Quake Paralyses Hokkaido, Japan
Japanese Dog Doing Squats
Japanese Dog Doing Squats
Ver video "Japanese Dog Doing Squats"
11 Things to Do in Sapporo, Hokkaido! | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!\r
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No.1 Curb Market 0:29\r
No.2 Odori Park 0:58\r
No.3 Hokkaido University 1:50\r
No.4 Maruyama Park 2:41\r
No.5 Sapporo Station 3:20\r
No.6 Ramen Republic 4:29\r
No.7 Historical Village of Hokkaido 5:10\r
No.8 Shiroi Koibito Park 6:02\r
No. 9 Moerenuma Park 6:48\r
No.10 Susukino District 7:31 \r
No.11 Mt. Moiwa 8:11 \rVer video "11 Things to Do in Sapporo, Hokkaido! | Japan Travel Guide"
cruel dog prank japan
Broma para perros
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Japan international dog show Bichon-frise examination No3
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Japan international dog show Bichon-frise examination No3
Ver video "Japan international dog show Bichon-frise examination No3"
Ver video "JAPANUARY2017"
¿Adoptarías a un perro despues de ver este video?
Una Persona tiene deseos de adoptar a un perro, pero no toma en cuenta las inconvenencias ni las Responsabilidades hasta mas tarde. Aqui recomiendo que veas unas desventajas antes de tomar una decisión
Para evitar que te arrepientas de haber adoptado un perro
Estos son los 2 videos:
Perro Mordiendo a un niño inocente
El Gato que salva a un niño de la mordedura
-En la toma de las camaras
-En la Noticia
Gracias por ver este videoVer video "¿Adoptarías a un perro despues de ver este video?"
Video grabado por unos cámaras de la televisión japonesa Fuji Televisión, muestra como un perro, superviviente del terremoto y del tsunami, no se aleja de otro, que está mal herido, e intenta pedir ayuda....es IMPRESIONANTE.
Ver video "PERROS SUPERVIVIENTES, TSUNAMI JAPON - 東北地方太平洋沖地震 被災した犬たち"
Japan scrambles jets
Japan says two Russian fighter jets briefly entered its skies above the northern island of Hokkaido, something Russia denies.
Ver video "Japan scrambles jets"
Los ainus en Hokkaido: el Museo Upopoy, el Festival Marimo del Lago Akan y los rituales indígenas
En este episodio de Explore Japan, descubre la vibrante cultura y las tradiciones del pueblo indígena ainu de Hokkaido.
Ver video "Los ainus en Hokkaido: el Museo Upopoy, el Festival Marimo del Lago Akan y los rituales indígenas"
Gogeta trollea a Omega Shenron (HD)
Gogeta trollea a Omega Shenron (HD)
Ver video "Gogeta trollea a Omega Shenron (HD)"
Gogeta detiene el ataque de Omega Shenron (HD)
Gogeta detiene el ataque de Omega Shenron (HD)
Ver video "Gogeta detiene el ataque de Omega Shenron (HD)"
Gogeta se burla de Omega Shenron (HD)
Gogeta se burla de Omega Shenron (HD)
Ver video "Gogeta se burla de Omega Shenron (HD)"
Dog riding a bicycle
Look at this funny dog riding a bicycle in Yoyogi Park in Tokyo, Japan…
Ver video "Dog riding a bicycle"
ISLE OF DOGS - Official Trailer (2018)
Set in Japan, Isle of Dogs follows a boy's odyssey in search of his dog.
Ver video "ISLE OF DOGS - Official Trailer (2018)"
La colisión de dos aviones deja al menos cinco muertos en Tokio
"Crédito imagen: JIJI PRESS / AFP"
Una aeronave en llamas de la compañía Japan Airlines aterrizó este martes en la capital de Japón, tras un trayecto desde el aeropuerto de Shin-Chotise, en Hokkaido, al Aeropuerto de Haneda, en Tokio. De momento se sabe que han sido evacuadas los 367 tripulantes y 12 trabajadores que viajaban abordo, entre las cuales hay algunas víctimas, aunque se desconoce la cifra exacta y la magnitud de los daños.Ver video "La colisión de dos aviones deja al menos cinco muertos en Tokio"
Evacuadas las 379 personas a bordo del avión en llamas de Japan Airlines
"Crédito imagen: JIJI PRESS / AFP"
Una aeronave en llamas de la compañía Japan Airlines aterrizó este martes en la capital de Japón, tras un trayecto desde el aeropuerto de Shin-Chotise, en Hokkaido, al Aeropuerto de Haneda, en Tokio. De momento se sabe que han sido evacuadas los 367 tripulantes y 12 trabajadores que viajaban abordo, entre las cuales hay algunas víctimas, aunque se desconoce la cifra exacta y la magnitud de los daños.Ver video "Evacuadas las 379 personas a bordo del avión en llamas de Japan Airlines"
Japanese Food - $300 HIGH END SUSHI Teruzushi SUSHIBAE Japan
Japanese people love to eat sushi. A lot. So much so that there are even restaurants in Japan that specialize in it! One of them is the Teruzushi restaurant in the Otaru area of Hokkaido. If you love sushi, you'll love this place. A lot of people don't know how to make sushi, but it is actually very easy! This video will show you how to make sushi, step by step. You don't need any special equipment to make sushi, and it is actually very cheap too. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who loves sushi and wants to be able to make it themselves without having to go out to a restaurant! If you're a sushi chef, this video will also help you learn a new style of sushi.
Ver video "Japanese Food - $300 HIGH END SUSHI Teruzushi SUSHIBAE Japan"
Evacuados casi 400 pasajeros de un avión tras incendiarse por una colisión en Japón
Casi 400 pasajeros de un avión de la compañía Japan Airlines han tenido que ser evacuados este martes a causa de un incendio registrado a bordo tras colisionar con otra aeronave poco después de aterrizar en el aeropuerto internacional de Tokio, la capital de Japón. Las aerolínea ha confirmado que se trata de un vuelo procedente de la isla de Hokkaido y ha indicado que todos los pasajeros habrían sobrevivido al impacto, según informaciones de la cadena de televisión nipona NHK. Los bomberos se encuentran en la zona tratando de extinguir las llamas.
Ver video "Evacuados casi 400 pasajeros de un avión tras incendiarse por una colisión en Japón"
Hemos vuelto a The Last of Us Parte II con su nueva remasterización en PS5 ¿Merece la pena actualizar tu versión de PlayStation 4? Reflexionamos sobre ello y sobre lo que supuso la secuela de esta aventura de acción y supervivencia desarrollada por Naughty Dog, autores también de la serie Uncharted.
Comprar The Last of Us Parte II Remastered en PS5: https://shorturl.at/dmrF7Ver video "¿ERA NECESARIO? ANÁLISIS de THE LAST OF US PARTE 2 REMASTERED"
ZONE es una banda formada por 4 chicas originarias de Sapporo perteneciente a la prefectura de Hokkaido y creada en 1999 por el estudio Runtime.
Inicialmente constaba de 8 integrantes que se redujeron a 6 (Miyu, Maiko, Mizuho, Tomoka, Takayo y Ai), finalmente a 4 integrantes (Miyu, Mizuho, maiko y Takayo), posteriormente en 1999 lanzaron su primer disco indie "believe in love" y el año 2002 ganaron el "Japan Gold Disk" al mejor artista nuevo del año.
A finales del 2003 su líder Takayo anunció su separación de ZONE para proseguir sus estudios universitarios siendo luego reemplazada por Tomoka, una de las integrantes originales de ZONE que dejó la banda cuando se redujeron de 6 a 4 integrantes, la última presentación de Takayo en ZONE se realizó en el Kouhaku Utagassen del 2003.Ver video "ZONE - OPV"
El tifón Mindulle llega a la isla nipona de Hokkaido
Japón es víctima de la temporada de tifones en el Pacífico. Mindulle es el nombre del noveno tifón de este fenómeno natural que ya dejó una víctima a su paso ayer, cerca de la ciudad de Tokio. 60 personas resultaron heridas y el transporte fue interrumpido.
Mindulle ha puesto hoy en alerta metereológica a la isla septentrional nipona de Hokkaido, en donde su fuerza disminuyó, después de golpear con fuerza a la capital nipona con vientos de hasta 180 kilómetros por hora. Existe el riesgo de que se produzcan precipitaciones torrenciales, corrimientos de tierra y un fuerte oleaje en el norte del archipiélago nipón, según afirma el organismo meteorológico de este país.
Asimismo, más de 500 vuelos fueron anulados por varias compañías aéreas, entre ellas, Japan Airlines y All Nippon Airways.Ver video "El tifón Mindulle llega a la isla nipona de Hokkaido"
Spanky [1981] ENDING
No he encontrado otra referencia en la red (lo siento).
Claire's dad has been lost at sea for several months. Her Mom works as a fashion designer in Paris but Claire wants to stay with her uncle in Japan in case her dad suddenly reappears. Spank is Claire`s little dog. He is very friendly and funny, he has all sort of friends and likes to "communicate" with others.Ver video "Spanky [1981] ENDING"
Japón desde otro ángulo: 22 Las mochilas (Randoseru)
Vuelve la miniserie Japón desde otro ángulo. Tengo muchos videos en la récamara para ir editando. Este en realidad lleva editado un par de meses pero cuando terminé con él, mi familia japo me llamó insensato por enseñarle al mundo nuestra dirección, teléfono y demás datos así que tuve que repetirlo cual resignado editor de pornografía japonesa pixelando y censurando. Tedioso trabajo por cierto eso de ir pegando mosaicos pixel a pixel....
En fin... al grano, Yaiza os presentará en esta ocasión su mochila randoseru en uno de los videos mas frikis de la saga. A muchos no os sonará de nada pero para otros no será nada nuevo.
En Japón como digo cuestan menos de 200 euros y hay gente que hace viajes a Japón exclusivamente para comprar estas mochilas y después revenderas por ebay.
http://cgi.ebay.com/JAPANESE-LEATHER-BACKPACK,RANDOSERU,RED_W0QQitemZ250519589577QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20091026?IMSfp=TL091026194004r39314 Un ejemplo de una subasta donde la venden por $676.00Ver video "Japón desde otro ángulo: 22 Las mochilas (Randoseru)"
El Píxel DLC 1x38, Yo también quiero una Xbox One gratis
Tras un fin de semana intenso volvemos con El Píxel DLC. Los premios VGX ya tienen ganadores, con Grand Theft Auto V como juego del año y Naughty Dog como estudio más relevante. También han destacado juegos como Gone home (Mejor indie) y No Man's Sky, del que se mostró un tráiler que ha levantado gran expectación. Las excusas baratas parece que tienen su recompensa, y es que el británico que se quejaba de que le habían timado al comprar una foto de una Xbox One por 500 libras ha conseguido una consola gratis.
¡Suscríbete a nuestro Canal de YouTube para no perderte ningún programa!Ver video "El Píxel DLC 1x38, Yo también quiero una Xbox One gratis"
El niño japonés abandonado en un bosque sale del hospital, aclamado como un héroe
Este es Yamato Tanuka. Tiene siete años y este martes ha sido aclamado como un héroe al salir del hospital, en la isla japonesa de Hokkaido.
Asegura que ahora le apetece jugar al béisbol y volver al colegio. Se encuentra bien, y ha perdonado a sus padres.
Japanese boy left in forest was crying so hard, he walked the wrong way: media https://t.co/h0U9DI3fYd pic.twitter.com/IBnIU0aGL1— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 7 de junio de 2016
Según los medios locales, Tamato empezó a llorar tanto tras ser obligado a bajar del coche que se equivocó de camino
El pasado 28 de mayo, sus progenitores le obligaron a bajar del coche como castigo por su mal comportamiento, en medio de una zona boscosa poblada por osos. Cuentan que al regresar a buscarle unos minutos después, había desaparecido.
200 soldados, bomberos, policías y voluntarios peinaron la zona en su busca. Yamato se refugió en este búnker de un campo de entrenamiento militar a más de cinco kilómetros de donde fue abandonado, y donde fue encontrado seis días después. Durante ese tiempo no comió nada, pero sí pudo beber agua de un grifo.
Sus padres no serán procesados por negligencia y los servicios sociales estudiarán el caso.Ver video "El niño japonés abandonado en un bosque sale del hospital, aclamado como un héroe"
The Shinkansen Bullet Train (speed 320 km/h) 700, N700 and N700A Series
The Shinkansen Bullet Train (speed 320 km/h) 700, N700 and N700A Series\r
The Shinkansen (新幹線?, new trunk line) is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan operated by four Japan Railways Group companies. Starting with the Tōkaidō Shinkansen (515.4 km) in 1964, the network has expanded to currently consist of 2,387.7 km (1,483.6 mi) of lines with maximum speeds of 240–320 km/h (150–200 mph), 283.5 km (176.2 mi) of Mini-shinkansen lines with a maximum speed of 130 km/h (80 mph), and 10.3 km (6.4 mi) of spur lines with Shinkansen services. The network presently links most major cities on the islands of Honshu and Kyushu, with construction of a link to the northern island of Hokkaido underway.\r
The maximum operating speed is 320 km/h (200 mph) (on a 387.5 km section of the Tōhoku Shinkansen). Test runs have reached 443 km/h (275 mph) for conventional rail in 1996, and up to a world record 581 km/h (361 mph) for maglev trains in 2003.\r
Shinkansen literally means new trunk line, referring to the high-speed rail line network. The name Superexpress (超特急 chō-tokkyū, initially used for Hikari trains, was retired in 1972 but is still used in English-language announcements and signage.\r
The Tōkaidō Shinkansen is the worlds busiest high-speed rail line. Carrying 151 million passengers per year (March 2008), it has transported more passengers (over 5 billion, entire network over 10 billion) than any other high-speed line in the world. Between Tokyo and Osaka, the two largest metropolises in Japan, up to thirteen trains per hour with sixteen cars each (1,323-seat capacity) run in each direction with a minimum headway of three minutes between trains. Though largely a long-distance transport system, the Shinkansen also serves commuters who travel to work in metropolitan areas from outlying cities. Japans Shinkansen network had the highest annual passenger ridership (a maximum of 353 million in 2007) of any high-speed rail network until new, when Chinas high-speed rail network surpassed it at 370 million passengers annually.\r
Information sources: WikipediaVer video "The Shinkansen Bullet Train (speed 320 km/h) 700, N700 and N700A Series"
The 9 Most Painful and Deadliest Insect Bites
Some insect bites are painful, some bites are deadly; bugs that carry disease, bugs that infect, and bugs that carry poisonous venom that can KILL you.. These are some of the worlds deadliest bugs to be bitten by.\r
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We humans arent the biggest or the toughest creatures on Earth. There are many different animals that could easily kill us, like massive Grizzly Bears and wolves on land, and sharks and all manner of other deep-sea creatures out in the ocean. But what truly terrifies a lot of people is ually quite small. and easily crushed, burned, or killed with chemicals. Doesnt stop us from being scared of insects though, and its not a totally irrational fear, it would seem. \r
Bot Flies\r
Have any bumps under your skin? Have you been to south or central america recently? Then you may very well have a bot fly larvae living underneath your skin. This small flying insect spends its larvae stage inside a living mammal, feeding off the blood and butrients. The Bot Fly injects its eggs through its bite, deeply injecting its eggs into the sub-dermis. \r
Bullet Ants\r
While not exly deadly, the Bullet Ant has, objectively, the most painful insect bite known to man. Victims of a Bullet Ant bite liken the pain to being shot by a .45 caliber round. The bug is also known as the 24-hour ant because the intense pain will last for an entire 24 hour period. \r
Paralysis Tick\r
Ticks arent generally that big of a threat. They can carry lime disease, and while thats dangerous in of itself, the Paralysis Tick from Australia has another, stronger trick up its sleeve, it injects a chemical that, if youre allergic to it, will stop your airways and kill you in less than a day.\r
If youve ever had a dog or a cat, then youll know how annoying flea bites are. Theyre itchy and the fleas themselves jump all over the place making it hard to kill em. Fleas will drink your blood, around 15 times their own body weight. Of course, back in 1346, fleas were responsible for the death of around 200 million people in Europe.\r
Kissing Bugs\r
You. You have a vertebrae. That means a Kissing Bug would love to bite into your lip while your sleeping and drain as much blood as it possibly could. \r
Tsetse flies\r
Tsetse fly is the single most deadly insect in all of Africa. Its bite allows it to drink your blood (because of course it drinks blood) and inject a deadly toxin. The bite itself is also a very painful sting, but the true danger lies in that toxin, which gives the victim the African sleeping sickness, which can prove fatal if treatment isnt given quickly. \r
Killer Bees\r
Killer Bees. This species of bee is quite simply.. brutal, and can easily kill a human. These suckers will follow you for an entire mile if you make the nest mad, and they will not give up until either youre dead or the entire colony has killed themselves in their attack. \r
Japanese Hornets\r
Hornets. 2 inch long hyper-aggressive, acid-spitting giant Japanese hornets. No, seriously, their venom is very acidic and will eat through flesh if they bite you. Theyre also fearless, or suicidal depending on your point of view. \r
The single most deadly insect in the world is not a bee or wasp, or even a scorpion. its the common Mosquito. It kills 1 million people, every single year. They drink blood, and their bites are annoying at best, deadly at worst.Ver video "The 9 Most Painful and Deadliest Insect Bites"
ZOMBIE OUTBREAK movie summary
If you found yourself trapped in a building, bomb in your head and forced to compete in a death match, what would you do?
In this video, I'm going to break down why you would'nt survive The Belko Experiment: explained. Hope you enjoy!Ver video "ZOMBIE OUTBREAK movie summary"
ANTEBELLUM movie summary
Thank you for watching Tenet explained and how to beat.
What do you think, anything you'd do different?
The zombies of Train to Busan are hardcore. Have you ever watched a movie about a zombie apocalypse and thought you couldn't survive it? Yah, not this one.
Train to Busan 2: Peninsula (explained 반도) is on a whole 'nother level. A bit too much action for my taste, but one heck of damn good survival scenario.Ver video "ANTEBELLUM movie summary"
WRONG TURN movie summary
Ver video "WRONG TURN movie summary"
The Belko Experiment movie summary
If you found yourself trapped in a building, bomb in your head and forced to compete in a death match, what would you do?
In this video, I'm going to break down why you would'nt survive The Belko Experiment: explained. Hope you enjoy!Ver video "The Belko Experiment movie summary"
Thanks to Bespoke Post for sponsoring this video. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at http://bspk.me/howtobeat20 and use promo code HOWTOBEAT20 at checkout!
If you’re trapped in an apocalypse where no one can fall asleep and in 5 days the entire population will get wiped out from sleep deprivation, what do you do?
Thank you for watching Netflix's Awake explained and review of how to beat.Ver video "The SLEEPLESS APOCALYPSE movie summary"
TIME INVERSION movie summary
The Slavers in Antebellum are formidable. You wouldn't want them as your enemy. But what if you had no choice? In this video I'll breakdown how to kill the Slavers in Antebellum.
Thank you for watching Antebellum explained and review.Ver video "TIME INVERSION movie summary"
Why You Wouldn't Survive Quarantine
Armed soldiers have locked you in an apartment building, people are mysteriously getting sick and trying to kill you, and time is running out. Do you think you could survive?
Thank you for watching Quarantine explained and review of why you wouldn't survive it.Ver video "Why You Wouldn't Survive Quarantine"
SIX METER HELL In Pool movie summary
Ver video "SIX METER HELL In Pool movie summary"
EVIL MOM In The Babadook movie summary
Your mother has locked you in a house with a demon that’s haunting you at night and wants to eat your soul. There’s no here to help, no one around who believes you, and now it’s possessed your mother. What do you do?
Ver video "EVIL MOM In The Babadook movie summary"
why you wouldn't survive movie summary
If you were going on your merry day filming a late night show, only to find out you are locked in an active contagion. Think you'd survive?
This original Spanish horror is far more terrifying thank it's hollywood remake, because if you thought you wouldn't survive Quarantine in our last video - REC is more brutal, with less margin for error, and a vengeful demon that can't be stopped.
Thank you for watching REC explained and review of why you wouldn't surviveVer video "why you wouldn't survive movie summary"
ALIVE movie summary
The zombies of Train to Busan are hardcore. Have you ever watched a movie about a zombie apocalypse and thought you couldn't survive it? Yah, not this one.
Train to Busan 2: Peninsula (explained 반도) is on a whole 'nother level. A bit too much action for my taste, but one heck of damn good survival scenario.
If you found yourself stuck in a condominium, with a zombie outbreak happening in the apartments all around you, what would you do?
Thank you for watching #Alive review and explained of how to beat Netflix's new 2020 zombie thriller.Ver video "ALIVE movie summary"
the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"
Nurse Ratched movie summary
Nurse Ratched is formidable: Cunning, manipulative, cold-blooded, and willing to do whatever it takes to get her way. You wouldn’t want her as an enemy, but what if she was?
In this video I'll break down How to Kill: Nurse Ratched.
Thank you for watching Ratched explained and review.Ver video "Nurse Ratched movie summary"
SixPack - Best Moments of Metal Gear Solid V = Ground Zeros =
Nuevo Video en Player's Dot, si te gusto el video suscríbete al canal de Youtube para ver mas vídeos así, comenta y comparte, ayúdanos a llegar a los 1000 suscriptores.
Ver video "SixPack - Best Moments of Metal Gear Solid V = Ground Zeros ="
Why You Wouldn't Survive Quarantine
Armed soldiers have locked you in an apartment building, people are mysteriously getting sick and trying to kill you, and time is running out. Do you think you could survive?
Thank you for watching Quarantine explained and review of why you wouldn't survive it.Ver video "Why You Wouldn't Survive Quarantine"