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  • Venta y reparación de electrónica naval - Pontevedra - Electrónica Rías Bajas


    Today, Russia and China have built impressive arrays of very high frequency, or VHF, and other integrated radars that can spot even the USs most advanced and stealthy jets like the F-22 and the F-35 under the right circumstances.\r
    While many have rushed to declare stealth a fruitless and expensive path for the US Air Force to walk, retired Marine Maj. Dan Flatley told Business Insider why pilots of Americas most expensive weapons system werent afraid of Russian or Chinese counterstealth.



    El pasado 5 de mayo se celebró la Gigante de Piedra Small, una prueba de mountain bike de 110km y 3800+ de desnivel positivo. La prueba tenía salida y llegada en Alcora, Castellón.
    Si esto os parece poco, el 2 de junio se celebra su hermana mayor, la Gigante, 200km y 6500+!!!!!

    Mondraker Pódium 2017
    Specialized Tarmac sport 2016
    Giant Trance 2 2017
    Kask Protone
    Poc Tectal
    Oakley Radar EV primz road
    Diadora Vortex X-Pro
    Diadora X-Vortex Racer II
    ⌚ Suunto Ambit2
    Raidlight XP2

    Sony HDR AS200
    Panasonic DMC-FZ300EG
    Olympus TG2



    Ver video "GIGANTE DE PIEDRA SMALL 2018 | VLOG 85"

  • Ropa de peluquería , estética y comercio en general 2013-2014

    Ropa laboral de peluquería , estética y spa temporada 2013-14
    Diversos uniformes de trabajo especiales para el gremio de la peluquería y estética estampados y atrevidos o clásicos

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    Debes tener en cuenta que si compras desde fuera de España o Ceuta y Melilla se te descontará un 21% del precio de cada prenda en concepto de IVA


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  • Sniper Guerra Assassin 3D Para Android

    Google Play -- Los soldados armados estan heridos o muertos en el batallon del ejercito. Usted es unico sobreviviente en el campo de batalla tras las lineas enemigas. Contraataca, jugar al nuevo juego de disparos en primera persona marca Sniper Assassin Guerra 3D.Habias jugado algun juego persecucion policial criminal loco conducir coches furiosos en las carreteras de asfalto. Ahora liberar al soldado increible dentro agarrar francotirador moderna y mostrar increibles habilidades asesinas y shooter como nunca antes. Sniper Assassin Guerra 3D es moderno juego warfield desierto con lleno de pistola de accion juego de tiro. Mostrar algunas habilidades reales del tirador apuntar y disparar hacia abajo escuadron enemigo feroz. Lucha como comando de primera linea contra todo el batallon de tropas matar a los enemigos con tu killshot francotiradores. Durante la secuencia de tiro superior usted consiguio arsenal lleno de municion y un rifle automatico o asalto. Tu mision es sobrevivir a esta batalla contra las rebeliones de grupos terroristas. Tomar punteria perfecta con mira telescopica y disparar para matar disparos. Golpea a los enemigos maximos con su ataque de francotiradores. Los enemigos que habian visto con el radar satelite ruso, estan utilizando todo el poder con armas avanzadas, Humvees, escopetas y explosiva que lo lleve hacia abajo. Usted esta entrenado francotirador militar leyenda contrarrestar sus ataques brutales y destruir la base enemiga.Causa destruccion masiva y eliminar las tropas rivales en este mejor juego shooter en 3D en primera persona. Estar en la cima de la colina que tienes que tomar ventaja maxima tiro en la cabeza con un alcance de francotiradores perfecto. Apunte su armadura para multi tiro o puedes matarlos con un solo tiro en la cabeza. Actualice su arma o usted puede comprar armas especiales en este tiempo real de juego RPG. Consiguio armas impresionantes en su arsenal

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  • Iran 20/06/19El gobierno irani asegra tener restos del dron de eeuu derribado!!

    Creditos: HispanTv

    Canal Autorizado para Trasmitir Contenidos HispanTv

    Irán tiene en su poder varios fragmentos del dron de EE.UU. derribado en aguas territoriales persas, informa el ministro de Exteriores Mohamad Yavad Zarif.

    El canciller ha asegurado en su cuenta de Twitter que Irán ha recuperado varios fragmentos de la aeronave no tripulada de Estados Unidos que las Fuerzas Armadas persas derribaron este jueves, después de que violara el espacio aéreo iraní.

    “Hemos recuperado fragmentos del dron militar de Estados Unidos en nuestras aguas territoriales, donde fue derribado”, dice Zarif en su tuit, y reitera que, en contra de lo que sostiene EE.UU., la aeronave fue abatida tras adentrarse en el espacio aéreo persa.

    El ministro comparte además las coordenadas exactas del incidente e imágenes que muestran su trayectoria de vuelo; también corrobora información difundida antes, según la cual el Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk hizo su recorrido desde el despegue “en modo oculto” , es decir, con los radares y el transpondedor apagados.

    “A las 00:14 el dron estadounidense despegó de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) en modo oculto y violó el espacio aéreo iraní”, señala Zarif, que en un mensaje de poco antes reitera que Irán seguirá defendiéndose de este tipo de “agresiones” y que Teherán acudirá a las Naciones Unidas para denunciar la invasión aérea.

    Del derribo informó a primeras horas de la madrugada de este jueves (hora local) la División Aeroespacial del Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica (CGRI) de Irán, que dijo haber abatido un dron espía de EE.UU. que sobrevolaba la provincia meridional de Hormozgan.

    Iran 20/06 / 19The Iranian government seizes the remains of the US drone shot down !!

    Credits: HispanTv

    Authorized Channel to Transmit Content HispanTv

    Iran has in its possession several fragments of the US drone. knocked down in Persian territorial waters, reports Foreign Minister Mohamad Yavad Zarif.

    The chancellor has assured on his Twitter account that Iran has recovered several fragments of the unmanned aircraft from the United States that the Persian Armed Forces shot down on Thursday, after it violated Iranian airspace.

    "We have recovered fragments of the US military drone in our territorial waters, where it was shot down," Zarif says in his tweet, and reiterates that, contrary to what the US maintains, the aircraft was shot after entering space. Persian air

    The minister also shares the exact coordinates of the incident and images that show his flight path; it also corroborates information released earlier, according to which the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk made its journey from takeoff "in hidden mode", that is, with the radars and the transponder off.

    "At 00:14 the US drone took off from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in hidden mode and violated Iranian airspace," says Zarif, who in a message from a short time ago reiterated that Iran will continue to defend itself from this type of "aggressions". "And th

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  • Why pyramid of Egypt were built ( power theory) (power theory) in Hindi

    Visuals from Gary Lite \r
    Other Series:\r
    Secrets of Universe\r
    Secrets of Pyramids\r
    1] The outer casing of the Great Pyramid was covered with white tufa limestone, so tightly built that not even a razor blade could fit between the blocks. The white tufa limestone does not contain magnesium and has high insulating properties. This insulation property prevented the electricity inside the pyramid from being released without control.\r
    2] The stone blocks used inside the pyramid were made of another form of limestone containing crystal which is an extremely high electrical conductor and a small amount of metal, which allow for maximum power transmission. The shafts inside the pyramid were lined with granite. Granite, as a conductor, is a slightly radioive substance and permits the ionization of the air inside these shafts. When we look at an insulated electric cable, we see that conductive and insulation materials are used in the same way as in the pyramids.\r
    3] The conductive and insulating properties of the pyramid are an example of flawless engineering. However, a source of energy is needed for electricity generation.\r
    The Giza Plateau where the pyramids stand is full of underground water channels. The pyramids rise above limestone layers, the spaces between them being full of water. These special layers of rock that transmit electricity upward as they carry underground water to the surface are known as AQUIFERS. The high volume flow of the River Nile that passes through these aquifers produces an electric current. This is known as physio-electricity.\r
    The pyramids underground chambers are granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio-electricity. This electric current is conducted directly to the upper part of the pyramids granite covered subterranean chambers. Granite is a very good conductor of electricity.\r
    The electromagnetic field that forms at the bottom of the pyramid is transmitted in concentrated form to the upper layers of the pyramid. On the top of the pyramid there was a gold capstone gold being an excellent conductor of electricity. This section is no longer there in our day. This means the top of the pyramid has lost its structure of flawless geometry. This gold capstone facilitated a conductive path for the transfer of negative ions to the ionosphere. This way a current was generated.\r
    How does it serve to move the electromagnetic field on the ground through the help of an aquifer? An identical form of this technology, employed in Egypt 5,000 years ago, was used by Nikola Tesla, an inventor of electric technology in the early 1900s, in a tower he constructed in the United States of America. Tesla, the inventor of such fundamental electric technology as the alternating current, electric engine, radio, the laser and radar, was successful in simultaneously transmitting sound and pictures between continents in the Wardenclyffe tower he built between 1901 and 1917. He did notusean external source of electricity for this, and even applied wireless power transmission technology.\r
    Tesla had also built his tower above an aquifer and discharged the negative ions from the aquifer to the tower. The electromagnetic technology used in Teslas famous tower is identical to the electromagnetic field set up in the construction of the pyramids. Both systems generate negative ions and transmit them without the need for electric cables.\r
    So for what purpose did the Egyptians use electricity? Relief carvings clearly show that the Egyptians used hand-held bulb-type lamps powered by a cable-free electric source. These bulbs are reminiscent of Nicola Teslas descriptions to show that his alternating current was safe. At the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair, Tesla transmitted alternating electric current through his body to light a bulb he held in his hand without using electrical cables.\r
    This relief carving shows a wireless antenna. The Egyptians used antennae and cable-free energy for wireless communication. In the relief on the left is a carved transmitter, with a receiver on the left. This evidence indicates that the Egyptians used free wireless energy for communication purposes.\r
    This relief carving shows a yarn manufuring facility. The yarn Egyptians used for their fabrics at that time were as fine as those manufured by machinery today. The Egyptians also used electric power in their weaving plants.\r
    It was seen that many gold objects which have remained from ancient Egypt were in f very finely gold plated. Such perfect gold plating, as in these pieces, requires the use of electricity.\r
    pyramids of egypt,\r
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    pyramids doc

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