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  • Taylor Swift tipping workers at a Grammys after-party.

  • North Korea urges victory against US on party's founding day

    Pyongyang (North Korea), Oct 10 (EFE). North Korea on Tuesday urged expediting the war against the United States in an editorial published in the country's main newspaper on the 72nd anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party.
    Keywords: efe,north,korea,workers,party,congress

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  • El Gobierno hace un requerimiento para que se elimine el pin parental de Vox

    El Pin parental es un mecanismo que exige la autorización de los padres para que sus hijos reciban información sobre cuestiones extracurriculares como sexualidad y modelo de familiaView on euronews

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  • Lito comprando cd

    Lito comprando un cd a un rubia mujer...

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  • Animal Party - Centros de Ocio

    Empresa de organización de fiestas y entretenimiento para niños/as a partir de 3 años. Es un Centro de Ocio novedoso y sin competencia en España, donde podrás disfrutar de una fiesta diferente. Nos adaptamos a cada edad, personalizando el evento dependiendo de los gustos del niño. Contamos con animadores especializados en cada sala, que jugarán con ellos, haciendo al cumpleañero protagonista de su fiesta. Además, todos los niños rellenarán su peluche y se lo llevarán de regalo a casa. ANIMAL PARTY te ofrece cumpleaños en nuestros locales, fiestas a domicilio, talleres y campamentos para grupos o colegios. Todos nuestros cumpleaños incluyen merienda, tarta, discoteca, karaoke, disfraces, pintacaras, invitaciones y regalo especial para el cumpleañero.

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  • El socialdemócrata Milanovic gana las presidenciales en Croacia

    El socialdemócrata Milanovic gana las presidenciales en Croacia según encuestas a pie de urna.View on euronews

    Ver video "El socialdemócrata Milanovic gana las presidenciales en Croacia"

  • El PSOE aclara que no habrá referéndum de autodeterminación en Cataluña

    El PSOE tiene ya casi asegurada la investidura de Sánchez, pero el acuerdo con Esquerra no garantiza que se aprueben los presupuestosView on euronews

    Ver video "El PSOE aclara que no habrá referéndum de autodeterminación en Cataluña"

  • Office Christmas Party - Official Movie Trailer #1 (2016)

    In OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY, when the CEO tries to close her hard-partying brother’s branch, he and his Chief Technical Officer must rally their co-workers and host an epic office Christmas party in an effort to impress a potential client and close a sale that will save their jobs.

    Ver video "Office Christmas Party - Official Movie Trailer #1 (2016)"

  • Spain's ruling PP wins in Galicia, nationalists take Basque region

    Madrid, Oct 21 (EFE).- Spain's ruling conservative Popular Party received strong support for its economic policies in regional elections at the weekend, increasing its absolute majority in Galicia, where it left the opposition Socialist Party licking its wounds. Meanwhile, the Socialists' poor showing in the Basque region opened the door to gains by nationalist and independence-minded political forces.

    EFE TV - MADRID - 08:30 GMT

    Keywords: efe-spain-regional-elections-galicia-basque

    Tel: +34 913 467 200.



    Ver video "Spain's ruling PP wins in Galicia, nationalists take Basque region"

  • Voters turn out in Spain for 3rd general election in 4 years

    Madrid (Spain), Apr 28 (EFE).- Voters headed to polling stations on Sunday for Spain’s third general election in four years where the incumbent Socialist Party was predicted to secure the most seats in Parliament but fall short of a ruling majority and the far-right newcomer party Vox anticipated to make a breakthrough.
    Keywords: efe,spain,general,elections

    Ver video "Voters turn out in Spain for 3rd general election in 4 years"

  • Socialists prevail in Spain elections amid high turnout, splintered vote

    Madrid (Spain), Apr 28 (EFE).- The ruling Socialist Party on Sunday came out on top of Spain’s general elections by earning a plurality of the vote – but falling short of being able to form a government without partners – in balloting that saw strong turnout and scattered representation for multiple outfits across the spectrum, including an emerging far-right party.
    Keywords: efe,spain,general,elections

    Ver video "Socialists prevail in Spain elections amid high turnout, splintered vote"

  • Communist demonstration.2007.Spain.3ª República

    Musical Communist Demostration in Europe,Spain,Asturias,Oviedo.Manifestation and party of the communists in the small city of oviedo.Workers and students in the streets of the city.The red flags of the hard-working nation and those of the socialist Spanish republic undulate to the wind.Une manifestation communiste en Espagne.Kommunistische Kundgebung in Spanien.

    Ver video "Communist demonstration.2007.Spain.3ª República"

  • Vanidad - Best DiBa Express Online 08

    Carlitos Iglesias is the director of this shortfilm, Winner of the Diba Express Oline 08 First Prize: 3.000 euros & a travel to Barcelona to assist at the DiBa Festival & DiBa Closing Party.
    DiBa Express Online Contest: Use your camera, select your co-workers, choose your idea, film and edit a short film (maximum 3 minutes-long) in a record time of 10 days, starting from a key word.

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  • Año 2006.Communist Demonstration por la Tercera República

    Un día de diversión, entretenimiento y lucha con manifestación y concierto por la tercera República en Oviedo en el año 2006....

    Musical Communist Demonstration in Europe,Spain,Asturias,Oviedo.Manifestation and party of the communists in the small city of oviedo.Workers and students in the streets of the city.The red flags of the hard-working nation and those of the socialist Spanish republic undulate to the wind.Une manifestation communiste en Espagne.Kommunistische Kundgebung in Spanien.


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  • Cable Splitter V1 para Grabar Party y Voz Xbox

    Puedes comprar los mejores Splitters del mercado para Xone y Ps4 en
    Setup de como conectar el mando de Xbox One a la capturadora para grabar voz y party. Con esto podremos grabar partidas con nuestros amigos en Xbox.

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    ATENCIÓN: No todos nuestros videos están en youtube, tenemos más guías, vídeo logros, vídeo trucos y más contenido útil en

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  • Ford Motor Argentina factory in Pacheco - Buenos Aires 1966

    Bs. As .: In the industrial center Ford, whose facilities have demanded an investment of 70 million dollars, we visited the different departments with 135 thousand square meters of covered surface, where the tests and the structure examinations of the parties are carried out and accessories that make up the vehicle. Argentine technicians and workers, having the most modern instruments; they perform the severe quality control that guarantees the performance, both that of the Falcon units and those that make up the Ford truck line. In the structure test department, all the armed parts such as lights, seats, steering, elastics, etc are carefully examined; even all engines running. In this track of unique characteristics in South America, the standard units that leave the Ford industrial center are subjected to a definitive test, in roads of different consistencies and irregularity, and in roads of the most varied class. It is a real work tool that makes possible the verification of the integral quality of the cars; In this way Ford Motor Argentina ensures the quality of the product enabling it to be used in the most perfect conditions. (EPA News)
    Date: 1966
    Duration: 1 minute 31 seconds
    Film code: B-11562

    Copyright File DiFilm - Queries for archival material -
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