Leg curl acostado
Weighted Leg Raise (Lying)
Ver video "Weighted Leg Raise (Lying)"
Lying Leg Raise Outer Thighs Fitness Republic
For a lying leg raise, outer thighs put on your ankle weights and lie down on your right side. Place your right hand under your head, so that your elbow is bent and your hand is supporting of your head. Your left hand on your wrist; right leg stretched out in the front; with a knee lock and left leg in underneath the right one with a slightly bended knee. Align your body, create balance and hold. Now lift your right leg up as far as you comfortably can and bring it back without touching the left foot (6 inches above the left foot). Do a minimum of seven lift on one leg and change sides for an effective lying leg raise, outer thighs.
Ver video "Lying Leg Raise Outer Thighs Fitness Republic"
Rutina para masa muscular en las piernas
Rutina para fortalecer las piernas y ganar masa muscular.
Ver video "Rutina para masa muscular en las piernas"
Rutina de Piernas
Rutina de Piernas,sentadillas,extención de cuadriceps, curl de femorales, calf raise, fitness-tube.com
Ver video "Rutina de Piernas"
Síguenos y apoyanos en Dailymotion:
Contacto: ffitnessclips@gmail.com
Deportista: Ashleigh Jordan
IG: @ashleigh_jordan
1️⃣ Reverse Lunge - Curtsy Lunge 3x10 each leg
Outer Thigh Lift with Sculpting Bar Fitness Republic
For an outer thigh lift with sculpting bar lie tall from on your right side, with your head supported by your left had (elbow bent); and left leg folded in so that the left foot in underneath the right knee. Place the sculpting bar on the right leg from your ankle to your wrist. Hold on to the bar with your right hand and lift your right leg up. Follow the same procedure with your left leg and you have completed 1 outer thigh lift with sculpting bar.
Ver video "Outer Thigh Lift with Sculpting Bar Fitness Republic"
Alizee - Im Fed Up
Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
My goldfish is under me
To bathe for hours
Makes my mouth water
I'm “foamely' ecstatic
It's not a problem
I lazy ‘round
Bubbly and stubborn
I lazy ‘round
Melon and water
Is just a dream
It makes me wonder
Is it a “sin' ?
Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
“Bombs', you keep away from me!
Today lying low
Twisting up my toes
I swim in such harmony
So what bothers me:
Chorus :
I'm fed up with loneliness
With my uncle overstressed
Fumbling, crawling for something
That never shows, just a dream.
I'm fed up with creeps crying
Over the past, such a sin
Not to be cool, but a fool
If I could mess up their rules.
I'm fed up with your complaints
Baby, well I'm not a saint!
Fed up with the rain, the plane…
That makes me throw up again.
I'm fed up with all cynics
Bathing caps and all critics
I'm fed up with being fed up! Poor me !
Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
My goldfish still under me!
Delight of pleasures
Aquatic treasures
A place out of misery, my fantasyVer video "Alizee - Im Fed Up"
Síguenos y apoyanos en Dailymotion:
Contacto: ffitnessclips@gmail.com
Deportista: Marleny Canela
IG: @marlenycanelaa
1. Squats Workout 4 Sets/ 12 Reps/ 2 Veces En La Semana.
2. Leg Press Workout 4 Sets/ 12 Reps/ 2 Veces En La Semana.
3. Dumbbell Kick Back Workout 4 sets/ 12 Reps/ 2 Veces En La Semana.
4. Tricep Rope Pushdown
El curl de piernas acostado trabaja
los isquiotibiales desde un ángulo
diferente y tiene sus propios
beneficios únicos, y al hacer ambas
cosas, lograrás el máximo desarrollo
muscular posible.
Músculos trabajados
Isquiotibiales (semimembranoso,
semitendinoso y bíceps femoral)Ver video "ENTRENAMIENTO DE PIERNAS 2 VECES POR SEMANA + TRICEPS WORKOUT"
1977- Austria - Schmetterlinge
Music is love for you and me
Music is money for the record company
Musik liegt wieder in der Luft
Mmm... das ist der ganz besondere Duft
Der großen Welt, die uns gefällt
Deejay vor dem Mikrophon
Leg uns jetzt auf den Plattenteller
(Den Schlager der Saison)
Moneten bringt der Superseller
Mono oder Stereo, live oder im Studio
Also sprach Big Brothers Voice
'Super-Hits für Girls and Boys'
Boom Boom Boomerang, Snadderydang
Kangaroo, Boogaloo, Didgeridoo
Ding dong, sing the song, hear the guitar twang
Kojak, hijack, me and you
Boom Boom Boomerang, Snadderydang
Kangaroo, Boogaloo, Didgeridoo
Ding dong, sing the song, hear the guitar twang
Kojak, hijack, me and you
Ein gutes Lied ist pures Gold
(Das hören die Konzernherrn von Nashville bis Luzern gern)
Und der Dollar rockt und rollt
Mono oder Stereo, live oder im Studio
Album oder Single, klingel, Kassa, klingel
Rhythm and Blues, Rock 'n' Roll, Reggae, Shuffle oder Soul
Clap your hands, slap your feet, und kauf dir diesen Superhit
Boom Boom Boomerang, Snadderydang
Kangaroo, Boogaloo, Didgeridoo
Ding dong, sing the song, hear the guitar twang
Kojak, hijack, me and you
Boom Boom Boomerang, Snadderydang
Kangaroo, Boogaloo, Didgeridoo
Ding dong, sing the song, hear the guitar twang
Kojak, hijack, me and you
Ein Lied ist wie ein Boomerang
(Boom Boom Boomerang)
Boom Boom Boomerang, Snadderydang
Kangaroo, Boogaloo, Didgeridoo
Ding dong, sing the song, hear the guitar twang
Kojak, hijack, me and you
(Who?) Me and you
(Who?) Me and youVer video "1977- Austria - Schmetterlinge"
Ariana DeBose - This Wish (From "Wish"/Lyric Video) oficial
[Verse 1]
Isn't truth supposed to set you free?
Well why do I feel so weighed down by it?
If I could show them everything I've seen
Open their eyes to all the lies then
Would they change their minds like I did?
But when I speak, they tell me, "Sit down"
But how can I when I've already started runnin'?
Oh, this is where we've been
But it's not where we belong
And I may be young but I know I'm not wrong
So I look up at the stars to guide me
And throw caution to every warning sign
If knowing what it could be is what drives me
Then let me be the first to stand in line
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah
More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah
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[Verse 2]
I never knew I needed room to grow
Yeah, I did what I was told when someone told me "no"
Now I've got all of this freedom in my bones
But I've still got the lid on so it doesn't overflow
'Cause I've got reservations and hesitations
On where I should even begin
I'm past dipping my toes in
But I'm not, no, I'm not past diving in
If I could just be pointed in any given direction
On where to go and what to do
My legs are shaking but my head's held high
The way you always taught me to
So I look up at the stars to guide me
And throw caution to every warning sign
I'm sure there will be challenges that find me
But I can take them on one at a time
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (So I make this wish)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah (To have something more)
More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than thisVer video "Ariana DeBose - This Wish (From "Wish"/Lyric Video) oficial"
Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
Arise Arisen Surgir
Be Been Ser o estar
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Bring Brought Traer
Build Built Construir
Burn Burnt Quemar
Buy Bought Comprar
Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cortar
Do Done Hacer
Draw Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drunk Beber
Drive Driven Conducir
Eat Eaten Comer
Fall Fallen Caer
Fly Flown Volar
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
Get Got Conseguir, Coger
Give Given Dar
Go Gone Ir
Grow Grown Crecer
Have Had Tener
Hear Heard Oir
Hide Hidden Esconder
Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
Keep Kept Guardar
Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
Know Known Saber, conocer
Lay Laid Extender, poner
Lead Led Dirigir
Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
Lend Lent Prestar
Let Let Dejar, permitir
Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
Light Lit Prender, encender
Make Made Hacer
Mean Meant Significar
Meet Met Conocer
Pay Paid Pagar
Put Put Poner
Read Read Leer
Ride Riden Montar
Ring Rung Llamar
Rise Risen Subir, crecer
Run Ran Correr
Say Said Decir
See Seen Ver
Sell Sold Vender
Send Sent Enviar
Set Set Poner, colocar
Sew Swen Coser
Shake Shaken Agitar
Shine Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Disparar
Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
Shrink Shrunk Encoger
Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sung Cantar
Sink Sunk Hundir
Sit Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Dormir
Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
Smell Smelt Oler
Sow Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoken Hablar
Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
Spend Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
Spit Spat Escupir
Split Split quebrar, dividir
Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
Stand Stood Estar de pie
Steal Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
Sting Stung Picar, escocer
Strike Struck Golpear
Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
Sweep Swept Barrer
Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
Swim Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
Teach Taught Enseñar
Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
Tell Told Decir/contar
Think Thought Pensar
Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
Understand Understood Entender
Wake Woken Despertarse
Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
Weep Wept Llorar
Win Won Ganar
Write Written Escribir
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Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
Arise Arisen Surgir
Be Been Ser o estar
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Bring Brought Traer
Build Built Construir
Burn Burnt Quemar
Buy Bought Comprar
Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cortar
Do Done Hacer
Draw Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drunk Beber
Drive Driven Conducir
Eat Eaten Comer
Fall Fallen Caer
Fly Flown Volar
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
Get Got Conseguir, Coger
Give Given Dar
Go Gone Ir
Grow Grown Crecer
Have Had Tener
Hear Heard Oir
Hide Hidden Esconder
Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
Keep Kept Guardar
Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
Know Known Saber, conocer
Lay Laid Extender, poner
Lead Led Dirigir
Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
Lend Lent Prestar
Let Let Dejar, permitir
Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
Light Lit Prender, encender
Make Made Hacer
Mean Meant Significar
Meet Met Conocer
Pay Paid Pagar
Put Put Poner
Read Read Leer
Ride Riden Montar
Ring Rung Llamar
Rise Risen Subir, crecer
Run Ran Correr
Say Said Decir
See Seen Ver
Sell Sold Vender
Send Sent Enviar
Set Set Poner, colocar
Sew Swen Coser
Shake Shaken Agitar
Shine Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Disparar
Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
Shrink Shrunk Encoger
Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sung Cantar
Sink Sunk Hundir
Sit Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Dormir
Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
Smell Smelt Oler
Sow Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoken Hablar
Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
Spend Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
Spit Spat Escupir
Split Split quebrar, dividir
Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
Stand Stood Estar de pie
Steal Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
Sting Stung Picar, escocer
Strike Struck Golpear
Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
Sweep Swept Barrer
Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
Swim Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
Teach Taught Enseñar
Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
Tell Told Decir/contar
Think Thought Pensar
Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
Understand Understood Entender
Wake Woken Despertarse
Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
Weep Wept Llorar
Win Won Ganar
Write Written Escribir
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32 Feet Giant Skeleton Found In India – Hindu God Hanuman?
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A few months back I showed you some solid evidence about an ancient Giant called Bhima in India. In that video, I mentioned how I had accidentally stumbled on a footprint of another Giant. Here is a little piece.\r
Could this be Bhimas footprint? The locals here claim that it is NOT the footprint of Bhima, but belongs to his half-brother Hanuman, who also happens to be a Giant. This footprint is more than 4 feet long and if it is real, the giant who made this impression would be over 30 feet tall.\r
So how did I come up with this height of over 30 feet? I calculated \r
this based on something called a “height to foot” ratio. So who is this Hanuman that we are talking about? Hanuman is a giant Ape like God who appears in ancient Indian scriptures.\r
Here is an article from a newspaper called “The Age” published on August 10, 1934. It reads:\r
Skeleton Found in India\r
Measures 31 feet, 6 inches in length. \r
The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 feet 6 inches in length, is reported from Jubbulpore. \r
You can see how this height matches with my calculation based on the footprint. When I made the previous video 2 months ago, I did not know about these newspaper articles. Lets read further.\r
The discovery was made by a farmer, who noticed a bone protruding from the sand on the river bank near the village of Jaintiha. Attempts to dislodge the skeleton with the aid of other villagers failed, whereupon the chief of the State had the skeleton dug out. Three men were required to lift it, the legs alone measuring 10 feet. \r
“”The skeleton has been placed in the palace of the chief pending examination by geologists, among whom the discovery has created enormous interest. The Jubbulpore district is renowned for its wealth of fossilized relics of an earlier age, the last important discovery three years ago being the remains of a giant prehistoric mammal reputed to be centuries old. “”\r
Is this an isolated piece of news fabricated by a newspaper company to gain attention?\r
No, the same news appeared on a lot of newspapers around the world because this was a spectacular discovery. Let us read THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD on the ex same day. \r
Prehistoric Ape\r
Found in India\r
Giant Proportions\r
The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be that of a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 ½ feet in length, is reported from Jubbulpore. \r
It is the ex same news except for a few changes here and there.\r
Here is another newspaper called THE VIRGIN ISLANDS DAILY NEWS which published a short version of this news. The size, the location it was discovered all the same.\r
Calcutta: A skeleton, believed to be that of a human giant, measuring 31 feet 6 inch has been discovered on the banks of a river near Jubbalpore. The huge mans bones alone measured 10 feet, and three men were required to move the remains to the Chiefs palace at Ramgarh.”\r
And also from another newspaper called THE SYDNEY MAIL. Again just different words, but the news is the same. \r
Remember, these are just a few examples and this same news was published all around the world in many languages that a giant prehistoric ape was found in Jabalpur district, India. Is it possible that this is the skeleton of Hanuman?\r
Some Hindu and Jain sects believe that Hanuman was not a real ape but a human like giant with slight physical variations. Now, all over the world other giants have been found with variations in their facial features including elongated skulls, horns and double rows of teeth. So who are these Giants? Sacred texts from many ancient civilizations, describe these Giants as hybrids between Gods and Humans. In the bible, they are called Nephilim. Hanuman can also be classified as a Nephilim because his father was a god and his mother was human. \r
Now according to Hindu scriptures, Hanuman was not the only Giant that looked like an ape, but a whole race of giant apes called Vanara was documented. Is it possible that this huge skeleton is one of these ape-like Gods? \r
Now, the other important question is: What happened to this skeleton? Where did this skeleton go? Today, we are not able trace the whereabouts of this 32 feet skeleton anywhere. Since India was under British control at that time, this priceless evidence was possibly taken to England along with many other rare artifs. \r
So what do you think? Are all these newspapers from various countries lying to us? Or did India once have an ancient race of Giants that were 32 feet tall? Please do let me know your opinion. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.Ver video "32 Feet Giant Skeleton Found In India – Hindu God Hanuman?"