Encerrona de Erdogan a Rajoy en Ankara
Erdogan asegura que el avión detenido en Ankara...
El primer ministro turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, asegura que el avión sirio detenido el miércoles y obligado a aterrizar en Ankara transportaba material militar destinado a Damasco.
Erdogan acusa directamente a Moscú de enviar armamento a través de un vuelo civil pasando por el espacio aéreo turco.
http://es.euronews.net/Ver video "Erdogan asegura que el avión detenido en Ankara..."
Erdogan impugnará los resultados en Estambul y Ankara
El presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, no se conforma e impugnará los resultados de las elecciones municipales en Estambul y Ankara.
Ver video "Erdogan impugnará los resultados en Estambul y Ankara"
Mitsotakis y Erdogan, listos para retomar conversaciones diplomáticas en Ankara
Grecia y Turquía están intensificando sus esfuerzos de acercamiento. El primer ministro griego Kyriakos Mitsotakis visita Turquía el lunes para conversar con el presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan. El viaje es un intento de distensión tras años de tensiones por disputas territoriales en el Egeo.
Ver video "Mitsotakis y Erdogan, listos para retomar conversaciones diplomáticas en Ankara"
Ankara | Presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rinde honores a Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Ver video "Ankara | Presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rinde honores a Mustafa Kemal Atatürk"
Weddings in Portugal
Ver video "Weddings in Portugal"
Alemanes acusan a Erdogan de ser responsable de atentado en Ankara
Manifestantes de origen turco avecindados en Sttutgart, Alemania, acusaron al presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan de ser el responsable del atentado que se ejecutó en medio de una marcha en Ankara. teleSUR
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Türkiye | Presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan llega al Palacio Presidencial de Ankara
Ver video "Türkiye | Presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan llega al Palacio Presidencial de Ankara"
Erdogan condena el atentado de Ankara como un intento de dividir Turquía
Ankara, 13 mar (EFE).- El atentado con coche bomba que hoy dejó al menos 34 muertos en la capital de Turquía "tiene por objetivo la integridad del país, la unidad del pueblo y la convivencia", denunció hoy el presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Palabras clave: efe,turquia,ankara,explosion,atentado,nomonetizarVer video "Erdogan condena el atentado de Ankara como un intento de dividir Turquía"
Revote in Istanbul rebukes Erdogan
Istanbul, Jun 24 (EFE/EPA).- An opposition candidate has won a repeat ballot for Istanbul mayor, ending President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's quarter-century grip on the megalopolis and exposing troubles at his long-dominant ruling party, according to a Dow Jones Newswires report made available to EFE on Monday.
INCLUDES ARCHIVE FOOTAGE.Ver video "Revote in Istanbul rebukes Erdogan"
Extraño fenómeno en Ankara (Italia) - 21-12-2016 | Strange phenomenon in Ankara (Italy)
Extraño fenómeno en Ankaran (Italia) - 21-12-2016 | Strange phenomenon in Ankara (Italy)
Ver video "Extraño fenómeno en Ankara (Italia) - 21-12-2016 | Strange phenomenon in Ankara (Italy)"
Pdte. Erdogan recibió a su homólogo egipcio El-Sisi en la capital Ankara
Primera visita de un jefe de Estado egipcio a Turquía en 12 años tiene lugar en medio de un proceso de acercamiento entre los dos países. Durante un consejo de cooperación estratégica, ambos mandatarios firmaron 17 acuerdos fortaleciendo lazos bilaterales. teleSUR
Ver video "Pdte. Erdogan recibió a su homólogo egipcio El-Sisi en la capital Ankara"
The secret Wedding in Photoshop.
The secret Wedding in Photoshop
Ver video "The secret Wedding in Photoshop."
Crazy waiter in the wedding !!
Funny show for wedding, birthday party, corporate events, Bat / Bar Mitzvah, Quinceaños.
Ver video "Crazy waiter in the wedding !!"
Erdogan mantiene una segunda reunión con representantes del movimiento de las protestas en Ankara
El primer ministro ha recibido en Ankara a representates del movimiento con el fin de poner sobre la mesa una solución a las protestas. A pesar del ultimátum de Erdogan, en la capital siguen saliendo a la calle enfrentádose a los antidisturbios donde varios manifestantes han sido detenidos.En Taksim, las movilizaciones las han protagonizado las madres de los que día a día han estado en el corazón de las protestas. Han unido sus fuerzas en una cadena humana para pedir el fin de la represión policial. Los agentes obsevaban desde los alrededores de la plaza esta pacífica movilización, sin protagonizar las violentas cargas de días atrás. También Taksim se iluminaba con las velas que recordaban a las víctimas. En una vigilia silenciosa como símbolo de la resistencia.
Ver video "Erdogan mantiene una segunda reunión con representantes del movimiento de las protestas en Ankara"
Pompeo se reúne con Erdogan en Ankara (Turquía) por el caso del periodista desaparecido
El secretario de Estado de EEUU, Mike Pompeo, ha llegado a primera hora de este miércoles a la capital de Turquía, Ankara, procedente de Arabia Saudí. Nada más llegar se ha reunido con presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. El motivo de esta visita se debe a la tensión generada por la desaparición del periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi. En EEUU varios medios afirman que la investigación llevada a cabo por Turquía, confirmaría que Khashoggi fue asesinado en el consulado de Arabia Saudí en Ankara.
Ver video "Pompeo se reúne con Erdogan en Ankara (Turquía) por el caso del periodista desaparecido"
Cuba y Turquía estrechan relaciones con el encuentro en Ankara entre Díaz-Canel y Erdogan
Díaz-Canel es el primer presidente cubano que visita Turquía en 27 años.
Ver video "Cuba y Turquía estrechan relaciones con el encuentro en Ankara entre Díaz-Canel y Erdogan"
Putin y Erdogan acordaron el pago en rublos del suministro de gas ruso a Ankara
Desde Moscú, nuestra corresponsal, Odett Díaz nos informa que los mandatarios de Türkiye y Rusia estrecharon los lazos de cooperación en el sector energético y económico. Unos 26 mil millones de metros cúbicos al año son enviados desde Rusia a ese país europeo. teleSUR
Ver video "Putin y Erdogan acordaron el pago en rublos del suministro de gas ruso a Ankara"
Informe desde Jerusalén: Erdogan reúne en Ankara a los líderes de la Autoridad Palestina y Hamás
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Couples pledge love in underwater wedding ceremony in Thailand
Koh Mook (Thailand), Feb 13 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Narong Sangnak). Underwater wedding in the Thai province of Trang on Wednesday saw 19 couples tie the knot and have their marriage licences registered. Keywords: efe,epa,thailand,underwater,wedding
Ver video "Couples pledge love in underwater wedding ceremony in Thailand"
Animated Wedding Invitations "In A Sweet Cloud"
“In a Sweet Cloud” is the first website offers you the possibility of animating your WEDDING INVITATIONS in a creative way, and adapted to new technology.
www.inasweetcloud.comVer video "Animated Wedding Invitations "In A Sweet Cloud""
Raw Thousands marry in Moonie mass wedding
Known as the 'Moonies', thousands of followers of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon tie the knot.
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Wedding Videography Melbourne Wedding Videography
Turbo productions are an Australian based company, we specialise in wedding Videography in Melbourne and Melbourne wedding Videography, the best HD wedding video packages on offer.
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Tiroteo en Ankara
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Atentado en Ankara
Un videoaficionado ha grabado los instantes inmediatamente posteriores a una explosión en la capital turca que ha dejado tres muertos y 15 heridos. El caos tomó el centro de Ankara tras producirse la potente deflagración en un aparcamiento cercano a un ministerio de la capital turca. Aún se desconocen con certeza las causas del estallido pero las primeras hipótesis apunta a un ataque terrorista posiblemente de activistas kurdos.
Ver video "Atentado en Ankara"
Travel Planet - Boda en China (Wedding in China)
There are ceremonies such as the bride presenting wines or tea to parents, spouse, and guests. In modern weddings, the bride generally picks red (following Chinese tradition) or white (more Western) for the wedding, but most will wear the red traditional garment for their formal wedding banquet.
Ver video "Travel Planet - Boda en China (Wedding in China)"
Este sábado 3 de junio se realizará la toma de posesión de Erdogan en el palacio de Ankara
Ver video "Este sábado 3 de junio se realizará la toma de posesión de Erdogan en el palacio de Ankara"
Beyonce Reveals Wedding Dress in New DVD Video
As you know Beyonce is releasing her DVD Live at Roseland next week. And today she released an extended preview for it, which features super up close and personal moments from her life, all the way back to her childhood. During the preview, her song "I Was Here" plays while we get to see so many awesome moments from her life, including her actual wedding day!
Ver video "Beyonce Reveals Wedding Dress in New DVD Video"
Travel Planet - Boda en Nepal (Wedding in Nepal )
Wedding in Nepal
Traditional Marriage Ceremony arrangements in Nepal
We proudly offer traditional Hindu and Buddhist Marriage Ceremony arrangements in Nepal. The marriage customs of Hindu and Buddhist are most popular among marriage traditions and ceremonies of various ethnic groups and castes of Nepal. The majority of population in Nepal is of Hindu and Buddhist among others. Both of them extremely believe in traditional marriages as it is supposed to last till the last breath. It is an unshakable and traditional conviction that such marriages carry much marital happiness and are successful. It discourages the conflict between bride and bride groom and the thought of having divorce from each other is quite impossible and regarded a huge sin.
Traditional wedding ceremony in Nepal attracts many visitors. They themselves perform their marriage ceremony in Nepal just like the Nepali way and system. We can arrange tradition marriage ceremonies following the rituals of Hindu and Buddhist religions as per the participants' request and interest.
01) Traditional Hindu Marriages
Traditional Hindu wedding ceremonies in Nepal are a major celebration which takes place only at a special time of the year that are from 1st week of January to last week of March, mid-April to mid-June and first week of November to last week of December. Highly regarded as a sacrament, Hindu marriages are solemnized in accordance with the VEDAS, the holy scriptures of the Hindu religion that date back several thousand years. The notable features are that weddings should take place on the earth under a canopy known as mandap with a sacred fire center of it around which bride and bridegroom walk doing several rituals suggested by priest. The groom's party is supposed to arrive at the wedding spot in a procession, so it's good to have a convenient assembly location nearby.
Astrologers decide on auspicious dates within this period on the basis of the position of the stars. The system of performing wedding ceremony in Nepal is attention-grabbing where the bride and bridegroom perform the Puja and take best wishes as well as blessing from relatives, friends and family members. The marriage venue is decorated by colorful paper flowers and twinkling lights. A Nepalese bride will dress in the bridal color of red, will be beautifully made up and will wear much jewelry. Traditionally, the bride and groom are being carried to the wedding ceremony. In a village this may be in a basket or by horse; at a city wedding transportation is more likely to be by a parade of cars. Music is an essential part of marriages. The tradition music in the form of Pachai Baja and folk songs and dance is still most popular among people as on this sacred day they believe that playing traditional music strengthens the nuptial knot, pleases God and not least of all it makes the environment pleasant and charming. With the advancement in society, it has become customary to choose between Panchai baja and modern brass band.
The best venues where they arrange traditional Hindu marriage ceremonies in Kathmandu are:
Pashupatinath Temple
Balaju Water Garden
Gujeshwari Temples
Dakshinkali Temple
Bhadrakali temple (heart of the Kathmandu)
02) Traditional Buddhist Marriages
These marriages are also unique in its feature. Buddhist weddings in Nepal are often quieter occasions, with a focus on ceremonial displays. The weddings are usually extremely large, sometimes encompassing whole villages and large numbers of extended family.
Buddhist marriages are performed at monastery. Traditional dress is worn by both bride and groom, and Lama (Monk) does all customary puja (worship) to solemnize the wedding. The butter lamp is lit at the monastery during wedding day and it quite attractive. The music played during this occasion are traditional and different from modern music which makes environment pleasant and soothes mind.
The best venues where they arrange traditional Buddhist marriage ceremonies in Kathmandu are:
Kopan Monastery
Monastery at Swayambhunath
Monastery at BoudhanathVer video "Travel Planet - Boda en Nepal (Wedding in Nepal )"
La oposición elige a Kemal Kılıçdaroglu como candidato para enfrentarse a Erdogan
El propio Erdogan ha anunciado que dará el próximo viernes los pasos formales para disolver el Parlamento y convocar elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias para el 14 de mayo.
Ver video "La oposición elige a Kemal Kılıçdaroglu como candidato para enfrentarse a Erdogan"
Erdogan inicia su tercer mandato presidencial al jurar el cargo en el Parlamento
Erdogan, de 69 años, estrena nuevo mandato con el cual sumará cinco años a las más de dos décadas que lleva en el poder.
Ver video "Erdogan inicia su tercer mandato presidencial al jurar el cargo en el Parlamento"
marbella wedding
Bodakids Wedding Video
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Golden Wedding
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Travel Planet - Boda en Dubái (Wedding in Dubai UAE)
Just like in any culture, Emirati weddings have their own unique traditions and customs.
In the UAE, the things that take place during an Emirati wedding might vary from one family to another depending on the culture and background of that family. But in general, all typical Emirati weddings share certain things that you might not have known about.
So here’s a quick guide to 16 things to know about an Emirati wedding (as shared by my Emirati friends):
1. The planning takes more than three months...
2. All invitation cards share this very important phrase: "no phones, no pictures and no children."
3. As a sign of respect during the ladies party, the guests are not supposed to dance until the elder ladies leave.
4. Recently, almost every Emirati wedding must have a theme, like "Alice in Wonderland" or "Winter Wonderland."
5. Contrary to common believe, not all Emiratis can afford a lavish wedding.
6. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, president of the UAE, has promoted the "reception style wedding" for men.
This is to replace the rather expensive wedding parties and encourage young Emiratis to adopt a less extravagant approach to weddings.
7. There is a government backed initiative that calls for setting "the lowest dowry" between brides and grooms in a bid to ease the burden of marriage and its cost on young couples.
8. It is customary for the Emirati bride to walk "down the aisle" on her own.
9. In old traditions, the father of the bride would not attend his daughter’s wedding and sometimes he would travel outside the country on the day of the ceremony.
10. The idea of wearing a white dress is kind of recent.
Traditionally, the bride would wear either a red or a green dress on the henna night and decorate the look with yellow gold from head to toe.
11. The Henna drawing has changed from Arabic inspired motifs done exclusively on the palms of the hands, into Indian and Moroccan inspired drawings done all over the hands and feet.
12. There is a pre-wedding celebration where harees and khabees (traditional dishes) are distributed amongst relatives and friends.
13. The "Katb El-Kitab" in the Emirati dialect is called "Malcha" or "Malkah."
14. Presenting gifts to the bride on the wedding night is uncommon...
15. It is nearly impossible to make a small wedding with less than 200 guests...
Because it is considered "ayb" not to invite almost everyone in the neighborhood.
16. Back in the day, Emirati weddings used to take place in the afternoon. Now they happen in the evening.Ver video "Travel Planet - Boda en Dubái (Wedding in Dubai UAE)"
Kimye in Paris Scouting Palace of Versailles for Wedding
Alright, we didn't think it could happen, but it seems as if it is a very real possibility now!
Ver video "Kimye in Paris Scouting Palace of Versailles for Wedding"
Wedding LABODA
esta boda se destapa la verdad sobre los novios es muy divertida
Ver video "Wedding LABODA"
Wedding Concussion
"And Lord, have thee any reasons why this couple should not be wed, striketh down one of thine groomsmen now."
Ver video "Wedding Concussion"
Travel Planet - Boda en Bali (Wedding in Bali Indonesia)
Bali traditional clothes in addition to having the value of beauty, but it is also stored value – philosophical and symbolic value that is hidden in the form, function, and meaning. That is why in traditional Balinese dress decorated by various ornaments and symbols that have meaning themselves.
Completeness of traditional Balinese dress consists of several items. “Kamen” or sarong, among other items for men, songket for men and women, for men and bun udeng complete with tiara for women. Besides, men pinned Bali keris, while women carrying the fan as a complement.
Traditional Balinese dress has a deep value philosophy. Philosophy of traditional Balinese dress in almost the same with most other areas of traditional clothing in some respects, but since Bali is one place that has been worldwide and the sacred; the philosophy of traditional Balinese dress has become important in existence. Bali traditional clothes have standardization in its completeness.
Complete traditional Balinese dress generally worn on ceremonial / religious ceremonies or large. While the medium custom clothing worn while carrying out daily prayer rituals or while attending an event such as for example when the party encouraging the birth of children, child graduation, successfully obtaining the harvest, or welcoming guests.
Philosophy of traditional Balinese dress is basically rooted in the teachings of Sang Hyang Widhi, the God who is believed to provide shade, peace and joy for Hindus who believe it.
Each region has different ornaments that have symbolic meaning in their native dress. Nonetheless, traditional Balinese dress is basically the same, namely adherence to Sang Hyang Widhi. This clothing is also often used to distinguish the level of caste, which is a man-made itself. In the presence of the Creator, all human beings are equal in rank. Aside from being a form of homage to the creator, traditional Balinese dress is a form of homage to the visitors / guests. This is something that is common, bearing in mind if you as a guest will be honored if welcomed by homeowners who dressed nice and neat.Ver video "Travel Planet - Boda en Bali (Wedding in Bali Indonesia)"
In The Booth Season 2: The Wedding (Ep. 2)
Sempre animado para tentar coisas novas e fazer coisas que nenhum DJ tem feito antes, Tiësto decide se tornar um ministro ordenado, para casar um casal vencedor do ''Get Married by Tiësto' na cidade mais infame para casamentos extraordinários, Las Vegas!
Ver video "In The Booth Season 2: The Wedding (Ep. 2)"
Wedding Video
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Mr.Bean's - Wedding
Mr.Bean going to a Wedding
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Travel Planet - Boda en Londres (Wedding in London England)
Marriage is usually initiated by a proposal of marriage, simply called "a proposal". In a heterosexual relationship, the man traditionally proposes to the woman and the actual proposal often has a ritual quality, involving the presentation of a ring (an engagement ring) and the formalized asking of a question such as "Will you marry me?" The man may even go down on one knee before proposing. If the proposal is accepted, the couple become engaged.
In the United Kingdom, the engagement ring is worn, by the woman, on the third finger of the left hand (the ring finger).
In the UK the 29th of February (in a leap year) is said to be the one day (coming round only once every four years) when a woman can propose to her partner.
It is usual for a couple to be engaged for a while before they get married. An engagement is actually an agreement or promise to marry, and also refers to the time between proposal and marriage. During this period, a couple is said to be affianced, engaged to be married, or simply engaged.
A man who is engaged to be married is called his partner's fiancé; a woman similarly engaged is called her partner's fiancée.
Once a wedding date has been set the banns of marriage, commonly known simply as "the banns" (from an Old English word meaning "to summon") are announced. This is a notice, usually placed in the local parish church or registery office, which tells everyone that a marriage is going to take place between two people.
The purpose of banns is to enable anyone to raise any legal problems as to why the two people shouldn't get married, basically it is to prevent marriages that are legally invalid. Impediments vary between legal jurisdictions, but would normally include a pre-existing marriage (having been neither dissolved nor annulled), a vow of celibacy, lack of consent, or the couple's being related within the prohibited degrees of kinship.
In England, a marriage is only legally valid if the reading of the banns has taken place or a marriage licence has been obtained.
In addition to the bride and groom, traditional weddings involve a lot more people. Typically, these positions are filled by close friends of the bride and groom; being asked to serve in these capacities is seen as a great honour.
For the couple:-
Ringbearer - an attendant, often a young boy, who carries the wedding rings.
Ushers - helpers, usually men, who assist with the organization.
For the groom:-
Best man - a close male friend or relative of the groom, given a place of honour.
Groomsmen - one or more male attendants who support the groom.
For the bride:-
Maid of honour - a close female friend or relative of the bride, given a place of honour. If she is married, she is called the "matron of honour" instead.
Bridesmaids - one or more female attendants who support the bride.
Father of the Bride - One who symbolically "gives away" the brideVer video "Travel Planet - Boda en Londres (Wedding in London England)"
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Más de 1000 policías detenidos en Turquía por vínculos golpistas
Según la Fiscalía, los detenidos eran seguidores del exiliado clérigo Fethullah Gülen
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La Barcaza wedding punta cana. wedding punta cana
By http://www.WeddingBoatPuntaCana.More info: http://www.WeddingBoatPuntaCana.com - Email: WeddingBoatPuntaCana@hotmail.com
Ver video "La Barcaza wedding punta cana. wedding punta cana"
Nazarbayev, Erdogan meet in Astana to discuss Syria talks, terrorism
Astana, Sep 9 (EFE).- The presidents of Turkey and Kazakhstan met on Saturday in the Kazakh capital to discuss the fight against terrorism and the upcoming Astana-6 talks aimed at achieving a peaceful resolution to the six-year Syrian civil war.
Keywords: efe,kazakhstan,turkey,nursultan nazarbayev,recep tayyip erdogan,astana.
Ver video "Nazarbayev, Erdogan meet in Astana to discuss Syria talks, terrorism"
Erdogan Alemania nazi
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Intento de golpe de estado sacude a Turquía
Ankara (Turquía), 15 jul (EFE).- El presidente turco, el islamista Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hizo hoy un llamamiento al pueblo turco a resistir el golpe de estado, perpetrado en su opinión por un pequeño grupo de militares.
Palabras clave: efe,turquia,ankara,golpe de estado,erdogan,nomonetizarVer video "Intento de golpe de estado sacude a Turquía"
Erdogan tiene oponente
Los turcos tendrán por primera vez en las elecciones presidenciales un contrincante creíble al principal candidato y actual primer ministro, Recep Tayip Erdogan.
Seis partidos apoyan a Ekmeleddin Isanoglu que ha puesto en marcha la campaña bautizada como Unidad para ganar votos en las elecciones del 10 de agosto.Ver video "Erdogan tiene oponente"
Erdogan no cede
Horas después de que se desalojara a la fuerza la plaza Taksim, y arropado por los suyos en el parlamento, el primer ministro turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha pedido, por las buenas, con palabras, que los manifestantes abandonen el parque Gezi, sin prometer cambios en el proyecto urbanístico que fue el detonante de las protestas.
http://es.euronews.net/Ver video "Erdogan no cede"
Agresion Seguridad Erdogan
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Turquía vota en unos comicios municipales muy ajustados
El AKP de Erdogan se juega mantener el poder en las principales capitales
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Ankara contra la inmigración ilegal
Nos encontramos en la frontera entre Turquía y Grecia, observando el trabajo de una patrulla de carretera de los guardias turcos. Más allá está la porosa frontera exterior de la Unión Europea. Noche tras noche, decenas de personas consiguen cruzarla ilegalmente. Muchos proceden de Oriente Próximo, África y Asia. http://es.euronews.net/
Ver video "Ankara contra la inmigración ilegal"
El intento de golpe en Turquía sobresalta el final de cumbre Europa-Asia
Ulán Bator (Mongolia), 16 jul (EFE).- La cumbre de líderes de Europa y Asia (ASEM) concluyó hoy con el sobresalto por el intento de golpe de Estado en Turquía, que eclipsó otras cuestiones internacionales que estaba previsto tratar en el encuentro, como las disputas de soberanía en el mar de China Meridional.
Palabras clave: efe,turquia,ankara,golpe de estado,erdogan,nomonetizarVer video "El intento de golpe en Turquía sobresalta el final de cumbre Europa-Asia"
Al menos 60 muertos durante el intento de Golpe de Estado en Turquía
Estambul (Turquía), 16 jul (EFE/EPA).- (Imágenes: Tolga Bozoglu) Al menos 60 personas han muerto en todo el país durante el intento de golpe de Estado en Turquía, según datos de la Fiscalía general citadas por el diario Hürriyet.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,turquia,ankara,golpe de estado,erdogan,nomonetizar
Ver video "Al menos 60 muertos durante el intento de Golpe de Estado en Turquía"