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  • call of duty black ops 3 Gameplay HD 1080p - parte 1 (2016)

  • Como fazer pulseiras de elástico: Triple Falsa #LoomBands (sem tear)

    How to do rainbow loom bracelets/loom bands bracelets. Como fazer pulseiras com elasticos, pulseira com garfo, pulseira com tear, rainbow loom bracelets, tutoriais de pulseira de elástico em português (Brasil). Nesse tutorial/DIY ensino a fazer pulseira com elásticos (rainbow loom bracelet/loom bands), no modelo/pattern/design tripla falsa (triple false). É bem simples e legal.\r
    ⭐ Onde comprar os elásticos? \r
    ⭐ Outros vídeos:\r
    - Pulseira de Elástico dos Minions: \r
    - Topo de Lápis do Minion Malvado: \r
    - Mais tutoriais: \r
    ⭐ Se inscreva no canal: \r
    ⭐ Mais tutoriais de pulseiras: \r

    Ver video "Como fazer pulseiras de elástico: Triple Falsa #LoomBands (sem tear)"

  • Joy Pony 3: Rainbow dash home. Caring games for kids

    Today Rainbow Dash will be like a sweete child on rainbow home, rainbow Dash will be so honey!. On this game you must give some food for rainbow Dash and help her with washing and sleeping. Very honey game for kids.\r
    We all really love cartoons! Thats for sure! Cartoon Games TV channel you can just find any childrens games and videos from your favorite s! Here it is easy to see the video of the childrens games: My Little Pony friendship is magic, Monster High, Ever After High, Equestria Girls and Minions. Many cognitive games for every taste, picking puzzles, dolls, dress up games, review and cooking games - this is what you will always find in the Cartoon Games TV! This channel its best online games for girls and boys.\r
    Subscribe: \r
    My Little Pony Friendship is Magic:\r
    Monster High and Ever After High:\r
    Equestria Girls:\r
    Real s:\r
    games for girls to play, Dress up and MakeUP:\r
    Barbie games:\r

    Ver video "Joy Pony 3: Rainbow dash home. Caring games for kids"

  • Rainbow Cake | How to Make a Rainbow birthday Cake | CarlyToffle

    Rainbow Birthday Cake how to DIY video tutorial easy recipe for rainbow cake. 7 tier multi coloured bright rainbow cake with step by step instructions.\r
    Since it has been a really miserable week here in the UK, this week I decided to make Rainbow Cake to brighten things up a bit.I had so much fun making this cake and I cannot wait to make it again. It tasted out of this world, looked incredible and it was even pretty simple to do. Next time, I think Ill cover the cake in pale blue icing to look like the sky. Im not a professional but baking is my hobby and I love to share my creations with you. Let me know what you would like me to do next and Ill see what I can do. If you have a go at this cake Id love to see it so please send me a photo!\r
    To make the sponge, youl need:\r
    ♡750g Self Raising Flour\r
    ♡750g Caster Sugar\r
    ♡750g Unsalted Butter\r
    ♡9 Free Range Eggs\r
    ♡Vanilla extr (optional)\r
    ♡ Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple Food Colouring Paste (I used Wilton - \r
    To make the buttercream:\r
    ♡400g Unsalted Butter\r
    ♡800g Icing Sugar/Powdered Sugar\r
    ♡Vanilla extr (optional)\r
    ♡ Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple Food Colouring Paste (I used Wilton - \r
    For the decoration:\r
    ♡White Fondant Icing\r
    I simply used two 7 sandwich tins and baked the cakes two at a time. Oh and youll need lots of bowls too!

    Ver video "Rainbow Cake | How to Make a Rainbow birthday Cake | CarlyToffle"

  • Das Putten Mierden: Five nights at freddy's world

    ¿Qué puede ocurrir cuando un creativo de renombre se cansa de su producto y decide salir de su zona de confort? en muchas ocasiones puede salir bien, sin ir más lejos Levine se quemó con bioshock y oye sus discos con Maroon 5 no han estado nada mal a decir verdad. Pero no siempre sale todo igual de bien y claro a veces las nuevas creaciones derivadas de otras que intentan emplear su espíritu pero de una forma rara y quizá disonante con el propósito original de la obra para desencantar a todos los fans. No obstante también puedo añadir que estoy plenamente convencido de que la obra analizada en el día de hoy no dejará indiferente a nadie por su complejidad, su intrincado argumento y su maestría posicionando elementos socioculturales y cognitivos que derriban la cuarta pared que ríete del Rainbow 6 Siege.

    Disponible para comprar en steam


    Ver video "Das Putten Mierden: Five nights at freddy's world"

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