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  • Nuevos coches con servicio electrico de la linea General Roca 1985

    Bs. As .: Images of the electrical wiring in the Temperley train station. Train formation departing from the station. Passengers on the platform waiting for the train. Workers working in the wells where the poles for the power lines will be placed. Images of the Llavallol station. General views of the new control room in the Llavallol signal booth. Images of the train formation moving around the Llavallol station. Images of the new cars of the metropolitan electric service of the General Roca line purchased by the Argentine government. Images of the track and wheel section of one of the cars turning during the journey of the new metropolitan electric service. Images of the machinist and the clocks marking the speed of the train. Train arriving at the Monte Grande station.
    Date: 5/2/1985
    Duration: 9 minutes 56 seconds
    Code: BG-0413

    Copyright DiFilm Archive - Archival Material Queries -
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