Credit Card Number Recognition in iOS Application Short Version
Bruselas anuncia 100.000 M€ en préstamos a largo plazo con interés reducido
Tras confirmarse los devastadores efectos en el mercado laboral del confinamiento por el coronavirus, el comisario europeo de Mercado Interior, Thierry Breton, anuncia la movilización de recursos para que los países más afectados puedan garantizar salarios y evitar despidos. View on euronews
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Europa se protege del Covid-19
Europa toma medidas excepcionales para protegerse del Covid-19. Teletrabajo, clases a distancia y controles en las fronteras son algunas de ellas.View on euronews
Ver video "Europa se protege del Covid-19"
US Visa Lottery
Every Year 55,000 Immigrants win a Green Card in the US Visa Lottery. This Video explains what the lottery is all about and how you can have a chance at winning your american dream. Join the US Visa Lottery and apply today.Ver video "US Visa Lottery"
COVID-19: Londres dice que no todos los países cuentan igual los muertos
Los británicos esperan ansiosos el plan de desconfinamiento del Gobierno, mientras sus vecinos en el continente dan sus primeros pasos de reapertura económica y social.View on euronews
Ver video "COVID-19: Londres dice que no todos los países cuentan igual los muertos"
Los hospitales europeos necesitan más donaciones de sangre
Pese al avance del 'coronavirus de Wuhan' los diferentes Ministerios de Sanidad del 'Viejo Continente' piden que sigan las donaciones.View on euronews
Ver video "Los hospitales europeos necesitan más donaciones de sangre"
Francia confirma tres casos de coronavirus en París y Burdeos, los primeros en Europa
El caso confirmado en Burdeos es un hombre de origen chino de 48 años procedente de Wuhan, China, que fue hospitalizado ayer en un cuarto aislado, tras mostrar síntomas. Esta persona ha estado en contacto desde su regreso a Francia con una decena de individuos.
Ver video "Francia confirma tres casos de coronavirus en París y Burdeos, los primeros en Europa"
Austria inicia la fase de desescalada tras capear lo peor de la pandemia
Austria entra en la fase de desescalada de las medidas de excepción adoptadas para combatir la pandemia de la COVID-19. Desde este lunes, es obligatorio el uso de mascarillas en todos los transportes públicos y en tiendas y establecimientos comerciales, muchos de los cuales llevan un mes sin ingresoView on euronews
Ver video "Austria inicia la fase de desescalada tras capear lo peor de la pandemia"
Euronews Hoy | Las noticias del martes 17 de marzo de 2020
Las noticias del día en 15 minutos, con Lucía Riera | El Gobierno de España anuncia la movilización de 200.000 millones de euros para paliar la crisis del coronavirus cuando el país suma más de 11.000 infectadosView on euronews
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Spanish_ Couchgram application
Google play store =>
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Coronavirus: 11 millones de personas en cuarentena en Wuhan para frenar su expansión
La ciudad china de Wuhan, cerrada y en cuarentena para evitar la expansión del coronavirus. Aviones, trenes y transportes urbanos han dejado de funcionar y el uso de mascarillas es obligatorio para sus once millones de habitantesView on euronews
Ver video "Coronavirus: 11 millones de personas en cuarentena en Wuhan para frenar su expansión"
"La nueva normalidad" de Europa avanza a pesar de los riegos de un nuevo brote de coronavirus
Los franceses disfrutaron en las calles de su primer fin de semana "post-confinamiento" , Italia comienza abrir sus negocios y España continúa progresivamente su plan de desescalada. Así y en el resto de Europa se observa la apertura de los espacios a pesar de que expertos vaticinan un nuevo brote.View on euronews
Ver video ""La nueva normalidad" de Europa avanza a pesar de los riegos de un nuevo brote de coronavirus"
COVID-19 | Entre miedo y necesidad, el difícil retorno de la prostitución
En Bélgica las autoridades han autorizado el retorno de la prostitución, pero las trabajadoras tienen miedo y no saben si los clientes aceptarán las nuevas reglas.View on euronews
Ver video "COVID-19 | Entre miedo y necesidad, el difícil retorno de la prostitución"
Coronavirus: Reino Unido anuncia el cierre de escuelas y universidades
Sigue la lucha para frenar el coronavirus. Reino Unido se suma finalmente al cierre de escuelas y universidades mientras Italia teme registrar más muertes por el virus que China.View on euronews
Ver video "Coronavirus: Reino Unido anuncia el cierre de escuelas y universidades"
Precaución en los aeropuertos europeos por la propagación del coronavirus en Asia que deja 6 muertos
Varios países han comenzado a realizar controles de la temperatura corporal en los aeropuertos y estaciones para detectar a las personas portadoras de esta llamada "neumonía de Wuhan", que ha enfermado a más de 290 personas en ChinaView on euronews
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Guerra de las vacunas mientras el mundo supera los 300.000 muertos por coronavirus
Guerra de las vacunas mientras el mundo supera los 300.000 muertos por coronavirus. La farmacéutica francesa Sanofi tuvo que rectificar tras provocar un enorme escándalo al declarar que daría prioridad a Estados Unidos en la entrega de vacunas porque han dado más dinero View on euronews
Ver video "Guerra de las vacunas mientras el mundo supera los 300.000 muertos por coronavirus"
La OMS recomienda no bajar la guardia ante el Covid-19
La OMS advierte de la expansión de pandemia en Europa con 700 fallecidos diarios y 20.000 nuevos casos.View on euronews
Ver video "La OMS recomienda no bajar la guardia ante el Covid-19"
Tímidos pasos para el desconfinamiento en Europa
Cada país va relajando las medidas de distanciamiento social y reabriendo la economía a su ritmo, a medida que la pandemia parece desacelerarse en el Viejo Continente.View on euronews
Ver video "Tímidos pasos para el desconfinamiento en Europa"
Polémico 'sorteo' de Novartis para ofrecer medicación a niños con AME
El laboratorio suizo ha creado una gran controversia al decidir ofrecer a 100 bebés que sufren de atrofia muscular espinal, AME, elegidos al azar, una inyección de Zolgensma, considerado el medicamento más caro del mundoView on euronews
Ver video "Polémico 'sorteo' de Novartis para ofrecer medicación a niños con AME"
La lucha en Europa contra el coronavirus
Se imponen nuevas medidas restrictivas en España, papel activo de los ejércitos yu Londres que sigue sin obligar al confinamiento. View on euronews
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Europa confinada para intentar frenar el avance del coronavirus
La UE se dispone a cerrar las fronteras del espacio Schengen mientras cada vez más países aplican drásticas restricciones de movimientos por el avance inexorable del COVID-19.View on euronews
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Monografic A Fons Dimecres 26 setembre 2007
Monografic A Fons de iEuropa: Aprofundim en la primera estratègia sobre Salut Animal de la Unió Europea.
Ver video "Monografic A Fons Dimecres 26 setembre 2007"
Europa trata de salvar la salud y la economía
Los diferentes países han puesto en marcha planes de desconfinamiento, sin bajar la guardia. El Reino Unido diseña aún el suyo, que tiene previsto presentar el lunes.View on euronews
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Europa cierra escuelas para luchar contra el coronavirus
El coronavirus avanza sin freno en la mayoría de los países europeos, pero la peor parte se la lleva Italia donde ya han muerto más de 1.000 personas.Irlanda, La mayoría de los países europeos ya han decidido echar el cierre a los colegios.View on euronews
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Europa contra el coronavirus
Italia en aislamiento y Reino Unido refuerza su servicio de salud pública mientras se sigue buscando una vacuna para el coronavirus.View on euronews
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¿Hemos tocado fondo? Italia y España ven cerca el pico de la crisis del COVID-19
La Organización Mundial de la Salud cree que tanto Italia como España podrían estabilizarse pero advierte que las medidas de confinamiento por sí solas no funcionaránView on euronews
Ver video "¿Hemos tocado fondo? Italia y España ven cerca el pico de la crisis del COVID-19"
Hospitales militares de campaña en España ante el desbordamiento de la sanidad por el coronavirus
España es ya el tercer país del mundo en número de infectados y suma más de 1.300 muertos por coronavirusView on euronews
Ver video "Hospitales militares de campaña en España ante el desbordamiento de la sanidad por el coronavirus"
Toque de queda en Macedonia del Norte frente al COVID-19
El pico de la epidemia se espera para finales de mes. View on euronews
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CORONAVIRUS | Europa camina hacia la desescalada de las medidas de confinamiento
CORONAVIRUS | Europa camina hacia la desescaladaView on euronews
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Monografic A Fons Dimarts 11 desembre 2007
Espai A Fons de iEuropa: Destaquem la salut dels joves i el portal europeu sobre salut.
Ver video "Monografic A Fons Dimarts 11 desembre 2007"
Euronews Hoy | Las noticias del viernes 27 de marzo de 2020
Vuelve a acentuarse la curva de fallecimientos por coronavirus en España, con 769 muertes en las últimas 24 horas mientras la Unión Europea sigue sin ponerse de acuerdo sobre qué medidas tomar para afrontar la grave crisis económica que ha causado el coronavirusView on euronews
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iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 26 setembre 2007
iEuropa: El Dia Europeu de les Llengües, l'Eurocambra anuncia els finalistes del Premi Sájarov per la Llibertat de Consciència i aprofundim en la primera estratègia sobre Salut Animal de la Unió Europea.
Ver video "iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 26 setembre 2007"
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Green Card Process
Green Card Process, How to apply for US Green Card Lottery. You can learn how to complete your online application for the US Visa Lottery/US Green Card Lottery.Ver video "Green Card Process"
Lady Gaga Cancels Tour For Health Reasons
The European leg of Lady Gaga's "Joanne World Tour" has been postponed as the singer grapples with health issues, Live Nation announced Monday.
Ver video "Lady Gaga Cancels Tour For Health Reasons"
Travel Reward Credit Cards Travel Reward Credit Cards
Lots of individuals sign up to get a travel reward credit card dreaming of winter escapes or European adventures, only to realize as welVer video "Travel Reward Credit Cards"
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U.S. Democratic candidate Sanders puts immigration centre stage
Washington, Jul 30 (EFE/EPA), (Camera: Greg Miller).- Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders said Thursday that he wants to create a "movement" to beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic nomination race. Sanders aims to revolutionize the party, which he describes as "too conservative" and transform the U.S. system to a European-style welfare state.
Sanders favours tax reform to finance health, free education such as in Scandinavia, stop the transfer of resources to the richest and create a "boring banking system" without esoteric tools that nobody understands.
Keywords: efe,epa,us,bernie sanders,candidateVer video "U.S. Democratic candidate Sanders puts immigration centre stage"
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Concentration - Card Shark (E) (PSX)
Juego / Game: Card Shark
Consola / Console: PlayStation 1
Región / Region: Europa / Europe
Desarrollador / Developer: Midas Games.
Esta pista se escucha cuando se selecciona el juego "Concentration" de una gran variedad de juegos de cartas disponibles. El objetivo de este juego es conseguir la mayor cantidad de puntos posibles juntando pares. El jugador debe quedar mínimo en segundo lugar, pero, en el nivel 4, es obligatorio quedar primero. Esta pista es muy amena, muy tranquila y realmente te ayuda a concentrarte en buscar esos pares. ¡Disfrútenla! / This track plays when the game "Concentration" for a variety of card games available is selected. The objective of this game is to get as many points as possible making pairs. The player must be at least second, but at level 4, must finish first. This track is very pleasant, very quiet and really helps you focus on finding those pairs. Enjoy it!Ver video "Concentration - Card Shark (E) (PSX)"
Una campaña pide aplicar la ley europea de protección de menores en redes sociales
Nueve de cada diez niños empiezan a usar las redes sociales a los 13 años. El 44% de los menores sufren problemas de salud mental por culpa de sus contenidos tóxicos de belleza, según un estudio elaborado por Dove. Para proteger a los adolescentes de estos estereotipos alejados de la realidad, Dove ha lanzado una campaña de recogida de firmas junto con Mental Health Europe con el objetivo de apoyar la implementación del reglamento europeo que promueve una mayor seguridad para los menores en las redes.
Dove ha lanzado, además, el cortometraje 'Beautiful', que muestra las consecuencias del contenido de belleza dañino en las adolescentes. El objetivo es concienciar e inspirar una acción colectiva para hacer que las redes sociales sean más seguras. Los casos reales que recoge el vídeo confirman los problemas de salud mental sobre los que alertan los expertos.
Especialistas en psicología infanto-juvenil advierten del aumento de los casos de suicido, hospitalizaciones por lesiones y depresión entre niños y adolescentes, por lo que Mental Health Europe cree que es imprescindible que los derechos de los niños se incluyan en las tecnologías digitales.Ver video "Una campaña pide aplicar la ley europea de protección de menores en redes sociales"
All Devices iCloud ACTIVATION LOCK DNS BYPASS iOS 8.4/8.4.1 / REMOVAL Tutorial
DNS Servers:\r
Enjoy and please subscribe!!!!!!\r
Method 2 Instructions:\r
1. Load a custom ramdisk\r
2. Open an ssh connection\r
3. Go to /Applications\r
4. Delete the folder called\r
5. Reboot \r
Thats it! iCloud lock is gone for good! :)\r
Good luck to anyone who has an iCloud locked device! :DVer video "All Devices iCloud ACTIVATION LOCK DNS BYPASS iOS 8.4/8.4.1 / REMOVAL Tutorial"
Dr. Efraín López: Evangelismo a través de la salud con la obra medica misionera - Evangelism through healt care with Medical Missionary work
Dr. Efraín López: Evangelismo a través de la salud con la obra medica misionera / Evangelism through health with Medical Missionary work
Sermónes bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 28 Septiembre 2024
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BitChute: to use link2sd to move apps to 2nd partition(SD card)
How to use link2sd to move apps to 2nd partition\r
Download link2SD app from Play store\r
The Second phase begins, Im gonna focus on making use of the second partition. If you havent partitioned your SD, I request you to watch my previous video\r
Link2SD is one of the wonderful apps for root Android devices to move apps and games to memory cards. This app allows users to move application file, Dalvik-cache file and library files to the ext partition, which automatically frees internal memory\r
Step by step instructions to use link2SD app\r
Also watch:\r
Install game data directly to SD card(updated)\rVer video "How to use link2sd to move apps to 2nd partition(SD card)"
Serious Crime - Blog FC2
Bark & Co has developed a formidable reputation in the area of serious crime. Over the past few years, criminal work has expanded and diversified, whilst remaining at the top end in terms of quality and complexity. Current cases range from complex murder and drug crimes to the sale of false identity documents involving anti-terrorism forces in UK and around the world.
Bark & Co have forged a particular niche in ‘cold cases’ relating to what we believe had become an over reliance by prosecutors on evidence from unreliable ‘supergrasses’. Similarly, we have been at the forefront in defending a high-profile case testing the application of new rules on hearsay evidence. As an example of the extremely sensitive and diverse nature of our criminal work, Bark & Co were brought in to act in criminal cases involving occupying forces in Iraq.
Amongst other recent high profile matters we are involved with several murder cases, in one of which we made a successful application to have the principal ‘supergrass’s evidence excluded. We also raised pertinent questions about police conduct during the investigation in relation to this evidence.
We have just received instructions in one of the biggest drug smuggling multi-jurisdictional cases stretching from Columbia via the Caribbean to Europe. This involved high grade cocaine worth hundreds of millions of pounds on the streets of London and money laundering.
Our successes at Bark & Co are characterised by our detailed research and analysis which enable us to challenge customary practice and regulations and find the best possible outcome for our clients.Ver video "Serious Crime - Blog FC2"
Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Oficial Video)
[Verse 1] Everybody loves you, baby You should trademark your face Linin' down the block to be around you But, baby, I'm first in place [Pre-Chorus] Face card, no cash, no credit Yes, God, don't speak, you said it Look at you Skip the application, interview Sweet like Marabou Look, look at you [Chorus] Give me a call if you ever get lonely I'll be like one of your girls or your homies Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret You get the key to my heart, and I need it Give me a call if you ever get desperate I'll be like one of your girls [Verse 2] Evеrybody wants you, baby (Everybody) You should insure that waist (With the highеst policy you can get) But nobody wants you bad as I do Baby, let me plead my case, yeah You might also like In My Room Troye Sivan What’s The Time Where You Are? Troye Sivan Still Got It Troye Sivan [Pre-Chorus] Face card, no cash, no credit Yes, God, don't speak, you said it Lo-lo-look at you Pop the culture, iconography Is standin' right in front of me Look, lo-look at you [Chorus] Give me a call if you ever get lonely I'll be like one of your girls or your homies Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret You get the key to my heart, and I need it Give me a call if you ever get desperate I'll be like one of your girls [Outro] Aah Aah (Ah-ah-ah) Give me a call if you ever get desperate I'll be like one of your girls
Ver video "Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Oficial Video)"
Makgeolli Rice Wine (Spanish) Ep06 Dreaming of makgeolli around the world
Part 6 : Do you know about Korean makgeolli? - Dreaming of makgeolli around the world
Makgeolli is a healthy alcoholic beverage made with devotion for the drinker. It is a cultural symbol important for understanding the lives of Koreans. And it is the world’s one-of-a-kingfermented alcohol that uses healthful mold, demonstrating the wisdom of ancient Koreans. But how well-known is makgeolli around the world? How can more people learn about its value and excellence? This is what we explore today.
People around the world in love with Korean makgeolli
In Korea, there are many non-Koreans who love makgeolli even more than Koreans do. Taru Salminen from Finland has even opened up a makgeolli shop near Hongdae and is currently a PR spokeswoman for makgeolli.
A traditional bar called “Multtwinda” in Chungjeongno is a favorite spot among foreigners who love makgeolli. They taste good makgeolli, and talk about the flavors and the value of makgeolli. They are all passionate about telling their friends about the delicious flavor and benefits of Korea’s makgeolli.
Korean makgeolli, a popular drink in the country of sake
Makgeolli remains popular in Korea’s neighbor Japan thanks to rising awareness about its health benefits. There are more and more breweries in Japan making makgeolli of their own, and even Japanese sake brewers with 300 years of history are competing to make the best makgeolli.
Telling the world about Korea’s makgeolli
There are intensive efforts underway to raise awareness about makgeolli around the world. Recently, a makgeolli ad featuring actor Song Il-guk made it to the front page of the European edition of the American Wall Street Journal, and the winners of the global makgeolli video contest are drawing heavy attention. The Makgeolli Association is working to get makgeolli inscribed in the UNESCO list of world heritage. The globalization of makgeolli will only be realized with the right efforts to make high-quality makgeolli and to promote them in the best way possible.Ver video "Makgeolli Rice Wine (Spanish) Ep06 Dreaming of makgeolli around the world"
Ravel Piano Concerto In G Major Argerich Dutoit Orchestre National De France Frankfurt 9 9 1990
The concerto was deeply infused with jazz idioms and harmonies, which, at the time, were highly popular in Paris as well as the United States, where Ravel was traveling on a piano tour. After his well-received tour, Ravel wanted to give the first public performance this new work himself. However, health issues precluded this possibility, with his preparatory practice of Liszt's and Chopin's etudes leading to fatigue. He then planned a premiere for March 9, 1931, in Amsterdam, but these plans also were canceled due to work on the Concerto for the Left Hand, his many public appearances, and his performances of his other works.
Eventually, Ravel offered the premiere and dedicated the concerto to Marguerite Long, who was known for her performances of the works of Fauré and Debussy and had earlier asked Ravel for a new work. She received the score on November 11, 1931, and played the concerto on January 14, 1932, with Ravel conducting the Orchestre Lamoureux. A few days after this highly successful premiere, Ravel and Long started a tour of twenty cities in Europe, where it was received with consistent enthusiasm.
The first North American performances were given simultaneously on April 22, 1932, by both the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Philadelphia Orchestra at their home concert halls. (Wikipedia)Ver video "Ravel Piano Concerto In G Major Argerich Dutoit Orchestre National De France Frankfurt 9 9 1990"
Mighty Machines - Season 02 Episode 04 - At the Sawmill
Sawmills seem to have existed in the medieval period, as one was sketched by Villard de Honnecourt in c.1250.[2] On the other hand people think they were introduced to Madeira following its discovery in c.1420 and spread widely in Europe in the 16th century.[3]\r
The Dutchman Cornelis Corneliszoon (1550-1607) invented his type of sawmill by applying a pitman arm onto a wind mill, which converted a turning motion into an up-an-down motion. Corneliszoon patented the sawmill on December 15, 1593 and the pitman on December 6, 1597. He built the first sawmill there in 1594.\r
Before to the invention of the sawmill, boards were sawn by two men with a whipsaw, using saddleblocks to hold the log, and a pit for the pitman who worked below. Sawing was slow, and required strong and enduring men. The topsawer had to be the stronger of the two because the saw was pulled in turn by each man, and the lower had the advantage of gravity. The topsawyer also had to guide the saw so that the board was of even thickness. This was often done by following a chalkline.\r
Early sawmills simply adapted the whipsaw to mechanical power, generally driven by a water wheel to speed up the process. The circular motion of the wheel was changed to back-and-forth motion of the saw blade by a Connecting rod known as a pitman (thus introducing a term used in many mechanical applications). A pitman is similar to a crankshaft, but in reverse; a crankshaft converts back-and-forth motion to circular motion.\r
Generally, only the saw was powered, and the logs had to be loaded and moved by hand. An early improvement was the development of a movable carriage, also water powered, to steadily move the log through the saw blade.\r
A small mill such as this would be the center of many rural communities in wood-exporting regions such as the Baltic countries and Canada. The output of such mills would be quite low, perhaps only 500 boards per day. They would also generally only operate during the winter, the peak logging season.Ver video "Mighty Machines - Season 02 Episode 04 - At the Sawmill"
best anti aging products 2013
AC-11 is a revolutionary advancement in human nutrition and skin care. Derived from the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa, a vine indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, safe, all-natural AC-11 helps the body to repair DNA damage with a huge anti aging effect . The process by which this repair occurs is self-healing and has evolutionary origins. Its proper functioning may be the critical piece to the human health puzzle. Current science confirms that it is unrepaired DNA damage that leads to accelerated aging and an eventual breakdown of the body.
Effective both orally and topically, AC-11 begins where the protective benefits of antioxidants end by visibly reducing the adverse effects of aging and by helping to restore healthy cell function. Supported by over 40 peer-reviewed scientific studies, AC-11 works with the body to repair DNA damage caused by over-exposure to the sun and oxidative stress (pollution, etc,) starting the best anti aging process. This action helps boost immune function and allows our bodies to perform more efficiently, so that we look and feel younger—a perfect solution for inner health and outer beauty!
Best Anti Aging products
The body naturally protects against free radical damage by producing neutralizing antioxidants. Certain foods and dietary supplements, moreover, provide a way to introduce additional antioxidants into the system.
Where free radical damage, or a lesion, has occurred to DNA, the body has a limited repair capacity. Specialized proteins scan the DNA to identify and isolate corrupted portions of the genetic code. Minor lesions may be chemically reversed; more extensive damage must be removed. Repair enzymes cut out or excise the damaged area and re-create the discarded section.
Together, antioxidants and the cell's internal DNA repair mechanisms work to preserve the integrity of the cell. However, too many free radicals and too much damage over a given period of time can overwhelm these basic mechanisms and cause them to fail. Overload of this type is called oxidative stress. When lesions are left unrepaired, eventually they impair the cell's natural functions, including its self-repair functions. Individual cells damaged by oxidative stress break down and die prematurely. Over time, the body becomes progressively less capable of restoring healthy DNA as the cells continue to replicate in damaged or corrupted form.
As a result of unrepaired DNA damage that accumulates with age, the body becomes less efficient at basic tasks. For example, damage to the white cells, which form the core of a person's immune system, will increase the body's susceptibility to acute, chronic, and degenerative diseases. Moreover, non-regenerative structures, such as collagen, will begin to deteriorate rapidly and lead to aging the skin and weakening of the joints, bones, and connective tissues.
AC-11 is a revolutionary botanical extract that helps repair damage to DNA. This patented compound enhances cellular repair mechanisms to improve the utility and function of organs, muscles, and tissues throughout the body. Topical applications of AC-11 help to repair UV damage, fade discoloration, and ease fine lines and wrinkles. When ingested, this natural supplement also helps to support a healthy response to excess inflammation and encourage collagen production, while simultaneously supporting the immune system. These anti aging products are the best in the market in 2013.Ver video "best anti aging products 2013"
Action Sight Words: Games & Flash Cards for Reading Success - app demo
*Entirety of 220 SIGHT WORDS from the popular Dolch list (+ extra 94 NOUNS!)*\r
*Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade Categories * \r
*6 awesome EDUCATIONAL GAMES!* \r
Feed the hungry dog to learn spelling, save the Wordaliens, get the gears moving and more! Developed in cooperation with educational specialists, Action Sight Words Games helps children to become confident readers by teaching them in a fun, interive way high-frequency words from the popular Dolch Sight Words List.\r
Sight words are words in English language that do not have a simple one-to-one correspondence between sounds and letters -- in other words, they have to be memorized and instantly recognized -- recognized “on sight,” so to speak. In an average, non-technical text, they comprise over 50-70% of total words.\r
Therefore, children who can quickly recognize sight words can read better because while they read, they can focus on inferring the words they do not know while still understanding most of the grammatical structure of the text. Learning sight words is thus a crucial step towards an enormous reading improvement. \r
Action Sight Words Games application offers children an easy-to-use interface and a grand choice of six fun educational games through which children can acquire mastery over this subject matter.\r
Control the Word Machine. Supply all the words that need to be produced by tapping on the words called. \r
Your dog is hungry! Make cans to feed him! To make a can, drag the letter cards to their correct place and make a word you have just heard pronounced. \r
3) BINGO \r
Make a Bingo to get a ticket for Aliens back home! Tap on the word corresponding to the one that you heard pronounced. Once you have matched cards from one side of the board to the next. Bingo! All Starfall Word Aliens are back home! \r
Match the sounds to correct word forms! To do so, tap on one of the speakers, hear the word, and then select one of the cards below with a correct word. Do it for all words! \r
5) GEARS \r
Tap on one of the speakers on the screen, hear the word pronounced, and place the word across the speaker. Repeat for all words to see wonderful gears animation. \r
Price in the Flash Card mode. List through the words and top on the cards to hear the words pronounced again and again! \r
- Advanced word management system\r
- Avatar selection \r
- Choice of capitalized words and upper-case or lower-case letters \r
- Access to best scores \r
\rVer video "Action Sight Words: Games & Flash Cards for Reading Success - app demo"
Ecuador_ el campus de la selva tropical _ Documentales
En el corazón de la selva amazónica de Ecuador , se ha instalado una universidad para protegerla mejor. Este documental se adentra en esta institución puntera, que acoge a muchos estudiantes de las comunidades locales.
Conoce más a fondo lo que ocurre en Ecuador con Documentales en españolVer video "Ecuador_ el campus de la selva tropical _ Documentales"
the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"