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  • Último día de ferias para comprar útiles escolares / Arranque

  • Las mejores Roscas de Reyes en el DF / Dónde comprar la Rosca de Reyes

    4 de enero del 2015 Las mejores Roscas de Reyes en el DF / Dónde comprar la Rosca de Reyes

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  • Personas se vuelven agresivas en el Black Friday

    Las tiendas se llenan en EU para el Black Friday y alguna personas se vuelven agresivas al momento de comprar

    29 de noviembre de 2014

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  • Mexicanos prefieren comprar medicamentos genéricos / Andrea Newman

    Mexicanos prefieren comprar medicamentos genéricos / Andrea Newman

    5 de junio del 2014

    Programa: Excélsior Informa.
    Conductor: Andrea Newman.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @17:00-18:00.

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  • ¿Cuánto cuesta comprar a una persona ? / Trata de personas

    ¿Cuánto cuesta comprar a una persona ? / Trata de personas

    11 de marzo 2014

    Programa: Noticiario con Andrea Newman.
    Conductor: Andrea Newman.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @17:00-18:00.

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  • Juegos pirotécnicos en Tultepec / Titulares de la noche

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    16 de Septiembre 2014

    En el mercado de Tultepec llega gente de todos los estados para comprar pirotecnia.

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  • Bimbo recibe autorización para comprar Canada Bread / Dinero con Eréndira Espinosa

    Bimbo recibe autorización para comprar Canada Bread

    La empresa Bimbo recibe autorización para la compra de Canada Bread por la cual pagará 1,663 mdd

    Programa: Dinero .
    Conductor: Eréndira Espinosa.
    Horario: Sábado @15:30-16:00.

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  • Movistar México no descarta comprar Iuscaell / Dinero con Darío Celis

    DMovistar México no descarta comprar Iuscaell / Dinero con Darío Celis inero con Darío Celis

    12 de febrero de 2014

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  • Grupo Alsea pretende comprar la cadena de restaurantes Vips / Dinero con Darío Celis

    Grupo Alsea pretende comprar la cadena de restaurantes Vips / Dinero con Darío Celis

    17 de Febrero  2014

    Programa: Dinero.
    Conductor: Darío Celis.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @21:45-22:00.

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    Ver video "Grupo Alsea pretende comprar la cadena de restaurantes Vips / Dinero con Darío Celis"

  • Rosca de Reyes, historia / De dónde viene la rosca de reyes

    4 de enero del 2015

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  • Pyare aur Nirale Sathi (Hindi Kavita/Rhymes)

    Goyal Brothers Prakashan is a name to reckon with among the leading, well known and prestigious publishing houses in India today. You can avail these animation with our books and our elearning website . We are also providing online support for our books which provide you animations, interive exercise, important photographs and useful information related to the subjects. We provide animation for all subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, hindi story, english, moral story, history, geography, civics etc. Goyal Brothers Prakashan has largest team of multimedia (2d animator, graphics designer, artist, website developer, SEO, Ebook Developer) in India.\r
    Cartoon, Animation, Elearning, Funny, Joke, Moral Story, Science, Story, Education, Educational

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  • Personas y su afición por las compras / Hacker

    Personas y su aficion por las compras / Hacker
    14 noviembre 2014

    GIVU es una plataforma que ofrece la opción de comprar y vender articulos de manera muy facil y sencilla

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  • Lala adquiere la empresa Eskimo de Nicaragua/ Darío Celis

    La productora de alimentos mexicana Grupo Lala anunció que acordó comprar lo sactivos de la nicaragüense Eskimo y empresas afiliadas en variospaíses de Centroamérica. 18/12/14

    Programa: Dinero.
    Conductor: Darío Celis.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @09:05-09:30.

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  • Regreso a clases implica un fuerte gasto en útiles escolares / Titulares de la noche

    Regreso a clases implica un fuerte gasto en útiles escolares / Titulares de la noche
    17 agosto 2014

    El regreso a las clases implica un fuerte gasto para los padres que deben de comprar útiles escolares.

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  • Cómo gastar menos en el regreso a clases 2014-2015 / Andrea Newman

    Cómo gastar menos en el regreso a clases 2014-2015 / Andrea Newman

    11 de agosto del 2014

    Programa: Excélsior Informa.
    Conductor: Andrea Newman.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @17:00-18:00.

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  • Familias de Nezahualcóyotl empeñan sus cosas para el regreso a clases / Andrea Newman

    Familias de Nezahualcóyotl empeñan sus cosas para el regreso a clases / Andrea Newman

    8 de agosto del 2014

    Programa: Excélsior Informa.
    Conductor: Andrea Newman.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @17:00-18:00.

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    Familias de Nezahualcóyotl empeñan cosas para el regreso a clases , regreso a clases 2014, Cómo gastar menos en el regreso a clases 2014-2015, regreso a clases, regreso a clases 2014, inicio ciclo escolar, lista de utiles, utiles escolares, comprar utiles escolares,excelsiortv, excelsior television, periodico excelsior, tv excelsior, videosexcelsior, excelsior periódico, noticias excelsior,noticias ultima hora, noticias ultimo momento, noticias hoy,grupo imagen,last minute news, last minute news, news today

    Ver video "Familias de Nezahualcóyotl empeñan sus cosas para el regreso a clases / Andrea Newman"

  • Toy Story 4 se estrenaría en 2017 / Joanna Vegabiestro

    7 de noviembre 2014 Conoce los detalles de esta nota haciendo clíck en el video.

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  • Los jóvenes mexicanos protagonistas de historias de homicidio/ Pascal

    Los jóvenes mexicanos protagonistas de historias de homicidio/ Pascal Beltrán del Río 06/08/14

    The young mexican players in stories of murder

    Programa: Titulares de la noche, con Pascal Beltrán del Río.
    Conductor: Pascal Beltrán del Río.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @22:00-22:45.

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  • Llega exposición de mezcal a la Galería Thomas Flechel / Titulares Atalo Mata

    Llega exposición de mezcal a la Galería Thomas Flechel / Titulares Atalo Mata

    No te puedes perder la exposición "Bajo los efectos del mezcal" que se encuentra en la Galería Thomas Flechel.

    Programa: Titulares.
    Conductor: Atalo Mata.
    Horario: Sábados : @09:00-10:00.

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    Llega exposición de mezcal a la Galería Thomas Flechel / Titulares Atalo Mata

    Llega exposición de mezcal a la Galería Thomas Flechel , Titulares Atalo Mata , exposicion mezcal, Galería Thomas Flechel, exposiciones df, exposiciones Galería Thomas Fleche, mezcal, mezcal exposicion, mezcales, donde comprar mezcal, mezcal, bebidas alcoholicas, exposiciones bebidas alcoholicas, excelsiortv, excelsior television, periodico excelsior, tv excelsior, videosexcelsior, excelsior periódico, noticias excelsior,noticias ultima hora, noticias ultimo momento, noticias hoy,grupo imagen,last minute news, last minute news, news today

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  • Recibe Gabino Cué propuesta de la Ley educativa de la Sección 22 / Nacional

    Recibe Gabino Cué propuesta de la Ley educativa de la Sección 22 / Nacional

    15 de agosto del 2014

    Programa: Nacional.                                          
    Conductor: Mario Carbonell.
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes @18:30 -19:00.

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    Recibe Gabino Cué propuesta de Ley educativa de la Sección 22, Sección 22 acuerda iniciar el ciclo escolar 2014-2015, Cómo gastar menos en el regreso a clases 2014-2015, Cómo gastar menos en el regreso a clases 2014-2015, utiles escolares 2014, utiles escolares regreso a clases, regreso a clases, regreso a clases 2014, inicio ciclo escolar, lista de utiles, utiles escolares, comprar utiles escolares
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  • Toy Story 4 Trailer: Don't Toy With Me

    The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS) today announced the appointment of Taiwan-based Next Media Animation to produce the next installment of the "Toy Story" franchise. "Toy Story 4: Don't Toy With Me", will appear in theaters the second half of 2011.

    "Don't Toy With Me" picks up where Toy Story 3 left off. It follows the adventures of Andy, now a college drop-out struggling to adapt to life beyond the parental nest. As with the earlier Toy Story films, themes of friendship are prevalent, with Woody and Buzz Lightyear helping to guide Andy through a brutal and unforgiving world.

    "The original Toy Story was released in 1995 and many of our fans are now in their mid- to late 20s," said Bea Warre, development executive at Disney. "This new installment re-boots the franchise and gives our now older fans a Toy Story they can relate to."

    Next Media Animation was chosen for its lightning fast animation ability, allowing for a quick follow-up to the Toy Story franchise after Toy Story 3 was released just last year.


    About The Walt Disney Company
    The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS), together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with five business segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media. Disney is a Dow 30 Company, had annual revenues of over US$36 billion in its most recent fiscal year, and a market capitalization of US$81billion as of 15 February 2011. For more information about The Walt Disney Company please visit:

    About Next Media Animation
    Next Media Animation is one of the largest full-service 3D animation studios in Asia. It provides animation-to-order to some of the biggest entertainment and news providers around the world. Services are end-to-end, provided all under one roof, from concept to story board to 3D modeling to production.

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  • U.S. Depression Empty Store Shelves Coming to America

    The National Inflation Association today issued a warning to all Americans that empty store shelves will likely be coming to America as a result of government price controls during the upcoming hyperinflationary crisis. This morning, NIA released a video preview of what hyperinflation will look like in the U.S.

    NIA's six-minute video released today goes into detail about an event that took place just outside of Boston, Massachusetts in May of this year. This story was widely ignored by the nationwide mainstream media, but NIA believes it was one of the most important news events of the first half of 2010. Although this particular crisis in Boston was due to decaying infrastructure, NIA believes a currency crisis will lead to the same type of panic on a nationwide basis.

    NIA hopes that this video serves as a wake-up call for Americans to take the necessary steps to prepare for hyperinflation and become educated about the U.S. economy. In Zimbabwe during hyperinflation, Zimbabweans were forced to transact in gold and silver. It's only a matter of time before the U.S. dollar becomes worthless and the only Americans with wealth will be those who own gold and silver.

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  • Kate Gosselin on TODAY Show With Daughters (Awkward Silence)

    Two of Jon and Kates eight took the fifth!\r
    The eldest daughters of the reality show Jon & Kate + Eight clammed up on the Today show Thursday, leading to several minutes of incredibly awkward, cringe-worthy television.\r
    Mom Kate Gosselin brought them to 30 Rock, in hopes theyd tell the world that their lives werent ruined by seven seasons of reality TV filming. Instead, twin 13-year-olds Mady and Cara went quiet, forcing their mom to fill dead air.\r
    This is their chance to talk. This is the most wordless Ive heard them all morning, red-faced mom Kate Gosselin said.\r
    I dont want to speak for them. But Mady go ahead, sort of the things that you said in [People] magazine -- that years later, theyre fine. Go for it Mady.\r
    Mady responded: No, you just said it.\r
    At the end of the interview, Mady finally spoke up and said the public doesnt fully understand their upbringing.\r
    I wouldnt say [the public is] wrong, I would just say [its ] not like the full like story, she said. Like a lot of people think that filming, like our show, has damaged us. But its only really helped.

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  • 《 完美新世界 》Wan mei Xin Shi jie ( The New Perfect World ) MV- JJ Lin [ Spanish Subs ]

    《 完美新世界 》 [ Wan mei Xin Shi jie ] (The New Perfect World) { El Nuevo Mundo Perfecto } MV- JJ Lin [ Pinyin + Spanish Subs ]

    Original title:《 完美新世界 》
    Pinyin title: Wan mei Xin Shi jie
    English title: ( The New Perfect World )
    Spanish Title: El Nuevo Mundo Perfecto
    Album: 《 She Says 》
    Singer: JJ Lin ( 林俊杰 )
    online game song "Perfect New World" which is an inspirational anthem about protecting our Earth.

    JJ Lin like a seeker & Phoebe a mystic in this MV

    Even more JJLin is a NPC in the version China of this game

    1:33 -1:38 & 1:49 - 1:55 making JJ Lin NPC in the link above

    This is the theme song of the latest expansion from "Perfect World " an online game or MMORPG , the name of the new expasion is:

    - "Perfect World 2012" (PW CHINA)
    - Perfect World International : "Genesis" Expansion (PW INTERNATIONALl)

    Perfect World: Genesis
    An ancient Pan'Gu prophecy has foretold the destruction of Perfect World:

    "There will be a time when the beautiful world will cease to exist as we know it today.

    The land of Perfect World will suffer destruction the likes of which has never been seen. The world will be torn apart, leaving massive crevasses across its surface. The oceans will rage with turmoil and the tides will swallow everything in their path. The races of the world, thrown into chaos, will not understand what is happening to their beautiful world."

    The time of the prophecy has come.
    However, within the depths of the underground, an ancient race (The Earthguard) of people with arcane powers and innate psychic abilities has foreseen the coming of this post-apocalyptic world. In knowing the future, they have dedicated their lives to prepare for such a day. The time has now come for them to emerge from the underground. They must join the other races of Perfect World and fight alongside them through the coming disaster.

    This race The Earthguard has 2 classes - "Seeker" and "Mystic"

    Perfect World Story

    More info

    Download /Descarga Link:
    Original uploded : famparSubs at You Tube

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