innovation processes and how they unfold across levels of organizations. Additional research interests include topics such as emotion in organizational contexts (e.g. emotional climate), team dynamics, and organizational learning.
Veronique Tran is member of the Academy of Management (AOM), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the American Psychology Association (APA), the International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), and EMONET Emotions in Organizational settings.Ver video "What is emotion? Véronique Tran, Professor of Organizational Behavior at ESCP Europe"
sarcoidosis rash - sarcoidosis eye - treatment of sarcoidosis - sarcoidosis rash - sarcoidosis eye - treatment of sarcoidosis
My name is Danielle May, I am a mother of two, a medical researcher and a former sarcoidosis sufferer.
I have seen the hell of sarcoidosis and I know what you're going through. I have suffered from a severe
case of sarcoidosis that affected my lungs, my spine, my face and damaged many of my internal organs in
the process. - sarcoidosis rash - sarcoidosis eye - treatment of sarcoidosisVer video "sarcoidosis rash - sarcoidosis eye - treatment of sarcoidosis"
Duendes y elfos de luz se dejan entrever en la atmósfera de Júpiter
Los nuevos resultados de la misión Juno de la NASA en Júpiter sugieren que 'duendes' o 'elfos' de luz parecen hacerse notar en la atmósfera superior del planeta más grande del sistema solar. Es la primera vez que estos destellos de luz brillantes, impredecibles y extremadamente breves, conocidos formalmente como eventos luminosos transitorios se han observado en otro mundo, tal como publica la revista Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
(Fuente: NASA)Ver video "Duendes y elfos de luz se dejan entrever en la atmósfera de Júpiter"
Hypothyroidism Natural Cures - Hypothyroidism Diet Treatment - Hypothyroidism Natural Cures - Hypothyroidism Diet Treatment
A quick search on just about any online medical reference will quickly
tell you that there are certain foods and supplements that may affect
your ability to absorb many of the thyroid medications that are readily prescribed.
But not a single one mentions any foods or supplements that can directly
affect your ability to produce or utilize the thyroid hormone that your
body natural makes.
In fact, most medical professionals will tell you that your
diet has little to no impact whatsoever on the health of your thyroid.
But when start to look at the research, it tells a very different story.
Click Here
Hypothyroidism Natural Cures - Hypothyroidism Diet TreatmentVer video "Hypothyroidism Natural Cures - Hypothyroidism Diet Treatment"
International Space Station: 20 years in 60 seconds
Monday 2 November 2020 marks 20 years of continuous human presence on the International Space Station. Relive a few memorable moments from the unique orbital outpost in this clip covering 20 years of the International Space Station in 60 seconds.
Since Crew One took up residence on 2 November, 240 people including 18 ESA astronauts have lived and worked on the orbital outpost, carrying out essential research to benefit life on Earth.
The next ESA mission to the International Space Station is set for 2021, when Thomas Pesquet will become the first European to fly on a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft for his Alpha mission.
ESAVer video "International Space Station: 20 years in 60 seconds"
Customized implantable medical devices, or simply Custom IMD Project, is the name given to a research project funded by the European Commission, within the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), which goal is to set up a cheaper and faster top to bottom process to deliver customized implants in 48 hours --from the design to the surgery.
Custom IMD es un consorcio de investigación Europeo que ha tenido el objetivo de proveer a la industria de un concepto de implantes altamente especializados. Los dispositivos médicos serán diseñados, fabricados, esterilizados y entregados en 48 horas, ajustando las necesidades específicas y las características físicas de cada paciente.
El objetivo principal del proyecto ha sido el desarrollo de biomateriales, además del uso de las tecnologías de Rapid Manufacturing aplicadas a las necesidades del proyecto. Las primeras líneas de investigación han estado enfocadas en sus estudios craneales, implantes de columna y restauraciones dentales.Ver video "CUSTOM IMD"
Deportes de elite: Deshidratacion
Los deportistas de élite deben dar siempre el máximo rendimiento. Esto les convierte en la población más sensible a los efectos de la deshidratación. Ahora, un nuevo estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha (UCLM) revela que el 91% de los profesionales de baloncesto, voleyball, balonmano y fútbol sala estudiados comienzan el entrenamiento deshidratados. Muchos estudios han evaluado la deshidratación en deportes al aire libre, pero es escasa la información científica sobre actividades en pabellón cubierto. El nuevo trabajo que publica el European Journal of Sport Science evalúa las pérdidas de líquido y sales corporales en profesionales del baloncesto, voleyball, balonmano y fútbol sala.
Ver video "Deportes de elite: Deshidratacion"
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how to treat uterine fibroids without surgery
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Protandim ABC PrimeTime Video in Spanish
ABC Live It - Primetime Investigative Report 2005
See what the investigation uncovered and exposed to the world.
Oxidative Stress is the subject of over 110,000 published Peer-Reviewed Medical Research studies. The importance of reducing oxidative stress is becoming more and more evident every day. Thousand of studies in the last 10 years prove that antioxidants in food and vitamins are not powerful enough to fight free radical damage / oxidative stress.
Q: Why did ABC do an investigation on Protandim?
A: Protandim offered a solution to reducing free radical damage know as oxidative stress, that was many times more powerful. Protandim has been proven, in a Clinical Peer Review Research Study, to reduce oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 30 days. That is what caught their attention.
Oxidative Stress = Bad for the Body
Lowering Oxidative Stress = Good for the Body
Protandim-Truescience.comVer video "Protandim ABC PrimeTime Video in Spanish"
Nuevo estudio vincula los indicadores de contaminación y pobreza con la proporción de naci
A new study has linked pollutants and poverty with changed in the ratio of boys and girls born to millions of parents.
The Guardian reports that half the
United States' population and the entire
Swedish population took part in the study.
The study found that mercury, chromium and aluminum pollution was linked to more male births, while lead pollution was correlated with more female births. .
It also found that measures of poverty, like living near high number
of vacant buildings and fast food restaurants, were also
linked with statistically significant changes to sex ratios. .
The Guardian points out that the research found correlations between various factors and sex ratios of birth, not a cause and effect relationship. .
This is a list of suspects to investigate,
and all the suspects have some
credible evidence, but we’re
very far from conviction, Andrey Rzhetsky, Lead Researcher
at the University of Chicago, via The Guardian.
There are a lot of myths about sex ratio and birth, but when you dig into the research, it turns out that everything that was tested on real data was done on relatively small samples [risking spurious correlations], and some statements are not founded in observations at all, Andrey Rzhetsky, Lead Researcher
at the University of Chicago, via The Guardian.
The new research was published in
the journal Plos Computational Biology.
It is the first investigation into a number of chemical pollutants, as well as other environmental factors, using a large dataset from two continents. .
According to 'The Guardian,' 150 million people in
the U.S. participated in the study over eight years. .
In Sweden, 9 million people
participated over 30 years.Ver video "Nuevo estudio vincula los indicadores de contaminación y pobreza con la proporción de naci"
Cerebro y comida: Marketing alimentario
Científicos del Consejo de Investigación Médica en Inglaterra, han descubierto la excusa perfecta para comer en exceso: el cerebro.
Los investigadores han llegado a la primera prueba neurobiológica de por qué algunas personas parecen incapaces de resistir a los alimentos. La investigación, publicada en el Journal of Neuroscience, no sólo proporciona evidencia de que algunas personas son particularmente susceptibles a las imágenes de comida, si no que además, ayuda a explicar el poder de la publicidad de alimentos. Los investigadores ya sabían que un rasgo de personalidad determinado en grupos de consumidores, están más propensos a comprar productos que estimulen su centro de la recompensa o de experiencias placenteras, en especial la alimentación y se exhibe en varios niveles dependiendo de la persona. Esta diferencia se llama sensibilidad de mayor o menor recompensa.Ver video "Cerebro y comida: Marketing alimentario"
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FDA: Los productos químicos de los protectores solares pueden no ser seguros
FDA: Los productos químicos de los protectores solares pueden no ser seguros La Administración de Drogas y Alimentos ha dicho que los productos químicos de los protectores solares pueden ser absorbidos en el torrente sanguíneo de las personas. Un estudio en "The Journal of the American Medical Association" descubrió que solo el protector solar en crema cumplía con los límites del nivel de absorción de la FDA. La FDA afirma que los protectores solares con ingredientes activos que se absorben en el sistema circulatorio a niveles superiores a 0,5 nanogramos por mililitro son un riesgo potencial. A pesar de los hallazgos, el protector solar sigue siendo uno de los principales métodos para prevenir el cáncer de piel y aún se recomienda para la protección. La FDA sugiere evitar los protectores solares con ácido aminobenzoico y salicilato de trolamina.
Ver video "FDA: Los productos químicos de los protectores solares pueden no ser seguros"
Detectan una nueva variante del virus en el sur de California
Un equipo internacional de científicos ha detectado una nueva variante del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 en el sur de California y ha comprobado que el 44 por ciento de las muestras que se recogieron y estudiaron en el mes de enero correspondían a esa variante.
Los resultados de su investigación aparecen hoy publicados en la revista Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), donde los investigadores han corroborado que las nuevas variantes llegan a convertirse en predominantes a través de un proceso de selección evolutiva que no se conoce bien.
Los propios investigadores han corroborado en la publicación la confusión que está generando el uso indistinto durante las últimas semanas de los términos "variante", "cepa" o "linaje", tanto en los medios de comunicación como en las publicaciones científicas.Ver video "Detectan una nueva variante del virus en el sur de California"
Estudio: las gaseosas dietéticas están relacionadas con un mayor riesgo de muerte
Estudio: las gaseosas dietéticas
están relacionadas con un mayor
riesgo de muerte Realizado por más de 50 investigadores,
el estudio fue publicado el martes en el
'Journal of the American Medical Association'. Se centró en los efectos sobre la salud de los refrescos tanto regulares como dietéticos en más de 452,000 personas en diez países, entre 1992 y 2000. Se descubrió que beber dos o más "vasos" de
refrescos de dieta por día estaba relacionado con
muertes por enfermedad circulatoria, incluidas
las enfermedades arteriales. El estudio también encontró una asociación entre un mayor consumo de refrescos y el riesgo de muerte por enfermedad de Parkinson. Estudio, a MarketWatch Un estudio publicado a principios de este año relacionó los refrescos regulares con un mayor riesgo de muerte por enfermedad cardiovascular. Otros estudios han relacionado los refrescos
azucarados y endulzados artificialmente con un
mayor riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 y obesidad.Ver video "Estudio: las gaseosas dietéticas están relacionadas con un mayor riesgo de muerte"
Tinnitus Cure Revealed With My Natural Tinnitus Cure Treatm - Tinnitus cure revealed with my natural tinnitus cure treatm
ATTENTION! If You or Someone You Love is Suffering from Tinnitus, Then This Will Be the Most Important Letter You Will Ever Read...
Former Chronic Tinnitus Sufferer Reveals The Only Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To Permanently Eliminate The Ringing
In Your Ears Within 2 Months, And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method No One Else Will Tell You About...
Medical Researcher,Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Tinnitus Sufferer Teaches You How To:
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Restore Your Energy Levels and Improve The Quality Of Your Life DramaticallyGuaranteed!Ver video "Tinnitus Cure Revealed With My Natural Tinnitus Cure Treatm"
Ejercicio fisico: Antidepresivo eficaz
El ejercicio puede ser tan eficaz como un segundo "medicamento" para casi la mitad de los pacientes con depresión, cuya condición no haya sido curada por un medicamento antidepresivo, según un estudio realizado por el Southwestern Medical Center de la Universidad de Texas (Estados Unidos), cuyos resultados se han publicado en la revista 'Journal of Clinical Psychiatry'. La investigación muestra que tanto niveles moderados como intensos de ejercicio diario pueden funcionar como la administración de un segundo fármaco antidepresivo que se utiliza a menudo cuando los medicamentos iniciales no consiguen la remisión de la enfermedad. El tipo de ejercicio que se necesita, sin embargo, depende de las características de los pacientes, incluido su género. Estos hallazgos son el resultado de un estudio de cuatro años realizado por el departamento de Psiquiatría de la Universidad de Texas en colaboración con el Instituto Cooper de Dallas (Estados Unidos).
Ver video "Ejercicio fisico: Antidepresivo eficaz"
Makgeolli Rice Wine (Spanish) Ep06 Dreaming of makgeolli around the world
Part 6 : Do you know about Korean makgeolli? - Dreaming of makgeolli around the world
Makgeolli is a healthy alcoholic beverage made with devotion for the drinker. It is a cultural symbol important for understanding the lives of Koreans. And it is the world’s one-of-a-kingfermented alcohol that uses healthful mold, demonstrating the wisdom of ancient Koreans. But how well-known is makgeolli around the world? How can more people learn about its value and excellence? This is what we explore today.
People around the world in love with Korean makgeolli
In Korea, there are many non-Koreans who love makgeolli even more than Koreans do. Taru Salminen from Finland has even opened up a makgeolli shop near Hongdae and is currently a PR spokeswoman for makgeolli.
A traditional bar called “Multtwinda” in Chungjeongno is a favorite spot among foreigners who love makgeolli. They taste good makgeolli, and talk about the flavors and the value of makgeolli. They are all passionate about telling their friends about the delicious flavor and benefits of Korea’s makgeolli.
Korean makgeolli, a popular drink in the country of sake
Makgeolli remains popular in Korea’s neighbor Japan thanks to rising awareness about its health benefits. There are more and more breweries in Japan making makgeolli of their own, and even Japanese sake brewers with 300 years of history are competing to make the best makgeolli.
Telling the world about Korea’s makgeolli
There are intensive efforts underway to raise awareness about makgeolli around the world. Recently, a makgeolli ad featuring actor Song Il-guk made it to the front page of the European edition of the American Wall Street Journal, and the winners of the global makgeolli video contest are drawing heavy attention. The Makgeolli Association is working to get makgeolli inscribed in the UNESCO list of world heritage. The globalization of makgeolli will only be realized with the right efforts to make high-quality makgeolli and to promote them in the best way possible.Ver video "Makgeolli Rice Wine (Spanish) Ep06 Dreaming of makgeolli around the world"
Serious Crime - Blog FC2
Bark & Co has developed a formidable reputation in the area of serious crime. Over the past few years, criminal work has expanded and diversified, whilst remaining at the top end in terms of quality and complexity. Current cases range from complex murder and drug crimes to the sale of false identity documents involving anti-terrorism forces in UK and around the world.
Bark & Co have forged a particular niche in ‘cold cases’ relating to what we believe had become an over reliance by prosecutors on evidence from unreliable ‘supergrasses’. Similarly, we have been at the forefront in defending a high-profile case testing the application of new rules on hearsay evidence. As an example of the extremely sensitive and diverse nature of our criminal work, Bark & Co were brought in to act in criminal cases involving occupying forces in Iraq.
Amongst other recent high profile matters we are involved with several murder cases, in one of which we made a successful application to have the principal ‘supergrass’s evidence excluded. We also raised pertinent questions about police conduct during the investigation in relation to this evidence.
We have just received instructions in one of the biggest drug smuggling multi-jurisdictional cases stretching from Columbia via the Caribbean to Europe. This involved high grade cocaine worth hundreds of millions of pounds on the streets of London and money laundering.
Our successes at Bark & Co are characterised by our detailed research and analysis which enable us to challenge customary practice and regulations and find the best possible outcome for our clients.Ver video "Serious Crime - Blog FC2"
Los estadounidenses necesitan reducir su consumo de azúcar y pan
Los estadounidenses necesitan reducir su consumo de azúcar y pan Según un nuevo estudio, los estadounidenses están comiendo menos alimentos dulces, pero aún consumen demasiado de ciertos alimentos como el pan blanco. El análisis se puede encontrar en el 'Journal of the American Medical Association'. El estudio se realizó entre 1999 y 2016. Casi 44,000 sujetos adultos participaron en los hallazgos. El informe agrega que los granos enteros se comen más, pero todavía no son una parte lo suficientemente grande de la ingesta diaria de calorías de los estadounidenses. Los investigadores registraron una caída del dos por ciento en el consumo de azúcar adicional. Dicen que puede deberse a que las personas beben menos refrescos. La ingesta diaria es ahora del 14 por ciento, pero aún es más alta que la recomendación del 10 por ciento. El análisis agrega que también hubo una caída en los carbohidratos de baja calidad. En términos de calorías diarias, todavía representan poco más del 40 por ciento. Los investigadores también dicen que las tasas de obesidad y diabetes aumentaron. Según el estudio, casi tres cuartas partes de los adultos estadounidenses tienen sobrepeso.
Ver video "Los estadounidenses necesitan reducir su consumo de azúcar y pan"
Best Birds Trap for Partridge | Arabian Birds Trap Style
This Channel All About Trap and A Z Animal\r
Partridges are medium-sized non-migratory gamebirds, with a wide native distribution throughout the Old World, including Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. They are sometimes grouped in the Perdicinae subfamily of the Phasianidae (pheasants, quail, etc.). However, molecular research suggests that partridges are not a distinct taxon within the family Phasianidae, but that some species are closer to the pheasants, while others are closer to the junglefowls.\r
These are medium-sized birds, intermediate between the larger pheasants and the smaller quails. Partridges are native to the grassy steppes of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Nowadays they are often found nesting on agricultural land. They nest on the ground and have a diet consisting of seeds and insects. Species such as the grey partridge and the red-legged partridge are popular as game birds, and are often reared in captivity and released for the purpose of hunting. For the same reason, they have been introduced into large areas of North America.\r
Cultural references\r
According to Greek legend, the first partridge appeared when Daedalus threw his nephew, Perdix, off the sacred hill of Athena in a fit of jealous rage. Supposedly mindful of his fall, the bird does not build its nest in the trees, nor take lofty flights and avoids high places.\r
The most famous reference to the partridge is in the Christmas carol, The Twelve Days of Christmas. The first gift listed is a partridge in a pear tree, and these words end each verse. Since partridges are unlikely to be seen in pear-trees (they are ground-nesting birds) it has been suggested that the text in a pear tree is a corruption of the French une perdrix.\r
The partridge has also been used as a symbol that represents Kurdish nationalism. It is called Kew. Sherko Kurmanj discusses the paradox of symbols in Iraq as an attempt to make a distinction between the Kurds and the Arabs. He says that while Iraqis generally regards the palm tree, falcon, and sword as their national symbols, the Kurds consider the Oak, Partridge, and dagger as theirs.\r
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Las principales revistas médicas instan a los líderes mundiales a actuar sobre el cambio c
Las principales revistas médicas, instan a los líderes mundiales, a actuar sobre el
cambio climático.
Más de 200 revistas médicas instaron a los líderes mundiales a tomar medidas sobre el cambio climático.
Más de 200 revistas médicas instaron a los líderes mundiales a tomar medidas sobre el cambio climático.
NPR informa que la advertencia se produjo a través de una declaración conjunta sin precedentes que instaba a los líderes mundiales a reducir las emisiones.
Según su declaración, se deben tomar medidas para evitar, "daños catastróficos para la salud que serán imposibles de revertir".
La declaración conjunta se publicó en revistas líderes como The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine y British Medical Journal.
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NPR informa que la advertencia precede a las principales negociaciones climáticas programadas para este otoño.
En noviembre, los líderes mundiales se reunirán para discutir nuevos compromisos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la conferencia COP26 en Escocia.
En noviembre, los líderes mundiales se reunirán para discutir nuevos compromisos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la conferencia COP26 en Escocia.
La estrategia actual de alentar a los mercados a intercambiar tecnologías sucias por tecnologías más limpias no es suficiente, Declaración conjunta de la revista médica, a NPR.
Los gobiernos deben intervenir para apoyar el rediseño de los sistemas de transporte, las ciudades, la producción y distribución de alimentos, los mercados para inversiones financieras, los sistemas de salud y mucho más, Declaración conjunta de la revista médica, a NPR.
Los gobiernos deben intervenir para apoyar el rediseño de los sistemas de transporte, las ciudades, la producción y distribución de alimentos, los mercados para inversiones financieras, los sistemas de salud y mucho más, Declaración conjunta de la revista médica, a NPRVer video "Las principales revistas médicas instan a los líderes mundiales a actuar sobre el cambio c"