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  • Comprar naranjas. Coca de chocolate con naranja-I

  • @Globovision Venezolanos se precipitan a comprar productos i

    @Globovision Venezolanos se precipitan a comprar productos importados tras devaluaci�n

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  • Guia per comprar en electrònica i informàtica al Black Friday

    Ver video "Guia per comprar en electrònica i informàtica al Black Friday"

  • Battlefield 3: TDM en Grand Bazaar I Que consola comprar Nueva o Actual? I

    Que tal Razita espero que disfruten el gameplay y el comentario y déjenme su opinión en los comentarios es lo mas importante.

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  • Adulto mayor es atropellado mientras iba a comprar tamales I Ciudad Desnuda

    En Chalco, Estado de México, un hombre de la tercera edad falleció cuando quedó debajo de las llantas de un camión que no respetó el alto del semáforo. El chofer de la unidad se dio a la fuga. 
    Porque usted decide de que lado de la historia quiere estar, este es el programa más intenso y real. Ciudad desnuda, donde Mara Durón y Yunue Cuevas lo muestran todo.

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    Ver video "Adulto mayor es atropellado mientras iba a comprar tamales I Ciudad Desnuda"

  • Circuito Mágico del Agua - Lima (I)

    Se encuentra en el Parque de la Reserva

    Ver video "Circuito Mágico del Agua - Lima (I)"

  • video què he dit i aixecar la mà

    Ver video "video què he dit i aixecar la mà"

  • TikToker se queja de no poder comprar un esquite con tarjeta I Reporte Indigo

    Ver video "TikToker se queja de no poder comprar un esquite con tarjeta I Reporte Indigo"

  • Clipse, Faith Evans-Ma i dont love,her

    Ver video "Clipse, Faith Evans-Ma i dont love,her"

  • Aragonès avisa: "Mobilització i negociació han d’anar de la mà"

    Aquest vídeo ha sigut publicat en el context del diari El

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  • Noaptea Târziu - DMSB ¦ Dă-i mă să bea (Official Video)

    Noaptea Târziu - DMSB ¦ Dă-i mă să bea (Official Video)

    Ver video "Noaptea Târziu - DMSB ¦ Dă-i mă să bea (Official Video)"

  • Panic! At The Disco: Hey Look Ma, I Made It [VIDEO OFICIAL]


    All my life
    Been hustlin
    tonight is my appraisal
    Cause I'm a hooker sellin’ songs
    And my pimp's a record label
    This world is full of demons
    Stocks & bonds & bible traders
    So I do the deed
    Get up and leave
    A climber and a sadist

    Are you ready for the sequel
    Ain’t ready for the latest
    In the garden of evil
    I’m gonna be the greatest
    In a golden cathedral
    I’ll be praying for the faithless
    And if you lose, boo hoo

    Hey look ma I made it
    Hey look ma I made it
    Everything’s coming up aces, aces
    If it’s a dream don’t wake me (don’t wake me)
    Hey look ma I made it

    Friends are happy for me
    Or they’re honeysuckle phonies
    They celebrate my medals
    Or they wanna take my trophies
    Some are loyal soldiers
    While these other thorns are rosy
    And if you never know who you can trust
    Then trust me, you’ll be lonely oh

    Are you ready for the sequel
    Ain’t ready for the latest
    In the garden of evil
    I’m gonna be the greatest
    In a golden cathedral
    I’ll be praying for the faithless
    And if you lose, boo hoo

    Hey look ma I made it
    Hey look ma I made it
    Everything’s coming up aces, aces
    If it’s a dream don’t wake me (don’t wake me)
    Hey look ma I made it

    Mama best believe it
    Mama best believe it
    Think I must be dreamin’
    Wide awake and dreamin’

    Ver video "Panic! At The Disco: Hey Look Ma, I Made It [VIDEO OFICIAL]"

  • Entrevista con Ma Jin entrenadora china-mexicana de clavados I Paris 2024

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  • Galeta amb la mà oberta de Sanchis a Martín Blanco, obsessionat amb Rahola i TV3

    Aquest vídeo ha sigut publicat en el context del diari El
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  • Agustí Benedito: "Rosell porta tres mesos a la presó i Bartomeu ha estat la seva mà dreta"

    Enllaç notícia:

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  • Panic! At The Disco Performs "Hey Look Ma, I Made It" and "High Hopes" - The Voice 2018

    The Voice Live Finale, Part 2.

    Ver video "Panic! At The Disco Performs "Hey Look Ma, I Made It" and "High Hopes" - The Voice 2018"

  • Kpop canciones favoritas / favorite songs (5)

    I don't own this videos/no me pertenece ninguno de los videos, this is just for fun

    Rainbow "A"
    Wonder Girls "Now" (reversion of FIN.K.L - NOW )
    Sistar 19 "Ma Boy"
    T-Ara "I don't know"
    Brown eyed girls "Candy man"
    Co-Ed School "Too late"
    Brown eyed girls "Love"
    CNBlue "Love Girl"
    Miss A "Looking at each other"

    Ver video "Kpop canciones favoritas / favorite songs (5)"

  • Comprar BQ Edison 3

    Comprar BQ Edison 3 I➨ BQ Edison 3 | Comprar BQ Edison 3 ¿Es ésta tu tablet Android ideal? Descúbrelo en este análisis a fondo y toma la mejor decisión.

    Haz clic en el siguéntes enlaces para Comprar BQ Edison 3 I➨

    Precio Habitual: 199,90 €uros.
    Precio de Oferta: 185,00 €uros.
    Obtendrá un Ahorro: 14,90 €uros.

    Precio: 185,00 €uros + 2,99 €uros Envío o Envío GRATIS con Amazon Premium.

    Suscríbete a Comprar online:

    Especificaciones técnicas Comprar BQ Edison 3
    Marca: BQ
    Series: Edison 3 QUAD CORE 32GB
    Peso del producto: 617 g
    Dimensiones del producto: 17,5 x 1 x 25,6 cm
    Pilas: 1 Iones de litio (Tipo de pila necesaria)
    Número de modelo del producto: 02BQEDI13
    Color: Blanco
    Dimensión de la pantalla: 10.1 pulgadas
    Máxima resolución de pantalla: 1280x800
    Fabricante del procesador: ARM
    Velocidad del procesador: 1.3 GHz
    Número de procesadores: 4
    Capacidad de la memoria RAM: 2048 MB
    Capacidad del disco duro: 32 GB
    Descripción de la tarjeta gráfica Mali 450-MP4
    Tipo de conectividad: Bluetooh 4.0, WiFi
    Sistema operativo: Android 4.4
    Contenido de energía de la batería de litio: 8 watt hours
    Embalaje de la batería de litio: Pilas incluidas en el material
    Peso de la batería de litio: 1 gramos

    Calidad ✔, Profesionalidad, ✔ Seguridad ✔, Económia ✔

    Comprar BQ Edison 3 I➨

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  • Enviados especiales El Pa√≠s: hacer remesa en Sao Paulo puede salir muy caro

    Los enviados especiales de El País en Brasil hicieron el ejercicio de ir a una tienda de abastos en Sao Paulo y comprar fríjoles, maíz, lentejas y garbanzos. Los precios de la Brasil mundialista.

    Ver video "Enviados especiales El País: hacer remesa en Sao Paulo puede salir muy caro"

  • han sufrido un abandono

    estas criaturas han sufridop un abandono por sus familias quieren ser felices i tenr una familia que les abracen i que juegen con ellos. si desean mas informacion dejen un comentario. No comprar Si adoptar Muchas Gracias

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  • Gimena

    Video Clip Gime
    Comprar en Itunes más aquí:
    vídeo oficial de Avicii vs Nicky Romero - I Could Be The One

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    Publicado el 30 jun. 2017

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  • Jain - Makeba (Lyrics) - LA CANCION MAS POPULAR DE TIKTOK

    Lyrics ✍️

    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you

    [Verse 1]
    I wanna hear your breath just next to my soul
    I wanna feel oppressed without any rest
    I wanna see you sing, I wanna see you fight
    'Cause you are the real beauty of human right

    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you

    [Verse 2]
    Nobody can beat the Mama Africa
    You follow the beat that she's gonna give ya
    Only her smile can all make it go
    The sufferation of a thousand more

    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you
    Ooh-ee, Makeba
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Can I get a "ooh-ee"? Makeba
    Makes my body dance for you

    (Makeba, ma che bella)
    (Makeba, ma che bella)
    (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Makeba, ma che bella
    Makeba, ma che bella

    Ecnad ydob ym sekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam ?"Ee-hoo" a teg I nac (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Alleb ehc am, Abekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam, ee-hoo (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Uoy rof ecnad ydob ym sekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam ?"Ee-hoo" a teg I nac (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Alleb ehc am, Abekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam, ee-hoo, for you (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Ecnad ydob ym sekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam ?"Ee-hoo" a teg I nac (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Alleb ehc am, Abekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam, ee-hoo (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Uoy rof ecnad ydob ym sekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam ?"Ee-hoo" a teg I nac (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Alleb ehc am, Abekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam, ee-hoo, for you (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Ecnad ydob ym sekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam ?"Ehoo" a teg I nac (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Alleb ehc am, Abekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam, ee-hoo (Makeba, ma che bella)
    Uoy rof ecnad ydob ym sekam (Ooh-ee)
    Abekam ?"Ee-hoo" a teg I nac (Makeba, ma che bella)

    Ver video "Jain - Makeba (Lyrics) - LA CANCION MAS POPULAR DE TIKTOK"

  • Descubre las lujosas villas de Palm Beach I

    Si estás pensando en comprar una villa de lujo en Orihuela en la zona de Lomas de Cabo Roig, en Palm Beach I encuentra un entorno privilegiado.

    Descubre todas sus características en nuestra web:

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  • Bomberos catalanes se desnudan para recaudar fondos

    La Agrupaciò Cultural i Sportiva del cos dels Bombers de Barcelona ha llevado a cabo un calendario solidario para recaudar fondos para distintas causas sociales, como la lucha contra el cáncer o comprar comida para el Banco de Alimentos.

    Ver video "Bomberos catalanes se desnudan para recaudar fondos"

  • Venezuela: SICAD I llama a subasta a sector químico y autopartes

    Las empresas del sector químico, petroquímico, maquinaria y repuestos agrícolas fueron convocadas a la subasta semanal del Sistema Complementario de Administración de Divisas (SICAD I). Los participantes podrán comprar como mínimo cinco mil dólares y como máximo 4% del total de la subasta. teleSUR

    Ver video "Venezuela: SICAD I llama a subasta a sector químico y autopartes"

  • Amb el menjar no es juga

    El nostre vídeo tracta sobre que amb el menjar no es juga. En aquest vídeo podem veure uns nens jugant amb una poma i una pobre nena que no te ni diners per comprar menjar i els ensenya la lecció, amb el menjar no es juga
    Centre d'Estudis Mollet 2º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Amb el menjar no es juga"

  • Amazing Sea Creature

    I haven't seen a creature like this in ma whole life!

    Ver video "Amazing Sea Creature"

  • Yung Berg ft. Casha- The Business

    Yung Berg ft. Casha- The Business


    If you know exactly what I wanna do
    Then I'ma give the businees to you

    See I ain't neva met a girl
    That's getting down like you
    And I ain't neva met a girl
    That put it down like you
    (Ay ay ay ay ay)
    Say thug in yo life
    That's what you need shawty
    Anything you want
    It's guarenteed for my
    Boo boo boo boo boo
    And I ain't tryina go hard
    For what I need shawty
    I'm tryina tell you exactly what I need from
    You you you you you
    Cuz you know I wanna

    A Freak in morning
    A Freak in the evening
    Just call me up and I'll be there when you need me
    When ever you want me you can come and see me
    Cuz you know just what to do
    You give me the business
    Give me the business
    Give me the business
    You give me the business
    Shawty give me the business
    If you know exactly what I wanna do
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    Oh, oh ohohoh, oh oh ohohoh
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    Oh, oh ohohoh, oh oh ohohoh
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (From the show to the afterparty)
    Baby I'ma give the business to you

    That business baby
    Cuz I really wanna drive you crazy
    Wanna kiss wanna rub wanna lick wanna touch
    Wanna be right beside you baby
    Wanna climb on top of you
    And give it to you for an hour or two
    You're number one
    Wanna take you to the bathroom
    Booty hung right
    Got her mind right
    We can have a little Sex in the City like
    You can be Carrie
    I'ma be Mr Biggs
    Cuz you so fine
    That's right
    But you look so much better wit me
    That it's nice to know ya
    Cuz you know I wanna

    A Freak in morning
    A Freak in the evening
    Just call me up and I'll be there when you need me
    When ever you want me you can come and see me
    Cuz you know just what to do
    You give me the business
    Give me the business
    Give me the business
    You give me the business
    Shawty give me the business
    If you know exactly what I wanna do
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    Oh, oh ohohoh, oh oh ohohoh
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    Oh, oh ohohoh, oh oh ohohoh
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (From the show to the afterparty)
    Baby I'ma give the business to you

    See you been playing all night
    And now it time to handle business baby

    When you give me the business
    You give me the business
    If you know exactly what I wanna do
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    Oh, oh ohohoh, oh oh ohohoh
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    Oh, oh ohohoh, oh oh ohohoh
    Then I'ma give the business to you
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (Can I give you the business shawty)
    (From the show to the afterparty)
    Baby I'ma give the business to you

    Ver video "Yung Berg ft. Casha- The Business"

  • Hilary Hahn 1

    Brahms - Violin Concerto in D Major,Op 77 : I Allegro ma non troppo

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  • 1968 Noruega - Odd Borre


    Må... må... må... må... må... må skynde meg å
    Gå... gå... gå... gå... gå... gå slik at jeg kan
    Nå... nå... nå... nå... nå siste bussen hjem

    Ha... ha... ha... ha... ha... ha... ha det riktig
    Bra... bra... bra... bra... bra... bra, ikke glem å
    Ta... ta... ta... ta... ta sovemedisin

    Små doser er bra, må slappe litt av
    Skru på din radio, du har jo sov-i-ro

    Ri... ri... ri... ri... ri... ri... ringes ved når
    Vi... vi... vi... vi... vi... vi får litt bedre
    Tid... tid... tid... tid... tid, siste bussen går

    Men én gang - kanskje neste år - skal vi få tid til alle ting
    Én gang - kanskje neste år - ta alt med ro, bare rusle omkring

    Ma... ma... ma... ma... ma... ma... mange flere
    Sa... sa... sa... sa... sa... sa... saker jeg sku'
    Pra... pra... pra... pra... pra... pratet med deg om

    Men... men... men... men... men... men alt de der må
    Ven... ven... ven... ven... vente til vi ses i -
    Gjen... gjen... gjen... gjen... gjen, siste bussen går

    Prøv meditasjon, prøv te med sitron
    Ta deg en liten drink, ja, du må være flink

    Må... må... må... må... må... må skynde meg å
    Gå... gå... gå... gå... gå... gå slik at jeg kan
    Nå... nå... nå... nå... nå siste bussen hjem

    Ver video "1968 Noruega - Odd Borre"

  • FC Barcelona - SD Eibar, entrades disponibles

    Ja pots comprar les teves entrades per al partit de Lliga del 18 d'octubre del 2014 entre el FC Barcelona i l'Eibar.

    Compra aquí la teva entrada:

    Barça 2.0
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  • FC Barcelona - Granada CF, entradas disponibles

    Ya puedes comprar tus entradas para el partido de Liga del 27 de septiembre de 2014 entre el FC Barcelona i el Granada CF.

    Compra aquí tu entrada:

    Barça 2.0
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  • 2 x 1

    De vegades no som conscients de com arribem comprar compulsivament allò que no necessitem. El Bloc 3 de l\'escola Thau Sant Cugat ha creat un personatge que representa les nostres accions menys reflexives, inacceptables i poc solidàries.
    Escola Thau Sant Cugat Bloc 3 4rtESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "2 x 1"

  • 360 pared

    pos ma akabo de sakar los 360 en pared decidme k puedo arreglar i dadme algun msn nos vemos

    Ver video "360 pared"

  • 10 Beneficios para la Salud de la Schisandra

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    Ver video "10 Beneficios para la Salud de la Schisandra"

  • Country Line Dance- Mora d'Ebre - Festes Majors 29-08-09

    Ballada i Exhibicions festes majors Móra d'Ebre
    Exhibició :


    Ver video "Country Line Dance- Mora d'Ebre - Festes Majors 29-08-09"

  • YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Return of Goldie [Oficial Video]

    ([?] beats)
    Check this, yeah
    Uh-huh, uh-uh
    These bitch ass niggas gon' respect this

    She say, "I see that you barely sleep
    And I know you be up, protectin' me"

    Uh, this ain't no return of no Makaveli, this Goldie, bitch
    Now, I'ma tell you I'ma Mac for life, I fuck over shit
    If I'ma do it, then I'ma do it right, on some soldier shit
    All black GNikes, shirt on my face, run out, I'm down to fold a bitch

    [Verse 1]
    Nigga, I'll tell you, my momma first one put a bandana around my head
    You niggas some hoes and pussy and couldn't come 'round where I was raised at
    Me and 3Three was burglarizing as a child, that's how we played that
    We ain't have no friends, after the end, we breakin' in they place, yeah
    I'm with that shit, they all fake
    Go ask my momma, I don't play
    I shot that boy that same day
    Monique cleaned blood from off my Js
    Want beef with me, best have some Ks
    Bro swang this Drac' across your face
    I pop these pills to heal my pain
    This shit so real that I'm insane

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    She say, "I see that you barely sleep
    And I know you be up, protectin' me"

    [Verse 2]
    And it's okay, 'cause I got guards inside the backyard
    And the front yard, 'case they play
    Bitch, you gon' die inside of this yard, we gon' drag you to your grave
    House arrest bracelet on my leg, well, bitch, I still got me a K
    When it go down, I'm gon' run down right where it's heat inside this place
    And spray around at all you bitch niggas
    No, you can't kill me, I got my children inside this bitch with me
    I'm too official, ain't puttin' my life in hands inside security
    They just my cover-up, just for the time I fuckin' kill you, bitch
    I heard the streets watchin', big knots in my pockets, fuck with me
    Bitch, I put this bag on top anybody
    I heard the Feds watchin', think they got me, but can't stop me
    Put them pills inside my body, movin' with my groovy body

    This shit fucked up, that's my girl and her family ain't got no love
    Hold on, this shit fucked up
    This ain't about her
    That's my family, my own family ain't got no love
    Man, I'm fucked up

    [Verse 3]
    Fuck all these bitches, fuck all you hoes
    I say, "I am a rich nigga, I am so gone"
    I say, "I know your love fake, so please leave me 'lone"
    I say, "I will have your back 'til you leave from 'round me"

    'Cause I say, "I see that you barely sleep
    And I know you be up, protectin' me"

    Uh, this ain't no return of no Makaveli, this Goldie, bitch
    Now, I'ma tell you I'ma Mac for life, I fuck over shit
    If I'ma do it then I'ma do it right, on some soldier shit
    All black GNikes, shirt on my face, run out, I'm down to fold a bitch

    Ain't no return of no Makaveli, this Goldie, bitch

    Ver video "YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Return of Goldie [Oficial Video]"

  • Indian dance - great performance

    This is the Chinese Disabled Performing Arts Troupe (they are deaf). I got this from my grand-ma. I found it very beautiful & interesting. She told me it took them over 10 whole years to get to such a high level of perfection.

    Ver video "Indian dance - great performance"

  • No deixis d'ajudar en cap moment

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  • Ogni volta Vasco Capitolo 1 Ma cosa vuoi che sia una canzone Dannate nuvole e altre storie

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  • JMaXiM Tricks Demo

    Es un video k e exo cn videos de mi ordenador, no es un video simplemente k toy aburrio i ma dao la pica d aserlo y yasta, es pa k lo vean los amigos i kien kiera, pero no kriticar ;) spero k les guste;)

    Ver video "JMaXiM Tricks Demo"

  • Le Tourbillon

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    Ver video "Le Tourbillon"

  • I am yours (JOYA)

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    Ver video "I am yours (JOYA)"

  • MIXELS JINKY i KAMZO recenzja LEGO po polsku

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    Euzebiusz ma 7 lat, wybrał sobie ten pseudonim zainspirowany książką Mikołajek i właśnie tu, na swoim kanale przedstawia ciekawe zabawy i SUPER zabawki. Zapraszamy do subskrypcji aby nie umknęły Wam nasze filmy. \r
    Jest to niezwykły video blog bo dla dzieci, młodzieży i ich rodziców. Znajdziecie tu pomysły na SUPER zabawy oraz recenzje najlepszych zabawek i książek. Recenzujemy wszystko co bawi i rozwija. Zawsze z HUMOREM i na luzie! :) Zapraszamy.

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  • Gastronomia | Postres | Pera amb pasta fullada | 36

    Enllaç notícia:

    De la mà del xef Romain Fornell, del restaurant Caelis, ens arriba aquesta setmana una videorecepta d'unes postres que sorprenen perquè són fàcils i d'una qualitat espectacular: Quadrats de pasta fullada i pera.

    Ver video "Gastronomia | Postres | Pera amb pasta fullada | 36"

  • The Weeknd - Wicked Games

    The Weeknd - Wicked Games


    I left my girl back home, I don't love her no more
    And she'll never f*cking know that, these f*cking eyes that I'm staring at
    Let me see that ass, look at all this cash
    And I've emptied out my cards too
    Now I'm f*cking leaning on that

    Bring your love baby I can bring my shame
    Bring the drugs baby I can bring my pain
    I got my heart right here, I got my scars right here
    Bring the cups baby I can bring the drink
    Bring your body baby I can bring you fame

    That's my motherf*cking word too
    Just let me motherf*cking love you

    Listen ma, I'll give you all I got
    Give me all for this, I need confidence in myself
    Listen ma, I'll give you all of me
    Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself
    Oh, oh, oh
    So tell me you love me
    Only for tonight
    Only for tonight
    Even though you don't love me
    Oh, oh
    Just tell me you love me
    I'll give you all of me, I'll give you all of me
    Even though you don't love me

    Let me see you dance
    I love to watch you dance
    Take you down another level
    Get you dancing with the devil
    Take a shot of this
    But I'm warning you
    I'm on that shit that you can't smell baby
    So, put down your perfume

    Bring your love baby I can bring my shame
    Bring the drugs baby I can bring my pain
    I got my heart right here, I got my scars right here
    Bring the cups baby I can bring the drink
    Bring your body baby I can bring you fame

    That's my motherf*cking word too
    So let me motherf*cking love you

    Listen ma, I'll give you all I got
    Give me all of this, I mean confidence in myself
    Listen ma, I'll give you all of me
    Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself
    I need all of it
    So tell me you love me
    Only for tonight
    Only for tonight
    Even though you don't love me
    Oh, oh
    Just tell me you love me
    I'll give you all of me, I'll give you all of me
    Even though you don't love me

    Ver video "The Weeknd - Wicked Games"

  • Jain - Makeba (Official Music Video)


    "Ooohe" Makeba ma qué bella,
    Can i get a " oohe " Makeba,
    Makes my body dance for you ,

    I want to hear your breath just next to my soul,
    I want to feel oppress without any rest,
    I want to see you sing, i want to seeyou fight,
    Because you are the real beauty of human right ,


    Nobody can beat the Mama Africa,
    You follow the beat that she's going to give you,
    Only her smile can all make it go,
    The sufferation of a thousand more,

    CHORUS x2

    Ver video "Jain - Makeba (Official Music Video)"

  • Los sims 2 ultimate collection GRATIS¡

    Origins es una pagina donde puedes comprar videojuegos de pc y con mejores ofertas que en tiendas.
    Esta vez la pagina esta dando TOTALMENTE GRATIS el juego The sims 2 con todas las exenciones y en este video muestro como descargarlo.

    Código para el juego:

    Link de la pagina:

    =========ll Descargas ll=========ll
    Mi aplicación de navegador para no perderte ninguno de mis vídeos.

    Ver video "Los sims 2 ultimate collection GRATIS¡"

  • PARÍS. Cafès, llibres, pintures.

    Petita. Mostra dels cafès, llibres i pintures que han fet i què fan de Paris Ciutat de Referencia en l'Humanisme i la Cultura
    1. "Si tu vois ma mère" de Sidney Bechet. (Banda sonora de la pel.lícula: "Mitja nit à Paris" de Woddy Allen
    . 2. "L'Autre Valse d'Amelie", de Yann Tiersen Banda sonora de la pel.licula "Amelie"
    . 3 Fragmento de l ' Espectacle musical del cabaret "Molin Rouge".

    Ver video "PARÍS. Cafès, llibres, pintures."

  • De Nuvis : Parlen Expositors i Visitants

    Seguint la nostre visita al 12e De Nuvis a Lleida hem tingut l'oportunitat de saber de primera mà l'opinió d'expositors i visitants el seu parer d'aquesta fira; que tot seguit podreu esbrinar en el video que us hem preparat.

    Ver video "De Nuvis : Parlen Expositors i Visitants"

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