Videos relacionados con comprar mochila real madrid niño


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  • Las mochilas de su equipo preferido, el Real Madrid

  • Real Madrid: Florentino Pérez hizo feliz a un niño

    Ten?a su corazoncito. El presidente del Real Madrid Florentino P?rez tuvo un gran gesto con este ni?o hincha.

    Ver video "Real Madrid: Florentino Pérez hizo feliz a un niño"

  • El Real Madrid reparte juguetes a los niños

    El presidente del Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, presentó hoy la campaña de Navidad 'Ningún Niño Sin Juguete' que la Fundación del Real Madrid lleva a cabo junto a la Comunidad de Madrid y que repartirá alrededor de 5.000 juguetes a los niños. 

    Ver video "El Real Madrid reparte juguetes a los niños"

  • El Real Madrid hace feliz a los niños chinos

    El Real Madrid ha cumplido el sueño de varios niños chinos cuando han podido jugar un partido contra sus ídolos. El club blanco se enfrenta en el primer partido a el Guangzhou Evergrande que en el último partido empató a uno en casa del Beijing Guoan.

    Ver video "El Real Madrid hace feliz a los niños chinos"

  • Aficionados del Real Madrid 'desatan' la locura para comprar playera de Mbappé

    El día de hoy salió a la venta el jersey del astro madrileño, el cual ha generado locura entre los seguidores merengues, ya sea en la tienda física u online

    Ver video "Aficionados del Real Madrid 'desatan' la locura para comprar playera de Mbappé"

  • El Real Madrid entregará más de 2.000 regalos a niños

    El presidente del Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, ha manifestado que "el compromiso del deporte va más allá del terreno de juego y de las canchas" y por ello este año van a entregar a niños desfavorecidos más de 2.000 regalos a niños tutelados por la Comunidad y también a los ingresados en los hospitales madrileños.

    La campaña 'Un regalo para todos' es una de varias iniciativas que se desarrollan gracias a la unión de esfuerzos de la Comunidad de Madrid y la Fundación Real Madrid.

    Ver video "El Real Madrid entregará más de 2.000 regalos a niños"

  • Brahím Díaz: "Debutar con el Real Madrid es un orgullo, mi sueño de niño"

    Ver video "Brahím Díaz: "Debutar con el Real Madrid es un orgullo, mi sueño de niño""



  • ¿Que le piden los niños a los reyes para este Real Madrid?

    Ver video "¿Que le piden los niños a los reyes para este Real Madrid?"

  • La emoción de estos niños al ver su habitación del Real Madrid

    Ver video "La emoción de estos niños al ver su habitación del Real Madrid"

  • La respuesta viral de Mbappé cuando un niño le pregunta si fichará por el Real Madrid

    Ver video "La respuesta viral de Mbappé cuando un niño le pregunta si fichará por el Real Madrid"

  • Abderrahim, el niño del Real Madrid que perdió a su familia en el terremoto de Marruecos

    Ver video "Abderrahim, el niño del Real Madrid que perdió a su familia en el terremoto de Marruecos"

  • La emoción de estos niños al ver su habitación del Real Madrid

    Ver video "La emoción de estos niños al ver su habitación del Real Madrid"

  • Los entrenadores y jugadores del Real Madrid visitan a los niños hospitalizados

    Es la tradicional manera que el conjunto merengue tiene de alegrar a los más pequeños durante estas fechas tan especiales    

    Ver video "Los entrenadores y jugadores del Real Madrid visitan a los niños hospitalizados"

  • Los capitanes del Real Madrid visitan a los niños de un hospital

    Los jugadores hicieron entrega de regalos de Navidad

    Ver video "Los capitanes del Real Madrid visitan a los niños de un hospital"

  • La ilusión de la primera vez: así reacciona un niño cuando va a ver al Real Madrid

    Ver video "La ilusión de la primera vez: así reacciona un niño cuando va a ver al Real Madrid"

  • Real Madrid: Mbappé y el cariñoso gesto con un niño en su partido contra el RB Salzburgo

    El francés ha tenido un grandísimo gesto con un niño francés que padece una complicada enfermedad.

    Ver video "Real Madrid: Mbappé y el cariñoso gesto con un niño en su partido contra el RB Salzburgo"

  • El emotivo detalle de los jugadores del Real Madrid con los niños hospitalizados

    Ver video "El emotivo detalle de los jugadores del Real Madrid con los niños hospitalizados"

  • El Real Madrid visita varios hospitales para dar una sorpresa a los niños

    Las distintas secciones del Real Madrid visitaron varios hospitales de la capital española.

    Ver video "El Real Madrid visita varios hospitales para dar una sorpresa a los niños"

  • Niños palestinos entrenan en las murallas de Jerusalén con preparadores del Real Madrid

    Ver video "Niños palestinos entrenan en las murallas de Jerusalén con preparadores del Real Madrid"

  • El llanto desconsolado de un niño por el retiro de Toni Kroos en el Real Madrid. Pueden ponerle de título.

    Ver video "El llanto desconsolado de un niño por el retiro de Toni Kroos en el Real Madrid. Pueden ponerle de título."

  • Seguridad agrede a niños durante partido de Atlético de Madrid y Real Sociedad en Monterrey

    Tras la ola de abucheos por parte del público a ambas escuadras producto del empate 0-0, un par de niños violaron la seguridad del inmueble y saltaron al campo en busca de conseguir una foto u autógrafo.

    Ver video "Seguridad agrede a niños durante partido de Atlético de Madrid y Real Sociedad en Monterrey"

  • Niños de la escuela de Real Madrid esperando a las estrellas del fútbol. Video Anayansi Gamez

    Ver video "Niños de la escuela de Real Madrid esperando a las estrellas del fútbol. Video Anayansi Gamez"

  • El palco de honor del Real Madrid se llena de regalos para niños en situación desfavorable

    'En Navidad, ningún niño sin regalo' es el nombre de esta iniciativa de la Fundación del club blanco

    Ver video "El palco de honor del Real Madrid se llena de regalos para niños en situación desfavorable"

  • Arbeloa asiste a la firma del proyecto 'Cruzada Por Los Niños' que capitanea la Fundación Real Madrid

    Con el objeto de crear de escuelas de fútbol en el Parque Nacional de Gorongosa (Mozambique)

    Ver video "Arbeloa asiste a la firma del proyecto 'Cruzada Por Los Niños' que capitanea la Fundación Real Madrid"

  • ‘Niño ángel’ que ayudó en el rescate de la tragedia del Chapecoense llega a España para conocer a los jugadores del Real Madrid

    Ver video "‘Niño ángel’ que ayudó en el rescate de la tragedia del Chapecoense llega a España para conocer a los jugadores del Real Madrid"

  • Atlético Madrid vs Real Madrid Infantil A U14 2023

    It appears that, in addition to the health and social aspects, the most difficult component of the COVID-19 has concluded. Because of this, the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid may be able to complete the re-structuring of categories that has been in the works for some time. In terms of Real Madrid's stadium, in addition to the formation of new teams (Football 7 and Football 5), there will be three new teams in the coming season: Cadete A, Infantil A, and Alevn A. According to the competition bases, all of them will compete in new leagues in 2021/2022.

    As stated in the RFFM Memoria de Actividades Deportivas 2020-2021, the creation of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being of a single group. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Alevn will be their respective names. For the time being, nothing is known about the new Division of Honor Cadet (two groups) that was approved as the Superliga's antechamber in November 2020.

    Ver video "Atlético Madrid vs Real Madrid Infantil A U14 2023"

  • Real Madrid y Panamá vuelven a estrechar lazos de cooperación por el bien de los niños y niñas

    La Primera Dama de la República de Panamá, Maricel Cohen de Mulino, ha renovado el convenio con la Fundación Real Madrid fortaleciendo el compromiso con el desarrollo de las Escuelas Sociodeportivas en Panamá.

    Ver video "Real Madrid y Panamá vuelven a estrechar lazos de cooperación por el bien de los niños y niñas"

  • Un Sorteo de 'El Niño' muy repartido inunda de ilusión numerosas ciudades de España

    El Sorteo Extraordinario de 'El Niño' ha repartido un total de 770 millones de euros por toda España en un día que los premiados han vivido con ilusión.

    Ver video "Un Sorteo de 'El Niño' muy repartido inunda de ilusión numerosas ciudades de España"

  • Rayo Majadahonda vs Real Madrid Cadete A U16 2023_2

    The hardest part of the COVID-19 seems to have ended in the athletic realm in addition to the social and health plans. And as a result, the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid may be able to complete the category restructuring that has been in the works for some time during the upcoming season. In relation to the Real Madrid cantera, in addition to the creation of new teams (Football 7 and Football 5), there will be three teams that experience a unique novelty in the upcoming season: the Cadete A, Infantil A, and Alevn A. All of them will compete in new leagues in the 2021–2022 season, according to the Competitors' Bases of Competition.

    According to the RFFM Memorandum of Athletic Activities for 2020–2021, the establishment of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being single-gender divisions. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Aleván, respectively. As of right now, nothing is known about the newly approved Division of Honor Cadete (two groups), which was approved in November 2020 as the Superliga's precursor.

    Ver video "Rayo Majadahonda vs Real Madrid Cadete A U16 2023_2"

  • Rayo Majadahonda vs Real Madrid Infantil B U13 2023

    Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    Ver video "Rayo Majadahonda vs Real Madrid Infantil B U13 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Móstoles URJC Alevin A U12 2023

    Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Móstoles URJC Alevin A U12 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Las Rozas Superliga Infantil A U14 2023

    It appears that, in addition to the health and social aspects, the most difficult component of the COVID-19 has concluded. Because of this, the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid may be able to complete the re-structuring of categories that has been in the works for some time. In terms of Real Madrid's stadium, in addition to the formation of new teams (Football 7 and Football 5), there will be three new teams in the coming season: Cadete A, Infantil A, and Alevn A. According to the competition bases, all of them will compete in new leagues in 2021/2022.
    As stated in the RFFM Memoria de Actividades Deportivas 2020-2021, the creation of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being of a single group. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Alevn will be their respective names. For the time being, nothing is known about the new Division of Honor Cadet (two groups) that was approved as the Superliga's antechamber in November 2020.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Las Rozas Superliga Infantil A U14 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Rayo Alcobendas Infantil B U13 2023

    Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Rayo Alcobendas Infantil B U13 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Sporting Hortaleza Juvenil A U19 2023

    Official Website of the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid

    The Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) will implement significant changes in the Benjamn competition, including the creation of four distinct categories: Autonómica, Preferente, Primera y Segunda. At the present, Divisions of Honor and Tercera have been ruled out.

    During the previous Asamblea General of the 2014-2015 season, the RFFM's executive committee approved the Benjamn Competition Modification to distribute teams among different categories and introduce the ascenso and descenso dynamics seen in higher-level competition.

    To carry out this significant change, the RFFM consulted with other territorial federations, as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other positions in this category.

    All of the changes that will be implemented, how the competition will be run, and the areas into which the City of Madrid will be divided to form the groups are detailed in the document attached below. All of the cities are represented as well.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Sporting Hortaleza Juvenil A U19 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs RSD Alcalá Cadete A U16 2023_2

    It appears that, in addition to the health and social aspects, the most difficult component of the COVID-19 has concluded. Because of this, the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid may be able to complete the re-structuring of categories that has been in the works for some time. In terms of Real Madrid's stadium, in addition to the formation of new teams (Football 7 and Football 5), there will be three new teams in the coming season: Cadete A, Infantil A, and Alevn A. According to the competition bases, all of them will compete in new leagues in 2021/2022.

    As stated in the RFFM Memoria de Actividades Deportivas 2020-2021, the creation of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being of a single group. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Alevn will be their respective names. For the time being, nothing is known about the new Division of Honor Cadet (two groups) that was approved as the Superliga's antechamber in November 2020.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs RSD Alcalá Cadete A U16 2023_2"

  • Real Madrid vs Chopera Alcobendas Alevin A U12 2023

    Official Website of the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid

    The Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) will implement significant changes in the Benjamn competition, including the creation of four distinct categories: Autonómica, Preferente, Primera y Segunda. At the present, Divisions of Honor and Tercera have been ruled out.

    During the previous Asamblea General of the 2014-2015 season, the RFFM's executive committee approved the Benjamn Competition Modification to distribute teams among different categories and introduce the ascenso and descenso dynamics seen in higher-level competition.

    To carry out this significant change, the RFFM consulted with other territorial federations, as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other positions in this category.

    All of the changes that will be implemented, how the competition will be run, and the areas into which the City of Madrid will be divided to form the groups are detailed in the document attached below. All of the cities are also represented.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Chopera Alcobendas Alevin A U12 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Sporting Hortaleza Infantil B U13 2023

    Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well. es.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Sporting Hortaleza Infantil B U13 2023"

  • Getafe CF vs Real Madrid Infantil A U14 2023

    The hardest part of the COVID-19 seems to have ended in the athletic realm in addition to the social and health plans. And as a result, the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid may be able to complete the category restructuring that has been in the works for some time during the upcoming season. In relation to the Real Madrid cantera, in addition to the creation of new teams (Football 7 and Football 5), there will be three teams that experience a unique novelty in the upcoming season: the Cadete A, Infantil A, and Alevn A. All of them will compete in new leagues in the 2021–2022 season, according to the Competitors' Bases of Competition.

    According to the RFFM Memorandum of Athletic Activities for 2020–2021, the establishment of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being single-gender divisions. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Aleván, respectively. As of right now, nothing is known about the newly approved Division of Honor Cadete (two groups), which was approved in November 2020 as the Superliga's precursor.According to the RFFM Memorandum of Athletic Activities for 2020–2021, the establishment of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being single-gender divisions. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Aleván, respectively. As of right now, nothing is known about the newly approved Division of Honor Cadete (two groups), which was approved in November 2020 as the Superliga's precursor.According to the RFFM Memorandum of Athletic Activities for 2020–2021, the establishment of three new categories in Spanish football is planned, with the first two being single-gender divisions. Superliga Cadete, Superliga Infantil, and División de Honor Aleván, respectively. As of right now, nothing is known about the newly approved Division of Honor Cadete (two groups), which was approved in November 2020 as the Superliga's precursor.

    Ver video "Getafe CF vs Real Madrid Infantil A U14 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Nuevo Boadilla Alevin A U12 2023

    RFFM Web Oficial de la Real Federación de Fútbol de Madrid

    La Real Federación de Fútbol de Madrid (RFFM) va a llevar a cabo importantes cambios en la competición benjamín, entre los que destacadas la creación de cuatro categorías diferentes: Autonómica, Preferente, Primera y Segunda. De momento, se ha descartado crear División de Honor y Tercera.

    En la pasada Asamblea General de la temporada 2014-2015, la junta directiva de la RFFM recibió la aprobación de la Modificación de la Competición Benjamín para repartir a los equipos en diferentes categorías e introducir la dinámica de ascensos y descensos como en las categorías superiores.

    Para llevar a cabo esta importante modificación, la RFFM ha consultado con otras federaciones territoriales, así como con directivos, entrenadores, delegados y otros estamentos presentes in esta categorí.

    En el documento que se adjunta debajo, figuran todas las modificaciones que se llevarán a cabo, cómo quedará la competición y las áreas en que se divide la Comunidad de Madrid para diseñar los grupos. También figuran todas las sedes.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Nuevo Boadilla Alevin A U12 2023"

  • Romina y Guti ya son papás

    El pequeño Enzo ha llegado al mundo este viernes. El primer hijo de la reportera y el futbolista ha pesado 3 kilos 200 gramos y tanto él como su madre se encuentran en perfecto estado.

    Ver video "Romina y Guti ya son papás"

  • RSD Alcalá vs Real Madrid Cadete B U15 2023

    The Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) will implement significant changes in the Benjamn competition, including the creation of four distinct categories: Autonómica, Preferente, Primera y Segunda. At the present, Divisions of Honor and Tercera have been ruled out.

    During the previous Asamblea General of the 2014-2015 season, the RFFM's executive committee approved the Benjamn Competition Modification to distribute teams among different categories and introduce the ascenso and descenso dynamics seen in higher-level competition.

    To carry out this significant change, the RFFM consulted with other territorial federations, as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other positions in this category.

    All of the changes that will be implemented, how the competition will be run, and the areas into which the City of Madrid will be divided to form the groups are detailed in the document attached below. All of the cities are also represented.

    Ver video "RSD Alcalá vs Real Madrid Cadete B U15 2023"

  • A por el Madrid

    En complejo deportivo de Polar 240 jovenes se preparan para competir por un cupo en campeonato del Real Madrid

    Ver video "A por el Madrid"

  • Fundación Real Madrid reparte 2.500 regalos navideños

    El presidente del Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, ha presentado este lunes la campaña solidaria llevada a cabo por la Fundación del Real Madrid, 'En Navidad, ningún niño sin regalo', a través de la cual repartirán un total de 2.500 regalos navideños.

    Ver video "Fundación Real Madrid reparte 2.500 regalos navideños"

  • Calimero toca fondo por el futbolchapas

    Calimero un personaje animado de los 80 toca fondo por culpa de su adiccion al futbolchapas

    Ver video "Calimero toca fondo por el futbolchapas"

  • CD Leganés vs Real Madrid Juvenil A U19 2023

    Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    Ver video "CD Leganés vs Real Madrid Juvenil A U19 2023"

  • EFMO Boadilla vs Real Madrid Juvenil C U17 2023

    The Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) will implement significant changes in the Benjamn competition, including the creation of four distinct categories: Autonómica, Preferente, Primera y Segunda. At the present, Divisions of Honor and Tercera have been ruled out.

    During the previous Asamblea General of the 2014-2015 season, the RFFM's executive committee approved the Benjamn Competition Modification to distribute teams among different categories and introduce the ascenso and descenso dynamics seen in higher-level competition.

    To carry out this significant change, the RFFM consulted with other territorial federations, as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other positions in this category.

    All of the changes that will be implemented, how the competition will be run, and the areas into which the City of Madrid will be divided to form the groups are detailed in the document attached below. All of the cities are also represented.

    Ver video "EFMO Boadilla vs Real Madrid Juvenil C U17 2023"

  • Real Madrid vs Rayo Majadahonda Juvenil C U17 2023

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Rayo Majadahonda Juvenil C U17 2023"

  • Bomba asesinao con camioneta barcelona

    Ver video "Bomba asesinao con camioneta barcelona"

  • Real Madrid vs Rayo Vallecano Juvenil A U19 2023_2

    Real Federation of Football of Madrid's official website is at

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Rayo Vallecano Juvenil A U19 2023_2"

  • Real Madrid vs UD Sanse Juvenil B U18 2023

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs UD Sanse Juvenil B U18 2023"

  • Casillas protagoniza una campaña contra el acoso escolar

    La campaña 'Paremos la Pobreza Infantil', que tiene a Iker Casillas como protagonista, se centra este año en 'Paremos la violencia en escuelas', con el objetivo de erradicar los malos tratos en las aulas y el acoso entre los compañeros. Ep

    Ver video "Casillas protagoniza una campaña contra el acoso escolar"

  • Por esto yo no me caso

    Subscribete my friend

    Ver video "Por esto yo no me caso"

  • Rayo Vallecano vs Real Madrid Juvenil B U18 2023

    The creation of four distinct categories—Autonómica, Preferente, First, and Second—is among the significant changes that the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) plans to implement in the Benjamn competition. Currently, the creation of the Honor and Fourth Division has been ruled out.

    The RFFM's junta executive received approval of the Competition Benjamn Modification at the previous Asamblea General of the 2014–2015 season in order to divide the teams into various categories and introduce the ascending and descending dynamic seen in the higher categories.

    In order to carry out this significant modification, the RFFM consulted other territorial federations as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other establishments in this category.

    The document attached below shows all the changes that will be made, how the competition will proceed, and the areas that the Comunidad de Madrid will divide into in order to create the groups. All of the cities are included as well.

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  • La Reacción De Estos Niños Te Podría Hacer Llorar (Cuando los niños conocen a sus ídolos del football)

    La reacción de estos niños te podría hacer llorar. Cuando los niños conocen a sus ídolos del football.

    Ver video "La Reacción De Estos Niños Te Podría Hacer Llorar (Cuando los niños conocen a sus ídolos del football)"

  • El Tren de Navidad, todo un viaje mágico en el tiempo

    El Tren de Navidad ya se ha puesto en marcha. Desde este jueves 26 de diciembre y hasta el próximo 5 de enero, los niños podrán disfrutar de un viaje de animación y de la compañía de los pajes reales que podrán recoger sus cartas para dárselas a los Reyes Magos.

    Ver video "El Tren de Navidad, todo un viaje mágico en el tiempo"

  • El número 78.908, PRIMER PREMIO del Sorteo de la Lotería del Niño 2025

    Ver video "El número 78.908, PRIMER PREMIO del Sorteo de la Lotería del Niño 2025"

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