AGT 2016 - Alla and Daniel: Mother and Son Dance Team Get Fired Up With "Fireball"
#AGT2016 - Alla and Daniel: Mother and Son Dance Team Get Fired Up With "Fireball"
The cool mom and son dance team turn up the heat with a performance set to Pitbull's "Fireball."
Ver video "#AGT2016 - Alla and Daniel: Mother and Son Dance Team Get Fired Up With "Fireball""
Spanky [1981] ENDING
No he encontrado otra referencia en la red (lo siento).
Claire's dad has been lost at sea for several months. Her Mom works as a fashion designer in Paris but Claire wants to stay with her uncle in Japan in case her dad suddenly reappears. Spank is Claire`s little dog. He is very friendly and funny, he has all sort of friends and likes to "communicate" with others.Ver video "Spanky [1981] ENDING"
Master Ryohu Okawa: Demonstrates True Happiness Part 2
Mrs. Hiromi Kawai, a Japanese mother, has a son with a physical
disability. At first, to deal with the sadness and pain that this
brought her, she sought out the unhappiness of others to make her
situation seem not as bad as it really was. Watch as she describes how
her belief in Buddhist teachings helped her to both overcome these
negative feelings and to find true happiness for her family. Mrs. Kawai
is a member of Happy Science, founded and taught by Master Ryohu Okawa,
who is the author of over 500 books, including his newest "The Science
of Happiness" published in the United States by Destiny Books.Ver video "Master Ryohu Okawa: Demonstrates True Happiness Part 2"
Master Ryohu Okawa: Demonstrates True Happiness Part 1
Mrs. Hiromi Kawai, a Japanese mother, has a son with a physical
disability. At first, to deal with the sadness and pain that this
brought her, she sought out the unhappiness of others to make her
situation seem not as bad as it really was. Watch as she describes how
her belief in Buddhist teachings helped her to both overcome these
negative feelings and to find true happiness for her family. Mrs. Kawai
is a member of Happy Science, founded and taught by Master Ryohu Okawa,
who is the author of over 500 books, including his newest "The Science
of Happiness" published in the United States by Destiny Books.Ver video "Master Ryohu Okawa: Demonstrates True Happiness Part 1"
Tales From Earthsea - movie trailer (2010)
it took four year for this movie to make it from Japan to the US
Genre: animation
Regie / directed by: Goro Miyazaki (son of Hayao Miyazaki )
Darsteller / cast: Junichi Okada , Aoi Teshima , Bunta Sugawara , Jun Fubuki , Y?ko Tanaka , Kaoru Kobayashi
Kinostart Deutschland: 8. November 2007
Kinostart USA: August 13th, 2010
offizielle Filmsite:
Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Disney
used with authorizationVer video "Tales From Earthsea - movie trailer (2010)"
THUNDERBIRDS–2086 is a Japanese anime series created by Gerry Anderson Supermarionation for ITC Entertainment in 1982. These are my models made in cardboard transforming into robots, of the three main vehicles used by the International Rescue Organization that also unite in a super attack airship; the TB-1 it is an Advanced Space Shuttle, the TB-2 it is a Hypersonic Transport and the TB-3 it is a Ground Operations Vehicle. I made myself all the pieces with my own template in the Microsoft VISIO from the Office 2003, the colors and sizes are taken from design in square notebook. The music theme was composed by Kentaroh Haneda and Koji Makaino.
ESCUADRON–2086 es una serie de anime japonés creada por Gerry Anderson Supermarionation para ITC Entertainment en 1982. Estos son mis modelos hechos en cartulina y transformables en robots, de los tres vehículos principales usados por la Organización de Rescate Internacional y que también se unen en una Super nave de ataque; el TB-1 es una Nave Espacial Avanzada, el TB-2 es una Nave Hipersónica y el TB-3 es un Vehículo de Operaciones Terrestres. Yo mismo hice todas las piezas con mi propia plantilla en Microsoft VISIO del office 2003, los colores y medidas son tomados de un diseño en cuaderno cuadriculado. El tema musical fue compuesto por Kentaroh Haneda y Koji Makaino.Ver video "LOS THUNDERBIRDS 2086 SON TRANSFORMERS HECHOS EN CARTULINA"
This is my model of DARTANIAS made in cardboard. I made myself all the pieces with my own template in the Microsoft VISIO from the Office 2003, the colors and sizes are taken from design in square notebook. More known like Daltanious, DARTANIAS was one of the most popular anime series on Japanese television since 1979. This robot of type combiner is formed to assemble the robot Atlas, the lion Beralios and the airship Gumper; the pilot is Kento Tate. The music is original from TV show.
Este es mi modelo de DARTANIAS hecho en cartulina. Yo mismo hice todas las piezas del modelo con mi propia plantilla en Microsoft VISIO del office 2003, los colores y medidas son tomados de un diseño en cuaderno cuadriculado. Más conocido como Daltanious, DARTANIAS fue una de las más populares series anime de la televisión japonesa desde 1979. Este robot del tipo combiner se forma al ensamblarse el robot Atlas, el león Beralios y la nave Gumper; es pilotado por Kento Tate. la música es original del programa de televisión.Ver video "ANIME DARTANIAS HECHO EN CARTULINA"
If you love martial arts movies, you likely have seen a few dubbed from their native Chinese or Japanese and appreciated the hilarity of the translated dialogue as much as all the kick-ass Kung Fu moves you couldn’t wait to try at home. But what if you reimagined one of those films as a 1970’s-style, late night Mexican movie your parents didn’t want you to see? The result would be much like “Kung FUndido,” a fusion of RZA’s upcoming directorial debut “The Man With the Iron Fists” and good old over-the-top Spanish-language melodrama and sexual innuendo that will make even a telenovela fan blush.
Get in on the KUNG FUria: “The Man With the Iron Fists", in theaters nationwide, Friday, November 2.
Si te gustan las películas de Kung Fu, es posible que hayas visto alguna doblada al español y apreciaste tanto la acción y asombrosos movimientos como lo cómica que son una vez los actores latinos le ponen su toque singular. ¿Pero que pasaría si a una de esas películas la convirtieran en una al estilo mexicano típica de los 70s que tus padres veían a escondidas tarde en la noche después que te ibas a la cama?
El resultado sería sin duda muy parecido a “Kung Fundido”, una fusión de la nueva película de RZA "The Man With the Iron Fists" y la escandalosa sexualidad y melodramática interpretación que acostumbramos a ver en las novelas.
Vive la Kung Furia: "The Man With the Iron Fists” se estrena en cines a nivel nacional el viernes 2 de noviembre.Ver video "THE MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS presenta "KUNG FUndido""
This is my model of LIVEMAN made in cardboard. I made myself all the pieces with my own template in the Microsoft VISIO from the Office 2003, the colors and sizes are taken from design in square notebook. “Chōjū Sentai Liveman” was one of the classics on Japanese anime produced by Toei Company in 1988, like the twelfth season of the Super Sentai Series. This robot of type combiner is formed to assemble three vehicles: YELLOW LION, RED FALCON and BLUE DOLPHIN, steered by students of the Academy Island for fight against the Volt Army. The music theme was composed by Akira Ohtsu and Yasuo Kosugi, performed by Daisuke Shima.
Este es mi modelo de LIVEMAN hecho en cartulina. Yo mismo hice todas las piezas del modelo de cartulina con mi propia plantilla en Microsoft VISIO del office 2003, los colores y medidas son tomados de un diseño en cuaderno cuadriculado. “Chōjū Sentai Liveman” fue uno de los clásicos del anime japonés producido por Toei Company en 1988, como la duodécima temporada de la Serie Super Sentai. Este robot se forma al combinarse tres vehículos: GEO LEÓN, AERO HALCÓN y AQUA DELFÍN. El tema musical fue compuesto por Akira Ohtsu y Yasuo Kosugi, interpretado por Daisuke Shima.Ver video "ANIME LIVEMAN HECHO EN CARTULINA"
tenchu tribute:sound track of wrath of heaven/fatal shadows
video realizado con el sound track de tenchu 3 la ira del cielo "battle boss" y el intro de fatal shadows "kurenai", espero les guste, las imagenes son de varios tenchus, si deberian ser solo de los 2 mencionados pero es duro encontrar imagenes de tenchu en especial de enemigos y villanos, aun asi espero lo disfruten...
Video realized with the sound track of tenchu 3 the ire of the sky " battle boss " and the intro of fatal shadows "kurenai", I wait they like it(him,her), the images are several tenchus, if to be alone of the 2 mentioned ones but is hard to find images of tenchu especially of enemies and villains, nonetheless(though) I wait enjoy it...
ビデオ天誅天の3怒りのサウンドトラックを"ボスの戦い"と、致命的な影のイントロ"紅"私は好きなの希望、画像をいくつかのtenchusのかどうか1 つ2言及する必要がありますしたがそれを見つけるのは難しい敵と悪役の天誅特に、画像、それでも私はあなたをお楽しみください...Ver video "tenchu tribute:sound track of wrath of heaven/fatal shadows"
Zombielan Saga ◘AMV ◘
Hola hola hola hola mis amigos y amigas de youtube, el dia de hoy les traigo ante ustedes el amv de Zombieland Saga, que es muy bueno y espero que les guste.
♪ Música utilizada:
Nightcore - Rave In The Grave
Anime utilizado:
Zombieland Saga
(Anime Music Video) es un vídeo musical realizado generalmente con temática de Anime. La principal característica de los AMV es que están compuestos de escenas de una o más series o películas de anime acompañadas por una canción que busca sincronizarse con el ritmo de esta última.
→ Zombieland Saga:
En el año 2008, la niña de la preparatoria Sakura Minamoto murió repentinamente en un accidente de tráfico. Diez años después, Sakura, junto con seis "legendarias" chicas de varias épocas de la historia de Japón, son devueltas como zombis por un hombre llamado Kotaro Tatsumi, que busca salvar la Prefectura de Saga reuniendo a un grupo de ídolos de todos los zombis conocido como Franchouchou . veelo te gustara.
A todo aquel que lo vea y le guste muchas muchas gracias.
recuerda que tu eres muy especial sin ti esto no estaría aquí, por que es para ti, para ustedes. gracias por leer y ver el vídeo.
Hello hello hello hello my friends and friends of youtube, today I bring before you the amv of Zombieland Saga, which is very good and I hope you like it.
Nightcore - Rave In The Grave
Zombieland Saga
(Anime Music Video) is a music video made generally with anime theme. The main characteristic of the AMV is that they are composed of scenes from one or more series or anime films accompanied by a song that seeks to synchronize with the rhythm of the latter.
→ Zombieland Saga:
In 2008, the high school girl Sakura Minamoto died suddenly in a traffic accident. Ten years later, Sakura, along with six "legendary" girls from various eras of Japanese history, are returned as zombies by a man named Kotaro Tatsumi, who seeks to save Saga Prefecture by gathering a group of idols from all the zombies known as Franchouchou. see it you like it
To everyone who sees it and likes it many thanks.
remember that you are very special without you this would not be here, because it is for you, for you. Thanks for reading and watching the video.Ver video "Zombielan Saga ◘AMV ◘"
Francotirador moderno - Sniper
Apunta y dispara Francotirador Moderno es el mejor juego de disparo de FPS, solo se puede encender la pasion bajo ambiente peligroso. Eres un francotirador moderno que, en todos los sentidos, eres elite de los elites, y correteas el tenebroso limbo de la sociedad, y siempre estas listo para enfrentar ataques peligrosos de disparo y misiones de asesinato. A veces tienes que eliminar una multitud de soldados enemigos, a veces solo tienes que apuntar y disparar acertadamente contra una sola persona. Los diversos rifles de francotirador de excelentes aptitudes son tus mejores asistentes, con los cuales puedes presentar tu magistral tecnica de disparo, enfrentando con calma los desafios de cada mision. Toma tu rifle de francotirador, ven para el disparo a la cabezaCaracteristicas del juego Mas de 50 tipos de misiones de disparo en espera de completarse Verosimil modelos de 3D 6 escenarios de estilos diferentes 7 armas de mundo real que se pueden comprar y modernizar. Aim and Shoot Modern Sniper is #1 first person shooter game that will blown you awayAn overthetop shooter in every sense, Modern Sniper takes you on a whirlwind tour of the criminal underworld. You are a modern sniper ready to play your part in dangerous attacks and silent assassin missions. Eliminate a mob of enemies at street level or take out the single highprofile target. With access to an inventory of sniper rifles and assault rifles, you will rely on your marksman skills to finish the work. Go for the HEADSHOT nowGame Features Over 50 crime shooter missions to complete Ultra REALISTIC 3D graphics 6 unique maps and stunning locations 7 different realworld weapons to choose and upgrade
Ver video "Francotirador moderno - Sniper"
Francotirador moderno - Sniper Para Android
Google Play -- Apunta y dispara Francotirador Moderno es el mejor juego de disparo de FPS, solo se puede encender la pasion bajo ambiente peligroso. Eres un francotirador moderno que, en todos los sentidos, eres elite de los elites, y correteas el tenebroso limbo de la sociedad, y siempre estas listo para enfrentar ataques peligrosos de disparo y misiones de asesinato. A veces tienes que eliminar una multitud de soldados enemigos, a veces solo tienes que apuntar y disparar acertadamente contra una sola persona. Los diversos rifles de francotirador de excelentes aptitudes son tus mejores asistentes, con los cuales puedes presentar tu magistral tecnica de disparo, enfrentando con calma los desafios de cada mision. Toma tu rifle de francotirador, ven para el disparo a la cabezaCaracteristicas del juego Mas de 50 tipos de misiones de disparo en espera de completarse Verosimil modelos de 3D 6 escenarios de estilos diferentes 7 armas de mundo real que se pueden comprar y modernizar. Aim and Shoot Modern Sniper is #1 first person shooter game that will blown you awayAn overthetop shooter in every sense, Modern Sniper takes you on a whirlwind tour of the criminal underworld. You are a modern sniper ready to play your part in dangerous attacks and silent assassin missions. Eliminate a mob of enemies at street level or take out the single highprofile target. With access to an inventory of sniper rifles and assault rifles, you will rely on your marksman skills to finish the work. Go for the HEADSHOT nowGame Features Over 50 crime shooter missions to complete Ultra REALISTIC 3D graphics 6 unique maps and stunning locations 7 different realworld weapons to choose and upgrade
Ver video "Francotirador moderno - Sniper Para Android"
One Piece Opening 22 — Wano Kuni Arc | OVER THE TOP
Ver video "One Piece Opening 22 — Wano Kuni Arc | OVER THE TOP"
Maribelle Anes ft. J.Reyez & Traphik - I Wanna Be A Star (Official Music Video)
Download Song:%u2028 %u2028%u2028
%u2028(Chorus - Maribelle Anes)%u2028
I wanna be a star%u2028
I want everyone to know%u2028
I wanna have the money and the fame and the clothes%u2028
I gotta go far
%u2028I gotta have shows%u2028
All I wanna do is be successful
%u2028%u2028'Cause I wanna be a star
%u2028I wanna be, I wanna be
%u2028I wanna be, I wanna be a star
%u2028I wanna be, I wanna be
%u2028I wanna be, I wanna be a star
%u2028%u2028(Verse 1 - J.Reyez)%u2028
Yeah and I'ma give it all I got now
%u2028I'm heading for the top now, embedded in the plot now
%u2028And I won't stop now, the same expedition
%u2028But now I'm more determined for the name and position%u2028
Of the top and I rise, that's my name's definition%u2028
The game is a mission for the same recognition that I been gettin'
%u2028And I gotta jump to the next step%u2028
Room for improvement, 'cause I ain't the best yet
%u2028I'm just a musician on the rise%u2028
My ambition for the prize, no limit to the sky
%u2028I'ma keep on trying 'til the day that I die%u2028
What I say in my rhymes, is love and it's honesty%u2028
Haters you can hate but you suckas ain't stoppin' me%u2028
Say what you say but you suckas don't bother meee
%u2028I just had to extend the line%u2028
We gonna rise and I'm talking about the friends of mine
%u2028%u2028(Verse 2 - Traphik)
%u2028Now you may say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one
%u2028I can say when I was 3 is when the prophecy begun
%u2028My daddy saw me dancing around the family for fun%u2028
Started snapping with the camera, the spotlight on his son
%u2028I caught a bug for the stage and the fame
%u2028Applause from the audience, they saying my name
%u2028I'm on a mission and they saying it's impossible%u2028
It's really like I'm pissing 'cause my flow is so unstoppable%u2028
They'd say I'd never make it 'cause I'm just a silly Asian%u2028
To me it ain't a dream, it's more like a destination%u2028
Eyes on the prize at the end of the line
%u2028I know that I'ma get there, it's a matter of time
%u2028Everytime I go out I want TMZ to follow me
%u2028Wanna hit the VIP where bottles poppin' models be
%u2028I love my haters so I never let it bother me
%u2028'Cause now I'm making money, mom and daddy look you gotta seeVer video "Maribelle Anes ft. J.Reyez & Traphik - I Wanna Be A Star (Official Music Video)"
the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"