Escudos De Armas De Asturias (Asturias' Coat Of Arms)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Min Min
El próximo 30 de junio Min Min, luchadora de ARMS, se estrenará en Super Smash. Bros Ultimate como parte del Fighter Pass Vol. 2, aunque también se podrá comprar por separado.
Ver video "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Min Min"
Francotirador SA1G Swiss Arms | Airsoft Valencia | Cybergun
Francotirador SA1G Swiss Arms | Airsoft Valencia | Cybergun
GOT Airsoft & Ropa Militar, tienda autorizada de Cybergun en Valencia presenta el Francotirador SA1G Swiss Arms
Se puede comprar en o en nuestra tienda en Valencia
GOT Airsoft & Ropa Militar
Pasaje Dr. serra 11
46009 Valencia
Tlf. 963286551
Swiss Arms SA1G Gas
Modelo Swisss Arms SA1G color Kaki (Gas)
Fabricante: KJ Works
Material : Metal
Longitud: 1160 cm
Potencia salida aproximada: 591 fps / 180 ms 0.12g
452 fps / 138 ms 0.20g
Alcance: 60 m
Hop up ajustable
Cargador de 10 bbs incluido
Peso: 1160 gVer video "Francotirador SA1G Swiss Arms | Airsoft Valencia | Cybergun"
Granjero chino construye brazos biónicos al no poder pagar unas prótesis
Granjero chino construye brazos biónicos al no poder pagar unas prótesis
24 Mayo 2013
Un granjero chino que perdió los brazos durante un accidente y no tenía dinero para poder comprar prótesis se construye unos brazos biónicos.
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Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 6
Soportes Percheros
Hangers & Hooks
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IBMH, somos tu propia Oficina de Compras ubicada en China. Somos profesionales en Importar de China y el Control de la Calidad en China.Ver video "Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 6"
Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 3
Soportes Percheros
Hangers & Hooks
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IBMH, somos tu propia Oficina de Compras ubicada en China. Somos profesionales en Importar de China y el Control de la Calidad en China.Ver video "Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 3"
Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 7
Soportes Percheros
Hangers & Hooks
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IBMH, somos tu propia Oficina de Compras ubicada en China. Somos profesionales en Importar de China y el Control de la Calidad en China.Ver video "Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 7"
Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 4
Soportes Percheros
Hangers & Hooks
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IBMH, somos tu propia Oficina de Compras ubicada en China. Somos profesionales en Importar de China y el Control de la Calidad en China.Ver video "Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 4"
Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 1
Soportes Percheros
Hangers & Hooks
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IBMH, somos tu propia Oficina de Compras ubicada en China. Somos profesionales en Importar de China y el Control de la Calidad en China.Ver video "Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 1"
Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 5
Soportes Percheros
Hangers & Hooks
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IBMH, somos tu propia Oficina de Compras ubicada en China. Somos profesionales en Importar de China y el Control de la Calidad en China.Ver video "Importar de China, Agente de Compras: Soportes Percheros / Production 5"
Nick Cave - Red Right Hand
Take a little walk to the edge of town
Go across the tracks
Where the viaduct looms,
like a bird of doom
As it shifts and cracks
Where secrets lie in the border fires,
in the humming wires
Hey man, you know
you're never coming back
Past the square, past the bridge,
past the mills, past the stacks
On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
In a dusty black coat with
a red right hand
He'll wrap you in his arms,
tell you that you've been a good boy
He'll rekindle all the dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
He'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
But there won't be a single thing
That you can do.
He's a god, he's a man,
he's a ghost, he's a guru
They're whispering his name
through this disappearing land
But hidden in his coat
is a red right hand
You ain't got no money?
He'll get you some
You ain't got no car?
He'll get you one
You ain't have no self-respect,
you feel like an insect
Well don't you worry buddy,
cause here he comes
Through the ghettos and the barrio
and the bowery and the slum
A shadow is cast wherever he stands
Stacks of green paper in his
red right hand
You'll see him in your nightmares,
you'll see him in your dreams
He'll appear out of nowhere but
he ain't what he seems
You'll see him in your head,
on the TV screen
And hey buddy, I'm warning
you to turn it off
He's a ghost, he's a god,
he's a man, he's a guru
You're one microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
Designed and directed by
his red right handVer video "Nick Cave - Red Right Hand"
Los coches autónomos, protagonistas de la CES 2017
Falta poco para que los coches autónomos lleguen a nuestras carreteras. Esto es lo que han asegurado los fabricantes de automóviles que han asistido a la 50 edición de la Feria de Electrónica de Consumo de Las Vegas.
Según los expertos, el mercado de estos coches despegará en 2020.
“Cuanto más conducimos estos automóviles, mejor comprendemos sus ventajas, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la seguridad. Este tipo de coches lo ven todo a su alrededor, no se distraen, no se cansan. Creo que con el tiempo, la gente querrá comprar estos vehículos, existirá una demanda”, afirma Glen DeVos, de Delphi Electronics & Safety.
Ganarse la confianza de los consumidores es ahora el principal objetivo de los fabricantes de coches autónomos. Estos automóviles empezarán siendo muy comunes en servicios como los taxis. Solo después serán utilizados por el gran público.
Los especialistas aseguran que cuando los usuarios comprendan las ventajas de seguridad,
podrán centrarse en la tecnología.
“Explicar lo que es un coche autónomo es complicado pero ahora ya hemos superado la fase de demostración. Ahora los fabricantes se centran en enseñar cómo es el coche por dentro, cómo funciona. Algunas compañías como BMW o Toyota se esfuerzan ahora en mejorar el interior porque cuando la gente no tenga que conducir podrá ser más productiva mientras viaja, podrá divertirse más”, asegura Tim Stevens, de Roadshow.
El primer mercado que se inclinará por este tipo de coches será el estadounidense, aseguran los expertos. Éstos también afirman que en 2035 se venderán en todo el mundo 21 millones de estos vehículos.Ver video "Los coches autónomos, protagonistas de la CES 2017"
12 Epic Native American Cryptids
From the Sasquatch and Skinwakers; to sea monsters and the wendigo; Enjoy the 12 Epic Native American Myths & Legends\r
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Pukwudgie (puck-wudge-EE)\r
According to Wampanoag (wahm-puh-NO-ag) folklore these small, bipedal humanoid creatures stand up to 3 feet tall and exhibit human features … although they have grey skin, and enlarged ears, noses and fingers. In addition to occasionally glowing, theyre said to possess a vast array of unusual abilities … The can vanish and reappear at will … Create fire when they desires … employ magic when necessary … and can even transmogrify themselves into a bipedal porcupine. Pukwudgie were once friendly with humans, but apparently the relationship soured. Today, they known to kidnap people and attack victims with spears and knives. As you might expect, humans are sell advised to leave the creatures alone.\r
These creatures are found in many Native American legends … and the Navajo have some of the best documented lore concerning them. Skinwalkers have the supernatural ability to shapeshift into any creature they wish. They are often disguised as animals like wolves, eagles, or coyotes. But theyll assume the form of any creature that has the abilities it requires at that time. For example, if the skinwalker needs to travel quickly, it might assume the form of a crow. There are some beliefs that skinwalkers can steal the face of another person … or fuse themselves into the body of another, and read the mind of a human. It can also generate any animal noise it chooses, regardless of what form they currently hold. Not unlike vampires, skinwalkers need an invitation before they can enter an inhabited home … so they might mimic the voice of a loved one to lure you outside. And they might try to poison you by blowing corpse dust into your face … thats a powder ground from the bones of infants. Its advised you not upset skinwalkers, because they ively seek to cause humans harm. \r
2.Wendigo (wendy-go)\r
This cryptid has been reported along the Atlantic coast, from the US to Canada … and is said to prefer colder weather. In Algonquin folklore, the Wendigo can be perceived as either a cannibalistic monster or an evil spirit. In its spirit form, it will possess a human and transform them into an abomination. Or it can appear as a monster that displays human traits. In this version, theyre said to stand around 14 feet high, with a gaunt frame and ashy grey skin. One particular description I liked called it an enormous, animated skeleton that reeks of decay. Most accounts agree they have long tongues, sharp yellow fangs and glowing eyes. According to legend, Wendigos were originally humans that turned to cannibalism, or committed another egregiouslike murder … and that triggered their unholy transformation. \r
The word ‘Sasquatch comes from the language of the Salish (sal-ish), people indigenous to coastal British Columbia. The word means ‘wild man … and native tribes have long related stories of ape-like animals roaming through North American forests. The Spokanes (spoh-KANs) of Washington state spoke of a race of hairy giants that would arrive at night to steal people and salmon. Witnesses have described them as having a pronounced brow ridge, standing up to 11 feet tall and covered in a coat of reddish brown fur. While theyre most often portrayed as ape-like creatures, the earliest reported sightings claimed they were more bear-like in appearance. Theres a pictograph of a Sasquatch that dates back around a thousand years located near Taft California at the Painted Rock Shelter? You can see it in detail in the picture taken by Kathy Moskowitz Strain. The painting itself is about 8.5 feet tall … and depicts a creature standing upright with its arms outstretched. The left arm has white outlines … while its right arm appears to be a rusty shade of red. Two similar forms are located next to the creature, which are believed to portray a mother and child. Local indigenous people referred to the being as “Hairy Man” Did you know that sightings of such cryptids have been reported on every continent except Antarctica.Ver video "12 Epic Native American Cryptids"