HORIZON como NUNCA ANTES lo habías VISTO: ANALISIS de HORIZON Call of the Mountain
Son MUY BUENAS pero también hay un GRAN PERO. ANÁLISIS de PSVR 2
Ya hemos jugado con las nuevas gafas de realidad virtual de Sony: PSVR 2, incluyendo juegos como el esperado Horizon: Call of the Mountain. ¿Cómo es la experiencia con el nuevo dispositivo de PlayStation? En este análisis de PlayStation VR2 profundizamos en los pros y contras de este dispositivo que tiene un precio de 600 euros.
Exclusivo de PS5, hemos puesto a prueba las nuevas PSVR2 con una amplia variedad de juegos tras pasar una semana con ellas. En este análisis hablamos de sus requisitos técnicos, de la comodidad al usarlas, de sus nuevos mandos con control por movimientos y otros detalles que las convierten en uno de los mejores dispositivos VR del mercado.
Comprar PSVR2 # https://acortar.link/udbGFxVer video "Son MUY BUENAS pero también hay un GRAN PERO. ANÁLISIS de PSVR 2"
Las ultimas cartas - La batalla de Stalingrado - Documental 1965
The last letters
Director: Mikhail Romm
Mosfilm Production
Film Description: Musical box views. City destroyed by bombing attack. Zoo with giraffes and other dead animals. Nazi soldier prisoners. Adolf Hitler talking to men. Bag full of letters with the Nazi symbol is loaded on a plane. Pilots get on a plane, take off on a runway with snow, fly and land. They open bags with letters and sort them. Stalingrad: Views of Nazi soldiers in trenches with snow. Girls with letters. Stalingrad: Nazi soldiers in the snow Stalingrad: Nazi soldiers killed. Girls collect flowers in the field. Village views. Train views and reaches town. Parade of children with Nazi insignia, playing the clarion, drums, flutes. They raise the Nazi flag in the square. Hitler in ceremony. Boys fight. Boys parade. Nazi hierarch views (may be Goebbels). Child tries on Nazi combat helmet. Nazi soldier writing letter in trench. Men gathered in front of the fireplace, where they drink beer, eat and listen to a musical orchestra. Soldier salutes Nazi officer. Views of Nazi soldiers in the trench. Soldier is decorated with the silver cross. Hitler in ceremony. Soldiers funeral parade. Views of funeral wreath with the insignia of the fuhrer. Nazi activists parade. Dead soldiers in Stalingrad. Statue views of the dying soldier. People in church, Hitler attends. City views with fortress in Germany. Woman chopping food and packing it into jars. Family gathered at table and eating. Nazi soldiers eating and bathing. Family eating. Soldiers search man in Born, arrest man and search village. Family eating. Attack of the Nazi artillery in Stalingrad. Village views. Man leading cart with oxen. People at fair eating and drinking beer. Views of turntables and women typing. They bury corpses of Jews and views of hanged men. Man singing and dancing with woman in music show. Military magazine, Hitler salutes officers and military parade. Women work in a workshop making dolls. Parade of Nazi soldiers. Village views with children, men and women. Girl guiding ducks. Cows grazing on the mountain. Shepherd children tending flock of sheep. Women gathering flowers in the field. Men working in the field. Armless man working in the field. Legless men riding horses. Legless men skiing. Disabled men training in athletics sports field and practicing swimming. Hitler in sports stadium following the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
(USSR / 16mm / black and white / Spanish language)
Date: 7/10/1965
Duration: 29 minutes 14 seconds
Film code: F-00299
Copyright DiFilm Archive - Archival Material Queries
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