Videos relacionados con epidural anesthesia


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  • epidural



    Ver video "ANESTHESIA"

  • Bebe REAL nacio sin Epidural

    Todos estábamos asombrados cuando Kate Middleton sorprendió a la multitud,mostrando la nueva princesa real en menos de 12 horas después del parto.

    Ver video "Bebe REAL nacio sin Epidural"

  • Paciente de pie con la estimulación epidural

    estimulación epidural

    Ver video "Paciente de pie con la estimulación epidural"

  • FAILED- 12 epidural steroid injections, lumbar herniated disc

    Ver video "FAILED- 12 epidural steroid injections, lumbar herniated disc"

  • Bad Religion - Anesthesia (Barcelona)

    Bad Religion - Anesthesia (Barcelona)

    Ver video "Bad Religion - Anesthesia (Barcelona)"

  • embarazo y bebe epidural como quedar embarazada liquido amniotico

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    embarazo y bebe epidural como quedar embarazada liquido amniotico


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  • Agoniza de dolor tras tener la epidural por días después del parto

    Ver video "Agoniza de dolor tras tener la epidural por días después del parto"

  • Madre paralizada por la epidural suministrada durante el nacimiento de su hija

    Una joven madre paralizada del lado izquierdo por haberle sido suministrada la epidural durante el nacimiento de su hija

    Ver video "Madre paralizada por la epidural suministrada durante el nacimiento de su hija"

  • M. - A.P.T.J. (Metallica - Anesthesia Pulling Teeth Jam)

    Ver video "M. - A.P.T.J. (Metallica - Anesthesia Pulling Teeth Jam)"

  • Anestesia: Debate

    En la anestesia general se emplean: Hipnóticos: Por vía intravenosa se utilizan propofol, tiopental, etomidato,midazolan y ketamina. Por vía respiratoria se emplea el halotano, isoflurano, desflurano, sevoflurano (todos compuestos halogenados) y el óxido nitroso (NO2)
    Analgésicos mayores: Opioides naturales (morfina) o sintéticos (fentanilo, petidina, alfentanilo y remifentanilo)
    Relajantes musculares (miorrelajantes): 1)-No despolarizantes:Derivados del curare (Tubocurarina,Metacurina,Doxacurio,Pancuronio,Pipecuronio,Galamina,Rocuronio,Atracurio, vecuronio, mivacurio, cisatracurio) y 2)-Despolarizantes (succinilcolina,Decametonio).
    Otras sustancias: anticolinérgicos (atropina), benzodiazepinas (midazolan o diazepam) y anticolinesterásicos (Neostigmina,Pridostigmina y Edrofonio), que revierten el efecto de los relajantes musculares.

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  • TVE - Emprende TV

    Un equipo del Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia diseña un dispositivo que evita la fuga de líquido cefalorraquídeo cuando al poner la epidural se perfora una de las meninges que rodea la médula.

    Ver video "TVE - Emprende TV"

  • Anestesia consciente: Detector EEG

    En algunas ocasiones la dosis de anestesia no sea la suficiente y el paciente percibe cosas durante la intervención cuando debería estar totalmente sedado.
    Lo más normal suele ser el "despertar" a mitad operación, esto suele pasar cuando una intervención se alarga algo más de la cuenta y requiere más dosis. En este caso el paciente no puede moverse ni comunicarse por estar paralizado con el relajante muscular. Es una situación muy extraña, ya que sin estar del todo consciente el paciente percibe lo que le están haciendo. Normalmente esto no suele durar mucho, ya que en estos momentos la tensión y el pulso se aceleran con lo cual el anestesista lo detecta y puede intervenir.
    Evitar estos casos es difícil ya que cada persona es un mundo. Los anestesistas estiman una dosis determinada de fármacos según el peso corporal y la duración de la intervención, pero no es un ciencia exacta y por eso a veces se dan estos casos. Puedes hacer una aproximación, pero dependiendo del metabolismo de cada uno el efecto puede ser más o menos intenso.

    Ver video "Anestesia consciente: Detector EEG"

  • Anesthesia - Official Movie Trailer #1 (2016) HD - Kristen Stewart, Corey Stoll Movie HD

    Multiple lives intersect in the aftermath of the violent mugging of a Columbia University philosophy professor.

    Ver video "Anesthesia - Official Movie Trailer #1 (2016) HD - Kristen Stewart, Corey Stoll Movie HD"

  • Anestesia general: Coma farmacologico

    La anestesia (del gr. ἀναισθησία, que significa "insensibilidad") es un acto médico controlado en el que el paciente, inducido por diversos fármacos, entra en un estado de pérdida de la sensibilidad al dolor.

    La anestesia general se caracteriza por brindar hipnosis, amnesia, analgesia, relajación muscular y abolición de reflejos.
    La anestesiología es la especialidad de la medicina dedicada a la atención y cuidados especiales de los pacientes durante las intervenciones quirúrgicas y otros procesos que puedan resultar molestos o dolorosos (endoscopia, radiología intervencionista, etc.). Asimismo, tiene a su cargo el tratamiento del dolor agudo o crónico de causa extraquirúrgica. Ejemplos de estos últimos son la analgesia durante el trabajo de parto y el alivio del dolor en pacientes con cáncer. La especialidad recibe el nombre de anestesiología y reanimación, dado que abarca el tratamiento del paciente crítico en distintas áreas como lo son la recuperación postoperatoria y la emergencia, así como el cuidado del paciente crítico en las unidades de cuidados intensivos o de reanimación postoperatoria. La especialidad médica de la medicina intensiva es un brazo más de la anestesiología.

    Ver video "Anestesia general: Coma farmacologico"

  • Anestesia con etanol

    Los mecanismos inhibitorios y la autocrítica son lo que primero se pierden y a ello se debe la "estimulación" aparente que se observa tempranamente. El orden subsiguiente en el que se deprime el SNC es similar al de los anestésicos generales, pero el alcohol es demasiado peligroso para ser usado como tal debido a que el margen entre la anestesia completa y la depresión medular total es muy estrecho y el período de excitación demasiado prolongado. Las soluciones por arriba del 12% pueden provocar gastritis alcohólica.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi The word "Tumescent liposuction" comes from the true essence and definition of Tumescent anesthesia. The definition of Tumescent anesthesia is to use local anesthesia to inject or Tumescent the fat and skin layers.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Arkansas The word "Tumescent liposuction" comes from the true essence and definition of Tumescent anesthesia. The definition of Tumescent anesthesia is to use local anesthesia to inject or Tumescent the fat and skin layers.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Alaska The definition of Tumescent anesthesia is to use local anesthesia to inject or "tumesce" (make firm with fluid) the fat and skin layers.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Tumescent Liposuction has allowed liposuction to be performed with the patient under local anesthesia. Tumescent Liposuction minimizes blood loss and the risks of general anesthesia.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Michigan Local anesthesia used in the tumescent technique for liposuction is so effective that patients no longer need intravenous sedatives, narcotic analgesics or general anesthesia.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Michigan"

  • Fun People - Bad Influence (1995)

    Video del disco "Anesthesia".

    Ver video "Fun People - Bad Influence (1995)"

  • NADA 01

    teleton en graneros junto a la reguia banda ANESTHESIA

    Ver video "NADA 01"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Delaware The tumescent technique proven to be safer than the older techniques that required general anesthesia.

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  • SmartLipo Philadelphia SmartLipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Philadelphia"

  • Smartlipo Mississippi
    SmartLipo patients need only a local anesthetic for this procedure, whereas liposuction requires general anesthesia.

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  • Liposuction Michigan Before liposuction was done under general anesthesia and large cannulas were used to suck out the fat.

    Ver video "Liposuction Michigan"

  • SmartLipo

    SmartLipo patients need only a local anesthetic for this procedure, whereas liposuction requires general anesthesia.

    Ver video "SmartLipo"

  • SmartLipo

    SmartLipo patients need only a local anesthetic for this procedure, whereas liposuction requires general anesthesia.

    Ver video "SmartLipo"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Alaska The word "tumescent liposuction" comes from the true essence and definition of Tumescent anesthesia.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Indiana The word "Tumescent liposuction" comes from the true essence and definition of Tumescent anesthesia.

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  • Smart Lipo California

    SmartLipo patients need only a local anesthetic for this procedure, whereas liposuction requires general anesthesia.

    Ver video "Smart Lipo California"

  • Liposuction Arkansas Before liposuction was done under general anesthesia and large cannulas were used to suck out the fat.

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  • Liposuction Tennessee Before liposuction was done under general anesthesia and large cannulas were used to suck out the fat.

    Ver video "Liposuction Tennessee"

  • Smartlipo Georgia SmartLipo patients need only a local anesthetic for this procedure, whereas liposuction requires general anesthesia.

    Ver video "Smartlipo Georgia"

  • Bariatric Surgery
    Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Wisconsin Local anesthesia used in the tumescent technique for liposuction is so effective that patients no longer need intravenous sedatives.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Wisconsin"

  • SmartLipo Louisiana Due to the cannula's small size, Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Louisiana"

  • SmartLipo Alaska Due to the cannula's small size, Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia.

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  • Laser Lipo Montana Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia by the tumescent, or wet, technique. More info at

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  • Face Lift Idaho Most facelift surgeries require general anesthetic while some more minor facelift surgeries require only local anesthesia with a mild sedative.

    Ver video "Face Lift Idaho"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Missouri First in Missouri, Tumescent Liposuction has allowed liposuction to be performed with the patient under local anesthesia.

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  • Face Lift Alaska Most facelift surgeries require general anesthetic while some more minor facelift surgeries require only local anesthesia with a mild sedative.

    Ver video "Face Lift Alaska"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Indiana The tumescent liposuction advantage is: only requires local anesthesia, and it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

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  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia, depending on the type of bariatric surgery that you are having.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Washington With the tumescent technique, liposuction patients need no general anesthesia, as contrasted with the traditional/standard liposuction methods.

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  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours.

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  • SmartLipo New Mexico
    Due to the cannula's small size, Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia.

    Ver video "SmartLipo New Mexico"

  • SmartLipo Hawaii SmartLipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Hawaii"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Rhode Island The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Rhode Island"

  • Laser Lipo Alabama Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Alabama"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Missouiri"

  • Liposuction Hawaii Before liposuction was done under general anesthesia and large cannulas were used to suck the fat. This procedure is now called "traditional" liposuction.

    Ver video "Liposuction Hawaii"

  • Laser Lipo Montana
    Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Montana"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Missouiri"

  • Laser Lipo Louisiana Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Louisiana"

  • Face Lift Wisconsin Before the facelift process begins the patient will be administered anesthesia. Then the facelift surgeon begins by making the incisions.

    Ver video "Face Lift Wisconsin"

  • SmartLipo Colorado Since the SmartLipo laser liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, represents an alternative for the patient when compared to other liposuction techniques.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Colorado"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Missouiri"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Missouiri"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours. Visit for more info.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • SmartLipo South Dakota SmartLipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "SmartLipo South Dakota"

  • SmartLipo Phoenix Due to the cannula's small size used in a Smartlipo surgery, it is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Phoenix"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes one to four hours, depending on the type of bariatric surgery.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Laser Lipo Maryland Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Maryland"

  • Texas Smart Liposuction Tumescent Liposuction eliminates the risk of general anesthesia, which is associated with most serious liposuction complications. Tumescent Liposuction technique of today also minimizes bruising and bleeding.

    Ver video "Texas Smart Liposuction"

  • Laser Lipo Hawaii Laser Lipo surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent, or wet, technique.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Hawaii"

  • Face Lift Massachusetts Where the incisions will be, go over the exact areas on your face that will be lifted and what anesthesia you want.

    Ver video "Face Lift Massachusetts"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours, depending on the type of bariatric surgery that you are having.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Rhinoplasty Maryland When you wake up after rhinoplasty surgery you will most likely feel a little dizzy from the anesthesia and will not be able to fully coordinate.

    Ver video "Rhinoplasty Maryland"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Arkansas The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Arkansas"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia, depending on the type of bariatric surgery that you are having.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Bariatric Surgery

    Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours, depending on the type of bariatric surgery that you are having.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi The tumescent liposuction advantage only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions. The best Tecnology in Tumescent Liposuction.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi"

  • LaserLipo Guide's laser lipo is a much safer procedure for several reasons: Doctors use only local anesthetic when performing laser liposculpture, eliminating the high risk of general anesthesia.

    Ver video "LaserLipo Guide"

  • SmartLipo Maine Since the SmartLipo laser liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, it represents a safer alternative for the patient when compared to other liposuction techniques.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Maine"

  • Smart Lipo Top Docs Pennsylvania Since the SmartLipo laser liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, it represents a safer alternative for the patient when compared to other liposuction techniques.

    Ver video "Smart Lipo Top Docs Pennsylvania"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    Today laser lipo is a much safer procedure for several reasons: Doctors use only local anesthetic when performing laser liposculpture, eliminating the high risk of general anesthesia.

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  • Laser Lipo Mississippi Today's laser lipo is a much safer procedure for several reasons: Doctors use only local anesthetic when performing laser liposculpture, eliminating the high risk of general anesthesia.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Mississippi"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Missouri Tumescent liposuction is simplified compared to other liposuction methods. The tumescent liposuction only requires local anesthesia, and it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Missouri"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi"

  • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is performed under general anesthesia and generally takes one to four or more hours, depending on the type of bariatric surgery that you are having.

    Ver video "Bariatric Surgery"

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