Videos relacionados con environmental monitoring and assessment


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  • Environmental Scientists Monitoring South Padre Island for Flesh-Eating Bacteria

  • Environmental Impacts of Microbial Insecticides Need and Methods for Risk Assessment (Progress in Biological

    Ver video "Environmental Impacts of Microbial Insecticides Need and Methods for Risk Assessment (Progress in Biological"

  • Purchase Warranty Guarantee Tracker Software Monitoring app - Android and iPhone (IOS)

    Go To The Link To Instantly Find Out Your Credit Score For Free

    Purchase Warranty Guarantee Tracker Software Monitoring app - Android and iPhone (IOS)


    Ver video "Purchase Warranty Guarantee Tracker Software Monitoring app - Android and iPhone (IOS)"

  • Space Above and Beyond 1x13 - Who Monitors the Birds

    Ver video "Space Above and Beyond 1x13 - Who Monitors the Birds"

  • Delta T14451 Dryden Monitor 14 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Chrome Review

    Delta T14451 Dryden Monitor 14 Series Tub and Shower Trim, ChromeProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    2.5 gpm, 9.5 L/min

    Must purchase rough-in model R10000-UNBX separately to complete the unit

    Handle included

    The stylized square raincan showerhead provides a drenching, invigorating experience

    Maintains a balanced pressure of hot and cold water even when a valve is turned on or off elsewhere in the system

    Ver video "Delta T14451 Dryden Monitor 14 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Chrome Review"

  • Ethical Hacking - Completing and Delivering a Security Assessment(240p_H.263-MP3)

    Ver video "Ethical Hacking - Completing and Delivering a Security Assessment(240p_H.263-MP3)"

  • Tutorial: Euro Truck Simulator 2 GPS running on iPad and external monitor

    My long awaited and much anticipated tutorial for the Euro Truck Simulator 2 GPS running on iPad and external monitor.\r
    In this video I will show you two methods of how to run the ETS2 GPS on second monitor, iPad, iPhone or Android device.\r
    Software used:\r
    Open Broadcaster Software \r
    Dxtory \r
    iDisplay \r
    If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will be glad to help.\r
    Background music was written especially for this video by Vishal Thapliyal, the track is entitled Lost in a Groove\r
    Here are some links to more of his work.\r
    My Racing rig consists of\r
    GT Omega Evo race cockpit\r
    SimXperience GS-4 motion seat.\r
    Fanatec Clubsport Wheel with BMW M3 GT2 & Formula rims\r
    DSD Wilwood Professional Grade Sim Racing Pedals\r
    DSD CSW dual button boxes\r
    DSD hydraulic handbrake\r
    DSD Short Shift Pro-Comp Sequential Shifter\r
    Fanatec clubsport shifter SQ\r
    DYI digital handbrake\r
    1 x Buttkicker Advance, 5 x Buttkicker Mini LFE SE and 2 x Aura AST-2B-4 Pro Tile Transducer with Simvibe\r
    3 x Kool Sound LX-2450 2 x 450 Watt RMS Amplifiers\r
    Buttkicker BKA300-4 1 x 300 Watt RMS Amplifier\r
    Logitech 5.1 Z906 speakers\r
    TrackIR Pro 5\r
    Siminstruments Dash\r
    Symprojects Pro-gauge and Rev Burner running 8 Autogauge gauges\r
    2 x Symprojects SimScreens mounted in a custom SimRacingHardware stand\r
    My PC Specs are\r
    Intel i7 3770k 3.5GHz\r
    32GB RAM\r
    Nvidia Geforce GTX 680\r
    3x Asus 27 monitors running in surround and 1x HP 24 screen for telemetry data\r
    512GB SSD + 2x 1TB RAID 1 HDD

    Ver video "Tutorial: Euro Truck Simulator 2 GPS running on iPad and external monitor"

  • Delta T14438-SSH2O Lahara Monitor 14 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Stainless Review

    Delta T14438-SSH2O Lahara Monitor 14 Series Tub and Shower Trim, StainlessProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    SH 1.5 gpm,5.7 L/min

    Must purchase rough-in model R10000-UNBX separately to complete the unit

    Handle included

    Inspired by the beauty and bliss created by waves

    Features a complete suite of coordinating products: accessories, faucets, and showers

    Ver video "Delta T14438-SSH2O Lahara Monitor 14 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Stainless Review"

  • Rebel Against the Ordinary - MPG341QR, MPG321UR-QD, and MPG321QRF-QD _ Gaming Monitors _ MSI (1080p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)

    Nueva línea de monitores MSI Esports

    Ver video "Rebel Against the Ordinary - MPG341QR, MPG321UR-QD, and MPG321QRF-QD _ Gaming Monitors _ MSI (1080p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)"

  • El carbón letal de Bosnia

    Tuzla se ha convertido en un símbolo de la profunda dependencia de Bosnia del carbón y el grave impacto en la salud de la producción de combustibles fósilesView on euronews

    Ver video "El carbón letal de Bosnia"

  • Delta Faucet 174902-RB Lewiston Monitor(R) 17 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Venetian Bronze Review

    Delta Faucet 174902-RB Lewiston Monitor(R) 17 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Venetian BronzeProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Rough-in and trim included

    Handle included

    Dial adjusts temperature

    Lever handle for ease of control

    Single handle for ease of temperature and volume control

    Ver video "Delta Faucet 174902-RB Lewiston Monitor(R) 17 Series Tub and Shower Trim, Venetian Bronze Review"

  • El glaciar Perito Moreno crece unos tres metros al día

    El Perito Moreno resiste al calentamiento global debido a su peculiar ubicación, a diferencia de sus compañeros, como el Upsala o el Viedma, que se derriten a gran velocidad debido a que flotan en el agua.View on euronews

    Ver video "El glaciar Perito Moreno crece unos tres metros al día"

  • Lisboa, Capital Verde Europea 2020

    Lisboa, Capital Verde Europea 2020. Lisboa ha sido elegida por el notable progreso hacia la sostenibilidad y las ambiciosas metas definidas para el futuro en cinco áreas clave: energía, agua, movilidad, residuos y biodiversidad.View on euronews

    Ver video "Lisboa, Capital Verde Europea 2020"

  • Los Balcanes respiran aire contaminado

    Zagreb, Belgrado, Sarajevo, Skopje y Pristina, han sido clasificadas entre las 10 ciudades más contaminadas del mundo.View on euronews

    Ver video "Los Balcanes respiran aire contaminado"

  • El pingüino más viejo de las islas Galápagos

    Acaba de cumplir 17 años y es el más viejo de las islas Galápagos. Este abuelo pingüino ha dejado de piedra a los científicos, que protegen estos estos pájaros bobos pequeñitos, pero únicos en su especieView on euronews

    Ver video "El pingüino más viejo de las islas Galápagos"

  • Los acuíferos cada vez más salinos amenazan 'la huerta de Europa'

    Durante décadas, esta 30.000 hectáreas agrícolas cubiertas de plástico de Almería han sobrevivido del agua del subsuelo para traer las verduras a las mesas de Europa. La salinización de los acuíferos amenaza ahora la 'huerta de Europa'View on euronews

    Ver video "Los acuíferos cada vez más salinos amenazan 'la huerta de Europa'"

  • El extraordinario viaje hasta México de millones de mariposas monarca

    El extraordinario viaje hasta México de las mariposas monarca. Millones de estas mariposas han llegado a México desde Canadá para pasar el invierno y, según la creencia popular, para visitar a sus muertosView on euronews

    Ver video "El extraordinario viaje hasta México de millones de mariposas monarca"

  • Protesta ecologista ante la COP25

    “La sociedad civil ha demostrado tener más ambición para el clima que los propios gobiernos”.View on euronews

    Ver video "Protesta ecologista ante la COP25"

  • Introducing the "VitaWear SmartBand," a next-generation wearable gadget🎉

    Introducing the "VitaWear SmartBand," a next-generation wearable gadget🎉 that combines health monitoring, productivity tools, and entertainment features in a sleek, minimalist design. It features a flexible OLED display that wraps around the wrist, providing a comfortable fit and immersive visual experience. The S...more

    Ver video "Introducing the "VitaWear SmartBand," a next-generation wearable gadget🎉"

  • ePathChina� 7" TFT LCD Color Screen Car Rear View Mirror Monitor 2 AV Input and 2 Channel Stereo Audio Output(FM), Support Playing Video or Audio Files From SD Card and USB Flash Disk Review

    ePathChina� 7" TFT LCD Color Screen Car Rear View Mirror Monitor 2 AV Input and 2 Channel Stereo Audio Output(FM), Support Playing Video or Audio Files From SD Card and USB Flash Disk Review

    Ver video "ePathChina� 7" TFT LCD Color Screen Car Rear View Mirror Monitor 2 AV Input and 2 Channel Stereo Audio Output(FM), Support Playing Video or Audio Files From SD Card and USB Flash Disk Review"

  • Venta de electronica y productos de alta fidelidad Online

    En Audiozona darás con la mayor oferta en venta de electrónica y productos de alta fidelidad online. Multitud de marcas y modelos diferentes para los amantes de la buena música y el entretenimiento.

    Ver video "Venta de electronica y productos de alta fidelidad Online"

  • How To Lcd Monitor Repairing

    ► ◄◄

    LCD Monitor Repair course from

    Monitor Repair Tips
    Infinity Monitor Model: 14ED (W745114477 Chassis)
    No power
    Checked and tested power supply section, all resistors and filter capacitor checked ok. Replaced IC802 and unit then powered up ok

    Likom Monitor Model: L503RDN (13MLB0004424 Chassis)
    Vertical problem, small picture, cannot adjust, sometimes rolling
    Checked vertical section and found resistor R527 (10ohms) located near ICU501 had gone high resistance, replacing resistor cleared the fault

    Kds Monitor Model: VS21E (Evoked 2100K Chassis)
    I found following parts had failed: Q425, C4924 and R497 (10ohm, 1w), the horizontal output transistor was also short circuit, replaced with type BU2527

    Dell Monitor Model: D-1728D-LS (FCC ID A3LCMG737)
    No display
    lg lcd monitor
    repairing lcd monitor
    review lcd monitor
    samsung 17 lcd monitor
    samsung lcd monitor
    small lcd monitor
    tft lcd monitor
    troubleshoot lcd monitor
    viewsonic lcd monitor

    Ver video "How To Lcd Monitor Repairing"

  • Mobile Spy Software | celular Rastreador de teléfono, SMS, e
    Do you suspect your child or employee is abusing his privileges phone or car?
    Mobile Spy is a monitoring program that lets you know the truth!
    Mobile Spy allows parents or bosses to supervise their children or employees.
    The program records silent text messages, GPS location and call information.
    Just install the software on your smartphone to monitor.
    Connect to your Mobile Spy account online privacy.
    Monitoring the activities live from anywhere in the world!
    Secure servers, Mobile Spy stores all your account details.
    Your child or employee is unable to cover their tracks.
    Mobile Spy. Monitor private text messages, calls and GPS online.

    Ver video "Mobile Spy Software | celular Rastreador de teléfono, SMS, e"

  • Well Trained Cat Turns Off The Light

    This cat is cute and environmentally friendly

    Ver video "Well Trained Cat Turns Off The Light"

  • 10° Media | Inglés 13-08-2021

    Causes, effects and prevention of environmental pollution Part1

    Ver video "10° Media | Inglés 13-08-2021"

  • 10° Media | Inglés 20-08-2021

    Causes, effects and prevention of environmental pollution part 2

    Ver video "10° Media | Inglés 20-08-2021"

  • Giant Lizard Enters Chicken Coup to Feed

    Water monitor uses tongue to track prey, then visual.\r
    Feeding enclosure.\r
    Video for online degree programs, bachelor degree accreditation, and biostatistics for reptile feeding behavior, and degree in zoology. Health insurance is available for exotic pets for health or injury, as per end of video. Shop around. Make sure to take care of your pets.\r
    Asian Water Monitor (Various salvator) tracks food using tongue to find a wide range of prey. In this video, filmed on April 11, 2007, a demonstration of a monitor lizards ability to scent prey -- that is, to find prey by smelling the air with his tongue first, approximately 10 to feet (3 m) away, and then using eyes to locate the feeder chicks. Monitors have forked tongues, in video please note how they swing their heads side to side to follow/track, locate, dispatch, and consume food. Monitor lizards are fascinating animals.\r
    Forked tongues are split into two tines at the tip. As seen in video, reptiles smell using the tip of their tongue, and a forked tongue allows them to sense from which direction a smell is coming. Following scent trails based on chemical cues is called tropotaxis. Its unclear whether forked-tongued reptiles can ually follow trails or if this is just a hypothesis. Study the video, what do you think?\r
    Monitor lizards are known to eat birds, eggs, fish, frogs, rodents, crabs, snakes, and carrion. They are also natures disposal system.\r
    We think of predators as taking down large adult prey--but in reality young prey are frequently the bulk of a meat-eaters diet. Its why prey species often give birth to many young to compensate for high rates of predation.\r
    This video focuses on the science of reptile behavior that supported a masters thesis in zoology. Video is made public for the citation for junior high school, and high school science reports. Also recommended for college and graduate level source citation for zoological biostatistics.\r
    Filmed with the University of Guadalajara for Biological and Agricultural Sciences, the division of Biological and Environmental Science Division, at the department of Botany and Zoology.

    Ver video "Giant Lizard Enters Chicken Coup to Feed"

  • 10° Media | Inglés 27-08-2021

    Causes, effects and prevention of environmental pollution part 3

    Ver video "10° Media | Inglés 27-08-2021"

  • Cameras for Security Systems USA Security Systems

    Cameras for Security Systems make business owners better equipped in securing their businesses from financial sinkholes such as theft, and helps in monitoring employees. Visit for a complete line of audio and video surveillance camera systems.

    Ver video "Cameras for Security Systems USA Security Systems"

  • heeheehoohoo Remix

    So we chillin in the labor and delivery room in Aviano Italy AB waiting for my baby boy to be born when the heart monitoring machine kept acting up.

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  • Specialised Security Systemssentrycom

    Specialised Security Systems is Sydney's number one provider of affordable wireless security systems. It selling only the highest quality home and small business security monitoring systems. These include products manufactured by Sentry a world leader in security and protection technology.For more information visit at

    Ver video "Specialised Security Systemssentrycom"

  • Mobile phone spyware Blackberry monitoring software can give you call records, called numbers and the numbers that called your target phone. Sitting in the sofa you will be able to get all the information. Do you need the text messages? and the ubication the cellphone?

    Ver video "Mobile phone spyware"

  • United Advisory Partners Tumblr

    The US Environmental Protection Agency, which has determined the Passaic River to be a Superfund site, has been advised by the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT), an advisory board established by the EPA, that the Cement-Lock process is suitable as a way to begin cleaning up the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay.

    Ver video "United Advisory Partners Tumblr"

  • Dakota Pipeline Protest | Army Corps Denies Easement

    Native-American groups and environmental activists have been protesting since summer to block construction of the nearly completed 1,172-mile pipeline.

    Ver video "Dakota Pipeline Protest | Army Corps Denies Easement"

  • caleidoscopic begrounded

    In a context of environmental collapse, design can open a space for dialogue between humans and other living beings.

    Ver video "caleidoscopic begrounded"

  • Grey's Anatomy 14x08 Sneak Peek "Out of Nowhere" (HD)

    A hacker compromises the hospital’s computer system, causing monitors, phones, labs and patient files to all go down.

    Ver video "Grey's Anatomy 14x08 Sneak Peek "Out of Nowhere" (HD)"

  • dont disturb

    The man is Quietly working but they are disturbing him. Then he is upset and throw out the monitor

    Ver video "dont disturb"

  • Orphan Black Season 5 "The Final Trip" Trailer (HD)

    From assassinations, detrimental illnesses, monitors and accidental murders to suburban drug fronts, kidnappings, male clones and biological warfare – there isn’t anything this lot hasn’t experienced.

    Ver video "Orphan Black Season 5 "The Final Trip" Trailer (HD)"

  • Black Sunrise Official Trailer 2 2012 HD

    Black Sunrise is the story of two different people attempting to survive in a world embroiled in tyranny, war, and environmental degradation.

    Ver video "Black Sunrise Official Trailer 2 2012 HD"

  • World Earth Day 2019

    Today marks the 49th World Earth Day, a global event to celebrate Mother Nature and put environmental issues in the spotlight.

    Ver video "World Earth Day 2019"

  • Electric Ductless Cooling and Heating Systems. A Heat Pump can be a very efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional Furnace & Air Conditioning

    Ver video "Electric Ductless Cooling and Heating Systems."

  • Wells Fargo Financing Mexican Drug Cartels

    Wells Fargo & Co., which bought Wachovia Corp. in 2008, has admitted in court that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering by Mexican Drug Cartels and narcotics traffickers.

    Ver video "Wells Fargo Financing Mexican Drug Cartels"

  • Volcano Eruption: Indonesia village residents ignore warnings

    More than six-thousand Indonesian villagers have returned to their homes on the slopes of the Mount Sinabung volcano. That's despite warnings that they're putting their lives at risk, after a surprise eruption at the weekend, which forced nearly 30-thousand residents to be evacuted to safety. The volcano had been dormant for 400 years, and officials admit they were not monitoring its behaviour.

    Ver video "Volcano Eruption: Indonesia village residents ignore warnings"

  • Checking a Panda’s Heart Condition Takes Time and Effort

    Gao Gao has a condition where a part below one of his valves is narrowed, and the ultrasound helps medical staff monitor the efficacy of medication.

    Ver video "Checking a Panda’s Heart Condition Takes Time and Effort"

  • Split Systems HVAC in Hopkinsville (The HVAC Units). Over the past two decades HVAC technology has advanced in leaps and bounds, driven mainly by the twin concerns of energy efficiency and environmental consciousness. Contact us 877-770-3548.

    Ver video "Split Systems HVAC in Hopkinsville (The HVAC Units)."

  • SABIS Educational System

    The SABIS® Educational System is an integrated, comprehensive, kindergarten through twelfth grade academic program that has been developed and refined over a 125-year period. With a balance of academics, self-development, and life preparation, the SABIS® Educational System prepares its students for success in college, fosters a lifelong interest in learning, and develops responsible world-class citizens. It blends quality education with traditional values of hard work and responsibility for self and others.

    The SABIS® Educational System consists of a demanding curriculum, an intense, disciplined, and interactive approach to deliver the intellectual material, and rigorous homework expectations.

    In SABIS® schools, all students, regardless of their ability levels, can learn and achieve very high academic standards provided they want to learn. For this purpose, students undergo continuous monitoring to prevent the development of knowledge gaps during their learning process. By motivating students, fostering a desire to learn, and providing an efficient and high-quality educational experience, the SABIS® Educational System helps each student achieve his/her full potential.

    Some features of the SABIS® Educational System include:

    %u2022A well-structured and comprehensive curriculum
    %u2022Efficient books, in core subjects, designed to dovetail precisely with the curriculum
    %u2022Proven instructional methods that keep students engaged and learning efficiently
    %u2022Timely tracking of student performance through regular assessment to fill any learning gaps
    %u2022Cutting-edge educational tools to support the SABIS® program and enhance efficiency
    %u2022A student-led organization that creates positive attitudes and behaviors
    %u2022A safe, disciplined, and positive environment that encourages learning and responsible behavior

    Ver video "SABIS Educational System"

  • Ductless A/C Installation in Mini Split Warehouse. The system uses R-410A environmentally-friendly refrigerant and an inverter technology that adjusts capacity and cooling output to match demand for increased energy efficiency. Call us 87

    Ver video "Ductless A/C Installation in Mini Split Warehouse."

  • Russia dismantles Georgia checkpoint

    Russian troops begin pulling down a key checkpoint in Georgia as they prepare for a pullout from the Caucasus neighbour under a French-brokered ceasefire.

    The EU deployed an observer mission of more than 200 unarmed monitors last Wednesday (October 1) with the initial task of monitoring the Russian pullback, which was agreed to under the ceasefire, but which had no set timetable until Moscow announced its plans.

    Internationally mediated talks are due in Geneva on October 15, to discuss security in the region and the return of refugees.

    In August Georgia sent troops and tanks to retake South Ossetia, a rebel Georgian province. Russia responded by driving Georgian forces out of South Ossetia.

    Ver video "Russia dismantles Georgia checkpoint"

  • Killer Chemist: Will Gaddafi strike back?

    The UN has called for restraint in Libya amid reports of abuses and alleged summary killings by both rebels and Gaddafi loyalists. The Security Council has also agreed to release 1.5 billion-dollars in Libyan assets to help deal with humanitarian needs. The opposition continues to claim that Tripoli is largely under its control, while the National Transitional Council says it's moved from its stronghold of Benghazi to the capital. Meanwhile, the Pentagon says it's monitoring Libyan sites containing stockpiles of chemical weapons and is pledging to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

    Ver video "Killer Chemist: Will Gaddafi strike back?"

  • Mini Split System Reviews in Bowling Green (Heating/Cooling) But heating and cooling systems are continually being improved, which means you can upgrade yours to be more environmentally and financially responsible. Call us for Help 877-770-3548.

    Ver video "Mini Split System Reviews in Bowling Green (Heating/Cooling)"


    Salkantay Trek It is managed by a highly experienced and trained operator and professional guides and environmental friendly group and very much aware of the importance of a clean and healthy environment and shares your desire to preserve the natural beauty of our land.

    Ver video "SALKANTAY TREK"

  • Mini Split Installation Cost (Heating and Air Conditioning). This zoning system delivers indoor environmental control beyond a central system, and it saves energy as you may cool and heat rooms as needed rather than the entire home. Contact us 877

    Ver video "Mini Split Installation Cost (Heating and Air Conditioning)."

  • Low-cost nanotechnology to purify air and generate water

    Castellon (Spain), 16 Mar (EFE), (Camera: Rosabel Tavera).- A Spanish company is using the latest advances in nanotechnology to create new, low-cost and environmentally-friendly systems to purify water and air as well as generate water from humidity present in the atmosphere.

    Ver video "Low-cost nanotechnology to purify air and generate water"

  • pay plan counsellin g

    Debt Counselling can consolidate your debt into one easy payment and clear your credit record. For a free assessment, contact us today!

    Ver video "pay plan counsellin g"

  • Best Mini Split Heat Pumps (Heating and Air Conditioning). Best Mini Split Heat Pumps (Heating and Air Conditioning). Ductless Mini Split uses R-410A, which is environmentally friendly and does not deplete th

    Ver video "Best Mini Split Heat Pumps (Heating and Air Conditioning)."

  • Los MEJORES relojes inteligentes del [2025]

    ➜ Enlaces a los mejores relojes inteligentes de 2025 que enumeramos Aqui:

    ► Enlaces ◄
    ➜ 1. Samsung Galaxy Watch 7-
    ➜ 2. Google Pixel Watch 3-
    ➜ 3. Apple Watch Ultra 2-
    ➜ 4. Garmin Venu 3-
    ➜ 5. Fitbit Versa 4-

    Las cinco mejores smartwatches de 2024. En quinto lugar está el Fitbit Versa 4, nuestra opción más asequible pero completa, ideal para quienes buscan un reloj de fitness con seguimiento de actividad, monitoreo del sueño y una batería de larga duración. En cuarto lugar se encuentra el Garmin Venu 3, reconocido por su pantalla AMOLED brillante y sus capacidades excepcionales para el monitoreo deportivo, incluyendo un seguimiento detallado de actividades al aire libre y la salud cardiovascular. En tercer lugar está el Apple Watch Ultra 2, famoso por su robustez y duración de batería mejorada, ideal para aventureros que necesitan un reloj resistente con funciones precisas de navegación y seguimiento de actividades extremas. En segundo lugar encontramos el Google Pixel Watch 3, valorado por su integración perfecta con dispositivos Android y sus características avanzadas de salud y fitness, como el monitoreo del ritmo cardíaco y la medición del estrés. Finalmente, en primer lugar se sitúa el Samsung Galaxy Watch 7, elegido como el mejor smartwatch en general, destacado por su diseño elegante, pantalla de alta resolución y potentes funciones de seguimiento de salud, como el monitoreo avanzado del sueño y el ECG.

    ► Enlaces (USA) ◄
    ➜ 1. Samsung Galaxy Watch 7-
    ➜ 2. Google Pixel Watch 3-
    ➜ 3. Apple Watch Ultra 2-
    ➜ 4. Garmin Venu 3-
    ➜ 5. Fitbit Versa 4-

    The five best smartwatches of 2024. In fifth place is the Fitbit Versa 4, our most affordable yet complete choice, ideal for those looking for a fitness watch with activity tracking, sleep monitoring, and a long-lasting battery. In fourth place is the Garmin Venu 3, renowned for its bright AMOLED display and exceptional sports monitoring capabilities, including detailed outdoor activity and cardiovascular health tracking. In third place is the Apple Watch Ultra 2, renowned for its ruggedness and improved battery life, ideal for adventurers who need a rugged watch with accurate navigation and extreme activity tracking features. In second place is the Google Pixel Watch 3, valued for its seamless integration with Android devices and advanced health and fitness features, such as heart rate monitoring and stress measurement. Finally, in first place is the Samsung Galaxy Watch 7, chosen as the best smartwatch overall, highlighted by its elegant design, high-resolution display, and powerful health tracking features, such as advanced sleep monitoring and ECG.

    DIVULGACIÓN: Algunos de los enlaces en esta página son enlaces de afiliados. Esto significa que, sin costo adi

    Ver video "Los MEJORES relojes inteligentes del [2025]"

  • jungle travel

    The first objective of our company PALOTOA TOURS PERU, is the conservation and preservation of the ecosystem of this planet and especially that of the Peruvian jungle Travel, and makes us partakers of the pollution and thus raises awareness of the issue of environmental conservation and especially the “ Manu National park

    Ver video "jungle travel"

  • Mini Split Wholesale 8Heating and Air Conditioning). Mini Split Wholesale 8Heating and Air Conditioning). Most new ductless heat pumps use the newer, less environmentally-harmful refrigerant R-410a. Cont

    Ver video "Mini Split Wholesale 8Heating and Air Conditioning)."

  • Happy Couple

    With Credit Repair Pro I personally review and monitor your progress from beginning to end.......each client gets my personal attention, unlike other Credit Repair firms that just toss your file into a computer and try to automate the credit repair process.

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  • get out of debt

    Struggling to pay bills? Always feel like you have nothing left after your debit orders go off? Get out of debt and start living a stress free life. No upfront fees. For your free assessment contact us now.

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  • Science museum promotes social-environmental projects

    Barcelona, 26 Oct (EFE).- Vehicles that run on water and aluminium waste, an intelligent microbus urban transport system and an electric race car are three of the ten projects chosen by CosmoCaixa Science Museum's EcoTendencias, a program to promote social-environmental ideas.

    Ver video "Science museum promotes social-environmental projects"

  • Radiation ID Cards to Monitor Childs Exposure

    Studies show too much radiation can raise the risk of cancer. That's why some hospitals are taking part in a campaign to lower the radiation doses to kids and monitor their total exposure with radiation ID cards.

    Ver video "Radiation ID Cards to Monitor Childs Exposure"

  • Top 5 gadgets that make your Car Smarter 2017

    Top 5 gadgets that make your car smarter 2017\r
    Please do subscribe, like and comment\r
    CarDroid - First Car Monitoring Device with Android™\r
    Bluejay: The worlds first smart mount for your car\r
    Fuse: Connecting Your Car to the Rest of Your Life\r
    FIXD: Your car is talking to you, are you listening?\r
    VOYO - Driving. Perfected.\r
    *Products are in development or ready to ship out

    Ver video "Top 5 gadgets that make your Car Smarter 2017"

  • Daikin Mini Split AC Prices in Mini Split Warehouse. Energy Star certified appliances have as result in the least environmental impact and will help them to save money in energy usage over the life of the a

    Ver video "Daikin Mini Split AC Prices in Mini Split Warehouse."

  • Best VPN service Hide My Ass.How to Hide your ip address

    Visit VPN PRO
    Change ip software.
    Go PRO! for more beneficial features, including ... 32'500+ IP's in 51 countries Improved security and encryption Anonymously encrypt all traffic Works with all applications Easy to use software

    In this day and age of hackers, censorship, online identity theft, people spying and monitoring your online activities, your online privacy has never been so important. Our aim is to provide easy to use services that help protect your online identity and privacy.
    Our free web proxy is a secure service that allows you to surf anonymously online in complete privacy. For more advanced features our Pro VPN service adds increased security and anonymity on to your existing internet connection.

    Changing IP, hide ip pro, proxy full protection, "IP Address (Protocol)", vpn, hackers, censorship, online identity theft, people spying and monitoring your online activities,

    Key Benefits & Features:
    Increase your online security A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and stops hackers and eavesdroppers from intercepting your internet traffic (especially useful when connected to insecure networks such as public WiFi hotspots).
    Anonymous internet identity Once connected to a VPN server your online identity will be masked behind one of our anonymous IP addresses. Government level security
    The encryption standards we use are trusted by governments world-wide.
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    Ver video "Best VPN service Hide My Ass.How to Hide your ip address"

  • “Bai” - Environmental enrichment

    “Bai” - Environmental enrichment. “Bai” or forest clearing: These marshy clearings surrounded by trees in the equatorial forest are important meeting places for innumerable species congregating to ingest the mineral-rich mud, to rest and to socialize. Here it is possible to observe a flock of white pelicans, red buffalos and a group of red river hogs.

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  • Toyota to build R&D center in Japan to push environmentally friendly vehicles

    Tokyo (Japan), Feb 20 (EFE/EPA). Japanese carmaker Toyota Motor is to open a new research and development (R&D) hub in Japan to accelerate the development of environmentally friendly models, a Toyota spokesperson told EFE Tuesday.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,toyota,automotive

    Ver video "Toyota to build R&D center in Japan to push environmentally friendly vehicles"

  • Greenpeace says China making toxic clothing for children

    Beijing, Dec 18 (EFE).- The environmental organization Greenpeace says children's clothing produced by China's two main textile manufacturers - and sold worldwide - contain high quantities of a hormone and chemicals that are known to be harmful to the human reproductive system.


    EFE TV -Madrid- 11:30 GMT.

    Keywords: efe-china-children-clothing-toxic-greenpeace-hormone

    Ver video "Greenpeace says China making toxic clothing for children"

  • Volvo V40 (2012). Luces largas activas

    The new Active High Beam technology helps the driver utilise high beam more efficiently. It also offers automatic switching between high and low beam at the right moment. A camera monitors other vehicles and their headlamps and tail lamps. Advanced image processing software analyses this data and provides information about the position and direction of other vehicles. The calculation serves as the basis for automatic switching between low and high beam.

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  • China promises New Silk Road will be cleaner and more transparent

    Beijing (China), Apr 26 (EFE).-  China has vowed that its New Silk Road initiative will be more transparent and environmentally friendly in a bid to allay concerns over the massive investment project at its second forum on Friday.
    Keywords: efe,china,belt,road,initiative,summit

    Ver video "China promises New Silk Road will be cleaner and more transparent"

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