Como dibujar a tristeza de inside out,how to draw sadness
¿Necesitas AÑADIR el ICONO de EMAIL en MICROSOT WORD pero NO SABES como HACERLO❓. En ESTE ☝ VÍDEO informativo te enseñaré como poner el símbolo de correo Word paso a paso:
00:00 👉 Ejemplo
00:28 👉 Le damos a "Insertar" y seleccionamos "Ecuación Símbolo"
00:42 👉 Seleccionamos fuente "Segoe UI Symbol" y marcamos la "Área de Uso Privado"Ver video "✍📧 Cómo INSERTAR el SÍMBOLO de CORREO ELECTRÓNICO en WORD FÁCIL y RÁPIDO"
Tattoonie design
Tattoonie design es un e-commerce que crea y distribuye calcomanías rechulonas para enfundarte este verano con una segunda piel la mar de divertida Quedamos con sus creadores para que nos explicaran cómo surgió la idea Si tienes una idea que quieres plasmar en una calcomanía Tattoonie Design te da la opción de crear un tatuaje a medida Además, han contado con la colaboración de muchos artistas como Miranda Makaroff, Venga Monjas, Little is drawing que han creado sus diseños y que puedes comprar en su web Nosotros ya tenemos nuestra calcomanía personalizada, ¿quieres una
Ver video "Tattoonie design"
GIANT TOOTHLESS Surprise Egg Play Doh - How to Train Your Dragon Toys TMNT Spongebob
GIANT TOOTHLESS Surprise Egg Play Doh - How to Train Your Dragon Toys TMNT Spongebob\r
Giant Toothless Surprise Egg made with 100% Play-Doh and there are lots of toys inside. The Playdoh colors used to make Toothless includes black, grey, green, pink white and light blue to cover the entire egg. This egg took a total of 5 hours to make.\r
Within the egg are the following toys: Superman Man of Steel HeroClix with Superman figure, Simpsons keychain by Kidrobot and inside is Moe the bartender, Moofia Latte Tokidoki with a baby cow milk bottle, How to Train Your Dragon 2 mystery minis by Funko with baby nightmare dragon, Trash Pack play pack with trash tube television figure and Sludge Slug #13 of 48, DC Super Heroes Funko mystery minis and inside is Deathstroke figure, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle collectible key ring with foot clan keychain, minifigure of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon 2, Marvel Mega-Bloks3 and within the blind bag is Iceman, Toothless vs Drago War Machine figure with a War Machine catapult and Toothless ready for battle, Minecraft Hangers1 with a white skeleton, Transformers Tiny Titan and inside is Bumblebee #11 of 12, Toothless Funko Pop figure with a really big head, Hot Wheels car mystery model and inside is a blue Torque Twister, Spongebob Squarepants Eraseez with Patrick and Gary the snail, Shopkins micro lite with Dum Mee Mee that lights up like a flash light. \r
You might also like my other videos:\r
Charizard Play-Doh Surprise Egg\r
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Giant Pikachu Surprise Egg\r
GIANT Chase Paw Patrol Egg\r
Big Ultron Surprise Egg\r
Huge Steve Minecraft Egg\r
Sadness Inside Out Surprise Egg\r
GIANT Superman Egg\r
GIANT Play-Doh Simba\r
26 Play-Doh Disney Surprise Eggs\r
Hope you enjoy the video. Please like & subscribe.Ver video "GIANT TOOTHLESS Surprise Egg Play Doh - How to Train Your Dragon Toys TMNT Spongebob"
Emotions - ESL English For Kids: Fun English Lessons For Young Children | All Together English
Emotions - ESL English For Kids: Fun English Lessons For Young Children | All Together English\r
In this English video lesson for young kids, we take a look at feelings: happy, sad, angry, scared, tired\r
Our sentences for this lesson are:\r
I am happy.\r
I am sad.\r
I am angry.\r
I am not tired.\r
Our rhyme goes like this:\r
It makes me happy\r
it makes me smile\r
when I sing a song\r
and you sing along!\r
As usual, our lesson is packed with songs to help children learn and remember the words and phrases. Along with counting and ABC learning songs thrown in for good measure!\r
As an ivity, you might want to ask your child to keep track of their (daily) feelings by drawing a face along with the appropriate feeling on each occasion.\r
English second language (ESL) learners might also find these early learning videos helpful and fun.\r
We create audio-visual education for younger children featuring carefully picked topics, simple animation, cute charers and supplementary materials powered by original songs to introduce English to young minds. A wide variety of themes, divided into bite-size segments, offer something interesting and educational for ages 2 and up. \r
All Together English Book 1 (PDF) available here: \r
Fun English for Kids English ESL (PDF) - Teachers guide to ESL for young children, visit \r
我們創建的內容幾乎是不可能讓兒童(和一些成人)忘記的– 就是有那麼大的粘性!關鍵是把教育和娛樂混合得恰到好處。\r
• 每一學習部分的時間段是仔細定時的,如詞彙,句子,兒歌,算術和更多。\r
• 年輕的孩子們被幽默感和樂趣完全激發起來,並保持良好的的注意力。\r
• 娛樂主題呈現在明亮的視覺風格當中被音樂帶動起來。\r
• 補充當前學校或幼兒園所教的學習材料。\r
• 在周末,假日,甚至睡覺前都是在家中完善的學習。\r
• 一個有趣開始學習英語的第一個步,同時為未來的學習建立堅實的基礎。\r
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the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
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