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  • Worlds Best Economy Class Airlines

  • Así nos alojaremos en los hoteles tras el Covid-19: nada de buffet de desayuno, check-in online y aforos muy controlados

    Ver video "Así nos alojaremos en los hoteles tras el Covid-19: nada de buffet de desayuno, check-in online y aforos muy controlados"

  • Chat en Vivo en WordPress: Cómo Agregar Atención al Cliente a tu Página Web -

    ¿Quieren un chat en vivo en su página web? En este tutorial les enseñaré a realizarlo usando, un plugin 100% gratis, el único requisito es que tenga una página web que puede ser WordPress, Joomla, HTML o cualquier CMS y seguir el paso a paso que les enseñaré. Este botón es totalmente personalizable y podrán contestar los mensajes que lleguen a su página incluso desde su celular con la aplicación que tiene este mismo plugin

    Recuerden quedarse hasta el final de vídeo para que no se pierdan ningún detalle y si aún no cuenta con algún hosting para comenzar su página web o migrar la que tienen, personalmente les recomiendo Hostinger, uno de los mejores proveedores de alojamiento web del mundo y que he usado durante bastantes años sin ningún problema.

    Comenten cualquier duda que tengan, yo estaré pendiente para ayudarles

    Ver video "Chat en Vivo en WordPress: Cómo Agregar Atención al Cliente a tu Página Web -"

  • Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD, Tráiler San Valentín

    Tidus y Yuna presentan su historia en un nostálgico tráiler con extractos de las escenas FMV e in-game de Final Fantasy X. Llegará el 28 de marzo a PlayStation 3 y PS Vita, y se podrá comprar una edición especial conmemorativa a través de la tienda online de Square Enix. 

    Ver video "Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD, Tráiler San Valentín"

  • DC Universe Online: Ra's al Ghul Rises Trailer

    Check out update Number 3 for the Superhero MMORPG DC Universe Online and meet one of the greatest villains from the Batman series in this trailer.

    Ver video "DC Universe Online: Ra's al Ghul Rises Trailer"

  • "Young Forever" Jay-Z | Mr. Hudson (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

    Check out the official music video for "Young Forever"! Jay-Z! Mr. Hudson! The Blueprint 3 available in stores and online now!

    Ver video ""Young Forever" Jay-Z | Mr. Hudson (OFFICIAL VIDEO)"

  • Tamera Mowry-Housley Claps Back at Fans Who Come for Her Husband!

    This Tuesday, Tamera is clapping back at haters who doubt her husband's collard greens skills in the kitchen! Check out her response, and be sure to tune in to "The Real" tomorrow to watch as the hosts Hit Reply to their online critics.

    Ver video "Tamera Mowry-Housley Claps Back at Fans Who Come for Her Husband!"

  • Contract for the American Dream

    Check out the "Contract for the American Dream" created from the ideas of over 125, 000 Americans who gathered online and in their communities. And who better to present those ideas than the people whose future depends on them.

    Ver video "Contract for the American Dream"

  • The PiMP Daily Dose - February 3

    Your daily dose of games, girls and gadgets news, brought to you by Star Trek Online. Check out for more! In today's Dose, we look at the launch of Star Trek Online, Naughty Bear, the Days of Thunder game, Russian hackers, Global Agenda and the unveiling of Bioshock 2: Uber Edition.

    Ver video "The PiMP Daily Dose - February 3"

  • Aeroméxico presenta su app AM Móvil

    Grupo Aeroméxico presentó su aplicación Aeroméxico Móvil, que permitirá acceder a los pasajeros comprar boletos de avión, rastrear vuelos, realizar reservas y hacer check--in 24 horas antes del viaje desde sus dispositivos móviles. Además, podrán contactar al área de atención a clientes de la aerolínea para resolver toda clase de dudas.

    La aplicación también permite consultar la franquicia del equipaje, tener los teléfonos de contacto de oficinas de boletos y acceder a las redes sociales. Aeroméxico Móvil está disponible para smartphones y tabletas con sistema Android, iOS y BlackBerry. Por otro lado, la aerolínea remplazará los Manuales de Operación, Cartas y Manuales de Navegación que utilizan sus pilotos por versiones digitales disponibles en tabletas.

    Ver video "Aeroméxico presenta su app AM Móvil"

  • Rocket League Offline Gameplay

    Rocket League available now on ps store free for psplus users just in July new!!!\r
    Ive got some cool online gameplay for you to check out!!!\r
    This game is offline and will appear easy. The computer is easy to exploit just saying.

    Ver video "Rocket League Offline Gameplay"

  • NO DEPOSIT POKER BONUS - $150 FREE NO DEPOSIT BONUS - No Deposit Poker Bonus If your a recreational gambler, our no deposit poker bonus is perfect for you. The no deposit poker bonus allows you to get started playing poker online with a free $150 bucks on us, but there is no deposit required. This no deposit poker bonus offer is like no other offer available, and we have been given permission to offer this no deposit bonus poker of $150 bucks free to all new poker players. You don't have to spend any money to get this $150 bucks free, its yours to spend as you like.

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  • Mass Traffic App | Real Time Stats! Real Time Proff! Artificial Intelligence +FREE

    These aren't Doctored ClickBank Statements, Bogus Checks or Fake PayPal Statements... This is Cold, Hard Proof That You Are Moments Away From Printing Money...

    You'll soon be making over $247 (+/- 10% ...stats generated from real-time conversions) per day in spare cash without lifting a finger with this completely set-and-forget app...

    GET The Only Artificial Intelligence Online App That Delivers Absolutely FREE, UNCONDITIONAL and UNLIMITED Traffic To Any Niche (or nano-niche!), For Any Product, At Any Time!

    Ver video "Mass Traffic App | Real Time Stats! Real Time Proff! Artificial Intelligence +FREE"

  • Make a Giant Gummy Bear

    We all love gummy bears, but what if we had a giant gummy bear instead of all those tiny ones? Follow along in thisand learn how you can make your own!\r
    The mould used in the video can be picked up from Amazon or Ebay. Search for Haribo 450g and you should be able to find it easily.\r
    Follow and like Switch & Lever on:\r
    Facebook: \r
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    And check out the Switch & Lever online store at:\r
    Bathroom Wallpaper by Sam Howzit\r
    Hammering a nail into a plank in slow motion. Free HD video footage\r
    Bensound - Jazz Comedy\r

    Ver video "Make a Giant Gummy Bear"

  • Dating Websites wrecked by FriendFin

    FriendFin is obviously the most trustworthy out of all 100% free dating websites. Moreover it is without a doubt the best from each one of the 100% free dating websites accessible on the web.
    Visit the Search section at friendfin and type in what you are looking for. Click enter and see the results that show up. The free online dating website has groups for like-minded individuals to communicate and interact with each other. If there are simply no groups for some-thing you find interesting then you can certainly create one. This helps FriendFin be a leader in the Internet's best 100% free dating websites.
    The classified section at friendfin, helping make FriendFin be noticed among the 100% free dating websites, is combined into dating, chat, as well as friendship and marriage segments. You can log in at friendfin and post a note about your self or perhaps what you are seeking for and check who responds.

    Ver video "Dating Websites wrecked by FriendFin"

  • How Can I Buy Phentermine Without A Prescription Online? -Does any know, I need phentermine without a prescription. If I could only Buy Phentermine without a Prescription maybe I could finally lose all the weight I have put on the last few years. I finally found phentermine online and its not where you would think to find it.

    Phentermine Without No Prescription is available to buy online. Phentermine online is a pharmaceutical quality weight control formula designed to produce effects similar to schedule 2 stimulant drugs. Getting phentermine without a prescription has proven to help thousands of honest hard working people move from being obese to having a proper BMI and living a healthier lifestyle.

    Phentermine Questions- Where can I buy phentermine without prescription? Is it even possible? I really want to lose weight but I dont want to risk my health or losing my money to some shady website. Remember phentermine without a prescription is safe as long a you buy it from a safe place like npdrugs. Or check out Phentermine Surveys, they state the average person who buys phentermine online without a prescription loses 80lbs in the first 6 months. A lot of weight loss from a small diet pill that you can buy online, with no prescription. Phentermine was shipped from the USA FDA with no prescription and it was super cheap!

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    Phentermine is FDA approved for appetite suppressant, and a prescription medication that anyone can buy without a prescription. Phentermine and Adipex, ensure research is done on both before making a buying decision.

    Ver video "How Can I Buy Phentermine Without A Prescription Online?"


    Gaz Reynolds Radio interview with Gary Walker on Harrow Community Radio (HCR FM) promoting World Domination Records.

    Gaz Reynolds recent interview on HCR FM (Harrow Community Radio) on the Gary Walker Breakfast Show attracted a whopping 3.5 million listeners from around the world.

    The show which is broadcast on FM and streamed online is a popular Breakfast Show which is broadcast from Harrow in London.

    'Plastic Girl Regeneration' is Gaz's latest single available at iTunes and all major retailers which has been attracting worldwide recognition on radio, television and online featuring remixes by DJ Somiak and guest vocals by the late Disco Legend Viola Wills.

    The single has generated so much interest Gaz has been interviewed on Music Box TV, BPM TV, Euro Dance 100 and has appeared on Nick Ferrari's Breakfast Show on LBC Radio.

    Gaz was even asked to enter the Celebrity Big Brother House in the UK but had to decline due to other commitments.

    Gaz Reynolds said on the HCR FM interview; 'I've been overwhelmed by the response that I've received as I've been away from the music scene for 3 years'.

    Since the interview aired on Harrow Community Radio (HCR FM) it's been blogged online attracting hundreds of thousands of additional listeners from around the world and has even won an online award!.

    The single which entered the international dance charts at no.5 has seen Gaz reunited with his fans after a 3 year break from the music industry and has opened up the doors to a new generation of followers.

    In the one hour interview Gaz shared tracks from the new single and talked about future projects and gave an insight into future World Domination Records releases.

    World Domination Records is a name synonymous with ground breaking electronic and alternative music and has world wide distribution including spotify, amazon and iTunes.

    A follow up interview on HCR FM is scheduled for October 2013.

    To check out Gaz Reynolds and the latest releases from World Domination Records and download online from iTunes go to



    Gaz Reynolds recent interview on HCR FM (Harrow Community Radio) on the Gary Walker Breakfast Show attracted a whopping 3.5 million listeners from around the world.

    The show which is broadcast on FM and streamed online is a popular Breakfast Show which is broadcast from Harrow in London.

    'Plastic Girl Regeneration' is Gaz's latest single available at iTunes and all major retailers which has been attracting worldwide recognition on radio, television and online featuring remixes by DJ Somiak and guest vocals by the late Disco Legend Viola Wills.

    The single has generated so much interest Gaz has done interviews for Music Box TV, BPM TV, Euro Dance 100 and has appeared on Nick Ferrari's Breakfast Show on LBC Radio.

    Gaz was even asked to enter the Celebrity Big Brother House in the UK but had to decline due to other commitments.

    The single which entered the international dance charts at no.5 has seen Gaz reunited with his fans after a 3 year break from the music industry and has opened up the doors to a new generation of fans.

    In the one hour interview Gaz shared tracks from the new single and talked about future projects and gave an insight into future World Domination Records releases.

    World Domination Records is a name synonymous with ground breaking electronic and alternative music and has world wide distribution including spotify, amazon and iTunes.

    A follow up interview on HCR FM is scheduled for later this year.

    To check out Gaz Reynolds and the latest releases from World Domination Records and download online from iTunes go to



    There aren't many stars like Bleedin Brain Music Inc who blends a combination of trance, rock, house, garage and swamp into his own unique style fronted by a host of band members all played by the man himself (aka Greg Dodds).

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc who is signed to the London based Record Label World Domination Records owned by Dance icon Gaz Reynolds is set to release two new albums in the same week; Mr Sniggles Goes A Killin and Autopsy Of A Lunatic to celebrate the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Melbourne based Bleedin Brain Music Inc has appeared on Noise TV, Music Box TV, been featured in numerous magazines and has been interviewed on a number of USA radio stations and has built a substantial online fan base around the world.

    To many Bleedin Brain Music Inc represents something very different… To be honest that's exactly what it's all about something completely different with some cleverly written songs which often have a tongue in cheek, childish mischief about them which is clearly influenced by horror movies and anything creepy!...

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc describes himself as having a split personality which is displayed in the character roles that he represents in his self-made band.

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc's new releases are available on itunes and all major outlets and scheduled to coincide with the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Musical Artist influences include The Beatles, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, and even Pink!

    To check out the latest releases from World Dominations and download online from iTunes go to



    There aren't many stars like Bleedin Brain Music Inc who blends a combination of trance, rock, house, garage and swamp into his own unique style fronted by a host of band members all played by the man himself (aka Greg Dodds).

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc who is signed to the London based Record Label World Domination Records owned by Dance icon Gaz Reynolds is set to release two new albums in the same week; Mr Sniggles Goes A Killin and Autopsy Of A Lunatic to celebrate the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Melbourne based Bleedin Brain Music Inc has appeared on Noise TV, Music Box TV, been featured in numerous magazines and has been interviewed on a number of USA radio stations and has built a substantial online fan base around the world.

    To many Bleedin Brain Music Inc represents something very different… To be honest that's exactly what it's all about something completely different with some cleverly written songs which often have a tongue in cheek, childish mischief about them which is clearly influenced by horror movies and anything creepy!...

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc describes himself as having a split personality which is displayed in the character roles that he represents in his self-made band.

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc's new releases are available on itunes and all major outlets and scheduled to coincide with the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Musical Artist influences include The Beatles, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, and even Pink!

    To check out the latest releases from World Dominations and download online from iTunes go to


  • #VIRAL: Shein: Encuentra mensaje de auxilio en etiqueta de ropa que pidió en línea

    On TikTok, user Laritza Arcos (@laritzaarcos), shared a distress message she found on the label of the clothes she ordered online.

    According to the young woman, the message was only on one of the labels of several clothes she bought through SHEIN.

    According to the user, this would not be the first case of a distress message found among the company's garments.
    However, it is not the first time that Shein is involved in a scandal for exploitation and labor abuse, employees had already denounced it on the labels.
    On her TikTok account, user Laritza Arcos shared a video showing the distress message she found on the label of her clothes.

    According to the tiktoker, in February of this 2022 she ordered in SHEIN several swimsuits for her and her boyfriend.

    And while checking the tags, she found one that read "need your help" in Spanish.

    In her video, the tiktoker showed several similar messages found by other users and then showed the label of her clothes, quite worried.

    Ver video "#VIRAL: Shein: Encuentra mensaje de auxilio en etiqueta de ropa que pidió en línea"

  • Plus Size| Forever21 Swimsuit Haul + TRY ON

    1. We are almost to summer! Yay!!\r
    2. Generally I am a XL-1X & Im 57.\r
    3. I picked these up IN STORE, some stores may not have everything so check online.\r
    4. Where to find all the swimsuits? CLICK HERE: \r
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    ‣‣ Lets Be Friends! •\r
    ⇢BLOG: \r
    ⇢INSTAGRAM: \r
    ⇢SNAPCHAT: askcheryl\r
    ⇢PERISCOPE: just1christine\r
    ⇢TWITTER: \r
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    ⇢FACEBOOK: \r
    • DISCLAIMER •\r
    NOT Sponsored, paid for with my OWN money.

    Ver video "Plus Size| Forever21 Swimsuit Haul + TRY ON"


    There aren't many stars like Bleedin Brain Music Inc who blends a combination of trance, rock, house, garage and swamp into his own unique style fronted by a host of band members all played by the man himself (aka Greg Dodds).

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc who is signed to the London based Record Label World Domination Records owned by Dance icon Gaz Reynolds is set to release two new albums in the same week; Mr Sniggles Goes A Killin and Autopsy Of A Lunatic to celebrate the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Melbourne based Bleedin Brain Music Inc has appeared on Noise TV, Music Box TV, been featured in numerous magazines and has been interviewed on a number of USA radio stations and has built a substantial online fan base around the world.

    To many Bleedin Brain Music Inc represents something very different… To be honest that's exactly what it's all about something completely different with some cleverly written songs which often have a tongue in cheek, childish mischief about them which is clearly influenced by horror movies and anything creepy!...

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc describes himself as having a split personality which is displayed in the character roles that he represents in his self-made band.

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc's new releases are available on itunes and all major outlets and scheduled to coincide with the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Musical Artist influences include The Beatles, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, and even Pink!

    To check out the latest releases from World Dominations and download online from iTunes go to



    There aren't many stars like Bleedin Brain Music Inc who blends a combination of trance, rock, house, garage and swamp into his own unique style fronted by a host of band members all played by the man himself (aka Greg Dodds).

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc who is signed to the London based Record Label World Domination Records owned by Dance icon Gaz Reynolds is set to release two new albums in the same week; Mr Sniggles Goes A Killin and Autopsy Of A Lunatic to celebrate the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Melbourne based Bleedin Brain Music Inc has appeared on Noise TV, Music Box TV, been featured in numerous magazines and has been interviewed on a number of USA radio stations and has built a substantial online fan base around the world.

    To many Bleedin Brain Music Inc represents something very different… To be honest that's exactly what it's all about something completely different with some cleverly written songs which often have a tongue in cheek, childish mischief about them which is clearly influenced by horror movies and anything creepy!...

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc describes himself as having a split personality which is displayed in the character roles that he represents in his self-made band.

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc's new releases are available on itunes and all major outlets and scheduled to coincide with the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Musical Artist influences include The Beatles, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, and even Pink!

    To check out the latest releases from World Dominations and download online from iTunes go to


  • "Ghost Of Old Highways" a short film by Lovett

    GHOST OF OLD HIGHWAYS is a short film based on the song of the same name from the album "Highway Collection" by LOVETT.
    The film was directed by Dan Bush and features an original score from Lovett based on the song.
    "Ghost Of Old Highways" has screened in 20 cities, 4 countries, and won 9 international film festival awards including Best Score, Best Cinematography, and Best Experimental Film. It was released online June 12th, 2012. Watch the exclusive behind the scenes documentary and view Portraits and Production Photos from the set all at
    Check out other videos and films from Lovett at
    The original music from the film is now available on iTunes, Amazon, and most digital music outlets.
    Holler at us here:

    Ver video ""Ghost Of Old Highways" a short film by Lovett"

  • Commission Breakthrough | How to Earn Money

    Commission Breakthrough is a brand new, free software program that offers automated income generation.
    Unlike almost all "push-button" software sold on the internet, Commission Breakthrough is useful, innovative, and will earn you money if you use it.
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    Ver video "Commission Breakthrough | How to Earn Money"

  • 5 Spice Roasted Soy Chicken Recipe | Easy Soy Sauce Brine

    The Perfect Roasted Chicken. My 5-Spice Roasted Soy Chicken is amazingly moist and flavorful. Brined in a sweet soy sauce mixture, Im taking a page from Thanksgiving and using this brine just as one would for a Turkey, ensuring tender and juicy meat. Subscribe for more videos: \r
    ♥ Printable Recipe on my blog here: \r
    Sponsored: This video recipe was sponsored by Pearl River Bridge. I really enjoyed using their line of Asian sauces to develop this amazing recipe! Do check them out at your local Asian Grocery store or online on Facebook and Twitter.\r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: \r
    Pearl River Bridge (PRB) Sauces used in this recipe:\r
    PRB Superior Light Soy Sauce\r
    PRB Mushroom Flavored Superior Dark Soy Sauce\r
    Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more Asian & Taiwanese recipes.\r
    Follow my cooking adventures on:\r
    Instagram \r
    Facebook \r
    Twitter \r
    Pinterest \r
    Full printable recipes & tips are on my website at:

    Ver video "5 Spice Roasted Soy Chicken Recipe | Easy Soy Sauce Brine"


    For more info on products visit:
    ? Hey everyone! Its time for a new hairstyle tutorial. Many of you have been requesting for me to do Niall Horan from One Directions new 2013 hairstyle. Since my hair is a bit grown out I thought itd be a perfect opportunity to re-create this look for you all. I hope you enjoy this hairstyle tutorial. Let me know if youd like to see an in-depth video or blogpost review on the Hanz De Fuko Quicksand product. For more info on the products I used check out my blog!




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    Music by : WEGA



    ►SUBSCRIBE: \r
    In this Minecraft video we will be travelling to Skull Island and seeing if we can go and find and also fight King Kong on this crazy island. This is definitely a really scary adventure with different types of Minecraft mods totally worth checking out.\r
    Download the KING KONG MOD in Minecraft: \r
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    What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely inter, create, have fun, and learn. Its unique in that prically everything on Minecraft is designed and constructed by members of the community. Minecraft is designed for 8 to 18 year old, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore Minecraft — intering with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet ­to ­be ­dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, Minecraft members can earn speciality badges as well as Minecraft dollars (“Minecraft”). In turn, they can shop the online catalogue to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interive components, and working mechanisms.



    There aren't many stars like Bleedin Brain Music Inc who blends a combination of trance, rock, house, garage and swamp into his own unique style fronted by a host of band members all played by the man himself (aka Greg Dodds).

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc who is signed to the London based Record Label World Domination Records owned by Dance icon Gaz Reynolds is set to release two new albums in the same week; Mr Sniggles Goes A Killin and Autopsy Of A Lunatic to celebrate the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Melbourne based Bleedin Brain Music Inc has appeared on Noise TV, Music Box TV, been featured in numerous magazines and has been interviewed on a number of USA radio stations and has built a substantial online fan base around the world.

    To many Bleedin Brain Music Inc represents something very different… To be honest that's exactly what it's all about something completely different with some cleverly written songs which often have a tongue in cheek, childish mischief about them which is clearly influenced by horror movies and anything creepy!...

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc describes himself as having a split personality which is displayed in the character roles that he represents in his self-made band.

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc's new releases are available on itunes and all major outlets and scheduled to coincide with the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Musical Artist influences include The Beatles, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, and even Pink!

    To check out the latest releases from World Dominations and download online from iTunes go to



    There aren't many stars like Bleedin Brain Music Inc who blends a combination of trance, rock, house, garage and swamp into his own unique style fronted by a host of band members all played by the man himself (aka Greg Dodds).

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc who is signed to the London based Record Label World Domination Records owned by Dance icon Gaz Reynolds is set to release two new albums in the same week; Mr Sniggles Goes A Killin and Autopsy Of A Lunatic to celebrate the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Melbourne based Bleedin Brain Music Inc has appeared on Noise TV, Music Box TV, been featured in numerous magazines and has been interviewed on a number of USA radio stations and has built a substantial online fan base around the world.

    To many Bleedin Brain Music Inc represents something very different… To be honest that's exactly what it's all about something completely different with some cleverly written songs which often have a tongue in cheek, childish mischief about them which is clearly influenced by horror movies and anything creepy!...

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc describes himself as having a split personality which is displayed in the character roles that he represents in his self-made band.

    Bleedin Brain Music Inc's new releases are available on itunes and all major outlets and scheduled to coincide with the re-launch of World Domination Records.

    Musical Artist influences include The Beatles, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, and even Pink!

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  • 5 Witches Caught on Tape

    From a witch spotted in India to Witches caught on camera all over the world,this video takes a look at the top 5 witches that have been caught on tape. Societys view on witchcraft has changed drastically throughout the years. In the past, people who priced witchcraft were persecuted, while in modern times, witches have made appearances in s and other fictional media.\r
    Check out our Patreon ► for exclusive videos, giveaways, and more!\r
    Subscribe to ApexTV for more paranormal videos like this! We at ApexTV try our hardest to bring the latest incredible paranormal clips from around the world to audiences worldwide. (Subscribe link below!)\r
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    Check out our MYSTERY playlist - for more videos investigating the mysteries of the ocean, world, and universe.\r
    ★More Videos★\r
    50 Mysterious Creatures Caught on Tape\r
    5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape \r
    5 Megalodons Caught on Tape \r
    5 Most Mysterious Angels Caught on Tape \r
    20 Teleportations & Time Travelers Caught on Tape\r
    10 Mythical Creatures Caught on Tape \r
    5 Unknown Creatures Caught on Tape\r
    ⮟ Last Video ⮟\r
    Mermaid Caught on Tape in Lake \r
    Number five. This video was taken in Monterrey, Mexico in 2006, and it shows a supposed witch caught on tape flying on what appears to be a broom. From police to the general public, many people reported instances in which they saw a mysterious object flying through the sky. Whether or not this shows a real life witch is up for you to decide. Many people online are convinced that the footage shows a real witch, while others think it shows nothing but the product of video editing, but they fail to explain the numerous witnesses of the alleged witch. Number four. This footage was taken in Massachusetts in new. The man who took the video was, at the time, walking in the woods. Eventually, the man got lost and he came across some creepy structures made from sticks. The structures turned out to be a small hut made out of small branches. Suddenly, a supposed witch is spotted running through the woods. According to the man who took the footage, she was carrying a stick and was covered in dirt and leaves. Number three. This video was taken in an unknown location and it supposedly shows the workings of a real witch caught on tape. In the footage, a large fireball is visible in the sky. It is said in mythology that witches have the ability to move from one location to another in what appears to be a fireball. Do videos like these prove that witches really exist? Thanks so much for watching our video of the top 5 witches caught on tape. Be sure to subscribe to ApexTV for more videos like this and leave your thoughts in the comments below.\r
    Witch caught on tape near Amherst, MA\r
    Real Witches Caught On Tape\r

    Ver video "5 Witches Caught on Tape"

  • Lethal Death Race android game first look gameplay español

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    Ver video "Lethal Death Race android game first look gameplay español"

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    Ver video "¿Para qué Sirve el Piracetam_"

  • 5 Loch Ness Monster Sightings Caught on Tape

    From the Loch Ness Monster to lake monsters all over the world, this video takes a look at the top 5 Loch Ness Monster sightings that have been caught on tape. Not all the footage in this video was taken at Loch Ness in Scotland, nonetheless they claim to be evidence of similar aquatic monsters from all over the globe. Do lake monsters and sea monsters exist?\r
    Check out our Patreon ► for exclusive videos, giveaways, and more!\r
    Subscribe to ApexTV for more paranormal videos like this! We at ApexTV try our hardest to bring the latest incredible paranormal clips from around the world to audiences worldwide. (Subscribe link below!)\r
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    Check out our MYSTERY playlist - for more videos investigating the mysteries of the ocean, world, and universe.\r
    ★More Videos★\r
    50 Mysterious Creatures Caught on Tape\r
    5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape \r
    5 Megalodons Caught on Tape \r
    5 Most Mysterious Angels Caught on Tape \r
    20 Teleportations & Time Travelers Caught on Tape\r
    10 Mythical Creatures Caught on Tape \r
    5 Unknown Creatures Caught on Tape\r
    ⮟ Last Video ⮟\r
    5 Witches Caught on Tape \r
    The loch ness monster is a supposed aquatic creature that inhabits Loch Ness in Scotland. The first alleged photographic evidence was taken in 1934, but it was later proven to be a hoax. From a biological basis, it is said that the Loch Ness Monster could ually be a plesiosaur, and the according sightings are proof that plesiosaurs never went extinct. Today on ApexTV, we take a look at the top 5 Loch Ness Monster sightings that have been caught on tape. Not all the footage in this video was taken at Loch Ness in Scotland, nonetheless they claim to be evidence of similar aquatic monsters from all over the world. Be sure to hit the like button, and subscribe to ApexTV for more videos like this. After you subscribed and hit the bell icon, leave a comment below saying “I subscribed!” We will personally respond to your comment. Now, lets get into the video. Number five. This footage was taken in Missouri, and depicts a strange monster swimming in a river. The amazing thing about this video is the speed in which the creature swims. In f, it keeps up with the boat that is following it. Many theories have emerged online, attempting to provide insight into what the mysterious creature is. Some say the creature is a snake, while others say it is a creature similar to that supposedly found within Loch Ness. Plesiosaur or giant snake? What do you think? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below. Number four. This next clip was filmed in London and it shows a strange, giant aquatic creature surfacing in the River Thames. Is this mysterious object a real life plesiosaur or submarine? Take a look. Number three. Number two. This picture was taken at Loch Ness in Scotland by a live webcam. Take a look. Number one. These pictures claim to show a mysterious creature that looks remarkably like a plesiosaur, in a lake in the northern United States. Are pictures like this proof of creatures like the Loch Ness Monster existing within the U.S.? Thanks so much for watching our video of the top 5 Loch Ness Monster sightings caught on tape. Be sure to subscribe to ApexTV for more videos like this and leave your thoughts in the comments below.\r
    Loch Ness Monster Caught on Camera\r
    Top 10 Mysterious Creatures Caught on Tape\r
    Sea Monster or Big Fish ?? Caught on tape in Missouri\r
    The Iceland Worm Monster (Lagarfljóts Worm) Caught on Camera\r
    5 Unknown Creatures Caught on Tape\r
    Mysterious GIANT Creature Caught on Tape in River\r

    Ver video "5 Loch Ness Monster Sightings Caught on Tape"

  • Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever

    Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever\r
    Check out this great free app and help sponsor my channel: \r
    № 1 - Even Santa Poops \r
    What happens when all those milk and cookies catch up with Santa on his big night? He gets busted like never before… Shouldve used Poo~Pourri, Kringle! Get the perfect gift at \r
    Poo~Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray is a blend of natural essential oils that eliminates bathroom odor before it begins—so you can leave the porcelain sleigh smelling better than you found it!\r
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    Some say the secret to a happy relationship is separate bathrooms, but those people have never tried Poo~Pourri, the classy, sassy, ultra effective way to leave the bathroom smelling better than you found it. \r
    № 2 - Sweaty Santa Without Pants.\r
    Lets start today is a social campaign against climate change. Every single one of us can make a difference. What can I do? Small steps to make a change - \r
    № 3 - eBay Holiday Pony\r
    eBay Inc. - is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company, providing consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales services via the Internet.Today it is a multibillion-dollar business with operations localized in over 30 countries.\r
    The company manages, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide.\r
    № 4 - Oral B - Merry Beeping Christmas\r
    Merry beeping Xmas from Oral-B was done by Publicis London advertising agency for brand: Oral-b in United Kingdom. \r
    Oral-B is a brand of oral hygiene products, including toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss. Buy Oral-B Products here - \r
    № 5 - ALDI Australia - Nothing Beats the Perfect Aussie Christmas\r
    Aldi (stylized as ALDI) is a leading global discount supermarket chain with over 10,000 stores in 18 countries, and an estimated turnover of more than €50 billion. Based in Germany, the chain was founded by brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946 when they took over their mothers store in Essen which had been in operation since 1913; it is one of the worlds largest privately owned companies. \r
    № 6 - ALDI - Now this is Christmas\r
    Its Christmas, Christmas, Christmas with ALDI\r
    This year ALDI says something most brands arent prepared to admit. Sometimes, Christmas can be a massive pain.\r
    The gifts, the food, the pressure of shopping and the expectations of the season can make Christmas an extremely stressful period. But amongst the stress, panic, and family dramas – there are real moments of warmth and togetherness that make it all worthwhile. \r
    For More : \r
    № 7 - Milka Kouzlo Vánoc každý den 2016\r
    Milka is a traditional brand of chocolate confection which originated in Switzerland in 1825 and has been manufured internationally by the US confectionery company Mondelēz International (formerly known as Kraft Foods) since 1990. For more than 100 years Milka has been primarily produced in Lörrach, Germany, producing about 140,000 tonnes of chocolate in new. It is sold in bars and a number of novelty shapes for Easter and Christmas. Milka also manufures chocolate-covered cookies and biscuits.Buy Milka Chokolate here - \r
    № 8 - ALDI Australia - The Perfect Aussie Christmas \r
    № 9 - Temptations Keep Them Busy\r
    Avoid holiday destruction. Treat them too this season, with Temptations.Temptations cat treats have a crunchy exterior and a soft, meaty center with flavors like Beef, Poultry, Fish and Cheese that cats young and old cant resist. Buy here - \r
    № 10 - B&Q Christmas at the Spruces\r
    The Spruces tell us what really makes Christmas for them… The arrival of their real Christmas human, of course.\r
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    Ver video "Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever"

  • El mejor Tarot del Mundo y las Mejores Tarotistas

    El mejor Tarot del Mundo y las Mejores Tarotistas

    El mejor Tarot del Mundo We all want to know our future. We want to be prepared and ready for what's coming for us in the future. There are a lot of ways to know what lies ahead and the most popular is through tаrоt card reading. A lot of you maybe have tried this earlier but today with advancement in technology we can have our future predicted via the internet. There is a lot of free tаrоt reading all over the internet; if you wish to experience this you just have to connect to the internet and search for the different websites. Most tаrоt reading online is free so you wouldn't need to spend a dime. There are different kinds of this on the net. For example, the Celtic Cross El mejor Tarot del Mundo which are the most common and the oldest pattern; the Tаrоt Past, Present and Future and the Crossroads Tаrоt spread. There are lots to choose from when it comes to this reading but before getting a tаrоt card reading, be sure that you are decided on what kind of reading you want.

    Getting this is easy because there are a lot of psychics or charlatans out there who specialize in tаrоt card reading. You just have to find the right one who will satisfy your needs. You can ask around or read reviews on the internet regarding a reputable free tаrоt reading website. Ask a neighbour or a close friend you know who has tried it before. No referrals? Well, it's time for you to find out for yourself. There are also some websites which have a list of different psychics who do free El mejor Tarot del Mundo reading. You can check out these websites too. These sites also indicate whether the psychics are available online and whether they would do a free reading for you.

    El mejor Tarot del Mundo

    Ver video "El mejor Tarot del Mundo y las Mejores Tarotistas"

  • Roblox Clone Fory Tycoon My Clone Army Wars

    Roblox Tycoon games are Roblox games where you have to build things, earn money and DOMINATE! In this Roblox Clone Tycoon adventure, I build a massive CLONE ARMY and try to dominate this map by battling other Roblox players clones with my epic Clone Army of regular clones and baby clones! I buy new swords, build miner clones to mine precious metals and stones from the nearby area, explore a Bavarian Oktoberfest tavern, and of course, fight epic battles! WATCH OUT CLONES!! \r
    Today, we are back playing ROBLOX!! This time were playing a game called Clone Fory Tycoon where we must create clones and fight them in the arena to get MONEY!!\r
    See more Kawaii Kunicorn videos by clicking the links below\r
    Lets Play More Roblox \r
    Check out Roblox: \r
    What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely inter, create, have fun, and learn. Its unique in that prically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — intering with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interive components, and working mechanisms.\r
    Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE to KAWAII KUNICORN for more videos! EVERY

    Ver video "Roblox Clone Fory Tycoon My Clone Army Wars"

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  • Monster High Toys - Attack of the Titans With Frightfully Tall Dolls Elissabat & Draculaura

    Heres another Monster Highby Stories With Toys & Dolls. Check out this minifeaturing Frightfully Tall Ghouls Draculaura and Elissabat. Kind of like a parody of the popular anime, Attack on Titan.\r
    ❤️❤️ TO SEE ALL MY TOYS & DOLLS VIDEOS ❤️❤️❤️ \r
    This dollis a parody of Attack on Titan. The students at Monster High are having a picnic. But Whisp is bored and decides to mess around with some bugs. She casts a spell on them that makes them huge. Later on the bugs sting Draculaura and Elissabat. \r
    Draculauras Evil Twin\r
    Monster High - Cleos Secret\r
    Monster High Clawdeen and the Spell of the Full Moon\r
    Attack of the Titans on Monster High - Elissabat and Draculaura Eat Deuce\r
    Draculauras Evil Twin\r
    Monster High Cleo Has a Secret\r
    Monster High Clawdeen and the Spell of the Full Moon\r
    Attack of the Titans on Monster High - Elissabat and Draculaura Eat Deuce\r
    GHOST SHIP!! DRACULAURA IS SCARED - featuring Monster High Vandala Doubloons\r
    DRACULAURA AND JACKSON FALL IN LOVE - Monster High The Enchanted Tower\r
    ELISSABATS NEW PRODUCER IS SO MEAN!!!!! - Monster High Shooting Star \r
    Monster High Frankie Has an Online Crush with a Normie \r
    Spectra and the Midnight Poltergeist - MH Toys and Dolls Play\r
    Lagoona and the Magical Waterfall - Playing with Monster High toys and dolls.\r
    Monster High Doll Video Mystery in the Creepateria With Student Disembody Council Doll Set\r
    MONSTER HIGH Valentine & Whisp Villains Comic Con Dolls - WICKED WISH\r
    Monster High Toralei Makes Mischief in Lagoonas Bath and Abbeys Bedroom\r
    If you like my Monster High doll s, check out my Ever After High doll and toy videos\r
    Raven Queens Mom Appears in the Mirror - Ever After High Dolls and Toys\r
    Ever After High Big Surprise Box With Dolls! - Do We Have More Rebels or Royals?\r
    Ever After High Big Surprise Box With Dolls and Toys\r
    Ever After High Epic Winter Collection - Crystal Winter Sparklizer\r
    About my MH videos\r
    My daughter has a large collection of Monster High dolls and toys, so when I decided to start this channel I thought of using them for some of the videos. Some of the s are more like a shorttype of thing. So, if you like Monster High s, and you enjoy watching the web , you might like my videos. Also, if you collect Monster High dolls and toys, you will surely recognize many of the charers in my videos.\r
    Some of the Monster High dolls and toys that I use in these videos are from Schools Out, Creepateria, Ghouls Night Out, Frights, Camera, Action.\r

    Ver video "Monster High Toys - Attack of the Titans With Frightfully Tall Dolls Elissabat & Draculaura"

  • Stop paranoia OCD negative thoughts Stop paranoia, negative thoughts and OCD with NLP and hypnotherapy.
    If you suffer from OCD and negative thoughts then NLP and hypnotherapy can help you to learn to think more positively.
    Obsessive compulsive disorder otherwise known as OCD can take over lives. OCD can be overcome, its not easy but with focus OCD type thinking can be changed to more positive thinking .
    If you click the link above you can download a free hypnosis recording called stop worrying and create a wonderful life. It probably wont get rid of your obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) completely but it will help .
    There are more specific hypnosis recordings including stop OCD and stop panic attacks as well as overcoming anxiety, all of which you can download and work through in the comfort of your own home.
    The stop OCD costs only £19, so is much cheaper than a one to one. It will give you tools to handle ocd style thoughts and also reassurance that you are not 'mad'. You have a brain and a very active one at that, but the trouble is you've got locked on thinking about the wrong things.
    If you get my free recording stop worrying and create a wonderful life, you will also receive some online support and other free downloads so you have nothing to lose but your OCD .
    Please subscribe to my you tube channel and check out other videos related to OCD and negative thinking
    Click here to return to the top

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  • Lets Make a Sandwich | Sing and Play Craft | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse

    A fun and simple sandwich craft for kids. Sing along as you make a sandwich! Download this craft and more on our website here: \r
    Check out all of our fun Sing and Play Crafts on the Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse Channel: \r
    More fun food songs for kids by Maple Leaf Learning: \r
    Download Our Childrens Music On: \r
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    Download food flashcards, worksheets, coloring ivities and more in our Resource Library: \r
    Teacher Videos on the Maple Leaf Learning Club\r
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    Lets Make a Sandwich Song Lyrics: \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich, you and me. \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich, Im hungry. \r
    Bread, bread. \r
    I want bread. \r
    Butter, butter. \r
    I want butter. \r
    Ham, ham. \r
    I want ham. \r
    Lettuce, lettuce. \r
    I want lettuce. \r
    And dont forget the tomato, please. \r
    But the most important thing is cheese!\r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich, you and me. \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich. \r
    Lets make a sandwich, Im hungry. \r
    Copyright Maple Leaf Learning\r
    Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse is an educational channel for kids to learn with simple crafts, coloring sheets, songs, toys and games for children! Great for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten children.\r
    All of our songs, games and ivities are developed and tested in-house by experienced teachers at our well-established language school in Japan. Kids learn best when they dont realize that theyre learning. Our materials are often inspired by natural play and interion in the classroom. \r
    Our unique style of blending physical elements (realia) into songs will get even the most shy, unwilling children hooked, participating and singing along. With a big scoop of fun and a sprinkle of silly, we make learning incredibly fun. So, youre sure to have instant hits that children will ask for again and again.

    Ver video "Lets Make a Sandwich | Sing and Play Craft | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse"

  • PSA Graded Pokemon Cards Returns - #1 (20 Gyarados Secret Rares!)

    In this PSA returnsIm going over my PSA graded pokemon cards returns! We are hunting the hard to get the best PSA Gem Mint 10! \r
    Graded Pokemon TCG Cards Returns Playlist: \r
    Other Pokemon Playlists:\r
    1,000 Booster Pack Videos: \r
    Booster Box Openings: \r
    Whats This?: \r
    Every Elite Trainer Box: \r
    Product Opening: \r
    Pokemon News/Information: \r
    Giveaways: \r
    Ask a Professor: \r
    Deck Profiles: \r
    Follow us!\r
    Twitter: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Instagram: \r
    Welcome to our Deriums Pokemon TCG channel!\r
    Here you will find us opening all sorts of Pokemon TCG product. You can find things like:\r
    1,000 Pokemon TCG Pack Openings: We open 1,000 booster packs in one video! We will have a few of us rip through the booster packs at the same time. Each video will be between 1 and hours long. \r
    Pokemon Booster Box Openings: We open all 36 booster packs in one video. We will not chop them up into parts. Each video will take around 20 minutes. We normally skip a lot of the common Pokemon cards to save time, since repeats happen after just a few booster packs.\r
    Product Openings: We normally dont just open one, we open a lot. For example we opened 25 Keldeo Mythical Collections in one video! We love unboxing Pokemon cards, so we go all out with it. \r
    Pokemon News/Information: We like to bring you news about whats going on in the world of Pokemon. Including news on things like how to tell a Shadowless Pokemon card from a non-Shadowless. Or how to double sleeve your Pokemon cards for better protection.\r
    Giveaways: We open so much Pokemon TCG product, why not give some back? This includes things like tons of Pokemon Trading Card Game Online codes, all the way up to fory sealed Pokemon booster boxes!\r
    Ask a Professor: Mikey who is on this channel is a judge who has even judged Pokemon Worlds! He knows his stuff. Hes happy to take questions and answer them for you!\r
    Wacky Wednesday: Every Wednesday we will open the most random Pokemon product we can find! Just to check it out and see what it is. \r
    Deck Profiles: We will keep you up to date with current Pokemon Deck Profiles. It can be anything from a tier 1 deck, to a low-cost budget for fun deck.\r
    Thank you for stopping by our Pokemon TCG channel!

    Ver video "PSA Graded Pokemon Cards Returns - #1 (20 Gyarados Secret Rares!)"


    If you want to see more Yu-Gi-Oh videos Hit subscribe for more YGO content, and YuGiOh News!\r
    Business inquiries\r\r
    Meet some YGO/Otaku Friends On Our discord server\r
    Lets be friends on social networks!\r
    Feel like supporting/hiring me?\r
    Q: How Do you Send In Replays\r
    (send it as a yrp file)\r
    Fan/Subscriber mail/Business P.O Box\r
    P.O Box 1977 \r
    Nipomo CA 93444\r
    Q: I have money i want to throw in the trash, aka give it you to buy more fleshlights\r
    A: More than happy that you want to support me, here is my link to twitchalerts, feel free to leave a msg on it as well \r
    Q: Can i duel you?\r
    A: Yea come play with me on the livestream! (hit follow to know when I go live)\r
    Q: Where do you buy your cards\r
    A: I almost never buy cards, I do however work with a great company that does! Feel free to check them out at\r
    Use code azneyes for 5% off single cards! \r
    If youd like to support me by buying a y shirt\r
    Q: Where do i download/play Yugioh online? Is it Free?\r
    A: I play on using 2 applications DevPro, and Dueling Network\r
    [Link to both tutorials on those] (both are free, you dont pay for cards)\r
    Thanks for watching! and have a good one! :) (by the way, if your not already, subscribed you should :) cause i need lots $ to convince sasha grey to wear a duel disk, and say its time to duel.



    PLAY HERE!\r
    If you want to see more Yu-Gi-Oh videos Hit subscribe for more YGO content, and YuGiOh News!\r
    Business inquiries\r\r
    Meet some YGO/Otaku Friends On Our discord server\r
    Lets be friends on social networks!\r
    Feel like supporting/hiring me?\r
    Q: How Do you Send In Replays\r
    (send it as a yrp file)\r
    Fan/Subscriber mail/Business P.O Box\r
    P.O Box 1977 \r
    Nipomo CA 93444\r
    Q: I have money i want to throw in the trash, aka give it you to buy more fleshlights\r
    A: More than happy that you want to support me, here is my link to twitchalerts, feel free to leave a msg on it as well \r
    Q: Can i duel you?\r
    A: Yea come play with me on the livestream! (hit follow to know when I go live)\r
    Q: Where do you buy your cards\r
    A: I almost never buy cards, I do however work with a great company that does! Feel free to check them out at\r
    Use code azneyes for 5% off single cards! \r
    If youd like to support me by buying a y shirt\r
    Q: Where do i download/play Yugioh online? Is it Free?\r
    A: I play on using 2 applications DevPro, and Dueling Network\r
    [Link to both tutorials on those] (both are free, you dont pay for cards)\r
    Thanks for watching! and have a good one! :) (by the way, if your not already, subscribed you should :) cause i need lots $ to convince sasha grey to wear a duel disk, and say its time to duel.


  • My Pokemon TCG Sealed Collection for the channel!

    This is my Pokemon Trading Card game sealed product collection. All of this will be opened on this channel. I wanted to show you just how seriously I am taking this channel! \r
    Pokemon Playlists:\r
    1,000 Booster Pack Videos: \r
    Booster Boxes: \r
    Product Opening: \r
    Pokemon News/Information: \r
    Giveaways: \r
    Ask a Professor: \r
    Wacky Wednesday: \r
    Deck Profiles: \r
    Follow us!\r
    Twitter: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Instagram: \r
    Welcome to our Deriums Pokemon TCG channel!\r
    Here you will find us opening all sorts of Pokemon TCG product. You can find things like:\r
    1,000 Pokemon TCG Pack Openings: We open 1,000 booster packs in one video! We will have a few of us rip through the booster packs at the same time. Each video will be between 1 and hours long. \r
    Pokemon Booster Box Openings: We open all 36 booster packs in one video. We will not chop them up into parts. Each video will take around 20 minutes. We normally skip a lot of the common Pokemon cards to save time, since repeats happen after just a few booster packs.\r
    Product Openings: We normally dont just open one, we open a lot. For example we opened 25 Keldeo Mythical Collections in one video! We love unboxing Pokemon cards, so we go all out with it. \r
    Pokemon News/Information: We like to bring you news about whats going on in the world of Pokemon. Including news on things like how to tell a Shadowless Pokemon card from a non-Shadowless. Or how to double sleeve your Pokemon cards for better protection.\r
    Giveaways: We open so much Pokemon TCG product, why not give some back? This includes things like tons of Pokemon Trading Card Game Online codes, all the way up to fory sealed Pokemon booster boxes!\r
    Ask a Professor: Mikey who is on this channel is a judge who has even judged Pokemon Worlds! He knows his stuff. Hes happy to take questions and answer them for you!\r
    Wacky Wednesday: Every Wednesday we will open the most random Pokemon product we can find! Just to check it out and see what it is. \r
    Deck Profiles: We will keep you up to date with current Pokemon Deck Profiles. It can be anything from a tier 1 deck, to a low-cost budget for fun deck.\r
    Thank you for stopping by our Pokemon TCG channel!

    Ver video "My Pokemon TCG Sealed Collection for the channel!"

  • Turbo Opening: Ancient Origins booster box #2 - All 36 packs! Pokemon TCG unboxing

    Doing a turbo opening of an entire booster box of Pokemon Ancient Origins! 36 booster pack unboxing\r
    Other Pokemon Playlists:\r
    1,000 Booster Pack Videos: \r
    Booster Box Openings: \r
    Whats This?: \r
    Every Elite Trainer Box: \r
    Product Opening: \r
    Pokemon News/Information: \r
    Giveaways: \r
    Ask a Professor: \r
    Deck Profiles: \r
    Follow us!\r
    Twitter: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Instagram: \r
    Welcome to our Deriums Pokemon TCG channel!\r
    Here you will find us opening all sorts of Pokemon TCG product. You can find things like:\r
    1,000 Pokemon TCG Pack Openings: We open 1,000 booster packs in one video! We will have a few of us rip through the booster packs at the same time. Each video will be between 1 and hours long. \r
    Pokemon Booster Box Openings: We open all 36 booster packs in one video. We will not chop them up into parts. Each video will take around 20 minutes. We normally skip a lot of the common Pokemon cards to save time, since repeats happen after just a few booster packs.\r
    Product Openings: We normally dont just open one, we open a lot. For example we opened 25 Keldeo Mythical Collections in one video! We love unboxing Pokemon cards, so we go all out with it. \r
    Pokemon News/Information: We like to bring you news about whats going on in the world of Pokemon. Including news on things like how to tell a Shadowless Pokemon card from a non-Shadowless. Or how to double sleeve your Pokemon cards for better protection.\r
    Giveaways: We open so much Pokemon TCG product, why not give some back? This includes things like tons of Pokemon Trading Card Game Online codes, all the way up to fory sealed Pokemon booster boxes!\r
    Ask a Professor: Mikey who is on this channel is a judge who has even judged Pokemon Worlds! He knows his stuff. Hes happy to take questions and answer them for you!\r
    Wacky Wednesday: Every Wednesday we will open the most random Pokemon product we can find! Just to check it out and see what it is. \r
    Deck Profiles: We will keep you up to date with current Pokemon Deck Profiles. It can be anything from a tier 1 deck, to a low-cost budget for fun deck.\r
    Thank you for stopping by our Pokemon TCG channel!

    Ver video "Turbo Opening: Ancient Origins booster box #2 - All 36 packs! Pokemon TCG unboxing"

  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

    Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"

  • Pregnancy test before missed period at home | How to use a home pregnancy test | WhisperTV Channel

    Pregnancy test before missed period at home | How to use a home pregnancy test | WhisperTV Channel\r
    ➡ FACBOOK: \r
    ➡ GOOGLE PLUS: \r
    Home pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a womans urine. Known as the pregnancy hormone, hCG is only found in pregnant women. Home pregnancy tests are available at most drug stores and online. Read on for a step-by-step guide to using home pregnancy tests.\r
    ✅ Purchase a home pregnancy test: There are many different brands of home pregnancy tests on the market, but it doesnt really matter which you choose. All home pregnancy tests work the same way - by detecting levels of the hormone hCG in your urine. When purchasing a pregnancy test, check the expiration date on the box and ensure the box is fully int, with no wear and tear, as this could affect your result. Think about getting a brand that provides two test sticks in the box, especially if youre planning on testing early. This way you can wait a week before trying again, if you get a negative result first time round\r
    ✅ Figure out when to take the test: Most experts advise that you should wait at least one day after your missed period before taking a home pregnancy test, though waiting a week is considered best. This can be tough when you are anxious to find out if youre pregnant, but waiting allows for a higher degree of accuracy when taking the test, as hCG levels rise rapidly in pregnant women.\r
    + hCG develops in a womans body only after a fertilized egg implants in her uterus. Implantation of the fertilized egg typically occurs on or around the 6th day after the sperm and egg have merged. This is why home pregnancy tests wont pick up on any hCG if you take the test too early, even if you are pregnant.\r
    + Its best to do the home pregnancy test first thing in the morning, when your urine is most concentrated and hCG levels are highest.\r
    ✅ Read the instructions carefully: Although most home urine tests are pretty much the same, it is important to follow manufurers instructions. Specifics may vary for each pregnancy test, such as the method of collecting the urine, the length of time you need to urinate on the stick for and the symbols used to indicate whether youre pregnant or not.\r
    + Its better to familiarize yourself with the symbols used in advance, as you dont want to be anxiously scrambling for the instructions when the test throws up its results.\r
    + There should be a toll-free number on the box or instructions which you can call if you have any questions or concerns about the method of taking the test or the product itself.\r
    ✅ Prepare yourself: Taking a home pregnancy can be a nerve-wracking experience, particularly when youre anxiously hoping for one result or the other. Take the test privately and give yourself as much time as you need, or have your partner or a close friend stand outside the bathroom door to talk you through it. Wash your hands with warm water and soap, then carefully remove the testing stick from its wrapper..

    Ver video "Pregnancy test before missed period at home | How to use a home pregnancy test | WhisperTV Channel"

  • My Pokemon TCG Sealed Collection for the channel!

    This is my Pokemon Trading Card game sealed product collection. All of this will be opened on this channel. I wanted to show you just how seriously I am taking this channel! \r
    Pokemon Playlists:\r
    1,000 Booster Pack Videos: \r
    Booster Boxes: \r
    Product Opening: \r
    Pokemon News/Information: \r
    Giveaways: \r
    Ask a Professor: \r
    Wacky Wednesday: \r
    Deck Profiles: \r
    Follow us!\r
    Twitter: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Instagram: \r
    Welcome to our Deriums Pokemon TCG channel!\r
    Here you will find us opening all sorts of Pokemon TCG product. You can find things like:\r
    1,000 Pokemon TCG Pack Openings: We open 1,000 booster packs in one video! We will have a few of us rip through the booster packs at the same time. Each video will be between 1 and hours long. \r
    Pokemon Booster Box Openings: We open all 36 booster packs in one video. We will not chop them up into parts. Each video will take around 20 minutes. We normally skip a lot of the common Pokemon cards to save time, since repeats happen after just a few booster packs.\r
    Product Openings: We normally dont just open one, we open a lot. For example we opened 25 Keldeo Mythical Collections in one video! We love unboxing Pokemon cards, so we go all out with it. \r
    Pokemon News/Information: We like to bring you news about whats going on in the world of Pokemon. Including news on things like how to tell a Shadowless Pokemon card from a non-Shadowless. Or how to double sleeve your Pokemon cards for better protection.\r
    Giveaways: We open so much Pokemon TCG product, why not give some back? This includes things like tons of Pokemon Trading Card Game Online codes, all the way up to fory sealed Pokemon booster boxes!\r
    Ask a Professor: Mikey who is on this channel is a judge who has even judged Pokemon Worlds! He knows his stuff. Hes happy to take questions and answer them for you!\r
    Wacky Wednesday: Every Wednesday we will open the most random Pokemon product we can find! Just to check it out and see what it is. \r
    Deck Profiles: We will keep you up to date with current Pokemon Deck Profiles. It can be anything from a tier 1 deck, to a low-cost budget for fun deck.\r
    Thank you for stopping by our Pokemon TCG channel!

    Ver video "My Pokemon TCG Sealed Collection for the channel!"

  • Family Fun Monster High Kids Toys & Dolls - MH PAJAMA PARTY!!! POOR CLAWD THE GHOULS PRANK HIM!!!

    Clawdeen is having a pajama party with Draculaura, Ghoulia, and Lagoona. This is a fun Monster Highby Stories With Toys & Dolls kids toy channel. Kid-friendly and fun for the whole family!\r
    ❤️❤️ TO SEE ALL MY TOYS & DOLLS VIDEOS ❤️❤️❤️❤️ \r
    Clawd wanted to have a sleepover with his friends, but he couldnt, so he decides to have fun by playing pranks on the girls.\r
    En español\r
    About Monster High\r
    Monster High was created by Garrett Sander and its owned by Mattel. The Monster High franchise includes fashion dolls, toys, s, videos, webisodes, books, and many more products that you can find in stores all around the world.\r
    I just LOVE toys so much!! In whatever language you say toys, be it juguetes, खिलौने, brinquedos, jouets, Spielzeug, играчке, ของเล่น, اللعب, igračke, đồ chơi, oyuncaklar, leksaker, игрушки, jucării, тоглоом, leker, اسباب بازی, zabawki, 장난감, トイズ, giocattoli, mainan, játékok, צעצועים, Hračky, legetøj, speelgoed, laruan, Παιχνίδια TOYS are AWESOME!!! The same goes for dolls, whether you say dolls, muñecas, bonecas, 娃娃, الدمى, panenky, poupées, puppen, bambole, dolls are super fun!! And Monster High dolls and toys are some of my favorites!!\r
    Draculauras Evil Twin\r
    Monster High Cleo Has a Secret\r
    Monster High Clawdeen and the Spell of the Full Moon\r
    Attack of the Titans on Monster High - Elissabat and Draculaura Eat Deuce\r
    GHOST SHIP!! DRACULAURA IS SCARED - featuring Monster High Vandala Doubloons\r
    DRACULAURA AND JACKSON FALL IN LOVE - Monster High The Enchanted Tower\r
    ELISSABATS NEW PRODUCER IS SO MEAN!!!!! - Monster High Shooting Star \r
    Monster High Frankie Has an Online Crush with a Normie \r
    Spectra and the Midnight Poltergeist\r
    Lagoona and the Magical Waterfall \r
    Monster High Doll Video Mystery in the Creepateria With Student Disembody Council Doll Set\r
    MONSTER HIGH Valentine & Whisp Villains Comic Con Dolls - WICKED WISH\r
    Monster High Toralei Makes Mischief in Lagoonas Bath and Abbeys Bedroom\r
    Frankies Lab - MH Skulltimate Science Class\r
    Cleos Scream and Sugar Cafe\r
    Monster High Minis Mystery Surprise\r
    Giant Mystery Box with MH Surprises\r
    If you like my Monster High doll s, check out my Ever After High doll videos\r
    Raven Queens Mom Appears in the Mirror - Ever After High Dolls and Toys\r
    Ever After High Big Surprise Box With Dolls! - Do We Have More Rebels or Royals?\r
    Ever After High Big Surprise Box With Dolls and Toys\r
    Ever After High Epic Winter Collection - Crystal Winter Sparklizer\r
    About my MH videos\r
    My daughter has a large collection of Monster High dolls and toys, so when I decided to start this channel I thought of using them for some of the videos. Some of the s are more like a shorttype of thing. So, if you like Monster High s, and you enjoy watching the web , you might like my videos. Also, if you collect Monster High dolls and toys, you will surely recognize many of the charers in my videos.\r
    Some of the Monster High dolls and toys that I use in these videos are from Schools Out, Creepateria, Ghouls Night Out, Frights, Camera, Action.\r

    Ver video "Family Fun Monster High Kids Toys & Dolls - MH PAJAMA PARTY!!! POOR CLAWD THE GHOULS PRANK HIM!!!"

  • Feed Animals Activity for Kids | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse

    Lets feed animals with this fun ivity for kids and then sing The Animal Song! Download this craft and more on our website here: \r
    Maple Leaf Learning Songs for Kids playlist: \r
    Watch more Crafts for Kids (Full Playlist): \r
    Check out our fun Peekabook Animal Apps for Kids on: \r
    Apple: \r
    Google Play: \r
    Download the The Animal Song song on: \r
    iTunes: \r
    Amazon: \r
    CD Baby: \r
    Find a Shop in your Country: \r
    Teacher and Parent Resources: \r
    Song information and resources: \r
    Download song flashcards, worksheets, coloring ivities and more in our Resource Library: \r
    Teachers Videos on the Maple Leaf Learning Club: \r
    Follow us online: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: \r
    Pinterest: \r
    Google: \r
    Linkedin: \r
    The Animal Song Lyrics:\r
    Lets sing a song about animals.\r
    Jump, jump, like a kangaroo.\r
    Jump, jump, like a kangaroo.\r
    Jump, jump, like a kangaroo.\r
    Lets sing the animal song.\r
    Lets swing our noses like an elephant!\r
    Swing, swing, like an elephant.\r
    Swing, swing, like an elephant.\r
    Swing, swing, like an elephant.\r
    Lets sing the animal song.\r
    Lets count to ten!\r
    One two three four five six seven,\r
    eight nine ten.\r
    One two three four five six seven,\r
    eight nine ten.\r
    Shake, shake, like a rattlesnake.\r
    Shake, shake, like a rattlesnake.\r
    Shake, shake, like a rattlesnake.\r
    Lets sing the animal song.\r
    Lets fly like a pelican!\r
    Fly, fly, like a pelican.\r
    Fly, fly, like a pelican.\r
    Fly, fly, like a pelican.\r
    Lets count!\r
    One two three four five six seven,\r
    eight nine ten.\r
    One two three four five six seven,\r
    eight nine ten.\r
    Sleep, sleep, like a koala.\r
    Sleep, sleep, like a koala.\r
    Sleep, sleep, like a koala.\r
    Lets sing the animal song.\r
    Wake up!\r
    Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse is an educational channel for kids to learn with simple crafts, coloring sheets, songs, toys and games for children! Great for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten children.\r
    All of our songs, games and ivities are developed and tested in-house by experienced teachers at our well-established language school in Japan. Kids learn best when they dont realize that theyre learning. Our materials are often inspired by natural play and interion in the classroom. \r
    Our unique style of blending physical elements (realia) into songs will get even the most shy, unwilling children hooked, participating and singing along. With a big scoop of fun and a sprinkle of silly, we make learning incredibly fun. So, youre sure to have instant hits that children will ask for again and again.\r
    Copyright Maple Leaf Learning

    Ver video "Feed Animals Activity for Kids | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse"

  • ELF Moisturizing Lipstick + Lip Swatches (All 13 Shades)

    ELF Moisturizing Lipstick + Lip Swatches (All 13 Shades)\r
    Subscribe, LIKE and Share - its FREE and it helps a lot! :)\r
    Forgot to mention they have a sweet vanilla scent!\r
    Compare to the Essential and Mineral line lipsticks these dont leave me with a white residue on the inside of my mouth!\r
    BTW my Flirty & Fabulous sticker ually says Filty & Fabulous. I had to share ;)\r
    MUSIC: Annie Bany - Hot Lipz \r
    Annies Socials:\r
    ELF Cosmetics: \r
    Products mentioned: \r
    Party in The Buff (Uneven and white base)\r
    Cheeky (Frosty!!)\r
    Pink Minx\r
    Wink Pink\r
    Flirty & Fabulous (Sheer)\r
    Rosy-Go-Round (A bit sheer)\r
    Coral Cutie (White base!)\r
    Orange Dream (new shade)\r
    Velvet Rope\r
    Red Carpet\r
    Ravishing Rose\r
    Crazy Cranberry (new shade)\r
    Wine Tour (new shade)\r
    FOLLOW ME!\r
    Instagram: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: \r
    Blog: \r
    Other videos you might like:\r
    Makeup Collection: \r
    Mac Lipstick Collection: \r
    Wet n Wild lipsticks: \r
    NYX matte lipsticks: \r
    NYX soft matte lip cream: \r
    NYX butter gloss swatch video: \r
    Milani Lipsticks: \r
    (International shipping - LA Girl, Falsies, NYX)\r
    (You get paid to shop online! My last check was $200!)\r
    AMAZON: \r
    (Acrylic Makeup Organizer and LORAC COSMETICS)\r
    (High end makeup on sale!)\r
    BEAUTY BAY : \r
    (International shipping - Makeup and Skincare)\r
    (International Shipping - La Roche-Posay, Avene, Bioderma, etc)\r
    (International Shipping, low prices and NYX Cosmetics!!)\r
    ACCENT: French Canadian\r
    CAMERA: Canon Rebel T3i\r
    Thumbnails: Pic Monkey\r
    Lipstick Organizer: and \r
    FTC: This is not a sponsored video. ELF Cosmetics sent me these lipsticks. Some of the links are affiliated.

    Ver video "ELF Moisturizing Lipstick + Lip Swatches (All 13 Shades)"

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