Videos relacionados con diplomatic


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  • What's Happening S2 E20 Diplomatic Immunity

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  • Andorra La Vella - Hotel Zenit Diplomatic (

    Reserva tu hotel en Andorra La Vella en aquí:
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  • Saudi Arabia breaks diplomatic ties with Iran

    Riyadh, Jan 3 (EFE/EPA).- Saudi Arabia decided Sunday to break diplomatic relations with Iran after the mob attack over the weekend on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and on its consulate in the city of Mashhad, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir announced.


    efe,epa,iran,saudi arabia,protests,embassy,execution

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  • U.S and Cuba to Restore Diplomatic Relations

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  • U.S. and Cuba to Restore Diplomatic Relations

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  • United States Looks to Normalize Diplomatic Relations with Cuba

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  • Japanese economy starts feeling effects of diplomatic spat with South Korea

    Seoul, Aug 12 (EFE).- The historical disputes between Japan and South Korea have in recent months devolved into a standoff between the two East Asian nations involving an increasingly-tense back-and-forth of punitive trade measures, retaliation and diplomatic snubs.

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  • Trump acusa a Irán de estar detrás del ataque a su embajada

    Estados Unidos acusa a Irán de estar detrás del ataque a su embajada, mientras que se agrava el conflicto diplomático entre Washington y Bagdad.View on euronews

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  • Hong Kong aumenta la tensión entre China y Occidente

    Aumenta la tensión entre China y Occidente. Hasta ahora, ha provocado críticas y el rechazo de la Unión Europea, Estados Unidos o el Reino Unido que ha ofrecido la residencia a los hongkoneses.View on euronews

    Ver video "Hong Kong aumenta la tensión entre China y Occidente"

  • EEUU arría su bandera y abandona el consulado de Chengdu

    EEUU arría su bandera y abandona el consulado de Chengdu View on euronews

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  • España responde a Bolivia expulsando a tres de sus diplomáticos

    Ojo por ojo en la crisis de las embajadas. España responde a Bolivia expulsando a tres de sus diplomáticos. México no tomará por el momento medidas recíprocas contra el gobierno interino de Jeanine ÁñezView on euronews

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  • La breve detención del embajador británico en Irán provoca otro desencuentro entre Londres y Teherán

    La catástrofe del vuelo PS 752 abatido por un misil iraní disparado por 'error', ha provocado nuevas tensiones diplomáticas. El embajador británico en Teherán, Rob Macaire, fue detenido brevemente el sábado, sospechoso de haber participado en una manifestación antigubernamental. View on euronews

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  • Conflicto diplomático entre Dinamarca y China por una viñeta satírica

    El diario danés Jyllands-Posten no pedirá disculpas por algo que "no pensamos que esté mal" y asegura que "no había intención de humillar ni burlarse de nadie". View on euronews

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  • Trump se posiciona a favor del movimiento honkonés y tensa la relación con China

    China acusa a Estados Unidos de injerir en el asunto y amenaza con "contramedidas"View on euronews

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  • Guerra diplomática entre China y EEUU

    Pekín responde a los dardos de Trump que acusa a la OMS de ser una marioneta de China y le reprocha ser demasiado indulgente en su manejo de la pandemia. China ve en esos ataques una cortina de humo para desviar la atención de su propia inepcia en el manejo de la crisis del coronavirus.View on euronews

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  • Estados Unidos busca apoyo de Europa frente a la 'amenaza china'

    Estados Unidos busca apoyo de Europa frente a la 'amenaza china'. En plena crisis diplomática entre Washington y Pekín, Pompeo advierte a Europa de que el espionaje chino también les cuesta muy caro View on euronews

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  • China vs EEUU: Pekín ordena el cierre del consulado estadounidense en Chengdu

    China responde así a la decisión de Washington de clausurar el consulado chino en Houston, en un pulso diplomático con aires de guerra fríaView on euronews

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  • Venezuela elegirá un nuevo Parlamento en diciembre con el boicot de la oposición

    Venezuela elegirá un nuevo Parlamento en diciembre. Con el boicot anunciado de la oposición, estos comicios dejarán el camino libre al poder chavista para recuperar el control de la cámara. El nuevo Parlamento tendrá un centenar de diputados másView on euronews

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  • Muere diplomático saudí, baleado en Pakistán

    En Karachi, Pakistán, murió baleado un diplomático saudí, días después de que hombres armados asaltaran con granadas el Consulado de Arabia en ese país. teleSUR

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  • El régimen de Pionyang 'interrumpe todas las líneas de comunicación' con Seúl

    Corea del Norte dinamita sus relaciones con Corea del Sur. El régimen de Pionyang ha hecho saltar por los aires la oficina de enlace intercoreana como parte de su decisión de ‘interrumpir todas las líneas de comunicación' entre ambos países.View on euronews

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  • El régimen de Pionyang 'interrumpe todas las líneas de comunicación' con Seúl

    Corea del Norte dinamita sus relaciones con Corea del Sur. El régimen de Pionyang ha hecho saltar por los aires la oficina de enlace intercoreana como parte de su decisión de ‘interrumpir todas las líneas de comunicación' entre ambos países.View on euronews

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  • AMLO dice que diplomáticos mexicanos son candidatos a Medalla Belisario Domínguez

    El mandatario considera que el Senado de la República va decidir si son candidatos a la Medalla Belisario Domínguez, por lo que el dice que el papel que desempeñaron es de máximo reconocimiento y lo merecen.

    Ver video "AMLO dice que diplomáticos mexicanos son candidatos a Medalla Belisario Domínguez"

  • AMLO agradece a EU la condena a la irrupción en la embajada de Ecuador

    Asimismo, dijo que está esperando la misma postura en el caso de Canadá. “Aun cuando somos respetuosos de las decisiones”, agregó.

    Ver video "AMLO agradece a EU la condena a la irrupción en la embajada de Ecuador"

  • Greece: Anarchists throw paint at US ambassador's residency in Athens

    Geoffrey Pyatt called the attack "childish vandalism"; anarchists and far-left groups frequently vandalize diplomatic missions in Greece.

    Ver video "Greece: Anarchists throw paint at US ambassador's residency in Athens"

  • Deadly Truck Bomb Rocks Kabul

    A massive truck bomb exploded Wednesday morning in the diplomatic section of Afghanistan's capital, killing at least 90 people and wounding more than 300 others.

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  • Designated Survivor 2x01 Sneak Peek "One Year In" (HD)

    In the second-season opener, Ukrainian nationalists hijack a Russian Air flight, leading to a hostage situation in which the president's diplomatic skills are put to the test.

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  • North Korea makes new threat as Trump arrives in South Korea

    President Trump said he hoped for diplomatic progress with North Korea in a meeting with South Korea's president as North Korea promises to increase their nuclear power.

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  • Wikileaks reveals US' undiplomatic side Whistleblower website Wikileaks has created a media storm after releasing 250,000 classified US diplomatic documents. Details of the papers reveal scathing criticism of many world leaders by US diplomats.

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  • Cubans hope a better life after reestablishment relations with U.S.

    Havana , Jul 22 (EFE).- Following the diplomatic reconciliation with the United States, Cubans have welcomed a new era of hope where the symbolism of the moment could lead to real improvements in their daily lives.

    Keywords: efe,cuba,us,embassies,reopening.

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  • Analyst Sees Impact of US-Cuba Moves

    Just a day after the Presidents of the United States and Cuba agree to re-establish full diplomatic relations, the impact of the historic shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island after a half-century of enmity is becoming clearer.

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  • Decídete por Esther 25/04/2022

    ¨Hoy en Decídete por Esther¨ Hablamos con Magus Campbell del Diplomatic World Magazine, hablamos del día del paludismo y el día de el ADN. Los gatos harán el mundo, conocemos a los gatos de Downing Street y también conocemos al educador felino Hernán Pesis.

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  • Mogherini says relations between EU, Russia not frozen during visit to Moscow

    Moscow, Apr 24 (EFE).- The head of the European Union's diplomatic service on Monday assured that relations with Russia were not frozen, during a press conference in Moscow alongside the Russian foreign minister.


    Keywords: efe,epa,russia,eu,mogherini,lavrov

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  • Seoul pays tribute to comfort women amid tensions with Tokyo

    Seoul (South Korea), Aug 14 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Jeon Heon-Kyun). The government of South Korea on Wednesday organized a series of events to pay tribute to comfort women amid escalating diplomatic and trade tensions with Japan.
    Keywords: efe,epa,south,korea,japan,comfort,women

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  • Huntsman Resigns After 'Historically Difficult' Term as US Ambassador to Russia

    U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman has stepped down after two years in his post as the top U.S. envoy to Moscow, calling it a "historically difficult period in bilateral relations." VOA's diplomatic correspondent Cindy Saine looks at what his departure might mean for U.S.-Russia relations.

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  • Panama recognizes China, ends relations with Taiwan

    Panama City/Beijing (Panama/China), Jun 13 (EFE). The president of Panama on Monday broke off ties with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with China.
    Keywords: efe,panama,china,taiwan,varela,diplomacy

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  • FTS 16:30 30-10: Bilateral meeting between the nations of Bolivia and Peru concludes

    The sixth bi-national cabinet meeting between the Latin American nations concludes with the ratification of good diplomatic relations for the multi-sectoral benefit of both//Schools in Venezuela gradually reopen for the start of on-site classes.

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  • Kazakhstan celebrates its 28th anniversary of independence in Spain

    Madrid, Dec 11 (EFE).- Kazakhstan’s embassy in Spain on Tuesday commemorated the former Soviet republic’s independence in 1991 with a lavish party at an exclusive Madrid venue attended by ambassadors, representatives of the diplomatic corps, institutions and leading companies.
    This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the key Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two countries.

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  • Seoul restaurants offer rare taste of North Korean food

    Seoul, Dec 4 (EFE).- Two restaurants in the neighborhood of Hongdae in Seoul are offering South Korean diners a chance to sample the flavors of their neighbor to the north in an experience that used to be rare, but which, thanks to improving diplomatic relations, is becoming increasingly popular. (Camera: ANDRÉS SÁNCHEZ BRAUN. Editor: LOBSANG DS SUBIRANA).

    Ver video "Seoul restaurants offer rare taste of North Korean food"

  • Crown prince says Saudi Arabia shares India's concern over terrorism

    New Delhi (India), Feb 20 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Harish Tyagi). The crown prince of Saudi Arabia on Wednesday said he shared India's concerns over terrorism but avoided mentioning Pakistan amid diplomatic tension between New Delhi and Islamabad that escalated after a suicide attack in Indian Kashmir killed 42 policemen last week.
    Keywords: efe,epa,india,saudi,arabia,terrorism

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  • US breeds Qatar as Arab heavyweight

    Russia is downgrading its relations with Qatar following an attack on its envoy in Doha. The assault is being linked to Moscow's criticism of Qatar's backing for the US position on the unrest in Syria.

    ­A little country with gigantic ambitions -- Qatar, with a population of less than two million people, has embarked on an aggressive plan to shape the Arab world. By playing in tune with Washington's policies in the region, Qatar has gained a diplomatic weight it never had before.

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  • Blast hits India's Kabul embassy

    A suicide bomber has rammed a car packed with explosives into two diplomatic vehicles entering the Indian embassy in the Afghan capital.

    Dozens of people were killed in the attack - one of the deadliest to strike Kabul in recent months.

    The force of the blast destroyed the two embassy vehicles, and there is extensive damage to the walls and buildings inside.

    An Indian diplomat said the ambassador wasn't at the mission at the time. Most of the dead and injured were security guards and Afghans queuing for visas.

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  • Energy-rich Kazakstan taking on bigger role on world stage

    Paris, Jun 12 (EFE).- With its long-standing warm diplomatic ties to Russia, China, the United States and the rest of the Western world, the energy-rich central-Asian nation of Kazakhstan finds itself in a key position to help find a solution to the crisis in Ukraine, and according to visiting Kazakhstani Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov, the solution centers on dialogue, respect for international law and a collective effort to curb violence in the separatist and pro-Russian southeast.

    Keywords: efe,france,kazakhstan,ukraine,erlan idrissov,diplomacy,expo 2017,un,russia

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