¡¡ por fin las rebajas !! portátiles a un 80% menos en Moscú
Santander compra un 9,68 % de su filial de consumo en EEUU por 836 millones
Madrid, 3 jul (EFECOM).- Santander ha acordado comprar a Double D Financial Services (DDFS) el 9,68 % que poseía en el capital de Santander Consumer USA, su filial de créditos al consumo en Estados Unidos, por 928 millones de dólares (unos 836 millones de euros), ha informado hoy la entidad.
www.efe.com. Palabras clave: efe,economia,banca,santander-efeempresas,-Double D Financial Services, DDFSVer video "Santander compra un 9,68 % de su filial de consumo en EEUU por 836 millones"
Dog Day Care Orange County Dog Day Care Franchise
Orange Dog is the Regional Developer for Dogtopia and the founder of North American Freedom Flights rescuing shelter dogs since 2009.Dogtopia is the world's leading dog daycare franchise offering dog daycare, boarding, retail products spa services and professional grooming. Go through our website to know more about our legal service http://orangecountydogbiz.com/ .
Ver video "Dog Day Care Orange County Dog Day Care Franchise"
Renault Retail Group - Venta y taller Renault, Dacia
Renault Retail Group es especialista para comprar un coche, Renault o Dacia, nuevo o de ocasión, turismo, industrial o eléctrico.
Una red de distribución comercial y de servicios en España propiedad de Renault, el segundo grupo automovilístico europeo.
Renault Retail Group cuenta con más de 35 años de experiencia en el sector y casi 270.000 metros cuadrados de instalaciones.
Estamos presentes en Madrid, Barcelona,Valencia y Castellón.
Renault Retail Group se apoya en el trabajo transversal de cerca de 700 empleados, distribuidos en 19 centros en España.
Vendemos uno de cada cinco vehículos marca Renault.
Ocho de cada diez clientes de nuestra empresa manifiestan estar completamente satisfechos por la compra, mantenimiento o reparación de su automóvil Renault o Dacia.
Nuestra actividad de taller para tu vehículo comprende: Operaciones de mantenimiento (revisión, frenos, discos de frenos, neumáticos, amortiguadores…) Operaciones de mecánica (cambios de correa de distribución, cambios de embragues…). Chapa y pintura (reparación de golpes en carrocería, arañazos, reparación y cambio de lunas…). . Venta de piezas de recambio. Asistencia en carretera.Ver video "Renault Retail Group - Venta y taller Renault, Dacia"
De compres: Diferencies de genere
En el estudio "Men Buy, Women Shop" (“Los hombres compran, las mujeres van de compras ”), realizado por Jay H. Baker Retail Initiative, de Wharton, y el Verde Group,una firma consultora de Toronto.arrojó como conclusión general que l as mujeres son felices rebuscando entre las colecciones de accesorios y ropa o dándose una vuelta por la sección de calzado. Les gusta subirse en ascensores de cristal mientras escuchan música clásica o rociarse con la muestra de un perfume antes de, por ejemplo, comprar otra cosa. Sin embargo, los hombres consideran que comprar es más bien una misión. Salen con el objeto de comprar determinado bien y tan pronto como lo hacen quieren abandonar rápidamente la tienda. Asimismo las mujeres reaccionan con mayor intensidad que los hombres ante la actitud de los dependientes. Sin embargo, las reacciones de los hombres están más relacionadas con aspectos utilitarios relacionados con la compra, como tener sitio para aparcar.
Ver video "De compres: Diferencies de genere"
Connectis vídeo
Connectis International Services es una empresa que ofrece soluciones de negocio utilizando las últimas tecnologías de la información para el sector Público y Privado. La posición de Connectis en los mercados donde opera, la fortaleza de su principal activo -su equipo humano- y su cartera de clientes estratégicos en los sectores Público, Sociosanitario, Financiero, Industrial y Retail, les sitúan como una compañía de referencia en el ámbito de las TI.
Ver video "Connectis vídeo"
Connectis International Services es una empresa que ofrece soluciones de negocio utilizando las últimas tecnologías de la información para el sector Público y Privado. La posición de Connectis en los mercados donde opera, la fortaleza de su principal activo -su equipo humano- y su cartera de clientes estratégicos en los sectores Público, Sociosanitario, Financiero, Industrial y Retail, les sitúan como una compañía de referencia en el ámbito de las TI.
Ver video "Connectis"
Por qué ésta Compañía?
Ultimatepowerprofits.com (Globalone)
1. No se puede comprar bids
2. Se gana si reclutar 100% de los activos, ganaran.
3. Se comparte de 5 empresas
4. Alta velocidad de pago con ewallets
5. Ellos hacen el marketing
6. Te pagan el 20% hasta 5 niveles
7. Pagan 6 o 10 mes
8. NO, Non compete law
10. Customer services en 11 idiomas 24h/dia
Infórmate y decídete!!: http://www.ultimatepowerprofits.com/olgaeliVer video "ELEMENTS OF WEALTH - PLATINUM"
A vision of your virtual assistant
Cisco, the world's biggest manufacturer of routers and switches that direct Internet traffic, illustrates the directions it sees technology veering.
A virtual assistant who performs an array of duties ranging from tracking stocks to explaining concepts like love, a 'mobile concierge' system designed to make bricks and mortar retail stores more dynamic and a new video buffer system that helps Internet Service Providers reduce digital dropout in high-definition video services are just a few ideas the U.S. based company is demonstrating at an "innovation day" at its UK headquarters.Ver video "A vision of your virtual assistant"
Gamificación en la industria retail
La gamificación para retail incentiva la atención al cliente, ya que con la aspiración de alcanzar mayores objetivos el equipo estará más motivado para ofrecer un mejor customer service.
#Voces MIT #MinutoMIT
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Formación de una compañía offshore - ICO Services
ICO SERVICES está especializado en la formación de Sociedades Offshore y Banca Offshore.
Le ofrecemos toda la ayuda que necesite en cada paso para crear una entidad Offshore.
Hay muchas razones por las que crear una sociedad offshore, aquí le presentamos unos ejemplos que la hacen particularmente útil:
- Simplificación de operaciones de la compañía
- Protección de activos
- Confidencialidad
- Reducción de la carga impositiva
- Usted quiere comprar y mantener bienes inmuebles en su país y en el extranjero
- Para poder tener propiedades intelectuales, copyrights, patentes y marcas registradas
Usted tiene una empresa en internet y quiere aprovecharse de los beneficios significativos que tiene estructurar su compañía como una sociedad offshore.
Usted es un profesional, un asesor, un artista o cualquier otra persona autónoma que desea disfrutar de las ventajas de una sociedad offshore.Ver video "Formación de una compañía offshore - ICO Services"
The latest barcode scanner iphone sdk SL-BA10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "The latest barcode scanner iphone sdk SL-BA10"
NEW barcode scanner on itouch SUMLUNG SL-BA10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "NEW barcode scanner on itouch SUMLUNG SL-BA10"
NEW barcode scanner on itouch SUMLUNG SL-BA10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "NEW barcode scanner on itouch SUMLUNG SL-BA10"
How to use IPAD barcode scanner SL BA-10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "How to use IPAD barcode scanner SL BA-10"
Do you want to own a IPAD barcode scanner. Have a look at SL BA-10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "Do you want to own a IPAD barcode scanner. Have a look at SL BA-10"
the latest IPAD barcode scanner SUMLUNG SL-BA10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "the latest IPAD barcode scanner SUMLUNG SL-BA10"
Latest Ipad barcode scanner reviews SL BA-10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "Latest Ipad barcode scanner reviews SL BA-10"
Amazing !Do you want to have a IPAD barcode scanner.Have a look at SL BA10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "Amazing !Do you want to have a IPAD barcode scanner.Have a look at SL BA10"
The latest iphone barcode scanner sdk SUMLUNG SL-BA10
UMLUNG SL-BA10 Bluetooth barcode adapter can meet the needs of almost every application. From pharmaceutical and retail point-of-sale applications; to inventory control in manufacturing; to shipping applications, there%u2019s SUMLUNG Tech. will satisfy your needs. It could be used in manufacturing, warehousing & distribution, retail, government, education as well as healthcare services. It support for Windows Mobile, WinCE, SymbianS60 3rd, Android,Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.
Can you make your barcode scanner work with iPad, iPhone or iTouch?
This video shows you how to make it.
SUMLUNG SL-BA10 HID version released! It can support scan barcode to iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Windows Mobile, PC....
No need to install any driver, the barcode data will be output in active input window.
You can track shipping details online(manage ) using you iPad, iTouch or iPhone, isn't it great?
For more information, please visit www.sumlung.com, or email us at info@sumlung.com
Key Words: iphone barcode api, barcode scanner for iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanner, iphone barcode app, Symbol scanner, Symbol LS1203, Symbol LS2208, Symbol LS4208, Symbol LS1902, iphone barcode reader, iphone barcode, barcode scanner app, iphone apps, iphone 4 reviews, iphone barcode scanner sdk, iphone sdk barcode scanner, barcode scanner iphone sdk, barcode scanner sdk iphone, iphone barcode reader sdk, iphone sdk barcode reader, barcode reader for iphone 4, iphone 2d barcode, 2d barcode iphone, iphone 4 barcode scanning.Ver video "The latest iphone barcode scanner sdk SUMLUNG SL-BA10"
Se presentan 2500 aspirantes para 150 ofertas de empleo
La Roca Village ofrece 150 puestos de trabajo para especialistas en el turismo de comprar. La convocatoria, que tiene lugar los días 21 y 22 de mayo está dirigida a profesionales con idiomas y perfil alto, aspirantes a formar parte de las plantillas de más de cien firmas internacionales de moda. Durante dos días, de 10 a 19h, los aspirantes tendrán la oportunidad de presentar sus curriculums y credenciales. Los candidatos deben tener experiencia en retail e imprescindible hablar perfectamente inglés y/o francés, además se valorarán otros idiomas como chino, ruso y árabe.El 20% de las 150 contrataciones que se realicen durante estos días serán contratos indefinidos. El resto serán puestos temporales de 3 ó 4 meses con el objetivo de cubrir las necesidades para la temporada alta de turismo, época de gran afluencia de público.
Ver video "Se presentan 2500 aspirantes para 150 ofertas de empleo"
Swiss Blue Topaz
Shop your favorite Swiss Blue Topaz at wholesale prices, not retail anymore. Swiss Blue Topaz (dot) Com website provides a wonderful shopping experience for the shopper, integrated facilities with many payment methods, makes our site a lovely shopping experience.
Being a Thai-Indian company with our headquarters in Thailand, we focus on producing the top quality gemstones, with high polish, thing girdle, and excellent blue firing in the stone, and that is how we make sure we supply the right quality and quantity at the right time to our clients.
We are very confident about our quality and services that you will come to know when you interact with us. We have been participated in exhibitions and Gems & jewelry fair all around the world. Recently we participated in Hong Kong gems and jewelry fair and interacted with many people and later they became our permanent customers. Mostly we sell online.
For More Information about Swiss Blue Topaz Visit:
http://www.swissbluetopaz.com/Ver video "Swiss Blue Topaz"
Grupo Bosch alista un vehículo autónomo para México en 2020/ Darío Celis
Grupo Bosch anunció que busca introducir en México el primer vehículo totalmente autónomo en 2020, para que sus clientes puedan andar sin chofer en autopistas en un ambiente controlado. 21 mayo de 2015
Facebook incorpora videollamadas a su servicio de Messenger https://youtu.be/aoGfpAqZKkE
*Para más información entra: http://www.youtube.com/excelsiortv
No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en:
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExcelsiorMex
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/Excelsior_Mex
-Sitio: http://www.excelsior.com.mx/tv
* Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube:
Programa: Dinero.
Conductor: Darío Celis.
Horario: Lunes a Viernes @09:05-09:30.
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Look walker Rental in Delhi Ncr,9136909020
"Look Walker"Â (Walking Billboard) is an unique, creative and innovative concept invented once somewhere in eastern EU, developed with extra features in UK and spread extensively all over European continent. Look Walker is a mobile advertising format, consists of backlit LED illumination, front and rear billboards perfectly positioned to view at any angle and at sight reaching distance. Look Walker is crafted in a compact backdrop structure easy to carry on human shoulders and light in weight to handle. Look Walkers are versatile and effective for brand impact when they are deployed in group at any location. Above all Look Walker is eco-friendly, and an initiative to contribute towards climate change.
Ideal for locations at:
Malls – Multiplexes
IT Parks
Business Parks
High-profile street retail environments
Busy pedestrian areas
Sporting events and concerts
Conferences or trade shows
Light weight and easy to carry on human shoulders.
LED illuminated back-lit billboards, cause no climate heating.
Eco-friendly and pollution-free.
Two side view area for advertising two posters.
Huge impact and brand exposure.
Closer to the point of sale and to the target audience.
Superb for distribution or sampling.
Can operate day and night.
Local, regional and national campaigns
Low cost-per-thousand impressions.
Enthusiastic and professional trained staff (Walkers).
A professional and reliable mobile advertising service.
Ability to pinpoint your target markets.
Perfect for:
Standing out tall in the crowd.
Everyday advertising campaign.
Reaching specific audience; such as holiday-makers.
New stores and product launches.
Recruitment drives.
Film premiers and PR opportunities.
Sporting events, concerts and political campaigns.
Conferences or trade shows.
In-store displays.
Field Marketing.
Shows and market auctions.
We are one of the best Publicity & Advertising agency in Delhi Ncr
Call : 09136909020,09716758105
SB Advertising MediaVer video "Look walker Rental in Delhi Ncr,9136909020"
"Look Walker"Â (Walking Billboard) is an unique, creative and innovative concept invented once somewhere in eastern EU, developed with extra features in UK and spread extensively all over European continent. Look Walker is a mobile advertising format, con
"Look Walker"Â (Walking Billboard) is an unique, creative and innovative concept invented once somewhere in eastern EU, developed with extra features in UK and spread extensively all over European continent. Look Walker is a mobile advertising format, consists of backlit LED illumination, front and rear billboards perfectly positioned to view at any angle and at sight reaching distance. Look Walker is crafted in a compact backdrop structure easy to carry on human shoulders and light in weight to handle. Look Walkers are versatile and effective for brand impact when they are deployed in group at any location. Above all Look Walker is eco-friendly, and an initiative to contribute towards climate change.
Ideal for locations at:
Malls – Multiplexes
IT Parks
Business Parks
High-profile street retail environments
Busy pedestrian areas
Sporting events and concerts
Conferences or trade shows
Light weight and easy to carry on human shoulders.
LED illuminated back-lit billboards, cause no climate heating.
Eco-friendly and pollution-free.
Two side view area for advertising two posters.
Huge impact and brand exposure.
Closer to the point of sale and to the target audience.
Superb for distribution or sampling.
Can operate day and night.
Local, regional and national campaigns
Low cost-per-thousand impressions.
Enthusiastic and professional trained staff (Walkers).
A professional and reliable mobile advertising service.
Ability to pinpoint your target markets.
Perfect for:
Standing out tall in the crowd.
Everyday advertising campaign.
Reaching specific audience; such as holiday-makers.
New stores and product launches.
Recruitment drives.
Film premiers and PR opportunities.
Sporting events, concerts and political campaigns.
Conferences or trade shows.
In-store displays.
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10 billionaire sons of india\r
1.akash and anant ambani\r
Akash Mukesh Ambani (born 1991) is an Indian businessman who is the chief of strategy of Jio, an upcoming 4G service provider. He is the elder son of Mukesh Ambani, the chairman and managing director of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and Nita Ambani, founder of Reliance Foundation.\r
After graduating in Economics from Brown University, in October new he was inducted into the boards of directors of Jio and Reliance Retail.\r
anant ambani \r
He is the youngest son of Indian businesspeople Mukesh Ambani, \r
the team of advisers for the IPLfranchise team Mumbai Indians.\r
In April 2016, a story regarding Ambanis physical transformation was covered across national media after he lost more than 50 pounds of weight.\r
2.aditya mittal\r
born in 1976, is a CFO, responsible for Flat Americas, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), Investor Relations, Strategy and Communications of the worlds largest steel firm ArcelorMittal,\r
Born in India but grown up in Indonesia, Aditya Mittal attended high school at Jakarta International School. \r
He worked for a short time in the mergers and acquisitions department at investment bank \r
He joined the family business in 1997 and was appointed Head of Mergers and Acquisitions in 1999\r
In 2008, Aditya and Megha Mittal made a donation of £15m to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London,[3] the largest private contribution the hospital had ever received.\r
He has two daughters\r
rishad premaji\r
elder son of Wipros chairman Azim Premji is currently working as a Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Affairs of Wipro Limited since 2007.\r
Rishad is a BA in Ecomomics from Wesleyan University in the US and has an MBA from Harvard Business school.\r
He owns around 0.03 % Shares Wipro -- Indias leading software and consultancy company.Ver video "10 BILLIONAIRE INDIAN SONS"
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Star Craft 2 Wings of Liberty - Raynor - Zeratul cinematic trailer (2010)
(from the official press release)
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, will arrive in stores throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau starting on July 27, 2010. Players will also be able to purchase StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty directly from Blizzard Entertainment shortly after the retail launch.
"We've been looking forward to revisiting the StarCraft universe for many years, and we're excited that the time for that is almost here," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "Thanks to our beta testers, we're making great progress on the final stages of development, and we'll be ready to welcome players all over the world to StarCraft II and the new Battle.net? in just a few months."
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is the sequel to Blizzard Entertainment's 1998 hit StarCraft, which has been hailed by players and critics worldwide as one of the top real-time strategy games of all time. Sporting a vibrant 3D-graphics engine, StarCraft II will once again center on the clash between the protoss, terrans, and zerg, with each side deploying legions of veteran, upgraded, and new unit types. Unparalleled online play for StarCraft II will be available through a new version of Battle.net, Blizzard Entertainment's world-renowned gaming service. Battle.net has been redesigned from the ground up to be the premier online gaming destination for Blizzard gamers, with several enhancements and new features, such as voice communication, cloud file storage, leagues and ladders, achievements, stat-tracking, and more.
The solo campaign for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will continue the epic saga where it left off in StarCraft: Brood War. The story line chronicles the exploits of marshal-turned-rebel-leader Jim Raynor and features both familiar faces and new heroes. Players will be able to tailor the experience, choosing their own mission path and selecting technology and research upgrades to suit their playing style throughout the 29-mission campaign. Several challenge-mode mini-games will also be included, with focused goals designed to ease players into the basics of multiplayer strategies.
For more information on StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, visit the official website at http://www.starcraft2.com.Ver video "Star Craft 2 Wings of Liberty - Raynor - Zeratul cinematic trailer (2010)"
Star Craft 2 Wings of Liberty - In-game trailer (2010)
(from the official press release)
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, will arrive in stores throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau starting on July 27, 2010. Players will also be able to purchase StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty directly from Blizzard Entertainment shortly after the retail launch.
"We've been looking forward to revisiting the StarCraft universe for many years, and we're excited that the time for that is almost here," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "Thanks to our beta testers, we're making great progress on the final stages of development, and we'll be ready to welcome players all over the world to StarCraft II and the new Battle.net? in just a few months."
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is the sequel to Blizzard Entertainment's 1998 hit StarCraft, which has been hailed by players and critics worldwide as one of the top real-time strategy games of all time. Sporting a vibrant 3D-graphics engine, StarCraft II will once again center on the clash between the protoss, terrans, and zerg, with each side deploying legions of veteran, upgraded, and new unit types. Unparalleled online play for StarCraft II will be available through a new version of Battle.net, Blizzard Entertainment's world-renowned gaming service. Battle.net has been redesigned from the ground up to be the premier online gaming destination for Blizzard gamers, with several enhancements and new features, such as voice communication, cloud file storage, leagues and ladders, achievements, stat-tracking, and more.
The solo campaign for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will continue the epic saga where it left off in StarCraft: Brood War. The story line chronicles the exploits of marshal-turned-rebel-leader Jim Raynor and features both familiar faces and new heroes. Players will be able to tailor the experience, choosing their own mission path and selecting technology and research upgrades to suit their playing style throughout the 29-mission campaign. Several challenge-mode mini-games will also be included, with focused goals designed to ease players into the basics of multiplayer strategies.
For more information on StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, visit the official website at http://www.starcraft2.com.Ver video "Star Craft 2 Wings of Liberty - In-game trailer (2010)"