Endurance - 1
Endurance - 4
Ver video "Endurance - 4"
copa endurance
Ver video "copa endurance"
Endurance - 2
Ver video "Endurance - 2"
Endurance - 6
Ver video "Endurance - 6"
Endurance - 3
Ver video "Endurance - 3"
Endurance Training
Ver video "Endurance Training"
Endurance - 5
Ver video "Endurance - 5"
Endurance - campo ambipolar
Ver video "Endurance - campo ambipolar"
Endurance - Official Trailer
Endurance (2024)
https://www.filmaffinity.com/es/film717713.htmlVer video "Endurance - Official Trailer"
GRID 2: Dubai Endurance
Ver video "GRID 2: Dubai Endurance"
Revenge Endurance HD Preview
Promo "Endurance" (HD) Season Premier
Ver video "Revenge Endurance HD Preview"
Discipline Focus -- Endurance -- GRID Autosport
Ver video "Discipline Focus -- Endurance -- GRID Autosport"
No Man's Sky - Actualización Endurance
No Man's Sky se actualiza con Endurance, mejorando profundamente los cargueros.
Ver video "No Man's Sky - Actualización Endurance"
No Man's Sky - Actualización Endurance
Ver video "No Man's Sky - Actualización Endurance"
Que sea haciendo ejercicio, trotando, saltando o nadando, los audífonos Endurance están diseñados para acompañarte en cualquier actividad deportiva, junto con la calidad de audio JBL.
GRID AutoSport Endurance Mode Trailer
GRID AutoSport Endurance Mode Trailer
Los pilotos profesionales hablan del modo Endurance.
Sensession: DJ's/Video-analistas de videojuegos
Sensession: partner de Youtube, Machinima, DailyMotion y GAME España
Síguenos en Sensession:
Síguenos en GAME:
http://www.game.es (Sección "Vídeos: video-reviews")Ver video "GRID AutoSport Endurance Mode Trailer"
[Extras] Interstellar - The Endurance [720p][Sub]
[Extras] Interstellar - The Endurance [720p]
The Endurance/La Endurance [Sub]
Subtitles/Subtitulos: SpanishVer video "[Extras] Interstellar - The Endurance [720p][Sub]"
WARN 73010 Endurance 12.0 Winch Review
WARN 73010 Endurance 12.0 WinchProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Rated line pull up to 12000 pounds
Features innovative cooling system
Has 12-feet lead remote control
Heavy-duty contactor for increased durability and reliability
High-speed three-stage planetary gear train for fast, smooth and dependable operation
Ver video "WARN 73010 Endurance 12.0 Winch Review"
All Purpose Trail Endurance Pad Black Review
All Purpose Trail Endurance Pad Black Review
Read More
All Purpose Trail Endurance Pad Black
Ver video "All Purpose Trail Endurance Pad Black Review"
BUG Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 "Cancel Endurance"
Estaba jugando con mi PSP esta gran juego de peleas pero en el trancurso de la partida me salio este glitch interesante el cual cancela la entrada del otro peleador durante las endurance matchs
Si mas lo probe en mi Xbox con el emulador de snes por si era un error del Snes Euphoria de PSP pero si es veridico el bug. dejo este video de muestra para que vean la veracidad no es fake o jaladas asi.
Modo - tienes que calcular que con los ataques de teleport punch ( adelante, adelante + patada ), patada voladora y agarre ( defenza durante el salto junto al oponente ) , se termine la energia al primer oponente...explota y sale el otro... pero se cancela el endurance y peleas con el mismo peleador del principio.Ver video "BUG Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 "Cancel Endurance""
Tráiler de anuncio de Endurance Motorsport Series
Ver video "Tráiler de anuncio de Endurance Motorsport Series"
Localizan barco "Endurance" tras más de un siglo
Tras más de un siglo, el legendario barco #Endurance fue localizado a más de 3 mil kilómetros de profundidad.
Ver video "Localizan barco "Endurance" tras más de un siglo"
FIM Endurance World Championship - 24 Horas Le Mans 2015.
2015 FIM Endurance World Championship - 24 Horas de Le Mans.
Toda la Información del Deporte Motor en:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pasionvelocidad http://www.instagram.com/pasionporlavelocidad
http://www.youtube.com/pasionporlavelocidadVer video "FIM Endurance World Championship - 24 Horas Le Mans 2015."
Las mejores imágenes de las Blancpain Endurance Series en 2015
Disfruta de las mejores imágenes de las Blancpain Endurance Series en 2015, categoría en la que compiten cocnes como el Audi R8, Bentley Continental o McLaren 650S.
Ver video "Las mejores imágenes de las Blancpain Endurance Series en 2015"
Hallan los restos del Endurance en el mar de Wedell
Ver video "Hallan los restos del Endurance en el mar de Wedell"
Endurance 24 termina con éxito en el Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez
Una fiesta fue la que se vivió en el Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez con el cierre de Endurance 24, la carrera de resistencia más importante de México.
#LaAfición #Endurance #Carreras #AutódromoHermanosRodríguez #FranciscoAcebas #RenaultMastersafeVer video "Endurance 24 termina con éxito en el Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez"
Hallado el Endurance, el mítico barco hundido del explorador polar Shackleton
Ver video "Hallado el Endurance, el mítico barco hundido del explorador polar Shackleton"
Fight Night Champion: Producer Video: Stamina, Endurance, and the Corner Game
Ver video "Fight Night Champion: Producer Video: Stamina, Endurance, and the Corner Game"
Hallan el Endurance, el mítico barco hundido del explorador angloirlandés Shackleton
Ver video "Hallan el Endurance, el mítico barco hundido del explorador angloirlandés Shackleton"
FIA WEC World Endurance Championship 2013 - Highlights Short by PRMotor TV Channel (HD)
Ver video "FIA WEC World Endurance Championship 2013 - Highlights Short by PRMotor TV Channel (HD)"
Descubren los restos del Endurance a 3.000 metros de profundidad bajo el hielo
El barco de madera se encuentra en muy buen estado y ahora está protegido como Sitio y Monumento Histórico bajo el Tratado Antártico.
Ver video "Descubren los restos del Endurance a 3.000 metros de profundidad bajo el hielo"
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Arcade) Cyrax Gameplay+MK2 Endurance on Very Hard no Continues
Ver video "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Arcade) Cyrax Gameplay+MK2 Endurance on Very Hard no Continues"
Una expedición encuentra los restos del histórico barco Endurance en el mar de Wedell
Los descubridores informaron que los restos estaban a unos seis kilómetros del lugar del hundimiento, a más de 3.000 metros de profundidad.
Ver video "Una expedición encuentra los restos del histórico barco Endurance en el mar de Wedell"
Ver video "Kz-Gínjol"
WEC World Endurance Championship 2013 Background story - Team behind the team by PRMotor TV (HD-720p)
Ver video "WEC World Endurance Championship 2013 Background story - Team behind the team by PRMotor TV (HD-720p)"
Speedo Boys Endurance Briefs Swimwear/Trunks (Black Yellow) (Waist 28inches (11/12 Years)) (Black/Yellow) Review
Speedo Boys Endurance Briefs Swimwear/Trunks (Black Yellow) (Waist 28inches (11/12 Years)) (Black/Yellow) Review
1era fecha de Serie Turismo Monterrey 2024
Gran Inicio de temporada 2024
Te invitamos a la primer fecha del año en Serie Turismo Monterrey.
Acompáñanos el próximo 09 de Marzo de 12PM a 4PM. en el Autódromo Monterrey.
Ambiente 100% familiar.
Boletos en: https://www.ticketopolis.com/serieturismoVer video "1era fecha de Serie Turismo Monterrey 2024"
Descubren los restos del Endurance, el barco del capitán Shackleton, a 3.000 metros de profundidad bajo el hielo
El barco de madera se encuentra en muy buen estado y ahora está protegido como Sitio y Monumento Histórico bajo el Tratado Antártico
Marco Olmo es una leyenda viviente de la carrera extrema. Empezó tarde, cuando los otros acababan.
En las vidas pasadas, cómo dice él, fue campesino, camionero, después obrero.
Correr se ha convertido en su razón de vivir, el modo para rescatarse de un destino amargo.
A los 58 años se convirtió en Campeón del Mundo de Ultratrail ganando la Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc,la competición de resistencia más importante Y dura del mundo, 167 Km atravesando tres naciones, más de 21 horas de carrera ininterrumpida alrededor del macizo más alto de Europa.
No obstante la edad, los achaques y una temporada de derrotas sufridas por adversarios siempre más jóvenes y preparados,no tiene ninguna intención de dejarlo.
Durante un año se entrena al Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc.
Marco debe ganar, para demostrarse a si mismo que aún puede hacerlo.
Ésta es su historia.
info@unpassodopolaltro.itVer video "EL CORREDOR - TRAILER - Film DOcumental - ESPANOL"
Les Chevaux de El Alma
Chevaux d'endurance de l'Elevage El Alma en Uruguay
Ver video "Les Chevaux de El Alma"
Une séance d'entraînement au galop pour les chevaux d'Endurance d'El Alma le long de l'autoroute Montevidéo-Punta Del Este.....
Ver video "Galop!!!"
Interstellar - Acoplamiento
Cooper intenta acoplar el ranger a los restos de la Endurance, que gira tras la explosión provocada por el doctor Mann.
Ver video "Interstellar - Acoplamiento"
Gastric Bypass
http://GastricBypassGuide360.com Obesity can affect the quality of life through limited mobility, lack of energy, depression, low self-esteem, low confidence and decreased physical endurance.
Ver video "Gastric Bypass"
Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week
Reggie Yates presents the ultimate endurance challenge as some of the UK's fittest men and women are pushed beyond their mental and physical limits by battle-hardened veterans from the world's toughest special forces.
Ver video "Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week"
Entrevista con Andy Soucek (2ª parte): 'nunca me han puesto una multa... en España'
Segunda parte de nuestra entrevista al piloto de Bentley en la Blancpain Endurance Series. Aprovechando que es el embajador del VW Golf GTE, hablamos con él.
http://www.autopista.es/automovilismo/noticias-de-automovilismo/articulo/andy-soucek-volkswagen-golf-gteVer video "Entrevista con Andy Soucek (2ª parte): 'nunca me han puesto una multa... en España'"
Mortal Kombat Super Nintendo Snes - Scorpion Gameplay
Un gameplay del primer Mortal Kombat con Scorpio en Super Nintendo , hay con fatality , con un endurances de dos peleadores, con Goro y el Boss Tshang sung. deje asi con Scorpio por ser un ninja . edpero que les guste.
Ver video "Mortal Kombat Super Nintendo Snes - Scorpion Gameplay"
Entrevista con Andy Soucek (1ª parte): 'al volante soy muy tranquilo'
Andy Soucek, piloto oficial de Bentley en la Blancpain Endurance Series y embajador del Golf GTE, nos cuenta cómo es su día a día a bordo del híbrido enchufable de Volkswagen.
http://www.autopista.es/automovilismo/noticias-de-automovilismo/articulo/andy-soucek-volkswagen-golf-gteVer video "Entrevista con Andy Soucek (1ª parte): 'al volante soy muy tranquilo'"
Entrevista con Andy Soucek (1ª parte): 'al volante soy muy tranquilo'
Andy Soucek, piloto oficial de Bentley en la Blancpain Endurance Series y embajador del Golf GTE, nos cuenta cómo es su día a día a bordo del híbrido enchufable de Volkswagen.
http://www.autopista.es/automovilismo/noticias-de-automovilismo/articulo/andy-soucek-volkswagen-golf-gteVer video "Entrevista con Andy Soucek (1ª parte): 'al volante soy muy tranquilo'"
Mortal Kombat Super Nintendo Snes - Sub Zero
Un gameplay del primer Mortal Kombat con Sub-Zero en Super Nintendo , pues deje los ultimos por que los demas son faciles despues solo dejare algunas partidas para que dejo lo mismo, hay con fatality , con un endurances de dos peleadores, con Goro y el Boss Tshang sung.
Ver video "Mortal Kombat Super Nintendo Snes - Sub Zero"
best circus
Circus Chimera is a unique, theatrical-style circus that celebrates the Circus Arts while retaining the traditions of the traveling tent. The intimate one ring setting under our 60 foot high Big Top provides children and families up-close and personal exposure to the stunning human endurance and ingenuity that define the genre.
Ver video "best circus"
Warn 88140 Winch Mounting Plate for Jeep Wrangler JK Review
Warn 88140 Winch Mounting Plate for Jeep Wrangler JKProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Winch mounting plate for specific models of Jeep
Winch plate works with the factory bumper
Accept the following Warn winches: PowerPlant HP and HD, Endurance 12.0, VR12, VR10, 9.5cti, 9.5xp, XD9i, XD9, M8, VR8, M6
Ver video "Warn 88140 Winch Mounting Plate for Jeep Wrangler JK Review"
MrBeast's Beast Game forces contestants to "sacrifice" in ways you won't believe
What would you do for $5 million, a private island, or a Lamborghini? For 1,000 contestants in MrBeast's Beast Games, the answer seems to be: just about anything. Available exclusively on Prime Video, the high-stakes competition is a wild blend of physical endurance, mental games, and ruthless decision-making that has fans hooked.
Ver video "MrBeast's Beast Game forces contestants to "sacrifice" in ways you won't believe"
How To Cure Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism Natural Treatment
http://www.HypothyroidismCure.blog300.com - How To Cure Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism Natural Treatment
Let’s Get Something Straight…
* You want that all-day endless energy you took for granted from your youth…
* You want the endurance and stamina to keep up with life instead of watching it just pass by…
* You want achieve a level of health you never thought possible…
How To Cure Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism Natural TreatmentVer video "How To Cure Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism Natural Treatment"
Two Yupa ทู ยุพา Thai IFBB National Trainer introducing Vitargo ´s protein bars @ FIBO
I was @ my sponsor´s Vital Body Life talking to Mr Moisés -who is the CEO of the company- about his wonderful Vitargo 30% Protein and Endurance bars. Check out www.VitalBodyLife.es & my web site www.TwoYupa.com
Estuve en el stand de mi patrocinador hablando de lo buenas que son sus barritas Vitargo, me encantan son muy utiles para entrenar y para sustituir una comida, contienen Vitargo y proteina de la más alta calidad, ademas están... buenísimas!!Ver video "Two Yupa ทู ยุพา Thai IFBB National Trainer introducing Vitargo ´s protein bars @ FIBO"
CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Exer
http://chino-crossfit.com/ CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, no matter what your fitness level or goal. Every workout is different, so you are less likely to get bored, and you will shed the inches quickly while increasing your strength and endurance
Ver video "CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Exer"
CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Snatch
http://chino-crossfit.com/ CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, no matter what your fitness level or goal. Every workout is different, so you are less likely to get bored, and you will shed the inches quickly while increasing your strength and endurance.
Ver video "CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Snatch"
CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Snatch
http://chino-crossfit.com/ CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, no matter what your fitness level or goal. Every workout is different, so you are less likely to get bored, and you will shed the inches quickly while increasing your strength and endurance.
Ver video "CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Snatch"
EMILY BREEZE - CrossFit Women: CrossFit Weightlifting Workout
Crossfit Games Athletes EMILY BREEZE crossfit workout to build strength and endurance video shows that how you can reach strong and shape.\r
Subscribe on CROSSFIT VIDEOS for more crossfit videos ► \r
PS : No copyright infringement intended for the video, song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this video, song or picture please cont me through my social network or e-mail. Once I received your message I will delete the video as fast as possible. No drama at all.Ver video "EMILY BREEZE - CrossFit Women: CrossFit Weightlifting Workout"
Fiat Toro Ranch vuelve a Paraguay, la pick-up diesel más vendida en Brasil
Todo lo que se supo antes del lanzamiento de la nueva generación de la pick-up de la automotriz italiana ya dejaba claro que su interior sufriría los mayores cambios en esta remodelación. Todas las versiones recibieron una nueva pantalla, que comienza en 7 pulgadas en la Toro Endurance y llega a 10,1 pulgadas en la Ranch. Otro aspecto interesante es su posicionamiento vertical en el caso de la versión top de la gama.
Además, este dispositivo siempre viene con Android Auto y Apple Carplay sin el uso de cables, otro punto muy positivo. El conjunto también tiene carga por inducción y puertos USB tipo A y C.
Sin embargo, los ayustes hechos en el motor turbodiesel sorprenden cuanto al bajo nivel de consumoVer video "Fiat Toro Ranch vuelve a Paraguay, la pick-up diesel más vendida en Brasil"
CONVULSING - Perdurance | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Black/Death Metal
[Country]: Australia; Adelaide, South Australia
[Lyrical Themes]: Blankness, Darkness, Despair, Pain
[Released]: March 01, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Pentarch.
02. Flayed.
03. Inner Oceans.
04. -
05. Gossamer Pall.
06. Shattered Temples.
07. Endurance.
08. A Smart Kid [Porcupine Tree Cover].
[Total Playing Time]: 55:31
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈BandCamp: https://convulsing.bandcamp.com/album/perdurance
--- --- --- --- ---
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#blackdeathmetal #deathmetal #blackmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Convulsing #australiametalVer video "CONVULSING - Perdurance | 2024 | Full Album |"
Amazing Ostrich Facts: History of the World's Largest Bird.
Discover the fascinating history of ostriches, the world’s largest bird! In this video, we explore how ostriches evolved over millions of years, their unique characteristics, and their significance in ancient cultures. Learn about their incredible speed, powerful legs, and why ostriches have been a symbol of strength and endurance. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast or just curious about these remarkable creatures, this video dives deep into the facts that make ostriches stand out in the animal kingdom.
Subscribe for more wildlife and animal history facts, and don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed the video!
Ostrich facts, history of ostrich, largest bird in the world, wildlife history, bird evolution, ostrich speed, ostrich history, animal kingdom, ostrich video, amazing birds, nature documentary, animal facts, educational video, ostrich running speed, African wildlife, ancient birds.Ver video "Amazing Ostrich Facts: History of the World's Largest Bird."
Ice Bath Challenge | Whitney
Whitney has been working hard in the gym all summer. She has a few joints that are getting a little sore. In addition to cutting back on her workouts, Whitney is doing a little cold therapy. Here Whitney tests her endurance and tolerance in the ice cold water for 7 minutes!\r
The general theory behind this cold therapy is that the exposure to cold helps to combat the microtrauma (small tears) in muscle fibers and resultant soreness caused by intense or repetitive exercise. The ice bath is thought to constrict blood vessels, flush waste products and reduce swelling and tissue breakdown.\r
Be sure to look out for the kids new– The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! Coming this fall!!\r
Be sure to subscribe for more videos! \r
My Official Links: \r
Whitneys YouTube Channel: \r
Whitneys facebook: \r
Whitneys Instagram:Ver video "Ice Bath Challenge | Whitney"
western gold 2 (Mountain climbing/Rock climbing)
Mountain climbing/Rock climbing
Mountaineering, or alpinism,is the set of outdoor activities that involves ascending tall mountains. Mountaineering-related activities include traditional outdoor climbing, skiing and traversing via ferratas.Indoor climbing, sport climbing and bouldering are also considered variants of mountaineering by some.
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. Knowledge of proper climbing techniques and the use of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes.
Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines,[1] such as scrambling, another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations, differentiated by rock climbing's sustained use of hands to support the climber's weight as well as to provide balance.
Professional rock climbing competitions have the objectives of either completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest point on an increasingly difficult route. Indoor rock climbing is typically split into three disciplines. These disciplines are bouldering, lead climbing, and top roping.Ver video "western gold 2 (Mountain climbing/Rock climbing)"
western gold 3 (Mountain climbing/Rock climbing)
Mountain climbing/Rock climbing
Mountaineering, or alpinism,is the set of outdoor activities that involves ascending tall mountains. Mountaineering-related activities include traditional outdoor climbing, skiing and traversing via ferratas.Indoor climbing, sport climbing and bouldering are also considered variants of mountaineering by some.
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. Knowledge of proper climbing techniques and the use of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes.
Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines,[1] such as scrambling, another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations, differentiated by rock climbing's sustained use of hands to support the climber's weight as well as to provide balance.
Professional rock climbing competitions have the objectives of either completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest point on an increasingly difficult route. Indoor rock climbing is typically split into three disciplines. These disciplines are bouldering, lead climbing, and top roping.Ver video "western gold 3 (Mountain climbing/Rock climbing)"
western gold 1 (Mountain climbing/Rock climbing)
Mountain climbing/Rock climbing
Mountaineering, or alpinism,is the set of outdoor activities that involves ascending tall mountains. Mountaineering-related activities include traditional outdoor climbing, skiing and traversing via ferratas.Indoor climbing, sport climbing and bouldering are also considered variants of mountaineering by some.
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. Knowledge of proper climbing techniques and the use of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes.
Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines,[1] such as scrambling, another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations, differentiated by rock climbing's sustained use of hands to support the climber's weight as well as to provide balance.
Professional rock climbing competitions have the objectives of either completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest point on an increasingly difficult route. Indoor rock climbing is typically split into three disciplines. These disciplines are bouldering, lead climbing, and top roping.Ver video "western gold 1 (Mountain climbing/Rock climbing)"
CUPRA Tavascan 2024 - Primeras impresiones | km77.com
Km77.com ha estado en la presenación del nuevo CUPRA Tavascan. Un SUV eléctrico de 4,64 metros de longitud, con una caída del techo que recuerda la línea de modelos como el Ford Mustang Mach-E, el Škoda Enyaq Coupé o el Audi Q4 Sportback. La versión más potente tiene 340 CV. Estará disponible a principios de 2024.
La batería es de 77 kWh de capacidad. Está hecha con celdas prismáticas y tiene una potencia máxima de recarga de 135 kW, la misma que otros modelos eléctricos del Grupo Volkswagen y lejos de los 230 kW que permiten coches como el Hyundai Ioniq 5 y el Kia EV6. CUPRA anuncia una autonomía de «alrededor» de 550 km en la versión Endurance y de 520 km en la VZ.
Toda la información del CUPRA TAVASCAN ➡️https://www.km77.com/coches/cupra/tavascan/2024/estandar/informacion
00:00 Introducción y alternativas al CUPRA Tavascan 2024
01:38 Diseño exterior CUPRA Tavascan 2024 .
02:40 Diseño interior CUPRA Tavascan 2024 y multimedia.
04:35 Plazas traseras CUPRA Tavascan.
05:49 Maletero CUPRA Tavascan.
06:23 Gama de motores, capacidad de batería y autonomía homologada del CUPRA Tavascan 2024.
07:25 Información detallada del CUPRA Tavascan en km77.com
También te recomendamos las siguientes listas de reproducción:
Pruebas de coches eléctricos ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UOaZSr8afc&list=PLrt8jdAATECWaL-5VHCIvdYeAfdm4qaXM
Maniobras de esquiva ➡️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UOaZSr8afc&list=PLrt8jdAATECUSFXiGsyO5pW_Nqqgnh3rH
Pruebas, fotos, precios y fichas técnicas de coches en https://www.km77.com/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/km77.com/
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Spotify – https://spoti.fi/3133Xxp
#cupra #tavascan #esquiva77Ver video "CUPRA Tavascan 2024 - Primeras impresiones | km77.com"