Videos relacionados con comprar rubik cube solver


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  • 11x11x11 Rubiks Cube Solving (55m:19.47s)

  • Robot shows how to solve Rubiks Cube

    A puzzle-solving robot is set to take visitors to the British Toy Fair back to the future.

    Ver video "Robot shows how to solve Rubiks Cube"

  • Solving the top face of the Rubik`s Cube

    You can learn the tutorial solving the top face of the Rubik`s Cube.

    Ver video "Solving the top face of the Rubik`s Cube"

  • How to Solve A Rubiks Cube! Beginners Method (Super Easy)

    How to solve a Rubiks Cube for everyone! This is the SUPER easy method that anyone can do! 12 Days of Christmas!\r
    Go to for a full printable guide.\r
    Happy holidays!\r
    Follow me on instagram:

    Ver video "How to Solve A Rubiks Cube! Beginners Method (Super Easy)"

  • My Rubiks Cube Collection! (100+ Cubes)

    Buy most of these cubes here: \r
    After a ton of request, here it is. Enjoy!\r
    Camera Gear:\r
    Canon Rebel T5I: \r
    GoPro Hero Session: \r
    Canon 50mm f1.8: \r
    Mini Tripod: \r
    Manfrotto 502 Video Head: \r
    Slik Tripod Legs: \r
    Memory Cards: \r
    Blue Yeti Microphone: \r
    Listen to our cubing podcast: \r

    Ver video "My Rubiks Cube Collection! (100+ Cubes)"

  • How to solve the final layer of the Rubik`s Cube

    You can watch how to solve the final layer of the Rubik`s Cube And you also read the tutorial stage 6: How to solve the final layer of the Rubik`s Cube

    Ver video "How to solve the final layer of the Rubik`s Cube"

  • Amazing Rubik Cube World Record

    Rubik Cube World Record Compilation

    A World Record is something every speedcuber dreams of having. It is the most prestigious accomplishment and helps bring more public attention towards

    Ver video "Amazing Rubik Cube World Record"

  • Google Doodle Rubiks Cube invention

    Google Doodle about Rubik's Cube invention on May 19th 2014. It is an interactive Google Doodle displayed worldwide on the Google homepage. The controlling in the Doodle is a bit difficult.

    Ver video "Google Doodle Rubiks Cube invention"

  • Top 10 Rubiks Cube Fails

    PART 2 OUT, CHECK IT HERE!!!! \r
    Thanks to colourful pockets and NCS, top 10 Rubiks cube fails new is here. I really enjoyed making this top 10 and sharing to friends is a really good idea :). If you want to see any other videos, leave a comment to tell me what you want to see.\r
    Thumbs up for a part 2!!!\r
    Video used from colourful pockets. (They are awesome)!!\r
    Song: Venemy - rescue me - (NCS)\r
    Thanks for sharing!!! (1st video to get 1,000 views!!)\r
    LOL - I had no idea I uploaded this video on April fools day. Whats better is that the video is Rubiks cube FAILS. (get it? - April FOOLS.)\r

    Ver video "Top 10 Rubiks Cube Fails"

  • Simulador Cubo de Rubik (Gabbasoft Cube)

    Ver video "Simulador Cubo de Rubik (Gabbasoft Cube)"

  • Documental Rubik Cube - Reynaldo Holguín (1087958)

    Ver video "Documental Rubik Cube - Reynaldo Holguín (1087958)"

  • Rubiks Cube US Nationals 2016! [4k]

    Check out my new Nationals video!\r
    I really hope you enjoyed my US Nats 2016 Cubing Competition video! If you could share it with everyone you know I would really appreciate it!\r
    Created by Phillip Lewicki\r
    Huge thanks to for helping make this video happen! Go check them out in the link below! Also, you can use the code LaZer0MonKey to get 5% off all of your orders!\r
    Go Check Out Other Nats Videos:\r
    Sail Challenge Part 1: \r
    Sail Challenge Part 2: \r
    Thanks to Chris Olson, Damian Bias and Mike Lewicki for helping me film this video! \r
    Check Chris out: \r
    Check Damian out: \r
    (Mike Lewicki doesnt have a YouTube channel)\r
    Also, If you missed last years cubing competition video, or the year before that they were awesome. Go watch them :D\r
    Music licensed from PremiumBeat\r
    Use code LaZer0MonKey for 5% off all your orders at\r
    ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● \r
    Thanks for Watching! Be Sure to Watch in 4k!\r
    Subscribe ► \r
    Twitter ► @LaZer0MonKey\r
    Instagram ► @LaZer0MonKey\r
    Facebook ► @LaZer0MonKey\r
    Follow Me For Behind the Scenes!\r
    Snapchat ► LaZer0MonKey\r
    Beme ► Phillip\r
    ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

    Ver video "Rubiks Cube US Nationals 2016! [4k]"

  • Easiest Way to Solve a 3x3x3 Rubiks Cube - Layer by Layer Beginners Method *New Version*

    Easiest Way to Solve a 3x3 Rubiks Cube - Layer by Layer Beginners Method - scroll to the bottom to find a list of the algorithms used in this video!\r
    If you are new to cubing, here is a great tutorial that will teach you how to solve a Rubiks Cube. I hope this tutorial helps you with your first steps in the world of cubing.\r
    Want to know how to solve it faster? Check out my new tutorial for some techniques to speed up your solves! \r
    My new intro was made by MLG_Minion, so be sure to check out his awesome channels!\r
    Music from \r
    My Cube: Dayan Zhanchi 57mm Black Stickered 3x3x3: \r
    FIRST LAYER (3:22):\r
    Inserting a corner from bottom left: D, L, Di, Li\r
    Inserting a corner from bottom right: Di, Ri, D, R\r
    SECOND LAYER (8:25):\r
    Inserting an edge piece down to the left: Ui, Fi, U, F, U, R, Ui, Ri\r
    Inserting an edge piece down to the right: U, R, Ui, Ri, Ui, Fi, U, F\r
    THIRD LAYER (11:12):\r
    Cross (edge pieces facing up): F, R, U, Ri, Ui, Fi\r
    Moving edge pieces around: R, U, Ri, U, R, U, U, Ri\r
    Moving corner pieces around: U, R, Ui, Li, U, Ri, Ui, L\r
    Orientating corner pieces: Ri, Di, R, D

    Ver video "Easiest Way to Solve a 3x3x3 Rubiks Cube - Layer by Layer Beginners Method *New Version*"

  • Google Doodle Rubiks Cube invention Interactive 2014

    n 19th, May 2014 Google Doodle celebrates the 40th anniversary of Rubik's Cube with an interactive Google Doodle!

    Ver video "Google Doodle Rubiks Cube invention Interactive 2014"

  • Cubo mágico de rubik cumple 40 años / Historia del cubo rubik / Magic cube rubik's 40th birthday

    Cubo mágico de rubik cumple 40 años / Historia del cubo rubik / Magic cube rubik's 40th birthday
    19 mayo 2014

    El cubo mágico rubík cumple 40 años de ser un reto para muchos, no se pierda la historia de el cubo mágico de rubik.

    Para más información entra en
    No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en

    Cubo mágico de rubik cumple 40 años,Cubo mágico,Cubo mágico de rubik,cubo rubik,historia del cubo rubik,cubo rubik inicios,recor de cubo rubik,Magic Rubik's Cube is 40 years,Magic Cube,magic cube rubik,rubik cube,rubik story cube,rubik cube beginnings,remember rubik cube,yuriria sierra, noticia, noticias hoy, noticias de ultima hora, ultimas noticias, breaking news, news, Cadenatres, Cadena3, Canal 128, Canal 28, cadena tres, cadenatres, canal 28, Grupo Imagen, Invent Mx, Yuriria Sierra

    Ver video "Cubo mágico de rubik cumple 40 años / Historia del cubo rubik / Magic cube rubik's 40th birthday"

  • How to Solve a Pyraminx

    This is a tutorial that teaches you how to finally solve a pyraminx. I call the red side the orange side, because in the camera it shows up as red, but ually its scarlet (reddish, orangish). People who have a Shengshou pyraminx would know what Im talking about.\r
    Cycle edges clockwise: R U R U R U R\r
    Cycle edges counter-clockwise: R U R U R U R\r
    PUZZLE: Shengshou Pyraminx\r
    Please LIKE comment and subscribe if this video helped you :)\r
    Any suggestions are greatly welcome.

    Ver video "How to Solve a Pyraminx"

  • [NEW] How Well Do I Know My Cubes? | 21 CUBES!

    Really fun video to make. Try it yourself and let me know how you do in the comments. And of course, dont forget to LIKE if you LIKED it!\r
    Use the coupon code DGCubes at to get 5% off your entire order, and help me out a ton as well!\r
    To see my mains, PBs, and a bunch of other stuff, check out my website here: \r
    Also check out my second channel here: \r
    And a group podcast that I co-host here:

    Ver video "[NEW] How Well Do I Know My Cubes? | 21 CUBES!"

  • 3 Year Old Solves Rubik's Cube in 114 seconds

    3 Year Old Chinesse Girl Solves Rubik Cube in 114 seconds

    Ver video "3 Year Old Solves Rubik's Cube in 114 seconds"

  • Britain’s Got More Talent 2016: Flavian solve three Rubik’s Cubes…BLINDFOLDED!

    Watch Flavian solve three Rubik’s Cubes…BLINDFOLDED!

    Ver video "Britain’s Got More Talent 2016: Flavian solve three Rubik’s Cubes…BLINDFOLDED!"

  • Zapi0n of the Web nº5 (Bikinis & Rubik's)

    Zapi0n of the Web nº5 (Bikinis & Rubik's)

    Estamos en plena Semana Santa y las redes estan que echan humo, pero nosotros volvemos a la carga con otro de nuestros vídeos recopilatorio con lo mejor de la red, en esta ocasión además de una exotica bailarina, tambien vas a poder ver como un robot resuleve el cubo de rubik's en tan solo 6 segundos o como otra bilarina lo hace sobre una barra de...

    ♫ 7:52, 13:25, 19:32 - Gravel Switch - The Dirty Song

    Gravel Switch:

    Gravel Switch - The Dirty Song (Official Video)

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    Visita los vídeos originales y no los trolees, deja un comentario diciendo que llegaste desde WDBUFU.

    ★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promote.

    ★ Copyright Disclaimer ★
    Title 17, US Code (Sections 107-118 of the copyright law, Act 1976):
    All media in this video is used for purpose of review & commentary under terms of fair use. All footage, & images used belong to their respective companies.
    Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

    Ver video "Zapi0n of the Web nº5 (Bikinis & Rubik's)"

  • Robot vs humano: en la batalla del cubo de Rubik

    Estos ingenieros inventaron un robot que resuelve el cubo de rubik en UN SEGUNDO superando al campeón humano.
    ‪#‎RUBIKSCUBE‬ Es Trending

    Ver video "Robot vs humano: en la batalla del cubo de Rubik"

  • ¿Podrías resolver un gigantesco cubo mágico? Él sí.

    Resolver un cubo mágico no es tarea fácil. Ahora imagina resolver uno de 100 kg.

    Ver video "¿Podrías resolver un gigantesco cubo mágico? Él sí."

  • Mitsubishi Electric Recognized by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS for fastest robot to solve a puzzle cube

    Ver video "Mitsubishi Electric Recognized by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS for fastest robot to solve a puzzle cube"

  • Teen sets new rubik's cube world record

    14 year old Australian, Feliks Zemdegs has completed the 3 x 3 x 3 Rubik's cube in just 6.77 seconds - setting a new world record © 2010 CERES TV News [more info at]: [e-mail]: For further information: Teléf.+34 983 457460 • Fax: +34 983 233387 Valladolid - (Spain) 

    Ver video "Teen sets new rubik's cube world record"

  • Citroën C1 - Rubik's Cube

    Ver video "Citroën C1 - Rubik's Cube"

  • RWBY. Season 3. Episode 11 - Heroes and Monsters. Subtítulos Español (Castellano)

    Sé que ultimamente he dejado este canal muy abandonado, cuando tenga más tiempo subiré los vídeos que faltan y en buena calidad, lo prometo.
    De momento si queréis ver los episodios que faltan podéis verlos en:

    All rigths reserved to Rooster Teeth

    Ver video "RWBY. Season 3. Episode 11 - Heroes and Monsters. Subtítulos Español (Castellano)"

  • Qiyi Pyraminx and Yuxin 5x5 + More Unboxing from the

    Comment what puzzles you want reviews on!\r
    And as always,\r

    Ver video "Qiyi Pyraminx and Yuxin 5x5 + More Unboxing from the"

  • El cubo de Rubik (1981): Patrick Bossert

    El cubo de Rubik es un rompecabezas mecánico tridimensional inventado por el escultor y profesor de arquitectura húngaro Ernő Rubik en 1974. Originalmente llamado "cubo mágico", el rompecabezas fue licenciado por Rubik para ser vendido por Ideal Toy Corp. en 19804 y ganó el premio alemán a mejor juego del año en la categoría Mejor rompecabezas ese mismo año. Hasta enero de 2009 se han vendido 350 millones de cubos en todo el mundo, haciéndolo el juego de rompecabezas más vendido del mundo. Es considerado ampliamente el juguete más vendido del mundo. Patrick Bossert tenía tan sólo 12 años cuando publicó el libro You Can Do the Cube, explicando la solución al cubo de Rubik. Se vendieron más de 1,5 millones de ejemplares del libro, convirtiéndose en un best-seller internacional en 1981.

    Ver video "El cubo de Rubik (1981): Patrick Bossert"

  • Tiger Woods Putts Rubik's Cube

    Not only is he the greatest golfer in the world, Tiger Woods also knows how to solve the Rubik's Cube.

    Ver video "Tiger Woods Putts Rubik's Cube"

  • Rubik's Cube & Beatbox (by Corey Vidal)

    Added: March 21, 2007
    I solve a Rubik's Cube right before your very eyes, while entertaining your socks off with some wicked beatboxing.

    Ver video "Rubik's Cube & Beatbox (by Corey Vidal)"

  • El robot capaz de resolver el Cubo de Rubik

    Un robot, experto en matemáticas, es capaz de resolver en poco tiempo el famoso Cubo Rubik, usando manos de metal para dar manipular el cubo. Lo han mostrado en la Feria Internacional del Robot que comienza hoy en Tokio.
    El robot se llama Míster Cube, está fabricado por Kawasaki Heavy Industries y usa sensores de color incorporados y un par de diestras manos para resolver el acertijo del Cubo Rubik.
    El robot todavía no es rival de los humanos más capaces. Demora unos cinco minutos en resolver el acertijo, mientras que el récord entre los seres humanos es de 9,77 segundos.

    Ver video "El robot capaz de resolver el Cubo de Rubik"

  • CubeStormer

    The Worlds Fastest Lego Mindstorms RCX Speedcubing Robot. Built entirely from lego elements now scanning and solving any 3x3x3 Rubik's cube combination in under 12 seconds.

    Ver video "CubeStormer"

  • eBay atacado, Facebook, Batman y el cubo Rubik en el Minuto Softonic 65

    Facebook preguntas personales. La red social permitirá a tus contactos preguntarte por tu situación sentimental. Podrás elegir si responder o no. Tu situación de pareja se mostraría entonces a la persona que pregunta o públicamente. Si tú no quieres hacerlo público...¡quizá tus amigos te convenzan! Batman: Arkham Knight Nuevo vídeo. Al fin puedes ver cómo serán los gráficos del juego Batman: Arkham Knight. El nuevo vídeo que se ha mostrado también enseña el batmóvil en acción, una de las novedades de esta aventura, así como algunos de los villanos contra los que lucharás. Google El cubo Rubik. Para celebrar el 20º aniversario del mítico Cubo de Rubik, Google ha lanzado Cube Lab, una página donde puedes crear tu propio cubo o jugar con las creaciones de los demás ¿Cuál es el Cubo de Rubik más raro que puedes encontrar? eBay hackeado. Las 145 millones de cuentas de eBay estan en peligro en lo que podría ser el segundo hackeo más grande de la historia tras el de Adobe en 2003. Ebay recomienda cambiar la contraseña del servicio inmediatamente. La buena noticia es que PayPal, propiedad de eBay, no se ha visto afectado.

    Ver video "eBay atacado, Facebook, Batman y el cubo Rubik en el Minuto Softonic 65"

  • The Room Three - Chapter 2 - COMPLETE GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH

    The Room Three (3) Chapter 2 \r
    The Room Three (3) by Fireproof Studios\r
    The Lighthouse Chapter\r
    Need help completing Chapter two of The Room 3? If you enjoy the tablet game The Room, check it out? Complete walk though - every puzzle solved. This is a complete walkthrough for Chapter 1, the lighthouse, of Fireproof Games iOS and Android game The Room Three (3).\r
    Taken From Fireproof Studios Web Site The eagerly awaited sequel to the BAFTA award winning ‘The Room (Apple Game of the Year new) and ‘The Room Two (App Store Best of new-14) is finally here.\r
    Continuing the story from The Room Two, your obsessive search for the Null results with being lured to ‘Grey Holm, a mysterious mansion located on a remote island. You must use all your puzzle-solving abilities to navigate aof trials devised by a mysterious figure known only as “The Craftsman”.\r
    The Room Three is significantly larger than our previous games, taking place in a variety of stunning new environments, each spanning multiple areas. New for The Room Three is the new eyepiece ability which allows you to explore the world in miniature. And also for the first time in The Roomyou are able to return to Grey Holm between Chapters and solve its unique puzzles which will decide your fate and determine which of the alternate endings you will experience.\r
    Subscribe to our channel for all the latest levels and games!\r
    Check us out on \r
    TWITTER \r
    GOOGLE+ \r
    Other playlists\r
    How to solve Candy crush soda saga \r
    How to solve Rubiks cube \r
    How to play backgammon \r
    How to solve sudoku \r
    Have a suggestion? Let us know in the comments

    Ver video "The Room Three - Chapter 2 - COMPLETE GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH"

  • Instalador Digital Studio de Fischer-Price

    En este video les comento de donde descargar el programa para hacer funcionar la pizarra digital Studio de Fisher Price... abajo el link de descarga! espero que les sirva...Si es así ayudame con suscribirte ! Gracias

    Ver video "Instalador Digital Studio de Fischer-Price"

  • The Room Three - Chapter 3 - COMPLETE GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH

    The Room Three (3) Chapter 3 \r
    This is the complete gameplay walkthrough of the Clock Tower level, chapter 3\r
    every step, every puzzle, every room\r
    Taken from Fireproof Studios Website The eagerly awaited sequel to the BAFTA award winning ‘The Room (Apple Game of the Year new) and ‘The Room Two (App Store Best of new-14) is finally here.\r
    Continuing the story from The Room Two, your obsessive search for the Null results with being lured to ‘Grey Holm, a mysterious mansion located on a remote island. You must use all your puzzle-solving abilities to navigate aof trials devised by a mysterious figure known only as “The Craftsman”.\r
    The Room Three is significantly larger than our previous games, taking place in a variety of stunning new environments, each spanning multiple areas. New for The Room Three is the new eyepiece ability which allows you to explore the world in miniature. And also for the first time in The Roomyou are able to return to Grey Holm between Chapters and solve its unique puzzles which will decide your fate and determine which of the alternate endings you will experience.\r
    Subscribe to our channel for all the latest levels and games!\r
    Check us out on \r
    TWITTER \r
    GOOGLE+ \r
    Other playlists\r
    How to solve Candy crush soda saga \r
    How to solve Rubiks cube \r
    How to play backgammon \r
    How to solve sudoku \r
    Have a suggestion? Let us know in the comments\r
    step by step of chapter three of the room three\r
    gold box - read letter\r
    move top handle\r
    go to pole and grab wheel with handle\r
    go to glass panel by clock and slide both sliders at once\r
    grab pillar\r
    put pillar in top socket to open top - slide corner panel\r
    go inside with glasses\r
    open hatch and get crank handle\r
    go to other side and rotate until hatch opens\r
    get metal ring\r
    put on 3rd side\r
    turn til you see opening to put crank in\r
    turn crank\r
    go to top of box and solve puzzle and flip switch\r
    put magnets into place\r
    go into tower with glasses\r
    use crank to solve puzzle - push button and solve second puzzle and flip switch\r
    get gear\r
    go to panel next to pendulum put in gear\r
    go upstairs\r
    put on wheel on left and turn it\r
    puzzle on painting wall move fireball\r
    and take clock face and leave room \r
    put clock on gold box\r
    do chess puzzle \r
    go int nex tower and solve puzzle on over\r
    use crank again\r
    open over and solve puzzle and flip switch\r
    take hande with socket\r
    go to door and use it to open door\r
    go to next room \r
    open red box \r
    take winding key\r
    open side and top\r
    use lens on side to solve puzzle \r
    then wind dancing box\r
    and get her to center\r
    go up stairs to gold box and grab figurine\r
    put her in the socket and get her to center too\r
    grab the red gem\r
    go to other wall and insert red/blue gem \r
    match to the colors below - both puzzles\r
    go to shadow wall and push buttons to make bird\r
    take key with bird emblem\r
    go upstairs and put key in pole box\r
    open and flip switch\r
    go upstairs\r
    go downstairs and solve wall puzzle\r
    take clock hands\r
    put it on gold clock upstairs\r
    then use winder tool\r
    take pyramid

    Ver video "The Room Three - Chapter 3 - COMPLETE GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH"

  • HOW TO SOLVE an equation that has a square root of a binomial? Full explanation!

    HOW TO SOLVE an equation that has a square root of a binomial? Full explanation!

    Ver video " HOW TO SOLVE an equation that has a square root of a binomial? Full explanation!"

  • COMO SOLUCIONAR una inecuación y expresar el resultado en INTERVALO. HOW TO SOLVE an inequality and express the result in INTERVAL.

    COMO SOLUCIONAR una inecuación y expresar el resultado en INTERVALO. HOW TO SOLVE an inequality and express the result in INTERVAL.

    Ver video "COMO SOLUCIONAR una inecuación y expresar el resultado en INTERVALO. HOW TO SOLVE an inequality and express the result in INTERVAL."

  • RESOLVIENDO una ecuación exponencial paso a paso. SOLVING an exponential equation step by step.

    RESOLVIENDO una ecuación exponencial paso a paso. SOLVING an exponential equation step by step.

    Ver video "RESOLVIENDO una ecuación exponencial paso a paso. SOLVING an exponential equation step by step."

  • SOLUCIONANDO una ecuación y hallando el valor de la incógnita W. SOLVING an equation and finding the value of the unknown W.

    SOLUCIONANDO una ecuación y hallando el valor de la incógnita W. SOLVING an equation and finding the value of the unknown W.

    Ver video "SOLUCIONANDO una ecuación y hallando el valor de la incógnita W. SOLVING an equation and finding the value of the unknown W."

  • RACIONALIZANDO la raíz cúbica de dieciséis (16) que hay en el denominador. RATIONALIZING the cube root of sixteen (16) that is in the denominator.

    RACIONALIZANDO la raíz cúbica de dieciséis (16) que hay en el denominador. RATIONALIZING the cube root of sixteen (16) that is in the denominator.

    Ver video "RACIONALIZANDO la raíz cúbica de dieciséis (16) que hay en el denominador. RATIONALIZING the cube root of sixteen (16) that is in the denominator."

  • Solucionando una INECUACIÓN CUADRÁTICA. ¡Hazlo así! Solving a QUADRATIC INEQUALITY. Do it like this!

    Solucionando una INECUACIÓN CUADRÁTICA. ¡Hazlo así! Solving a QUADRATIC INEQUALITY. Do it like this!

    Ver video "Solucionando una INECUACIÓN CUADRÁTICA. ¡Hazlo así! Solving a QUADRATIC INEQUALITY. Do it like this!"

  • HALLANDO el valor de "m" de la ecuación dada a resolver. FINDING the value of "m" of the given equation to solve.

    HALLANDO el valor de "m" de la ecuación dada a resolver. FINDING the value of "m" of the given equation to solve.

    Ver video "HALLANDO el valor de "m" de la ecuación dada a resolver. FINDING the value of "m" of the given equation to solve."

  • RESOLVIENDO ecuaciones. EJERCICIO #3. SOLVING equations. EXERCISE 3.

    RESOLVIENDO ecuaciones. EJERCICIO #3. SOLVING equations. EXERCISE 3.

    Ver video "RESOLVIENDO ecuaciones. EJERCICIO #3. SOLVING equations. EXERCISE 3."

  • OPERACIONES COMBINADAS. Resuélvelas en éste orden... COMBINED OPERATIONS. Solve them in this order...

    OPERACIONES COMBINADAS. Resuélvelas en éste orden...
    COMBINED OPERATIONS. Solve them in this order...

    Ver video "OPERACIONES COMBINADAS. Resuélvelas en éste orden... COMBINED OPERATIONS. Solve them in this order..."

  • SOLUCIONANDO paso a paso una ecuación exponencial. SOLVING step by step an exponential equation.

    SOLUCIONANDO paso a paso una ecuación exponencial. SOLVING step by step an exponential equation.

    Ver video "SOLUCIONANDO paso a paso una ecuación exponencial. SOLVING step by step an exponential equation."

  • PROBLEMAS sobre áreas algebraicas. COMO SOLUCIONARLO? PROBLEMS on algebraic areas. HOW TO SOLVE IT?

    PROBLEMAS sobre áreas algebraicas. COMO SOLUCIONARLO? PROBLEMS on algebraic areas. HOW TO SOLVE IT?

    Ver video "PROBLEMAS sobre áreas algebraicas. COMO SOLUCIONARLO? PROBLEMS on algebraic areas. HOW TO SOLVE IT?"

  • RESOLVIENDO una ecuación exponencial que contiene una raíz. SOLVING an exponential equation that contains a root.

    RESOLVIENDO una ecuación exponencial que contiene una raíz. SOLVING an exponential equation that contains a root.

    Ver video "RESOLVIENDO una ecuación exponencial que contiene una raíz. SOLVING an exponential equation that contains a root."

  • SOLUCIONANDO una ecuación racional en 2 minutos. SOLVING a rational equation in 2 minutes.

    SOLUCIONANDO una ecuación racional en 2 minutos. SOLVING a rational equation in 2 minutes.

    Ver video "SOLUCIONANDO una ecuación racional en 2 minutos. SOLVING a rational equation in 2 minutes."

  • Usando el MÉTODO DE SUSTITUCIÓN para resolver ecuaciones simultáneas. Using the SUBSTITUTION METHOD to solve simultaneous equations.

    Usando el MÉTODO DE SUSTITUCIÓN para resolver ecuaciones simultáneas. Using the SUBSTITUTION METHOD to solve simultaneous equations.

    Ver video "Usando el MÉTODO DE SUSTITUCIÓN para resolver ecuaciones simultáneas. Using the SUBSTITUTION METHOD to solve simultaneous equations."

  • SOLUCIONANDO una fórmula exponencial paso a paso. SOLVING an exponential formula step by step.

    SOLUCIONANDO una fórmula exponencial paso a paso. SOLVING an exponential formula step by step.

    Ver video "SOLUCIONANDO una fórmula exponencial paso a paso. SOLVING an exponential formula step by step."









  • ORDEN para resolver operaciones matemáticas!! ORDER to solve mathematical operations!!

    ORDEN para resolver operaciones matemáticas!!

    Ver video "ORDEN para resolver operaciones matemáticas!! ORDER to solve mathematical operations!!"

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 11).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 11).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 11)."

  • HALLAR los valores de "X" y "Y" de la ECUACION. FIND the values ​​of "X" and "Y" of the EQUATION.

    HALLAR los valores de "X" y "Y" de la ECUACION.

    Ver video "HALLAR los valores de "X" y "Y" de la ECUACION. FIND the values ​​of "X" and "Y" of the EQUATION."

  • HALLANDO un límite matemático en poco tiempo. (Ejercicio 1). FINDING a mathematical limit in a short time. (Exercise 1).

    HALLANDO un límite matemático en poco tiempo. (Ejercicio 1).
    FINDING a mathematical limit in a short time. (Exercise 1).

    Ver video "HALLANDO un límite matemático en poco tiempo. (Ejercicio 1). FINDING a mathematical limit in a short time. (Exercise 1)."



  • HALLANDO el valor de "X" en una ECUACION lineal! FINDING the value of "X" in a linear EQUATION!

    HALLANDO el valor de "X" en una ECUACION lineal!
    FINDING the value of "X" in a linear EQUATION!

    Ver video "HALLANDO el valor de "X" en una ECUACION lineal! FINDING the value of "X" in a linear EQUATION!"

  • Un entretenido reto matemático. (VIDEO 1).

    Un entretenido reto matemático. (VIDEO 1).

    Ver video "Un entretenido reto matemático. (VIDEO 1)."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada en poco tiempo. (Vídeo 1). A fascinating EQUATION developed in a short time. (Video 1).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada en poco tiempo. (Vídeo 1). A fascinating EQUATION developed in a short time. (Video 1).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada en poco tiempo. (Vídeo 1). A fascinating EQUATION developed in a short time. (Video 1)."

  • SIMPLIFICANDO la raíz cuadrada de 1000. ¡Hazlo así! SIMPLIFYING the square root of 1000. Do it like this!

    SIMPLIFICANDO la raíz cuadrada de 1000. ¡Hazlo así! SIMPLIFYING the square root of 1000. Do it like this!

    Ver video "SIMPLIFICANDO la raíz cuadrada de 1000. ¡Hazlo así! SIMPLIFYING the square root of 1000. Do it like this!"

  • DIBUJANDO un interesante hipotrocoide con un espirógrafo. (VIDEO 47).

    DIBUJANDO un interesante hipotrocoide con un espirógrafo. (VIDEO 47).

    Ver video "DIBUJANDO un interesante hipotrocoide con un espirógrafo. (VIDEO 47)."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 10). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 10).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 10).
    A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 10).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 10). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 10)."

  • HALLANDO el valor de la variable "m" en la ecuación de primer grado. FINDING the value of the variable "m" in the first degree equation.

    HALLANDO el valor de la variable "m" en la ecuación de primer grado. FINDING the value of the variable "m" in the first degree equation.

    Ver video "HALLANDO el valor de la variable "m" en la ecuación de primer grado. FINDING the value of the variable "m" in the first degree equation."

  • COMO ubicar un intervalo en la RECTA NUMERICA? HOW to locate an interval on the NUMBER LINE?

    COMO ubicar un intervalo en la RECTA NUMERICA? HOW to locate an interval on the NUMBER LINE?

    Ver video "COMO ubicar un intervalo en la RECTA NUMERICA? HOW to locate an interval on the NUMBER LINE?"

  • SÍMBOLOS matemáticos en la lógica de predicados. Mathematical SYMBOLS in the logic of predicates.

    SÍMBOLOS matemáticos en la lógica de predicados. Mathematical SYMBOLS in the logic of predicates.

    Ver video "SÍMBOLOS matemáticos en la lógica de predicados. Mathematical SYMBOLS in the logic of predicates."

  • DESARROLLANDO una ecuación exponencial paso a paso. DEVELOPING an exponential equation step by step.

    DESARROLLANDO una ecuación exponencial paso a paso. DEVELOPING an exponential equation step by step.

    Ver video "DESARROLLANDO una ecuación exponencial paso a paso. DEVELOPING an exponential equation step by step."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada en poco tiempo. (Video 5).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada en poco tiempo. (Video 5).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada en poco tiempo. (Video 5)."



  • ¡ SIMPLIFICA la expresión de 8 por la raíz cuadrada de 150 de ésta manera! ¡Paso a paso!

    SIMPLIFY the expression of 8 by the square root of 150 this way! Step by step!

    Ver video "¡ SIMPLIFICA la expresión de 8 por la raíz cuadrada de 150 de ésta manera! ¡Paso a paso!"

  • Una fantástica FIGURA trazada paso a paso. (VIDEO 23). A fantastic FIGURE drawn step by step. (VIDEO 23).

    Una fantástica FIGURA trazada paso a paso. (VIDEO 23).
    A fantastic FIGURE drawn step by step. (VIDEO 23).

    Ver video "Una fantástica FIGURA trazada paso a paso. (VIDEO 23). A fantastic FIGURE drawn step by step. (VIDEO 23)."

  • Recopilación de agradables ECUACIONES desarrolladas paso a paso. ¡Disfruta y aprende! (VIDEO 1). Compilation of nice EQUATIONS developed step by step. Enjoy and learn! (VIDEO 1).

    Recopilación de agradables ECUACIONES desarrolladas paso a paso. ¡Disfruta y aprende! (VIDEO 1).
    Compilation of nice EQUATIONS developed step by step. Enjoy and learn! (VIDEO 1).

    Ver video "Recopilación de agradables ECUACIONES desarrolladas paso a paso. ¡Disfruta y aprende! (VIDEO 1). Compilation of nice EQUATIONS developed step by step. Enjoy and learn! (VIDEO 1)."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 5). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 5).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 5).
    A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 5).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 5). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 5)."

  • ¡SIMPLIFICA la expresión de 7 por la raíz cuadrada de 1500 de ésta manera! ¡Paso a paso!

    SIMPLIFY the expression of 7 by the square root of 1500 this way! Step by step!

    Ver video " ¡SIMPLIFICA la expresión de 7 por la raíz cuadrada de 1500 de ésta manera! ¡Paso a paso!"

  • REPRESENTING an inequality on the number line. Do it like this!

    REPRESENTING an inequality on the number line. Do it like this!

    Ver video "REPRESENTING an inequality on the number line. Do it like this!"

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 9).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 9).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 9)."

  • FACTORIZANDO y simplificando una expresión algebraica. FACTORING and simplifying an algebraic expression.

    FACTORIZANDO y simplificando una expresión algebraica. FACTORING and simplifying an algebraic expression.

    Ver video "FACTORIZANDO y simplificando una expresión algebraica. FACTORING and simplifying an algebraic expression."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 6). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 6).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 6).
    A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 6).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 6). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 6)."

  • DESARROLLANDO una hermosa multiplicación en segundos. (Ejercicio 1). DEVELOPING beautiful multiplication in seconds. (Exercise 1).

    DESARROLLANDO una hermosa multiplicación en segundos. (Ejercicio 1).
    DEVELOPING beautiful multiplication in seconds. (Exercise 1).

    Ver video "DESARROLLANDO una hermosa multiplicación en segundos. (Ejercicio 1). DEVELOPING beautiful multiplication in seconds. (Exercise 1)."



  • SIMPLIFICANDO un radical rápidamente. (EJERCICIO 2). SIMPLIFYING a radical quickly. (EXERCISE 2).

    SIMPLIFICANDO un radical rápidamente. (EJERCICIO 2).
    SIMPLIFYING a radical quickly. (EXERCISE 2).

    Ver video "SIMPLIFICANDO un radical rápidamente. (EJERCICIO 2). SIMPLIFYING a radical quickly. (EXERCISE 2)."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 2). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 2).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 2).
    A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 2).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 2). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 2)."

  • RACIONALIZANDO a 5 sobre raíz cuadrada de 7. RATIONALIZING to 5 over the square root of 7.

    RACIONALIZANDO a 5 sobre raíz cuadrada de 7. RATIONALIZING to 5 over the square root of 7.

    Ver video "RACIONALIZANDO a 5 sobre raíz cuadrada de 7. RATIONALIZING to 5 over the square root of 7."

  • HOW TO RATIONALIZE a fraction that has a square root in its denominator? Explanation!

    HOW TO RATIONALIZE a fraction that has a square root in its denominator? Explanation!

    Ver video " HOW TO RATIONALIZE a fraction that has a square root in its denominator? Explanation!"

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 1). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 1).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 1).
    A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 1).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 1). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 1)."

  • Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 2). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 2).

    Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 2).
    A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 2).

    Ver video "Una ECUACIÓN fascinante desarrollada paso a paso. (Video 2). A fascinating EQUATION developed step by step. (Video 2)."

  • ENCONTRANDO el valor de "y" en la ecuación. ¡Hazlo asi! FINDING the value of "y" in the equation. Do it like this!

    ENCONTRANDO el valor de "y" en la ecuación. ¡Hazlo asi!
    FINDING the value of "y" in the equation. Do it like this!

    Ver video "ENCONTRANDO el valor de "y" en la ecuación. ¡Hazlo asi! FINDING the value of "y" in the equation. Do it like this!"

  • SIMPLIFICANDO una expresión algebraica. ¡Hazlo así! SIMPLIFYING an algebraic expression. Do it like this!

    SIMPLIFICANDO una expresión algebraica. ¡Hazlo así! SIMPLIFYING an algebraic expression. Do it like this!

    Ver video "SIMPLIFICANDO una expresión algebraica. ¡Hazlo así! SIMPLIFYING an algebraic expression. Do it like this!"

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