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  • cramps in early pregnancy - cramping during pregnancy

  • Healthy eating during pregnancy - Healthy pregnancy diet Healthy eating during pregnancy - How to have a healthy pregnancy - Healthy pregnancy diet

    Healthy Nutritional Products recommends this easy to follow guide that can be done in the comforts of your own home.
    The Healthy Pregnancy Guide is a Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Guide has been endorsed by Medical Doctors, Nurses, Naturopaths, Dieticians, Midwives, Exercise Physiologists, and Real Moms just like yourself. Healthy eating during pregnancy - How to have a healthy pregnancy - Healthy pregnancy diet

    Ver video "Healthy eating during pregnancy - Healthy pregnancy diet"

  • cramping in early pregnancy - cramps during early pregnancy - cramping in early pregnancy - cramps during early pregnancy

    Studies Show That With Just
    20 Minutes of Massages, twice a Week,
    Lowers Rates of Premature Births
    and Postnatal Complications...
    And it Helps You Feel Good Too!

    Finally, A Quick and Proven Way for Mothers Like Us...
    To Have a Pain-Free, Healthy,
    Emotionally Fulfilling and Wonderful Pregnancy!

    cramping in early pregnancy - cramps during early pregnancy

    Ver video "cramping in early pregnancy - cramps during early pregnancy"

  • heartburn causes - heartburn during pregnancy - heartburn in pregnancy - heartburn causes - heartburn during pregnancy - heartburn in pregnancy

    Heartburn is often a extremely common issue in the course of pregnancy. In excess of half of all pregnant ladies may experience
    it at some time in the course of their pregnancy. It becomes particularly problematic in the course of the 3rd trimester when
    the little one is developing quickly and applying a whole lot of pressure on your abdomen.
    The principal hormone which is liable for causing reflux is progesterone. It is issued by the placenta and it’s responsible
    for relaxing the muscle groups that keep acid reflux at bay.

    For more information visit: - heartburn causes - heartburn during pregnancy - heartburn in pregnancy

    Ver video "heartburn causes - heartburn during pregnancy - heartburn in pregnancy"

  • Portland Acupuncture Acupuncture during pregnancy Portland acupuncturist Erin Brockmeyer explains safety and efficacy of acupuncture to treat common ailments during pregnancy.

    Ver video "Portland Acupuncture Acupuncture during pregnancy"

  • How to Lose Weight During Pregnancy | Pregnancy without Pounds

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    How to Lose Weight During Pregnancy | Pregnancy without Pounds


    Ver video "How to Lose Weight During Pregnancy | Pregnancy without Pounds"

  • Weight Loss During Pregnancy –Foods to Avoid During Pregnant - Weight Loss During Pregnancy – Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

    Every year millions of expecting mothers overeat. Even worse, they eat the wrong foods and neglect to eat the right ones. Some of them even believe they should eat anything they want, simply because they're carrying a child. This type of midset is often laughed off as 'eating for two', even though the second person you're eating for happens to weigh only a few pounds or even ounces. The truth is, there are different foods that provide different nutrients for you and your baby, and there are some that can even be detrimental to you gaining pounds you truly don't need. - Weight Loss During Pregnancy – Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

    Ver video "Weight Loss During Pregnancy –Foods to Avoid During Pregnant"

  • 10 Ways Rihanna Changed During Pregnancy

    Ver video "10 Ways Rihanna Changed During Pregnancy"

  • weight loss during pregnancy firt trimester – obese pregnanc - weight loss during pregnancy firt trimester – obese pregnancy weight loss

    What Will Pregnancy without pounds Teach ?
    This program will show you the secrets most women don’t know regarding pregnancy. You’ll learn…
    Tips for keeping those unwanted pounds off your body.
    Ways to minimize stretch marks and cellulite.
    What you need to start doing now in order to prepare for losing weight after delivery. - weight loss during pregnancy firt trimester – obese pregnancy weight loss

    Ver video "weight loss during pregnancy firt trimester – obese pregnanc"

  • weight lose during pregnancy – diet plans for pregnant women - weight lose during pregnancy – diet plans for pregnant women

    Post-pregnancy, the e-book provides a supplement fitness program that aims to get the mother to maintain a regular exercise program along with a diet plan that will have mothers feeling more energetic. This renders women more able to deal with the demands of life after pregnancy. When you get down to it, Trim Pregnancy basically advocates a living a healthier life. - weight lose during pregnancy – diet plans for pregnant women

    Ver video "weight lose during pregnancy – diet plans for pregnant women"

  • toothache during pregnancy - how to get rid of a toothache f - toothache during pregnancy - how to get rid of a toothache fast - how to stop toothache

    Here Is Just A Sample Of The Things You Will Learn In My Guide

    Discover how the type of toothbrush you use could be
    accelerating gum loss and aggravating your toothache pain.

    Learn which ingredients contain natural antibacterial and anesthetic
    properties to give you fast relief, you already use most of these on a daily basis.

    And much, much more...

    toothache during pregnancy - how to get rid of a toothache fast - how to stop toothache

    Ver video "toothache during pregnancy - how to get rid of a toothache f"

  • nausea for pregnancy – nausea vomiting pregnancy – pregnancy - nausea for pregnancy – nausea vomiting pregnancy – pregnancy sickness

    Around half to two thirds of all pregnant women will experience morning sickness to some extent, particularly in the first trimester. It is associated with varying degrees of nausea and vomiting. For most women, morning sickness begins around the fourth week of pregnancy and resolves by the 12th week. However, one in five women endure morning sickness into their second semester, and an unfortunate few experience nausea and vomiting for the entire duration of their pregnancy.

    If you need information, you can visit : - nausea for pregnancy – nausea vomiting pregnancy – pregnancy sickness

    Ver video "nausea for pregnancy – nausea vomiting pregnancy – pregnancy"

  • pre pregnancy diet – after pregnancy diet – the pregnancy - pre pregnancy diet – after pregnancy diet – the pregnancy diet
    You might have. Like many other new moms who have to encounter new experience of bearing a new life in their body. Pregnancy is a simple process but it can be troublesome if you do not know what to do. In addition, the incident can have long term effect to both you and your baby. The best thing to do is to follow the guide from the people who have successfully passed the period.
    There are some ways that you can follow in order to pass these nine months with minimum weight gain. You can enjoy your pregnancy and have easy labor when time comes. The process is easy to follow and written by the one who really understand being a mother. And you can regain your body figure in short time. I am referring to the book called “Pregnancy Without Pounds”. - pre pregnancy diet – after pregnancy diet – the pregnancy diet

    Ver video "pre pregnancy diet – after pregnancy diet – the pregnancy"

  • calories while pregnant – calories pregnant –calories during - calories while pregnant – calories pregnant – calories during pregnancy

    Post-pregnancy, the e-book provides a supplement fitness program that aims to get the mother to maintain a regular exercise program along with a diet plan that will have mothers feeling more energetic. This renders women more able to deal with the demands of life after pregnancy. When you get down to it, Trim Pregnancy basically advocates a living a healthier life. - calories while pregnant – calories pregnant – calories during pregnancy

    Ver video "calories while pregnant – calories pregnant –calories during"

  • chicken pox symptoms in children chicken pox during pregnancy - adult chicken pox symptoms - how do you catch chicken pox - chicken pox during pregnancy - adult chicken pox symptoms - how do you catch chicken pox

    Cure Chicken Pox In A Natural Step-By-Step Method.

    Prevent Chicken Pox Scars. Chicken Pox scars
    happen when your body.

    Doesn't properly heal from the Chicken Pox
    (the blisters don't scab over the.

    Way they are supposed to), from scratching
    the infected areas, or as a result of some
    sort of infection.

    When you do nothing and wait for the chicken pox
    to slowly go away over time, you risk ugly Chicken
    Pox scars showing up.

    You minimize the chances by getting rid of the
    Chicken Pox as fast as possible.

    chicken pox during pregnancy - adult chicken pox symptoms - how do you catch chicken pox

    Ver video "chicken pox symptoms in children chicken pox during pregnancy - adult chicken pox symptoms - how do you catch chicken pox"

  • loss pregnancy weight – diet for pregnancy – pregnancy - loss pregnancy weight – diet for pregnancy – pregnancy and diet

    Trim Pregnancy helps women plan meals to get that diet that is able to sustain both the child and mother and keep them healthy throughout the pregnancy. This diet is coupled with pregnancy-friendly workouts specifically designed for each phase. The exercise program takes into account the baby’s well being in each of the routines laid out in the book. - loss pregnancy weight – diet for pregnancy – pregnancy and diet

    Ver video "loss pregnancy weight – diet for pregnancy – pregnancy"

  • Pregnancy workouts - Pregnancy fitness - Pregnancy exercise pregnancy workouts - pregnancy fitness - pregnancy exercise first trimester

    In The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide you will get the information you need on almost all the health issues related to your pregnancy.
    Here’s what you’ll learn with the Fit and Healthy Pregnancy System
    - Easy exercises and stretches that anyone at any fitness level can do just about anywhere
    - The safe way to add cardio to your exercise routine and boost your energy.
    - Equipment-Free exercises that will keep weight gain minimal and keep you limber. pregnancy workouts - pregnancy fitness - pregnancy exercise first trimester

    Ver video "Pregnancy workouts - Pregnancy fitness - Pregnancy exercise"

  • what to do for morning sickness – cures for morning sickness - what to do for morning sickness – cures for morning sickness during pregnancy

    Around half to two thirds of all pregnant women will experience morning sickness to some extent, particularly in the first trimester. It is associated with varying degrees of nausea and vomiting. For most women, morning sickness begins around the fourth week of pregnancy and resolves by the 12th week. However, one in five women endure morning sickness into their second semester, and an unfortunate few experience nausea and vomiting for the entire duration of their pregnancy.

    If you need information, you can visit : - what to do for morning sickness – cures for morning sickness during pregnancy

    Ver video "what to do for morning sickness – cures for morning sickness"

  • gallstone detox - gallstone home remedy - gallstone homeopathy - gallstone detox - gallstone home remedy - gallstone homeopathy

    How & Why Do Gallstones Form?

    The two types of gallstones are cholesterol stones and
    pigment stones.

    Cholesterol stones are usually yellow-green and are made
    primarily of hardened cholesterol.

    They account for about 80 percent of gallstones.

    Pigment stones are small, dark stones made of bilirubin.

    Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as
    a golf ball.

    The gallbladder can develop just one large stone,
    hundreds of tiny stones, or almost any combination.

    gallstone detox - gallstone home remedy - gallstone homeopathy

    Ver video "gallstone detox - gallstone home remedy - gallstone homeopathy"

  • Health Pregnancy Diet – After Pregnancy Weight Loss - Health Pregnancy Diet – After Pregnancy Weight Loss - Pregnancy Weight Loss During

    The Pregnancy Without Pounds program offers a FREE newsletter that helps future moms discover how to avoid gaining extra pregnancy weight. Included are pregnancy weight diet tips, menus, exercises and stretches for pregnant women that will increase overall health and flexibility. Inside you'll learn about the different body types all women share, and how to select the one that best represents you. Once you know this, you can work with your body type and not against it - allowing for a more personalized approach to a pregnancy fitness guide that yields individualized results for pregnant women. - Health Pregnancy Diet – After Pregnancy Weight Loss - Pregnancy Weight Loss During

    Ver video "Health Pregnancy Diet – After Pregnancy Weight Loss"

  • Diet Food Delivery One of the benefits of Science Diet food delivery are special offers. These include percent-off coupons, free shipping, promotions for related products and even contests.

    Ver video "Diet Food Delivery"

  • Massage When Pregnant- prenatal massage massage during ... home pregnancy masagge: Problems During Pregnancy?
    a program of massage and exercises to overcome the problems that occur during pregnancy
    cramps in pregnancy,headaches in Pregnancy,nausea during pregnancy,migraines in pregnancy

    Ver video "Massage When Pregnant- prenatal massage massage during ..."

  • Gastric Bypass Obesity during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal high blood pressure by 10 times. Obesity during pregnancy is also associated with increased risk of death.

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  • Así es el Amazon Echo Spot, el altavoz inteligente más barato de Amazon

    Este es el vídeo de presentación del Amazon Echo Spot, un altavoz inteligente con Alexa que puedes comprar ya en España.

    Ver video "Así es el Amazon Echo Spot, el altavoz inteligente más barato de Amazon"

  • Laminate postform tops Portland acupuncturist Erin Brockmeyer explains safety and efficacy of acupuncture to treat common ailments during pregnancy.

    Ver video "Laminate postform tops"

  • Bariatric Top Docs Bariatric Top Docs: Reproductive and Sexual Complications. Obesity during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal high blood pressure by 10 times.

    Ver video "Bariatric Top Docs"

  • Gastric Bypass Obesity during pregnancy is also associated with an increased risk of birth defects, particularly neural tube defects like spina bifida

    Ver video "Gastric Bypass"

  • Bariatric Surgery Stories Bariatric Surgery Stories: Reproductive and Sexual Complications. Obesity during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal high blood pressure by 10 times.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery Stories"

  • Brittany Mahomes takes on 'mom butt' with bold pregnancy fitness move

    Brittany Mahomes is tackling the challenge of “mom butt” during her pregnancy with a bold fitness move that some consider risky. Despite the criticism, she stays active and strong, sharing her journey and workouts on social media, guided by experts to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

    Ver video "Brittany Mahomes takes on 'mom butt' with bold pregnancy fitness move"

  • Brittany Mahomes redefines pregnancy with a weight-training routine that leaves everyone in awe

    Brittany Mahomes, wife of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, is redefining what it means to stay active during pregnancy. With her third baby on the way, Brittany continues to lift weights like an athlete, defying expectations and showing that health and pregnancy can go hand in hand.

    Ver video "Brittany Mahomes redefines pregnancy with a weight-training routine that leaves everyone in awe"

  • One Direction MTV VMA 2012 TV Spot

    This TV spot aired during The Inbetweeners on MTV, Monday 08/20/12.

    Ver video "One Direction MTV VMA 2012 TV Spot"

  • Fetal Development Week 20 (Pregnancy Health Guru)

    During week 20 of pregnancy, you'll be halfway through the experience, but that doesn't mean that fetal development stalls here! Learn what your baby is up to. http://Pregnancy.Healthguru...

    Ver video "Fetal Development Week 20 (Pregnancy Health Guru)"

  • Burn Energy Drink

    Un spot de la bebida energetica Burn en el que este tio es capaz de satisfacer a todas las tias buenas del edificio... menuda makina ya mismo me voy a comprar unas latitas de Burn a ver si es verdad lo del anuncio

    Ver video "Burn Energy Drink"

  • Fetal Development Week 29 (Pregnancy Health Guru)

    Grab a healthy-sized squash during week 29 of pregnancy and picture your baby's body! But growth isn't the only change in his or her fetal development now. http://Pregnancy.Healthguru...

    Ver video "Fetal Development Week 29 (Pregnancy Health Guru)"

  • The Dictator Super bowl spot TV

    The Dictator Super Bowl Spot: General Aladeen Has Bought NBC
    A lot of movies will shell out for lavish TV spots to promote their big upcoming blockbusters during the Super Bowl

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  • Amy Schumer Talks About Her Tough Pregnancy

    Amy Schumer talks about the difficulties she's endured during her pregnancy, the very graphic cake her sister-in-law gave her and performing while pregnant in her new stand-up special.

    Ver video "Amy Schumer Talks About Her Tough Pregnancy"

  • Cardi B Explains Her Famous Catchphrases

    Cardi B reveals why she chose to confirm pregnancy rumors during her Saturday Night Live performance, reaffirms her Twitter love for Chrissy Teigen and teaches everyone how to use her popular catchphrases correctly.

    Ver video "Cardi B Explains Her Famous Catchphrases"

  • Fetal Development Week 34 (Pregnancy Health Guru)

    If your baby wasn't already resting with his or her head against your pubic bone, it's likely that your fetus will turn that way during week 34 of pregnancy. Watch this to learn more!

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  • Fetal Development Weeks 1 to 3 (Pregnancy Health Guru)

    In Week 1 of pregnancy, you won't be pregnant yet! Most women conceive during the 2nd week of their cycle yet the baby's gestational age is based on the end of your last period.

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  • Brittany Mahomes pregnant and powerful inspires as the ultimate strong mom

    Brittany Mahomes is proving that being a mom doesn't mean stopping being strong, even during pregnancy. In a recent video shared by her personal trainer Kirsty Rae, Brittany, pregnant with her third baby, impressed with an intense workout.

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  • sciatica back pain - sciatica nerve pain - sciatica hip pain - sciatica back pain - sciatica nerve pain - sciatica hip pain

    This Amazing Natural Treatment Shows You How To:

    Enjoy Sciatica Pain Relief in Just 10

    Treat Your Back Pain in the Comfort Of Your
    Own Home!

    Live a Pain Free Life and Banish Sciatica
    Pain in ONE WEEK

    Stop Back Pain Forever without Drugs, Exercise,
    Physical Therapy, or Surgery!

    Have the Life You’ve ALWAYS Wanted to Have!

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    Ver video "sciatica back pain - sciatica nerve pain - sciatica hip pain"

  • Dallas sucks! Eagles and Commanders fans get united by their hate to the Boyz

    Hours before the kick-off from the NFC Championship Game, Philadelphia and Washington shouted together against the Cowboys. They will face for a third time during the season for a Super Bowl spot.

    Ver video "Dallas sucks! Eagles and Commanders fans get united by their hate to the Boyz"

  • Spanish Thalidomide victims demand justice

    Madrid, 14 Oct (EFE), (Camera: Ramón Ayala).- Thalidomide victims in Spain expressed their desire for justice Monday at the start of the trial against the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal, which produced the drug prescribed to women to reduce the effects of morning sickness during pregnancies and caused serious harm to fetuses.

    Ver video "Spanish Thalidomide victims demand justice"

  • getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy – how to get rid of stretchmarks - getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy – how to get rid of stretchmarks

    There are some basic tips you can use on how to prevent and repair stretch marks. These tips are fairly easy to do. And they’re not expensive. You just have to do them consistently to be able to get the desired results. One thing you must remember, though, is that some people are more predisposed to stretch marks than others.
    You’ll know you’re more at risk if you’ve had the marks early on, such as during your teens. Get Rid Of Your Stretch Marks: - getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy – how to get rid of stretchmarks

    Ver video "getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy – how to get rid of stretchmarks"

  • 10 Beneficios para la Salud de la Schisandra

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    Ver video "10 Beneficios para la Salud de la Schisandra"

  • Alternative Therapy For Uterine fibroids - treat fibroids without surgery

    Alternative Therapy For Uterine fibroids - treat fibroids without surgery

    Fibroids are noncancerous tumors in the muscular wall of the uterus. Fibroids can be as small as a pea or as large as a grapefruit. The body's level of the estrogen hormone seems to play a role in the condition as fibroids tend to grow during pregnancy and shrink after menopause.

    Several alternative therapies offer ways to reduce estrogen levels naturally. The hope is to forestall or eliminate the need for a hysterectomy.

    Mind/Body Medicine for Uterine Fibroids

    Ver video "Alternative Therapy For Uterine fibroids - treat fibroids without surgery"

  • Excited Roars Echo Around Buenos Aires Following Argentina's Winning Goal

    Fans in Buenos Aires, Argentina, made themselves heard on June 26 during the country’s match against Nigeria in the World Cup.

    Twitter user @Belen_Filg shared a video on her page from the street in Buenos Aires. In the footage, fans can be heard cheering, screaming and cars honking their horns. “I was on the street during the second goal #Argentina,” she tweeted.

    Argentina secured a spot in the next round of the World Cup when they defeated Nigeria 2-1 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The country’s soccer team will face off against France on June 30. As of writing, the footage had over 1,000 retweets on Twitter. Credit: @Belen_Filg via Storyful

    Ver video "Excited Roars Echo Around Buenos Aires Following Argentina's Winning Goal"

  • how to treat fibroids without surgery - fibroids uterine

    how to treat fibroids without surgery - fibroids uterine

    Fibroids are the most common benign tumors in females and typically found during the middle and later reproductive years. While most fibroids are asymptomatic, they can grow and cause heavy and painful menstruation, painful sexual intercourse, and urinary frequency and urgency. Some fibroids may interfere with pregnancy although this appears to be very rare

    how to treat uterine fibroids without surgery
    natural remedy for uterine fibroids
    natural treatment for uterine fibroids
    how to get rid of uterine fibroids
    how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally

    Ver video "how to treat fibroids without surgery - fibroids uterine"

  • how to lose belly fat - lose belly fat - lose belly fat after having a baby - how to lose belly fat - lose belly fat - lose belly fat after having a baby

    Losing belly fat after having a baby can sometimes be a difficult thing to do. Especially when you're not sure what you should be doing to get rid of the weight you put on during your pregnancy. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on how to lose belly fat after having a baby.

    If you need more information please visit : - how to lose belly fat - lose belly fat - lose belly fat after having a baby

    Ver video "how to lose belly fat - lose belly fat - lose belly fat after having a baby"

  • chicken pox rash - chicken pox shingles - chicken pox remedies - chicken pox rash - chicken pox shingles - chicken pox remedies

    The Chicken Pox, also known as the varicella virus,
    starts in your body internally and then shows up in
    the form of various symptoms (such as a itchy rash
    and blisters) and can only be cured by tackling both
    the virus inside the body and by treating the symptoms
    that it causes.

    As you can see in the picture to the right, the varicella
    virus enters the body through the nose, mouth or through
    broken skin.

    chicken pox treatment
    chicken pox in adults
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    treatment for chicken pox
    chicken pox during pregnancy
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    Ver video "chicken pox rash - chicken pox shingles - chicken pox remedies"

  • how to use Melacare Forte Cream in hindi

    What is Melacare Forte?\r
    Melacare Forte Cream is a medicine that is used for the treatment of Skin inflammation, Age spots, Skin discolorations associated with pregnancy, Dermatoses, Lightens light brown color patches on skin, Skin trauma and other conditions.\r
    Melacare Forte Cream contains Hydroquinone, Mometasone, and Tretinoin as ive ingredients.\r
    Melacare Forte Cream works by reducing the accumulation of skin pigment and hampers important processes within the cells; reducing the production of substances in the body that cause inflammation and allergies; slowing the growth of diseased blood cells;\r
    Detailed information related to Melacare Forte Creams uses, composition, dosage, side effects and reviews is listed below.\r
    Melacare Forte Cream Uses\r
    Melacare Forte Cream is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:\r
    Skin inflammation\r
    Age spots\r
    Skin discolorations associated with pregnancy\r
    Lightens light brown color patches on skin\r
    Skin trauma\r
    Birth control pills\r
    Hormone replacement therapy during menopause\r
    Skin itching\r
    Allergic reions\r
    Hay fever\r
    Dry, rough patches and tiny bumps on skin\r
    White blood cells cancer\r
    Melacare Forte Cream Working, Mechanism of Action and Pharmacology\r
    Melacare Forte Cream improves the patients condition by performing the following functions:\r
    Reducing the accumulation of skin pigment and hampers important processes within the cells.\r
    Reducing the production of substances in the body that cause inflammation and allergies.\r
    Slowing the growth of diseased blood cells.\r
    Melacare Forte Cream Composition and Active Ingredients\r
    Melacare Forte Cream is composed of the following ive ingredients (salts)\r
    Hydroquinone (4% W/W)\r
    Mometasone (0.1% W/W)\r
    Tretinoin (0.025% W/W)\r
    Please note that this medicine may be available in various strengths for each ive ingredient listed above\r
    Melacare Forte Cream - Side-effects\r
    The following is a list of possible side effects that may occur from all constituting ingredients of Melacare Forte Cream. This is not a comprehensive list. These side effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side effects, especially if they do not go away.\r
    Skin reion\r
    Inflamed skin\r
    Mild to moderate irritation\r

    Ver video "how to use Melacare Forte Cream in hindi"

  • truTV Super Bowl ad featuring Troy Polamalu Groundhog Day Punxsutawney Phil

    PLEASE SHARE ONLY ONLINE TO 3/15. I LOVE WHEN HE GOES YANK IT!!! SO FUNNY!!! Breaking News truTV Super Bowl ad featuring Troy Polamalu Groundhog Day Punxsutawney Phil THIS VIDEO PROVIDED TO US AND AUTHORIZED TO US COURTESY TURNER BROADCASTING ONLINE UNTIL MARCH 15 Troy Polamalu, Pittsburgh Steelers on the commercial airing during the Super Bowl, the idea and it being funny. truTV Unveils Super Bowl Spot with Troy Polamalu A newcomer to the world's biggest advertising stage, truTV is revealing its first-ever Super Bowl commercial and giving viewers an exclusive look at the spot in its entirety. In the Groundhog Day themed ad, Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers plays the role of "Punxsutawney Polamalu." And when he sees his shadow, fans get six more weeks of football with truTV's NFL FULL CONTACT. The commercial is scheduled to air in the second quarter of Sunday's big game and NFL FULL CONTACT debuts Monday, Feb. 8, at 10 PM ET. Content includes: Super Bowl Commercial, Behind the scenes sound bites and b-roll with Troy Polamalu

    Ver video "truTV Super Bowl ad featuring Troy Polamalu Groundhog Day Punxsutawney Phil"

  • Super Bowl 2012 commercials NMA Animation

    The Vince Lombardi trophy isn't the only thing at stake when the New England Patriots face the New York Giants in Super Bowl XLVI. This year, like every year, advertisers will be vying for the hearts and smiles of the big game's equally big television audience with a slew of big-budget commercials.

    The ever-growing average cost of a 30-second spot during this year's Super Bowl is valued at $3.5 million, and viewers have come to demand a commensurate entertainment experience. Product-makers haven't let them down much in the past, what with talking frogs from Budweiser, a talking baby from E*trade, and of course a little old lady who couldn't seem to find the beef, courtesy of Wendy's.

    But which ads will America and the rest of the world be talking about the Monday after this year's Super Bowl? Viewers got a sneak peak last week when Volkswagen released an online preview ad featuring a choir of dogs barking to the tune of "The Imperial March" from Star Wars. It's the car maker's second commercial based on the epic sci-fi film series. A spot starring a pint-sized Darth Vader was a hit with viewers last year.

    Ver video "Super Bowl 2012 commercials NMA Animation"

  • Eco-consejos para jeans

    The TV spot "Eco-tips for jeans" demonstrates in an explanatory but fun and humorous way that we can all participate in the fight against climate change by adopting good practices during the use phase of our jeans. The United Nations Environment Programme decided to raise awareness among young people with a video clip of 30 seconds which features a couple dancing Tecktonic - a famous new dance in France - in urban and familiar surroundings. The use of split-screens, impactful messages and entertaining music ("Am I wrong" from Etienne de Crécy) aims to sensitize young persons in an appealing way. Clear, concise and appropriate advices are provided: wear your jeans at least 3 times, wash them in cold water, don't use the dryer or the iron. By following these practices people can consume up to 5 times less energy.

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  • 10 Alimentos Prohibidos si Padeces Anemia

    anemia,anemia falciforme,anemia en el embarazo,anemia aplasica,anemia por deficiencia de hierro,anemia perniciosa,anemia hemolitica,anemia que es,anemia ferropenica,anemia aguda,anemia aplasica tiene cura,anemia aplasica sintomas,anemia aplásica idiopática,anemia autoinmune,anemia aguda es grave,anemia alimentos,anemia aplásica es cáncer,anemia a que se debe,anemia baja,anemia biodescodificacion,anemia baja sintomas,anemia baja cuanto es,anemia baja de peso,anemia b12,anemia blackfan diamond,anemia bebes,anemia biometria hematica,anemia beta talasemia,anemia cronica,anemia causas,anemia como se cura,anemia cronica sintomas,anemia cie 10,anemia consecuencias,anemia cronica se cura,anemia cura,anemia clasificacion,anemia cerebral,anemia drepanocítica,anemia definition,anemia de celulas falciformes,anemia durante el embarazo,anemia de fanconi,anemia definicion,anemia dibujo,anemia drepanocítica tratamiento,anemia despues del parto,anemia during pregnancy,anemia en niños,anemia en ingles,anemia en bebes,anemia en el tercer trimestre de embarazo,anemia especialistas,anemia en perros,anemia en la sangre,anemia en ingles como se dice,anemia es peligrosa,anemia falciforme en niños,anemia ferropenica sintomas,anemia falciforme en ingles,anemia ferropriva,anemia fanconi,anemia ferropénica tratamiento,anemia falciforme especialistas,anemia falciforme wikipedia,anemia grave,anemia grado 3,anemia grado 2,anemia gestacional,anemia grave sintomas,anemia grados,anemia grado 4,anemia gpc,anemia grado 7,anemia genetica,anemia hemolitica autoinmune,anemia hemolítica tiene cura,anemia hipocrómica,anemia hemolítica síntomas,anemia hemoglobina,anemia hemolítica causas,anemia hereditaria,anemia hipocromica microcitica,anemia hemolítica autoinmune tratamiento,anemia icd 10,anemia in english,anemia infecciosa equina,anemia in pregnancy,anemia ingles,anemia infantil,anemia in spanish,anemia iron deficiency,anemia in dogs,anemia in chronic kidney disease,anemia jugos naturales,anemia jugos,anemia jarabe,anemia juvenil,anemia justificacion,anemia jovenes,anemia hemolítica,anemia jpg,anemia jw,anemia,anemia que significa,anemia que es bueno tomar,anemia que es bueno comer,anemia que la causa,anemia que tan grave es,anemia que pasa si no se trata,anemia que lo provoca,anemia que puedo comer,anemia que comer para combatirlo,anemia leve moderada y severa,anemia leve,anemia levels,anemia leucemia,anemia leve en el embarazo,anemia leve tratamiento,anemia labios morados,anemia leve cie 10,anemia leve moderada y severa oms,anemia leve sintomas,anemia microcitica,anemia megaloblástica,anemia meaning,anemia macrocitica,anemia microcitica hipocromica,anemia moderada,anemia medicamentos,anemia megaloblástica en adultos,anemia moretones,anemia mareos,anemia normocitica normocromica,anemia normocítica,anemia niveles,anemia normocítica normocrómica causas,anemia niños,anemia normocrómica,anemia no regenerativa,anemia nivel 8,anemia nails,anemia normocitica hipocromica,anemia oms,an

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  • Los Nuevos Millonarios Ya Están Aquí

    Historia de $PEPE, la nueva Criptomoneda de moda, que tras poco tiempo desde su lanzamiento, se ha revalorizado un 40.000%, haciendo millonarias a muchas personas.

    ► Un DÍA Haciendo TRADING Mientras VIAJO:

    Quantfury es la plataforma de Trading que utilizo para operar Criptomonedas, Acciones, ETFs, divisas y futuros de materias primas. Todo operado a precios Spot en tiempo real, directos de las principales Bolsas y Exchanges mundiales… ¡Y todo ello con 0 comisiones o costes de préstamo!
    👉🏼 Quantfury:

    Pepecoin es la nueva Memecoin, y habiendo salido a mercado hace poco tiempo, ha conseguido desatar el FOMO en el mundo de las criptomonedas. En este vídeo explico qué es $PEPE, cuál es su historia, cómo se crea y por qué está subiendo tanto. ¿Es buen momento de comprar $PEPE? ¿Merece la pena Pepecoin? Analizando la historia de las Memecoins, como por ejemplo Shiba Inu, Dogecoin o Floki Inu, puedes entender la diferencia entre "Valor" y "Precio", para entender el motivo de por qué las Memecoins suben tanto y cuáles son las características que hay detrás de las mismas.

    #criptomonedas #pepe #pepecoin

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  • Arroyo del Quejigo

    Vuelvo a Sierra Bermeja para visitar el Arroyo del Queijo y sus magníficas pozas, uno de los lugares más bonitos de estas montañas. Este arroyo es un tributario del río Almarchal, que a su vez es tributario del Genal. Este arroyo no se seca en verano, así que es naturalmente un lugar de baño para la gente de los pueblos cercanos.
    La primera poza, el Charco Azul, es fácilmente accesible en coche, aunque recomendaría andar el kilómetro de distancia que hay desde la carretera hasta aquí, ya que el carril de tierra no está en muy buenas condiciones.
    Aunque hay una pequeña senda junto al arroyo, yo prefiero la opción de ir saltando de roca en roca. Hay otra poza más antes de llegar al idílico Charco Encantado, con su característico tronco en mitad de la poza. La mayoría de la gente se queda aquí para bañarse en sus cristalinas aguas, y también porque hay un paso un poco complicado si quieres seguir arroyo arriba. Había planeado llegar a la próxima poza, la Poza de María Teodora, otro maravilloso lugar para bañarse, sin embargo seguí un poco más hasta llegar a la próxima poza y allí decidí parar para relajarme un rato y volver hacia atrás lentamente.
    Reptiles y anfibios son abundantes en esta zona, especialmente serpientes y lagartijas. Este también es territorio de nutrias, aunque son difíciles de ver.

    I go back to the Sierra Bermeja to visit the Gall Oak Creek and its magnificent pools, one of the most beautiful spots in these mountains.
    This creek is a tributary of the Almarchal river, which is also a tributary of the bigger Genal. This creek doesn't dry up during the summer, so it is naturally a place to bathe for people from nearby villages. The first pool, the "Blue Pool" can be easily accessed by car, though I would better recommend to walk the 1 kilometer distance from the paved road to here, since the dirt road is not in very good conditions.
    Though there is a small trail next to the creek, I prefer the rock-hopping option. There is another pool before getting to the idyllic "Enchanted Pool", with its characteristic tree trunk in the middle of the pool. Most people stay here to bathe in this crystalline waters, and also there's a small tricky step if you want to go further up the creek. I planned to get to the next, "Mary Theodora's Pool", another wonderful place to bathe, but I went on a little further until I got to one more pool and there I decided to chill out for a while and then go back slowly.
    Reptiles and amphibians are plentiful in this area, especially snakes and lizards. This is also otter territory but they're very hard to spot.

    Localización / Location: Sierra Bermeja, Jubrique, Málaga, Spain.

    Music: Falls - "Caring" (

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  • Travel Planet - Bodas Masái, Kenia (Kenya Masai's Wedding )

    Africa, with its many nations and tribes, is very rich in different wedding traditions. An old African proverb says, "A man without a wife is like a vase without flowers."
    The Ndebele people live in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Mother-in-law of the Ndebele bride makes her a "jocolo". The Jocolo is a five-paneled, beaded goatskin apron. During ceremonies this apron is worn by all married women.

    The Shona people live in Zimbabwe and southern Mozambique. Dowry or "roora" is a regular part of their weddings. It is paid to the bride's family as a sign of respect. The bride decides when she will go to her groom. She can arrive at night with her female cousins escorting her. She arrives during the day when she wants to surprise her future husband. She then wears white from head to toe. It is believed that by doing so nobody can see her.

    As soon as members of groom's family notice her they start dancing and ululating. The groom's family begins preparations for a party. It takes some time, so the bride is encouraged to keep walking through the village. People are very happy as her arrival and giving birth to babies is going to enlarge their community.

    The procession ends when the mother-in-law escorts the bride to her new home. There the bride gets presents and is being pleaded to remove her veil. It is a sign for the party to begin. Such parties last all through the night.

    The Yoruba people live in Nigeria and some other parts of Western Africa. Out of Africa Yoruba communities exist in Brazil, the USA, Jamaica, Haiti etc. One of the ceremonies held at the Yoruba weddings is tasting. In this ceremony the bride and groom taste for example peppercorns for bitterness, honey for happiness and dried fish for nourishment.

    Egyptian weddings are often arranged. At the engagement part a groom-to-be gives his bride-to-be a money known as Mahr. This money is used to buy jewelery called Shabka and furniture. The groom gives her a ring which she wears on her right hand. Before the wedding henna tattoos are applied on bride's feet and hands.

    The wedding starts with the performance of Zaffa music which involves traditional bendir drums, bagpipes, horns etc. The wedding ceremony is performed in mosque or church.

    At the wedding feast the happy couple sits on Kosha chairs raised on a platform. Kofta meatballs and rose water drink called Sharpat are just two delicacies served at the wedding meal. In Egypt women pinch the bride on her wedding day. It means good luck.
    Father blesses his daughter
    At the wedding ceremony held by the Masai (Maasai) nation of Kenya the father of the bride blesses her by spitting on her head and breasts. Then she leaves with her husband. While walking to her new home she never looks back as she believes that she will turn to stone.
    Henna tattoos being applied
    Swahilli nation of Kenya bathe bride in sandalwood oils and apply henna tattoos on her limbs. Somo or a woman elder instructs the bride how to satisfy her husband. The somo sometimes hides under the bed in case some unexpected problems appear.
    Semi-nomadic Samburu nation lives in Kenya too. For the Samburu people presents prepared by groom (two goatskins, two copper earrings, a milk container, a sheep) are especially important.

    Polygamous marriages are common in the Wodabee nation of Niger. Marriages called „coogal“ are arranged by parents during couple's infancy. There are also marriages as result of love. Such marriages are called „teegal“.

    Groom's family offers a price to the bride's family. If it is excepted the bride and groom are married. A bride lives with her husband until her pregnancy. Then she returns to her mother's home, where she will remain for the next three to four years.

    With the birth of a baby the woman becomes a boofeydo or "someone who has made an error." Being a boofeydo means that she can not see or speak with her husband. The husband can not express any interest in her or the baby.

    After two to three years, the woman will be able to visit her husband, but not live with him. Finally, when the woman's mother buys everything that is needed for bride's home, she and the baby return to the husband.
    Between 1000 and 1500 Karo (Kara) people live on the east banks of the Omo River in south Ethiopia. To enhance the beauty of the Karo bride her abdomen is tattooed with different symbols. The Karo man can have as many wives as he can afford. Usually he has two or three wives.

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  • The Great Opah Fish - Japanese Street Food

    The opah, the only known fully warm-blooded fish, is a valuable species for commercial and recreational fishermen. However, researchers do not have a full understanding of the basic biology and ecology of this species. NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center began collecting biological samples from opah in 2009 and initiated an electronic tagging program in 2011. Scientists hope to continue tagging opah to learn about their movements and range. This research will provide the basic life history information necessary for future population assessments and management. NOAA Fisheries is also working with the seafood industry to help reduce waste during the processing of opah.

    Not all fish are cold-blooded. In 2015, researchers with the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center revealed the opah, or moonfish, as the first fully warm-blooded fish. Although not as warm as mammals and birds, the opah circulates heated blood throughout its body, giving it a competitive advantage in the cold ocean depths from 150 to 1,300 feet below the surface.

    Its body temperature isn’t the only thing that makes this fish stand out from the rest in its environment. Most fish living in the dark and chilly depths rely on ambush to catch their prey, but the agile opah is fast and efficient, flapping its bright red pectoral fins to race through the water. The constant flapping of its fins heats the opah’s body, speeding its metabolism, movement, and reaction times.

    About the same size as a large automobile tire, the opah is equipped with specialized blood vessels that carry warm blood to its gills to rewarm the blood that cools as the fish breathes and absorbs oxygen from the water. These heat-exchanging blood vessels minimize the loss of body heat to the opah’s cold environment, ensuring a warm core body temperature, increasing muscle output and swimming capacity, and boosting eye and brain function. The opah is also able to stay in deep water longer without risking reduced function to its heart and other organs because the fatty tissue surrounding its gills, heart, and muscle tissue acts as insulation against icy waters.

    The opah is one of the most colorful of the commercial fish species, and is particularly popular in Hawaii. It is overall red with white spots and turns a silvery-grey when it dies. Its fins are crimson, and its large eyes are with gold. The fish’s large, round profile is thought to be the origin of its “moonfish” nickname. These combined characteristics certainly make this “warm-blooded fish” unique among the many wondrous creatures of the ocean.

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  • Travel Planet - Boda en Nepal (Wedding in Nepal )

    Wedding in Nepal
    Traditional Marriage Ceremony arrangements in Nepal

    We proudly offer traditional Hindu and Buddhist Marriage Ceremony arrangements in Nepal. The marriage customs of Hindu and Buddhist are most popular among marriage traditions and ceremonies of various ethnic groups and castes of Nepal. The majority of population in Nepal is of Hindu and Buddhist among others. Both of them extremely believe in traditional marriages as it is supposed to last till the last breath. It is an unshakable and traditional conviction that such marriages carry much marital happiness and are successful. It discourages the conflict between bride and bride groom and the thought of having divorce from each other is quite impossible and regarded a huge sin.

    Traditional wedding ceremony in Nepal attracts many visitors. They themselves perform their marriage ceremony in Nepal just like the Nepali way and system. We can arrange tradition marriage ceremonies following the rituals of Hindu and Buddhist religions as per the participants' request and interest.

    01) Traditional Hindu Marriages
    Traditional Hindu wedding ceremonies in Nepal are a major celebration which takes place only at a special time of the year that are from 1st week of January to last week of March, mid-April to mid-June and first week of November to last week of December. Highly regarded as a sacrament, Hindu marriages are solemnized in accordance with the VEDAS, the holy scriptures of the Hindu religion that date back several thousand years. The notable features are that weddings should take place on the earth under a canopy known as mandap with a sacred fire center of it around which bride and bridegroom walk doing several rituals suggested by priest. The groom's party is supposed to arrive at the wedding spot in a procession, so it's good to have a convenient assembly location nearby.

    Astrologers decide on auspicious dates within this period on the basis of the position of the stars. The system of performing wedding ceremony in Nepal is attention-grabbing where the bride and bridegroom perform the Puja and take best wishes as well as blessing from relatives, friends and family members. The marriage venue is decorated by colorful paper flowers and twinkling lights. A Nepalese bride will dress in the bridal color of red, will be beautifully made up and will wear much jewelry. Traditionally, the bride and groom are being carried to the wedding ceremony. In a village this may be in a basket or by horse; at a city wedding transportation is more likely to be by a parade of cars. Music is an essential part of marriages. The tradition music in the form of Pachai Baja and folk songs and dance is still most popular among people as on this sacred day they believe that playing traditional music strengthens the nuptial knot, pleases God and not least of all it makes the environment pleasant and charming. With the advancement in society, it has become customary to choose between Panchai baja and modern brass band.

    The best venues where they arrange traditional Hindu marriage ceremonies in Kathmandu are:

    Pashupatinath Temple
    Balaju Water Garden
    Gujeshwari Temples
    Dakshinkali Temple
    Bhadrakali temple (heart of the Kathmandu)
    02) Traditional Buddhist Marriages
    These marriages are also unique in its feature. Buddhist weddings in Nepal are often quieter occasions, with a focus on ceremonial displays. The weddings are usually extremely large, sometimes encompassing whole villages and large numbers of extended family.

    Buddhist marriages are performed at monastery. Traditional dress is worn by both bride and groom, and Lama (Monk) does all customary puja (worship) to solemnize the wedding. The butter lamp is lit at the monastery during wedding day and it quite attractive. The music played during this occasion are traditional and different from modern music which makes environment pleasant and soothes mind.

    The best venues where they arrange traditional Buddhist marriage ceremonies in Kathmandu are:

    Kopan Monastery
    Monastery at Swayambhunath
    Monastery at Boudhanath

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  • Baby Bath Time - Bath Toys - Yookidoo Bath Tub Toys - How to Wash a Baby - DCTC Baby Dolls by Kyla

    Its baby bath time on Playtime Toy Unboxing #ptu with Kyla and we are learning how to give a baby a bath today, because we want to learn how to take care of a baby, using a toy baby doll to represent our #cute #baby girl. Its babys first bath and we have a special baby bath time toy from Yookidoo toys today called the Yookidoo submarine bath toy for toddlers and kids. This #yookidoo bathtub #toy for #babies and toddlers pumps water from the tub and sprinkled it out for fun in the tub! How do you wash a baby? Kyla shows us on this toy #VLOG from our #family #vlogs of toys. Our little #vlogger Kyla is a great teacher. Shampoo the babys head with tearless shampoo and rinse using a shower head or a container. We are using the yookidoo bath toy to rinse the babys head with warm water. This fun toy for toddlers in the tub can even be used to rinse your toddlers REAL hair! SO COOL! We love playing in the tub with our tub toys and rubber duckies and now we have an even more fun toy to play with in the tub! So if you have one #toddler to with during bath time, or have 2 cute babies that they bathe together, twins babies can also play with #toys in the tub from Yookidoo!\r
    BABY!!!! DisneyCarToys NEWBORN Baby Boy Reveal and Disney Cars Nursery \r
    BABY & PREGNANCY UPDATE! Baby Gear, Nursery, Disney Cars Gifts & Newborn Pictures DisneyCarToys \r
    Were Having a BABY + Biggest Surprise EVER in Giant Surprise Egg Filled with Toys \r
    Baby Bath Time With THE FIRST YEARS! Fun Newborn Baby Finding Nemo Bathtub + Mickey Mouse Bath Toys \r
    Water Babies Doll Poops and Pees Diaper Change Poop Drink and Wet Feeding Baby Video\r
    Bath time fun with Silicone Baby / Kids Playing Toy Bathtub\r
    3D Baby doll bath time Play Learn colors - Teach colours for kids Children Toddlers\r
    Glitter Slime Baby Bath and Rainbow Putty Ice Cream for Kids\r
    Emilys Silicone Baby Bath Time Surprise\r
    Babys First Bath\r
    Baby Bath Five Little Monkeys Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Play Doh Learn Colors Fun\r
    Magic Snow for Silicone Baby Bath\r
    Baby Doll Bath time Learn Colors + Baby Doll Potty training Video\r
    Little Mommy Bubbly Bathtime Color Changing Baby Doll with Bath Paint Paw Patrol \r
    Baby Bath Time Take Care Dress Up & Play with Sweet Baby Girl - Daycare 2 by Tutotoons Kids\r
    Baby Bath in Ball-pit | LEARN BALLS | 3D baby doll bath time\r
    Twin Baby Dolls Bath Time Pretend Play Feeding, Potty Time. Twin Baby Dolls Bathtime Toys\r
    Kylas #youtube toy channel features fun family oriented videos like DCTC toy channel for kids and Toys and Me toy channel. Toysandme and ptu are similar toy channels that make #fun toy reviews and toy unboxing videos for kids of all ages. We hope you like our video vlog from our little vlogging daughter Kyla. Subscribe for new vlog videos and toy reviews every day!\r

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