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  • Monsieur, “el robot que sirve cocteles” - 15POST

    Una salida al bar popular del momento puede ser un dolor de cabeza a veces. Caminar entre la multitud y luchar para captar la atención del barman, todo por un delicioso trago. Pero, solo si le pudiésemos dejar ese trabajo a una maquina. Afortunadamente llega, Monsieur, el “camarero robótico”. Controlado por un app, viene en dos versiones, una profesional y la versión para el hogar que podrás hacer tuya por US$1,500. Controlada inteligentemente por un app viene pre-cargada con varias recetas de cocteles populares y la puedes programar para que te prepare tu coctel preferido cuando llegas a casa, o empieza tu programa favorito de TV. Ahora te podrás llevar el bar a casa, literalmente…puedes pre-comprar el tuyo hoy en

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  • Polish Pierogi - Potato & Cheese Pierogi - Low fat and delicious!

    Jennys Polish pierogi are a healthier version of this traditional Polish food, filled with a delicious mashed potato mixture with browned onions and cream cheese. Pierogi can be made with various fillings like sauerkraut & mushroom, meat, and even fruit but these were my familys favorite. FULL RECIPE: \r
    SHARE: Here is a link to share Jennys Polish Pierogi video: \r
    SUBSCRIBE: Cooks are loving Jennys easy, fun videos. Use think link to subscribe: \r
    Cabbage Rolls (Polish Golabki) - \r
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    Easy Potato Pancakes - \r
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    © Copyright new- new - Jenny Can Cook - Jenny Jones

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  • El futuro de la marihuana

    Imagínese que es el día después de las elecciones y California se ha vuelto un estado donde la marihuana es tan legal como el alcohol ¿Eso significa que cualquier mayor de 21 años puede ir al dispensario más cercano y comprar marihuana para disfrute personal? ¿Pondrá la policía retenes para detectar a los conductores que manejen bajo el influjo de la yerba? ¿Podrán los comensales de un bar deportivo salirse para fumar un porro o comer botana con aderezo de cannabis? Aunque la medida ha caído últimamente en las encuestas, si los votantes aprueban en referendo la legalización y fiscalización de marihuana con fines recreativos, nuevos escenarios sociales podrían formarse en días, semanas o meses. La propuesta 19 entraría en vigor de inmediato, aunque la droga siga siendo ilegal según leyes federales. La aprobación de la medida implicaría que, a partir del 3 de noviembre, los adultos podrían llevar consigo hasta una onza de su propia marihuana sin temor a ser arrestados.

    Ver video "El futuro de la marihuana"


    open me.\r
    .hey my lovely internet besties. thank you so much for stopping by to watch my diy mickey mouse treats video. I hope you enjoy! I had so much fun filming this video, and even more fun eating all the delicious treats. please let me know what you think in the comments below :) hope youre all having a super magical day.\r
    please let me know below your FAVORITE mickey mouse shaped treat. mine is definitely a toss up between a mickey mouse pretzel with cheese or the signature mickey mouse ice cream bar. \r
    instagram: allisonwondderland\r
    twitter: msalliemarie\r
    MY P O BOX\r
    P O Box 8789\r
    Warwick, Ri 02888\r
    love yall to walt disney world and back


  • Receta de barras de queso con fresa. Receta barras de fresa / Barritas / / Barras de queso

    Receta ¿Cómo preparar barras de queso con fresa? Receta barras de fresa / Barritas de fresa / Barras de queso
    31 Mayo 2013

    Receta ¿Cómo preparar barras de queso con fresa? Receta barras de fresa / Barritas de fresa / Barras de queso
    Ingredientes: Costra: 1 1/2 taza harina, 1/3 taza azúcar glass, 1/8 cucharadas sal, 10 cucharadas mantequilla fría, 1 1/2 a 2 cucharadas agua fría. Salsa de fresa: 2 tazas fresas, 1 cucharada azúcar, 1 cucharada agua, 1 cucharada jugo de limón, 2 cucharadas fécula de maíz. Relleno de queso: 240 gr queso crema, 1/2 taza yoghurt bajo en grasas, 1/2 taza azúcar, 3/4 cucharada vainilla, 1 huevo.

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    Ver video "Receta de barras de queso con fresa. Receta barras de fresa / Barritas / / Barras de queso"




    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

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    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
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  • Lego Friends Heartlake Riding Club Part 1 Build Review Silly Play - Kids Toys

    If you are horse crazy like the Lego Friends girls, then you are just going to love the Lego Friends Heartlake Riding Club 41126! There are two stunning new horses, Ninja and Spice, and they come with saddles, reins and the brand new horse blankets to keep them cosy and snug. A cheeky little mouse also inhabits the riding club, and leads the horses into all kinds of mischief! Mias splendid new riding outfit looks great when she rides in competition on glossy black Ninja, and Stephanie is dressed to help out around the club and do a bit of riding herself (though shes got her work cut out for her - Spice is a bit cheeky!). \r
    Here is Part 2! \r
    Use the horse exerciser to warm up the ponies, then price jumping—you can even raise the bar when youve got the hang of it. Groom the horses and get dressed in the changing area. After the competition put the horses to bed and hang out with Mia and Stephanie in the Riding Club cafeteria before bedding down in the loft—its another early start tomorrow!\r
    Includes Mia and Stephanie mini-doll figures in riding gear, plus a mouse and 2 horses: 1 black and 1 white with brown markings.\r
    Features a 2-story stable building with turning weather vane and a yard with rotating horse exerciser, price jump with 2 height options, feeding and drinking trough, and a grooming station.\r
    First floor features 2 stables with opening doors, archway with trophy display, and a changing room with swing doors, toilet, sink and a helmet stand.\r
    Second floor features opening windows, a cafeteria with table and benches for mealtimes, a loft area with 2 beds and a mouse house.\r
    Riding accessory elements include helmets, bridles, saddles, horse blankets and trophies.\r
    Grooming and feeding accessory elements include brushes, combs, 3 horse soap bottles, hair bows, bucket, fork, hay, apple and a carrot.\r
    Dining accessory elements include cups, plate, bowl, 4 cherry pie slices, 2 watermelon slices, water bottle and cheese for the mouse.\r
    Turn the revolvingexerciser to warm up the horses, then set the price jump to the right height.\r
    Take off the saddles and bridles and put blankets on the horses after a hard day of training.\r
    Relax with friends in the cafeteria and enjoy a slice of cherry pie and a cup of hot chocolate.\r
    Dont forget to subscribe! \r
    Lots more ellieV toys videos \r
    Sylvanian Families / Calico Critters videos \r
    Lego Friends videos \r
    Peppa Pig videos \r
    Please subscribe and like if you enjoy - I appreciate every single one of your views!\r
    Music - Morning with Coffee loop (audioblocks)

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  • Ballistic Gel Crushed By Hydraulic Press And Exploded By Bomb

    In this video I crush ballistic gel with my hydraulic press. First to test out the ballistic gel, I blow it up with a homemade dry ice bomb. Before I crush it with the hydraulic press I put a block of the ballistic gel on top of a dry ice bomb. As soon as I set the dry ice bomb I run and wait for it to explode! The explosion is huge! However, it ually doesnt make any huge cuts or gashes to the ballistic gel. If the gel were wrapped around the bomb it for sure would have destroyed it. Then I crush another block in the hydraulic press. It ually holds up quite well in the hydraulic press, much longer than I thought it would. After it breaks it splits into tiny pieces that is really satisfying to watch.\r
    Send me things to crush at:\r
    PO Box 482\r
    North Plains OR 97133\r
    *If you do send me something message me so I know its coming!\r
    Checkout my science channel: \r
    For more awesome crushing videos checkout:\r
    Crushing A Head With Real Human Hair In Hydraulic Press\r
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    Can I Turn Graphite To Real Diamond With Hydraulic Press?\r
    Prank Exploding Golf Ball Turns To Powder In Hydraulic Press\r
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    Exploding Balls Compilation | Obsidian | Fushigi | Jaw Breaker | Emoji |Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
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    Flammable Magnesium Bar Crushed In Hydraulic Press | Bright White Magnesium Fire!\r
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    Frozen Pumpkins Crushed By Hydraulic Press | Scary Halloween Edition\r
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    Lava Bubbles Turned to Crystals In Hydraulic Press\r
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    Fushigi Ball Explodes In Hydraulic Press\r
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    FiberFix Fiberglass Repaired Pipe Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
    Magnets And Ferrofluid Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
    Giant Gummy Bear Crushed By Hydraulic Press Turns Into Glue!\r
    Gallium Metal Crushed By Hydraulic Press Becomes Liquid Metal\r
    Bullet Proof Glass Crushed With Hydraulic Press and Steel Ball Bearing\r
    Cheese Whiz Explodes When Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
    Industrial Wheel Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
    Different Pipes Crushed With Hydraulic Press |Metal | PVC\r
    Slinky Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
    Different Balls Crushed By Hydraulic Press |Tennis | Golf| Bouncy Ball\r
    Hydraulic Press Crushes Pasta-Its A Pasta Press!\r
    Batteries Crushed By Hydraulic Press\r
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    Ver video "Ballistic Gel Crushed By Hydraulic Press And Exploded By Bomb"

  • Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever

    Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever\r
    Check out this great free app and help sponsor my channel: \r
    № 1 - Even Santa Poops \r
    What happens when all those milk and cookies catch up with Santa on his big night? He gets busted like never before… Shouldve used Poo~Pourri, Kringle! Get the perfect gift at \r
    Poo~Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray is a blend of natural essential oils that eliminates bathroom odor before it begins—so you can leave the porcelain sleigh smelling better than you found it!\r
    Poo~Pourri Toilet Deodorizers - \r
    Some say the secret to a happy relationship is separate bathrooms, but those people have never tried Poo~Pourri, the classy, sassy, ultra effective way to leave the bathroom smelling better than you found it. \r
    № 2 - Sweaty Santa Without Pants.\r
    Lets start today is a social campaign against climate change. Every single one of us can make a difference. What can I do? Small steps to make a change - \r
    № 3 - eBay Holiday Pony\r
    eBay Inc. - is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company, providing consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales services via the Internet.Today it is a multibillion-dollar business with operations localized in over 30 countries.\r
    The company manages, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide.\r
    № 4 - Oral B - Merry Beeping Christmas\r
    Merry beeping Xmas from Oral-B was done by Publicis London advertising agency for brand: Oral-b in United Kingdom. \r
    Oral-B is a brand of oral hygiene products, including toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss. Buy Oral-B Products here - \r
    № 5 - ALDI Australia - Nothing Beats the Perfect Aussie Christmas\r
    Aldi (stylized as ALDI) is a leading global discount supermarket chain with over 10,000 stores in 18 countries, and an estimated turnover of more than €50 billion. Based in Germany, the chain was founded by brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946 when they took over their mothers store in Essen which had been in operation since 1913; it is one of the worlds largest privately owned companies. \r
    № 6 - ALDI - Now this is Christmas\r
    Its Christmas, Christmas, Christmas with ALDI\r
    This year ALDI says something most brands arent prepared to admit. Sometimes, Christmas can be a massive pain.\r
    The gifts, the food, the pressure of shopping and the expectations of the season can make Christmas an extremely stressful period. But amongst the stress, panic, and family dramas – there are real moments of warmth and togetherness that make it all worthwhile. \r
    For More : \r
    № 7 - Milka Kouzlo Vánoc každý den 2016\r
    Milka is a traditional brand of chocolate confection which originated in Switzerland in 1825 and has been manufured internationally by the US confectionery company Mondelēz International (formerly known as Kraft Foods) since 1990. For more than 100 years Milka has been primarily produced in Lörrach, Germany, producing about 140,000 tonnes of chocolate in new. It is sold in bars and a number of novelty shapes for Easter and Christmas. Milka also manufures chocolate-covered cookies and biscuits.Buy Milka Chokolate here - \r
    № 8 - ALDI Australia - The Perfect Aussie Christmas \r
    № 9 - Temptations Keep Them Busy\r
    Avoid holiday destruction. Treat them too this season, with Temptations.Temptations cat treats have a crunchy exterior and a soft, meaty center with flavors like Beef, Poultry, Fish and Cheese that cats young and old cant resist. Buy here - \r
    № 10 - B&Q Christmas at the Spruces\r
    The Spruces tell us what really makes Christmas for them… The arrival of their real Christmas human, of course.\r
    Shop Christmas online at \r
    Visit the official B&Q YouTube channel. Here youll find the ideas and know-how you need to make your home improvement dream a reality: \r
    Check out this great Checkout 51 - Grocery Coupons free app Earn cash back when you buy your favorite brands -

    Ver video "Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever"

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