Videos relacionados con european court of human rights


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  • El Tribunal de Derechos Humanos respalda las 'devoluciones en caliente' de inmigrantes en España

  • Holanda denunciará a Rusia por derribar el MH17

    Holanda denunciará a Rusia ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de Estrasburgo por "su papel" en el derribo del vuelo MH17. Murieron 298 personas.View on euronews

    Ver video "Holanda denunciará a Rusia por derribar el MH17"

  • Venezuela's Maduro slams UN human rights report, says it's full of lies

    Caracas (Venezuela), Jul 8 (EFE).- The Venezuelan president on Monday said he had demanded the rectification of what he described as lies included in the latest United Nations report on the situation of human rights in the South American country.
    Keywords: efe,venezuela,crisis,maduro,bachelet

    Ver video "Venezuela's Maduro slams UN human rights report, says it's full of lies"

  • Eurodiputados instan al Alto Representante de la UE que actúe contra Turquía y Bielorrusia

    Turquía, Bielorrusia y la relación entre financiación comunitaria y estado de derecho entre los temas a debate en la última sesión plenaria del Parlamento Europeo. View on euronews

    Ver video "Eurodiputados instan al Alto Representante de la UE que actúe contra Turquía y Bielorrusia"

  • Cumbre UE-China: ¿Reprenderá Bruselas a Pekín por sus violaciones de los derechos humanos?

    La UE está obligada a llamar la atención de China sobre las violaciones de los derechos humanos, sin embargo, las divisiones internas de los 27 y la estrategia comercial diluyen su posición, según los expertosView on euronews

    Ver video "Cumbre UE-China: ¿Reprenderá Bruselas a Pekín por sus violaciones de los derechos humanos?"

  • Apple debe pagar 11 mil millones de libras en impuestos

    La UE ordenó a Apple que pague su factura de impuestos de 11 mil millones de libras al gobierno irlandés tras una batalla legal que ha durado años

    Ver video "Apple debe pagar 11 mil millones de libras en impuestos"

  • Polonia seguirá adelante con la reforma del poder judicial

    Mantiene así el desafío a la Comisión Europea que teme por la independencia de la jusiticia polacaView on euronews

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  • Crecen las tensiones sociales en Rumanía con el confinamiento

    Crecen las tensiones sociales en Rumanía con el confinamiento.View on euronews

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  • Google se defiende ante la millonaria multa impuesta por Bruselas por distorsión de la competencia

    Google se defiende en el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo frente a la multa impuesta por la Comisión Europea por dar ventaja a su comparador de precios Google ShoppingView on euronews

    Ver video "Google se defiende ante la millonaria multa impuesta por Bruselas por distorsión de la competencia"

  • El "aceto balsamico" ya no es sólo de Módena

    La Justicia Europea dice que tan sólo están protegidos los términos que aluden al origen geográfico del productoView on euronews

    Ver video "El "aceto balsamico" ya no es sólo de Módena"

  • La reacción de Europa ante la crisis migratoria, en "The Brief from Brussels"

    Los líderes de las instituciones europeas no han dudado en avalar la decisión griega de cerrar sus fronteras a los migrantes. Se lo contamos en nuestro programa "The Brief from Brussels", en el que también les hablamos de cómo la justicia europea ha dado la razón al rapero mallorquín Valtonyc View on euronews

    Ver video "La reacción de Europa ante la crisis migratoria, en "The Brief from Brussels""

  • Aung San Suu Kyi: "Fuerza excesiva no equivale a genocidio"

    El representante de Gambia como estado denunciante aseguró que las operaciones antiterroristas lanzadas por el Ejército se dirigieron sobre todo contra la población civil rohinyá.View on euronews

    Ver video "Aung San Suu Kyi: "Fuerza excesiva no equivale a genocidio""

  • Casos como el "Dieselgate" de Volkswagen podrán ser denunciados en los tribunales nacionales

    Con esta medida, los afectados podrán interponer las denuncias en aquellos países donde hayan comprado el vehículo, sin necesidad de hacerlo en Alemania, sede de la compañía.

    Ver video "Casos como el "Dieselgate" de Volkswagen podrán ser denunciados en los tribunales nacionales"

  • La UE declara ilegal una polémica ley húngara que impedía la financiación extranjera anónima de ONG

    Mediante ella, Orbán obligaba a que las organizaciones nacionales que recibían del extranjero cantidades mayores a 24.000 euros declarasen públicamente quién era el contribuyenteView on euronews

    Ver video "La UE declara ilegal una polémica ley húngara que impedía la financiación extranjera anónima de ONG"

  • La Comisión Europea ha perdido una batalla contra Apple, pero la guerra continúa

    La Comisión Europea está analizando la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la UE, pero afirma que se trata de un maratón y no de un sprint. Su objetivo es dotarse de los instrumentos necesarios para luchar contra la evasión fiscal corporativa.View on euronews

    Ver video "La Comisión Europea ha perdido una batalla contra Apple, pero la guerra continúa"

  • Google deberá pagar una multa de 2 mil 400 millones de euros

    El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea rechazó el recurso de Google para evitar una multa de 2 mil 400 millones de euros por normas anticompetitivas

    Ver video "Google deberá pagar una multa de 2 mil 400 millones de euros"

  • Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on human rights and justice in Cong

    Speech by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE ADLE) on :
    Failures in protection of human rights and justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    [MEP Speech] [Language ES original]


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  • Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on Human rights in Iran

    Speech by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE ADLE) on :
    Human rights in Iran, in particular the cases of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani and of Zahra Bahrami

    [MEP Speech] [Language ES original]


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  • Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on Human Rights and Fundamental Fre

    Speech by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on :
    Accession agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

    [MEP Speech] [Language ES original]


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  • Duterte threatens to arrest ICC members if they enter Philippines

    Manila (Philippines), Apr 13 (EFE/EPA). The Philippine president Friday threatened to arrest members of the Hague-based International Criminal Court if they entered the country. 
    Keywords: efe,epa,philippines,human,rights,icc,drugs

    Ver video "Duterte threatens to arrest ICC members if they enter Philippines"

  • Families, survivors of Acteal massacre demand ICHR say if rights violated

    Chenalho (Mexico), Mar 6 (EFE).- (Camera: Mitzi Mayauel Fuentes Gómez). The families of victims and survivors of the Dec. 22, 1997, Acteal massacre, in which 45 indigenous people were killed in Mexico's southern Chiapas state, on Wednesday demanded that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issue a thorough report to determine if their human rights were violated.
    Keywords: efe,mexico,human,rights,IACHR,massacre

    Ver video "Families, survivors of Acteal massacre demand ICHR say if rights violated"

  • Hungary criticised for mistreating refugees, calls on EU for help

    Budapest, Sep 11 (EFE).- The non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch, or HRW, denounced in a statement the abysmal conditions in the Hungarian refugee centers in Roszke, near the border with Serbia.

    Keywords: efe,migration,crisis,europe.

    Ver video "Hungary criticised for mistreating refugees, calls on EU for help"

  • Duterte government threatens human rights groups, NGO says

    Manila (Philippines), Mar 27 (EFE/EPA). The government of the Philippines has indirectly threatened rights groups by linking them with drug lords in the country, the NGO Human Rights Watch said in a statement Tuesday.  
    Keywords: efe,epa,philippines,human,rights,ngo,drugs

    Ver video "Duterte government threatens human rights groups, NGO says"

  • Museum Exhibits Honor Civil Rights Movement

    Building on the legacy of the civil rights movement in Atlanta, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights is set to open next week.

    Ver video "Museum Exhibits Honor Civil Rights Movement"

  • Bachelet: "Climate change will damage human rights"

    Geneva, Aug 30 (EFE).- Climate change will have damaging effects on human rights and conflicts, UN High Commissioner and former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has warned.
    The Human Rights commissioner said in an interview with EFE that drought, food scarcity and the search for water would increase.
    The two-time president of Chile talked about some of the human issues she has had to confront during her first year in her UN role, touching on the scourge of forest fires that she linked to harmful human activities

    Ver video "Bachelet: "Climate change will damage human rights""

  • More About Crime Victims's Rights Act from 2004

    Every State has its own Crime Victims Rights but there are also some General Rights that you should be awared of if you've been a victim of a crime and has suffered pain, abuse, robbery, sexual assault, elder abuse, domestic violence and other federal crimes....

    Ver video "More About Crime Victims's Rights Act from 2004"

  • EU, Vietnam strike free trade deal

    Hanoi, Jun 30 (EFE).- The European Union and Vietnam on Sunday signed a free trade deal that will gradually eliminate 99 percent of tariffs and includes measures to protect labor rights and the environment.

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  • Mariah Carey Performs for Evil Dictator of Angola for 1million

    Mariah Carey Whores herself for 1 million Dollars performing for Evil Dictator of Angola Mariah Carey Slammed by Human Rights Group Over Concert in Angola.

    Ver video "Mariah Carey Performs for Evil Dictator of Angola for 1million"

  • Malala Yousafzai on Trump's travel ban, college plans

    Human rights activist Malala Yousafzai, the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, continues advocating education for women and girls worldwide, but she's also figuring out her college plans for the fall.

    Ver video "Malala Yousafzai on Trump's travel ban, college plans"

  • Cartoon Network - Block Bumpers (Part 1)

    These bumpers were used on the European CN versions mostly from 2001 to 2005 and they were part of the Block rebrand. Credit goes to TRICEFALO STUDIO from Vimeo.\r
    TM & © 2001-new Cartoon Network. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.\r
    The Cartoon Network is a part of the Turner Broadcasting System.

    Ver video "Cartoon Network - Block Bumpers (Part 1)"

  • Islamic State destroys Palmyra's Arch of Triumph

    International Desk, 5 Oct (EFE).- The Islamic tate (IS) has destroyed Palmyra's Arch of Triumph, which dates back some 2000 years, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


    Keywords: efe,syria,islamic state,palmyra.

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  • HRW condemns use of children in Indonesia suicide attacks

    Surabaya (Indonesia), May 15 (EFE/EPA).- Human Rights Watch on Tuesday condemned the use of children in a series of suicide attacks in the Indonesian city of Surabaya, which were carried out by two families and have been claimed by the Islamic State terror group.
    Keywords: efe,epa,indonesia,suicide,attacks,children

    Ver video "HRW condemns use of children in Indonesia suicide attacks"

  • HK chief to go forward with extradition bill amid protests but offers tweaks

    Hong Kong, Jun 10 (EFE/EPA).- The chief executive of Hong Kong on Monday reaffirmed her backing for a new bill allowing extradition to mainland China that has prompted massive protests, although she said the special administrative region's government would ensure the protection of suspects' human rights.
    Keywords: efe,epa,hong,kong,protest,extradition,china

    Ver video "HK chief to go forward with extradition bill amid protests but offers tweaks"

  • ASEAN Summit ends, fails to address human rights issues

    Manila (Philippines), Nov 14 (EFE). The leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and their partners from China, Japan and the United States, among others, closed the annual summit in Manila Tuesday, which focused more on economy and security than on human rights.
    Keywords: efe,epa,philippines,asean,summit,nomonetizar

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  • Death toll in airstrikes on rebel-held Damascus suburb rises to 78

    Saqba (Syria), 7 Feb (EFE).- The number of deaths from the previous day’s airstrikes in the Syrian region of Eastern Ghouta has risen to 78, including 19 children and 20 women, the  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Wednesday.
    Eastern Ghouta, located outside the Syrian capital, Damascus, is the main rebel-held enclave.
    Keywords: efe,syria,conflict,bomb,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Death toll in airstrikes on rebel-held Damascus suburb rises to 78"

  • Trump, Duterte agree to respect human rights despite ongoing war on drugs

    Manila (Philippines), Nov 14 (EFE/EPA). The Presidents of the United States and the Philippines on Tuesday underscored the importance of respecting life and human rights but avoided mentioning the violent "war on drugs" in the Asian country.
    Keywords: efe,epa,philippines,manila,asean,summit,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Trump, Duterte agree to respect human rights despite ongoing war on drugs"

  • Election of ex-police chief as senator sparks controversy in the Philippines

    Manila (Philippines), May 17 (EFE/EPA).- The former National Police chief of the Philippines, who was in charge of the bloodiest operations of the anti-drug war in the country, has won a seat in the Senate according to partial results, sparking controversy and giving rise to concern Friday among human rights activists.
    Keywords: efe,epa,philippines,elections,police,senator

    Ver video "Election of ex-police chief as senator sparks controversy in the Philippines"

  • U2News - U2 demands freedom for Azerbaijani political prisoners

    Irish rock band U2 is demanding freedom for political prisoners in Azerbaijan, using the stage of its current North American concert tour to call attention to activists and journalists imprisoned by Azerbaijani authorities for speaking up about human rights.

    Ver video "U2News - U2 demands freedom for Azerbaijani political prisoners"

  • Liu Xiaobo - A story of hope and struggle Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. But instead of traveling to Oslo to receive the award Liu will spend the day in jail, where he is serving eleven years on charges of "inciting subversion of state power" for his part in the writing of Charter '08, a document that called for greater freedom of expression, human rights, and free elections.

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  • Myanmar's Rohingyas living in 'appalling conditions,' says HRW

    Yangon (Myanmar), Aug 23 (EFE/EPA).-The Rohingya population in Myanmar’s Rakhine state is living in "appalling" conditions, while those responsible for the military operations that led to the mass exodus of the Muslim minority group two years ago enjoyed impunity, Human Rights Watch said on Friday.
    Keywords: efe,myanmar,bangladesh,rohingya,repatriation,hrw

    Ver video "Myanmar's Rohingyas living in 'appalling conditions,' says HRW"

  • HRW considera "de risa" el acuerdo para repatriar rohinyás a Birmania

    Rangún (Birmania), 24 nov (EFE).- La organización Human Rights Watch (HRW) consideró hoy "de risa" el acuerdo sellado por Birmania y Bangladés para repatriar unos 620.000 refugiados de la minoría rohinyá que han escapado de la violencia en el territorio birmano.
    Palabras clave: efe,epa,bangladesh,birmania,rohinyas,nomonetizar

    Ver video "HRW considera "de risa" el acuerdo para repatriar rohinyás a Birmania"

  • Unicef report: at least 200 million women suffer genital mutilation

    United Nations, Feb 5 (EFE).- At least 200 million girls and women, currently living in around thirty countries, have suffered female genital mutilation (FGM), according to a statement published by Unicef.

    The figure increased by around 70 million compared to the latest estimates in 2014 because of more data gathered from countries where there is high prevalence of the practice, such as Indonesia, and because of population growth in some places.


    Keywords: efe,unicef,female genital mutilation,girls,women,human rights

    Ver video "Unicef report: at least 200 million women suffer genital mutilation"

  • International Space Station: 20 years in 60 seconds

    Monday 2 November 2020 marks 20 years of continuous human presence on the International Space Station. Relive a few memorable moments from the unique orbital outpost in this clip covering 20 years of the International Space Station in 60 seconds.

    Since Crew One took up residence on 2 November, 240 people including 18 ESA astronauts have lived and worked on the orbital outpost, carrying out essential research to benefit life on Earth.

    The next ESA mission to the International Space Station is set for 2021, when Thomas Pesquet will become the first European to fly on a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft for his Alpha mission.


    Ver video "International Space Station: 20 years in 60 seconds"

  • Lady Gaga - Ellen At The VMA's (The Ellen DeGeneres Show)

    During the new episode of her show, Ellen DeGeneres presented Lady Gaga with a "veggie bikini" as an alternative to the meat dress which Lady Gaga wore at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night. Gaga said:

    "Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgement-free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations. For me this evening, if we don't stand up for what we believe in and if we don't fight for our rights pretty soon, we're going to have as much rights as the meat on own bones. And, I am not a piece of meat."

    Ver video "Lady Gaga - Ellen At The VMA's (The Ellen DeGeneres Show)"

  • Embassy re-openings end 54 years of animosity between Cuba and US

    Washington, Jul 20 (EFE), (Camera: Greg Miller).- With the Cuban flag waving over Washington for the first time in 54 years, the country's foreign minister said Monday that the way was open for a new and "complex" phase in the relationship with the United States marked by the ongoing U.S. embargo and differences regarding human rights.


    Keywords: efe,cuba,us,embassies,reopening.

    Ver video "Embassy re-openings end 54 years of animosity between Cuba and US"

  • [MEST] Izaskun Bilbao Barandica - "ALDE 4 Equality" campaign

    Video Statement by Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP in support of the ALDE 4 Equality campaign in occasion of the "International Day Against Homophobia 2010":

    ALDE activities in support of equality and non-discrimination ALDE continues to support the International Day Against Homophobia 2010 with a specialized project, "ALDE 4 Equality", aimed at promoting equality and non-discrimination and LGBT rights in Europe and the participation of ALDE MEPs in Equality events.

    [MEST] [Video] [MEP Statement] [ALDE 4 Equality] [Language ES]


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  • SOPA Cabana Stop Online Piracy Act

    The bill would authorize the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction accused of infringing on copyrights, or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement. After delivering a court order, the U.S. Attorney-General could require US-directed Internet service providers, ad networks, and payment processors to suspend doing business with sites found to infringe on federal criminal intellectual property laws. The Attorney-General could also bar search engines from displaying links to the sites.

    The bill also establishes a two-step process for intellectual property rights holders to seek relief if they have been harmed by a site dedicated to infringement. The rights holder must first notify, in writing, related payment facilitators and ad networks of the identity of the website, who, in turn, must then forward that notification and suspend services to that identified website, unless that site provides a counter notification explaining how it is not in violation. The rights holder can then sue for limited injunction relief against the site operator, if such a counter notification is provided, or if the payment or advertising services fail to suspend service in the absence of a counter notification.

    The bill provides immunity from liability to the ad and payment networks that comply with this Act or that take voluntary action to cut ties to such sites. Any copyright holder who knowingly misrepresents that a website is dedicated to infringement would be liable for damages. The second section increases the penalties for streaming video and for selling counterfeit drugs, military materials or consumer goods. The bill would make unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content a felony.

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