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  • Look this remedy to eliminate sore knees and joints from day one (joint pain and knee pain)

  • fibromyalgia chronic pain treatment - fibromyalgia diagnosis and treatment - fibromyalgia chronic pain treatment - fibromyalgia diagnosis and treatment

    Why medicine wants you to be powerless

    You see, organized medicine doesn't want people to realize they're powerful.
    Today's system of medicine wants people to feel powerless and victimized.
    And every piece of information you're told through advertising, doctors' offices
    and the manipulated media is designed to reinforce your powerlessness and keep
    you dependent on a system of money-sapping drugs and surgical procedures.

    I explain all of this in my electronic manual How To Reverse Fibromyalgia Now!
    revealing the subtle tactics of seduction used by these companies to exploit
    you for financial profit.

    fibromyalgia chronic pain treatment - fibromyalgia diagnosis and treatment

    Ver video "fibromyalgia chronic pain treatment - fibromyalgia diagnosis and treatment"

  • facial angioedema - angioedema hives - angioedema knee - angioedema rash - facial angioedema - angioedema hives - angioedema knee - angioedema rash


    Angioedema refers to swelling that occurs in the
    tissue just below the surface of the skin, most
    often around the lips and eyes.

    Angioedema is usually caused by an allergic
    reaction, to either a food or medication.

    These pictures gives you goose bumps.

    What's in those pictures above probably happened
    to you.

    I know it's tough and you probably really don't
    understand why you had such a severe allergic

    Yeah, it was probably the food you ate or some
    medicine you were taking.

    Sometimes angioedema can be hereditary or happen
    for some reason that's not related to any of the
    reasons given.

    Is there a bigger issue? Hmmm...

    Maybe your body is asking for a lifestyle change.

    Ver video "facial angioedema - angioedema hives - angioedema knee - angioedema rash"

  • Knee Arthritis Treatment - Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands - Arthritis In Fingers - Knee Arthritis Treatment - Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands

    Let’s K-O Your Arthritis for Good!

    I hate arthritis and I’m sure you do, too. Who wouldn’t? After all, arthritis hurts everyone.

    It affects men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It targets adults,
    children and every age group in between, making younger people feel old and older people feel elderly.

    And sadly, the awful affects of arthritis go far beyond hurting the people who suffer from this painful condition.

    Arthritis pain stops parents from being able to get down on their hands and knees to play, bringing tears to the eyes of their children.

    Arthritis pain prevents young athletes from running, jumping, and being part of the team. - Arthritis In Fingers - Knee Arthritis Treatment - Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands

    Ver video "Knee Arthritis Treatment - Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands"

  • Arthritis In Hands - Arthritis Of The Spine - Arthritis Fingers - Arthritis In Hands - Arthritis Of The Spine

    Let’s K-O Your Arthritis for Good!

    I hate arthritis and I’m sure you do, too. Who wouldn’t? After all, arthritis hurts everyone.

    It affects men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It targets adults,
    children and every age group in between, making younger people feel old and older people feel elderly.

    And sadly, the awful affects of arthritis go far beyond hurting the people who suffer from this painful condition.

    Arthritis pain stops parents from being able to get down on their hands and knees to play,
    bringing tears to the eyes of their children.

    Arthritis pain prevents young athletes from running, jumping, and being part of the team.

    What has arthritis kept you from doing?

    ...Or from being? - Arthritis Fingers - Arthritis In Hands - Arthritis Of The Spine

    Ver video "Arthritis In Hands - Arthritis Of The Spine"

  • endometriosis infertility - treatment of endometriosis - end - endometriosis infertility - treatment of endometriosis - endometriosis uk

    Put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door, take a deep breath and
    dedicate these moments to yourself while a health specialist who
    suffered from endometriosis herself shows you precisely how to:

    Eliminate the 3 underlying triggers of endometriosis and get rid
    of the debilitating pain within 2 menstrual periods

    Reverse the processes that lead to permanent infertility in 5 precise and controlled steps

    Beat chronic fatigue and boost your energy levels using this groundbreaking holistic system

    Dissolve and eliminate the cysts and lesions that lead to a condition called
    a frozen pelvis which takes away all your chances of ever having a child or leading a pain free life

    Ver video "endometriosis infertility - treatment of endometriosis - end"

  • endometriosis infertility - treatment of endometriosis - en - endometriosis infertility - treatment of endometriosis - endometriosis uk

    Put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door, take a deep breath and
    dedicate these moments to yourself while a health specialist who
    suffered from endometriosis herself shows you precisely how to:

    Eliminate the 3 underlying triggers of endometriosis and get rid
    of the debilitating pain within 2 menstrual periods

    Reverse the processes that lead to permanent infertility in 5 precise and controlled steps

    Beat chronic fatigue and boost your energy levels using this groundbreaking holistic system

    Dissolve and eliminate the cysts and lesions that lead to a condition called
    a frozen pelvis which takes away all your chances of ever having a child or leading a pain free life

    Eliminate the clutter of dead cells and toxic waste that endometriosis leaves behind using
    the only substance known to man that can dissolve the dead cells and not damage the live ones

    Ver video "endometriosis infertility - treatment of endometriosis - en"

  • endometriosis natural treatment - endometriosis and fertilit - endometriosis natural treatment - endometriosis and fertility - endometriosis management

    Success story no.7: Sylvia Abreu Melo, Lisbon, Portugal

    I was on the verge of bankruptcy taking shots of
    Lupron that cost me 300 euros ($400) per shot.

    I was 30 when I was first diagnosed with endometriosis, after the unbelievable heavy
    bleeding during the periods. I had my first diagnostic surgery in 1998 and they also
    removed some of the lesions and the cysts on that occasion.

    From that point on it was a crazy dance with my life revolving around my disease
    and the days of my life going by me as if I was just a spectator.

    I was on Lupron that offered some help but destroyed me financially.

    My parents were basically living on the verge of poverty just so that
    they can help me pay for my Lupron.

    I had a partial hysterectomy in 2005 and I was a bit better for approximately a year.

    Ver video "endometriosis natural treatment - endometriosis and fertilit"

  • Arthritis In Shoulder - Stop Arthritis Pain - Arthritis Foot Pain - Arthritis In Shoulder - Stop Arthritis Pain

    If You’re Sick And Tired of Arthritis Pain Keeping YOU On The Sidelines, It’s Time to Take Action!

    I Can Show You How to Finally Get The Relief You Need To Live the Full, Joyous, Pain-Free Life You Want

    Attention arthritis sufferers! When you’re in pain and need relief, every second counts!
    So don’t wait another minute. It’s time to learn how every man, woman, and child can
    conquer arthritis now and get back to the joy of living again.

    I want to ask you...

    Do you lose sleep at night because of the pain, stiffness,
    and swelling of your arthritis?

    Is it so hard for you to climb stairs, get up from a chair,
    or even walk that you don’t do much of anything anymore?

    Have you spent too much money getting too little
    relief with over-the-counter remedies? - Arthritis Foot Pain - Arthritis In Shoulder - Stop Arthritis Pain

    Ver video "Arthritis In Shoulder - Stop Arthritis Pain"

  • endometriosis natural treatment - endometriosis and fertilit - endometriosis natural treatment - endometriosis and fertility - endometriosis management

    Success story no.7: Sylvia Abreu Melo, Lisbon, Portugal

    I was on the verge of bankruptcy taking shots of
    Lupron that cost me 300 euros ($400) per shot.

    I was 30 when I was first diagnosed with endometriosis, after the unbelievable heavy
    bleeding during the periods. I had my first diagnostic surgery in 1998 and they also
    removed some of the lesions and the cysts on that occasion.

    From that point on it was a crazy dance with my life revolving around my disease
    and the days of my life going by me as if I was just a spectator.

    I was on Lupron that offered some help but destroyed me financially.

    My parents were basically living on the verge of poverty just so that
    they can help me pay for my Lupron.

    I had a partial hysterectomy in 2005 and I was a bit better for approximately a year.

    Ver video "endometriosis natural treatment - endometriosis and fertilit"

  • endometriosis symptoms of endometriosis and pregnancy - endo - endometriosis symptoms of endometriosis and pregnancy - endometriosis diet

    Attention! Close the door and turn off your cell phone.
    Take a couple of minutes for yourself and learn how to finally eradicate endometriosis forever.

    At Last You Can Stop Suffering The Living Hell of Endometriosis Through
    a Gentle Healing of Natural Alternatives and Without Drugs or Surgery.

    Ver video "endometriosis symptoms of endometriosis and pregnancy - endo"

  • Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
    Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome also known as CTS is a progressive pain in the hand and arm caused by a pinched nerve wrist. Hand and writs pain is usually caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. More than 5% of people around the word are suffering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
    Learn about:
    - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes
    - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symthoms and Signs
    - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Prevention
    - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises
    - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery
    - Natural ways to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    - Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    and more...

    by visit the site:

    Ver video "Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?"

  • Live Surgery Room Capitulo 19 Sub Español

    Live Surgery Room Capitulo 19 Sub Español

    Ver video "Live Surgery Room Capitulo 19 Sub Español"

  • natural remedies for fibroids - fibroid pregnancy - natural remedies for fibroids - fibroid pregnancy

    What Makes This Breakthrough System So
    Unique is That it Gives You The Power To.

    A few trips to the doctor and a few tests,
    but I got no diagnosis.

    I was sick and getting sicker.

    An additional trip to my general practitioner
    did no good.

    He thought maybe it was just a menstrual
    pain induced by stress.

    I tried relaxing more and that helped
    (a little), still I couldn’t get rid of
    that severe pain in
    my abs and lower back.

    Several weeks and several visits later, the
    doctor began to suspect that something was
    indeed wrong and initiated a series of tests
    to rule out anything serious.

    After undergoing what seemed like an endless
    round of tests and an ultrasound we finally
    had a diagnosis: a small uterine fibroid.

    Ver video "natural remedies for fibroids - fibroid pregnancy"

  • treatment for ulcerative colitis - chronic ulcerative colitis - treatment of ulcerative colitis - treatment for ulcerative colitis - chronic ulcerative colitis - treatment of ulcerative colitis

    Watching my daughter miss out on school activities
    because of the pain, or having her decide that she
    couldn't risk going out because a flare-up might
    mean having an embarrassing accident in front of
    her friends was devastating for both her and for
    me as well.

    Once we had a diagnosis, things got a little
    better, but the side-effects from her prescription
    medication meant frequent sinus infections and
    other issues?

    ulcerative colitis diet
    ulcerative colitis treatment
    diet for ulcerative colitis
    living with ulcerative colitis
    treatments for ulcerative colitis
    severe ulcerative colitis

    Ver video "treatment for ulcerative colitis - chronic ulcerative colitis - treatment of ulcerative colitis"

  • Causes of Bad Posture

    Clic Here: - Causes of Bad Posture

    Posture refers to the way that you hold your position and body.
    Having good posture is important for breathing and spine strength.

    Bad posture can cause anything from back and shoulder pain
    to frequent headaches and Temporomandibular.

    By understanding the causes of bad posture, the condition
    can be corrected.


    The muscles that support the back will eventually get tired
    and cause the spine and shoulders to sink lower, worsening posture.
    The best way to counteract this is to make sure that you are
    not in one position for too long.

    Foot Placement

    Your feet naturally roll inward, causing your knees to bend
    and your back to slouch. This is the typical position for
    bad posture.

    For more information please visit:

    comfortable and supportive shoes to help with their placement.

    Ver video "Causes of Bad Posture"

  • Back Surgery Patient has her Life Back after Treatment with Dr. Haronian

    Meet Thelma

    Thelma suffered from two ruptured discs. Dr. Haronian performed a lumbar fusion surgery on her and since her surgery, she has improved greatly. Thelma is a very hands-on type of person and for her walking was very important. She now has her life back and feels blessed that Dr. Haronian took great care of her.

    If you or anyone you know suffer from a herniated disc, please call us at 818.788.2400

    or visit us on the web at

    Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel.

    One of the most common procedures performed in spine surgery is lumbar fusion. Many disease processes affect the spine as a result of the motion that occurs between each bony segment. In the normal spine, each segment has 6 different motion directions (6 degrees of motion) and when there is dysfunction, pain is produces which leads to dysfunction. The primary structure allowing this motion is the intervertebral disc. The biomechanical structure of the disc is so complicated that current medical technology can not duplicate the disc and it can not be replaced by any synthetic material. For this reason, the most reliable replacement is placement of bone in place of the disc which fuses the segments and eliminates the motion at that segment which will ultimately resolve the pain. The downfall of fusion is loss of motion in that segment (which may be very small for each fused level) and increased stress in the adjacent levels. Common diagnosis that fusion surgery is used for is internal disc derangement, discogenic pain, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, post-laminectomy spondylolisthesis, spinal deformity like scoliosis and kyphosis, and others.

    Common to all fusion surgeries is the use of bone graft which can be obtained from several different sources. The discussion of bone grafting is an important one since controversy exists regarding this issue which includes the source of the graft as well as the techniques for its use.. Even though many new advances have been made in recent years, harvesting the patients own bone from areas of unused bone is still the best accepted technique. The most common area that bone is taken from is the pelvis. Since the pelvis has areas of bone that are unused it is a good source for bone graft. Another area is the Fibula (little shin bone).

    Synapse Orthopedic Group
    5651 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 201
    Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
    (818) 788-2400

    Ver video "Back Surgery Patient has her Life Back after Treatment with Dr. Haronian"

  • Vampire Forgotten Audiobook by Rachel Carrington




    Vampires Destined Series

    Three vampires. Separate destinies. All desiring a woman to love them for who they are not what they are.


    Vampire Forgotten
    Book II

    Forgotten in the mountains of Romania. Forced to live a life he didn't choose. Suffering the daily pain of loneliness. Spending an eternity without the touch of a woman's hand.

    Though damned as a vampire, Rhad Valentine has been given what some might call the gift of psychic sight. He sees it as a constant reminder of real life going on without him—a life he cannot live.

    Mischa Bonovich is on a desperate mission to find her missing sister, Rianna. Led to the mountains of her homeland by the faint call of Rianna's voice, Mischa needs Rhad's gift and his strength.

    Wild hunger, both foreign and welcome, drives Rhad to his knees. He'd never held a woman so soft. Kissed one so responsive. And in spite of his inner protests, he'll do anything to help her. Anything to feel just one more touch of her hand.

    In the dark forests of Romania, Rhad's desire won't be quenched until he tastes what only Mischa can offer, but first, he must save her from a man who has nothing to lose. A man who holds a deadly secret that could tear Mischa from Rhad's arms before love can happen.

    Ver video "Vampire Forgotten Audiobook by Rachel Carrington"

  • Gypsy Admitted To Hospital Again & Why/How LF8Fs Video Schedule Will Change

    Gypsy (11) was admitted to hospital again on Thursday. Were calling it mesenteric adenitis again - although its not a confident diagnosis. Shes suffered whatever-it-is a dozen or more times since May new and this is the 4th time she had to be admitted to hospital for pain management.\r
    PS: The LuckyFortune8 Family channel was verified on YouTube this week - WÖHÖOO!! Weve spent the last couple of weeks scratching our heads and taking tons of advice on what our goals are and how they might best be achieved. Our goals are easy: make as many good videos as possible and connect with our Lucky F8 Mates as much as possible. The short and long term strategy to do this effectively is not so clear, but in the short term well be reducing to 4 videos per week (plus some bonus extras), learning to make better use of other social media, launching our own website, and putting some work into becoming a little more professional (yes youre right we do need to sort out intros and outros and other basics!!). We also plan how to do cool things like live stream with a pile of guests - like YOU! \r
    Follow me on Twitter @Fortune8Family to receive alerts when we post new videos.\r
    Click here to see how we accidentally got started on YouTube: \r
    No we dont plan to change our PO Box address! Send mail to \r
    PO Box 1069\r
    Slacks Creek QLD 4127\r
    Click here to visit the LuckyFortune8Family channel: \r
    Click here to see a sample collection of LuckyFortune8Family videos: \r
    Click here for LF8Fs full collection of CHALLENGE videos: \r
    Click here for LF8Fs COMEDY SKITS & SCRIPTED ACTING videos: \r
    Click here for LF8Fs FUNNY & CUTE videos: \r
    Click here for a collection of getting-to-know us Q&As and personality profile videos: \r
    Click here to learn why we went broke and how you could help:

    Ver video "Gypsy Admitted To Hospital Again & Why/How LF8Fs Video Schedule Will Change"




    BOOM! That's a headshot son, I'm a Call of Duty Pro
    Come and get some Turn the volume up and sing it with me
    We're playing COD Modern Warfare 3

    I still remember the day, it was November the 8th
    Just after midnight when I took my Black Ops disk out the tray
    No need to aim down the sights, I hold the trigger and spray
    Every shot that I pop always ends up to the face

    Collecting dog tags faster than the pound
    Every time I see someone I send them to the ground
    I sense the heart beat so I lay my sentry down
    Man this must be a circus cause you all look like some clowns

    I got a stack of games that I'll never play again
    Modern Warfare 3 is like my new best friend
    All night long I drop bombs with my AC-130
    I hear them scream in the mic
    They're all like BrySi don't hurt me

    Only use me blade, purple smoke in my lungs
    I make it rain like Lil Wayne, droppin death from above
    You better run when you hear the click-click of my shotgun
    It's Modern Warfare 3 and we're just having some fun


    Riot shields. What you know about that
    Every time you pull the trigger bullets bounce back
    I got my 50 cal with me, defending the flag
    Quick scope to the head yeah let's watch it again

    On the killcam boy, remember the name
    Lonely Island, on a boat, I'm bringing THE PAIN
    I am unstoppable, I'll slay a city every day
    They call me superman, I'll take out a train

    Toss out some landmines, red dot in the sight
    Don't matter which way they come, everybody's gonna die
    Just like @FourZeroTwo's twitter, they're all blowing up
    This is survival mode, unlocking all of the guns

    I'm sorry Whiteboy, but this is my gold medal
    I won't stop til I've reached the highest level
    Traded my RC Car for a mini-chopper
    Addicted to MW3, somebody call the doctor


    My ACR on my back, MW3 in my hands
    I toss it like a semtex and it ruins all of your plans
    Just like the name I'll bury you DeeperThenBones
    And at the end of this game you'll bend one knee at my throne

    I only need one bullet this is gonna be fun
    And I'm feeling like a King with all this gold on my gun
    You cannot touch Infinity Ward, MW3 is the boss
    Toss Battlefield in the trash cause that's where it belongs

    Modern Warfare 3, No you can't touch me
    Because you can't shoot, What you can't see
    Kill me? Noob please, Got my UMP
    Gonna look at your feet, Then spray your knees
    You just got dropshot, You're no hotshot
    Am I gonna stop? You know I'm not
    Gotta whole lotta bullets, Trigger to pull it
    You're just a bad kid And we all knew it
    Modern Warfare 3 That's how I do it
    Gotta gun to your dome Ka-pow, just blew it


    Much love to @BoDukes and @u4ixxx (youtube/franktheshow) for their help! Beat created by SlNlMA.

    Ver video "MODERN WARFARE 3 RAP SONG!"

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