Harriman destronó a Bambera
Destination Fear ️Hospital de Harriman
"Destination Fear" and its episodes. The show features Chelsea Laden and Dakota Laden exploring various haunted locations, including the Harriman Hospital. Chelsea Laden and Dakota Laden are part of the cast who investigate paranormal activities in these eerie places. The show delves into the supernatural and the unexplained, offering viewers a thrilling and chilling experience as they witness the investigations of the cast in these haunted settings.
[1] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11158518/characters/nm7324397
[2] https://www.primevideo.com/-/de/detail/0N5Q6R8LAOFJNXNK0AFZDWZPJ8/ref=atv_nb_lcl_en_US?ie=UTF8&language=en_US
[3] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11012086/mediaviewer/rm4138876417/
[4] https://www.primevideo.com/-/es/detail/0QX668H6BV9QVJ45KJNMI0Y70T/Ver video "Destination Fear ️Hospital de Harriman"