Fabricar un corazón con celulas madre (Stem Cells)
Fabricar un corazón con celulas madre (Stem Cells)
Fabricar un corazón con celulas madre (Stem Cells) en bioreactores
Ver video "Fabricar un corazón con celulas madre (Stem Cells)"
How Ron Relieved His Chronic Cigraines With Stem Cell Therapy
Ron Testimonial Chronic Migraines
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www.dreambody.clinicVer video "How Ron Relieved His Chronic Cigraines With Stem Cell Therapy"
A New Study Suggest Newborn Heart Stem Cells May 'Reverse Aging'
According to a new study, stem cells from the hearts of young rats may help to reverse the effects of aging in older rats. In the study, a special type of stem cells was taken from the hearts of newborn rats and injected into the hearts of old rats.
Ver video "A New Study Suggest Newborn Heart Stem Cells May 'Reverse Aging'"
From Jail Cell to Stem Cell- the Next Con for the Ex-Con (2021) Watch HD HD Deutsch
From Jail Cell to Stem Cell- the Next Con for the Ex-Con (2021) Watch HD HD Deutsch Stream folgen
Ver video "From Jail Cell to Stem Cell- the Next Con for the Ex-Con (2021) Watch HD HD Deutsch"
Celulas madre: Curiosidades cientficas
Una célula madre es una célula que tiene la capacidad de autorrenovarse mediante divisiones mitóticas o bien de continuar la vía de diferenciación para la que está programada y, por lo tanto, producir células de uno o más tejidos maduros, funcionales y plenamente diferenciados en función de su grado de multipotencialidad. Por ende estas células tienen la capacidad de dividirse sin perder sus propiedades y pueden diferenciarse en otras células. La mayoría de tejidos de un individuo adulto poseen una población específica propia de células madre que permiten su renovación periódica o su regeneración cuando se produce algún daño tisular.
Ver video "Celulas madre: Curiosidades cientficas"
Celulas madre pluripotentes inducidas (IPS)
Las células madre pluripotentes inducidas (normalmente abreviadas como células iPS, por sus siglas en inglés) son un tipo de célula madre con características pluripotenciales que derivan artificialmente de una célula que inicialmente no era pluripotencial, por lo general una célula somática adulta, y sobre la cual se induce la expresión de ciertos genes. Se cree que las células pluripotenciales inducidas son idénticas en muchos aspectos a las células pluripotenciales naturales, tales como las células embrionarias. Por ejemplo, en aspectos como la expresión de ciertos genes y proteínas, los patrones de metilación del ADN, el tiempo de crecimiento celular y de agregación celular, su potencia y diferenciabilidad son iguales. Sin embargo la extensión de su relación con células pluripotenciales naturales sigue aún en investigación. Las células madres pluripotenciales inducidas se presentaron por primera vez en el año 2006 y en 2007 a partir de células humanas..
Ver video "Celulas madre pluripotentes inducidas (IPS)"
Osteoartrosis: Celulas madre
Más de siete millones de españoles tienen artrosis. Según una encuesta realizada por la Sociedad Española de Reumatología y la Sociedad Española de Médicos de Asistencia Primaria, la de rodilla tiene una prevalencia del 10% y la de cadera del 4%. No obstante, a partir de los 60 años, el 29% de la población tiene síntomas, como el dolor de rodilla, debido a esta enfermedad que consiste en la degeneración del cartílago articular. Los tratamientos actuales se centran en frenar los síntomas y el avance de la enfermedad bien con fármacos analgésicos o con cirugía para reemplazar la articulación. Sin embargo, no existe hasta el momento ninguna terapia para regenerar el cartílago, algo que podría solucionarse con la terapia celular, según los resultados preliminares de un estudio realizado por investigadores españoles y cuyos datos han sido publicados en la revista 'Transplantation,
Ver video "Osteoartrosis: Celulas madre"
Clonacion de celulas madre
Se van conociendo nuevos detalles sobre las aplicaciones de la clonación de células madre embrionarias de humanos conseguida por un equipo de investigdores en EE.UU. Sabemos por ejemplo que esta más cerca la posibilidad de crear células que sustituyan a las que no funcionan en enfermedades como el Alzheimer o la diabetes. Los investigadores americanos han usado la misma técnica de la oveja Dolly. Han logrado trasferir el núcleo de una célula adulta de la piel a un óvulo creando células embrionarias humanas. Hay otro camino para llegar hasta ahí: La reprogramación de células adultas. Con este logro serían más seguras.
Ver video "Clonacion de celulas madre"
Clonacion y celulas madre: Espermatozoides artificiales
Investigadores de la Universidad de Yokohama, en Japón, lograron fabricar a partir de tejido de testículos de ratones. La creación, que se presenta en la revista Nature, abre las puertas a nuevos tratamientos para combatir la infertilidad masculina. Así lo informó el portal Muy Interesante, que en su nota señaló que la producción de esperma (espermatogénesis) en mamíferos es un proceso largo y complejo, difícil de reproducir fuera de la naturaleza. Sin embargo Takehiko Ogawa y sus colegas extrajeron a los roedores tejido testicular entre 7,5 y 10,5 días después de su nacimiento. Durante el cultivo consiguieron que las células espermatogonias se convirtieran primero en espermatocitos primarios y secundarios. El esperma así obtenido fue usado en una fertilización artificial in vitro de 58 óvulos. Las hembras a las que les transfirieron los embriones tuvieron descendientes (machos y hembras) sanos y fértiles.
Ver video "Clonacion y celulas madre: Espermatozoides artificiales"
Celulas madre
Una célula madre o célula indiferenciada es una célula que tiene capacidad de autorrenovarse mediante divisiones mitóticas o bien de continuar la vía de diferenciación para la que está programada y, por lo tanto, producir uno o más tejidos maduros, funcionales y plenamente diferenciados en función de su grado de multipotencialidad. La mayoría de tejidos de un individuo adulto poseen una población específica propia de células madre que permiten su renovación periódica o su regeneración cuando se produce algún daño tisular. Algunas células madre adultas son capaces de diferenciarse en más de un tipo celular como las células madre mesenquimales y las células madre hematopoyéticas, mientras que otras se cree que son precursoras directas de las células del tejido en el que se encuentran, como las células madre de la piel o las células madre gonadales (células madre germinales). Es común que en documentos especializados se las denomine stem cells, en inglés, donde stem significa tronco, traduciéndolo lo más a menudo como «células troncales».
Las células madre embrionarias son aquellas que forman parte de la masa celular interna de un embrión de 4-5 días de edad y que tienen la capacidad de formar todos los tipos celulares de un organismo adulto. Una característica fundamental de las células madre embrionarias es que pueden mantenerse (en el cuerpo o en una placa de cultivo) de forma indefinida. Puesto que al dividirse siempre forman una célula idéntica a ellas mismas, siempre se mantiene una población estable de células madre.Ver video "Celulas madre"
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¿Qué es el tratamiento con células madre dentales?
¿Qué es el tratamiento con células madre dentales?
Nuestro especialista, nos visita en el foro de Nuestro Día y nos dice qué son las células madre y para que sirve.
Para más información entra en http://www.cadenatres.com.mx/nuestro-dia-0
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Qué es el tratamiento con células madre dentales,celulas madre,tratamiento,tratamiento medico,salud,celulas madre dentales,celulas dentales,What is the dental stem cell treatment,stem cells,treatment,medical treatment,health,dental stem cells,dental cells,Cadenatres,Cadena3,Canal 128,Canal 28,Grupo Imagen,Invent Mx,Nuestro DíaVer video "¿Qué es el tratamiento con células madre dentales?"
Reuters Technology Week
Tech Week looks at a breakthrough in stem cell research, BlackBerry's new Storm, space debris, and toasty underwear.
Ver video "Reuters Technology Week"
RABID Official Trailer (2019) Zombie, Horror Movie HD
What happens when you realize that to achieve your dreams you have to live a nightmare? Rose is a quiet, demure, unassuming woman in her looks and actions. Her dream is to become a famous designer in the fashion world, but a terrible accident leaves Rose scarred beyond recognition. She seeks out a radical untested stem cell treatment. The treatment is nothing short of a miracle and wallflower Rose turns into the belle of the ball. It all seems to good to be true. She is now everything she wanted to be. But everything in life comes at a price and this new found perfect life is no exception.
Ver video "RABID Official Trailer (2019) Zombie, Horror Movie HD"
Fat Grafting Using The FAMI Technique
http://www.rogeramar.com/ FAMI Fat Grafting procedure uses stem cells from your own body fat, which are then used to rejuvenate your face. For more information about the FAMI non surgical facelift please visit our site.
Ver video "Fat Grafting Using The FAMI Technique"
Kanye West dice que 'Donda 2' solo se lanzará en su Stem Player
Kanye West dice que 'Donda 2', solo se lanzará , en su Stem Player.
Ye acudió a Instagram el
18 de febrero para informar
a sus fanáticos que su próximo
álbum no estará disponible en
los servicios de transmisión.
Donda 2 solo se transmitirá en mi propia plataforma, el Stem Player. Puedes descargar música nueva desde stemplayer.com, Kanye West, en Instagram.
Donda 2 solo se transmitirá en mi propia plataforma, el Stem Player. Puedes descargar música nueva desde stemplayer.com, Kanye West, en Instagram.
En una publicación separada, West alentó a los fanáticos a comprar el Stem Player de $200 "para ser parte de la revolución".
En una publicación separada, West alentó a los fanáticos a comprar el Stem Player de $200 "para ser parte de la revolución".
Hoy en día, los artistas obtienen solo el 12 por ciento del dinero que gana la industria. Es hora de liberar la música de este sistema opresor. Es hora de tomar el control y construir el nuestro, Kanye West, en Instagram.
Stem Player permite a los oyentes personalizar una canción a su gusto manipulando pistas separadas.
West también reveló
una lista de canciones
para 'Donda 2', que Yahoo
informa que se lanzará
el 22 de febrero.
Muchos fanáticos no parecían muy contentos con la decisión de West de pasar por alto los servicios de transmisión.
¿Me estás diciendo que tengo que pagar $200 para escuchar a Donda 2?, @mautezawad, en Twitter.
Multimillonario cobra a la gente 200 dólares por escuchar su música, @tommie.jakubek, en Instagram.
Supongo que no escucharé Donda 2, @realwav, en TwitterVer video "Kanye West dice que 'Donda 2' solo se lanzará en su Stem Player"
Siren 2x10 Promo "All In" (HD)
With Elaine Pownall’s health worsening, she seeks treatment from the military’s medical trial using mermaid cells, but the procedure doesn’t come without side effects to the mermaids.
Ver video "Siren 2x10 Promo "All In" (HD)"
Liberador de Células Madre de Su Propia Medula Osea,100% Natural
Cuando una persona consume Stem-, Stem proboca una liberacion, un aumento de Celulas Madre en la sangre del 30% aproximadamente, y el 30% es el equivalente de 3 a 4 millones de Celulas Madre en la sangre.
Stem-Cell estimula la liberacion de Celulas Madre de la Medula Osea y tambien la migracion de celulas madre de la sangre a los tejidos y organos del cuerpo.
Beneficios Principales:
1. Beneficios sobre Condiciones Inflamatorias.
2. Beneficios sobre el Sistema Inmunologico.
3. Beneficios sobre la Mente, abilidad a concentracion, energia mental.
Beneficios de otros tipos:
* Beneficios sobre la piel
* Beneficios sobre el higado
* Beneficios sobre el pancreas
* Beneficios sobe el Sistema Cardiovascular
* Beneficios en el Cerebro
La mezlca natural, propiedad de Stem Alive, combina 16 ingredientes de la más alta calidad que trabajan sinérgicamente para entregar sus beneficios naturales.
Ingredientes: Calostro, Vitamina D, Té verde, Acai, Ashawandha, Goji Berry, Fucoidan, Blue Berry, Ginseng, Kino tree, Espirulina, Granada, Beta Glucans, Semilla de uva, Ganoderma lucidum, L-carnosine
013384211226 Jalisco. Mx 0443310559125 013315819776
909-644-4155USAVer video "Liberador de Células Madre de Su Propia Medula Osea,100% Natural"
lupus headache - lupus and hair loss - lupus treatment guide
http://lupusbible.bonuscb.com - lupus headache - lupus and hair loss - lupus treatment guidelines
here are some of the life altering facts you will learn when You Download
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Overlooked fact: Extracellular matrix-lupus connections research that has
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Aminophylline Lotion Get Rid of Cellulite Effectively
more information at http://AminophyllineLotion.com
If you want to remove your cellulite you should consider using an Aminophylline Lotion like Procellix. Aminophylline carries dehydrating abilities and it able to dry out the fat cells located under your skin so your cellulite will become less visible and disappear when treatment is continued.
Learn more at http://AminophyllineLotion.comVer video "Aminophylline Lotion Get Rid of Cellulite Effectively"
ANDALOU NATURALS 1000 Roses Cleansing Foam
Reseña completa en el blog / Full English review on my blog: https://thegardenofeverything.blogspot.com/2019/09/andalou-naturals-1000-roses-cleansing.html
Reseña de Anouk: http://unvientodeleste.blogspot.com/2016/08/andalou-naturals-1000-roses-cleansing-foam.html
Tiendas con link de referidos:
iHerb: https://www.iherb.com/pr/Andalou-Naturals-1000-Roses-Cleansing-Foam-Sensitive-5-5-fl-oz-163-ml/55609?rcode=MKJ001
Yesstyle: http://www.yesstyle.com/en/andalou-naturals-rose-stem-cells-cleansing-foam-5-5-oz-5-5-oz-163ml/info.html/pid.1065251618?rco=XM4WRU
Instagram: @hyken83Ver video "ANDALOU NATURALS 1000 Roses Cleansing Foam"
Natural Remedies For Sarcoidosis - treatments for sarcoidosis
Natural Remedies For Sarcoidosis - treatments for sarcoidosis
in sarcoidosis patients, a problem that is initiated in the lymphatic sacks, which are found under the button belly area, results in a clutter of unbelievable 30,000,000,000 (that's right - 30 billion) dead cells trapped inside your body daily. There is only one substance known to man that can dissolve this clutter. Find out which today and put it to use.Ver video "Natural Remedies For Sarcoidosis - treatments for sarcoidosis"
En Australia joven tira su celular nuevo por error
En Australia joven tira su celular nuevo por error
19 septiembre 2014
Un joven australiano tira su iphone 6 por error que acababa de comprar.
Suscribe a nuestro canal: http://goo.gl/FyK0aq
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En Australia joven tira su celular nuevo por error,celular,joven australiano,iphone 6,tiran iphone 6,golpe de iphone 6,joven tira su celular,In Australia young shoots her new cell by mistake,cellular,young Australian,iphone 6,iphone shoot 6 coup iphone 6,Young pulls his cell,noticia,noticias hoy,noticias de ultima hora,ultimas noticias,breaking news,news,Cadenatres,Cadena3,Canal 128,Canal 28,cadena tres,cadenatres,canal 28,Grupo Imagen,Invent Mx,Yuriria SierraVer video "En Australia joven tira su celular nuevo por error"
how to use Melacare Forte Cream in hindi
What is Melacare Forte?\r
Melacare Forte Cream is a medicine that is used for the treatment of Skin inflammation, Age spots, Skin discolorations associated with pregnancy, Dermatoses, Lightens light brown color patches on skin, Skin trauma and other conditions.\r
Melacare Forte Cream contains Hydroquinone, Mometasone, and Tretinoin as ive ingredients.\r
Melacare Forte Cream works by reducing the accumulation of skin pigment and hampers important processes within the cells; reducing the production of substances in the body that cause inflammation and allergies; slowing the growth of diseased blood cells;\r
Detailed information related to Melacare Forte Creams uses, composition, dosage, side effects and reviews is listed below.\r
Melacare Forte Cream Uses\r
Melacare Forte Cream is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:\r
Skin inflammation\r
Age spots\r
Skin discolorations associated with pregnancy\r
Lightens light brown color patches on skin\r
Skin trauma\r
Birth control pills\r
Hormone replacement therapy during menopause\r
Skin itching\r
Allergic reions\r
Hay fever\r
Dry, rough patches and tiny bumps on skin\r
White blood cells cancer\r
Melacare Forte Cream Working, Mechanism of Action and Pharmacology\r
Melacare Forte Cream improves the patients condition by performing the following functions:\r
Reducing the accumulation of skin pigment and hampers important processes within the cells.\r
Reducing the production of substances in the body that cause inflammation and allergies.\r
Slowing the growth of diseased blood cells.\r
Melacare Forte Cream Composition and Active Ingredients\r
Melacare Forte Cream is composed of the following ive ingredients (salts)\r
Hydroquinone (4% W/W)\r
Mometasone (0.1% W/W)\r
Tretinoin (0.025% W/W)\r
Please note that this medicine may be available in various strengths for each ive ingredient listed above\r
Melacare Forte Cream - Side-effects\r
The following is a list of possible side effects that may occur from all constituting ingredients of Melacare Forte Cream. This is not a comprehensive list. These side effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side effects, especially if they do not go away.\r
Skin reion\r
Inflamed skin\r
Mild to moderate irritation\r
SoreVer video "how to use Melacare Forte Cream in hindi"
Plush housing for Dominique Strauss-Kahn outrages New York
New Yorkers are outraged at the special treatment given to former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
While ordinary prisoners languish in a cell, Strauss-Kahn is now under house arrest at a luxury $50,000 dollar a month TriBeCa town house.
The French are also outraged, but mainly because they think the whole thing is a set up.
The allegations have put paid to Strauss-Kahn's presidential ambitions, and have all but ruined his reputation and career.
But heartened by the recent high profile acquittal of two NYC policemen on rape charges, his lawyers must be hopeful of getting their man off.
To that end, they have already turned their attention to Strauss-Kahn's accuser, with character assassination.Ver video "Plush housing for Dominique Strauss-Kahn outrages New York"
How Im Getting Rid of My Stretch Marks + DEMO
PMD Coupon code shawnta20 and this link: \r
This video is in collaboration with PMD, Personal Microderm is a revolutionary at-home skincare tool that provides the same brilliant results as professional, in-office microdermabrasion treatments. Personal Microderm combines Patented Spinning Disc technology with Perfectly Calibrated Vacuum Suction to brighten, smooth, and even skin tone and texture. Personal Microderm reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes, and enlarged pores. This exfoliation process removes the dead, dull skin cell barrier, increases blood flow, and boosts the bodys natural production of collagen and elastin\r
Today I review the PMD personal mircoderm, I have been using the PMD for 1 1/2 months so results are not final yet but Im already noticing some lightening of my stretch marks! Which is exciting :)\r
▼What I use to do my scalp massages\r
??Ask Me Questions??\r
Tweet Me; \r
This video is sponsored by PMD but all opinions are mine as always \r
Healthy living is Beautiful! Be healthy!Ver video "How Im Getting Rid of My Stretch Marks + DEMO"
Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys!
Even though considered a weed, dandelion root has a long history of therapeutic use. In f, this extremely beneficial plant has the ability to treat allergies, lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the production of bile, and detoxify the liver. It also has diuretic properties and it is especially beneficial for pregnant and menopausal women.\r
The best time to harvest dandelion root is in the spring, especially in the beginning of April. Make sure you pick it from places which are less polluted, such as areas away from the town and the road.\r
The best part about dandelion is that all parts of it have medicinal properties. For instance, the leaves are abundant in vitamins and can be used in a salad, along with potatoes and eggs. The stem relieves stomach issues, stimulates the gallbladder function, regulates the metabolism, and purifies the blood. Moreover, the stem can be used to treat diabetes while the milk from the stem can be used to remove warts.\r
Ultimately, people use dandelion flowers to prepare homemade dandelion syrup which purifies the blood, relieves a cough, and improves digestion.\r
Get 400 yellow dandelion flowers and pour 3 liters of water over them. Then, cut 4 oranges and 4 lemons into slices and add them to the mixture. Leave the mixture for 24 hours.\r
After 24 hours, strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a pot. Add 2 cups of sugar into the pot and cook for about half an hour.\r
Once the mixture boils and gets thick enough, remove from heat and transfer the syrup into sterilized jars. Use the dandelion syrup to treat cold, cough, or bronchitis.\r
Dandelion has been long used and appreciated for its medicinal properties. Today, the modern medicine confirms its health benefits and suggests that it is even capable of curing cancer. Keep watching to learn more about preparing and storing roots for future use.\r
You need to peel, cut, and dry the dandelion roots on a fresh air. Let them dry for about two weeks or until they become brittle under the fingers. Once dried, put them into a jar and store in a dark and cool place.\r
Dandelion root has the ability to clean the kidneys, liver, lymph and gallbladder, which makes it effective at treating gallstones, constipation, hepatitis, acne, edema, and rheumatism. Moreover, it is very beneficial for women, especially for prevention and treatment of issues related to breastfeeding as well as cysts, tumors, and cancer.\r
Pick some leaves, dry, chop and mince them well. Store the mixture in a jar and keep for future use. To prepare the tea, you need to add half a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of water. As simple as that!\r
Another option is to mix 60 grams of a fresh mixture and 30 grams of dried dandelion root. Put this mixture into a pan along with 2.5 ounces of water with a pinch of salt. Bring the boil, cover the pan, and simmer for about 20 minutes. Strain the liquid afterward and consume three cups daily.Ver video "Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys!"
How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds - Diabetes Treatment
How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds - Diabetes Treatment !!\r
Coriander is plant normally 50 cm long, its seeds are used as spices and herbs. Leaves of coriander are also used to garnish dishes. Smell of its leaf is very fresh that add extra flavor to your dish.\r
Coriander seeds are being used to cure diabetes since a long time. Also in many studies it has been proved that coriander is helpful in reducing diabetes. Coriander reduces the glucose level of your blood. It also maintains the insulin ivity. Coriander is a traditional natural remedy to treat the diabetes. Lets see how to cure diabetes with coriander seeds? But first lets discuss about the research that tells the effect of coriander on diabetes.\r
Effect of Coriander on Diabetes:\r
Study published in US National Library of Medicine indicates that coriander seed is effective in controlling the insulin release from pancreatic beta cells in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Ethanol extr from the coriander seed was effective in reducing serum glucose. Also it was effective in increasing the insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas.\r
How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds?\r
Now you know the effect of coriander on diabetes. To cure diabetes you need find ways to consume this amazing herb. Here are few ways to include it more in your diet.\r
Include Coriander seed Powder as spices in your food:\r
To cure diabetes with coriander seeds, you can use coriander seed powder as spices in your food. Coriander powder makes your dish tastier and also it does not let your blood sugar increase. Increase the quantity of coriander powder when mixing them with other spices, this way you will consume more coriander.\r
Use Raw Coriander Seed in your food:\r
Another way to cure diabetes with coriander seeds is you can add them raw in your food. Raw coriander seed can be used in curry, soups and gravies. It will change the taste of your dish and also does not let the glucose level increase in your blood. Coriander also improves your digestion, adding them in your food is more beneficial.\r
Drink Coriander Water:\r
You can drink coriander water to cure diabetes. To prepare coriander water take 10 gram of crushed coriander seed. Then add 6 part of water in it. Let it soak in water for a whole night. In the morning filter and remove the seeds of coriander, drink the water. This coriander water helps to cleanse your body and also maintain the blood sugar level.\r
Add Coriander Leaves in your dishes:\r
Coriander leaves also have the properties of reducing blood sugar. To cure diabetes coriander leaves can also be added in your dishes. Fresh leaves added extra taste and make your dish more energized. You can use add coriander leaves in salads and curries. Leaves of coriander are best way to garnish dishes. Use of coriander leaves increases the fullness of food.\r
Store crushed Coriander seeds in Pepper Mill:\r
To cure diabetes with coriander seeds you need to consume it more. Placing roasted crushed coriander seeds in pepper mill on your dining table increase chances that you consume it more. Sprinkle extra coriander on your food.Ver video "How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds - Diabetes Treatment"