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    "I meant to write a symphony, but the title is of no importance", Tchaikovsky wrote Sergei Taneyev. When he had gone to the Davidov family estate at Kamenka in the Ukraine, he had contemplated ideas for a piano concerto and a symphony. Neither plan really materialized the way the composer intended. He quickly recognized his ideas for the symphony were better suited for an orchestral suite like the two he had previously written. The problem lay with the opening movement. Titled Contrastes, it was to be a fantasia of contrasting musical sounds and patterns, not unlike the Jeu de sons movement that opened the Second Orchestral Suite. The more he worked with the music, the more recalcitrant the music became and the more he hated it. Contrastes finally found its way into the Concert Fantasia.
    Tchaikovsky's original layout for the Third Suite was similar to that of his Second—a fairly large opening movement as in his first two orchestral suites, then three smaller ones and a theme–and–variations finale. The developments that Contrastes underwent, while good for the Concert Fantasia, left the suite unbalanced, with three small-scale movements followed by a theme-and-variations movement as large as all three previous movements placed together. Even without Contrastes, the suite remains a long work.
    Wiley writes that Tchaikovsky composed the scherzo first. The theme-and-variation finale came last, beginning with the concluding polonaise. This, he says, might have helped the composer clarify his strategy in pacing the movement and guiding its overall momentum. He also links the theme of the finale to the other movements: "its opening chord is presented as a triad with added sixth, [which he used for the scherzo immediately preceding it] and, like the [opening] Elegie, the movement is resolutely melodic..
    Wiley also says the quality of Prelest' (meaning "charming" or "pleasing") in the Third Suite "is too prominent for a symphony, while at the same time the suite's coherence advances well beyond the casual miscellency of the Second." This continuity, he suggests, "casts doubt on the freedom he so cherished when writing the First Suite six years earlier." The Third Suite, Wiley adds, is also much darker music in tone than in the two suites that preceded it.
    In the fourth variation (pochissimo meno animato, B minor) of the fourth movement, a quotation of the Dies Irae theme is distinctly heard. (Wikipedia)


  • Street Fighter 6 - Tráiler oficial "¡Llega A.K.I.! Tráiler de presentación del Fighting Pass

    Watch the new Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. trailer, which gives us a peek at the A.K.I. Arrives! Fighting Pass. Players can complete each tier and earn these cosmetics by obtaining Kudos. The A.K.I. Arrives! Fighting Pass includes a selection of avatar gear, a photo frame, an emote, a classic game, titles, a device wallpaper, stickers, and three music tracks: F.A.N.G's Theme, Balrog's Theme, and Vega's Theme. Street Fighter 6 A.K.I., the maniacal mistress of poison, slithers her way into the fighting game on September 27, 2023.

    Ver video "Street Fighter 6 - Tráiler oficial "¡Llega A.K.I.! Tráiler de presentación del Fighting Pass"

  • Play Mahjong 3D

    At FunHost.Net/mahjong3d, Mahjong 3D is a variation of the classic 'board game' from the Far East. In this version, the game is played in three dimensions.Your task is to remove all tiles from the board by matching pairs of tiles with identical symbols. Remember that you can only select tiles that are free. After three correct matches, you will have the chance to increase the points multiplier by removing pairs of tiles highlighted in a pattern. Try not to make mistakes, because wrong matches result in negative points. Complete the game before the time runs up to get bonus points. 1. Game rules: - Your task is to remove all tiles from the board, - Select two tiles with identical symbols to remove them, - You can not remove a tile that touches any three other tiles, of which two are placed on opposite sides of the tile, - After three correct matches all tiles with the same symbol will be highlighted, - Remove a pair of highlighted tiles in order to increase the points multiplier, - Points are deducted for trying to remove tiles with unmatched symbols, - Get a bonus for removing all tiles before the time runs up, 2. Game end: - The game ends when you remove all tiles, or when the time runs up.( Board Game, Puzzles) (3D, Mahjong, Matching, Puzzle Game) .

    Play Mahjong 3D for Free at FunHost.Net/mahjong3d on FunHost.Net , The Fun Host of Apps and Games!

    Mahjong 3D : FunHost.Net/mahjong3d
    www: FunHost.Net

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  • 1999 Burger King Pokemon Toy Collection & Review

    1999 Burger King Pokemon Toy Collection & Review\r
    Back in 1999 Burger King ran an ambitious campaign of including one of 57 different Pokemon as toys in their kids meals in celebration of the first Pokemon , Mewtwo Strikes Back.. Today, were going to take a closer look at the various toys.\r
    The Pokemon toys were split into different categories depending on their gimmick. The charers available in the Poke Beanbag form are Oddish, Poliwhirl, Meowth, Gyarados, Snorlax, Golbat, Butterfree, and Togepi who was the only Pokemon to receive a toy that isnt from the first generation of Pokemon.\r
    Three variations of a plush Pikachu were made and it was classified in its own category of talking. Each Pikachu variation said its name in a slightly different way when its stomach was squeezed. Unfortunately, mine no longer talk but I believe one said Pikachu and the other Pika-Pika-Pika. You can tell the difference in the variations by the letters on the tags. \r
    The next category of toys was my favorite. The Light ups. The charers available were Mew, Mewtwo, Gengar, Raichu, and Charmander. These toys have a switch on them that when turned on, lights up the toy. Its too bad these toys were designed so you cannot replace the batteries so mine no longer light up.\r
    The fourth category is Key Chains and there were lots of charers made in this style including Geodude, Hitmonlee, Sandshrew, Nidorino, Cubone, Vileplume, Sandslash, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Kangaskhan, Electabuzz, and Muk.\r
    The round Pokemon were converted into Rev Top toys that spin like tops. The charers in this style are Graveler, Golem, Koffing, Venonat, Tangela, Jigglypuff, Chansey, Voltorb, Clefairy, , Diglett, Magnemite, and Ditto.\r
    Many of the water type Pokemon received squirter toys that can spray a stream of water including: Poliwrath, Seadra, Psyduck, Poliwag, Kabuto, Tentacruel, Squirtle, Blastoise,and Shellder. Most of these toys are a soft vinyl but Blastoise and Shellder are hard plastic with a button.\r
    The final category of the toys is Launchers. The charers in this style are Nidoran, Arcanine, Slowpoke, Lapras, Tauros, Rhyhorn, Venusaur, Bulbasaur, and Rapidash. The launchers came in two styles with some Pokemon firing from a Pokeball and others from what looks like the cloning machine.\r
    All of the toys were packaged in opaque plastic so you couldnt see which Pokemon figure you received. The majority of the toys came with a regular Pokeball, but the size of the Pokeball varied. The ball splits in half and and has a clip. Instead of a Pokeball, Mew came with a Pink Orb. Mewtwo came with a tank.\r
    All of the toys also came with a card featuring one of the original 151 Pokemon. Burger King also had sheets of cards that you could select instead of a toy. Each sheet comes with 9 cards and there were 20 different sheets. The cards from the sheets are a lower quality than those included in the toy packaging and if you separate the cards, youre left with the rough perforated edge.\r
    If you want to see a more modern Pokemon toy, check out my review of the Tomy Mewtwo Action figure at: \r
    Or maybe youd like to do some crafting? I can show you how to make your toys a Pikachu themed bed here: \r
    If you enjoyed this video, I would really appreciate it if you could please give it a like and share it with your friends with similar interests. Feel free to check out my other videos and subscribe if you want to stay updated for the new videos I post several times a week. Thanks for watching!\r
    Music: Youtube Free Music Solar Flares\r
    Zubbies Social Media Info:\r
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  • 32 Feet Giant Skeleton Found In India – Hindu God Hanuman?

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    A few months back I showed you some solid evidence about an ancient Giant called Bhima in India. In that video, I mentioned how I had accidentally stumbled on a footprint of another Giant. Here is a little piece.\r
    Could this be Bhimas footprint? The locals here claim that it is NOT the footprint of Bhima, but belongs to his half-brother Hanuman, who also happens to be a Giant. This footprint is more than 4 feet long and if it is real, the giant who made this impression would be over 30 feet tall.\r
    So how did I come up with this height of over 30 feet? I calculated \r
    this based on something called a “height to foot” ratio. So who is this Hanuman that we are talking about? Hanuman is a giant Ape like God who appears in ancient Indian scriptures.\r
    Here is an article from a newspaper called “The Age” published on August 10, 1934. It reads:\r
    Skeleton Found in India\r
    Measures 31 feet, 6 inches in length. \r
    The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 feet 6 inches in length, is reported from Jubbulpore. \r
    You can see how this height matches with my calculation based on the footprint. When I made the previous video 2 months ago, I did not know about these newspaper articles. Lets read further.\r
    The discovery was made by a farmer, who noticed a bone protruding from the sand on the river bank near the village of Jaintiha. Attempts to dislodge the skeleton with the aid of other villagers failed, whereupon the chief of the State had the skeleton dug out. Three men were required to lift it, the legs alone measuring 10 feet. \r
    “”The skeleton has been placed in the palace of the chief pending examination by geologists, among whom the discovery has created enormous interest. The Jubbulpore district is renowned for its wealth of fossilized relics of an earlier age, the last important discovery three years ago being the remains of a giant prehistoric mammal reputed to be centuries old. “”\r
    Is this an isolated piece of news fabricated by a newspaper company to gain attention?\r
    No, the same news appeared on a lot of newspapers around the world because this was a spectacular discovery. Let us read THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD on the ex same day. \r
    Prehistoric Ape\r
    Found in India\r
    Giant Proportions\r
    The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be that of a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 ½ feet in length, is reported from Jubbulpore. \r
    It is the ex same news except for a few changes here and there.\r
    Here is another newspaper called THE VIRGIN ISLANDS DAILY NEWS which published a short version of this news. The size, the location it was discovered all the same.\r
    Calcutta: A skeleton, believed to be that of a human giant, measuring 31 feet 6 inch has been discovered on the banks of a river near Jubbalpore. The huge mans bones alone measured 10 feet, and three men were required to move the remains to the Chiefs palace at Ramgarh.”\r
    And also from another newspaper called THE SYDNEY MAIL. Again just different words, but the news is the same. \r
    Remember, these are just a few examples and this same news was published all around the world in many languages that a giant prehistoric ape was found in Jabalpur district, India. Is it possible that this is the skeleton of Hanuman?\r
    Some Hindu and Jain sects believe that Hanuman was not a real ape but a human like giant with slight physical variations. Now, all over the world other giants have been found with variations in their facial features including elongated skulls, horns and double rows of teeth. So who are these Giants? Sacred texts from many ancient civilizations, describe these Giants as hybrids between Gods and Humans. In the bible, they are called Nephilim. Hanuman can also be classified as a Nephilim because his father was a god and his mother was human. \r
    Now according to Hindu scriptures, Hanuman was not the only Giant that looked like an ape, but a whole race of giant apes called Vanara was documented. Is it possible that this huge skeleton is one of these ape-like Gods? \r
    Now, the other important question is: What happened to this skeleton? Where did this skeleton go? Today, we are not able trace the whereabouts of this 32 feet skeleton anywhere. Since India was under British control at that time, this priceless evidence was possibly taken to England along with many other rare artifs. \r
    So what do you think? Are all these newspapers from various countries lying to us? Or did India once have an ancient race of Giants that were 32 feet tall? Please do let me know your opinion. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.

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  • Modern Warfare 2 meets Metal Gear Solid - part 1


    When Makarov and Liquid Ocelot team up, it's up to Snake and Ghost to stop them. But who is the real mastermind controlling Makarov and Liquid?

    * * * * * *
    Frequently Asked Questions

    1) Where did you get the guns?
    They are airsoft guns from The main guns in Parts 1 and 2 are the G&P Sentry, WE SCAR GBB, and the A&K Masada.

    2) What camera equipment do you use?
    We are currently using the Canon 7d. I really love it.
    We also use the Backbird Stabilizer, the only small stabilizer I've been impressed with. For future videos, Rick is getting a Kessler Crane and dolly. It's going to be insane. For more info on our gear check out:

    3) Where did you get the costumes?
    There is a detailed breakdown on our blog:
    Most of the tactical/combat gear is also from Ehobbyasia.

    4) How much did Parts 1 and 2 cost?
    If you count all the gear we already had like prop guns and camera equipment it would be pretty expensive. But the money we spent specifically for Parts 1 and 2 was three to five hundred bucks, mostly on pizza delivery.

    5) What is the end credits music?
    All the music in Parts 1 and 2 is royalty free stock music, except for a cover of the Old Snake Theme performed by Rick Burnett. The end credits music is Anthem for War, composed by Cassidy Bisher.

    * * * * * *
    Thanks for all the great comments!
    News on future episodes can be found on our blog.

    Beat Down Boogie Website:

    Beat Down Boogie on Facebook:

    Beat Down Boogie on Twitter:

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  • Supernatural Academy capitulo 3 en español latino

    Las gemelas buscan algo que vincule al director con los chicos marcados por el Rey Dragón. La amiga de Jessa comienza a tener celos de Mischa.

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  • Academia unicornio capitulo 8 en español latino

    Academia unicornio capitulo 8 en español latino
    Los maestros de la academia se preparan para luchar contra una poderosa enemiga y les prohíben a los estudiantes salir de sus dormitorios. Pero una jinete rompe las reglas.

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  • Academia unicornio capitulo 4 en español latino

    Academia unicornio capitulo 4 en español latino
    Para aprender más sobre la magia sombría, Sophia, Ava y Layla se cuelan en la biblioteca de noche para sacar un libro prohibido que resulta ser demasiado poderoso.

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  • Academia unicornio capitulo 9 en español latino

    Academia unicornio capitulo 9 en español latino
    Sin la ayuda de los maestros, los estudiantes deben trabajar en equipo para vencer a la malvada Ravenzella. ¡El futuro de la Academia Unicornio depende de ello!

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  • Supernatural Academy capitulo 10 en español latino

    Una fuerza poderosa llega a la academia para arrestar a Jessa y Mischa, y ellas necesitarán la ayuda de sus amigos para lograr escapar de este nuevo y peligroso enemigo.

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  • Travel Planet - Boda en Dubái (Wedding in Dubai UAE)

    Just like in any culture, Emirati weddings have their own unique traditions and customs.

    In the UAE, the things that take place during an Emirati wedding might vary from one family to another depending on the culture and background of that family. But in general, all typical Emirati weddings share certain things that you might not have known about.

    So here’s a quick guide to 16 things to know about an Emirati wedding (as shared by my Emirati friends):
    1. The planning takes more than three months...
    2. All invitation cards share this very important phrase: "no phones, no pictures and no children."
    3. As a sign of respect during the ladies party, the guests are not supposed to dance until the elder ladies leave.
    4. Recently, almost every Emirati wedding must have a theme, like "Alice in Wonderland" or "Winter Wonderland."
    5. Contrary to common believe, not all Emiratis can afford a lavish wedding.
    6. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, president of the UAE, has promoted the "reception style wedding" for men.
    This is to replace the rather expensive wedding parties and encourage young Emiratis to adopt a less extravagant approach to weddings.
    7. There is a government backed initiative that calls for setting "the lowest dowry" between brides and grooms in a bid to ease the burden of marriage and its cost on young couples.
    8. It is customary for the Emirati bride to walk "down the aisle" on her own.
    9. In old traditions, the father of the bride would not attend his daughter’s wedding and sometimes he would travel outside the country on the day of the ceremony.
    10. The idea of wearing a white dress is kind of recent.
    Traditionally, the bride would wear either a red or a green dress on the henna night and decorate the look with yellow gold from head to toe.
    11. The Henna drawing has changed from Arabic inspired motifs done exclusively on the palms of the hands, into Indian and Moroccan inspired drawings done all over the hands and feet.
    12. There is a pre-wedding celebration where harees and khabees (traditional dishes) are distributed amongst relatives and friends.
    13. The "Katb El-Kitab" in the Emirati dialect is called "Malcha" or "Malkah."
    14. Presenting gifts to the bride on the wedding night is uncommon...
    15. It is nearly impossible to make a small wedding with less than 200 guests...
    Because it is considered "ayb" not to invite almost everyone in the neighborhood.
    16. Back in the day, Emirati weddings used to take place in the afternoon. Now they happen in the evening.

    Ver video "Travel Planet - Boda en Dubái (Wedding in Dubai UAE)"

  • Academia unicornio capitulo 7 en español latino

    Academia unicornio capitulo 7 en español latino
    El grupo intenta todo para que Sophia y Ava dejen de pelear, pero hay un problema más grave por resolver: dos secuaces de Ravenzella están buscando la piedra sombría.

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  • Academia unicornio capitulo 5 en español latino

    Academia unicornio capitulo 5 en español latino
    La magia sombría contamina el agua de la academia y pone en peligro el poder de los unicornios. Para evitarlo, Sophia debe salvar el Lago Estelar con ayuda de un aliado inesperado.

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  • Supernatural Academy capitulo 4 en español latino

    Mischa es objeto de una desagradable broma. Jessa y sus amigos deben enfrentar las consecuencias de usar la terminal mágica de la escuela.

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  • Supernatural Academy capitulo 2 en español latino

    Los padres de Mischa y Jessa les explican por qué las separaron al nacer, y el motivo inspira a las gemelas a tomar una decisión arriesgada.

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  • Supernatural Academy capitulo 7 en español latino

    Las gemelas descubren lo que les ocurre a los chicos con la marca del dragón. Mischa comienza una metamorfosis sorprendente. Ella y Jessa reciben invitaciones para el baile.

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  • Supernatural Academy capitulo 8 en español latino

    Las gemelas se enfrentan al director en el baile. Jessa descubre una misteriosa nueva habilidad que tiene implicaciones preocupantes.

    Ver video "Supernatural Academy capitulo 8 en español latino"

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