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  • ¡XBOX se puso MAMADÍSIMO!

  • ¡XBOX se puso MAMADÍSIMO!

    Esta semana en tu resumen de noticias favorito: XBOX podrá comprar a Activision Blizzard y se pone mamadísimo... ¡y mucho más! ¡SPEEDRUN!

    Ver video "¡XBOX se puso MAMADÍSIMO!"

  • ¡CLONY le quiere COPIAR a XBOX! 😱 Pero en la compra de compañías 🤑 - SPEEDRUN (1080p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)

    Esta semana en tu resumen semanal de noticias de videojuegos: Sony podría comprar FromSoftware, PS5 Pro decepciona, Xbox sin nominaciones al GOTY, Switch 2 en camino... ¡y mucho más! ¡SPEEDRUN!

    Ver video "¡CLONY le quiere COPIAR a XBOX! 😱 Pero en la compra de compañías 🤑 - SPEEDRUN (1080p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)"

  • Downhill Xtreme Trailer

    Olvídate de los saltos, flips y half-pipes, en las carreras de Downhill Xtreme tu objetivo es llegar el primero. Con el dinero acumulado en cada competición podrás comprar nuevas tablas, ropa y accesorios.

    Ver video "Downhill Xtreme Trailer"

  • The Ship (Análisis)

    The Ship fue originalmente un mod de Half Life 2, el cual se podía descargar a través de la plataforma Steam de Valve, pero del que por suerte, y desde hace algunas semanas, ya se puede comprar también en tiendas gracias a la compañía Friendware.

    Ver video "The Ship (Análisis)"

  • ¿Para qué Sirve el Piracetam_

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    Ver video "¿Para qué Sirve el Piracetam_"

  • League of Legends - Vi, the Piltover Enforcer Easy hack [FREE RP_IP] in - Preseason 3 Patch

    Hi guys!!! We found out most of the link in youtube 95% are i and my friends try to find out a working link and we finally found it here we want to share to u...a working link on new patch... [This video is old but the bug link is new and working 100% good luck and enjoy your free Roit point]
    (When u reach lvl 10, u will get instantly 20000RP and 50000IP)

    You're wondering how to get riot points for free?
    well, its pretty easy to explain: this bug is based on RIOT's halloween-special, which should be for new players to get easier in league of legends. this "halloween-special" never became public, cause they couldn't organize a random amount from 50 RP till 100 RP.
    so long story short: this "trick", "bug", "hack" (call it whatever you like) IS working 100% for the player, but not for riot, cause they're loosing so much money...

    Follow the steps in the video or check the short version bellow:


    2.Join the League !!! it means just create an League of Legends account

    3.Start League of Legends and log in with your new account

    4.Choose a name for your summoner with 'boo..' as first three letters !!!!
    (here is the important stuff: this is the beginning of riots bug or "halloween-special". the reason why "boo.."? pretty obviously: it was halloween and should be spooky boooooo.... booo..)

    so its actually bad that you have to create a new account and with such a name... but you can change your name for riot-points and believe me...

    5.Choose the 'sword with wings' as your summoner icon !!!
    (this step is just a bug: the sword will change into 'blue mountains' automatically. its obviously a bug and we know to use it

    ATTENTION!!! If the Icon didn't changed automatically, just change it before you get level 6

    6.Click on beginner !!!! just because its easier to level up

    7.Now its time for you to level... level... LEVEL....

    8.After reach lvl 10 log out and restart your pc and log in again...... ( However, some account need to wait for 48hours to get your free riot point.....)

    ***Tips for reaching level 10

    -Play battle training (NO TUTORIAL) - it makes you level 2 and a half
    -On level 3 you are getting 400 RP - buy 1day XP Boost with your RP
    -Do not leave games or using offensive language - you can be suspended
    -You can play continuously - you can reach level 10 for 1day even if you want

    Ver video "League of Legends - Vi, the Piltover Enforcer Easy hack [FREE RP_IP] in - Preseason 3 Patch"


    Google Play -- Un juego envolvente de alta calidad para tabletasLidera el ataque del dia D en la mayor invasion aliada de la Segunda Guerra Mundial Derrota a las fuerzas ocupantes y recupera Francia arrasa las playas, despeja las trincheras y libera las ciudades luchando en los paisajes de Normandia.MIRA Y SIENTE LA ACCIoNExperimenta el shooter en 3ª persona definitivo con increibles graficos, controles precisos, fisica avanzada, escenarios destruibles y voces en off. Salta de lleno en el calor de la batalla y lleva tu dispositivo al limiteCAMPAÑA ENORME DE UN SOLO JUGADORExperimenta 5 campañas independientes con 145 misiones basadas en los desembarcos de las playas Juno, Sword, Utah, Gold y Omaha. Destruye poderosos tanques y cañones para permitir que las fuerzas aliadas avancen. Agarra un arma y descargala contra posiciones fortificadas. Hazte cargo de las armas de fuego antiaereas para derribar bombarderos y a sus escoltas antes de que puedan liberar la carga.ATRAVIESA LA ZONA DE GUERRAabrete paso a traves del territorio enemigo Atraviesa el campo de batalla esquivando minas y saltando barreras mientras buscas el proximo punto de cobertura para evitar el fuego enemigo. Emerge de destruibles puntos de cobertura para enfrentarte a las oleadas enemigasDIRIGE UN ARSENAL DE ARMAS LETALESPonte al frente con una gran variedad de armas clasicas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Agarra un rifle antiguo para derribar enemigos con precision o, si lo prefieres, una ametralladora para liberar una lluvia de balas. Haz uso de la artilleria contra los soldados enemigos o carga un bazuca para reducir los tanques a escombros.Frontline Commando DDay es un juego gratuito, pero puedes usar dinero real para comprar mas articulos.El uso de esta aplicacion esta regido por las condiciones de uso de Glu Mobile. La recopilacion y el uso de datos personales estan sujetos a la politica de privacidad de Glu Mobile. Ambas normati

    Ver video "FRONTLINE COMMANDO: D-DAY Para Android"

  • History of the circus, so it began

    History of the circus, so it began.
    According to Chinese historians the first acrobats were those hunters who excelled by their physical abilities, based on this they locate the beginning of the acrobatics about five thousand years before our era, there is a book named the imaginary history of acrobats WU-QUIAO Located in Hebei Province, which reports that the Yellow Emperor, better known in this part of the world as HUANG DI which is part of the five emperors within Chinese mythology, who are credited with the foundation of Chinese civilization, it is said that the Yellow Emperor during an invasion of the barbarian tribes was about to be defeated, so he called his general LI, whom he asked to go seek help from allied tribes, this general began his journey and got lost in the woods, being rescued by two coal miners, they gave him food and as a reward general LI made them a demonstration of his abilities with the sword, by cutting an apple in half in the air, these miners were so pressed that asked him to stay with them to entertain them, he accepted and in this way the military skills with the sword, bow, the whip and knife throwing became part of the circus repertoire.
    The emperor of course saw that his general did not return so he called general CHEN and asked for the same thing, he got lost in the swamps being rescued by fishermen and as a Ward he showed them his strength, by carrying a boat with 12 people over his shoulders and juggling with bronze which was a success, the fishermen asked him to stay to entertain them and this was how the strong man acts and the jugglers joined the circus world.
    The yellow emperor again saw that he did not return, and sent five other generals who knew how to juggle, contortion, head balance, domesticate bears and wolves, and make people laugh, they left the palace to fulfill their mission and they never returned, so the circus was enriched with all those disciplines, and I suppose that the yellow emperor got killed.
    The need to impress renewed audiences was what inspired the acrobats to embark on the road, many of them ceasing to be sedentary, by leaving their villages and homes to become part of a nomadic nation, at the beginning these groups of traveling artists accepted retired military, soldiers, deserters, warriors, thieves, revolutionaries, explorers, sailors and all kinds of people who wanted to escape from something.

    Source: Histoire du cirque
    voyage extraordinaire autour de la terre. Dominique Mauclair
    Ed. Privat, 2003 Isbn: 9782708917187

    Dog and Pony Show by Silent Partner from YouTube Audio Library

    #circus #circuslife #circusyoutuber #aerialsilks #acrobatics #juggling #aerialist #balancing #cirquedusoleil #crossfit #fitness #calisthenics #polefitness #dance #performingarts

    Dog and Pony Show by Silent Partner from YouTube Audio Library

    Ver video "History of the circus, so it began"

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