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  • 50 Cent explains why he supports Nicki Minaj

    In an interview on The Breakfast Club, 50 Cent shared why he believes in Nicki Minaj's power and authenticity, highlighting her ability to lead and put together a successful “crew,” just as he did with G-Unit.

    Ver video "50 Cent explains why he supports Nicki Minaj"

  • Part C (Of A-D)

    VIDEO PART 3/4 Description of oximeter failure . Test of 22 units out of an order of 100. 21 failed to battery test, None of them will power on as they are junk parts , failing screens and /or empty cases.

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  • Part D (Of A-D)

    VIDEO PART 4/4 Description of oximeter failure . Test of 22 units out of an order of 100. 21 failed to battery test, None of them will power on as they are junk parts , failing screens and /or empty cases

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  • Part B (Of A-D)

    VIDEO PART 2/4 Description of oximeter failure . Test of 22 units out of an order of 100. 21 failed to battery test, None of them will power on as they are junk parts , failing screens and /or empty cases

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  • Part A (Of A-D)

    VIDEO PART 1/4 Description of oximeter failure . Test of 22 units out of an order of 100. 21 failed to battery test, None of them will power on as they are junk parts , failing screens and /or empty cases.

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  • Technology Worldwide - Madrid - Sphere Alliance

    Sphere Alliance Corporation is one of the foremost international market leaders in technical solutions and is comprised of the companies, Eurotechzam, Desmol, CompuServices, Pole Premium and Techzam. Our team of international experts with over 20 years experience, supported by an exclusive uniquely-developed first technology system, sells new and recycled machinery to banks and maintenance businesses as well as selling and repairing cash machines, units, consumables and providing logistics support with post-sale service to all the countries in which we are active. Within our wide range of services we offer solutions in new technologies worldwide.

    Ver video "Technology Worldwide - Madrid - Sphere Alliance"

  • Steven Olschwanger Heart Healthy Diet
    Heart is the most important organ in our body. When our heart is healthy our life is healthy. What we eat not only eat the other parts of the body but also heart. It is important to eat healthy foods that are good for heart. Heart healthy diet includes the foods that prevent and repair damaged cell and also prevents all types of heart diseases. Even if you do cardio exercises what you eat plays an important role, says Steven Olschwanger.

    Ver video "Steven Olschwanger Heart Healthy Diet"

  • Nikro #5 Deluxe Gasoline Powered Air Duct Cleaning Package 20HPGAS-Pack Review

    Nikro #5 Deluxe Gasoline Powered Air Duct Cleaning Package 20HPGAS-PackProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Using shorter, more efficient hose runs and an external filter bag

    With its performance, advantages economical price, the #HP20GAS is for entry-level contractors.

    Each unit comes complete with 2 - 6.6 gallon remote fuel tanks.

    10" or 8" optional intake set up, and 1 High efficiency filter bag.

    2 year warranty.

    Ver video "Nikro #5 Deluxe Gasoline Powered Air Duct Cleaning Package 20HPGAS-Pack Review"

  • JET J-4002 1-Inch by 42-Inch Bench Belt and Disc Sander Review

    JET J-4002 1-Inch by 42-Inch Bench Belt and Disc SanderProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Hinged idler wheel cover. Horse power: 1/3HP, 115VAC, 1ph

    Power take off allows for mounting an optional flex shaft for carving, drum sanding, deburing, and more

    Deluxe miter gauge turns and locks for common angles, 45 degrees left and right

    Abrasive belt unit does the work of a jig-saw, copying saw or hand file while removing material and finishing at the same time

    Removable platen allows for sanding, grinding, or finishing of outside curves or odd shaped work pieces on the belt

    Ver video "JET J-4002 1-Inch by 42-Inch Bench Belt and Disc Sander Review"

  • Heatwave triggers vast wildfire in northeast Spain that engulfs 13,600 acres

    Tarragona, Spain, Jun 27 (EFE).- A heatwave that has engulfed Western Europe in recent days has kindled the first serious wildfires in Spain this year with a major outbreak raging out of control in a mountainous region of Ribera d'Ebre in the northeastern district of Tarragona that contains an important nuclear power station, emergency services said Thursday.
    So far 5,500 hectares (13,600 acres) of forest have been consumed by the flames and firefighters say the amount of land that could be affected by the fire could reach 20,000 if they are not able to douse the outbreak soon.

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  • Heatwave triggers vast wildfire in northeast Spain that engulfs 13,600 acres

    Tarragona, Spain, Jun 27 (EFE).- A heatwave that has engulfed Western Europe in recent days has kindled the first serious wildfires in Spain this year with a major outbreak raging out of control in a mountainous region of Ribera d'Ebre in the northeastern district of Tarragona that contains an important nuclear power station, emergency services said Thursday.
    So far 5,500 hectares (13,600 acres) of forest have been consumed by the flames and firefighters say the amount of land that could be affected by the fire could reach 20,000 if they are not able to douse the outbreak soon.

    Ver video "Heatwave triggers vast wildfire in northeast Spain that engulfs 13,600 acres"

  • best anti aging products 2013

    AC-11 is a revolutionary advancement in human nutrition and skin care. Derived from the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa, a vine indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, safe, all-natural AC-11 helps the body to repair DNA damage with a huge anti aging effect . The process by which this repair occurs is self-healing and has evolutionary origins. Its proper functioning may be the critical piece to the human health puzzle. Current science confirms that it is unrepaired DNA damage that leads to accelerated aging and an eventual breakdown of the body.

    Effective both orally and topically, AC-11 begins where the protective benefits of antioxidants end by visibly reducing the adverse effects of aging and by helping to restore healthy cell function. Supported by over 40 peer-reviewed scientific studies, AC-11 works with the body to repair DNA damage caused by over-exposure to the sun and oxidative stress (pollution, etc,) starting the best anti aging process. This action helps boost immune function and allows our bodies to perform more efficiently, so that we look and feel younger—a perfect solution for inner health and outer beauty!

    Best Anti Aging products

    The body naturally protects against free radical damage by producing neutralizing antioxidants. Certain foods and dietary supplements, moreover, provide a way to introduce additional antioxidants into the system.

    Where free radical damage, or a lesion, has occurred to DNA, the body has a limited repair capacity. Specialized proteins scan the DNA to identify and isolate corrupted portions of the genetic code. Minor lesions may be chemically reversed; more extensive damage must be removed. Repair enzymes cut out or excise the damaged area and re-create the discarded section.

    Together, antioxidants and the cell's internal DNA repair mechanisms work to preserve the integrity of the cell. However, too many free radicals and too much damage over a given period of time can overwhelm these basic mechanisms and cause them to fail. Overload of this type is called oxidative stress. When lesions are left unrepaired, eventually they impair the cell's natural functions, including its self-repair functions. Individual cells damaged by oxidative stress break down and die prematurely. Over time, the body becomes progressively less capable of restoring healthy DNA as the cells continue to replicate in damaged or corrupted form.

    As a result of unrepaired DNA damage that accumulates with age, the body becomes less efficient at basic tasks. For example, damage to the white cells, which form the core of a person's immune system, will increase the body's susceptibility to acute, chronic, and degenerative diseases. Moreover, non-regenerative structures, such as collagen, will begin to deteriorate rapidly and lead to aging the skin and weakening of the joints, bones, and connective tissues.

    AC-11 is a revolutionary botanical extract that helps repair damage to DNA. This patented compound enhances cellular repair mechanisms to improve the utility and function of organs, muscles, and tissues throughout the body. Topical applications of AC-11 help to repair UV damage, fade discoloration, and ease fine lines and wrinkles. When ingested, this natural supplement also helps to support a healthy response to excess inflammation and encourage collagen production, while simultaneously supporting the immune system. These anti aging products are the best in the market in 2013.

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  • Characteristic of FZ1800R16KF4 IGBT - Power Electronic Modules for AC/DC Motor Control

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    FZ1800R16KF4 is an 1800Amps/1600Volts single switch IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) silicon module with IGBT2. It is a triple common emitter common gate transistor. Its height, weight & depth are 38mm, 190mm & 140mm respectively and net weight is 5 lb 1 oz. This module's maximum operating temperature is 125 C and minimum operating temperature is -40 C. It can be mounted either in SMD or SMT style. FZ1800R16KF4 is manufactured by Infineon Technologies, Germany. Infineon was formerly known as Eupec and it is a famous company in the world of semiconductors and system solutions.

    FZ1800R16KF4 is an excellent choice for your industry applications. It works great in AC/DC motor control & drives, Commercial, Agriculture and Construction Vehicles (CAV), wind energy systems, railway tractions. Its construction is robust and the module is highly reliable. It is recognized by UL too.

    FZ1800R16KF4 has some unique features which have made it a perfect module for high speed switching applications. It features high power density for compact inverter designs. Standardized housing is another benefit of it. These features are very useful in challenging applications. Today we will discuss about the effectiveness of FZ1800R16KF4 in train tractions.

    Railway traction is among the most demanding applications for power electronic modules. Climatic influences like moisture, dust and wide temperature range are challenging, so are the mechanical aspects. Power electronic suffers from the vibrations inside the trains in addition to the electric and thermal load. The mission profile of trams and subway trains consist of a high number of acceleration and deceleration cycles, repeated day by day. This mode of operation leads to extreme demands regarding power- and thermal-cycling capability. Traction system for trains employ an induction motor as the main driving motor and a VVVF inverter as a control unit, and they have improved remarkably as AC equipment especially because the main circuit semiconductor elements have rapidly improved.

    There is hardly any other application that puts such high demands on the components as train traction. High quality, reliability and lifetime are the most important product features in this market segment. IGBT modules in voltage classes 3.3kV, 4.5kV and 6.5kV with enhanced mechanical and thermal features are installed in trains all over the world to allow reliable, safe and cost-efficient operation.

    To suit the special needs of this application, Infineon provides FZ1800R16KF4, especially dedicated to traction and similar applications. The high-speed switching characteristic of this IGBT module lessens electromagnetic noise which is generated by the primary motor and enhances the efficiency of energy conversion. It has advantages like ongoing development for higher voltage and current ratings and these benefits make it really useful in railway traction applications. You can find it in metro drive systems, in, innovative high speed trains and in auxiliary inverters.

    You can buy FZ1800R16KF4 from Young & New Century LLC, Houston, TX. We have been selling IGBT power transistor modules from different manufacturers since 2001. We sell new & original parts only and our inventory is managed with highest care. Our website USComponent is very organized and you can send your request for quote (RFQ) via this site.

    Related Useful Topics:

    DC Motor Control, AC Motor Control, Electronic Modules, AC/DC motor control, Characteristic of IGBT, Power Electronic Modules, Buy FZ1800R16KF4

    Ver video "Characteristic of FZ1800R16KF4 IGBT - Power Electronic Modules for AC/DC Motor Control"

  • seagate hard disk not detected. Does it spin?

    for data recovery call: 855.366.4232\r
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    seagate hard disk not detected. Does it spin? (what to do if you fried your drive by plugging in wrong power supply)\r
    If your seagate hard disk not detected, first of all, power it on and listen to it with your ear right next to it. Does it spin?\r
    If not, then it would be for one of the 3 reasons. Seized motor, unparked heads, or dead PCB (printed circuit board). There are also things like dead preamp, but on most brands of drives it would not prevent the spin up process.\r
    I will begin with explaining what seized motor is. Seized motor on the hard drive is fairly common issue that you would find on Seagate hard drive generations 7200.8 7200.9 7200.10 7200.11 7200.12, as well as some hitachi/IBM 2.5” hard drives.\r
    Seized motor would upon start up process with create a faint buzzing, and in some cases beeping sound. I would highly suggest that you seek professional help at this point. This is one of the most difficult tasks to perform on the hard drive, and without necessary equipment you will kill your hard drive in attempt to recover it.\r
    However, these sounds are identical to the ones that the sound would make when heads are not parked properly. All modern hard drives offer touchless heads technology, meaning that the heads are never suppose to come in cont with the disk surface. In the past 3.5” hard drives used to park heads closer towards the center of the drive, and they would land right onto the platter surface that had air pockets to prevent sticking. That technology slowly started to get outdated and less reliable than touchless, so now hard drives park heads on the external parking ramp. Touchless technology offers more durability for the heads when the drive is off power. If it is dropped external parking ramp, that suspends heads in the air, is much better option than having heads sit on the ual disk surface. (this section is best to be read on our blog page here because I have pictures explaining the difference)\r
    Unlike 2 issues above, dead PCB, will turn your drive completely silent. PCB failure would usually be caused by power surges, or plugging in a wrong external hard drive power supply. Dead PCB can be either replaced, or repaired on component level. Luckily, TVS Diodes would protect most hard drives PCBs for mishaps like this, so they need to be tested first. A transient-voltage-suppression (TVS) diode or thyrector is an electronic component used to protect electronics from voltage spikes induced on connected wires. Multimeter with continuity test option will quickly determine if you have a damaged diode or not. Ideally, if you detect the damaged diode it would need to be replaced with an identical one, but in our case since I just needed to recover the data from this external hard drive. After the failed diode was removed, clients drive began to spin and get detected by our imaging equipment.\r
    HDD Recovery Services\r
    666 Kirkwood Ave, Suite B101\r
    Ottawa, ON\r
    K1Z 5X9\r
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  • Contra ReBirth (WiiWare) - Wii Longplay - Plissken Playthrough (FULL GAME)

    Contra ReBirth (WiiWare) - Wii Longplay - Plissken Playthrough (FULL GAME).

    Contra ReBirth is a 2D run and gun video game developed by M2 and published by Konami for WiiWare. It is the twelfth original installment in the Contra series. It was released in Japan on May 12, 2009, the PAL region on September 4, 2009, and North America on September 7, 2009.

    Contra ReBirth retains the same sprite-based side-scrolling gameplay as the series' earlier installments. The game can be played with the standard Wii Remote, as well as with the Classic Controller or a Nintendo GameCube controller. As with most Contra games, up to two players can play simultaneously. The player initially has a choice between two different player characters: Bill Rizer, the traditional Contra hero, or Genbei Yagyu from Neo Contra. Two additional characters: Brownie (Tsugumin in the Japanese version), an android shaped like a small girl; and Plissken, a tall reptilian humanoid alien (whose name is a tribute to the Snake Plissken movie character), can also be selected once the player has completed the game on Easy (Brownie) and Normal (Plissken).

    The dual weapon system from Contra III: The Alien Wars returns and the player's normal gun can now shoot in autofire once again. The power-ups in this installment consists of a Spread Shot, a Laser Gun and a Homing Gun. The traditional flamethrower, however, is missing. Playing on the Easy setting allows the player to always keep their current weapon after losing a life, a feature not available in any of the other settings, but locks the player out of the final boss stage and true ending, which usually occurs after all five main stages are completed.

    PLOT: In 2633, the Neo-Salamander Force, led by their mysterious leader Chief Salamander, travel back to 1973 to take out the Contra force, when the Earth's defenses are considered by them as "primitive". They end up establishing a base on the ruins of the Shizuoka temple at the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Bill Rizer and Genbei Yagyu, two members of the present-day Contra team, are deployed by the Galactic President to travel back in time to stop them. With the help of Brownie or Tsugumin (a miniature gynoid similar to Browny from Contra: Hard Corps) and Plissken (a reptilian alien) the Contra warriors manage to take down the Neo Salamander Force. However, Chief Salamander is nowhere to be seen. In the true ending of the game, it is revealed Chief Salamander is actually "Plissken", who has infiltrated the Contra unit under an assumed name.

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  • Thrustmaster T500RS Sparco Racing Steering Wheel Upgrade - Hub Adapter

    Time to upgrade the Obutto R3volution gaming platform by putting a new steering wheel on my Thrustmaster T500RS. I went with a Sparco street wheel because it has tons of padding and feel great in my hands. I used the T500AD adapter from DSD Technology Systems Corporation to adapt the 70mm bolt pattern of the wheel to the native hub based T500RS design. I obtained the wheel for $200 from 425 Motorsports in Bellevue, WA and I couldnt be happier with the end results!\r
    •IGN 8/10 After playing Gran Turismo 5 with the Thrustmaster T500 RS, I never wanted to go back to a PlayStation DualShock controller. But the cost of the system makes it impossible to recommend to all but the most hardcore Gran Turismo 5 fanatics. If you are currently playing GT5 with a standard PlayStation 3 DualShock controller while rolling around on a pile of gold doubloons, then do yourself a favor and pick up a T500. But be warned -- youll need something sturdy to clamp it to. As much fun as it might sound to hold something called a Thrustmaster in your lap, its not going to work with this one. Overall, the Thrustmaster T500 RS is a great piece of hardware that does the GT5 name proud. It brings the track alive, but at a terrible price.\r
    •Engadget 6/10 At $599 its awfully hard to recommend this wheel and pedal combination. The wheel itself has a magnificent feel thats beginning to knock on the door of much more expensive offerings like a Frex or ECCI, and the number of inputs makes managing button-happy cars easier. But, those buttons are hard to find while driving and the rubber coating feels unfortunately low-rent. The massive size of the thing makes it best suited for semi-permanent installations and the limited PS3 compatibility is, for the moment at least, a disappointment. Meanwhile the pedals are overkill yet underwhelming. Theyre heavy and wont go anywhere but all that weight feels excessive, unnecessary, and adorned with rubber feet that kept falling off. Not exly what youd expect for $599. Ultimately either the Logitech G27 or the Fanatec line of wheels offer nearly as good performance at a much more palatable cost -- and with designs less likely to give you a hernia when hauling about the house.\r
    • So, is the T500 RS as innovative as the long feature list and the rather hefty price tag of 499€/$599 suggests? In one word: Yes! Dont get fooled by the Gran Turismo badge, this wheel is most likely the most advanced product ever offered in this price range. The wheels precision is unmatched and the very strong & silent force feedback even edges out Fanatecs Turbo S wheel.I´ve reviewed quite a lot of wheels and I´ve never instantly clicked with a new product as I did with the T500 RS. Usually, it takes me a bit of time to get up to speed with a new wheel but the T500 RS gave me instant confidence thanks to the great force feedback and the overall amazing feel provided when driving. Sadly, the pedal unit falls a bit off in terms of features, a load-cell brake would have been a fitting feature to make the pedals match the wheel and make it easier for more professional racers to consider switching to the T500 RS. Thrustmaster has put together a wheel that can compete even with professional wheels from niche-manufurers that often sell for more than three times the price. And while some competitors might offer some features the T500 RS does not have (more expensive materials, a built-in display) the wheel is certainly the new benchmark in terms of precision, raw force feedback power and overall feel that will satisfy even the most demanding sim racers.\r
    •Simulation World 94/100 This is an amazing product that really has targeted a market and a price point and hit a home run right away. They were a little hard to get hold of for a while but are now beginning to spring up in retail stores in the US and Europe. If in doubt, check and to see if they are in stock. If you have the cash and are looking to upgrade from a Logitech but cant stomach the price of a ECCI, then this is the wheel for you. Just be prepared for a bit of an adjustment and a learning curve for the fixed paddles. This show is an independent production of Jerry Berg (aka Barnacules). Opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, friends, or any companies mentioned in the show. Email business inquiries to Help the channel by donating BitCoin to 1MfVZVMjfUUq8srg1d4RbgXR5e7JLw7R6P\r
    ▼ Support me by sending BitCoin (Wallet Address) ▼ \r
    ▼ Get 10% off Kinesis Split Ergonomic Keyboards & Pedals ▼ \r
    [use code Barnacules at checkout to get 10% off]\r
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    Ver video "Thrustmaster T500RS Sparco Racing Steering Wheel Upgrade - Hub Adapter"

  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

    Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"

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